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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 29, 2024 2:05am-3:01am MSK

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all the documents regulating the presence so far were all destroyed, burned, also an interesting fact, so it’s difficult to work on this historian, now the entire archive was there, the entire archive was burned, like this, we repeat all the time that we know vladimir yegorovich there, and how did you meet him, well , first of all, i always knew about him that he was our afghan, he still fought in those places through which i later walked with ruripek, gulkhana ishkashima, it was his responsibility, he there he was a commander... of a group, then a lieutenant colonel, and then later after all, i followed him in his career, subsequently, and saw him when he was in charge of the liberation operation - this nordost, where ruslan avyshev and i arrived at night, because these militants demanded an inherent terrorist, i found ruslan - then he found it, he and i arrived at night then, that’s when yegorich was there too , vladimir yegorovich was there in charge of this whole operation, well, later we met. so
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sporadically, now we meet regularly, because there is something to talk about, if there are certain plans for the future related to border guards, and not only how small the world is, we remember people who are unfamiliar with each other, we remember people about whom we talk with such respect and pleasure, yes, with pleasure, because these are worthy people, these are special people, this is true , this is a good definition, in general, border guards, you correctly said, are a separate branch of the army.
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newspaper with every magazine that was published in kabul, so these advisers, civilians, yes, sometimes they were captured, they were taken hostage, there was such a geologist, ohremyuk, the man was about 70 years old, he discovered gray deposits there, an honored geologist of the soviet union, a respected man, his driver, an afghan, surrendered him in kabul in spirit, they took him to the mountains, and he was a poor fellow there, which means he spent a whole year cooing in these mountains, in terrible, wrote serious letters, addressed tikhonov to the government. and to brezhnev, buy me out there or exchange me, well, unfortunately, nothing worked out then, i think it didn’t work out, because ours were afraid of the precedent, like we’ll buy it out, exchange me, this will become a signal for the spirits, it’s exciting others, and he died, this is a khremyuk, then gena kulazhenko, my friend, died, he was an adviser on the komsomol, on youth, afghanistan, vitebsk secretary of the vitebsk komsomol optical committee, a very good guy in herat, he was also captured by chance by spirits, he was traveling from the airport by taxi to the herat hotel. all the advisers lived and
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literally one and a half kilometers away from the hotel, spirits were crossing the road, a taxi was stopped, so they fired a tt pistol and he died, there was also the most difficult case when border guards took part in this, this the capture of our specialists in bazar sharif, this is the eighty-third year, i think, they were traveling on a bus, 15 people, specialists who were building a flour mill there, relatively speaking, helping the afghans, civilians and capture.
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there was a border guard, the general then stood at him, and told vykhranev that i know where these specialists are, they immediately divided the helicopters, and only the translator died, and such a story, after all, this is a memory, this is a memory, it is not must be erased, of course, of course, whatever it was, anyone who did not come, and any of those who came still defended their homeland with their backs, 60,000 border guards, 60,000 passed through afghanistan, well, that’s it. the number, of course, change the foreman, our shot platoon, the soldiers who lay down on the border, only in the evening the last machine gun fell silent, suddenly songbirds came to life, a disorderly flock took off in the garden, bumping into each other in the branches. maybe we were in battle,
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maybe we were in hell, but we haven’t shot everything yet, sergeant major. to your health, guys, to the soldiers who are on the border now, look, look, the birds are circling in the sky, everything these songbirds are circling. hello everyone, this is a free program podcast, i’m maxim tronkov, our guest
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is a man who, with his career-ending skate, raised the anniversary event in st. petersburg. alexander samarin. hello sasha. hi, max.
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well, tell me, did it take 20 years or more of a career to experience the emotions that you experienced on the anniversary? it was all worth it, the whole journey was interesting, here’s a rental for anniversaries. it was like the icing on the cake, and i’m glad that it turned out to be done beautifully and that i was given the opportunity to skate there, to get emotions, memory, to remember this
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moment, with which i will probably still wake up from time to time, remembering goosebumps and everything, everything, everything, the most beautiful thing, that’s all... summed up with the first channel cup, so i’m happy that i had this path, but in fact, it seems to me that it was also a kind of gratitude from the audience not only for your long career, but also for the honesty with which you announced your retirement, that you did not suspend it like other athletes , or didn’t take a break, and you came literally after the competition in mixzone announced that it was my last start and i was going to end my career, well , somehow i always said it as it is, plus or minus, i didn’t eat, the time has come, now i’m sitting here in front of you, your team was ready for because you
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speak out so categorically, but i can honestly say that svetlana vladimirovna still experiences, continues to experience such mixed emotions, we periodically talk about this topic and we are fine. we understand that we did everything the way it should have been, everything was on time, everything was fine, but when i go out on the ice, there to prepare for the show or something else, you can see in her eyes sadness, such melancholy, where they are very worried, sasha, this question begs itself, what’s next? now is a period of, roughly speaking, a little restoration and restructuring is needed. rebuild a little, because from time to time you still wake up in the morning, so you can go to training, well, okay, you can calm down, so i would like to share knowledge and experience with the younger generation,
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because it is really rich in various events, ups, some... that falls and so on and you can give a lot. young guys who only have this path ahead of them, plus, i haven’t completely left the ice, but i would like to be on the show more. to make contact with the audience, but in a more relaxed, calm atmosphere, in dim light with a gun, it would be very cool, that is, now the plans are, well, probably still to ride in the show, and then maybe join in, maybe to the team that worked with you, of course i never left the team, they are part of my family, that is, when you say that to help young athletes, you say: mark kondratyuk? i think mark kondratyuk
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knows everything already; he has experience, even in some places he acquired it more than i did, but we have a lot of young guys in our group, take the same grisha fedorov, who is progressing very much, and he is only the very beginning of this path. we all hope for him that everything will turn out very well, when you spoke about the experience acquired over many years of training and performances, you mentioned the ups and downs, tell us a little about what you had, what you consider to be the ups in of my career, perhaps the peak peak point then, probably, the very niche itself, well... about the ups, you can probably highlight the fact that i won medals at the
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national championship five times, which is generally quite good, and if to estimate that, roughly speaking, since i was 14 years old i have been a member of the russian national team, first junior, then adult, during this time i have never been eliminated from it, for how long it turns out, roughly speaking, for 11 seasons, of which - five seasons with medals at the national championship, the largest tournament in our country, that’s pretty good, can be attributed to the ups, also of course the european championship, also quite a significant result in my opinion, especially considering those moments that, as recently as it was generally accepted that men's singles are a little bit at this level, a little lower than pairs . women's and the same dances, but still
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this is a good result, the world junior championships, dima aliyev and i had a blast then , that's why there were quite a lot of take-offs in general, yes, somewhere it was not possible to take off straight and fly for a very long time, well why in lutz in the quadruple is the most plused. there were such moments, i’m very glad that in general in my career lutz succeeded more times than it didn’t work out, it can also be attributed to the takeoff that i ended up on the team of svetlana vladimirovna sokolovskaya, who actually sent me there to... up together we went through all the ups together, as well as
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the downs, which were also present in my career, and the downfalls were more likely related to your injuries, because you also have a difficult time, but unfortunately, i didn’t succeed in my role athlete to attend the olympic games, they passed me a couple of times, we also went through all these moments together, not getting into the olympic games hits very hard on this internal state, on motivation, on mood, it is very difficult to get out of this state and return to the fold , that is, you were not motivated to work even harder, even further, this was a miss, that is , on the contrary, it depressed you, you mean, it just hit you at moments when you were already reaching, roughly speaking, the peak.
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was invested in this path towards this goal, towards this dream, well, it’s probably still difficult, as it seems to me, because you have...
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and how can you be happy for your friends if you yourself didn’t succeed? you can calmly rejoice if everything is in order with a person’s head, if he perfectly understands where sports is, where life is, where friendship is, where wrestling is, and so on, and knows how to differentiate between these, then in general there is a place for joy, because i i never had a moment of envy that dimka or mark were selected there. got to the olympic games , had a great time at them, i was annoyed with myself because you i couldn’t do what was needed on the ice when it was needed, but at the same time you were happy for them that they were able to overcome themselves somewhere, did it better than you, this did not and does not affect friendship or communication in any way, i
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i’m very glad that at one time they were able to do what they couldn’t. i think it’s cool, making the decision to end your sports career, did it come to you personally or maybe you consulted with someone, just guys and friends, and how long have you been thinking about it, thinking about it? but i would not say that they directly consulted the same with dimka, but somehow in some kind of, roughly speaking, home communication, these topics were raised, but they weren’t really touched upon, because... because dima, again, has his own way there, i have mine, but you just go out on the ice, compete and see that you are already a little short of the level that exists, even, well, in our country, take the russian championship of this season last year, but
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this is already such a very high and worthy level, probably years five ago i... and i was at the same level that the guys are at now, to understand that you are no longer with them a little you cope, you have to simplify the content somewhere so that the program is not lost, because the work goes to the second grade, if you try to complicate it, the second grade will go away, and you want it all to be in totality and you have to clean it up a little, because somehow it seems the strength is becoming so athletic, ready... to set some new achievements, there are fewer and fewer of them, and among the guys twenty and eighteen years old, they have this fuse - it still burns, you understand, that you can’t cope with them a little, i am very i’m glad that i succeeded - last season to take a medal at the national championship again, or,
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so to speak, to feel these warm, pleasant emotions once again, but this season already... i realized that i couldn’t cope, simplify the content, hope for that , that somewhere others will make mistakes is also a little, it seems to me, this is an unsportsmanlike and non-competitive principle of struggle, so the time has come, and you watched the world championship, which was in real life this year, yes, yes, what do you think, our best guys, where could they be, in what place? and judging by the final results, our guys, i wouldn’t say that it’s just calm, but being in the top five at the world championships could, of course, so far the level to which ilya malinin has raised world figure skating now is something transcendental, it seems to me that he himself is still i still
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can’t believe that he did that number of even quadruple jumps with... adam kemphai or the japanese yuma kagiyama, this is still a slightly higher level, it seems to me, but nevertheless, in different circumstances, our guys could well force them to fight. our guest is an international master of sports class alexander samarin. you have already voiced that you are looking towards coaching. what do you think, after you have no longer watched the world championships as an athlete, what will you have to work on with your students in order to reach this level, level. it seems to me that everyone in general needs to work on balance, on balance in the program, so that the programs are interesting,
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so that the second mark is not lost against the background of the technical part, because again, take the strongest warm-up in the free program at the world championships, there is mainly this balance, if you go a little lower, then either the guys are trying to jump. the second rating sags greatly, because of this it goes like this, or vice versa, they want it all together, so that there is a wow effect from the jumps and a wow effect from the program, from the track, tell me how do you think where to develop ilya malinin, who, it seems to me, has already done the maximum possible in terms of technical assessment, well, he can try two quadruple axels, for example, well, he still has in addition to this incredible number of quadruple jumps, including a quadruple axel, i still have to raise, it seems to me, his second grade,
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not well, this is technical, again you can see how he has improved a lot, but still visually even there is such a slight imbalance between lightness and some kind of quadruple jumps and somewhat such tightness and tightness of the second grade. do you think he will do a five-fold jump, will he be the first to jump five-fold, otherwise in russia some of us already argue, they wave, and i i think i wouldn’t say that he could become or someone else could become the first, it’s just that, probably, the quintuple jump will again sooner or later come to our world, but just like axel came once, there was ilya malinin, now it’s not so long ago vlad also jumped. de kijji, i think someone else will jump axel in the near future, then he will go on the road to the five jump, i don’t know who is first, but i think this will undoubtedly happen, but
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look, here are the american skaters, it seems to me that this is some kind of trend, because there was the incredible nathan chen, whose record has just been broken since 1919, it was not broken, he was also broken by his compatriot ilya malinin, and also at the dawn of his career... they said that the boy only jumps, absolutely unartistic, in the end we got an incredible skater nathan chen and maybe later ilya malinin will also reach the same level, gain experience and again experience , it’s clear from him that he is adding every season in the presentation of the program, but there is not yet that some kind of relaxation, confidence, composure that nate nachen had. which again went from stars and falls and rose back to heaven during its journey, all these ups and downs led to
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the fact that we saw the beginning as it is, when i still have a picture from the world cup before my eyes , when nathan chen went on the ice after yuzuruhanyu, there was practically no space on the ice at all. to roll out, that is, a whole bunch of vine fluff and other various soft toys, there is a piece of him literally like from chair to chair, he stood there, twirled something on the spot, looked at the points that yuzuruhanyu received, and then yuzuruhanyu also skated, in my opinion, perhaps an almost pure free skate, that is, the points are all equally huge plus it was at home in japan.
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it turns out that i was in the national team for 10 years, and yet i saw a huge number of injuries there , even at one of your last starts, how you corrected this knee brace right in the program, that is, it was impossible not note, that is, all broken, broken, at the same time there is not a world champion, not a european champion of some kind, not a participant in the olympic games, this path was worth it, of course, i don’t regret that he was, that he... this is what i am, i’m very glad, because i also found such an ice family in the person, headed by
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svetlana vladimirovna, who taught me a lot, explained, showed me what and how, let’s say, taught me how to live, and i made a lot of friends , and the world looked, visited places where it seems to me that i myself would hardly it turned out that if it weren’t for figure skating, he still took even those, showed results that many, many also... were not able to achieve, somewhere there are such thoughts of a little annoyance that here i almost didn’t get there, didn’t i put it to the limit, maybe somewhere i didn’t work a little, but they don’t cause any sadness, on the contrary, it’s still warm pleasant emotions and the path was full, and financially, financially, well, something was also achieved from this, let’s say, fuck. here, but
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again, when you are in sports itself, it seems to me that you think more about results, and the financial aspect, it is of course worth it, especially when you start living separately from your parents, this is how an adult, independent life begins, of course, the financial aspect does not go anywhere, but still, in sports, sports comes first for you, well, since you yourself started talking about this about independent life, i can’t help but ask you... my parents, what role they played, how they brought you to the skating rink, one of the main ones, without my parents, i wouldn’t be here and wouldn’t be sitting in front of you, it’s very simple, at one time my senior was working with me my brother didn’t skate for long, but nevertheless he left the young pioneers at the stadium, there were skates left, i’m small, 4 years old, what’s
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the difference between you and your brother 5 years, well, that is , decently, but how much did he skate, that is, completely, he i probably rode for about four years, i had some skates left, and they sent me away, especially since i lived literally across the road from syup, i didn’t really want to travel that far, in general, everything in my career turned out so well that i was probably the only one the few who practically don’t know... from such a moment that it takes an hour to get to the skating rink, one and a half or two, and it all passed me by, and i ’m very happy about it, i could get to the neighboring town in that time, so i should cross the road, here’s the skating rink, here’s my brother’s skates and skate, here’s skating, your brother, whose you got the skates, and never once in your life have you regretted that you didn’t continue skating. and
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you didn’t achieve those, i think not, because somehow it turned out that initially it wasn’t our parents who sent us, it’s also a little funny, not where we ourselves wanted, that is, my brother wanted to play hockey, he was sent to figure skating, i wanted football, football, football, they gave me figure skating too, but at least i don’t regret it, brother, and i don’t think either, just be proud. younger brother, i think, yes, yes, i don’t even think so, it is, and it’s very nice, i’m glad that my family can be proud of this period of my life, in the absence of international tournaments , many more new ones have been organized in russia with an easy presentation, including the first channel of the russian figure federation, you had the opportunity
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to compete with all... our young juniors who also show some incredible level, do you think, there is a lot of controversy now, it’s not too early to jump so many quadruples, such as lev lazarev, literally training on one katestovy, and now let’s return to the first channel of our federation, once again, more than once, i want to say a huge thank you for giving me the opportunity to put a beautiful end to my career and for providing it. opportunity to take part in the first channel cup, which took place where i actually finished my bullseye, but according to regarding the young guys, again, you look at them too, you understand that they do so many quadruple jumps, the most difficult quadruple jumps in the second half of the program, you understand that now, again, their eyes are burning. they
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still lack, as it seems to me, such awareness of what is happening, which actually adds a little ease to them in the execution of these elements, and this... is quite cool, and such a bell, a signal about you, that you need to move and give in to them, well, on the other hand, i really want to wish them health strong and so that, that is, you don’t think it’s too early to show such a level at this age, it’s unknown what will happen to them in the future, so i’d like to wish them health, so that they have as few injuries as possible, because... everything - after all, this is a still growing organism in them, if this period of growing up of their organism goes more smoothly, then that’s great, if they don’t lose what they’re doing now, after all, probably, in my opinion, i like it better when
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older guys do quadruple jumps, because for me these are still powerful elements. do you think these athletes are now training exactly the same way as you trained, or maybe they have some kind of methodology? has the general physical fitness changed, perhaps, or is attention paid to something else in order to still preserve their health? well, i think each headquarters has different training methods, but probably one of the main moments is when you are at a small age who do you look at, i looked when people jumped, one quadruple in a free program and won, some didn’t jump at all and also took medals, i, at their age, fully understood that one sheepskin coat there, well, two, that’s it, and you’re at the top, they grow up, they look, they looked at nathan chen, who did five or six quadruples, we just
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had slightly different dissonances; examples arise when i looked at people with one quadruple, and then it turned out that one needed to be done and one was no longer enough and two, three, and four were needed. that is, i somehow had to accelerate very sharply, they already see, plus or minus, what they need to strive for, what they want, and so on, well and we continue the free program podcast, our guest is the wonderful figure skater alexander samarin. have you considered how many years you have been friends with dimka aliyev? literally, i ’ve just returned from st. petersburg, where we had a charity show. by the way, tell us about this, about the charity show, it’s a very good story. i’m very glad that this story happened, that the idea, our coaches, our team, svetlana vladimirovna sokolovskaya and evgeniy vladimirovich
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rukavitsyn, succeeded, and this happened, plus more the fact that our coaches are friends, this is their friendship, in fact, dimka and i also looked at their friendship, for us it somehow arose in the same way. so they organized a charity show in st. petersburg for children from various families with various life difficulties, let’s just say it was very cool, after the show itself, there was still a little time to spend, roughly speaking, a master class, to skate with them on the same ice and look at the sparkling eyes with which they ride and listen. how many pleasant emotions they received after the show, it’s very great, so we all came back very impressed, very glad that we managed to please the young guys, maybe
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some of them will want to take up figure skating as well. well, in general, i can say thank you on my own behalf, because this is a very unique story, because it is generally accepted that ice shows are more aimed at making money from... the participants in this show, and not at giving back, no, this event was made in order to give emotions, please young children, and probably instill a love for figure skating skating, let’s return to the words with dima about friendship, just now the same couple of days ago, for some reason we started talking about this topic and well, i’ll figure it out. that around about nine years ago, we’ve probably been friends, probably about 9 years ago we met for the first time, somehow it all started spinning, spinning, i just know why i thought about it, because after the
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spartakiad, dima literally set fire to the mix zone there with his commentary on what happened on the ice and what is happening in russian figure skating in general, which caused some a flurry of... absolutely different emotions, literally the next day his friend sashka samarin, who is generally making a career, comes out, that is, you think so closely in the same way and support each other even in... but again, you decided to cover with your wide back, well as a senior comrade, it was necessary, well, since we started talking about what was on the internet, these are comments from fans and so on, you always had a fairly large army of fans throughout your career, they were rooting for you, i just saw it's on stadiums, maybe at yours? what would you say finally to your fans? and i wouldn’t
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say that i had a very large fan base and fan base, but it was also a banner, sorry, i’ll interrupt, sanya is the best, but first of all, i want to say a huge thank you to them for being with me this i was that they walked this path with me every year, this base. the fans also help, and from time to time they can simply write to you out of the blue and say that you are a great fellow, that they really love what you do you do, wish. there is health, good luck, success and so on, this also
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motivates me a little to work, progress and not stop, so they also left a mark on my career, again the same banners that have already begun to appear in such quantities in the last few seasons , this is also very cool, you periodically go out before training, roughly speaking, at competitions you look... at the arena and say: oh, they are rooting for me there, that’s very nice, but in general there are a lot of different things about me cheerful comments on the internet that also make you laugh and smile, which one do you remember the most? yes, there were many different ones, starting from all sorts of lumberjacks and everything else, probably ending. the way they actually support me, that is, from, but
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it seems to me, sanya, that this is also how you feel about it yourself, because, for example, the woodcutter is a very cool guys, first of all, here’s the little red riding hood , who saved, woodcutter, well, yes, ellie, who saved in the emerald city, but then you put the robot program already like this, well, you can’t write it, yes, that’s why too... how sometimes they tried to play up such moments, it’s very cool that many, again, and fans, let’s say, bought this little humor in our productions of programs, well, this it’s just great, and since you say thank you to your fans, i also say thank you for coming to visit us in this cozy studio, now we will be watching you in a different... honor as a coach, showman,
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and maybe someone else, most importantly, i wish you nothing but success, now in front of you all doors are open, go to any one and achieve it, call me more often, invite me, i don’t refuse, it was a free program podcast, watch all episodes on the website! hello, my name is dmitry bak, today we have another episode of a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, and today we are talking about a man who was born on may 21, 1924, that is, 100 years ago, this is boris lvovich vasiliev, a wonderful russian writer . the author of many books about the war, one of his stories was used to make
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a great film about an elemental star, and based on the play tank crews, a great film was made, officers, today we will talk about boris vasiliev and his story, about the film based on this story with irina shevchuk, who plays the role of rita osyanina, honored artist of the russian federation, hello! and not only pavel bosinsky, hello pavel, let's talk about boris vasilyevich, the war is moving further and further away from us, yes, the eightieth anniversary of the victory is coming soon, and even more years separate us from the beginning of the great patriotic war, and how the memory of the war lives on, well there were some stories in your families
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, like it was in your childhood, and maybe now, irina borisovna, let's start with you. i don’t know, i was born after the war, but naturally, my family, my relatives, were affected by the war, and this was passed on because my father was a military sailor, he went through the defense of sevastopol, then served in the northern fleet after the war, and my grandfather mine, pavel petrovich bacharov, was generally a partisan hero; in some years, i remember, i was in the museum. mom and dad had girls, we were raised and well, i knew my grandfather, that is, well, there are three of us , of course, with this memory, and this memory is
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still alive, of course, well, here you didn’t have to go far if there were frontists in the family, pavel, but how about you what's the situation? i always had the feeling that war was very close somewhere, and you are from volgograd, well, i was already born in volgograd, although it is very interesting that my friend, almost the same age, has stalingrad in his passport, that is he’s literally a year ahead of me, i’m 61, he’s 1960, both my grandfathers fought in the war, paternal grandfather pavel grigorievich basinsky, whose name i found, he died in the crimea, he was a career officer, he also participated in the civil war, so a hero died. died in the crimea, why did the entire regiment die? i have 14 letters from him to my grandmother, some are written simply with a pencil and a trembling, jumping hand, because he writes during artillery shelling, so i have it, it’s just that there was a war in my house, well, well, let’s now move on to literature carefully ,
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there are many anniversaries this year, yes pavel, i am primarily addressing you as a historian literature, although of course irina also knows about this, anniversaries, let’s remember. the war or after the war, this is a special group of texts, yes, when the impression has not yet cooled down, the war continues, there is a poem by margarita alegerzoy, then the bokop of stalingrad by viktor nekrasov, the first edition of the young guard fodeev, they fought for the homeland
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of sholokhov, the story of a real man boris polevoy, well, as far as possible everything was clear in the lyrics, rain for me, i’ll come back. yes, yes, no comments needed here, like in prose, this group of works, does it represent something, is it united, or was it all different anyway, you know, these writers had very different experiences, yeah, from that galaxy that you named , only viktor nekrasov fought, actually fought, and the others were military journalists, military correspondents, and, as they say now, on the other hand, sholokhov had civil war experience. quiet don, and probably the greatest work about the civil war, it is no coincidence that later the lieutenants said that we all came from trenches of stalingrad by viktor nekrasov, because this was the first thing actually written by a man who fought, that is, a man who shot, and what else is very interesting in this prose, it immediately turns to
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specific individuals who are found, because if aleger had not found zoya, we probably wouldn’t know anything now.
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they just let me in, of course, yes, simonov, simonov did a lot more later, besides prose, she had different days of the war, absolutely amazing, he also did such a thing, he did such television interviews interviews with representatives of different branches of the military, with a tanker, with a pilot, with an infantryman, these were absolutely amazing programs when, because he knew what to talk to them about, he saw it all. he has subcutaneous experience, of course, well, we continue our conversation about boris lvovich vasiliev about the film
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"azora here is the element", which was filmed based on the story of the same name by vasilyev, we are talking today with irina shevchuk, the performer of the role of rita osyanina in the film "azor of the element" , honored artist of the russian federation and" with pavel basinsky, writer, literary journalist. there is a strategic scale and you can see where the troops are going, we will also talk about tolstoy’s tradition, and the lieutenant’s prose, what
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is the main thing in it, let’s list these people, and their works, in addition to boris vasiliev, whom we will talk about separately, this was the first bonderev, battalion about yes, this is also a great book, so we said, we all came out of the stalingrad soukups, but, in my opinion, bykov said that we all came out. from the battalions, because the first one is really such a breakthrough, well, by the way, the thaw, but the lieutenant’s prose arose from the thaw, it was in many ways the thaw, why you have to understand, these people came from the front, many of them, well, not many, some of them studied at the institute, you have to imagine , yes, a literary institute, where he has been working for many, many years,
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that’s why they were to some extent this thaw, yeah, well, maybe we’ll list it, let’s except, except for yuri vasilyevich bondarev, who then had wonderful things, there was a shore , there was a choice, yes, many well-known things, but there was also grigory baklanov, on his nineteenth birthday, by the way, they were very friends, they both studied at the lithuanian institute, they were very friends, then they went to different places there, we know, yes, then they just were. very close friends, the closest ones, konstantin vorobyov, konstantin vorobyov, vasil bykov, vasil bykov, for some reason they always forget my beloved
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viktor kurochkin, viktor kurochkin, of course. stands completely apart, a man with such a mysterious biography who described there intelligence officers in the war, this is an important story, but the most important thing here... probably, tolstoy was a tradition, yes, so i ’ll ask irina, you, pavel, tolstoy’s tradition, when war is not only the victory of one army over another, but this is the sky of austerlitz, yes, this is nikolai rostov’s scene of the first battle, when he realizes that a frenchman is jumping at him, and the frenchman has the same mother as his, and for some reason he has to kill him, uh-huh, yes, like that the most important prose that
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is superimposed on the thaw, irin, but how...
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i didn’t see it at all, but then you can still see something captivated me, i know that olya was repainted red, that’s what zhenya was supposed to look like, and we auditioned together, that is, she looked like zhenya, i looked like rita, uncle sasha bukhvalov, a pyrotechnician , was the first to talk to us , who went through the war, well,
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rostotsky had almost the entire group. shook us by the shoulders, kissed us on the cheeks and said: you will play in this, that’s why he approved us, so i wanted to ask, maybe there were some artistic councils, there weren’t artistic councils, but the first word, it’s like such a statement from a front-line soldier and we received a blessing from uncle sasha bukhvalov, our pyrotechnician, how great it is, uncle sasha.


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