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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 29, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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when you leave, you have already decided that next month trading on the stock exchange will open, i must be in time for the beginning, so in two days, as it is, in 2 days, i won’t have time to get ready. it’s so soon, dear, i can’t linger, that’s right, that’s right, it’s okay, dig around, you learn from your sister, you’re getting ready to run into a new life, half an hour and ready, with fire speed, maybe faina lyalya wrote, three weeks have already passed, well what you, mom, would have developed, didn’t tell me, and what’s surprising, moscow stunned her impressionable nature, runs around the theaters, pumped up every evening to admire, not a single
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letter since she left, hasn’t left, ran away like a thief at night, you didn’t catch a cold, i can’t get sick now, you won’t go to iosifovich, it’s a shame, i’ll have to look for another doctor, fane left the mule at the altar, and so he still lies there. a former opera artist, now a deputy of the state duma, and then we ask why the country is heading into the abyss, beer houses in the state house, yes, and i’m sure that soon our fans will tell us something amazing, amazing, dad, i ’ve run out of money, but i believe that she will succeed, hello, “here i have
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french lace, chantilly, we don’t sell clothes, young lady, if you have any other value, please, you have a friend of value young lady, i see the farts, you have silver ones, but where are you sticking out your tentacles, excuse me, young lady, yeah, as there is silver, well , we’ll take the buttons at two cylindrical ones apiece.” yes, but that’s how, that’s how i am, that’s it, that’s it.
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why are you hanging around moscow with a dead man? and this, this is waldemar, after he's always like this after a hearty lunch. and then the death goes away? enough is enough, this is my ticket to a new life. yes, valdemar is not a champion of the breed, but he is. connections all over moscow, in
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a week i will be serving in the capital’s theater, i also see success with you, what a gorgeous necklace the illustrious prince gave, you have already visited all the theaters of the studio, will you start in the second round, or will the circus still arrange for you, in the theater in the world , connections decide everything, you haven’t realized this yet, should you move out? and why do you, stupid, where should we meet him? voldemar took me a gorgeous apartment on tverskaya, what are you going to do with him, in the theater, is it different, or something, the same stuffed animal will be washed with shoe polish, and you will kiss him, atella, i am burning with love, i understand, i understand, a connection with valdemar is like kingbody, you don't... like shoe polish, but
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this is an invaluable acting experience, that's it, will you help me, or so? will you sit in your bagels, i’ll help you, will you wait a little longer? so go down to each compartment and make sure that things are loaded into the training, i understand, hello, master, hello, come with me, ignat, how they accommodated you,
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vasil yes, excellent, thank you, here ’s ignat, for any need, contact him, with special attention, we’ll accommodate the owner, yeah, it’s a bit cramped, don’t worry, good times, because everyone has been allocated a cabin, and today you see for yourself, yes i see, girsha , i see, everyone is here, the tolmachevs, the zemskers, the bolpins, even the old sole, madame palasukhina, is taking out all her dogs, only you remain, yes, the best people of the doganrog have a heightened sense of danger, and you, with a dulled feeling, wait for your ship to be burned. listen to the gendarmes, they can no longer cope with the proletarian who has gone mad. yes they can handle it, they can handle it, now they are sending cossacks from rostov. how long have you seen their eyes? these won't calm down. lisha khaimovich, yes, they ask you at customs. i'm coming. well,
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when can we expect you and your family in paris? i'm not as fast as you. i'll get ready, but not quickly. things are going well. and how will you leave here, who will be at customs? hand out bribes, let's go, ignat, let's go, what's frozen? zinka’s share, the taper and you have to pay, i’m not here and i have nowhere to go. go, come on, come on, come on, hey, boiled laundry, rinse it first, and then do the laundry
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take it.
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hands, come on! it’s not because of the poverty that you have that you have to go home, girl, there is no poverty, because of your dreams, well, just because of your dreams, be patient. buy tickets to the circus. attraction carida. cheese tent, an attraction for the first time in the arena.
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varigo. cheese shabetov. let's go, buy berets, don't be shy. nilka, i’m so glad, come in, don’t you like the place, i’ve already rented a new place, well, of course, it was like i was driving right away, it’s painfully noisy, and i’m coming to you with the news, i was accepted into the korsha theater, what are you doing, zinka , what happiness, now it’s time to take care of you, tonight valdemar is taking us to dinner at chic. we will have something to talk about, there is no need for you to sit in samovars,
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there are vacancies for me too, there is an excellent plan, and you know, if i take on something, help! don’t leave, stay with me, i ’ve loved you for so long, i’ll burn you with a fiery caress and... i’ll tire you with a fiery caress and
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burn you, i’ll tire you, don’t leave, stay with me, passion burns in my chest. the lost trade of love awaits us with you, don’t go away, don’t go away, stay with me, stay with me. you sang amazingly, music
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makes valdemar sleepy, in small doses with good food it doesn’t i’m being discouraged, it’s the dramatic performances that make me go crazy, the music only makes my ears ring, it’s your fooling around, unless it captivates a worthy person, then he cares about his soul. so it’s fun for professional workers, who would voluntarily want to lead themselves into sin, our emperor, nikolai alexandrovich, regularly goes to theaters, apparently voluntarily, in his youth he did not disdain ballet, nonsense.
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writes in newspapers to dignitaries in their positions , relying on the last judgment, this will not count for them. corruption and the last judgment, probably separate, privileged, yes, but how could it be otherwise, truly holy, our sovereign emperor, but not yet, a man, he will be, i don’t know, faina, which of you is an artist, you learned to be daring well, apparently they didn’t beat you. it’s okay, if you weren’t flogged at home, life
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will beat you. zinaida asked me to help you, i promised, that means i will help. my brother-in-law, a well-connected man, will get into your position and correct him from the beginning on the material side, so be kind, conform, stop being smart, and stop being proud. them, so that your brother-in-law will thank you i fully felt it, explained it, and how? i’m going to the restroom, you’re with me, it’s possible, you have some other options, there are no
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options, but you went to moscow to stand in a samovar near the circus, you understand that failures take away your strength. in order for your talent to be noticed, you need to get on stage, and this is the only chance, there will be no other, thank you, oh, how pure, squeamish we are, on principle we will eat bagels so that they stand in your throat, ungrateful rubbish, i won’t see you again i wish i never understood.
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in the groove with a beaten dog, that’s right, there’s no point in hanging around like shit in an ice hole, i have a calling, a calling, this is my calling, you were drafted into the army and sent to war, and whoever mobilized you here is their own stupidity, come on, return the basket, money for the linen and go to your parents,
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how are you laughing, katerina vasilievna, this is ekaterina geltser herself, katerina vasilievna, katerina vasily, you are lalius naganrogo, gershovich, remember, georges, you will make a herbarium out of her, i'm sorry, i beg your pardon, you are not flattened, oh, yes, i myself, i’d rather be the first to squeeze out the glass with your nose, well, why such self-sacrifice, even if you are my fan, i’m not your fan. thank you, it’s a pleasure, you are lyalya gershovich, remember, you studied together in taganrog, she now teaches very successfully, well, of course, i remember all my classmates, gershovich, lyalya, yes, i don’t remember that, so what did you want, since you’re not
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my fan, no, nothing, i just wanted to say hello, but since you’re not her... remember, excuse me, young lady, let’s go, be careful, katya, let’s go, georges is about to fall hungry he faints, he’ll break his neck, and with a broken neck he doesn’t look good on stage, i remembered, lalya, let’s go, let’s go, tell me how she’s doing in that one, in taconrog, of course, let’s go. gentlemen, i ’d like to eat an elephant right now, and i’d probably like a bear, see you soon, now we’ll have lunch, i’m terribly upset, and you, but first , your train will be patched up, oh, yes, well, here’s another one, patch it up, tear it off, to hell with
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your name, vasily ivanovich, sorik. why, unexpectedly, uh-huh, no, faina girshevna feldman, but feldman is temporary, so what? are you getting married? god forbid, i’m choosing a pseudonym for the theater, so you’re an actress, well, i’m sure of it, the entrepreneurs have their doubts, they need staircases, and i’m the whitewashed parsley, faina. who needs performances without parsley? without parsley, not a single booth can stand. let's go. here. this is definitely your color, deep blue, with red hair, do you know what they called me in school, a plump dwarf in tights, yes, sometimes they even
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signed it on the posters, over the last name, in the role of raymonda, a plump dwarf, it doesn’t matter , and from light, this is the color of the thigh of a frightened nymph, and my brother calls it the color of the thigh of a scalded woman, isn’t it original? what's bad about parsley? parsley, he is the brightest, he is the most cheerful, he is the most memorable, he is an intriguing mocker. faina, the roles already exist for you, they are written, you just need to try to get them, yes i try, i go to auditions every morning, and then i cry until late in the evening, because sometimes perseverance is not enough talent, connections are needed. and that in the theater everything is decided by connections? everywhere everything is decided by connections, you and i live in russia, i have connections only in the city laundry,
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put it on, this is for me, once the laundress became the wife of peter i to the russian empress, so you, vasily ivanovich, have great prospects.
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contract, intermission, gentlemen, intermission, intermission, gentlemen, fanny, fony, what is it, they danced divinely. the poetry of all human limbs, i thank you, catherine's back,
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this is the power of my art, how many times have i watched the play, every time it roars, fanny, karsky will be with me tonight, i told him about you. he promised to help wants to look at you better, get to know you better. am i supposed to become his mistress? no, he already has a mistress, it’s me. for your honor, don’t worry, you need to get stronger here, get off. fanya, be kind, i can feel it right away. a great actress, the season in moscow began a long time ago, so the whole body is staffed, to the left, if you happen to get an engagement, then most likely
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on the periphery, how do you like this plan, yes, this is the best plan of my life, wait, yasha, wait, yasha, for my father ! they took him away, they sent a messenger, he demands 50,000, otherwise they won’t let him go, hurry up, lock yourself up now, hurry up, hurry up, i’ll beat you up. “you bastard, at least leave your bangs, you can’t breathe, but come on, give me a watch, fuck
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you, i’ll give it for that, yeah, okay, zhedov’s face,
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what’s wrong with my father, you can explain to me, they’re changing it for 50,000 well, that's all. there's not enough here , this should be enough.
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stay here, what have you done here? well , open up, what are you, you fucking bastard here? , yes, i pressed you, i press you and i will press you for as long as possible my villages are enough, now for yourself! if i hit him in the head, i’ll shoot him in the head, because of class hatred, now it’s possible, the infection is stuck, come quickly,
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butt, butt, father of the springs, dad, dear , dear, mine, alive, alive, alive. is it possible to demand much from a woman? you dance so sweetly, you have a shib, they don’t expect you to behave strictly, your husband, an old man, doesn’t bother anyone. i learned everything long ago, the will, by
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hearing. and recently they told me that with my ability to only play the hind legs of a horse, i was even given this role in the gymnasium kicked out, but if you intend to change, then things will work out, mademoiselle, you won’t play another horse’s ass again, please!
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olga osipovna, it’s impossible to play with you, and i warned you, michelle, sadovskaya will rip you off to the last ounce, that’s for sure. olga osipovna, let me introduce you to vana feldman, an aspiring actress. hello, hello, hello, allow the young lady to come to your rehearsal, she has problems with stage movement, well... of course, of course, please, please, really, oh, i’ll be terrible for you i’m grateful, i’m just very clumsy because i’m always afraid of doing something wrong and embarrassing myself, however, i
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’m not afraid of embarrassing myself anymore, this happens to her every time, so if you show me, of course, of course, of course, i’ll show you. don’t worry, don’t worry, baby, visibility is a great thing, this will be the most memorable lesson in stage movement for you. olga osipovna, honored artist of the imperial theaters, one of twenty throughout russia. alex, let me clarify, the title was given to my best top half, the ass was not involved in this. sorry, i really didn’t know, i’m happy.
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when it’s not at all in magata, look at this photo. hold on, an extremely interesting phenomenon, a lot of complexes, no professionalism, but take your eyes off her, sincerely remote, yes, a complete nerve, i can tell
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in the corpse, lavrovskaya, it seems she is now in the church, it won’t work, how long will it be until we get to the theater here? . now the big one will be closed, moscow is one continuous infirmary, and stakhova, remember, i identified him as a corpse, the next day the theater was closed for a hospital, he’s singing now lensky’s aria as a soldier, extremely pleased that he’s had enough, kochalov, gentlemen, kochalov, it’s probably vasya who has arrived,
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the artist koroneva from lyubov kachalova became a nun in the world, it’s like she took a vow of celibacy, that she will remain a virgin until the end of her days, i hope, you won’t get around to it, how interesting, why is this possible?
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like this, in the role of gertrude, gertrude, fain, feldman, no, no, no, gentlemen, no, no, no, no, that won’t do. the girl urgently needs a pseudonym, well, of course, shva rububovich knows better, we need to think about it, but the name good, quite theatrical, rare, there is practically no fain on stage, we leave the name , you were allowed not to change the name, offer options, gentlemen, karsunskaya, esmeraldova, vetrova, shamray, faina, foaz, verkhaturovo, well wait, gentlemen, maybe fain has his own option, and we’re gushing here, and i... was looking among the heroines of ostrovsky’s favorite plays,
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chekhovo, but only so that it’s not just a sonorous surname, so that it’s definitely not torn by the theater, connected, zarechnaya, prozrova, and gudalova, which is a good surname, good karma bad, arkadina gurmishskaya, tuzenbach, well, here you go tuzinbakh is also the same as felman, negina, no, no, gentlemen, no, no, no, getting into character, well, we have some kind of trepidation. inspired, without a silver coin, let me sharply point at you, my dear, forgive me, i’m terribly awkward, i always drop everything, forgive me, your destiny has been fulfilled, you will be with us, ranevskaya, how do you like foina, do you want to be?
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perhaps how you feel, just don’t lie, we can’t wait any longer for news. i understand this is a difficult decision, but if we don't cheat.
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35 rubles per month for the role of heroin cocotte with singing dancing with your wardrobe of prostitutes or something to play, was it worth it for zante to go to moscow? damn you all, you bastards, my dear vasenka, my son! both his legs were broken for the rest of his life, now koleka. lord,
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what grief? this is joy. alive, returning from the war. the newspapers say that 300.00 people have already died. my short vasin, my son, where is the joy, how will he live as an invalid. now, now, now. now, ulyana dmitrievna, here, here, this is a great russian actress, she’s all her own. role piznok plays, honored artist
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imperial theaters, you take it to you, and then give it to vaska to raise your spirit, apparently it’s a strong thing, ianto your art, since legless people become actresses, oh, your head has been blown off for the rest of your life, oh!
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hello. where can i find madame lavrovskaya? i, vaina feldman, are her new actress. irina rvoovna will be there in a couple of hours, just a minute. here, she asked me to give you the address where you will stay. thank you. all the best. come here.
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are you looking for something, a house where a corpse lives?
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light version, and you are the new actress from moscow, and you are a hero and a lover, and also a slacker, a drunkard wrecker, who among us is not a slacker or a drunkard, we... are a serious creative team, i’ll bring you the key to your room, thank you, oh, be careful, of course, the same thing she said, i was completely careless, and so was my mother,
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beauty, yes, beautiful, you’re playing with fire again,
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admiring how the flakes burn, it’s breathtaking , grigory! with pleasure, you know, i just fell in love with the theater at first sight, magnificent, amazing architecture, second. track,
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i haven’t played like this yet. the radiance of my soul, kiss me, then, even if it’s captivity, even death, okay, write so that the twist rises, come on, you have something to rise with, you’re not afraid that the moscow artist will see your grishka, with me, it’s a jewish scarecrow, well... i didn’t scare you with connections, you saw the photos with kachalov, with vertinsky, great, great, great, take the scarf, throw it around his neck, pull him towards
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me, and you merge in a long kiss, wicked, don’t grab her, don’t grab her, gentlemen, spectators come here to see oriental passions, and not like the coachman to me dogs laundresses, they’ve already seen this, what’s incomprehensible here? sorry, but this is the first time i’ve seen his hand, what a kiss, you’re a slave of this fat, this dirty sultan, mikola, come here, you’ve never seen a single man except this scarecrow, bicol, get out of here, stuffed animals, but the whole repertoire rests on me , give me, give me lust, so that for... how do you know about cultivation, and there should be no strangers on the stage, mrs. vostryakova, come on, leave, this is a general run-through, like
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a general run-through, like a run-through, this is the first rehearsal, it’s the last one, and the text, i have 20 sheets of text, don’t worry, we have it in store for this case, ivan kazimirovich, here every week there are new performances in summer enterprises, otherwise you won’t earn money, who is ivan kazimirovich, mirovich, in summer theaters there are no prompter booths at all. i improved the design, separated the booth from the stage, now ivan kazimirovich moves freely around the stage, that’s it, that’s it, grisha, let’s continue. come on, why did you sparkle in my eyes with your invincible beauty.
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and i only want you, oh, what’s the matter, you ’re standing there like a pistol, so she stutters with lust, fron potapych, come on, let’s move on. give time, let's go on, on, on, on, on, only yours, only yours, only yours, and i
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la, borrow me, she can't speak at all, it's good that you found out now, and not with an example, urgent. bring in someone as a replacement, and send this defective one back, damn your mother, good morning, our earliest tv viewers, on the calendar wednesday, may 29, i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina strizhenova, wake up, get up, wash, have a hearty breakfast, and we, the whole good morning team, will do everything at this time to make this morning easy, fruitful, successful in the full summer. we
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will talk about the past and present of children's playgrounds. let's collect the necessary documents for the children's camp, remember about ticks and how to protect yourself from them, find out who the scammers are and how to sunbathe correctly so as not to get burned, we'll be sure to prepare something edible and tasty, well, let's start, according to tradition, with gymnastics, fitness coach adranik mikayalyan will show you an exercise to strengthen your muscles. go! good morning! before you move on to parallel bars, you need to strengthen the muscles of your entire body, otherwise you risk injury. for beginners, i recommend starting with the simplest exercises: we go into the plank position on our knees, our palms should be under our shoulders, as we exhale
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we sit on our heels, not our shoulders... on the contrary, we pull them forward, return to the starting position, hold for 5 seconds, again move our pelvis back, we continue to practice, and now we increase the load, add push-ups, when the exercise appears simple, you can do it from a plank position with outstretched legs. increase the load gradually, then gymnastics will only benefit you.
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a particularly dangerous season has begun in many regions of russia. season of the spread of tick-borne encephalitis, buriliosis and other very unpleasant diseases, as experts say, ticks are showing unprecedented activity, so once again remembering the safety measures will certainly not hurt any of us. the laboratory of the chumakov scientific research center is studying ticks and what the virus is infected with encephalitis, mainly in those in siberia, the urals and... it seems that every year there are more and more ticks, appearing even where they have not been observed before, the first factor is geographically global warming. due to
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climate warming, baptisms are becoming more common. and the larger the brood in a given year, the more ticks. the third factor is anthropogenic, cities are expanding, where there was a forest, now there is a cottage community, brilliantly, groves or fields. accordingly, man began to approach these foci, the same rodents or birds with crosses enter the territory of the dacha. factor four chemical forest belt on the approaches to the city is not treated against ticks, as before in the ussr the harsh chemical ddt killed even larvae and other flora. it is dangerous to human health and is now banned throughout the world. processing forests will not help,
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because it is impossible to process a forest like that, it is its own ecosystem and for this to help. but this is impossible, there used to be such a practice, they tried to process from airplanes, at least near cities, but to achieve results if parks are squares according to the regulations are treated, then not all dacha plots, especially since you need to go through every centimeter manually like this, treatment against ticks, it is enough on average for a season, for a year, it is recommended to treat garden plots three times a year, this is in the spring, in the summer during the season, and after collecting from... to process the area, it is not necessary to call a special team, you can do it yourself like shukhrat. i treat it myself every year, and so far i haven’t had any ticks. chemical repellents for ticks in any household store. those that indicate acoricide insects that have an acoricidal effect, they are all suitable for fighting ticks, but the main protection is prevention, wear pants with socks and don’t
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sit on the grass, but while walking in the garden. with nature, a thorough inspection, every 15-20 minutes, the male tick bites for only half an hour, then crawls away, that is, we may not immediately know that the tick has bitten. anna obrozmova, sergei morin. first channel. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we have to fly up to 45 days. and 11 hours before the start, the state commission completely changes the crew. soyuz 11, open spaces have started. and it was the dad, the one they were assigned to notify the families of the victims. they replaced it at will, i spent 3 years preparing for the flight. at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would
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have howled at the moon all my life, because my father died there. voskhod 2 landed safely. the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary's car. here a man comes out of the crowd and starts shooting with both hands, dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the bullets went past his temple. the premiere is on the very edge, on friday on the first. our good morning continues, right now. let's take a look on the internet and see what's new there. our columnist yegor uspensky has already selected the cutest and most interesting videos for us. our video journey opens with a cat from china named bau-tzu. he set a world
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record for cats, of course, skateboarding 10 meters in just 12.85 seconds. and this is not bauji’s only talent. he also plays basketball. and this is a dog named artist, he really loves the fried chicken that the hostess cooks, he is always the first to take a sample, while the hostess is not around, well, to put an end to this, here’s what the hostess came up with: 5 million users have already pitied the artist. the following is a story about a bear who lives in one of the canadian national parks. the tourists decided to have a picnic on the river bank, but they didn’t manage to eat, a clubfoot came out of the forest... he stole a cooler bag from people along with food and immediately became an internet star. well, in conclusion, let me introduce you to an artist from mexico, his name is christian ramos. using
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candy, chewing gum, and mints he creates portraits of celebrities. a few hours of painstaking work, 6,000 goodies, and before us is a portrait of marilyn monroe. beautiful, is not it. well, now i give the floor to my colleagues from the information service of channel one, let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning there are special operations, the crew of the tosochka heavy flamethrower system, groupings of troops in... in the ugledar area in the southern donetsk direction , they destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian militants, which reconnaissance discovered , a whole sea of ​​fire soon fell upon him, 18 thermobaric shells, leaving no chance for the enemy. in the area
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of ​​​​responsibility of the north grouping of troops , crews of towed geocent b guns joined the counter-battery fight. working at a distance of 20 km, the artillerymen literally bombarded the enemy with shells, destroying his mortar crews, accumulations of manpower and equipment. and in the kherson region there is a drone operator. separate guards formation of the marine corps of the northern fleet the ukrainian uav control center on the right bank of the dnieper was disabled. the strike drone was aimed at the target with pinpoint accuracy. the enemy's ap system is working. we also need to bypass it when flying, we try to fly as much as possible at maximum altitudes, that is , above 600 m and there for 1.00 m and above, so that the camera can cover the maximum possible, well, territory. and also about the courage of our servicemen, private anton smirnov, despite enemy shelling, was able to
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detect places where the communication line was broken and restore them, this allowed the command continue to manage the divisions. junior sergeant stepan barantsev, commander of the sapper squad, neutralized and then destroyed the kamikaze drone with an unexploded shell, and prevented the detonation of ammunition on the territory. protected object. now about important amendments to improve the tax system, they were introduced to the government by the ministry of finance. a large package of bills will apply to...
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his family expenses, according to the ministry of finance, personal income tax for incomes from 2.400 thousand to 5 million rubles will be 15% for incomes from 5 to 20 million, 18% for income from 20 to 50 million rubles, 20% and for income over 50 million - 22%. we have not forgotten about those who have low earnings, but who are raising two or more children; due to tax deductions, the rate for such families will actually be 6%. the ministry of finance has calculated. in ukraine, the training period for mobilized people has been shortened; now they are sent to the front lines from the training center after only a month and a half. the verkhovna rada explained this by the influx of people, the very same ones who are on the streets, in shops, in transport, and who are fleeing from the military commissars as best they can, especially with since the law on mobilization was tightened. there are still not enough soldiers. these are the means
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for their training, and therefore the training is carried out in a matter of weeks. there were figures that the announced recruitment of hundreds of thousands of people could cost ukraine $33 billion, which is not in the budget. zelensky was invited to the nato summit, but there is one condition: not to insist on joining and not to put pressure on his allies, the british newspaper telegraph reports. according to her, the alliance fears that it will be drawn into a war with russia, and also western. politicians are afraid of a split within nato itself; supporters of ukraine’s accession, including great britain, have created too much pressure on this issue, but the united states and germany are not inclined to rush. two sources told the newspaper that zelensky will still be offered a road map, but only as a symbolic gesture of support. it’s the same story with the schedule for kiev’s coveted entry into the european union. zelensky is strongly advised not to push and not to demand clear deadlines.
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french president emmanul macron followed nato secretary general did not rule out the possibility of strikes deep into russian territory with western weapons from ukraine. this provocative statement was made during a state visit to germany; chancellor olaf scholz agreed with the french, although he had previously ruled out the possibility of providing kiev with long-range german taurus missiles. macron also apologized for the kiev allies, who hastened to announce that permission for the presence of french military instructors in ukraine had already been signed. paris called this statement. for example, west of krasnodar, and zelensky claims that ukraine is now only using the first batch of long-range storm shadow missiles, which were delivered to france and the uk. another european country, following germany, is at the center of a scandal; young people are chanting extremist slogans to a fashionable composition called amur tuzhur. the hit reached the nightclubs of austria. this is footage
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from the federal state of corinthia. the crowd is jumping , chanting foreigners get out. the police began an investigation, but the trend has not gone away, hrg, let me remind you, under the slogan germany for the germans the children of rich parents from an elite school, as well as the golden youth on the island, were having a blast. that's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. the calendar says wednesday, may 29. mask, i know you, i just want to say this to telephone scammers who call and introduce themselves as security officers, police officers, social workers or doctors, and it seems that we all know who the scammers are pretending to be, but they still manage to deceive us. so let's right now, let's once again remember all their most common masks. tactics
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of telephone scammers: scare about losing money, thousands of schemes, but the simplest popular mask of a bank employee. the person is informed that a loan application has been submitted on his behalf, therefore, in order to now prevent the theft of funds, it is necessary to submit a mirror application for a loan for the same amount, or transfer money to another account, of course, fraudulent, or establish the application, they say, is a new mobile bank, but in reality it is a phishing fake.
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scare about a massive data leak or ask for help in solving a crime, and a real police officer will never say this. a police officer will never invite you to participate remotely in any law enforcement operation ; evidence in accordance with current legislation is obtained exclusively in written form only in case of personal participation. but no matter what they say, it’s scary to hang up the phone, what if the police officers are real after all? i would like to remind you that there is criminal liability for refusal to participate does not exist in an operational-search activity, and in order to warn a person about the disclosure of the secrets of the preliminary investigation, the person must give a corresponding receipt in writing.
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another scammer mask, positive, social worker, they don’t scare you, they make you happy, you are entitled to a payment, but this is also not a reason to dictate your bank card details. a social worker will never ask for personal information, will never ask you to log into the banking application, clarify information about who is registered with you, who is not registered, no, but for this there is only a personal meeting, sergey morin, varvara fedorova, sergey namunka, ksenia maklyak, channel one. well, let's move on, or rather, we'll ride with you on a bicycle. a healthy lifestyle is now in fashion - this is the case when you can follow fashion. keep up on two wheels. a doctor of the highest category, sergei arsenin, will now tell you how to prepare for a bike ride and conduct it in such a way that there are health benefits. to prevent injury, we wear protective equipment. be sure to wear a helmet
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and sunglasses on a clear day. they will save the eyes are also from midges. and if you are over 50 , i strongly recommend using a heart rate monitor; you and i should not allow the heart rate to rise above 120 beats per minute during exercise. if you are just a beginner cyclist, limit your first walk to 20 minutes and choose paths without descents and ascents, do not immediately ride with excessive load, but i have been riding a day for many years now. up to 100 km, and to prevent muscles from becoming numb, we stop every half hour to warm up, the easiest way to relieve tension is shaking, getting up and
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we vibrate our whole body, we rise on our toes and sharply fall on our heels. to prevent dehydration and its resulting leg cramps, during rest we drink water in small sips. ride your bike correctly and it will only benefit you. our next topic is occupational diseases. these diseases are also different in different industries. who is at risk, representatives of which professions are entitled to sanatorium-resort treatment and how? these diseases can be avoided, that is, what about prevention, maryana zhukova understood. dentists have back pain, hairdressers have dermatitis on their hands, cooks have varicose veins, welders have field bronchitis.
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you can go to a sanatorium with an occupational illness, but this is only relevant for workers whose working conditions fall under one of the four hazard classes. if the doctor suspects an occupational disease, he makes a referral. for examination at the occupational pathology center in the russian federation, 100 occupational pathology centers are located in various regions of the russian federation in regional hospitals. but most modern specialties spa treatment is not provided. there are two options left: the employer will think about you first. taking care of employees is a trend today; at the very least, this means saving on sick leave. for example, this it office has relaxation areas. you can stretch your spine with tourniquets. or relax in a massage chair. we all work as if in one team, everyone should be comfortable in the office. and this is a manicure room for every worker. extractor hood, masks to protect against dust and odors. one of the main disadvantages of our profession is the very large number
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dust. it turns out that you are breathing varnish? well, yes, there is tension in the eyes. once a day, the salon director sends employees for a free back massage. the girls are very grateful, they appreciate it. i believe that for this reason there is no rush; in our field it is very important. if you are less fortunate with your employer, then... we ourselves think about prevention; the eyes, for example, need rest every hour. look to the right, to the left, down, at the tip of the nose, this gymnastics with the eyes, even short-term, at least every 15 minutes in an hour, in a calendar, in time, it will give a positive result. legs and back need to rest at least every 2 hours. there is no way to sit down, just change position, shift, walk in place.
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according to statistics, after 30 years in one job , occupational disease is guaranteed, so we identify our pain points and spend at least 10 minutes a day on prevention. maryana zhukova, sergey falendysh, yulia bykova, channel one. on children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, here seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children’s programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i now we play these funny stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, all these... his wives were, it was as if they were grabbed along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was to yulia.
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seryozhka was a real genius of children's television, he died in a generally brilliant age. we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, the first, children's day. hello, weren't you expecting that? why did you come to us? with joy. should it hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe old? maybe hey, girlfriend, without getting bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and would you like something else? i don’t mind, eat everything. you will be fat, i will be thin, thank you, my dear. what if i break it? i won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is, so that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i
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can do whatever i want with them, but not that much, better than anyone else, premiere on june 1, at the first, for the ninetieth birthday of alexei leonov, well, i'm off, spring, litter, i'm a diamond, the man came out in a state of confusion. logical space, diamond 2, reception, charge, trace with diamond 2 i don’t confirm, i ask permission to go to the salon, time first, on sunday, on the first, mom, at... now it ’s also night, too, let’s go to sleep, and dad also
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sleeps, in the summer the body asks for something light but satisfying, fish is an excellent choice here. pastry chef marina senitskaya is sure that the only thing better than fish is fish casserole; it is not only tasty, but also original. beautiful, i boiled the potatoes for a tender casserole, grind the tubers into a puree, add butter and warm milk, mix thoroughly, cut the mentai fillet, but any other fish will do, fry the pieces in a frying pan, mix with green peas while the filling cools, prepare the sauce: melt 60 g of butter in a frying pan,
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add a couple of tablespoons of flour and fry for another minute. i pour one and a half glasses of milk room temperature, mix with the filling, place mashed potatoes on top, like this in the form of roses, add a bright decoration to the flower meadow, cut boiled carrots into strips, lay them out in a row overlapping, roll them up, place the flower in the center of the preparations. i put the dish in a hot oven for 15 minutes, the potatoes are browned, which means the casserole is ready, look how beautiful it turned out, help yourself, it’s very tasty, the calendar still shows may 29, and this, by the way, is an interesting date, on this day in 1894
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the first one opened in st. petersburg on the petrograd country. a children's playground, it was built with funds from the royal family; newspapers reported that children were treated to tea and buns there. today is 130 years since this significant event, anastasia telia has studied the rich biography of the playground. nets, slides, labyrinths, a dozen types of swings, and 130 years ago a rod covered with sand. the first children's playground in st. petersburg appeared in 1894. photo. preserved, here is a description of a similar one from that time we found. the first playgrounds developed on the investment of patrons, toys were purchased and storage sheds were built. such sheds could even be in the form of some kind of small amphitheater; board games were actively used: dominoes and chess. and they worked under the supervision of a teacher, there were even excursions to companies and factories, more like
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a modern kindergarten. in the thirties of the 20th century, playgrounds with quality appeared. after the revival and active construction developed, after the water standards of the gto, horizontal bars and the civil war, of course, there we became parallel bars, and after space exploration, the first rockets, in the seventies and eighties sculptors and architects worked on the playgrounds, this is what comes out of an ordinary swing, we are just on one of these, in moscow there is a courtyard on... in aleksievskaya, and it was preserved on the weather vane for a year, 1947, you see , and nearby it rings, where bells even hung, massive brick buildings, the prototype of the kremlin, mosaic sculptures of smalt tiles, and even a swimming pool, such a paddling pool, from the year seventy-eight, but no drains for water are visible, and the water evaporates naturally, and this is already
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st. petersburg's courtyards, a repkas two-story house, a climbing slide or a seven-meter snake... 1982, we all remember our playgrounds, and the main emotions, the grandmother of the chulukyan family talks about her childhood, it was a mushroom with sand, there were ceilings, well, it was meager , scanty, but fun, dad’s favorite, of course, multi-colored tires, the wheels were buried, they also ran and jumped on them, my mother had the crown sun on an iron swing, she covered me from above with the swing like that, and then i walked around covered in bruises. now there are restrictions everywhere, plus a safety standard that specifies the height of the playground, what the safe distance between the swings should be, what the diameter of the grips should be, the slopes, the angles of the slides, down to each connecting element, the flooring with shock absorption, and if everything is done correctly, the whole lot is as much the same, but without the broken knees. anastasia telya, dmitry likhachev,
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anna ryabova, channel one. what is it for you, if so? in the market this question is quite appropriate, but in a store or on the internet, you don’t even need to ask it, everything is written in price tag, but no, sometimes the price tag says one thing, but during payment it turns out that you have to pay a completely different amount, buy the goods for a ruble or 15 times cheaper than the regular price, you must agree, it’s nice, such failures periodically happen on marketplaces or on internet sites -shops, i always buy facial tonic in... rubles, here we look, the price is 100 rubles. it didn’t take long for me to leave my cart at home for eight pieces, well , no one wrote anything to support me, the goods were delivered at the same price, but in practice it happens that, having discovered a failure, the seller can contact the buyer with a request to cancel the purchase or return the goods, the law in such cases is on the side of the consumers,
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you can refuse to sell the goods to you only through the court, that is, marketplay must. prove that a failure occurred, provide the relevant documents, in practice this is very difficult, show this failure, the same rules apply in offline stores, revaluation of goods occurs: every day, it happens when employees did not have time to change the price tag for some reason, maybe there was a glitch in the system, or there wasn’t enough time for it, we are obliged to sell the product at the specified price tag that was presented for the product, because the price tag is an offer to purchase the product, so in legal language it is an offer, also the law is on the consumer’s side, if the seller provided incomplete information about the product or promotion on the price tag, i took these eggs in your hands, it says 151 rubles without a card, without any... card, store card, bank card or some other card, if it were clearly written here for me, as a consumer, that only if available some conditions, you get this price, it
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would be legal, if the store does not refuse to sell, i will write directly to the complaint book, then rospotrebnadzor will demand that i sell this product for 125 rubles, and if i buy it for 151 rubles, they owe me they will return the difference, and if there is no price tag, the store does not bear legal responsibility for this, the product may be promotional or in preparation for sale. it’s another matter if on a shelf with a product without a price tag there is a similar product with the same name, but with a price tag. even if it is from a different manufacturer, the consumer has the right to demand that the product be sold without a price tag at this price. in case of refusal, you can write to the complaint book or to rospotrebnadzor, attaching a photo of the shelf and price tag. a similar principle, if the price tags are mixed up on the shelf, moreover, in such...
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will enter the wembley field as the most expensive club in the world. cream topped the corresponding rating for the third year in a row. real's value is estimated at $6.600 million. operating profit for the past 12 months was 76 million. sponsors can count on the fact that during important matches, hundreds of millions of fans sit in front of the screens. therefore, the record holder for the number of victories in the main european cup earns an average of $200 million a year from t-shirt advertising alone. but despite the huge cost. you won't be able to invest in real madrid. the team's shares are owned by the club's 94,000 members, known as socious. but you can acquire manchester
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united securities. it ranks second in the ranking with $6.550 million. in winter, almost a third of the shares of the english club were bought businessman jim radcliffe. this contributed to mj's operating profit of $187 million. in addition, the red devils boast the largest global fan base. it numbers more than 650 million people. the top 3 is completed by barcelona, ​​which is going through hard times. the catalan team is valued at 5 billion 600 million dollars, while it has a terrible situation with debts. according to official documents last summer , the amount of loan obligations reached almost $3 billion, which could provoke change in form of government. barcelona, ​​like real madrid, is entirely owned by the club's members. moving away from this model is considered a taboo topic, but if earlier soceos contributions amounted to... 90% of the budget, now it is only about seven. analysts estimate that the sale of a 25% stake could bring $1 billion to the treasury. as for borussia, real's opponent in
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the champions league final settled in twelfth position with an indicator of 1.980 million. if they win, this figure will increase by 20 million. the multi-part series continues on channel one film ranevskaya. and we continue to follow the life and career of the unique faina georgievna. who she trusted, who she was friends with, who she loved, with whom her relationship didn’t work out at all, look at everything, you know, the color of the frog is a scalded mush, yes, i still don’t understand, irina, how could you live with this man, thrown out lilliputian in length, pegs from the face of faina, like sniper shots, in rare periods of her life she tried, honestly tried, to be kinder to people. but as soon as i get ready to love people, i’ll be nearby some kind of bastard who will spoil the mood, fayna lamented, this is not a young lady, this is a grenadier, she couldn’t stand many
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theater directors, especially yuri zavadsky, you clearly want to become the main figure of the play, if necessary for the sake of business i can play worse, i don’t think of myself as bad people i trust, faina said, and who she trusted and whom she loved, ronevskaya’s best friend was the actor vasily. what connected them? i think that the sense of humor, the conditions of the same nightmare in which they lived, the similar perception of reality that... these two had was incredible talented and smart and deep people, they smelled it, it was when they met, it was the same, it was impossible to say what faige was like, he probably felt something, probably understood something, probably , i saw something, that when it wasn’t clear to anyone yet, fain, they’re calling you cinderella, what kind of movie for mother’s day, friend.
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is it really so difficult, friendship with anna akhmatova was inspiring, eight strict, something life-affirming, i plan to call the smell of decay. ranevskaya usually used obscene words, with anna andreevna i chose a highly artistic mat. you are much more than an actress. lifelong friendship with actress pavla wulf. together we will heal your wounded soul with art. lyabka
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why, look, in the hall there is not a single hari in a headdress and only you, like a butterdish mushroom, today on the first channel ranevskaya, don’t miss, happy birthday to whom, leo nikolaevich tolstoy, victoria oblenskaya, the first channel, now let’s we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour, on the first channel news release. this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning about important amendments to improve the tax system, they were introduced to the government by the ministry of finance. a large package of bills will cover the planning period until the twenty-sixth year; this is the necessary adjustment that will make the tax system fairer for citizens and businesses. well, the result is new national projects: support for families with
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children, equipping clinics, building roads and cities, while the majority of residents will not be affected by tax changes only in order 3% of the working population, those who receive more than 200 thousand rubles per month, will be affected by the new progressive scale. the threshold is made with a reserve; it takes into account not only the income of an individual, but also takes into account his expenses for the family. according to the ministry of finance, personal income tax, for income from 2.4000 to 5 million rubles. will be 15%, for income from 5 to... million 18%, from 20 to 50 million rubles. 20% and for income over 50 million 22%. we haven’t forgotten about those who have low earnings, but who are raising two or more children, thanks to tax deductions, the rate for such families will actually be 6%. the ministry of finance expects that tax amendments will be adopted in the spring session and will come into force on january 1 of next year.
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now to the topic of your crew. russian attack aircraft on su-25 aircraft disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of troops, struck with unguided missiles at given coordinates, evading enemy air defense, released heat traps, and returned safely to base. on the ground in the coal tar area, crew of a heavy flamethrower system tosochka destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian militants, which was discovered by reconnaissance; a whole sea of ​​fire and 18 thermobaric shells were rained down on it, leaving the enemy no chance. responsible in the zone. because of the north grouping of troops , crews of towed geast b guns joined the counter-battery fight, working at a distance of 20 km, the artillerymen literally bombarded the enemy with shells, destroying his mortar crews, accumulations of manpower and equipment. and in the kherson region , drone operators of a separate guards marine formations of the northern fleet disabled the ukrainian uav control center on the right bank of the dnieper. the strike drone was aimed at the target with pinpoint accuracy.
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works. the enemy’s ro system, we need to bypass it, and when flying we try to fly as much as possible at maximum altitudes, that is, above 600 m and there beyond 100 mt and above. the creation of new jobs, the construction of kindergartens and schools, industrial projects and investments were discussed by vladimir putin with the head of the republic of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov. the working meeting took place in kremlin. the head of state drew attention to the importance of creating favorable conditions for business development, praised ingushetia for its good demographic indicators and reminded the regional authorities what is required with population growth.
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question: more than 40 kindergartens were put into operation in 3.5-4 years, yeah, new ones, uh, we have a little left now, only 3,000, somewhere there is only - how to put in place 37 schools , they built them in these 4 years, we have distribution rates, we are second in russia, not only do we have a kindergarten for children, schools for schoolchildren, but these are jobs, and these are these schools, if you add them up, right?
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good morning to everyone who woke up and turned on their favorite program good morning on the first channel on the calendar wednesday, may 29 in the studio today i’m ekaterina strizhenova with you and look what a pale toadstool i am. now attention to everyone for whom the word tan has a special meaning. exciting meaning: we will prepare for the active summer sun, and we will approach the matter not casually, but seriously, we will find out why the skin should be protected from the end of may, what cream to use, in general, we will delve into
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question, because tanning is a delicate matter, very serious, it is important not to lose your health. the center of moscow - an outdoor pool, like at a resort, full of sunbathers, sunbathing, who... started 2 months ago, i have my first such forays outside in a swimsuit, march, the breeze, of course, is cool, but the sun is quite strong flowing, the beginning of may, probably march-april, as soon as sunny days fell on the weekend, you can imagine what will happen in june, they promise heat, at least the first two weeks, but what about ultraviolet? as summer approaches, the sun begins to shine.
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may-july are in the lead, the quality of the rays is the same at any time of the year, so dermatologists recommend sunscreens in the very early spring, as soon as it starts to get hot. since ultraviolet radiation consists of several rays, one long, the other short, that is, long rays, they damage our dermis, where our collagen fibers, elastin fibers are located, it turns out that we provoke age spots, rosacea and also xyrosis of the skin - this is dryness. 15-20 minutes before going out into the sun on your face sunscreen, at least two layers, if we sunbathe, we renew the cream every 2 hours, and always in the shade at noon, when the sun is at its zenith, this is from 12 to two, we do not sunbathe and do not let the children out under
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any circumstances, but if there is a burn, then no sour cream, the immune layer of the skin decreases, it turns out that these bacteria that are in sour cream begin to multiply, and this will be like a secondary infection, besides, in pharmaceutical preparations, as a rule, includes painkillers, sunscreens are also better to buy in pharmacy, the most reliable ones contain dioxyzinc and titanium, they reflect the sun's rays and can be used in products with any spf value. nikolai krysanov, yulia kuvabina, evgenia popova, channel one. parents, attention, if you send your child to a children's camp, for this you need to issue a medical certificate 079 u. this is the most important document, without which the child will not be accepted to the camp. without certificate 079, a child will not be accepted into any sports or health camp. there are several options for how to get it: the first is to contact
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your own kindergarten, relevant for children from 6.5 years old, no, not everyone is on vacation, if the duty group is working, the medical office is also working. the same is true for schoolchildren, while preparations for the unified state exam are underway, a nurse is on duty on site and can issue a certificate for the camp, usually in a day or two. the third option is to order it through government services. they promise to prepare it in 3 days. the system will download all necessary tests from the child’s electronic medical record. we have order 514n, according to which every child undergoes annual medical examinations, that is, there are both narrow specialists and examinations that are required by age. if a child sees a specialist twice a year, he also undergoes medical observation. ksenia sends both her son and daughter to the camp, and tried to fill out the documents online. it was not possible to order a certificate directly through government services; they advised me to go to just government services of the moscow region, but when you
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enter your own policy number, it says that this policy was not found, i had to go to the clinic and get a certificate offline. you can get it at the clinic in just a day, again, if the child is healthy and has had scheduled visits to doctors all year, either in the office, the certificate is in one step, or in the pediatrician’s office, the district police officer accepts it by appointment. a child over 10 years old will have to go to the pool and will have to undergo additional tests, this is also time. may require a general blood test, a general urinalysis , and a stool test for eggworms. the children's camp may ask to update the dosages of important medications, for example, for patients with diabetes. now there is continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels, so all drugs, which they receive, they also take with them, take a certificate. allergy sufferers may need treatment adjustments; you will also have to reserve time to make an appointment with specialists . this is a large group of diseases, ranging from respiratory allergosis to bronchial allergy. to dermatitis, then it would be better for the child to visit
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a specialized specialist who will give recommendations on visiting the specific area where the camp is located. the controversial point is the lack of mandatory vaccinations, in this case they may ask for a fresh honey drain or refusal to vaccinate. now the emphasis is on vaccination and revaccination against measles, on performing a diaskin test, that is, this is a test for tuberculosis. examined for head lice. doctors usually check the skin condition for scabies upon arrival at the camp, but sometimes they ask you to do this the day before at your clinic. a medical certificate can be issued either by a child over 15 years of age or by his legal representative. maryana zhukova, yulia kuvabina, sergey folendysh, channel one. vegetables from the new crop have already appeared in stores in markets. radish, young cabbage, asparagus, green peas. doctors advise not just to lean on all this splendor, but to eat.
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in the list of radishes, in the krasnodar region they are already harvesting the crop by hand so as not to damage it. all you need to do is go to the market or store, buy it, wash it, eat it, ideally while it’s glistening with water. it is from radishes that we get potassium and magnesium for our heart, for our muscles, calcium phosphorus for bones and teeth, as well as copper and iron for red blood cells. we saw radishes with tops at the market, take them, cut them off and don’t throw them away, they taste like cabbage. just a little lower. if you need a healthy side dish, take
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cabbage. fourth place in our ranking. we give it for its fiber content and more. it contains vitamin u, which... stomach and intestines, also reduces bad cholesterol, thus clearing blood vessels from atherosclerosis. but we still throw away the stump that we loved to gnaw so much in childhood. third place goes to asparagus, its season is short, from may to june. asparagus has the same fiber, noble, nutty taste. it is important that when choosing, pay attention to the size stem, no more than 20 cm. it should be green, that’s how it is here now, like this, exactly like this, and if it’s... here in the fields in crimea they strictly monitor this, they don’t let it get overripe, so that all vitamins are preserved. the harvest of green peas is in full swing, second place in the hit parade. the variety is summerwood peas, we plan to harvest around 8 tons, it should
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have a richly sweet taste. this is ideal for a salad or just for a snack. a source of easily digestible protein. and finally, first place will be given to my simple greens, basil, different types of salad, cilantro, dill, parsley, chavel. not only are these vitamins and minerals, it is a very beneficial mite, it is a prebiotic, from which we then grow good bacteria in our intestines. combine with olive oil and lemon juice, they will help better absorb vitamins and minerals. alena krylova, dmitry roshkov, maxim tkachenko, channel one. how to do it correctly, how to go to the cinema correctly, it turns out there are secrets and clues about this about many other things in the program to live healthy,
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today is the first, on children's day. we would never have known these days of cheerful yum hours on the old tower in this world everyone should not rush, not for us to get up, we are sailing like on a brigantine with forgotten worries stopped without love, everything is not simple. smoothly in love does not solve everything beauty in the nose takes me away appreciating the snowy distance, the beautiful distance concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeniy krylaty,
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premiere on june 1 at the first. look what an unusual athlete lives in st. petersburg. this is a french bulldog named baron. he learned to skateboard, the baron took lessons from his owner, and the woman stood on the skateboard with her pet and showed him how to push off. the student turned out to be smart and now it’s simply impossible to keep up with him. we also run with you further and present the astrological forecast for today, wednesday, may 29. may 29, twenty- first lunar day, eleventh solar day, overall pretty. cheerful, friendly, pleasant to talk to and very inquisitive, loves everything new, unusual, original, and he is an excellent worker, if he gets down to business, gives his all, his bosses will definitely be happy with him, although there is one thing, he needs an approach, he really doesn’t like being controlled and they push him, now the negatives have already begun, he is irritable
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, depends heavily on his mood, sometimes gets hung up on little things, unnecessary conversations take up a lot of time on such days, comes about... otherwise, the day is very good, when you can make great progress in business and in general everything works out , and also you today they may invite you to some interesting event. everything should work out for taurus too, things will go well for those who do something beautiful and at the same time durable, bosses will have a chance to solve personnel problems and...
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and have some fun, just don’t get carried away with alcohol, leo has a good working environment when work gets going and things get done, after work it’s quite possible to go shopping and pamper yourself. some small gift, the evening is a great time for a date. and virgo is having a good day, he will help move something forward, agree on something with your boss, improve something, make it easier to understand, and in the evening, shouldn’t you go somewhere alone with your loved one? it’s a very business day for libra, when there is absolutely no time for home and family, your loved ones can reproach you for this, remember something that you promised and did not fulfill, you will somehow try to make it in time and here and there you will try not to argue with. .. the older generation. scorpios run the risk of greatly disagreeing with someone, even quarreling. possible conflict with by superiors. this is definitely in vain.
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listen, maybe it’s just time for you to go on vacation? think carefully with fire. sagittarius just have a good day when everything works out and even gets a little lucky. true, there will be a lot to do, some unscheduled work may fall through, but this will add points to you, free up the evening for a pleasant meeting. will and perseverance are the motto. even if something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t give up, try again, everything will work out, and if you have small children, look after them. aquarius they will get a chance to show off their talents, brilliantly cope with some difficult task, earn someone’s gratitude, and maybe even become a little famous. single aquarius, you have a chance this evening. it’s a good day for pisces to discuss something, sort it out, shake hands, draw up some important papers, possibly something useful. the acquaintance is apparently based on some common interests, and the evening is clearly preparing something like a get-together in pleasant company. good luck
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to you! how can i wait for summer? probably everyone is in this state now: 3 days, nothing, be patient, that’s it there will be green around, the trees are blooming, but there is also the other side of the coin, pollen from the trees is everywhere, on clothes, on the car, and even in the apartment, how to deal with all this, will the anti-dust mesh help, well, let's find out soon. there are not so many trees that irritate during flowering, now it is poplar, in some regions it has already faded, in the urals it is just blooming. the poplar is now actively starting to produce its shoots, of course, the buds are falling, now is the very period when we can encounter this. in june to it will be joined by a linden tree. both trees have sticky buds. it is really difficult to remove these marks from clothes, from cars, equipment, even from shoes.
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leave a microfiber disc or cloth for a while, otherwise the surface can be damaged; even during the flowering period
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, conifers generate a lot of dust, they are also about to bloom, a huge amount of pollen flies out, which settles on our cars, on our clothes, in puddles, and accumulates , people sometimes have the opinion that it is during this period that some sulfurous rains occur, yes, in fact there is nothing dangerous in this pollen, it is non-allergenic and can be easily washed off with water. the only trouble is that there is a lot of pollen, it is carried by the wind and gets into apartments, this is especially felt by those who live next to the main pine forest, an anti-dust net on the windows can help, unlike a regular mosquito net, it has small cells, it certainly does not completely remove pollen it will protect, we checked, but it will delay a little, and of course you will have to wipe the window sills more often. evgenia popova, yulia kuvapina, mikhail chetverkov, diamond rogov, channel one. now we are faced with an important, relevant topic. in this year for the first child it is 630,400 rubles. on the second - 833. the amounts
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are indexed annually, but that’s not all. there is also regional support. details now. more than 14 million families have already received maternity capital certificates. the moiseevs are among them. we received maternal family capital last year in connection with the birth of our second child. the amount of 724,000 rubles. its size is indexed annually. in the twenty -fourth, the uterus fed 630,400 rubles at the birth of the first child. second - 833. parents those who received a championship certificate are entitled to an additional payment of 202,600 rubles if they have another baby. the funds can be used for the education of children, the purchase of goods for the adaptation of a child with a disability, a monthly payment until the third birthday to form a parent’s pension, but the most popular direction is to improve living conditions. at the moment, they thought
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it would be advisable to spend it on a mortgage, education, as it were... while it’s not on fire, we just took out a mortgage for 25 years, and sort of paid off early for about 30 months. maternity capital is today the most popular and sought-after program of the national demography project to support families with children. also, thanks to the national project, most regions of our country issue a regional certificate in addition to the federal certificate. in the kaluga region this is 100,000 at the birth of the third and subsequent children. goncharov has already received a regional payment. that everyone is ready, let's go? yes, we saved up, added a payment , bought a large family car, these funds can be spent on any purpose. we have as if an addition was expected, olga was supposed to be born to us, we needed to change the car to a more spacious one. they love traveling in a new car; they have already driven thousands of kilometers. we practically only drive and travel. the last memorable trip
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was at christmas this year to the city of sochi. i liked it better in crimea. in the year of the family, a new impression is made today in neighboring obnensk. and in the kaliningrad region , student families are additionally supported. one-time payment - 345 rubles. women who have given birth can receive child while studying at a university or college on a full-time, part-time basis. and those who became mothers within 3 years after receiving their diploma. reanimatologist alexandra estomina has just such a case. when our daughter was born, i had already received an education, but since residency is like additional education, like, well, specialization, there were questions about whether i was entitled to payments, and i contacted the ministry of social support, they confirmed to me that the payment applies to including us, to receive a certificate for payment, woman must permanently reside in the kaliningrad region, but can study in any
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corner of the country and the world. today, may 29 , marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of the amazing actress yanina zhaimo. she played many roles, but for most of us she is primarily cinderella from that very film based on the play by evgeniy schwartz. but her life was not at all like a fairy tale. it's terribly harmful not to go to balls when you deserve it. it is very difficult to play a young creature when you are 37 and have two children. and behind us are the horrors of war. yanina zheimo to the last doubted whether she had the right to take on this role, but her cinderella became a legend. try to guess what i'm thinking about now? do you think about how good it felt to eat ice cream? i'm very ashamed, prince, but did you guess it? light, peppery, yanina zheimo grew up among the lights of the circus. i've been playing the drum for 2 and a half years now, in family room
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6.6. well, what kind of disgrace? she was 14 when her father, the head of their corpses, passed away, the secret from yanina’s mother was sent to fax, to the factory of the eccentric actor. poppies, poppies, poppies, golden ones, little heads. one by one she they offer the roles of schoolgirls, whose circus skills will turn out to be just right. by the way, she can deftly climb up a drainpipe and pull a scooter off the roof. table without knocking down a single cup. at the beginning of the war, zheima sent her daughter and son into evacuation; she herself remained in leningrad, starred in military film collections, and after the blockade was lifted, she went with concert brigades to the front. well, i don’t see that you are germans, i brought you here on purpose, this is for your grandfather, this is for your mother, this is for all of us, the train
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on which yanina was traveling to her family was bombed, the family thought. how they filmed the festive cinderella on a cold post-war film, imagined the author of the multi-part film ranevskaya, which is shown on channel one these days. two extraordinary actresses with dramatic, albeit so many times...
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well, now let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour, on the first news broadcast. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello. in the beginning, about the ongoing special operation, the crew of the tosochka heavy flamethrower system, the vostok group of troops in the ugledar area in the southern donetsk direction destroyed the strong point. ukrainian militants who were discovered by reconnaissance, soon a whole sea of ​​fire fell on him, 18 thermobaric shells, leaving no chance for the enemy. in the zone of responsibility of the north group of troops, crews
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of towed geast-b guns joined the counter-battery fight. working at a distance of 20 km, the artillerymen literally bombarded the enemy with shells, destroying his mortar crews, concentrations of manpower and equipment. and in the kherson region , drone operators of a separate guards northern marine corps formations.
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scale. the threshold is made with a reserve; it takes into account not only the income of an individual, but also takes into account his expenses for the family. according to the ministry of finance, edfl for income from 2,400,000 to 5 million rubles. it will be 15% for income from 5 to 20 million - 18%, from 20 to 50 million rubles. 20% and for incomes over 50 million - 22%. we have not forgotten about those who have low earnings but are raising two or more children. due to tax deductions rates. for such families it will actually be 6%. the ministry of finance expects that tax amendments will adopted already in the spring session will come into force on january 1 next year. in ukraine,
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the training period for mobilized personnel has been reduced. now they are sent to the front lines from the training center after just a month and a half. the verkhovna rada explained this by the influx of people, the same ones who are on the streets, in shops, and in transport, who are fleeing from the military commissars as best they can. especially. since the law on mobilization was tightened. there are still not enough soldiers, there are no funds for their training, so training is carried out in a matter of weeks. there were figures that the announced recruitment of hundreds of thousands of people could cost ukraine $33 billion, which is not in the budget. french president emmanuel macron, following the nato secretary general, did not rule out the possibility of strikes deep into russian territory. western weapons from ukraine. this provocative statement was made during a state visit to germany. chancellor olaf scholz agreed with the french, although he had previously ruled out the possibility of providing kiev with long-range german
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taurus missiles. macron also apologized for kiev allies, who hastened to announce that permission for the presence of french military instructors in ukraine had already been signed. paris called this statement inconsistent and unsuccessful. i will add that kiev is already without any permission from the west. used the supplied weapons to strike russian territory, for example, west of krasnodar, and zelensky claims that ukraine is now only using the first batch of long-range stormshadow missiles supplied by france and the uk. zelensky was invited to the nato summit, but there is one condition: not to insist on joining and not to put pressure on your allies, the british newspaper telegram reports. according to her , the alliance fears that it will be drawn into a war with russia. and western politicians are also afraid of a split in nato itself. supporters of ukraine's accession, including great britain, have created too much pressure on this issue. but the usa and germany are not inclined to rush. sources told
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the newspaper that zelensky will still be offered a road map, but only as a symbolic gesture of support. the same story with a schedule for kiev’s long-awaited entry into the european union. zelensky is strongly advised not to push and not to demand clear deadlines. another european country in germany is at the center of a scandal, young people are chanting extremist slogans to a fashionable composition called “amur tuzhur”. the hit has arrived. to the nightclubs of austria, these are shots from the federal state of corinthia. the crowd is jumping, chanting, foreigners out. the police began an investigation, but the trend has not gone away. germany. let me remind you, under the slogan germany for the germans, children of rich parents from an elite school were having a blast, as well as golden youth on the island of sylt. the united states has lost its newest fifth-generation fighter, the f-35, the one that can land vertically on aircraft.
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it is known that the accident occurred while climbing. that's all, now a word of good morning to my colleagues. in many regions of russia, a particularly dangerous season has begun, the season of tick-borne spread. encephalitis, beruliosis and other very unpleasant diseases, as experts say, ticks are showing unprecedented activity, so what else it definitely won’t hurt any of us to remember about safety measures. the laboratory of the chumakov scientific research center, here they study ticks, how the encephalitis virus is infected, mainly in those in siberia, the urals and the far east, but recently... in the central regions, however,
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much more often everywhere, ticks with bacteria , barelia. in 2023, there were more than 9,000 cases of lyme disease, while tick-borne encephalitis, for example, affected just over 1,700. it seems that every year there are more and more ticks, appearing even where they had not been observed before. the first factor is geographically, global warming. due to climate warming , the spread of baptisms to more northern areas began to be observed, where they were not found. now they are showing up. the second factor is biological: ticks are carried by animals, rodents and even birds. birds are additional feeders for chickweeds and can be transported over a longer distance. and the larger the brood in a given year, the more ticks. the third factor is anthropogenic. cities are expanding. where there was a forest, now a cottage village of gleaming groves or fields. accordingly, the person began to approach these. outbreaks, the same
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rodents or birds with crosses end up in the territory of the dacha. factor four - the chemical forest belt on the approaches to the city is not treated against ticks, as before in the ussr with the harsh chemical ddt, it even killed larvae and other flora, it is dangerous to human health, and is now banned all over the world. processing forests will not help, because it is impossible to process a forest like that - it is its own eco-system and for this to help, but this is impossible. earlier was like this. practice was processed from airplanes, trying to achieve results at least near cities. if parks and squares are treated according to regulations, then not all of the dacha plots are processed, especially since every centimeter needs to be covered manually. treatment against ticks, on average, is enough for a season, for a year; it is recommended to treat garden plots three times a year, this is in the spring, in the summer during the season and after harvesting. to treat the area.
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action, they are all suitable for combating ticks, but the main defense is prevention, pants in socks and do not sit on the grass, but during a walk in harmony with nature, a thorough inspection, every... 15-20 minutes, the male tick bites for only half an hour, then crawls away, that is, we may not immediately recognize that the tick bitten. anna obrozemova, sergey morin, anzhelika pankratieva, channel one. our good morning continues, right now, let's look on the internet and see what 's new there. our columnist yegor uspensky has already selected the cutest and most interesting videos for us. our video journey opens with a cat from china named bauudzy. he set a world record for
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cats, of course, skateboarding 10 meters in just 12.85 seconds. this is not baudza's only talent. he also plays basketball, and this is a dog named artist, he really loves fried chicken, which the hostess cooks , he is always the first to take a sample while the hostess is not around, well, to put an end to this, this is what the hostess came up with, 5 million users have already pitied the artist , then the story is about a bear who lives in one of the canadian national parks, tourists decided to arrange picnic on the river bank, but they managed to eat so... they managed to come out of the forest with a clubfoot, steal a cooler bag from people along with food, and immediately became an internet star. well, in conclusion, let me introduce you to an artist from mexico, his name is christian ramos. using candy, chewing gum
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and mints, he creates portraits of celebrities. a few hours of painstaking work, 6,000 goodies, and before us is a portrait of marilyn monroe, beautiful, really. well, let's move on, or rather, we'll ride with you on a bicycle. healthy lifestyle, now in fashion, this is the case when you can keep up with fashion on two wheels. a doctor of the highest category, sergei arsenin, will now tell you how to prepare for a bike ride and conduct it in such a way that there are health benefits. to prevent injury, we wear. i strongly recommend using a heart rate monitor; you and
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i should not allow the heart rate to rise above 120 beats per minute during exercise. cyclist, limit your first walk to 20 minutes and choose paths without ascents or descents, do not immediately ride excessive load, well, i’ve been skating for many years, i can cover up to 100 km a day, and to prevent muscles from becoming numb, we stop every half hour to warm up, the easiest way to relieve... movement, shaking. we get up and vibrate with our whole body. we rise to our toes and drop sharply to our heels. to prevent dehydration and its resulting leg cramps, drink water
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in small sips while resting. ride your bike correctly and it will only benefit you. at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here? are they and their father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, but this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything the hard way, the war passed her by. look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will challenge you with this preface, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are making faces, marital status,
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what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady , without a family without children, but a foretaste to the grave, yes , brilliant, the actress and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya, look after the program for the time, happy birthday, to whom, lev nikolaevich tolstovo, romca, product of stellor group, here.
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product of steller group. three chords, new season. on sunday on the first. our next topic is occupational diseases. in different industries. diseases are also different, who is at risk, representatives of which professions are entitled to sanatorium-resort treatment, and how these diseases can be avoided, that is... maryana zhukova figured out what about prevention. dentists have back pain, hairdressers have back pain. dermatitis on the hands, cooks have varicose veins, welders have field bronchitis. if you have an occupational illness, you can go to a sanatorium, but this is only relevant for workers whose working conditions fall under one of four hazard classes. if the doctor suspects an occupational disease, he will refer you for examination to the russian provincial pathology center.
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chair: we all work, as if in one team, everyone should be comfortable in the office, and this is a manicure room, there is an exhaust hood at each work desk, masks to protect against dust and odors. one of the main disadvantages of our profession, this is a very large amount of dust, so it turns out that you are breathing varnish? well, yes, there is tension in the eyes. once a day, the salon director sends employees for a free back massage.
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the legs and back need to rest at least every 2 hours, there is no way to sit down, just change position, shift, walk in place, in general, excite the blood. the muscles are in a certain static position, under tension, local disturbances in blood supply occur, and pain syndromes can gradually form. by according to statistics, after 30 years in one job , occupational disease is guaranteed, so we define it. help, help the ducklings
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cross the road, really, imagine, you are driving along the road and suddenly you see a duck and its family trying to cross the road, what should we do? but this is not a rare case. seems to be new on social media. trend more and more videos, people help a brood of ducklings cross the road, the birds don’t know the rules of the road, they cross wherever they want, drivers are understanding, they stop, get out cars, give signals to others and wait patiently, ornithologists support and even recommend helping mother ducks, if possible, bring their babies to the nearest body of water, but be careful not to touch the birds with your hands, do not give water to water or feed them, the same applies to those that have fallen from the nests, this is evidence they are defenseless, in fact they just... have not yet come to terms with the realities of independent life, they are just learning, of course, at first their parents support,
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feed, but less and less, so that he gets hungry, scared, he looked around, and then began to fly away and turn into an independent adult bird, it is worth intervening if the bird is injured or there is a cat or dog nearby, then we transfer the chick to a safe place nearby, and if... they are going to be treated, it must be returned within 3 days, otherwise the parents of the year will forget their chick. the calendar still shows may 29, and this, by the way, is an interesting date: on this day, in 1894 , the first children's playground opened in st. petersburg in the petrograd country; it was built at the expense of the royal family. newspapers reported that children were there we were treated to tea and buns. today. 130 years since this significant event, anastasia telia studied the rich biography of the
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playground. nets, slides, labyrinths, a dozen types of swings, and 130 years ago a pond filled with sand, the first children's playground in st. petersburg appeared in 1894, the photo has not survived, here is a description of a similar one from that time we found. the first children's playgrounds were developed with the investment of patrons, toys were purchased, and storage sheds were built. such sheds could even be in the form of some kind a small amphitheater, board games were actively used, dominoes, chess, and they worked under the supervision of a teacher, there were even... like firms and factories, more like a modern kindergarten. in the thirties of the 20th century, playgrounds with sandbox swings appeared, first wooden, then made of metal. the first game elements generally appeared after the civil war, of course, there we began to be revived and construction actively developed. after the introduction of gto standards, horizontal bars and parallel bars, and after
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space exploration, the first rockets. in the seventies and in the eighties, sculptors were working on the platforms. architects, this is what comes out of an ordinary swing, we are just on one of these in moscow, the courtyard on novoallekseevskaya, and it was preserved on the weather vane for the year, 1977, you see, and it is ringing nearby, where the bells even hung, massive brick buildings, the prototype of the kremlin , mosaic sculptures of smalt tiles and even a swimming pool, such a paddling pool from 1978, but no drains for water are visible, the water evaporates. we all remember our playgrounds, and the main emotions are the grandmother of the family chulukyan talks about his childhood, it was a mushroom with sand, there were ceilings, well , it was meager, meager, but fun,
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dad’s favorite, of course, multi-colored tires, the wheels were buried, they also ran on them, mom had the crown sun on an iron swing, she covered me from above with a swing like that, then i walked around with bruises, now there are limiters everywhere, plus a safety standard that specifies the height of the playground, what should be the safe distance between the swings, what should be the diameter of the grips, inclinations, angles slides, up to each connecting element has a cushioned flooring, and if everything is done correctly, the whole body is the same, but without broken knees, and... good morning to everyone who wakes up with the first channel on the calendar wednesday, may 29, mask, i know you, this is so and i would like to tell the telephone scammers who call and introduce themselves as security officers, police officers, social workers or
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doctors, and it seems that we all know who the scammers are pretending to be, but they still... still manage to deceive us, so let's right now, let's remember once again all their most common masks, the tactics of telephone scammers: to scare you about losing money, thousands of schemes, but the simplest popular mask is that of a bank employee. the person is informed that a loan application has been submitted on his behalf, therefore, in order to now prevent the theft of funds, it is necessary to submit a mirror application for... a loan for the same amount, or transfer money to another account, of course, fraudulent , or install the application, they say this is a new mobile bank, in fact phishing scam. he downloads and installs the application on his phone, enters the data from his payment card, and , accordingly, this data ends up in the hands of the criminals, who subsequently
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go to the official bank application and withdraw these funds. you know, an official bank employee can call. you for only two reasons, to confirm or reject the operation, your yes or no is enough, or for the purpose of advertising. a bank employee will never ask you to install a specific application online, if someone calls and asks to install an application, then this is definitely a 100% scammer. if you are really an application, then just come to the bank in person, they know exactly which one is real. the scammer may introduce himself as a police officer, scare you about a massive data leak, or ask for help in solving a crime, but he will never say it. a real police officer. a police officer will never ask you to participate remotely in any law enforcement operation, the testimony is consistent with the current legislation, are obtained exclusively in written form only with personal participation. but no matter what they say, it’s scary to hang up the phone, what if the police officers
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are real after all? i would like to remind you that there is no criminal liability for refusal to participate in an operational ... another mask of scammers, a positive social worker, they don’t scare you, they make you happy, you are entitled to a payment, but this is also not a reason to dictate bank card details. the social worker will never ask for personal information, and will never ask you to go to the bank. application, clarify information about who is registered with you, not registered, no, and for this only a personal meeting, sergey morin, varvara fedorova, sergey namunko, ksenia maklyak, channel one. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we had 35 young pilots, we were walking around the city
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and bumped into my mother, he flew training planes over her house, took his suitcase, a blanket that my mother once gave me, with these things i came to their house, i offer you my hand and my heart, anything, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time. inside, tomorrow at the first, the mission to go into outer space is completed,
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, at the first, and what do you charge for this? if in the market this question is quite appropriate, then in a store or on the internet, you don’t even need to ask it, everything is written on the price tag, but no, sometimes one thing is written on the price tag, but at the time payment, it turns out that you need to pay a completely different amount. to buy a product for a ruble or 15 times cheaper than the regular price, agree, it’s nice, such failures periodically happen on marketplaces or on...
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revaluation of goods occurs daily. it happens when employees did not have time to change the price tag for some reason, maybe there was a glitch in the system, or there was not enough time for this, we are obliged to sell the product according to the specified price tag that was presented for the product, because the price tag is
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rubles without cards, without any card, cards i took these eggs in my hands, it says 151 stores, bank card or some other card, if it were clearly written here for me, as a consumer, that only if there are some conditions you get this price, this it would be for... if the store refuses to sell it to me, i will write directly to the complaint book, then rospotrebnadzor will demand that i sell this product for 125 rubles, and if i buy it for 151 rubles, they will have to return the difference to me. and if there is no price tag, the store does not bear legal responsibility for this, the product may be advertising or in preparation for sale. it’s another matter if on a shelf with a product without a price tag there is a similar product with the same name, but with a price tag. even if it is from a different manufacturer.
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colleagues from the information service of channel one, let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. first, about important amendments to improve the tax system. they were introduced into the government by the ministry of finance. a large package of bills. will spread for the planned period until the twenty-sixth year, this is the necessary adjustment that will make the tax system fairer for citizens and businesses, and the result is new
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national projects, support for families with children, the working population, those who receive more than 200 thousand rubles per month , will be affected by the new progressive scale. the threshold is made as a reserve; it takes into account not only the income of an individual, but also takes into account his expenses for the family. according to the ministry of finance, personal income tax for incomes from 2,400 thousand to 5 million rubles per year will be 15%. for income from 5 to 20 million 18. from 20 to 50 million rubles. 20% and for incomes over 50 million - 22%. we have not forgotten about those who have low earnings but are raising two or more children. due to tax deductions, the rate for such families will actually be 6%. the ministry of finance expects that tax amendments will be adopted in the spring session and will come into force on january 1 next year. now to the topic of svo, the crew of russian attack aircraft on airplanes.
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five interrupted the rotation of units of ukrainian militants in the group’s area of ​​responsibility troops east. the strike was carried out by unguided missiles at given coordinates. moving away from enemy air defense, we released heat traps and returned safely to base. on the ground in the ugledar area, the crew of the tosochka heavy flamethrower system destroyed an enemy stronghold, which was discovered by reconnaissance. a whole sea of ​​fire and 18 thermobaric shells were rained down on him, leaving the enemy no chance. in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the north group of troops in a counter-battery fight, working at a distance of 20 km, the artillery literally bombarded the enemy shells, destroying his mortar crews, accumulations of manpower and equipment. and in the kherson region, drone operators of a separate guards unit of the marine corps of the northern fleet disabled the ukrainian uav control center on the right bank of the dnieper. the strike drone was aimed at the target with pinpoint accuracy. the enemy's re system is working. we need to go around it. also, when
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flying, we try to fly as much as possible at maximum altitudes, that is, above 600 m and then 100 m and above. creation of new jobs, construction of kindergartens and schools, projects in the field of industry and investment were discussed by vladimir putin with the head of the republic of ingushetia, mahmud mali kalimatov. a working meeting was held in the kremlin, the head of state drew attention to the importance of creating favorable conditions for business development. praised ingushetia for its good demographic indicators and reminded the regional authorities that with population growth, special attention to the social sphere is required. your life expectancy is higher than in other regions of the country as a whole, and the population is growing, is growing up, but from here questions arise, this is the number of places in kindergartens, if
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this is the number of visits to clinics, so i understand that some of the most pressing issues, more than 40 kindergartens have been put into operation in 3.5-4 years, new ones, we now have a little left, only 3.00, somewhere all that remains is to introduce 37 schools that were built in these 4 years, but we have distribution rates, we are the second in russia, not only are they for children. for children, schools for schoolchildren, but these are jobs, and these are these schools, if you add them up, yes, more than 700 jobs. i look why is your industrial production growing? in this part , we approached this so closely last time, they aimed at ensuring that we already had subsidies of 44 percent, there were 42 percent, we had already gone down.
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let me remind you that in january of this year , official meetings took place in moscow between vladimir putin and the leader of the chat republic, as well as the heads of military ministries with the aim of improving interdepartmental interaction between the two countries. that's all for now, parents, attention, if you send your child to a children's camp, for to do this, you need to issue a medical certificate 0.79u, this is the most important document, without which the child will not be accepted into the camp. without certificate 079u, the child will not be accepted into any sports or health camp, options like hers... no, not everyone has gone on vacation, if duty groups are working, the medical office is also working. the same is true for schoolchildren, while preparations for the unified state exam are underway, a nurse is on duty on site and can issue
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a certificate for the camp, usually within two days. the third option is to order it through government services, they promise to prepare everything necessary in 3 days tests, the system will load from the child’s electronic medical record. we have. order 514n, according to which every child undergoes annual medical examinations, that is, there are both narrow specialists and examinations that are required by age. if a child sees a specialist twice a year, he also undergoes medical observation. ksenia sends both her son and daughter to the camp, and tried to fill out the documents online. it was not possible to order a certificate directly through government services, they advised me to go to, it’s easy public services. region, but when you enter the policy number yourself, it says that this policy was not found, i had to go to the clinic and get a certificate offline. at the clinic you can get it in just a day, again, if the child is healthy and has been visiting
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doctors regularly all year, either in the office the certificate is in one step, or in the pediatrician’s office, accepted by the local police officer by appointment, a child over ten years old will visit the pool, you will have to submit additional tests, this is also time. they may demand it. children's camp may request update dosages of important medications, for example, for diabetic patients. now there is continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels, so they also take all the medications that they do not receive with them and take a certificate. treatment adjustments may be necessary for allergy sufferers; russian specialists will also have to reserve time for the appointment. this is a large group of diseases, from respiratory allergosis to bronchial asthma, yes...
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doctors usually test for scabies upon arrival at the camp, but sometimes they ask you to do this the day before in their clinic. a child over 15 years of age or his legal representative can obtain a medical certificate. maryana zhukova, yulia kuvabina, sergey falendysh, channel one. in summer, the body asks for something light but satisfying. and there is an excellent choice of fish. pastry chef marina senitskaya is sure that the only thing better than fish is fish casserole, and that’s not only it. tasty, but also original and beautiful, i boiled the potatoes for a tender casserole, grind the tubers into puree, add butter and warm milk, mix thoroughly,
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cut the pollock fillet, but any other will do fish, fry the pieces in a frying pan, mix with green peas. while the filling is cooling, i will prepare the sauce. i melt 60 g of butter in a frying pan, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and fry for another minute, pour in one and a half glasses of milk at room temperature, mix with the filling, place mashed potatoes on top, like this in the form of roses. flower meadow as a bright decoration, cut boiled carrots into strips, lay them out in a row overlapping, roll them up, place the flower in the center of the piece, send the dish to a hot oven
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for 15 minutes, the potatoes are browned, which means the casserole is ready, look how beautiful it turned out, help yourself! this is delicious. look what an unusual athlete lives in st. petersburg. this is a french bulldog named baron. he learned to skateboard. mastery lessons. he took it from the owner along with the pet, the woman stood on the skateboard and showed how to push off. the student found himself with a muslin, and now it’s simply impossible to keep up with him. we also run with you further and present an astrological forecast for today wednesday 29th may. may 29, twenty -first lunar day, eleventh solar day, generally handsome, cheerful, friendly, pleasant to talk to and very inquisitive, adored. everything is new, unusual, original, and he is an excellent worker, if
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he gets down to business, gives his all, his bosses will definitely be happy with him, although there is one thing, he needs an approach, he really doesn’t like being controlled and pushed , the downsides have already begun, he is irritable, highly dependent on his mood, sometimes gets hung up on little things, on such days, unnecessary conversations take up a lot of time, conflicting information comes in, small but valuable things are lost, just keep this in mind, okay, by the way, don’t leave personal data anywhere, otherwise it’s a very good day when you can make great progress in business , and in general everything is going well, and today you may be invited to some interesting event. everything should work out for taurus too, things will go well for those who do something beautiful and at the same time durable, bosses will have a chance to decide personnel problems, and money loves you, although of course you shouldn’t waste it, especially if it’s coming soon. gemini's
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nerves may be slightly spoiled by someone's sloppiness or just laziness, but you don't get excited, after lunch everything will get more or less better, you may receive news that will please you, and be careful while driving. a not very smooth day for crayfish, possible friction with family or neighbors, colleagues or business partners may present an unpleasant surprise. take this philosophically, and the evening will improve your mood and have some fun. alcohol just don't get carried away. leos have a good work environment when work gets done and things get done. after work, it’s quite possible to go shopping and treat yourself to some small gift; the evening is a great time for a date. and virgo is having a good day, it will help you move something forward, agree on something with your boss, improve something, make it easier to understand, and in the evening , shouldn’t you go somewhere together with your loved one? a very business day for libra, when there is absolutely no time for home and family, your loved ones can help you... this reproach, remember something that you promised
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and did not fulfill, you will somehow try to be in time here and there, try not to argue with the older generation, scorpios run the risk of greatly disagreeing with someone in their views, even quarreling, a conflict is not excluded with your boss, this is definitely in vain, listen, maybe it’s just time for you to go on vacation, think carefully with fire, sagittarius is just having a good day when everything works out and even a little bit of luck, although there will be a lot of things to do, some unplanned work may fall through , but this will add points to you, and free up the evening for a pleasant meeting. will perseverance is your motto capricorn. even if something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t give up, try again, everything will work out. and if you have small children, keep an eye on them. aquarians will have a chance to show off their talents, brilliantly cope with some difficult task, earn someone's gratitude, and maybe even become a little famous. single aquarius you have this evening. chance: pisces have a good day to discuss something, sort it out, shake hands,
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to fill out some important papers, a useful acquaintance is possible, apparently on the basis of some common interests, and the evening is clearly preparing something like a get-together in pleasant company. good luck to you! vegetables from the new crop have already appeared in stores in markets: radishes, young cabbage, asparagus, green peas. doctors advise not to just lean on all this splendor. but eat for both cheeks, and eat urgently, that’s why there’s such urgency and what’s so healthy in these vegetables, alena krylova will tell you, she even compiled a vegetable hit parade usefulness. top five vegetables that should be on your table, just one reason - do it urgently. right now, after a long hibernation under the influence of direct sunlight, everything is filled, juices are moving and the maximum concentration of vitamins and minerals is underway. in fifth place on the list is radish. in the krasnodar territory, they are already harvesting
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by hand so as not to damage them. everything you need to go to the market or store, buy, wash, eat. ideally, while it's glistening with water. it is from radishes that we get potassium and magnesium for our heart, for our muscles, calcium phosphorus for bones and teeth, as well as copper and iron for red blood cells. we saw radishes with tops on the market, take them, cut them off and don’t throw them away. to taste. cabbage, only a little more tender. if you need a healthy side dish, take cabbage. fourth place in our ranking. we give it for its fiber content and more. it contains vitamin u, which heals the lining of the stomach and intestines, also reduces bad cholesterol, thus clearing blood vessels from atherosclerosis. here's just the stump that we loved to gnaw on in childhood, we still throw it away. third place goes to asparagus; its season is short, from may to june. asparagus has the same fiber and a noble nutty taste. it is important that when choosing
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, we pay attention to the size of the stem, no more than 2 cm. it should be green, this is how it is here now, like this, exactly like this. and if it’s already yellowed, that’s it, it’ll never be good again. here, in the fields in crimea, this is strictly monitored. they are not allowed to overripe so that all the vitamins are preserved. the harvest of green peas is in full swing, second place in the hit parade. the variety, uh, summerwood peas, we plan to harvest in the region of 8 tons. it should have a richly sweet taste. this is ideal for a salad or just for a snack. a source of easily digestible protein. and finally, the first place will be given to my simple greens, basil, different types of lettuce, cilantro, dill, parsley, and chavel. not only are these vitamins and minerals, it is a very healthy shrimp, it is a prebiotic, from which we then grow good bacteria in our intestines. combine , pour olive oil and lemon juice.
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they will help you better absorb vitamins and minerals. alena krylova, dmitry roshkov, maxim tkachenko, channel one. grand chaps, britain's defense minister, decided to bet on ukraine. we all must provide military support to ukraine. if this is not done, then the unimaginable cost of a russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries. due to his criminal incompetence, he puts forward very dangerous ideas and talks about the need to launch long-range missile strikes on targets deep in russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields where great britain has. have their own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is for all these guys to return home and continue to die there at the front for the interests of the united kingdom. pomatrosil quit. politically, of course . pr was important to him. his key goal
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is to become prime minister. the whole company is built on the idea of ​​a third world war. minister of defense. shabs the englishwoman continues to shit. dolls heir to tutti. today is the first one. on children's day. if there were no winter in cities and villages, we would never recognize these happy days. at the clock on the old tower, everyone in this world should not rush to get up. we are sailing. on the verzine, as on a brigancine, forgotten troubles, stopped betting, in love it doesn’t happen, everything is simple and smooth, in love it doesn’t solve everything, beauty, takes me away, takes
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me away, occupying the snowy gift. concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeniy krylaty, premiere on june 1 at the first for alexei leonov’s ninetieth birthday. good luck, little eagles, it's first time, on sunday first, attention, says
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moscow. good morning to everyone who woke up turned on their favorite program good morning on channel one, on the calendar wednesday, may 29, in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova and look what a pale toadstool i am, now attention to everyone for whom the word tan has a special meaning exciting meaning, we will prepare for the active summer sun, and we will approach the matter not casually, but seriously, we will find out why skin is necessary. already since the end of may, what cream use, in general, let's delve into the issue, because tanning is a delicate matter, very serious, it is important not to lose your health. the center of moscow - an outdoor swimming pool, like at a resort, full of sunbathers, someone started sunbathing 2 months ago. this is my
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first time going outside in a swimsuit. smart, the breeze is cool, of course, but the sun is quite hot . beginning of may, probably march-april, as soon as sunny days fell on the weekends, you can imagine what will happen in june, they promise hot weather. at least the first ones 2 weeks. what about ultraviolet light? as summer approaches, the sun begins to rise higher in the sky, and the higher the sun is in the sky, the less thickness of the atmosphere the radiation needs to pass through to reach the surface. the sun rises slowly from december and reaches its peak on june 21-22 at the summer solstice. then gradually the sun begins to descend above the horizon as it moves across the sky. and accordingly, the amount of ultraviolet radiation decreases, so may-july are in the lead in terms of the amount of uv rays in our northern hemisphere, but in terms of quality
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the rays are the same at any time of the year, so dermatologists recommend sunscreen from the very early spring, as soon as it starts to get hot, since ultraviolet radiation consists of several rays, one long and the other short, that is, long rays, they damage our dermis, where our collagen fibers, elastin fibers. it turns out that we provoke pigment spots, rosacea, and also xyrosis of the skin - this is dryness, 15-20 minutes before going out into the sun , apply sunscreen to your face, at least two layers, if we sunbathe, we renew the cream every 2 hours and always at noon, in the shade, when the sun is at its zenith, this is from 12 to two, we do not sunbathe and do not let the children out under any circumstances, and if there is a burn, then no sour cream, the immune layer of the skin decreases, it turns out that these bacteria that are in sour cream begin to multiply, and this will be like a secondary
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infection. in addition, pharmaceutical preparations usually include painkillers; it is also better to buy sunscreens at the pharmacy. the most reliable ones contain dioxide zinc and titanium oxide, they reflect the sun's rays and can be in products with any spf value. nikolai krysanov, yulia kuvabina, evgenia popova, channel one. how can i wait for summer? probably everyone is in this state now: 3 days, nothing, be patient, everything around will be green, the trees are blooming, but there is also the other side of the coin, pollen from the trees is everywhere, on clothes, on the car, and even in the apartment, how to deal with all this will the anti-dust mesh help, well, let's find out soon, there are not so many trees that irritate during flowering, now it is poplar, in in some regions it has already faded, in the urals only... topal is now actively starting to produce its shoots, of course, the buds are falling, now is the very period when we
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can encounter this. in june it will be joined by a linden tree. both trees have sticky buds. it is really difficult to remove these marks from clothes, from cars, equipment, even from shoes, because their secretion is very viscous and contains resin acids. some soften the material, others combine with it. they penetrate the paintwork. and this effect is especially enhanced when the car is under the sun. professionals recommend washing your car right away; if that doesn’t work, don’t put it off for more than 5 days. so you had it in the shade in the morning, then you stood in the ultraviolet for 2 hours, by the evening the sun had set, or maybe such an angle that it would be in the ultraviolet for 2/3 of this time, this is deep penetration. there is no way to go to the car wash, just rinse the car with water. traces of the kidneys remain, you can use improvised means. kerosene, alcohol, let's see what happens where the alcohol comes into contact with bud, they come off the surface more easily.
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another option is nail polish remover without acetone, available in all supermarkets, and it is also suitable for cleaning shoes. just don’t rub, just apply a cotton pad or leave a microfiber cloth for a while, otherwise the surface can be damaged. even during the flowering period, conifers generate a lot of dust. they , too, are about to bloom, a huge amount of pollen flies out, which settles on our cars, on our clothes, in puddles, accumulates, people sometimes have an opinion, that it is during this period that some sulfurous rains occur, yes, in fact, there is nothing dangerous in this pollen, it is non-allergenic and can be easily washed off with water, the only trouble is that there is a lot of pollen, it is carried by the wind and ends up in apartments, especially those who feel this who lives next to the main pine forest, a net can help... anti-dust on the windows, unlike a regular mosquito net, it has small cells, of course it won’t protect you completely from pollen, we checked, but
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it will delay a little, and of course, you’ll have to do it more often wipe the window sills and we continue follow the life and career of the unique faina georgievna, whom she trusted, whom she was friends with, whom she loved, with whom her relationship did not work out at all, look, you will find out everything, the color of the thigh, and the sleeper of the mash, i still don’t understand, irina, how you could. with this man, a midget thrown out at length, pricks from faina’s abuse, like sniper shots in rare periods of her life, she tried, honestly tried to be kinder to people, but as soon as i’m about to love people, some bastard will be nearby who will ruin the mood, she lamented faina, this is not the young lady, this is a grenadier, could not stand many
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theater directors, especially yuri zavadsky, you obviously want to become? figures from fain gjon's play, well, if necessary for the job, i can play worse. “i don’t trust myself to bad people,” faina said, but who did she trust and who did she love? ronevskaya’s best friend was actor vasily kachalov, what connected them? i think the sense of humor, the conditions of the same nightmare in which they lived, the similar perception of reality that these two incredibly talented people had. and smart and deep people, i smelled this, this is when they met, it was, it was impossible to say what a fainge is, he probably felt something, probably understood something, probably saw something, something that was not yet there for someone it's clear. fain, they call you cinderella. what kind of distance the mother of cinema, faina’s friends were
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wayward, smart, bright women, did not bear easily. something very life-affirming, i plan to call it the smell of decay. ranevskaya usually used obscene words, with anna andreevna she chose highly artistic language, you are much more than actress. lifelong friendship with actress pavla wulf. together we will heal your wounded soul. art.
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why just a hat? and look, in the hall there is not a single hari in a headdress and only you, like... victoria bolenskaya, channel one, well, now let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour, on channel one, news broadcast. this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning of the special operation, the calculation of the heavy flamethrower system of the vostok group of troops in the ugledar area in the southern donetsk direction destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian militants, which was discovered by intelligence. soon a whole sea of ​​fire fell on him, 18 thermobaric shells, leaving no chance for the enemy. in the zone of responsibility of the north grouping of troops
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, crews of towed geotsind b guns joined the counter-battery fight. working at a distance of 20 km, the artillerymen literally bombarded the enemy with shells, destroying his mortar crews, the accumulation of manpower and equipment, in the kherson region, drone operators of a separate guards marine units of the northern fleet disabled the ukrainian uav control center on the right bank of the dnieper. the strike drone was aimed at the target with pinpoint accuracy. the enemy's re system works, you need to bypass it, too. when flying, we try to fly as much as possible at maximum altitudes, that is , above 600 m and there beyond 1.00 m and above. now about important amendments to improve the tax system, they were introduced by the government's ministry of finance. a large package of bills will cover the planning period until the twenty-sixth year, this is the necessary additional adjustments that will make the tax system fairer for
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business citizens. well, the result is support for new national projects. families with children, equipping clinics, improving roads and cities. at the same time, the tax changes will not affect the majority of residents, only about 3% of the working-age population, those who receive more than 200,000 per month. rub. will be affected by the new progressive scale. the threshold is made with a reserve; it takes into account not only the income of an individual, but also takes into account his expenses for the family. according to the ministry of finance, personal income tax for income from 2,400 thousand to 5 million rubles per year will be 15%, for income from 5 to 20 million, 18%, from 20 to 50 million rubles. 20% and for income over 50 million 22%. we have not forgotten about those who have low earnings, then... who are raising two or more children, due to tax deductions, the rate for such families will actually be 6%. the ministry of finance expects that tax amendments will be adopted in the spring session and will come into force on january 1 next year. in ukraine,
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the training period for mobilized personnel has been reduced. now they are sent to the front line from the training center after just a month and a half. the verkhovna rada explained this by the influx of people, the same ones who are grabbed on the streets, in shops, in transport, and who are from military commissars. they are saving themselves as best they can, especially since the law on mobilization has been tightened. there are still not enough soldiers, there are no funds to train them, so training is carried out in a matter of weeks. there were figures that the announced recruitment of hundreds of thousands of people could cost ukraine $33 billion, which is not in the budget. french president emmanuel macron, following the nato secretary general , did not rule out the possibility of strikes deep into russian territory with western weapons from ukraine. the action statement was made during a state visit to germany. chancellor olaf scholz agreed with the french, although he had previously ruled out the possibility of providing kiev with long-range german taurus missiles. macron also apologized
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for the kiev allies, who hastened to announce that permission for the presence of french military instructors in ukraine had already been signed. paris called this statement inconsistent and unsuccessful. they added that kiev, without any permission from the west, has already used the supplied weapons to strike russian territory. for example, west of krasnodar, and zelensky claims that ukraine is now only using the first batch of long-range storm shadow missiles supplied by france and the uk. zelensky was invited to the nato summit, but there is one condition: not to insist on joining and not to put pressure on his allies, the british newspaper telegram reports. according to her , the alliance fears that it will be drawn into war with russia, and western politicians are also afraid of a split in nato itself. supporters of ukraine's accession, including.
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5 million dollars, the same one that is capable of landing vertically on an aircraft carrier. it crashed in new mexico at albuquerque airport. eyewitnesses filmed a cloud of smoke, grass on the slopes catching fire, and even debris covered in foam. the pilot is alive, he managed to eject and is in the hospital. the causes of the emergency are being investigated. it is known that the accident occurred while climbing. wooden spaceship is no joke, proven japanese specialists. in the country for 4 years. developed a satellite from magnolia wood and now reported the results: a cube-shaped device with a side of 10 cm, weighing about a kilogram, is going to be launched into orbit in the summer on an american spacex rocket. it promises that it
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will withstand space overloads, especially since it is not all wood. the frame is still aluminum. and there are solar panels. as the developers explained, wooden spaceships can help rid the near-earth space of debris that all satellites leave when there is no time for ends burn up in the atmosphere. in many regions of russia, a particularly dangerous season has begun: the season of the spread of tick-borne encephalitis, beruliosis and other very unpleasant diseases. as experts say, ticks are showing unprecedented activity, so it certainly won’t hurt any of us to remember safety measures once again. laboratory of the chumakov scientific research center, here they study ticks, how the encephalitis virus is infected, mainly in those in siberia, the urals and the far east, but recently in the central regions, though much more
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more often everywhere, mites with barylium bacteria. in 2023, there were more than 9,000 cases of lyme disease, while tick-borne encephalitis, for example, affected just over 1,700. it seems that every year more and more ticks appear. even where they have not been observed before. the first factor is geographically, global warming. due to climate warming, the spread of bastards to more northern areas has been observed, where they were not found. now they are showing up. the second factor is biological: ticks carried by animals, rodents and even birds. birds are additional hosts for ticks and can be carried over a longer distance. and the larger the brood in a given year, the more ticks. the third factor is anthropogenic. cities are expanding, where there was a forest, there is now a glittering cottage community, groves or fields. accordingly, the person began to approach these. the chemical
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forest belt on the approaches to the city is not treated against ticks, as before in the ussr with the harsh chemical ddt, which even killed larvae and other flora, it is dangerous to human health, it is now banned all over the world, processing forests will not help, because it is impossible to process a forest like that, it is its own eco-system, and it is impossible for this to help, it used to be like this...
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15-20 minutes, male tick sticks in for only half an hour, then crawls away, that is, we may not immediately recognize that a tick has bitten. anna obrozemova, sergey morin, anzhelika pankratieva, channel one. the calendar still shows may 29, and this, by the way, is an interesting date: on this day, in 1894 in st. petersburg, in the petrograd country the first children's playground opened, it was built with funds from the royal family, and a newspaper.
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it was reported that children were treated to tea and buns there. today is 130 years since this significant event, anastasia telia has studied the rich biography of the playground. nets, slides, labyrinths, a dozen types of swings, and 130 years ago, a rod covered with sand. the first children's playground in st. petersburg appeared in 1894. the photo has not survived, but we found a description of a similar one from that time. first. ski venues developed with the investment of patrons, purchased toys, storage sheds were built. such sheds could be in the form of, yes, even some kind of small amphitheater. board games were actively used: dominoes and chess. and they worked under the supervision of a teacher. there were even excursions to companies and factories, more like a modern kindergarten. in the thirties of the 20th century, playgrounds with sandbox swings appeared, first wooden, then made of metal. the first gaming ones. elements generally
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appeared after the civil war, of course, there we began to be revived and construction actively developed, after water standards gto, horizontal bars and parallel bars, and after space exploration - the first rockets. in the seventies and eighties , sculptors and architects worked on platforms, and this is what comes out of an ordinary swing. we are just at one of these, in moscow, the courtyard on novoallekseevskaya. and it just remained on the weather vane for a year. tiles and even a swimming pool, such a paddling pool from the year 1978, but no drains for water are visible, the water evaporates naturally, and these are the courtyards of st. petersburg, the repcoast two-story house, the climbing slide or the seven-meter high snake-gorynych from 1982, we all remember ours. ..
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playgrounds, and most importantly emotions, the grandmother of the chulukyan family talks about her childhood. it was a mushroom with sand, there were bowls, well , it was meager, meager, but fun. dad's favorite, of course, multi-colored tires, the wheels were buried, they also ran and jumped on them. mom has a crown sun on an iron swing. and she covered me from above with a swing like that, and then i walked around with bruises. now there are limiters everywhere, plus a safety standard that specifies the height. playground, what should be the safe distance between the swings, what there must be a diameter of the grips, slopes, angles of the slides, right down to each connecting element on the stilt. shock absorption and if done correctly, just as much fun, but without the broken knees. anastasia telya, dmitry likhachov, anna ryabova, channel one. well, let's move on, or rather, we'll ride with you on a bicycle. a healthy lifestyle is now in
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fashion; this is the case when you can keep up with fashion on two wheels. a doctor of the highest category, sergei arsenin, will now tell you how to prepare for a bike ride. carry it out in a way that will benefit health, in order to prevent injuries, we put on protective equipment, be sure to wear a helmet, and on a clear day, sunglasses, they will also protect your eyes from midges, and if you are over 50, i strongly recommend using a heart rate monitor, you and i should not allow your heart rate to rise during exercise . above 120 beats per minute, if you are just a beginner cyclist, limit your first walk to 20 minutes and choose paths without descents and ascents, do not immediately ride with excessive load, but i have been riding for
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many years, i can cover up to 100 km a day, ah... and to prevent the muscles from becoming numb, we stop every half hour to warm up, the easiest way to relieve tension is shaking, we stand up and vibrate the whole body, we rise on our toes and sharply fall on our heels to prevent dehydration and its consequence , leg cramps, during rest, drink water in small sips. ride your bike correctly and it will only benefit you. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we have to fly up to 45 days. from 11 hours before the start, the state commission changes completely
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crew. and let me know. the families of the victims entrusted the father with the one whom they voluntarily replaced, i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to the moon. at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would have eaten on the moon all my life, because my little baby died there. vaskhod 2 landed safely. heroes. they drive into the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, and then a man comes out of the crowd and starts shooting with both hands. dad survived by a complete miracle; one of the bullets missed his sight.
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the premiere is on the very edge, on friday on the first.
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at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, the first, on children's day, if there were no winter in cities and villages, i would never we knew these cheerful days, the clock on the old tower, in this world everyone must decide not to lag behind, we are sailing on a vezina, like a brigine on a forgotten trouble. stopped, it doesn’t happen in love, everything is simple and
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smooth, in love it doesn’t solve everything, beauty, takes me away, takes me away, appreciating the snowy far, beautiful far, concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeniy krylaty. premiere june 1st on the first. our next topic is occupational diseases. these diseases are also different in different industries. who is at risk, representatives of which professions are entitled to sanatorium-resort treatment and how these diseases can be avoided, that is, what about prevention, maryana zhukova dealt with. dentists have back pain, hairdressers have dermatitis on their hands, cooks have varicose veins,
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welders have field bronchitis. with a professional illness, you can go to a sanatorium, but this is only relevant for workers whose working conditions fall under one of four hazard classes. if a doctor suspects an occupational disease, he will refer you for examination to a occupational pathology center; there are 100 occupational pathology centers in the russian federation. various subjects of the russian federation in regional hospitals, but most modern specialties do not require sanatorium-resort treatment, there are two options left: first - the employer will think about you, care for employees today the trend is at least saving on sick leave, for example, in this it office there is a relaxation area, you can stretch your spine on the horizontal bar or relax in a massage chair, we all work as if on a team, everyone should be comfortable in the office, and this is already a manicure room, there is an extractor hood at each work table,
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and masks to protect against dust and odors. one of the main disadvantages of our profession is a very large amount of dust. it turns out that you are breathing in varnish, well, yes, there is tension in the eyes. once a day salon director sends employees for free back massages. the girls are very grateful, they appreciate it, i think that’s why. look to the right, left, down, at the tip of the nose, this gymnastics with the eyes, even short- term, at least every 15 minutes in an hour, in a calendar, in time, it will give a positive result to the legs and back, you need to rest at least every 2 hours, there is no way to sit down, just change position, shift, walk in place, in
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general, excite the blood. it may be in a certain static position, in tension, local disturbances in blood circulation occur and pain syndromes can gradually form. according to statistics, after 30 years in one job, occupational disease is guaranteed, so we identify our pain points and appreciate at least 10 minutes a day. may marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of the amazing actress yanina zhaimo. she played many roles, but for most of us she is, first of all, the little sister from that very film based on the play by evgeniy schwartz. but her life was not at all like a fairy tale. it's terribly harmful not to ride balls when you deserve it. it is very difficult to play a young creature when you are 37, you have two children, and the horrors of war are behind you. yanina
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zheimo doubted until the last moment whether she had the right to take on this role, but her cinderella became a legend. try to guess what i'm thinking about now? do you think about how good it felt to eat ice cream? i’m very ashamed, prince, but you guessed it, light, gutsy, yanina zhaimo grew up among the lights of the circus, and has already been banging on the drum for 2 and a half years. by the way, she can deftly climb up a drainpipe, pull a scooter off set the table without knocking down a single cup. at
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the beginning of the war, their daughter was sent to zhimu. son to be evacuated, she herself remained in leningrad, acted in military film collections, and after the blockade was lifted she went to the front with concert brigades. well, i don’t see that you are germans, i brought you here on purpose, this is for your grandfather, this is for your mother, this is for all of us, the train on which yanina was traveling to her family was bombed, the family considered her dead, what does it feel like? the children were happy when the door opened and the mother came in, as if in a fairy tale, end it, you are the best mothers, of the three, perhaps of all existing ones, as if they were filming a festive cinderella on a cold post-war film, they imagined the author of the serial film ranevskaya, which these days is shown on channel one. two extraordinary actresses with dramatic, albeit very different destinies,
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met on the same set, we sometimes quarreled with you, but you shouldn’t fight with me. angry, she didn’t play sunny girls anymore, she took up dubbing foreign films, voiced gerda in the snow queen, a miniature princess with an unbending will, this is how we remember her, 115 years ago ionina zheimo was born, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, you are my friend and i am your friend, an old faithful friend. inna kazanzhan, svetlana neymenes, ivan velchenko, channel one. now we are faced with an important topical topic - maternity capital. this year for the first child it is 630,400 rubles. the second one has 833. the amounts are indexed annually, but that’s not all. there is also regional support.
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details now. already more than 14 million families. its size is indexed annually in the twenty-fourth, maternity capital at the birth of the first child is 630,400 rubles, the second - 833. parents who received a certificate of primacy are entitled to an additional payment in the amount of 202,600 rubles. if they got another one. the funds can be used for the education of children, the purchase of goods for the adaptation of a child with a disability, a monthly payment until the third birthday for the formation of a parent’s pension, but the most popular direction is improving living conditions, at the moment it was considered advisable to spend it on a mortgage, education, as it were, has not yet it's burning with us
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they just took out a 25-year mortgage and sort of paid it off early. about 30 months. maternity capital is today the most popular and sought-after program of the national demography project to support families with children. also, thanks to the national project, most regions of our country issue a regional certificate in addition to the federal certificate. in the kaluga region - this is 100 thousand at the birth of the third and subsequent children. goncharov has already received regional payments three times. is everyone ready? go? yes. we saved up and added a payment we bought a large family one. car, these funds can be spent on any purpose. as if we were expecting an addition, olga was supposed to be born here, we needed to change the car to a more spacious one. they love traveling in a new car; they have already driven thousands of kilometers. we practically only drive and travel. the last memorable trip was at christmas this year to the city of sochi. i
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liked it better in crimea. in the year of family, new impressions today in neighboring obninsk. you're more likely everything. of course, in kaliningrad regions additionally support student families. one-time payment 345,000 rub. can be obtained by women who gave birth to a child while studying at a university or college on a full-time part-time basis, and those who became mothers within 3 years after receiving a diploma; resuscitator alexandra estomina has just such a case: when our daughter was born, i have already received an education, but since residency is like additional education, it seems like, well... specialization, there were questions: am i entitled to payments, and i turned to the ministry social support, and they confirmed to me that the payment applies to us as well. to receive a certificate for payment, a woman must permanently reside in the kaliningrad region, but she can study in any corner of the country and the world. in moscow, at vdnkh, in
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pavilions 53 and 54, there is an unusual museum. special purpose garage of the federal security service of russia. the museum is young, but very interesting, there is something to see there, and its collection is constantly growing. with details, maryana zhukova. one of the most unusual museums in moscow - the garage special purpose fso of russia. the retro cars have served their purpose, but are still running. the museum has fifty cars that bear witness to the era, for example, these from the imperial garage of nicholas ii and tsarvich alexei. lenin drove a similar model until 1924. next door is stalin's personal car. the m20 accelerated to 130 km/h, they called this victory a catch-up victory. the appearance of this car is much more modest than other models. indeed, this is so, it was a workhorse in
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a special-purpose garage, security guards drove such cars, and it was also the second car in the family of a politburo member. in 1958, our engineers and designers created their original zil-111a. headlights like crocodile eyes, lots of shiny chrome. for the first time in a soviet car there was an a-type engine, an automatic transmission, electric windows and air conditioning in 1958, for summer trips a blue zis with an open top, you can imagine how cool it is in the crimea or the caucasus to drive in such an open convertible. the museum is young, only 3 years old and is still just growing. own collection. the medal in honor of dzerzhinsky’s centenary was presented by collector nikita tamilin. from such small grains we can, as it were, take a peek at the
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life that, strictly speaking, was at that time in the kremlin in the twenties and thirties . you can see the entire collection in the museum of the fso special purpose garage at vdnh in pavilions 53 and 54. maryana zhukova, sergei falendysh, channel, well now, let's find out what events have happened in the country in the world by this hour, on the first channel there is a news release, this news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning of the hunting special operation, the crew of the tosochka heavy flamethrower system, the vostok group of troops in the ugledar area. in the southern donetsk direction , destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian militants, which was discovered by intelligence. soon a whole sea of ​​fire fell on him. 18 thermobaric shells, leaving
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no chance for the enemy. in the zone of responsibility of the north group of forces , crews of towed geocind b guns joined the counter-battery fight. working at a distance of 20 km, the artillerymen literally bombarded the enemy with shells, destroying his mortar crews, concentrations of manpower and equipment. and in the kherson region there are separate guards drone operators. a marine unit from the northern fleet disabled the ukrainian uav control center on the right bank of the dnieper. the strike drone was aimed at the target with pinpoint accuracy. the enemy's re system is working. we need to go around it. also, when flying, we try to fly as much as possible at maximum altitudes, that is , above 600 m and there for 1.0 m and above. now about important amendments to improve tax system, they were introduced into the government by the ministry of finance. a large package of bills will cover the planning period until the twenty-sixth year; this is the necessary
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adjustment that will make the tax system fairer for business citizens. well, the result is new national projects, support for families with children, equipment for clinics, improvement of roads and cities. at the same time, the tax changes will not affect the majority of residents, only about 3% of the working population, those who receive monthly income. more than 200,000 rub. will be affected by the new progressive scale. the threshold is made with a reserve; it takes into account not only the income of an individual, but also takes into account his expenses for the family. according to the ministry of finance, personal income tax for incomes from 2,400 thousand to 5 million rubles per year will be 15% for incomes from 5 to 20 million 18%, from 20 to 50 million rubles, 20% and for incomes over 50 million - 22%. we have not forgotten about those who have low earnings, but who are raising two or more children, due to tax deductions, the rate for such families will actually be 6%. the ministry of finance expects that tax the amendments will be adopted in the spring session and
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will come into force on january 1 next year. in ukraine, the training period for mobilized personnel has been shortened; now they are sent to the front lines from the training center after only a month and a half. the verkhovna rada explained this by the influx of people, the same ones who are grabbed on the streets, in shops, in transport and... who are fleeing from the military committees as best they can, especially since the law on mobilization has been tightened. there are still not enough soldiers, there are no funds to train them, so training is carried out in a matter of weeks. they sounded. figures that the announced recruitment of hundreds of thousands of troops could cost ukraine $33 billion, which is not in the budget. french president emmanuel macron, following the nato secretary general, did not rule out the possibility of strikes deep into russian territory by western weapons from ukraine. this provocative statement was made during a state visit to germany. chancellor olaf scholz agreed with the french, although he had previously ruled out the possibility of providing kiev with long-range german
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taurus missiles. and also. macron apologized for kiev allies, who hastened to announce that permission for the presence of french military instructors in ukraine had already been signed. paris called this statement inconsistent and unsuccessful. i will add that kiev, without any permission from the west, has already used the supplied weapons to strike russian territory, for example, west of krasnodar. and zelensky claims that ukraine is now only using the first batch of long-range storm shadow missiles supplied by france and the uk. zelensky was invited to the nato summit, but there is one condition: not to insist on joining and not to put pressure on your allies, the british newspaper telegraph reports. according to her , the alliance fears that it will be drawn into a war with russia, and western politicians are also afraid of a split in nato itself. supporters of ukraine's accession, including great britain, have created too much pressure on this issue. but the usa and germany are not inclined to rush. two sources told the newspaper that zelensky will still be offered
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a road map, but only in... the united states has lost its newest the $135 million fifth-generation f-35 fighter, the same one that can land vertically on an aircraft carrier, crashed in new mexico at albuquerque airport. eyewitnesses filmed a cloud of smoke and grass burning. on the slopes and even debris filled with foam, the pilot is alive, he managed to eject and is in the hospital, the causes of the emergency are being investigated, it is known that the accident occurred while climbing. a wooden spaceship is no joke, as proven by japanese experts. the country spent 4 years developing a satellite made from magnolia wood. and now they reported the results. the device, in the shape of a cube with a side of 10 cm, weighing about a kilogram, is going to be launched into orbit
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in the summer on an american rocket. promises that it will withstand space overloads, especially since it is not all wooden, the frame is still aluminum, and there are solar panels. as the developers explained, wooden spaceships can help rid the near-earth space of debris that all satellites leave behind when they do not completely burn up in the atmosphere. help, help the ducklings cross the road, really, imagine... you are driving along the road and suddenly you see a duck and its family trying to cross the road. what should we do? but this is not a rare case. it seems that there is a new trend on social networks, more and more videos, people helping a brood of ducklings cross the road, birds do not know the rules of the road, they cross wherever they want, drivers are understanding, stop, get out of cars, give signals to others and
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wait patiently, ornithologists support. even recommends helping mother ducks, if possible, bring their babies to the nearest reservoir, but be careful not to touch the birds with your hands, do not give them water to drink or feed them, the same goes for chicks that have fallen out of their nests, it seems they are defenseless, in fact they just have not yet come to terms with the realities of independent life, they are just learning, of course, first their parents support , feed, but less and less, so that he gets hungry, gets scared, he... turns into an independent adult bird, it’s worth intervening if the bird is injured or there is a cat or dog nearby, then we transfer the chick to a safe place nearby, and if looked and then began to fly apart and was taken away for treatment, it must be returned within 3 days, otherwise the parents of the year will forget their chick. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one, on the calendar wednesday, may 29, mask, i’ll tell you. i know, i just want
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to say this to telephone scammers who call and introduce themselves as security officers, police officers, social workers or doctors, and it seems like we all know who the scammers are pretending to be, but they still manage to deceive us, so let's right now, let's once again remember all their most common masks, tactics of telephone scammers, scare about losing money, thousands of schemes, but the simplest popular one is the bank employee mask. the person is informed that a loan application has been submitted on his behalf, therefore, in order to now... prevent the theft of funds, it is necessary to submit a mirror application for a loan for the same amount, or transfer money to another account, of course, fraudulent , or install the application, they say this is a new mobile bank, in fact a phishing fake, they download,
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install the application on their phone, enter their payment card data there, and, accordingly, this data ends up in the hands of attackers, who subsequently , by logging into the bank’s official application, withdraw these funds. know that an official bank employee can call you for only two reasons, to confirm or reject the operation, your yes or no is enough, or for the purpose of advertising. a bank employee will never ask you to install a specific application online. if someone calls and asks you to stop the application, then this is definitely 100% a scammer. if you really want an application, then just come to the bank in person, they know exactly which one is real. the scammer may introduce himself as a policeman, scare him with a massive leak, yes.
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during payment, it turns out that you need to pay a completely different amount. buying a product for a ruble or 15 times cheaper than the regular price, you see, is nice. such failures periodically occur on marketplaces or online shopping sites. i buy tonic all the time for the face in the price range of about 2,000 rubles. and here we look, the price is 100 rubles. it didn’t take long for eight pieces to leave the basket at home. but no one from technical support wrote anything to me. the goods were delivered at the same price, but in practice it happens: having discovered a failure, the seller can ask the buyer to cancel the purchase or return the goods. and the law in such cases is on the side of consumers. the only way to refuse to sell a product to you is through court, that is
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, the marketplace must prove that a failure occurred, provide the relevant documents, in practice it is very difficult to show this failure. the same rules apply in offline stores. revaluation of goods occurs daily, it happens when employees did not have time to change the price tag for some reason, maybe there was a glitch in the system, or there was not enough time for this, we are obliged to list the goods at the specified price tag that was presented for the product, because a price tag is an offer to purchase a product, so in legal language it is an offer, also the law is on the consumer’s side if the seller provided incomplete information on the price tag product or promotion, i took these eggs in my hands, it says 151. ruble without a card, without any card, store card, bank card or some other card, if it were clearly written here for me, as a consumer, that only if there are some conditions, you get this price, it would be
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legal, if the store refuses to sell it to me, i will write to the complaint book directly, then rospotrebnadzor will demand that i sell this product for 125 rubles, and if i buy it for 151 rubles, they will have to return the difference to me, but if there is no price tag, the store does not bear legal responsibility for this; the product may be promotional or in preparation for sale. it’s another matter if on a shelf with a product without a price tag there is a similar product with the same name, but with a price tag. even if it is from a different manufacturer, the consumer has the right to demand that the product be sold without a price tag at this price. in case of refusal, you can write to the complaint book or to rospotrebnadzor, attaching a photo of the shelf and price tag. a similar principle applies if the price tags are mixed up on... the shelf. moreover, in such cases you can demand compensation from the store for moral damages. in practice, the court decides such cases in favor of the consumer. maria nikolaeva, andrey ivanov, andrey aksenov, channel one. hug
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me nicolas, how to do this correctly, how to go to the cinema correctly, it turns out there are secrets and clues, about this, about many other things in the program, it’s great to live, today is the first children’s day, hello, what did you expect? he came to us with joy, but it must hurt between the shoulder blades, no, why does it hurt me, maybe you're old, maybe hey, girlfriend, don't get bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and you want something else, i don't mind, eat everything, you 'll be fat, i'll lose weight, thank you my dear, and if i break it, you it won’t... i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, good, that means i can do
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whatever i want with them, well, not that much, better than everyone else, premiere on june 1, on the first, for the ninetieth birthday of alexei leonov . good luck, little eagles, it's first time, on sunday it's first, attention, he says. moscow! look what an unusual athlete
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lives in st. petersburg. this is a french bulldog named baron. he learned to skateboard. the baron took skill lessons from his owner along with his pet, the woman stood on a skateboard and showed how to push off. the student turned out to be smart and now it’s simply impossible to keep up with him. we also run with you further and present the astrological forecast for today, wednesday, may 29. may 29, twenty -first lunar day, eleventh solar day, generally handsome, cheerful, friendly, pleasant to talk to and very inquisitive, he loves everything new, unusual, original, and he is an excellent worker, if he gets down to business and gives his all, his bosses will definitely be happy with him, although there is one thing, he needs an approach, he really doesn’t like being controlled and pushed on , the downsides have already begun, he is irritable and highly dependent on his... his mood sometimes gets hung up on little things,
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unnecessary conversations take up a lot of time on such days, conflicting information comes in, small but valuable things get lost. aries, have it in mind. okay, by the way, don’t leave personal data anywhere either. otherwise, the day is very good, when you can make great progress in business and in general everything works out. and today you may be invited to some interesting event. everything should work out for taurus too. they'll do great. those who do something beautiful and at the same time durable will do well, bosses will have a chance to solve personnel problems, and money will love you, although of course you shouldn’t waste it, especially if you’re going on vacation soon. geminis may be slightly someone's sloppiness or just laziness will spoil your nerves, but you don't get started, after lunch everything will more or less get better, news may come that will please you, and be careful while driving. not a very smooth day for crayfish, perhaps friction with family or neighbors. an unpleasant surprise, colleagues or business partners, take it
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philosophically, and the evening will improve your mood and have some fun, just don’t get carried away with alcohol. leos have a good work environment when work gets done and things get done. after work it's quite possible go shopping, pamper yourself with some small gift, evening is a great time for a date. and virgo is having a good day, he will help move something forward, agree on something with his superiors, improve something. it’s easier to understand, but in the evening , shouldn’t you go somewhere together with your loved one? a very business day for libra, when there is absolutely no time for home and family, your loved ones can reproach you for this, remember something that you promised and did not fulfill, you somehow try to make it here and there try not to argue with the older generation. scorpios run the risk of disagreeing greatly with someone, even quarreling. a conflict with the authorities is not excluded, but this is definitely in vain. listen, maybe... it’s just time for you to go on vacation, think carefully with fire.
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sagittarius is simply having a good day when everything works out and even a little bit of luck, however, there will be a lot to do, and some unscheduled work may fall through. but this will add points to you, freeing up the evening for a pleasant meeting. will perseverance is your motto in capricorn. even something won’t work out the first time, don’t give up, try again, everything will work out. and if you have small children, keep an eye on them. aquarians will have a chance to show their talents, cope with some difficult task with brilliance, and earn someone’s gratitude. or maybe even become a little famous. single aquarius, you have a chance this evening. a good day to discuss something, sort it out, shake hands, draw up some important papers, a useful acquaintance is possible, apparently on the basis of some common interests, the evening is clearly preparing something like a get-together in pleasant company. good luck to you! parents, please note, if you send your child to a children's camp, for this you need
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to issue a medical certificate 0.79 usd. this is the most important document, without which the child will not be accepted into the camp. without a certificate 079, a child will not be accepted into any sports or health camp, there are several options for how to get it, the first ones will apply to their kindergarten, relevant for children from 6 years old, no, not everyone is on vacation if the duty group is working and medical office, the same with schoolchildren, while preparations for the unified state exam are underway, a nurse is on duty on site and can issue a certificate for the camp, usually within two days. the third option is to order it through government services. they promise to prepare all the necessary tests in 3 days, the system will load them from the child’s electronic medical record. we have order 514n, according to which every child undergoes annual medical examinations, that is, there are narrow specialists and examinations that are required by age. if a child sees
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a specialist twice a year, he also undergoes as dispensary observation. ksenia sends her son and daughter to the camp, and tried to fill out the documents online. it was not possible to order a certificate directly through government services, they advised me to go to, these are just government services of the moscow region, but when you enter the policy number yourself, it says that this policy was not found, i had to go to the clinic and get a certificate offline. you can get it at the clinic in just a day, again, if the child is healthy and has been visiting doctors regularly all year, either in the office, a certificate in one step, or in the office pediatrician, accepted by the local police officer by appointment. a child over 10 years old will have to go to the pool, he will have to undergo additional tests, this is also time. they may require a general blood test, a general urinalysis, and a stool test for eggworms. the children's camp may ask to update the dosages of important medications, for example, for patients with diabetes. now there is continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels,
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so they also take all the medications they receive with them and take a certificate. allergy sufferers may need treatment adjustments, so make an appointment with specialists. this is a large group of diseases, from respiratory allergies to bronchial asthma to dermatitis, then it would be better for the child to visit a specialized specialist who will give recommendations on visiting the specific area where the camp is located. a controversial point is the lack of mandatory vaccinations; in this case, they may be asked for a fresh medical certificate or a refusal to vaccinate. now the emphasis is on vaccination and revaccination against measles . film test, that is, this is a test for tuberculosis disease, they examine for pediculosis and check the condition of the skin for scabies, usually doctors upon arrival at the camp, but sometimes they ask you to do this the day before at their clinic; either the child over 15 years old or his legal representative can obtain a medical certificate. maryana zhukova, yulia kuvabina,
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sergey folendysh, channel one. vegetables from the new crop have already appeared in stores in markets. radishes, young cabbage. asparagus, green peas. doctors advise not just to lean on all this splendor, but to eat on both cheeks, and eat urgently. but why there is such urgency and what is so healthy in these vegetables, alena krylova will tell you. she even compiled a hit parade of vegetable usefulness. top five vegetables that should be on your table, just one reason to do it urgently. right now, after a long hibernation under the influence of direct sunlight. in the krasnodar territory they are already harvesting by hand so as not to damage them. all you need to do is go to the market or store, buy it, wash it, eat it, ideally while it’s glistening with water. it is from radishes that we get potassium and magnesium
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for our hearts, for our muscles, calcium phosphorus for bones and teeth, as well as copper and iron for... we saw radishes on the market with tops, we take it, cut it off and don’t throw it away, it tastes like cabbage, only a little more tender, if you need a healthy side dish, we take cabbage, fourth place in ours. we give it for its fiber content and not only does it contain vitamin u, which heals the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, also reduces bad cholesterol, thus clearing blood vessels from atherosclerosis. but we still throw away the stump that we loved to gnaw so much in childhood. third place goes to asparagus; its season is short, from may to june. asparagus has the same fiber, noble taste, walnut. it is important that when choosing, we pay attention to the size of the stem, no more than 20 cm.
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koi is ideal for a salad and just for a snack, a source of easily digestible protein, and finally, we will give first place to just greens, basil, various types of salad, cilantro, dill, parsley, chavel, not only are these vitamins and minerals, it’s a very healthy khreshchatka, it’s a prebiotic, from which we then grow good bacteria in the intestines, we combine it with olive oil and lemon juice, they will help... it’s better absorbed vitamins and minerals. alena krylova, dmitry roshkov, maxim tkachenko. first channel. the serial
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film ranevskaya continues on channel one. and we continue to follow the life and career of the unique faina georgievna. who did she trust, with whom was she friends, with whom did she love, with whom did her relationship not work out at all? watch and find out everything. the color of the thigh, and the sleeper of the mash. yes, i still don’t understand. and how could you live with this man, thrown out in length midget, funny remarks like sniper shots, in rare periods of her life she tried, i honestly tried to be kinder to people, but as soon as i get ready to love people, some bastard will be nearby who will spoil the mood, fayna lamented, this is not a young lady, this is a grenadier, she could not stand many theater directors, especially yuri zavadsky. do you obviously want to become the main figure in fine gjordn's play? well, if necessary, for the sake of business, i can play worse. “i
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don’t trust myself to bad people,” faina said. and who she trusted and whom she loved. ronevskaya’s best friend was actor vasily kachalov, what connected them? i think that sense of humor, conditions the same nightmare they lived in, the similar perception of reality that these two had. probably talented and smart and deep people, he smelled it, it was when they met, it was, it was impossible to say that fain hero was pretending to be himself, he probably felt something, probably understood something, i probably saw something, something that was not yet clear to anyone at the time, faina, i think you’re like cinderella, what a passion for the mother of cinema, faina’s friends were capricious, smart me... many years of friendship with love
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orlova began with criticism. in a vinegary voice , faina criticized her hair color. you need to repaint yourself in balandinka, then it will be easier to make a decision. orlova's truth has changed. is it really that difficult to live without caring about the opinions of others? friendship with... ranevskaya usually used obscene words, with anna andreevna she chose highly artistic language, you are much more than an actress. lifelong friendship with actress pavla wulf. together we will heal your wounded soul with art. why just a hat? and look, there’s not one in the hall. hari in headdress and only you, like a mushroom . today on the first channel ranevskaya, don’t miss it. happy birthday to whom? lev
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nikolaevich tolstoy. victoria bolenskaya, channel one. our program has come to an end. i, ekaterina strizhenova, wish you good morning and a successful working day. see you on channel one. this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this issue. fair calculation, money to improve the lives of russians, they plan to improve the tax system, amendments from the ministry of finance submitted to the government. caucasian longevity in ingushetia they know what the secret is, but there are acute problems. conversation between the president and the head of the republic about social programs and
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business. bank left bank. right to establish a crossing even under heavy fire, imagine how dangerous the work is, there is no shelter, and there cannot be, their motto is, without us, no one, the filigree work of military engineers, heated protest, a fire at the israeli embassy in mexico, pro-palestinian activists also threw buildings mission department with molotov cocktails, in the gas sector - new explosions. panic attacks, biden's team is terrified. and from his real prospects in the elections, a leak in the press, even the star supporters of the democrats are losing their nerves, this is denira. you are gangsters, you are gangsters, fuck you! the ministry of finance has submitted to the government a package of amendments to improve the tax system. the main task is to make it more fair and balanced. many will benefit from the additional revenue. this is the solution
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of the most important social problems, the implementation of national projects. and here i am.


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