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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 29, 2024 10:10am-10:56am MSK

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now i have no boundaries, really, guys, and of course, i already want to go somewhere, maybe to a restaurant, so the idea is understood, i hope at this moment ivan has a mature plan for what he will do, i’m already generating yes , well done , ivan, let's repeat after me, light, uh-huh, light, you, you, very, very, beautiful, beautiful, i, i, you, love you, love you, i don't believe it, well, it's not difficult, light, you very beautiful and i love you very much. ivan, allow me to take a compliment, these are such legs, there is no way to hide them. evelina, what are you you say? in my formula of 25 fashionable wardrobe investments, the little black dress is extremely important. there is no universal little black dress in which you can light up the table at the bar and get acquainted.
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yes, thank you, but i want to say that indeed, in addition to the external transformation, something has changed inside, that is, this is not only a transformation on the outside, but this is a transformation on the inside, and i want to continue to carry this, to go forward with this, to become .
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svetlana’s loved ones, come to her, congratulate her, hug her, give her flowers. svetlana, we applaud the work of our stylists, we applaud you, we congratulate you, we are giving you all three sets of clothes as a gift from the fashion sentence program, wear them with pleasure. and if you, like our today’s heroine svetlana, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the first channel’s website using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile. device to qr code. see you at the first one. best wishes. studying the history of my country, i understand how multifaceted and vast russia is. and i from vologda pronishka. and hello to you from there. all the best to you, health, happiness. a lot
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of laughter, many years, the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, gold embroidery, gorodets painting, hello to the republic of udmurtia and hello to the kostroma region, glad that the fields are being sown and harvested, glad that something new is being built, this year i was in altai and this just a planet within a planet, only russia can be better than russia, we are the first to conquer space, we can do anything, russia. we love you, channel one, presents, hug me, nicolas, i want you to love.
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to do it correctly, how to go to the cinema correctly, it turns out there are secrets and clues about this and much more in the program to live healthy. so, dear friends, our first topic is not cinema yet, cinema is at the very end of the program, but for now unexpected ways to prolong life. i want to invite one beautiful woman here to our studio, i want you. ask one question: how old is she? ekaterina petrovna, please come to us, she’s so beautiful and well-groomed. so, attention, ekaterina petrovna, please, show for the faint of heart, splits, right away, right away, what should we pull, so that it can be seen, so that it can be seen, once. bravo, bravo,
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ekaterina petrovna shocked me even more with how calmly she gets up from the sword, how old is ekaterina petrovna? please someone answer how old? it seems to me, no more than 65, no more than 65, what other opinions, 70, more, i also think 65, ekaterina petrovna, how old are you, i turned 85 years old 2 weeks ago, anniversary, it seems to me, german shavich, we are with you at 85. not that, what about the splits, but we can’t do the splits now, maybe we’ll just sit down, but there will be two people to lift us up, i’m just shocked, i want to say that ekaterina petrovna is not a ballerina, not an athlete, she
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worked in trade all her life , that is, it’s not like we showed you a ballerina who has been doing the splits all her life, this person has nothing to do with big-time sports at all, but this is a person. with muscle culture, i think that physical education is probably an integral part of your life, right? well, until today i have a day, well, my routine is this: at 6 o’clock i get up in the summer, at 7 o’clock in the winter i get up, immediately an hour of nordic walking, then on the street, yes, of course, 500, it just turns out, five laps, 5,000 steps, then. i immediately realized that i have no abs, no stretch marks, no
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posture, nothing anymore, but it happens when i don’t have the strength, and you think, i won’t get up, you know, i won’t go, this is my thought in the morning, maybe it tells me: i need to is'.
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so, the first thing you need is what kind of education do you have, tell me, higher, higher, what did you complete? am i plikhanovsky? plekhanovskaya academy, who will tell? so what prolongs life? if a person has a higher education, then his life is extended by about 34%. and if he has 25% secondary education. why?
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usa, england, china, brazil, regardless of the country, it has been shown that if a person studies, he prolongs his life, reduces the risk of death, and preserves his sanity. let's look at the screen, why? because learning makes nerve cells grow. look how they grow, connect with each other, that’s why your mind is bright, 85 years old, and your mind is bright. so, the first point is education, the next point, andrei petrovich, do you have children? i have three children, seven grandchildren. three children, a lot of grandchildren, well, this is some kind of cosmic
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woman, so this also prolongs life. in fact, i’ll give you some studies. in fact, when. we investigated the age of dna, the biological age of our basic information molecules that program our lives, and it turned out that we are pregnant. as if the dna age is a little older than a year or two, no, a year or two older than the biological age, but after childbirth, immediately the age of dna becomes younger, that is, you have more potency for life, moreover, women who breastfeed have even younger dna, according to a study by norwegian scientists. a younger brain compared to those women who did not give birth or
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breastfeed, talk about the brain about life, gave birth to three children, 7-8 years old, three times 8 - 32, 32 years of youth added to herself, that’s why she doesn’t look 85, and what kind of skin there is, show me those cheeks, there are no wrinkles here, this is some kind of fairy tale, next is german shaich, next is friendship, friendship. i have a lot of friends, especially now in the active longevity union of pensioners of the moscow region, i participate everywhere, there are a lot of people, so we just want to show these shots from moscow longevity, because we adore moscow longevity, everything is free, clubs, physical education, that’s right, people communicate , people enjoy life, german shevich, communication, what gives, communication? first of all, it protects the cardiovascular system, there is general exercise, there is stimulation, there is movement
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, the risk of mortality and the risk of death from stroke are reduced, look how it has improved blood supply to the heart and brain, all this gives communication, so she is physically strong, and her mind is bright, and her communication continues to improve.
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almost every day, in the city of mytishchi we have a volunteer headquarters where they weave nets for the north military district, so i take part there, i take part every day, you know what they call it, old age won’t find me at home, i’m on the road, i’m on the way, listen , what an amazing woman, what an amazing woman, friends, we told you about the science behind long life,
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88, oh my god, we are just shocked, we we’re just shocked, let’s say this, before coming here, i just came in, i myself have a device that assumes weight, height, the amount of calcium and so on, muscle mass, i just came to check my biological age, that’s what the device says, that’s biological.
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these hairs improve cognitive functions and the ability to solve problems, let's reveal the amazing property of rosemary for barbecue, it... changes everything, if there is little potassium, then arrhythmia develops, and if there is a lot of potassium, the heart can stop altogether, tests for hypertension, what indicator will force a complete change in the treatment regimen? life is a continuous movie, if you really want to take something
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with you, well, take this food with you from... no, can you imagine, this is not youth-like, how to go to the cinema correctly? grand chaps, britain's defense minister, decided to bet on ukraine. we all must provide military support to ukraine; if we do not, then the unthinkable time of russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries. with his incompetence, criminal, he puts forward very dangerous ideas and speaks of the need for long-range missile strikes. against targets deep in russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields in which great britain has its own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is to return all these guys to their home and continue to die there at the front for the interests of the united kingdom. pomatrosil gave up politically, of course
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. pr was important to him. his key goal - become prime minister. it was the father whom they, at their own request, replaced, was tasked with informing the families of the victims. i spent 3 years preparing to fly to the moon. at that moment i thought, if my
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dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would have eaten on the moon all my life. on friday on the first children's day, hello, we didn't expect why you came to us with joy, but between the shoulder blades it should hurt, no, why does it hurt me, maybe it's old,
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maybe, hey, girlfriend, don't be bored, eat a pancake, bake it, and if you want more, i don’t it’s a pity, that’s it, you’ll be fat and i’ll be thin, thank you my dear, and if i break you, you won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do anything with them , whatever i want, well, not that much, best of all, premiere june 1 on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, oh, pum-pum-pum-pum-pa, friends, plantings have begun, everyone is at the dacha, and together with you we are glad to plant some kind of ant herb,
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today we have rosemary, an amazing herb, similar to a coniferous tree, a perfect herb. it was believed that the gods of olympus have wreaths on their heads made from rosemary, not laurel, from rozmarinin, and just a gift to the house. in ancient rome and greece there was just a sprig of rosemary, because it personified wealth and the divine essence. this is truly a highly respected
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plant. i must say that it has been grown for quite a long time, it is heat-loving. in russia now there are a number of frost-resistant varieties, we will talk about them later, but they have begun to eat it. a little later, although he gave this wonderful smell, aroma and oily viscous optisence, these are biofavanoids, this is immunity outward in plants, when there are such smells, this is immunity outward, for now i’m unlikely to give away just a sprig of rosemary, just tear off a needle and smell it, it’s very- it’s very good to knead it like this, it smells wonderful. and these biofavanoids have amazing medical activity, and we want to talk about them, if possible, i’ll go to the models and tell you, at this
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time our viewers are sniffing, sniffing, this plant immunity, all pungent smells and tastes are plant immunity, unlike us, our immunity begins to work when something gets inside, plants act prophylactically outward, with rosemary, then these biofavanoids, they neutralize heterocyclic amines, reduce risks cancer, moreover, this is not just
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such an experiment, well, purely observational, this is science, because they took different concentrations of rosemary and began to study it with minced beef first and did different temperature conditions, for example 6 minutes at... temperature 189°, 5 minutes 204°, that is, this is the temperature at which these polyaromatic hydrocarbons become - essentially cancer molecules, it turned out that from 10 to 20% of these molecules will simply be neutralized by these biofavanoids, so if you make a marinade for barbecue, you need to add rosemary, this is the first thing, but that’s not all, what else? it seemed that these biofavanoids, namely rosemary and no wonder the gods of olympus respected him, because they have a very interesting opportunity,
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these are our olfactory receptors in the nose, it has been shown that rosemary, by stimulating these hairs, improves cognitive functions and the ability to solve problems, so ekaterina petrovna apparently loves rozmarinchik too. launches, yes, this is the herb rosemary, you know, and we have different herbs in the kitchen, and we have to compare different injuries, let’s do this, andrey petrovich, so what do we have in the comparison group on the podium, dried rosemary and fresh rosemary, first and second place, you know, i also have to say, of course, rosemary has a large amount of indigestible fiber, it’s a herb, and such a dense one, and there... what’s interesting is calcium, of course, we don’t eat rosemary for calcium, but i must say that there is more calcium in dry rosemary, this is understandable, there is no water
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most of all, yes, but from the point of view of flavonoids, of course, fresh rosemary wins by far, yes, the ideal way to use rosemary is in sauces in marinades of those products that you are going to fry. today we will not talk about how to choose, because rosemary can be grown at your dacha, we have a wonderful guest today, he is an agronomist, a professional agronomist, mikhail rostislavovich vorobyov, we have beds, let's go plant and sow, let's plant, so let's plant rosemary, yes, let's plant rosemary. did you learn anything interesting about weed? yes, of course, well, in turn, i also want to tell you why rosemary smells so nice? rosemary has no other choice, let's turn to his
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pedigree. it belongs to the lamiaceae family, they have two very interesting qualities: first, all plants are from this families smell very good. the most famous lamiaceae are mint, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, lavender and, of course, rosemary, so they all smell very pleasant, in addition, all plants of the lamiaceae family reproduce very well. in this, yes, of course, no, there is nothing complicated, we can sow, well, actually, in this, we make a bog, sow the seeds, fill them in here, now carefully here.
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carefully from two bags of germushai, then bury, bury, they come off quite difficult, after maybe three four weeks, you have to wait, then you need to plant, the process is quite lengthy, it’s much easier to wait, which means we’ll stick cuttings in, yes, it’s much easier to go to the store, buy branches like this, this seems to me to be the most vulnerable to if there is a lack of water in parts of the plant, we free the lower third from the leaves, we will have it in the ground, this is how the rosemary cutting turned out, we place it. them in
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a glass of water for about a week, and during this time the roots will form; as soon as the roots have formed, we can begin planting them, well, in a glass, yes, guys, we'll be back in a week, this is such a beauty, thank you very much, plant your cuttings, like this, they will reproduce vegetatively, this is our answer to us, to the seeds, everything about food, rosemary is a wonderful herb , it’s time for us to talk about medicine, so, friends, the pressure scale, normal pressure is lower than 120 and 80, hypertension is considered everything that is higher than 130 and 80, and if the pressure rises, grows and grows,
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then you will inevitably have.. . a stroke, like this, like this, can go wrong in life, so much so that it won’t seem like much, because life after a stroke may turn out to be the life of a paralyzed person, life, but completely different, i always say, i don’t want this to happen to you, i can only repeat it, that’s why we have a project, my blood pressure, my responsibility, here they are responsible people, please stand up, people who... i want to say right away that it has become possible to take responsibility for yourself, because free smartphone applications have appeared that store information about your blood pressure, analyze it, prescribe treatment,
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correct treatment. sites take a blood test and the topic of our conversation today is called tests that change treatment, moreover, there are test results that require stopping some medications, while we are taking a blood test here, i want to invite one of the new participants in our project, oksana evgenna , oksana evgenevna, please come to us, oksana evgenevna is taking
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medicine. for blood pressure from the bycatch group, the medicine is called lisinopril, right? yes, what do you know about lisinopril, which one? is it necessary to do a test if you are taking lisinopril? and there is a sinus node, then the conduction system, the impulse is carried out and the heart contracts normally, if there is little potassium, there is
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such a situation, then arrhythmia develops, and if there is a lot of potassium, the heart can stop altogether, and you can die from this, then you’re screwed again. increase potassium levels. once again, this is not indifferent. herman shaich, i have a question for you: how often should you measure your potassium level if you are taking prils? if you start taking pril, you need a potassium test do it about a month after the start of treatment, and then regularly on a six-month basis, that is, you should do it once every six months. if you haven't done it at all. do you take prils, do this test, why? because if potassium is increased, then what is the requirement? the requirement to cancel or reduce long-term medications, in principle, we replace it with
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another drug: we cancel the bycatch of sortans, potassium is increased, the abolition of bycatch of sortans, prils are all with the ending adj, lesinopril, manapril, enolopril, and so on, sortan is it's all over. now look, give me your phone, please bring it , the adj is entered into the phone here, right now i specifically want to enter the increased level of potassium into the phone, as if, let’s see, here we have the same thing as ours, so , so, so, here the potassium is increased, now i enter the blood pressure numbers, the pressure is high, this is not your number, i am for... an experiment, look, right there, right there, right there, lisenoprel is canceled, the drug is canceled and a drug of another group is given for reduction doblemia, that's what you need to know, there is more than one analysis, but we will
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talk about other tests program by program, so, prils, sortans are canceled, potassium antagonists are prescribed - this is amladipine, which itself reduces potassium levels, of course, this is a recommendation . .. you need to know this, like this, no more discounts, we don’t have a doctor, we don’t have access, to help you, artificial intelligence, modern medicine, thank you very, very much, please sit down, and we’ll take a break for a while, and then we’ll continue, ranevskaya doesn't know that frankenbock they drew from it without showing the picture, you call for an appointment, frankinbok is seriously passionate about carlson, this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old, i’m trying to somehow justify my...
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on children’s day, let’s go, some kind of god-given radiation kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children’s programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who said there, well , i’m 20 years older than you, well, we you and i are now playing these funny and stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms. ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, they were, as it were, picked up along the way, but he loved yulia, his last call was to yulia. seryozhka was a real genius of children's television; he died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly
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miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, my childhood hero. june 1, on the first, for the ninetieth anniversary. kseya leonova. good luck, little eagles, it's first time, on sunday first, attention, says moscow. hold me nicolas, i want you
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loved me. come here. i want you to be my first. that's it, dear friends. how to do it correctly? we have such a cinema hall that we decided to talk about how to go to the cinema correctly, dear guys, the lights are on, there is no more darkness, and so i remember the saying of our youth, german shech, darkness is the friend of youth, someone in modern the world knows this saying or not, no, friends, this generation does not know this saying, because they. the light doesn't interfere, absolutely, all the secrets are gone, that's the
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it’s really terrible, it’s terribly sad, all the secrets of herman shavach have disappeared, and we are from that generation that knew that there is a great sacrament of communication, a great sacrament of touch, but we’re not talking about that, how to go to the cinema correctly, let’s invite two young people, who stubbornly ate the entire film and, as they say, were not distracted by anything. chips and cola, that’s our happiness, come to us guys, mikhail egorovich, visitors to you, so how to do it correctly, the guys ate with us, don’t stop them, at least they ate deliciously, of course, yes, mikhail egorovich, now they eat at the cinema, in our time they didn’t, it was forbidden to rustle, god forbid, you rustled a chocolate or candy, a grave sin, the whole cinema turned around.
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dogs, pizza, alcohol and so on, and if you went to the movies seven times, that’s already 13,000 kilocalories. in general, the daily requirement is 1,200, here in one meal you eat 1,800, it is clear that you will also eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, just for one trip to the cinema 1,800, in general this is a lot, while you are young - this is understandable, until nothing seems to stick, but sooner or later this habit will work against you. why such a brutal appetite for cinema? everyone was kissing, and you were eating? a very
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interesting film, so my appetite is sharpened. mikhail egoryevich, what’s the matter, why do you want to eat at the movies so much, why do people eat? the guys literally chewed until they lost consciousness. there are several factors here, here, but one of the factors is simply darkness, which, of course, enhances others, well, taste. sensations change, that is, they even did an experiment, they just gave people this amount of junk food, there were chips, popcorns, anything, everything you want, and we looked, people who just sat in a lit room, they ate half as much as those who sat in the cinema and with the lights off, this is the first, second is coolness, which when...
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you want to take something with you, well, take this, here, this kind of food with you from home, no, imagine, this is not youth-friendly, imagine, here it is, he went to the cinema with her, got it chopped carrots and crunches, is it possible or unrealistic, tell me, well , it’s possible, it’s possible, the question is how much
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it will be tasty, appetizing, that is, everything, this is the only thing that bothers you, yes, but what do you think, well, i love carrots, i would eat carrots. but depending on who you go to the cinema with, if it ’s with this carrot, but chips with this guy, we’ve been with this for a long time, he ’ll love me with a carrot, but if i were just starting to date him, i probably wouldn’t dare to take bring a carrot with you, well, like this, well, here you go, at least now with carrots, let them love you, sit down, my dears, this is actually simple advice, with your children you are going to whether it’s a movie or not, you’ll want to eat, but you’ll cut yourself. get some vegetables, bite them, it’s not forbidden, we call the next ones our kissers, come here, guys, what movie is best to go to, a melodrama,
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a horror movie, a horror movie for you, a melodrama for him, so, what difference does it make to you, you’re all they kissed equally from beginning to end, i think too. but it turned out that different genres affect health differently, for example, as you called horror films, that is, horror films, it turned out that during these films , blood clotting increases vessel, look what forms there, a blood clot, that is, a heart attack or stroke may occur, it is unlikely for them, they are too young.
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for six months you go to the movies like this, as soon as we turned off the lights, kiss, well, we do it every week, what time do we have to waste every week, immerse ourselves in the darkness, guys, what do you do in life, study, work, where do you study, well, to be a geothesist in and you are a biologist , a good profession, we we wish you. good luck , please sit down, sorry it's light, sit down, the next couple is visiting us, come to us, first of all, tell me how you like my dear name is maya, t-shirt, and yours, my
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name is danya, danya, hello, haven’t you seen, danya tried to hug you, but he didn’t dare, do you understand, right? yeah, did you hope or not, or did you come to watch a movie, well, yes, a movie, i come to watch a movie, not to hug, and no, and no, i understand, well, andrei petrovich, one more question that we must answer, not only for young people, because at their age everything is fine, they kiss well, they eat, it’s okay, they sit for a long time, and that’s okay too, but in ours we don’t kiss anymore, hence all the problems in the movie. at our age , of course, there is a problem, because when we sit in a movie theater with such bent knees, our risks of thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities increase, this is generally a serious problem for people with varicose veins, especially.


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