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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 29, 2024 10:55am-12:01pm MSK

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may, t-shirt, and you, my name is danya, you haven’t seen, danya tried to hug you, but didn’t dare, i understand, did you hope or not, or did you come to watch a movie, well, yes, a movie, i come to watch a movie, and no , and none, i understood, well, andrei petrovich, one more question that we must answer, not only for young people, because at their age everything is fine, they kiss well. “ it’s okay, they sit for a long time, and that’s okay too, in ours we don’t kiss anymore, hence all the problems in the movies, andrei petrovich, another movie problem, in at our age, of course, there are problems, because when we sit in the cinema, with such bent knees, our risks of thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities increase, this is generally a serious problem for people with varicose veins, especially." i would like to convey this to my mother and
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grandmother , i understand, it’s not in danger for you, and it’s not in danger for you either, there are a few tricks here, in fact, you can avoid this thrombosis, moreover, you can spend about 600 kilocalories while watching a movie, not eat them, but just spend them, and that’s i'm now i’ll show you how it’s done, lena vasilievna, i want, i want to show you this... the so -called soleus muscle, this soleus muscle, it’s very interesting, firstly, it can really help us avoid blood clots, because when it contracts , it really compresses this vessel, the vein then accelerates the blood, and if possible, i will show you what exercise should be done so that we spend those same 600 kilocalories, this is the place for kissing.
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look, this is the movement when you move from your heel on your toes, just sit quietly, raise your legs, strain the soleus muscle, it has a peculiarity because most of the muscles in our body spend glycogen in order to burn energy, and the soleus muscle directly burns glucose, which we have in...
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so good human decisions, and we are glad that you are going through this fabulous age, which is called in one short word: youth, let your youth be wonderful, we, as they say, in another age group, moved our legs, soleus muscle, strained, burned calories, we had a good time, may you live healthy, turn off the lights. turn on
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the movie, hug me, nicolas, i want you to love me, come here. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan ostashka and olesya loseva. our fighters continue the offensive in all directions of the front. and fighters in the ssu are increasingly surrendering, realizing that resistance is useless. according to the ministry of defense. as a result of active the guys from the unit of the southern group of forces carried out actions. now in
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the karkov direction you see footage of the destruction of platoon strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine, well , the fact that russia has seized the initiative in the entire theater of military operations is seen and realized in the west, that’s what george baros, a representative of the american institute for the study of war, said. right now, the initiative in the entire theater of military operations belongs to the russians; they dictate the place, time, intensity and pace of military operations. the russian army is in the kharkov direction. continues unabated offensive, the ukrainians are at a disadvantage, in the ussu they feel abandoned and are not eager to fight, because they understand that there is no guarantee that they will be equipped, armed and trained properly. well, what the west
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guarantees ukrainians 100% is death and collapse. now you are in direct contact with us and are leading the vargon zagov project. semyon, hello, colleagues, i greet you, western analysts say that the dry landers feel insecure, abandoned and don’t really want to fight, but in the north of the kharkov region are they somehow active there, how is the situation there in this regard? well, there really is such a real hack going on there, but the despair of the ukrainian military can also be understood, because the calculation that they planned about a week ago, we informed you in detail about the development on live broadcasts. our kharkov offensive, and the enemy’s calculation that he will seize the initiative by transferring a huge number of reserves there, last week we reported about thirty additional battalions, now it’s just a question and a figure much more, almost twice as much, if
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we take this entire front, not only volchansk specifically, but also the flanks, despite the fact that this transfer seemed to allow them to slow us down as much as possible. we managed to take two or three blocks in the current 24 hours, i repeat, this is despite the fact that the enemy transferred huge reserves to this direction, hoping that we would be blown away, but, as it turned out, we were not blown away, we continue to move forward, however, there is still a big and serious
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threat, of course, all these battalions are coming now it’s not in front of us, the reserve battalions are in the ssu, they are trying to outflank the right and left, but we are also ready for this, we see them... on the approaches, we hit with our artillery, aviation is actively working, in general, we don’t let the enemy, as they say, to realize all the ideas that he is trying to implement now on the battlefield, and in addition, right now i’m being brought to the exclusive report of our film crew, who worked directly on the front line in the fields, what is the logic of action: these are these reserve battalions , they were there, in that including those transferred from chasovyar, now, that is, we... have the opportunity, due to the fact that their positions there have weakened, there is less manpower, to seize even more of the initiative in the chasyar direction, and we are doing this, we are now very actively knocking out the enemy from the oporniks, we are trying to take the watchmaker one of its districts in pincers and what is called
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the chance that the enemy is giving us, we are also trying not to miss, so the news today this week is more encouraging than last week, i am glad to see you... report about this, all the details, by the way, about what is happening now hour by hour, you will see in our exclusive reports for your broadcast. let's get a look. hello everyone, this is the vargonza project, we are in bakhmut, which has become such a springboard for our further offensive, at the same time we are
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covering from the southern flank, from the northern flank from bogdanovka and from krasny, now we are visiting our old longtime friends, bars 13, absolutely heroic guys. we even managed to get chopped up by charcoal, they managed to distinguish themselves in the flint forest, now here, here they come just from the direction of krasny and now we are riding along the bakhmut on... a combat loaf, this loaf brought more than 300 soldiers to positions and also took out, evacuated more than 150 wounded, withstood 10 attacks, dodged ten attacks, and the tenth was an anniversary one, personalized, from the georgians , from the georgians, as you understand, but because the sample, i took it as a souvenir, that is, look, here it is, and the mine, yes, the mine , mine, mine, in hands. i have the same mine the tenth anniversary of this loaf, which
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tried to hit, but could not, is written for ukraine and georgia, but damn, this route, we have the most dangerous one, this route goes to the klecheevka, and that is, fpv drones here constantly control this way, who better than drone operators? scouts can tell you about the situation, the boys themselves are constantly observing from a bird's eye view what is happening on the battlefield, and they themselves are correcting the whole thing, so our brother with the call sign partisans is with us, partisans, like in general, things are going on on your side of the front, you’re on the red side, as i understand it, you’re a bit of a tickworm, how are things going in general? yes, ours are advancing, of course, progress is difficult for us, but little by little, we are advancing every meter. we’re helping the boys with everything we can, come on guys, come with me
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, sit down, sit down, what’s this, everything’s fine, we’re fine, what’s going out with you, we’re going out, i fell, let’s go, in general, we decided to hold off on walking for a bit,
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what well, in general, purely prevention and shoot do you start at everything that flies? of course, well , firstly, well, and our own, for example, if not in everything, firstly, this is a fight, this is one, that is , this increased attention comes from the enemy, these are two, that is, there are no more options for defeat right away, and there it already hit, didn’t hit, now they hit, probably yes, she fell, most likely they hit, well, maybe, maybe she saw some kind of target there, fell, now we’ll see, we’ll check. how many more times is the flight time 3-4 minutes, well listen, seven have already passed, even if not more, we can
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start to move on little by little, we will move on little by little, but everything is clean, quiet, in general we continue, yes, further movement, we won’t show which basement we will go into, well, as in any self-respecting unit in bars-13, we also have our own beer shops have appeared, guys are flying amikaze drones, hitting the enemy. brother, not so long ago, last time, on my last visit there were no drones at all, not observant, roughly speaking, especially komikaze, how long have you been doing this here, how successfully, what you can generally boast, but basically we work on manpower, on dugouts, that is, transport, the enemies no longer use it as brazenly as before, there was even one situation, i don’t remember at the end of february they brazenly. the tank was used, they regularly rolled it over a piece of iron once a day, worked it out, and then left, then at one point the allies, together,
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well, together with us, all worked on this tank, they don’t use the equipment so brazenly anymore, well, listen, it’s right in your life such a basement guy, this is the last time i i was blown away, there is no light, nothing, now you have a one-room apartment right here, i also see a workshop, but you are already collecting something here, doing something, yes, we are correcting, adjusting, even the same ukrainian ones. drones, sometimes they don’t work, yeah, therefore, if it separates from the projectile, then you can pick it up, you take it, you sort it out, this is already our resource, it turns out, we already hook our projectile, we’re already sending it back, that is, this is how it is now, yes , well, they fly in, fall somewhere, and if it doesn’t detonate, yes, you take it, remake, convert to our faith, that ’s right, yes, as such, basically now the birds just don’t let you approach, in fact they are afraid of contact, arrows, just this kind of, let’s say, human duel, they are afraid, so they either leave the position ,
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well, or they choose other drastic decisions, in general, the entire defense is based on air, roughly speaking, yes. if you got there, then you are already handsome and he will most likely just run away, we are moving slowly, probably, where can we go, but we have nowhere to go, we also have nowhere to go, in principle, this cozy basement now we will have to leave and continue to run from cover to cover, walking here, as it turned out, the fresh air is not very safe, it may seem that now we have every report about pividrons, well , that’s how it is, this is the main weapon of destruction, so guys...
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uh, we also don’t let the enemy relax, in principle we destroy these positions with all available units, from tanks, ending with fpv, artillery, brother, listen, well, look, before, if there were sniper and some kind of duels, then now you are between. yourself between firewood owners, so to speak, there are fights, in general, what does it all look like, well , that is, who, probably, will change his mind, who will deceive him, you talked about the incident, you just promised to show a video about how you burned in general their point, but tell us in general how it all happened, how it all happened, and the work of identifying
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the enemy’s positions, this is our fundamental task, it is clear that there is a door here, here it is a door, and under the door there is an opening from which light shines, it is clear that there is some kind of hole here that is closed by this door, to the right of the door there is a square on which the bird is directly placed and from where it takes off, well, move away from it, and then they began to work, well, in principle , this house, today it
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is no longer there, so the opponents were squeezed out of this position, today, based on unverified information only, right? klescheevka has already been practically cleared, let’s hope that there are already battles in the greenery there, yes, yes, let’s hope that everything will end soon, just like that, modern military operations are, first of all, war intelligence, but the boys try to analyze, we work, we move on. the most important thing is that you always think not about yourself, but think about the boys, about the fighters, so that everything is fine with them and you always joke with the fighter, have a heart-to-heart talk, and when you meet, this
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meeting happens, probably, even closer, probably than... relatives, we are glad to see each other, we are also a psychologist, and there is no way without this, i live for this, i came for this, so that, for example, a young professional, be he a sniper, be he a predator, for example, at least someone, so that he fulfills his work, and the rest of the other work, digging around, taking it, bringing it in, i did this work because i’m not a military professional, for example, this... i’ll rest for a minute, but i wasn’t distracted by work. just as quickly as we arrived, we leave bakhmut at high speed, despite the potholes, in gray, of course, we leave, but our driver is dashing, quick, minutes counted, with you was
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the bargonza project, ruslan khokkeyev, vladislav shamin, specially for you, dear subscribers from bars 13, and of course, especially for the first channel. the importance of drones in modern warfare is difficult to overestimate, but we must fight them with enemy drones. the popular front has launched a special application called radar, where each of you, seeing something similar to a drone in the sky, can instantly inform the competent authorities. qr code on your screen, download, install, let's fight enemy drones together. next, advertising is on the first. grand chaps, britain's defense minister, decided to bet on ukraine. we all must provide military support to ukraine. if this is not done, then the unimaginable cost
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of a russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries. due to his criminal incompetence, he puts forward very dangerous ideas and talks about the need to launch long-range missile strikes against targets deep in russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields where great britain has. to the interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is to all these guys returned to their home and continued to die there at the front for the interests of the united kingdom. pomatrosil quit. politically, of course. pr was important to him. his key goal is to become prime minister. the whole company is built on the idea of ​​a third world war. minister of defense grand shabs. the englishwoman continues to shit. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of
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the birth of alexei leonov. we had 35 young pilots. we walked around the city. and he runs into his mother. he flew training airplanes over her house. i took my suitcase and the blanket that my mother once gave me. and with these things i am... extraordinary from the point of view of others, but for me just a dad, a homely, good dad, space inside, tomorrow on the first, the mission to
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go into outer space has been completed, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we must fly up to 45 days, 11 hours before the start the state commission completely changes the crew. and it was the dad who was assigned to notify the families of the victims, whom they voluntarily replaced, i spent 3 years preparing for flying to the moon, at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown, he would have stayed on the moon, i... howled at the moon all my life because my father died there. sunrise, landed safely. the heroes enter the kremlin,
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following the general secretary’s car, and then a man emerges from the crowd and starts shooting with both hands. dad survived by a complete miracle; one of the bullets missed his temple. premiere. on the very edge, on friday, on the first, on children's day, hello, we didn't expect, why did you come to us with joy, and between the shoulder blades should it hurts, no, why does it hurt me, maybe you’re old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, bake it, what do you want? i also don’t feel sorry, eat everything, you will be fat, i will lose weight, thank you my dear, and if i break you won’t be sorry, i won’t
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? zhelka, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, well, not that much, better than everyone else, the premiere is june 1 at the first, for the ninetieth birthday of alexei leonov, well, i went, i don’t know, sorry , i am a diamond, a man has entered outer space. diamond 2 receive charge the trail is smeared 2 i don’t confirm, i ask permission to go out into the airlock, it’s first time, on sunday at first, mom, it’s
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also night in cosmes. too, let's go to sleep, and dad is also sleeping, the information channel on the first continues, we are working live, yesterday the whole world was waiting for news from brussels, the ministers of defense of the european union gathered there, the main intrigue of the day was their discussion of the issue of lifting the ban on strikes on the territory russia with western weapons, however... despite these loud announcements of the statement, the decision was never made. discussion the issue occurred after zelensky visited the capital of belgium, where he met with the country's prime minister alexander de crow and the minister of defense. naturally, zelensky did not miss the opportunity to talk about how much ukraine needs permission to strike deep from russian territory with western weapons.
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ale you can't. we cannot answer russia, it seems to me that this is unfair, but we cannot risk the support of our partners, therefore we do not use their weapons to strike russian territory and ask, give us permission to hit them, on their territory. well, this time zelensky lied especially sincerely, because the attacks by czech vampires on the belgorod region are just an exception, which has long become the rule for him, well, in general, those who are ready to give zelensky this long-awaited permission, but how...
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i know that he always demands more weapons, but he also wants to push inside russia, how realistic is it that the international community will agree to this? ukrainians ask why we can’t strike russian troop concentrations on the other side side of the border, even nato head jens stoltenberg said that this should be allowed. the fact that we supply equipment to ukraine does not make nato a country of conflict, some allies do.
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with weapons outside its territory, i think this is quite logical: ukraine is a country that defends itself, that defends its territory, its civilian population. ukraine has every right to use all possibilities for its defense. the next step is whether the west will give a positive signal on long-range weapons range? one of the changes happened today. the swedish defense minister talks about this in legal terms, but it is still clear to us. according to international law, ukraine has the right to defend itself with military actions directed against enemy territory, if military actions comply with the laws of war, this means go ahead, you have the right. this is a map from the lesois newspaper, it shows that ukrainian soil is being attacked from russian territory. we need to protect these territories, for example, kharkov. how are we
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let's explain to the ukrainians that... it is not allowed to attack points from which missiles are launched. in fact, we tell them that we supply weapons, but we do not allow them to defend themselves. we believe that they should be allowed to neutralize the military facilities from which the missiles were essentially fired. scholz looks at macron during this statement from macron that it should be allowed to beat, yes, these shots are especially for you, all because scholz does not agree with macron, as , in fact, the prime minister of italy and spain do not agree in italy, they too they are against...
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after all, the prevailing opinion is that it is necessary to allow kiev to strike deep into russian territory with western weapons. in the united states, they are still against this idea, that’s what they say in washington. we have heard very strong voices from allies regarding the lifting of all arms restrictions. the nato secretary general said the time has come to do this. the baltic countries, poland, great britain and the us congress have said so. are they all? are mistaken, i will say what we see now, just look at how russia carries out deliberate strikes on civilian targets, the ukrainian military is not hiding in shopping malls, schools and other civilian targets that the russian military continues to hit,
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so we will continue to support ukraine by supplying weapons to the front line, most of this aid is already there . as for our policy, it is that we do not encourage or allow strikes outside the ukrainian borders. position does not change, we believe that ukrainians can achieve success on the battlefield by continuing recapture territory using weapons provided by the united states. i can't speak for other countries, i can only speak for the usa. we provided ukraine with long-range air defense artillery . again, our position remains the same, but i leave it up to other countries to say how they want to use their own weapons.
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this is a very serious decision, i would like to make two comments for tv viewers so that, together with the western media , we do not mislead them when stoltenberg talks about use... i quote our supreme high-precision long-range weapon , this is exactly what we are talking about, because vampires are a hail, simply modernized, the same is our t72, which is modernized in poland, this is a polish tank or or a soviet one modernized, this is what we are talking about about high-precision long-range weapons , by and large, the supreme one named two of them called shedo, called attack, but by and large all that remains is...
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get confused, he’s not talking about ukraine, he’s allies, when he says ally, he’s not speaks about the members of the alliance, when the allies make decisions, they can make decisions, but nato does not participate, this is true, because nato did not make such a decision, nato does not even discuss such a decision, it is being discussed, note, this is the minister of defense of the european union, not ... almost all large countries, i will again
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quote our supreme leader, countries with a small territory, high population density, but large countries, germany, italy, spain, do not support this decision, they understand perfectly well that this is significant increasing the level of escalation, and russia in this case must definitely respond, how russia will respond, they don’t know, why then doesn’t macron realize this, you know, macron, what is this? the person who is talking, let's remember, let's count, these are well-known figures, and how many weapons france supplied to ukraine, compared, for example, with germany, three times less, scholz says less than macron, because he puffs out his cheeks, just like lansbergis in lithuania, like macron in france, are people who are concerned about their own political destiny after they cease to be presidents, ministers and so on, they need a european career, that’s all. in fact , the storm shadow is british, it’s the same missile,
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only different versions of the rocks, many times more were delivered to ukraine than the same ska, it’s just inflating the jokes, we need to treat this, that is, on the one hand, this is a very serious issue, that is, quite seriously, somehow he’s very serious, he’s really puffing out his cheeks right on the edge, it feels like not only his cheeks, you know, are cracking, but something else, when assessing this story, you need to look not at paris, you need to look primarily at... washington, berlin, these two, well , you don’t even have to look at london, because they just crap everything out of habit, they are in general let me remind you that cameron the first was the instigator of this, so when our supreme leader said about small countries with a high population density, i figured so, but we are not talking about the baltic states, the uk is very suitable, a small country with a high population density, they are scared, yes them them scary, but that’s why before this, too, you know, in theory they should have been scared, now , apparently, they understand that all the risks are of personal responsibility, here
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of course i wonder if germany, well , in the person of scholz, whom we know very well, very flexible, somehow, well, insist on your own? you know, i think that they are not afraid, in their irresponsibility, as the president of hungary said, they do not understand the consequences, they have irradiated themselves with their propaganda, it seems to them that we are now going to attack the coalition... they will surrender to the russians, they don’t understand, the president made such an unambiguous hint, he said in 2 years we warned you that there would be military measures, we did, we warned you when they hit belgorod that we would create a buffer zone, we did, now he did it to them this is a hint, but they don’t see it, macron doesn’t realize the consequences, it seems to him that france’s nuclear umbrella is protecting him, we won’t dare to strike... french targets or places of concentration of their troops, i’ll remind you that in addition to
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long-range high-precision weapons, which a colleague has already said, there is also, relatively speaking , a certain medium range, the french have handed over high-precision glide bombs called ham with a range from 70 to 100 km, quite powerful, for which there are already cases of use in the belgorod direction, that is, ukraine is using them with might and main, and indeed, using western technology, they are increasing their weapons of destruction. let me remind you that the entrance in belgorod, which collapsed in our house, apparently, it was just one of these new missiles with a range of 120 km, alha is a modernized, former soviet smerch complex. but it’s important, you know, what a point, they sometimes rely on public international law, the geneva conventions, the law of war, today you showed how they say, the swedes say there that ukraine has the right to defend itself, but pay attention to how they interpret this right, if before that they attacked china and iran and said, well, tell us, and you supply
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weapons there, so you are a participant in the war, then they say: no, we are not participants in the war, because that we are not the ones who control these weapons, so here we go... all these conventions say that cutting off combat operations first, everything that was supplied before this can be described as international trade, no one bans weapons, so if you start supply weapons to the conflict zone after the outbreak of hostilities, especially on credit, then you are not just a participant in hostilities, you are also an instigator, the americans, by the way, are so evasive about this that we are not inciting ukraine, we are not provoking application, that is, they apparently read the laws and understood what they were doing.
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simple questions about the barem sea there, well , others, in general, could agree, at that time, i’m just sure, he didn’t suffer from any dementia, if he’s talking about the possibility of striking russian territory with long -range precision weapons, he, as a person who heads a military-political organization, although he is a civilian like me, he still must know: that long-range precision weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance means, first, second, and the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this intelligence data,
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technically developed data, if for one strike systems, such as - and also on the basis of space reconnaissance they are preparing , is formulated, brought automatically to the appropriate calculations, they may not even understand what they are entering, and the calculation may be ukrainian calculation, enters the appropriate flight missions, but this task
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is not prepared by ukrainian military personnel, but by representatives of nato countries, well, these representatives of countries... this is a serious thing, and we, of course, are watching this very carefully, we look, everything is now going on around the events on actions towards kharkov, it was they who provoked these events in this direction, i think i
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publicly said six months ago that if they continue to strike at the residential areas of the district, we will then be forced to create a security zone, that’s all. recently i said, we moved on to this. alexander davich, to whom exactly did our president address, he doesn’t just say such things, will they hear him there? you know, here in this deep, serious, meaningful address there is a message at the same time to this so-called bloc thinking. on the territory of russia and, as already said, czech vampires have long been used for shooting in belgorod, but these are not
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long-range high-precision weapons, only those countries that produce them can give permits, there are not many of them, today we are talking about they said this, and the supreme commander-in-chief addresses the leaders of these countries, and he tells them what the future scenario of action will be.
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there were no goals, but now, indeed, the president said about this, if it is necessary to move the launchers deeper into the flight , then we will talk about the sanitary zone in other territories of ukraine, this is the first, second, stuntenberg suddenly and unexpectedly tried to clumsily draw up the legal basis. for the use of long-range weapons, push aside the manufacturers, that is, he said it’s clear that the long-range weapons transferred to ukraine become ukrainian and their further use is entirely responsible for ukraine, thus he opened pandora’s box, he does not understand that he is creating a precedent, there are many countries in the world that are either fighting with countries western, or are ready for this, but they do not have weapons, and the russian... federation could transfer these weapons, there are african conflicts, southeast asia, many places, the middle east, we do not do this, but in stoltenberg’s own words
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shows that it turns out that this is possible, and if he can do it, it will be possible for russia too, and this is also a very serious warning to westerners, you know, warnings are actually being given to zelensky there, stultenberg said that he’s actually not very good with him now he wants to meet, and in the meantime macron insists not only on strikes on our territory, but... hello, straight to the point: can
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polish french mercenaries change the outcome of the battle, radically influence what is happening now on the line of contact. let's first understand the terminology of what a mercenary is, that is, is it a regular part of the polish army, or are they people who are on vacation, conditional, yes, who received leave.
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and why the hell did we go there like that and get lyulya, it’s clear that they won’t be able to break the entrance to the war, the poles yes, but they will follow
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their own, well, they won’t break the entrance to the war , they will just...
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give their heroine, love for this fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, my head is in the right place, they told me i can’t morning until night watch tv, here you go, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, my funeral is going on
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, an orchestra is playing, instead of mine... these are hormones of happiness, where can you get endorphins? let’s not wait for mercy from nature, we’ll tell you what you can do in order to become happy, tomorrow on the first day, on the ninetieth anniversary of alexei’s birth, we had 35 young pilots, we were walking around the city and bumped into my mother, he was flying training planes over her house, took my suitcase, the blanket that my mother once gave me, here i came to their home with these things, i offer you my hand from my heart, anything, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time, dad received a call to moscow, we
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understood that we would also have to... to to get an education as a test engineer, so we started working together, there were 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary from the point of view of others, but for me just a dad, homely, a good dad, space inside , tomorrow on the first, task! upon going out into the open space, completed, i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and confess that i love
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my homeland, i love mother russia, because... i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land, and we will save you, russian speech, great russian word, very, very much, i love you, russia. i love you, we have one, magnificent , the best in the world, only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all citizens of our dear homeland of unity, a peaceful sky of unity, on the day of defense children, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children simply stuck to him.
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we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, at the first, the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. i'll be bored soon, i have 5 minutes left before entering the shadow and 30 minutes, i know i have life left if something doesn't work out. means what belyaev should have done, shoot him to death, that’s his work, he thinks so, he doesn’t, he doesn’t think that this is a feat, i honestly say, a man went into outer space, this is svetochka,
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when i met her for the first time, a schoolgirl, of course she would have a boyfriend, a rocket scientist, svetlana, it’s either now or never, there’s a picture on the left in the corner, the last hunt with gagarin, so i close my eyes, i see his eyes. it was more difficult for them; they were the first. a space odyssey by alexey leonov. premiere. on sunday on the first. the ministry of finance submitted to the government package of amendments to improve the tax system. the main task is to make the system more fair and balanced, they suggested. will be considered at the commission on legislative activities, and then at government meetings. alexandrevich, well , naturally, questions arise from people who require some clarification. it is
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very important to talk about this in a timely manner, long before it becomes law, so to speak, within the framework of public discussion, and this is actually happening. moreover, i want to remind you that this is some kind of experiment. before the upcoming tax changes were made several years ago, i mean an increase in the personal income tax , from 13 to 15% if the annual income exceeds 5 million rubles. and i must say that, according to the russians themselves, this proposal was accepted, well, firstly, because it did not affect the majority, and secondly, this money... it was clear where it went, it was sent, for example, to the circle of good fund , for treatment, for the purchase of medicines for treatment of expensive treatment for children with orphan diseases, and this was the first step
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that society is ready to move towards justice, because pay attention how many years in russia they have been saying that there is a great distance, a large gap between the rich and the poor, there is a lot of talk there was, but there haven’t been very many actions yet, so... the new system that the government is proposing, the majority of the country’s residents will not be affected by the tax changes, out of 64 million working russians at the moment they will pay other amounts only to 2 million people, that
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is, those who currently receive more than 200,000 rubles per month, it is important to make a reservation here that participants in the special military operation will not be affected by this story, that is , they will pay 13% personal income tax, as is . as is currently happening, the progressive personal income tax scale in numbers will look like this: for those whose income is less than 2,400 thousand rubles per year, the tax rate remains the same. this applies to the majority of the population of our country, for those who receive from 2.400 to 5 million per year, the tax will increase by 2%. those who earn from 5 to 20 million rubles per year. they will pay 18%, from 20 to 50 million rubles a year, those who earn 20%, well, over 50 million rubles. 22%, and the increased rate will be charged only from... an amount exceeding 2,400,000 per
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year. the result of the introduction of a progressive tax scale can be seen in every city, these are new playgrounds, and new clinics equipped with modern equipment and good roads and help and support for those families with children in whom the income, well, let’s say, is quite small, and the new national projects are the family, life expectancy, active life, personnel, and so on. alexander davidovich, but we see that it’s really, really... very overdue, yes, this reform, these changes, and it’s important for people to understand and know where all these taxes will go. therefore, it is very important here now to talk not so much about specific figures, but about the social content, about the principle of this taxation, since we are talking not only about increasing changes in the personal income tax rate, but value added tax, income tax will also partially change, the rate will be increased by... 20 to 25%, what is
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this money going to, this money? of course, primarily for social programs. russia is a social state. i would really like no one to think of an analogy with the current special military operation, since, for example, the first changes to the personal income tax were applied long before the start of the special military operation. it 's about confirming your status. social state of a fair state, we can talk about numbers at the same time, sometimes it is necessary, for example, changing the rate on personal income tax over 2-3 years will add 6-6.5 trillion rubles, this is the money that will be sent in the social sphere, we now remember what a large package the president proposed during his address to the annual federal meeting, these are all... worthwhile proposals, they must be
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firmly based, based on a sustainable source of income, this is that very calculated, sustainable source of income , i i’ll give you an example, in the russian federation there are 64 million taxpayers, the changes you just listed will affect no more than two, yeah, in terms of expenses, but in terms of profits they are positive, they affect the whole country, of course. more news on the first. this is news first. hello, in valery koravlev's studio in this episode. money to improve the lives of russians. the government plans to improve the tax system. amendments have been made by minkhin.


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