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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 29, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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in particular, to transfer to azerbaijan several villages in the tavuzh region; since the nineties they have been under the control of armenia. a couple of days before summer in siberia there are winter landscapes, this is the north of the tomsk region, a snow-covered road, there were frosts at night, several areas fell asleep, the weather forecasters had nothing to please the residents. it will snow over the next few days. well, while they are waiting for the summer warmth, the capital region is languishing under the anomalous weather for the end of may. the heat today is below 30 and this is 10° above normal, this temperature will last until the end working week, on weekends it’s a little cooler, but still not lower than 25. that’s all for now, we are following the development of the event, the information channel is on the first, the program will continue, it’s time for now, and we welcome the viewers of the first channel, in the studio of the popular front ekaterina shugaeva and nikita danyuk are our respected expert guests, a sensation. recent days against
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the backdrop of the abolition of everything russian, everything russian in sports, culture, art, science, after the start of a special military operation , including our russian athletes and football players, i’m not afraid of this word, were simply banned from various european championships, if you have a russian passport, okay, you can play, but basically you have to renounce your country, say that you are against a special military operation and so on further, this is roughly the story: it lasted literally until yesterday, why i say this so boldly, the fact is that just the day before it became known that psg, one of the most famous european clubs, winner of the french championship, and ligue 1, going sign a contract for 20 million euros with matvey safonov from the krasnodar club, i think our dear viewers and fans know that krasnodar just recently took second place and received silver. in
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the russian championship, and of course, this is on the one hand, you know, before the special military operation, well, there were precedents, our football players, the most talented, they really enjoyed, let’s say, attention, yes, interest from foreign football clubs, this could be great news for the sports world, but absolutely passable for the whole country, but now this is the most important precedent, because against the backdrop of the abolition of everything russian, this is the first transfer of a russian football player... after the start of the special operation, and who do you think was, well, not just happy, but most emotional naturally, ukrainian social networks reacted to this, by the way, we have samples here on the screen, i dare say, there was smoke, a huge number of explosions began to thunder, primarily in the ukrainian information space, like well, psg, indeed, one of the leaders of european football, is buying not just a russian football player, and does not even force him to renounce his country. world
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football, we are watching this transfer and safonov, who is truly a wonderful, great goalkeeper, has not yet expressed his position anywhere, but one gets the impression that there are no conditions to slander, spit on his homeland, and colleagues, the question for you is whether this is a signal that this ban is on russians? abolition of everything russian, well, little by little, different spheres begins, there will be no word, cancelled. listen, well, yes, by the way, as far as i know, there is information, open sources, that he is on a regular european union work visa, that is, keeping his passport, everything, just a simple work visa, the right to earn money, everything is there, it’s kind of easy there it was easily resolved and they say that there were no doubts even about this ; there was no insistence on the other side of the french that he should change his shoes in some way, it was. they say the basic conditions
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of the krasnodar club, so to speak, here we don’t politicize this side of this thing, we need it as a master, we need it as a specialist, we work according to standard international rules, in the international transfer rules there is no obligation to make any political moves, movements, change your passport, write citizenship there, be an emigrant or whatever - there is another person there, this is an ordinary russian person who is invited to a place of work in a serious, reputable, interesting place, this is just like our guys, it specialists, 80% of the guys who work today at intel, at apple, on so to speak, for all the major corporations on google, they work with russian passports and the corporations simply renew their visas regularly, 80% do not raise the political issue at all, russians, we work there, it’s just our place of work, that is, this is this, these are all political, this is how to put it, the tension around the rlakanta that our runaway journalists are creating, this is where they instantly turn all this over to us, how can we live here, for passports, let’s look at... the appearance
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of profiteering , this is in this case there is definitely no football player, said 80%, and the remaining 20.20 are in different stages, some are there for family reunification, some are there through an israeli passport, so to speak. got in, so it’s not that they are so directly politically concerned there, it’s just that their family situation is such that they are different, someone actually wrote, but in america to get a visa, how to get the status of a passport, it’s there from 20 years old and above, so there is a completely long history there, so i just repeat, for 100, we can speak specifically, 99% of russians working all over the globe do not make it their priority to politicize their place of work and their place of residence, and this means that the russians cannot be abolished or? sergei described in great detail how it should be, but you and i know that politics has long ago, especially after the start of the special operation, taken over everything, sports and art. as for matvey safonov, a truly brilliant goalkeeper in krasnodar, he goes not just to a european
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club, to paris saint-germain, paris, you can imagine, that is, france, macron, france, macron, huge money. there are stars, that’s it, so to speak, he played, he’s drakba, so to speak, that’s a lot, so to speak, he scored a penalty there, and macron’s team won, you can imagine, the very fact of that, regardless of how matvey safonov’s career turns out paris saint -germain, let's wish him good luck, but nevertheless,
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football is an unpredictable sport, sometimes they play very successfully, sometimes they sit on the bench, but nevertheless, the very fact that a twenty-five-year-old athlete, a bright football player, is a goalkeeper. and football is an art that is watched by millions, you know, yes, comes to european clubs, not just, yes, but comes to the french one, to the parisian one, on that field where macron ran in shorts in a t-shirt and scored goals, now sofro will be standing at the goal, can you imagine, what a powerful si he is, you know, it’s just a shame that in fact, matvey is not the only one and vechkin, who speaks out, does not cancel it all the time for russia, but at the same time there are athletes who change their citizenship, our athletes.
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happens when politics not only crushes, but rewrites history, because at the same time , a person’s consciousness is completely rewritten, here is an example for you, seemingly absolutely far from pszhobytie, and from europe, in the boryspil museum, ukrainian children are given a mythical story as truth, how the city in 1941, attention, was occupied by soviet troops, and 2 years later from they were liberated by ukrainian forces...
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they are just trying to fill their heads with the so-called false story about the soviet occupation and so on, but they are also forced to dance in circles in honor of foreign mercenaries, i suggest this horror too look, the french steel yak brother, i'm at once in the onkamy sky, i... you feel sorry for the kids, you don't feel sorry for ours, at whom they will later shoot, these teenagers, and this is the most terrible thing, because when from an early age children from they are made an instrument of hatred, russophobia, unfortunately, why , well, i feel sorry for the universal human, but i, like
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any normal person, understand that these round dances, it would seem, to songs in honor of the french mercenaries, then it will end with these kids fire. like this formation of public opinion in ukraine and manipulation of consciousness, what is it? ukraine will negatively rewrite the history
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of the soviet union, where it came from, and they are philosophers, they are as if not from this world, they say, this classic conflict of rewriting history by the current ukrainian government, this is essentially a conflict from, as it were , parents and children, then yes, by parents you mean the soviet union, ukraine came from your parents, you have no right, that is, this is not life for a child who lives in a regime of constant... swearing at his own parents, they are philosophers, they seem to turn it around exactly like this, they say: as long as the current ukrainian government remains, firstly, they conclude that this does not work, that is, it is clear, it works for the marginalized strata, it works for the nazis, with who we are fighting with, yes, but this definitely doesn’t work on a large scale, because everything historical remains, as before, people of the oldest generation, the one on whom the authorities are trying to rely, they are still respectful, calm, nowhere about this they don’t shout, they don’t write, they don’t know how to write these... all sorts of internet scribblings, they discuss among themselves and are proud,
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completely calm, look at awards, diplomas from the soviet era, and so on and so forth, let’s be honest, for now, well, at least you know how very important it is, i want, so that you and i understand, when we analyze some topics more deeply, look, changes in society begin with an idea, if the idea is not destroyed today in ukraine, the basic idea of ​​history associated with russia and so on, then this idea has the right to live on , when... all this foam, here this whole, how can i put it, zelenkovism, zelenism, all this will pass, you know, that is, it’s quick, that is, they are not dug up from the roots, that’s what is important, that is, we crush with propaganda, strangle, explain, rewrite, but the roots , yes, we mow down plants with a scythe, yes, the image of the metaphor is clear, but the roots remain, these roots are in the normal, in the present, in the indigenous, inner world of the ukrainian people, here is sergey vach, they remain no matter what or not, because now this is the feeling , that... it turns out that history can be rewritten very quickly, that history is as if it’s not science, but just some kind of political technology. you know, a very interesting
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question, in fact, is the question of whether political technologies are omnipotent, and whether political technologies can replace real politics. you know, a few years ago a famous american political strategist came to us here in moscow, who, at one time... you can take it apart back, right, yes, here, here, unscrew it back, that is, this is what we are now we see it in the test tubes
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of political strategists, on these sites, where children are marching, is created with the help of political technologies, not politics, i emphasize, political technologies, this is a hostile russia, ukraine, but why is this happening, because there is a request, because there are means, there are opportunities, in all of this, there are specific people who received the money that built these children.
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what is happening, it seems to me, it is very important to discuss this in more detail from the political technology side, whether political technologies are omnipotent, what trends we currently have in this area, my dear. editors they tell you that we have a call just on this topic, hello, please introduce yourself, where are you from and what is your question, hello, my name is andrey kogan, a student at the state medical university moscow, nikita iksrina, hello, hello, dear experts, here i am i would like to discuss the next topic, this is a lor rift and unexpectedly, i
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apologize, you know who she is, let’s just explain for our wide audience that taylor swift is in... america, because she is a leader of public opinion, in she has a huge audience, she can to persuade a huge part of the american population who are her fans to vote for this or that candidate, my question is, why is this happening, why does taylor swift have such influence,
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does she really understand politics, or is this just another political technology, thanks andrey . but at the same time, you must agree, we also, in principle, have public opinion leaders who express their point of view there, in principle, we also listen to them before the elections, it turns out we are no different nothing, i agree with you, you know, i would like to say that in fact in the united states of america there is a certain ukrainization of politics, because if we take the ukrainian experience, comedian zelensky became president, the frontman of the group ocean elzia, vakarchuk was also nominated for a political position there , well... he was promoted as a political personality, and by the way, golkowski wrote about this about the ukrainization of politics in the united states in latin america, and if we talk about the russian context, after all, everything is more traditional here, yes, we have crowbars , well, leaders public opinion, however, a really significant influence, in my opinion, is exerted by the elites and the elite consensus,
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including the will of the people, and you mean that in our country politics is still more important than this pop culture. but with them, on the contrary, it is easier to make politicians out of such stars, and this is a new political technology that is becoming more and more popular on a global scale, so we really see such changes , including in the key, as if in one of the key political forces in the world, degradation, andrey, thank you very much, the degradation is resulting in voters and the whole system, andrey asked a very important question, or rather put forward this thesis, can swift solve it?
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what kind of technology is this that will allow, yes, even a very famous singer in america, because it seems to me that in russia, for example, they know her less than madonna, britney spears there, and so on, yes, well, give the opportunity to decide her fate in in general, elections in the largest state in the world, colleagues, the floor is yours, look, look, well, first, first, strictly speaking, this is not a new phenomenon, if we let's look at the history... of presidential campaigns in the usa, then as a rule, stars of art, i don't know, sports, public figures are divided into two teams, yes, some will support one candidate, others another, there is conditionally schwarzenegger against stalon, but here two teams, that is, this is not , this is not new, this has always been, is will be, and
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no further than when the summit takes place, this so-called one, slander somehow, remember this , so to speak, everything these illnesses and intellectual and physical so on. trump, it seems
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strong, but for half of america they are ready for hell, but not trump, also a lame duck. and so, when there is a race between two lame ducks, a request arises for a certain figure that we could talk about, this figure will determine.
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rap artists, actors, and so on, can, at the time of the election race, really help a lot, in this case, the same biden, or nothing will help him, you
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have the floor. nikit, look, technology plays quite a big role in the united states of america. taylor swift is not just a lady who came into big pop culture, a country performer, because her mother is a very serious marketer, when she even gave... mostly young people vote for those who know how to create a dream, these are the girls, they can create a dream , she herself will not go into
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politics, she doesn’t need it, the fact is that she is talking about money, she needs to earn money, she needs to make a whole industry in her name, to support someone, yes, definitely, she made a bet, this the bet will of course be placed on biden, well, we should perfectly you understand whether biden will live or not, these will be different stakes, today's elections in... in general, the elections in the united states of america remind me of a race on gun carriages, some will reach the finals, some will not reach the finals, we understand perfectly well , that there are certain loopholes in american legislation, when a democratic congress takes place, within the framework of a democratic congress you can not give a damn about any ratings, you can bring in anyone, it could be michelle obama, it could be swift, but we see how capricious biden, biden is now, while he... is still alive, he is ready to go to the polls. and yes, we, as russia, benefit greatly from a politician like biden, because it is a politician like biden who is most effectively destroying
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america. it is under him that there is monstrous inflation, it is under him that everything that happens is to the benefit of the whole world. therefore, let’s say that we will be glad that a serious, strong leader will appear in america who will strengthen america. no, we don't need that. we just need a leader like the current one. the president, because he does not know what he is doing, but we know, we have our own vectors, and we understand what we are doing, and teilar swift is a good indicator of today. sergey sergeevich, look, it seems to me that there is a feeling that in america elections are still some kind of show, yes, where taylor swift as a star, in general, makes a decision, and what does this even say about american society then, that is, what is it, a weak political position, or people are so, so easy to manipulate, well, if it’s just a show for them. shows that they vote as they say, ekaterina, in the states there is a monstrous fatigue from politics, it’s not interesting at all, it didn’t start now, but 30 years ago, it started from the
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time when clinton was in office back in ninety-one, ninety-two... for the election, you like clinton, cool, he plays the saxophone. listen, how can you talk about the future president of the united states of america, based on the fact that his main characteristic is that he plays the saxophone, well, the nonsense of a madman. but no matter however, it works nonetheless. in fact, there is a monstrous fatigue from biden, a monstrous fatigue from the democrats, a monstrous fatigue from the republicans, when i talked to american youth, i asked a question, as well as me.
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trump, who is popular, defends other values, and so on, maybe has some trick up his sleeve, i just remember that at one time kanye west respected him very much, then he seemed to also move away from trump, will it be possible to find justice for taylor? swift, whom donald trump can present as quality, well, look, taylor swift is there for you, i want to ask who all these people are, except putin, our president. who else can compete with taylar swift in terms of popularity and you know, listen, we are not immersed in the inner realities of the united states of america. taylor swift is an empty phrase for us, well, it’s true, we don’t listen to this music, we don’t know these people, but americans love them, they really do, but we must pay tribute, now none of the influential showmen will help trump, it’s true, he can pull them out, but this needs to be done
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exactly one and a half to two months in advance. elections, because there is a so-called month and a half before the elections and a hundred days before the elections, this is when such important steps will take place, now taylar swift has already declared herself, but this means that this is not new, she has already burned those voters who could follow her, you need to understand one simple thing, music is music, and americans began to vote with a refrigerator starting in the sixteenth year, americans had never voted before refrigerator, they could be interested in interesting people, personalities and more...
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as it were, drugs are for the rich, drugs can be laughed at, but in america it’s clearly for the poor, and kennedy, when his family turned away from him, that’s what he was in reason, drugs, a question about donald trump, we, at least here in the studio for several of our episodes, have also observed a change in trump’s rhetoric regarding the situation in ukraine, in relation to russia, and just recently trump said, that would bomb moscow and beijing, if russia had invaded ukraine or china had invaded taiwan under his presidency. why do we see trump, who said that no, in principle it is possible to come to an agreement with the russians, well, it’s clear with the chinese, they are
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enemies. but why do we hear such militant statements in the spirit of not just democrats, but the toughest hawks from there? but it’s very logical, the fact is that it’s the democrats who are taking over the agenda. you understand, he is not just a showman, he is a very very crafty person, the word honor for him is a sound, because honor for him is show, well understand this, trump today is not the most powerful figure in the united states of america, and yes, a very
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important point, trump is not free from his obligations, not free from clans and not free from this shadow cabinet that is strangling him with everyone by any means possible, he is not a free candidate, and he is not a spokesman.
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will fall on our own cities and countries, his incompetence, criminal, he puts forward very dangerous ideas and talks about the need to carry out long-range missile strikes on targets in deep within russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields in which great britain has its own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is for all these guys to return home and continue to die there. on the front for the interests of the united kingdom, he quit as a sailor, in political terms, of course, pr was important to him, his key goal was to become prime minister, the whole company was built on in order to intimidate with the third world war,
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the minister of defense grand shaps, the englishwoman continues to shit, the dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, ranevskaya does not know that fakken boxing was drawn on her without showing her. you call for an appointment, frakinbok is seriously passionate about carlson, this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old, i’m trying to somehow justify my heroine, love for this fan turns an elderly sadist into a vulnerable woman, my head is in the right place, they told me not to do this in the morning watch tv until nightfall, here you go, ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. and here is my funeral, the orchestra is playing. instead of my photo, frek's photo. in our studio,
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friends, endorphins are hormones of happiness. where can you get endorphins? let's not wait for mercy from nature, we will tell you what you can do to become. drained tomorrow on the first children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, he didn't... he took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, it couldn't be played, it was like this my boyfriend, who was like saying, well, i ’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are now playing these funny stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he was running through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, so these were all his wives, they were, as it were, picked up along the way, but he loved yulia, his last call was yulia, the earring was a real genius. children's television died in general at the age of genius, we
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certainly miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, on first, on children's day, hello, we didn't expect what you came to us with, with joy, it must hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe you're old, maybe , hey, girlfriend, don't be bored, eat a pancake, bake, and you want more, i don't mind, eat everything, you'll be fat, i'll lose weight, thank you my dear, and if i break it, you won't it will be a pity, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them. so much better than anyone, the premiere is on
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june 1, on the first, on children's day, if not there were sims in cities and villages, we would never have known these cheerful days, the clock on the old tower, in this world everyone should, not in a hurry not to get up, we are sailing on... there is no such thing in love, everything is simple and smooth, in love it doesn’t solve everything, beauty takes me away, takes me away into the ringing snowy distance, beautiful. concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth
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of composer evgeny krylaty. premiere june 1st on the first. the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live. the work of a military correspondent on the front line is always risk associated with the threat of losing one's own life. yesterday there was another case, fortunately, everyone is alive, but the case is indicative. our colleagues yesterday. were returning to the base from volchansk, returning to the buggy, they were blown up by a ukrainian mine, the rear wheels flew off, the steering wheel of the car was damaged, the driver had difficulty keeping the car on the road, operator alexander pushin was injured, our great friend alexander kots was riding in the same buggy, now he with us in direct contact, i don’t know his emotions, after what happened, well let's try to find out, alexander, hello, yes, good afternoon, colleagues, yesterday i watched when these shots were. yes, when alexander’s leg was bandaged, with a tourniquet or
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a tourniquet, blood was oozing, i didn’t know that you were in that car, when i found out about this, i was surprised at the emotions, because you are always extremely calm, and now you’re also calm, as if nothing had happened, well , how it was, tell us what you experienced at that moment, but to be honest, everything happened somehow very everyday, that is, there were no super emotions, we worked in volchansk, were the first... series and
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this whole thing is being used very massively in order to clear space for the advance of our attack aircraft, in recent days this advance has slowed down a little, because the enemy has pulled all of its strategic operational reserves to this section of the front, i emphasize, all in his rear there are no strategic operational reserves left, there are tactical reserves that are called upon... to do rotation there, change the wounded, but there are no strategic reserves, they are all in the kharkov direction, and here are the most elite units, in addition to the usual motorized rifles prohibited in russia, various... the russian organization includes the entire personnel of the special forces of the main intelligence directorate; last week they transferred the thirty -sixth marine brigade, the seventy -first jaeger brigade, the eighty-second air assault brigade, which last year got work, it is armed there with mulders
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and strikers, and challengers and other western equipment, which in the current conditions on this section of the front is absolutely... useless, because all the movements are here mostly on foot for many, many kilometers, or that’s how we drove on the bug, actually stopped by, looked in the northern part of volchansk, how our army is gradually moving to an active defense in anticipation of an enemy counterattack, and it will follow, i think soon, maybe even in the first days of june, and of course these battles here can have strategists... significance, in principle, for the entire special military operation, because if we destroy here most of the strategic reserve, the enemy’s operational reserve, his most combative and motivated units that are best trained and equipped, then this will certainly play into our
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hands for further advancement, including in other sectors of the front, having actually worked in this place at this point, in short dashes it is impossible to be there on duty, due to duty there is apparently 3-4 minutes in an open area, because the sky is literally teeming with drones and scouts and komikazes, and you never know whether it’s your drone or an enemy drone buzzing, so the movement is minimal, if they are in short dashes, they sat back in the bugs on we began to leave the city at high speed and in the place where we actually stopped and... where evacuation vehicles and delivery vehicles were passing, suddenly there was this mine, it felt like it was an anti-personnel mine, that is, it was not some old one a mine, it was laid literally an hour there, while we were away at the same place with a copter and a copter, this is remote mining either
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with a copter or there are 15mm artillery shells that scatter similar mines, but i think it was a copter... we we also use the same technologies, we have a special mining battalion, the only one in russia, which is engaged in such aerial mining using fpv copters, the rear wheels were actually torn off, and to be honest, we in the cockpit thought that it was an fpv drone that flew into the back of our buggy, they didn’t immediately realize that they had been blown up, they just tossed the car a little, so i also didn’t immediately understand that sasha pushin was wounded, it was just when we were landing. in a bug, we immediately agreed, i shoot to the right, he shoots to the left, and so i shot to the right after the explosion, he continued, suddenly i turn around and see that he is tightening the turnstile, that is, these are your shots, yes, that is, from yours, from your camera, from my camera, he himself was filming, in general, honestly, here’s
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me as a woman, i’m interested in how he feels now, i’ll finish a little now, because it seems to me that this is completely indecent composure. for such a situation, sanya didn’t just react instantly , he immediately pulled his leg, which was very important in that situation, after pulling his leg, he took out the camera continued filming, he didn’t quit his job, he filmed until the end, then they decided to leave the bugs, they left the wounded sasha and the driver on the bug, they left, we left on foot, and so then, when we were already at the hospital picking up his phone, he was filming in that including all this road right up to the checkpoint where he was transferred.
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we foresee different options in advance, we develop plans for any scenario that the enemy will try to present,
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fortunately now everything is in sight, and our reconnaissance is working perfectly, reconnaissance counter is working excellent, we are not just fighting there in some close rear, we are destroying the enemy on the approaches, we are on the distant approaches, yes, as they say, and we will be ready, of course, to take this blow, repel it and... continue our offensive, thank you very much, special correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda media holding, alexander kots, was in direct contact with us. well, every day things are getting worse for ukraine on the front line, the western press is simply waiting with bated breath to see what will happen next, foreign journalists they wonder whether ukraine will be able to pay when new western aid finally arrives. ukraine is struggling to defend its
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positions from russian aggression and an acute shortage of soldiers and ammunition. western media paint a gloomy picture of what is happening on the battlefield. as the war continued , the high-tech weapons systems that had helped kiev fight russia were now rendered useless. all because moscow has learned to suppress radio signals. russian drones pose a huge threat to ukrainian troops during attacks with most of the air is hidden among the trees. ukraine says the russian army's advance has now slowed, but a fierce artillery battle is still ongoing, making it difficult to push the russians back.
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the danger for ukrainians has not yet passed, although many are talking about stabilization in the kharkov sector of the front. yes, the russians may retreat a little, trying to hold the captured positions, but then they will strike back again. we have repeatedly said in recent days that ukrainians are now facing withdraw troops and redeploy them to other parts of the battlefield, and the russians take advantage of this and continue to achieve tactical successes. they work again and again. in the donetsk region, they have already managed to capture the villages of netaylovo and ivanovka, so this only means one thing: the russians are moving
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forward step by step in the combat zone, even if in the north the situation for the ukrainians again looks like... well, in the west they believe that ukraine’s failures are not primarily due to the lack of weapons at the front, but to the lack of people ready to go to this front, that’s what nbc reports. ukraine urgently needs new soldiers, but some ukrainians are concerned about brutal fighting and active conscription. they are desperately trying to avoid it, the evaders are trying to illegally cross the checkpoint using fake documents. many people experience cognitive dissonance, that is, people, on the one hand, want victory for their country, but on the other hand, they do not want to be drafted or for their loved one to be drafted. at the beginning of the conflict, volunteers stood in line, but now this fervor has faded. a lack of people is now an issue that could determine ukraine's fate, even if
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kiev is able to maintain western support. ukraine is suffering colossal losses, so the american economist jeffrey sack, whom time magazine twice included in the list of the 100 most influential people in the world, in an interview with tucker carlosen named the number of ukrainian militants who actually died, which greatly shocked the audience. the us authorities expected that they would achieve their goal through bluff or due to the superiority of financial power; they simply bet, but not themselves, on other people’s lives.
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said goodbye, but failed to bury, we in november of twenty-two we were waiting for the national memorial cemetery, and now we are at a loss and don’t know what to do, the mound with ashes is at home, a place in the cemetery, well, i wouldn’t call it a worthy gift from states, local cemeteries are occupied, there is no space, burials take place somewhere under fences, but it is surprising that not all ukrainians are in a hurry to get to the front and from there directly to the cemetery. a video is spreading across the network of how a man took advantage of the hesitation of the dnepropetrovsk military commissars, who they wanted to pick him up, they pushed him onto the bus, but he seized the moment and climbed out of the window of the bus, got on his bike and rode off in an unknown direction, i must say that there are a lot of such situations, lure catchers, that’s what they already call these tskashniks, well, they use force they simply detain everyone they can think of.
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who am i ? how do we get through checkpoints? yes, this is how we pass through checkpoints, like everyone else,
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throw on a wig and go, you drive calmly. don’t worry that they’ll stop you because they’re letting you through, you need to add a little cheek, it’s obvious, well, by the way, he says that in the vinnitsa region men have already been banned from selling wigs, stanislav mikhailovich, well, western help is, first of all, equipment, they supply equipment, and there aren’t enough people, can western aid help with such a shortage of people, well, let’s start with the fact that... poland has already sent the first person, a precedent has already been created, they will send others, i guarantee, this just eases social tension, that people in poland are watching how poland is moving towards war, and why should we fight here a bunch of ukrainians, well, they are starting them, they will start them to convey, the same thing is meant about refugees and refugees, well, they are not all
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refugees, there are a lot of them who worked there. before the beginning of their own, who have visible residence, they will begin to transfer them all, first the human power will come from europe, then the europeans will go on their own, sooner or later, and all the rest of these poles, but...
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well, they won’t watch the video, 125 125 brigade near the kharkov region near vysochansk they said they received help 100 people, three of them fit for service at ninety-seven they refused because people are simply not capable, another video came out that shows the guys sent in 2 days going into battle, they have never held a machine gun in their lives, they are taught how to disassemble a machine gun, their chances of surviving the first battle, the clash, well, in the west they understand perfectly well that soon, soon something will have to be done, because well, they already said that weapons are weapons, and who
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should control weapons at all, who should hold them in their hands, should be a person, yes, so they understand that the shortage in ukraine has really arrived, and it’s even worse, so well, seriously, not even just what they are warning, but they are almost ready to set a date for when the poles and... the french will enter, to what extent this will strengthen the position of the ukrainian army at the front, but it will not strengthen it in any way, this is the whole story, how about organizing some kind of liquidation commission for ukraine, that is, in fact, somewhere to set up some kind of cordons and call on us to start negotiations, in order to push us towards these negotiations, as if with their presence, somewhere this is an attempt to replace the units that are still on the belarusian border with the ukrainian ones, on land, where -this attempt is already underway. own some kind of effective control of the new territory, which will probably be somehow, well, at least under the protectorate of some neighboring states, more than 2 months ago said that
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there were calculations by a ukrainian professor that they actually had a maximum resource of about 250,000 people, and there is exactly the story that we have now begun to see, that is, you either drive them to the front , the economy and industrial production stop, or you leave them. ..
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of the nation, if he was taken, as often happens now, from a shopping center, if he was simply pulled out from under the windows of a maternity hospital, and such situations are also happening now, but
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it is obvious that he has this kind of sofa desire, uh -gay, we will defeat everyone, it goes to the thirty-third plan ahead, it’s just a task of survival, so, well, these are so-so fighters, so the army is of a similar plan. in the format, the whole world has a bare shirt, it’s obviously not particularly efficient as an army, as a combat unit, initially ukraine said that everything was fine with them in terms of motivation, but as you can see.
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ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. how can anyone like this madhouse? on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we have to fly for 45 days. and for 11 hours before the start, the state commission completely changes the crew. and it was my dad who was assigned to notify the families of the victims, the one they replaced at their own request, i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to the moon, at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would have eaten on the moon all my life , because my father died there, sunrise to you, safely.
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landed, the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, then a man comes out of the crowd and starts shooting with both hands. dad survived completely by miracle, alone a bullet whistle whistled past. premiere, right on the edge. on friday, on the first. on the occasion of alexey's ninetieth birthday.
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today is march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, he didn’t understand what was wrong with the pressure, and we have two, everything is fine with you, answer me, alexey, why are you silent?
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it's time for the first ones, on sunday on the first one, well, we 'll see who wins, three chords, a new season, on sunday on the first one, there will be. it's hot, what, where, when. summer series of games. on sunday on the first. grand chaps, the british secretary of defense, decided to make bet on ukraine. we all must provide military support to ukraine. if this is not done, then the unimaginable cost of a russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries. in their incompetence, criminal. he puts forward very dangerous ideas and talks about the need for application. ukraine is one
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of the few fields in which great britain has its own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is to ensure that everyone these guys returned to their home and continued to die there at the front for the interests of the united kingdom. pomatrosil quit. politically, of course, pr was important to him. his key goal is to become prime minister, the whole company is built on scaring about the third world war. defense minister grant shapps, the englishwoman continues to crap. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. the information channel on the first continues. it's interesting how things are developing. yesterday, during zelensky’s visit to brussels, nato secretary general en stoltenberg said:
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that he will not meet with the ukrainian guest performer. it seems that his frequent visits and constant requests are already tired of the head of the alliance, or maybe the whole point is that zelensky is already... illegitimate, but the publication behind the telegraph, citing sources, reports that zelensky was directly asked not to demand this year from nato to accept ukraine into its alliance, but zelensky thought that he would be put back on the podium of the pedistal, but he was essentially put back in his place. well, on the france-24 channel they showed a sudden real attitude towards zelensky during the broadcast while reporting on his visit to brussels , belgian mps were filmed laughing at him.
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every person in the usa, they help us a lot, but now it will be very simple, there will be a peace summit, which is organized by the whole world, and then there will also be something that russia will try to organize, i think that president biden is needed by the peace summit and is needed by others for leaders looking to the us response, biden's absence will be personally applauded. putin is standing up, and is resilient, but in the eu they are trying to put a good face on a bad game and somehow sell their peace conference in switzerland, bloomberg writes that a new meeting could be organized in the fall in saudi arabia, it seems that when, according to bloomer, russia will also participate.
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kira lvomna, the problem is, in fact, that zelensky is illegitimate, but our president yesterday, yes, in tashket, clearly indicated that who should we talk to? in fact, i don’t think it’s correct to call this whole sabantuy a peace summit, because it’s just another conference and rightly so zelensky is absolutely worried about biden’s absence, because the lower the rank of those present, the correspondingly lower the level of the actual meeting being held, this is just another absolutely passable event. which does not contain absolutely any breakthrough solutions, everyone understands this, but the fact is that so much has already been invested in this whole new system of international relations that, in general, we have to pull this burden, this particular format of some kind... then an endless duty, it is very noticeable
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, including in the emotions of european deputies, by the way, stoltenberg’s decision not to meet with zelensky is absolutely logical to me, because, really, why? no one is going to accept ukraine into nato. and here even that doesn’t matter. the fact is that ukraine realized this a long time ago, well, not long ago, let’s say, about six months ago, they already took a roundabout route, because it’s clear that they need to go to the west either as a carcass or as a scarecrow. that’s why they have now started this practice, and in fact, for the sake of this, zelensky went on another european tour, namely the practice of imprisonment bilateral agreements on military assistance, that is, we will not join the nato alliance there, but at least.
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you’re sitting at the table, which means you’re on the menu, well , it seems to me that it’s ukraine’s role of food, in this case it’s fundamental in quality, stanislav mikhailovich, zelensky is being dumped, he’s also illegitimate for them, well, in fact it turns out like this , well, now no one will leak it, of course, now elections are on the horizon in america, starting from scratch with someone is difficult and unpredictable, and well, the fact that zelensky stoldenburg did not want to meet with zelensky, but the two myrionettes want... to agree on something, someone may not say anything himself, what they don’t tell him to say, he does nothing, he is a civilian of a military organization, the commanders there are generals, who makes decisions, but they... position, well, two of them will meet, well, what can they
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decide, and zelensky, well , they can’t remove him now, simply because it will create additional chaos with someone to replace him with, ermak, well, they also haven’t gone very far , and zelensky the president indicated, stefanchuk, his last name, he was probably yesterday when he heard this, no, he didn’t mention our president’s last name, he said that...
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regarding legislative activities, and then at a government meeting, well, actually,
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almost everyone is discussing this topic now, and we will not stand aside either, this will probably affect everyone, or rather the result that will influence, the majority of the country’s residents will not be affected by the tax changes, out of 64 million workers will pay other amounts, only 2 million people, that is, those who the at the moment they receive more than 2000 rubles per month, the president of the civil society development fund is in touch with us, and konstantin kostin, konstantin nikolaevich, hello, good afternoon, konstantin nikolaevich, tell us what kind of reform this is, how timely is it? well, look, i would still talk about adjusting our tax system for now, because you yourself just said that tax changes will affect 3% of working citizens. yes, a very small number of enterprises, if we are talking about small medium-sized businesses, are also there
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we are talking about 3%, yes, that is - we are talking, we can say that the tax system is being adjusted precisely based on the principle of fairness, so that those who are successful, who earn more, and with their taxes help those who find, who needs these funds more? 7% of working citizens will not notice anything at all, but if we say that
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there is a very slight increase in taxes of only 5000 per year for those.
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you said that this would not affect the majority of citizens, you meant, of course, that people would not pay more, 97%, as they paid, they will pay, but they will notice the results of this 3%, which are rich people, that is, you correctly mentioned that this is a targeted, targeted collection, where, as far as i understand, the money will be used to support families with children, construction housing
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and roads, repairing the equipment of medical institutions, financing national projects, and this part will be seen by those same 97% who... might not have seen this if it had not been for this, this is the main idea, as i understand, of course, this is the main idea, and moreover, a very important clarification was made by our government, but that personal income tax is a tax that is collected in a subject of the russian federation, but this is the excess amount that will be collected in rich subjects, and it is clear that in rich subjects in megacities people earn more, so this is it excess, it will go to the federal budget; the federal budget will distribute it in favor. those subjects whose, let's say, economy is weaker, where people have lower incomes, and very importantly, there is a large category of our citizens for whom, after these changes, the tax burden will decrease due to the cashback tax deduction, and for those whose income is, say, one and a half mrod or lower, for such families with children, yes
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, the tax there will be 6%, yes, that is, it will decrease by more than half, but about that same. we must remember, thank you, thank you very much, konstantin niklavich kostin was in direct contact with us, the president of the civil society development fund, well, for comparison, we just want to give the personal income tax rate in other countries, but look what it looks like, that means belarus is 13% or 25, armenia 20, france generally 55.4%. now there is a short advertisement and we'll come back, don't switch. i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace
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of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park. there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time called himself a simple vyadsky peasant throughout his life. white nights of leningrad, gray peaks of the caucasus, blue lakes of karelia, green sea of ​​taiga, as beautiful as our sunny kalmykia. no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel, develop yourself. on any highway, in any village, we are all one, big family. ranevskaya, don’t you know? the fan makes an elderly sadist somehow justify his heroine, love for this vulnerable woman, her head is in the right place, they persuaded
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me not to watch tv from morning to night, here you go, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, my funeral is going on, the orchestra is playing , instead of my photo, photo. god on children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who there he said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well , you and i are now playing these funny and stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he’s running... through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, so these were all his wives, they were, as it were, picked up along the way, and he loved, his last call was to yulia. seryozhka
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was a real genius of children's television ; he died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, my childhood hero, june 1, the first, children's day. hello, we didn’t expect what you came to us with? with joy. should it hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and you want something else, i don’t mind, eat, you’ll be fat, i’ll be thin, thank you my dear.
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the clock on the old tower is ticking, in this world everyone should, don’t rush, don’t get up, we are sailing on a lezine, like on a brigancine, worries are forgotten, stopped me, in love it doesn’t happen, everything is simple and smooth, in love it doesn’t... decide in total, beauty takes me away, takes me away appreciating the snowy day
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, a concert dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the composer evgeniy krylaty premiered on june 1 at the first to the ninetieth birthday of alexei leonov. well, i went, the king's place. i am a diamond, a man went into outer space, diamond-2, reception, charge, 2, i don’t confirm, i ask permission to go to the airlock, it’s first time, on sunday at first, “mom, it’s also night in space, too, let’s go to sleep, and dad is also sleeping, war correspondent, semyon pegov
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met with commander of the vostok brigade, deputy head of the russian guard troops department for the dpr, alexander khadakovsky, on saurmogil, this mound, it’s special.” a place not only for the legendary cambrig, once upon a time at this height the fate of the entire mining region was decided during the great patriotic war and many years later, during the russian spring , alexander khadakovsky stood at the origins of the formation of the militia in 2014, very actively participated in all stages of the struggle of donbass residents for the right to life.
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you know, i recognize, i saved, remember, the place of power still draws everyone here, yes, yes, yes, and you’re here when you’re 14, and what’s your call sign, saved, semyono. it’s nice, well, people really come here as a point of attraction, it’s no coincidence that this place is, but it in itself is strong, it is also very common to you...
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maidan, because i remember we repeatedly how, roughly speaking, did you see the ending of this ? we also communicated, compared impressions, because i also worked there during this period, we always delegate power to some idiots here in ukraine, they keep us talking... inserts into 2004 by that time , the politicization of kiev and the tilt towards the west were already categorical, because the study had gone deep when yushchenko came to power, he was already coming from a ready-made platform, and from a ready-made platform onto ready-made soil, european, european,
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and we looked at those then still intelligent students, teachers, who walked there with backpacks, with these orange headbands, and it all seemed so harmless then, so, so naive to some extent, the portrait you just described is also quite vivid , these students, quite harmless guys at first glance, in 2004, when the events on the maidan began, it was already 2013, how this appearance has changed, transformed, in your opinion.
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it was they who created the request for maidan freaks, who sat on the barricades, because these were the outcasts who came from all over ukraine, easy-going, absolutely unlimited in their choice of means, they were actually the tools of these students, these intelligent students themselves did not climb onto the barricades, they. .. for this, those who have nothing special to lose. if you don’t go into deep analysis there, for me it’s just the toothlessness of our government at that time. eritarians who secretly supported maidan, such as lyovochkin,
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such as rinad akhmetov. they started to go out of the parliamentary majority left yanukovych essentially without their support and got him to repeal the adopted resolutions. and it was at this moment that it became clear that yanukovych was left alone. in the end, he conceded everything he could concede. we simply tolerated this government, namely in the person of specific people, because they took russia and... russia as a basis in their election rhetoric, when they are all from this squabble, from these redistributions, when they are all lost, of course there was complete disappointment, but also anger. as in this diagram, structure, yes, where there is one continuous squabble between , essentially, people who are robbing this land, how you could find your place and how exactly the russian spring began for you, and this was the moment when
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you understood, i s... she captured everyone so much and simply reassembled the foundation on which we stood, well, it was no longer possible to rely on some familiar , well, some template methods, approaches, everything, you had to do something - something radically different from what you are used to doing. v as a result, when i arrived in donetsk, i think it was february 23, or something, we got there very hard and for a long time, we drove from kiev here for more than a day, bypassing all kinds of outposts, when we got there... we saw that donetsk was not ready, this this is how, by what signs it was felt, that is, they were not ready, people were not ready to radicalize there, since on the maidan there was simply no one at all.
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how did this deep people begin to awaken? was there some kind of triggering moment, like a specific event? or this it really happened completely spontaneously. everyone understood perfectly well that these trains of friendship would soon roll to the donbass, because this whole marginal , observant environment on the maidan, these clean-living kievans didn’t need it either, because they needed them as quickly as possible.
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those who actually gave birth to them , by and large, we now need to begin to take some kind of more active position, we need to form real organized and armed forces that will serve these trains of friendship, then we are only on them for now they were aiming not at the ukrainian army, but at these nationalists, like semenchenko and all the others, like the right sector, who have all clearly set their sights on the donbass. the main base of the right sector is located in the forest, this is also where it happens.
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at that moment it was clear that it was necessary to create some specific lists, create the same way, then the right sector also remember well that moment on the maidan, i watched from the sidelines, there were already some specific cohorts there, relatively speaking, yeah well... nevertheless, that's what this one needs preparations to begin, this also happened at what moment, it turns out, yes, almost immediately, participating in all these social manifestations, i observed the processes, attracted attention to myself in one way or another and gradually formed lists of those people and selected from them those who are capable will be
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armed in hand, then come to the defense of all these organized and not very organized masses who walked the streets, because i understood that they were defenseless, few people talk about this, in fact, we captured the first building, this boulevard. shevchenko 2, this is a former fan organization of the shakhtar football club and we organized a place there that was such an attraction where people came and signed up as volunteers . i used to be ukrainian, i was born, well , i was born in the soviet union, but i lived my entire adult life in ukraine, before i i considered myself a ukrainian, now after these events i’m not a ukrainian, they are destroying everything russian, why didn’t we go, we don’t want to liberate the lions there, we want kiev...
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they’re shooting at the ambulance!
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people stood crushed in the square and seeing this and seeing this depression, we made a decision, still unformed and not yet, even there the weapons were not all cleaned from the people, to drive the battalion into kamaz trucks and in order for the people to perk up, still show them to the world, this is the first unit that in donetsk openly declared itself, this is the vostok battalion, come on. our own army, albeit small, still
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microscopic, but still the groundwork was done, but then of course the people changed their mood very much and even the people believed that the people believed, believed, we are leaving for sunset, as we left with ourselves, our world will not bend under anyone, we will stand on the beredovaya, we will wait until the sun sets, everything is different here. here even the act is different, we are on our land, we are on the front line, and we won’t take a step back, we simply have nowhere to retreat, this is our land, and we will stand, here on... for the whole of donbass together, i’ll probably ask something like this, well also a question
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of an existential nature, which, probably, each of the leaders asks internally, somewhere inside, one way or another with some frequency, i don’t know how you often ask yourself this, when all this began 10 years ago, now we see the truth, we know about the heavy losses that we suffered here, we see that the work is not finished yet, do not regret that then ... there are no other hands of god except ours and our heads and hearts, we did everything in the only
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possible way and way, and there is not the slightest doubt here, not only from the point of view of complacency in front of those who laid down their heads here, from the point of view of even the judgment of history , the truth still turns out to be wrong, yes, to unfortunately, we are getting old and faster than the events are developing, there is, there is a risk of not reaching the finish line on your own two feet , stop talking, i still want to watch it. how this will all end, and we’ll see it through, we ’ll see it through, i think it’s already in some way, in some way, i don’t know, if not the final one, well, at least we’ve reached the finish line.
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we will definitely watch it and see the result, while the story was going on, they wrote to me from donetsk, a man who was there a year ago and came now and says: you know, it’s colossal the difference is that nothing thunders, peaceful skies, a lot of people, mass events. in some places, somewhere even the feeling of summer, victory, and roses is already passing, so we’ll definitely watch it, well, then there’s a big game on the first. good afternoon, a big game is on the air, today russian foreign minister sergei lavrov held another meeting with ambassadors of foreign states and named, i would say, the most fundamental reason for the current world disorder, including the military conflict in ukraine. let's listen.
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is still imposed on everyone else. and russia's special military operation in ukraine is a catalyst for the destruction of this american world order. by winning victories on the battlefield, russia not only ensures its security, but actually fights for the freedom and security of the entire world, for the formation of a fair multipolar world order. we do this very successfully. russia is now conducting an offensive on all fronts of a special military operation, including, of course, the donetsk front, where.
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indeed there is, it cannot be called in the artillery ammunition that they have some serious deficit, but indeed the intensity of the return fire among the ukronazis has decreased, but it is compensated by a very seriously large number of use of fpv drones, moreover, they now have fpvidrons with thermal imaging
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cameras, which also complicates the advancement, but nevertheless they have a means of rep we are working, electronic warfare equipment is being delivered, we also have serious specialists who from... the report, let's see, i visited one of the volunteer units corps, which is now working under the chasar, directly to the artilleryman, and i will comment on him later, let’s see, early in the morning at dawn the artillerymen received coordinates in order to support
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the attack aircraft during the assault operations of the chasar, beware of everyone, don’t go anywhere too much, now preparations are underway. and the soldiers are preparing to strike targets given by the command? the target is a fortification - which our infantry boys constantly encounter, well, that is, it turns out that this is in front of the assault actions, yes, that is, ours, you process them and after you the attack aircraft come in, yes a shot, readiness one fire, gun shot, come on. shot, that's it, let's camouflage, boys, camouflage, the crew immediately begins to camouflage the gun, we don't waste a minute, so we gather, perhaps the enemy's artillery will respond, so
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the artillery crew immediately goes into cover, so i'll take it off, of course, radik, you gunner, yes, in this crew for a long time, already? well, tell me, how do you serve here? it works great, we beat enemies. well, i wanted to focus attention, there is a little irony, i allowed myself to address a young fighter, 3 months is a serious period, but i’ll explain, this is a small piece, i post a big report on my telegram channel, there is a more extensive interview with fighters, a young boy, 18 years old recently turned, and as soon as he turned, he immediately immediately went to fight, he... grew up in donetsk, and if you noticed, the commander of the crew, call sign malon, also, i beg your pardon, call sign malaya, and also
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a young guy who came to in my eyes a year ago, and also the number of the crew, now the commander of the artillery crew, and the local guys, what i want to say, they grew up for 10 years under shelling, under constant terrorist attacks, they have no choice but to fight for their homeland, for their families, they ... they don’t choose for themselves, here is a striking example, call sign radik, a young guy, his brother serves, now the chief of artillery, to whom he conveyed greetings to sein, and the young guy for himself sees no other choice but to go defend his homeland, they heroes, thank you very much, pavel, i would especially like to emphasize what you said about the importance of electronic warfare, this is indeed one of the decisive factors today, and our opponents even admit this. just yesterday or the day before yesterday, two large articles were published in the new york times and the washington post regarding the successes that russia is achieving
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thanks to electronic warfare, it was said, firstly, that at the beginning of our offensive in the kharkov region we temporarily turned off starlink and this helped a lot our breakthrough, and secondly they wrote that thanks to our electronic warfare, the effectiveness of those high-precision weapons that the west supplies to kiev has significantly decreased. regime, in particular the hymers missile and the excalibur projectile, so this is really very, very important, thank you very much again, and russia really continues to advance on all fronts of the special operation, even the american institute for the study of war, the day before, was forced to admit that russia is everywhere , took the initiative throughout the entire theater of military operations, we have connections yuri ivanovich podalyaka, our traditional military observer, what is happening at the fronts at this hour? good afternoon, well, traditionally in the north our troops are trying to pin down the enemy’s reserves, he transferred a large number of them there, and
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our guys in the south are taking advantage of this, including a respected colleague who told us in the nachar direction, there are really very serious battles going on there, and yesterday our troops we had a tactically important success in the northern hour of avyar, where we were able to take a very important landing in the northern city and get quite noticeably closer to the canal line, now... oh, please forgiveness, seversky donetsk-donbass. our troops are also attacking in the donetsk direction, there are very powerful attacks, the enemy recognizes this, our troops are trying to break through the enemy’s defense line in the ocheretin area, to the north to the west, there are tactical successes, we also keep our fingers crossed for the guys, well, krasnogorovka, they are already coming here fifth day, intensive assault of the city, we took control of part of the city center, but as in the chasnoyarsk direction the enemy is resisting, the southern one.
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biden is considering taking two new tough countermeasures to counter russia's advances in ukraine. punish china for supplying key technologies to moscow and lift restrictions on use by ukraine. short-range weapons to strike russia, the moves would mark a significant escalation of biden's carefully calibrated policy to support ukraine as he seeks to avoid direct confrontation with russian president vladimir putin or his key ally, chinese president shizempin. the fact itself the fact that such measures are now being considered reflects the administration's growing concerns about ukraine's vulnerability
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on the battlefield. well, of course, this is being discussed in europe. the topic of escalation is one of the key topics of the franco-german summit as part of macron’s state visit to berlin. the same topic was discussed yesterday the day before yesterday at the council of the european union at the level of defense ministers and foreign ministers; some eu countries, such as poland, simply unequivocally state that they allow ukraine to use their weapons for strikes deep into russia, the corresponding statement was made today by the deputy.
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remember that this is usually a state with a small territory, with a very dense population, this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. alexey petrovich, it seems to me that the president made a very unambiguous hint, yes, we know that they will strike at us, that is, this will mean
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their actual entry into a direct war against russia. and secondly, they must know that in general their territory is small in europe, yes, with population density, that is , if anything, our retaliatory strike will lead to catastrophic consequences for them, you agree, i agree, because this is what is happening, this is the same world based on rules, at first they drew some red lines for themselves, that they would not supply to ukraine, and if they would not supply where they would not, now they have lifted all restrictions, that is, this is what i want, then i return it, that is, in that that moment when... they didn’t understand that ukraine was hopelessly loses, they go to all lengths, and it is very interesting how they go, in fact , the united states is exposing other countries, they say: we are allowed to hit only with weapons that fly close, and the western countries are ahead, which great britain is fleeing from poland, he says: yes , we give permission for all the weapons that we supply, and they are accomplices, because when we said in 1922 that nato
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directly controls military operations through starlin. so on, then, when these systems appeared after the romsteins, we they said that these systems do not operate without a nato satellite constellation, and we now see that before striking, for example, in the equator of the black sea , a drone, a global hawk, a triton or something else with it, always flies, after which the strikes go not only to crimea, but in the krasnodar region, when cities suffer in which there are no military installations at all, that is, everything is actually now being signed by the west.
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doubt that the united states will inevitably come to the aid of its european satellites if, god forbid , a big war breaks out in europe, this means a war between russia and the united states. let's listen. constant escalation can
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lead to serious consequences, if these serious consequences occur in europe, how will the united states behave, given our priority in the field of strategic weapons? it's hard to say, they want a global conflict. here. indeed, i doubt that any american administration will exchange, relatively speaking, new york for warsaw in the current situation, yes, that’s also why, until the biden administration decided to allow the kiev regime to use american weapons to strike deep into russia, this night everyone made the corresponding statements, just without exception, all the talking heads of the biden administration and karine jeanpierre, speaker.
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the same thing as a carbon copy, but i would like to return to today’s article by david igneses, in it he writes that this position, which john kirby has so far formulated in this way, may change. let's listen david again. so far, the united states is limiting the use of american weapons outside of ukraine, preventing the ukrainian armed forces from striking large logistics centers and troop concentration points located on russian territory, but the situation may change as nato countries. pressure on biden to loosen controls. we may be approaching another turning point in ukraine, this will entail new risks, but it will be a smart move if we can support a weakened ukraine to restore balance
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at the negotiating table, where the outcome of this war will ultimately be decided. alexander viktorovich, here is your reaction to these discussions within the united states, will biden’s position change or not ? well, first of all, it should be noted that blinken advocates bombing territories. states, so the question is very simple, which team will win, but today advisers in the biden administration still insist that this should not be open.
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so i would also like to emphasize that many people should have the right to everything, in fact, yes, russia mistakenly believes that if the republicans come to the white house, if trump wins the election, then everything will be settled very quickly, but that’s not true, trump himself said at one of
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his recent election rallies, and the washington post also wrote about this today , but i i think that he’s just kind of a tongue without bones, yes, but he said the following: if he were president and under him russia would have attacked ukraine, and china would have attacked... taiwan, then he would have started bomb moscow and bomb beijing. but i think that, hypothetically, trump's actions in the white house would be different from what he scratches his tongue at election rallies, but nevertheless , it is very important to emphasize that the republican establishment that is now forming around donald trump has much fewer, what are called, restrictions in terms of plan. escalation, perhaps a hypothetical trump administration could go for even greater escalation than the biden administration, which opposes escalation.
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most notably the national security adviser, jake sulliman. as for europe, yes, well, we very often talk about degradation of political, strategic culture, the degradation of elites in europe, it seems to me that this question of escalation, it clearly confirms this, and oddly enough, so far italy has the greatest strategic culture and responsibility in europe, yes, where the government is completely consolidated , is categorically against it. such an escalation, what can’t be said about macron? macron, who was the first to advocate sending regular french armed forces to ukraine, now, following the results of the meeting with scholz, the day before they held main negotiations, supported strikes deep into russian territory with western weapons. let's listen to what macron said. how can we explain to the ukrainians who are now defending themselves in the kharkov area what they are not allowed to do?
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in accordance with international law, ukraine has every opportunity to do what it does, it must be said frankly, it was attacked, it has the right to defend itself, it seems strange to me that some people in...
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these are the main political regimes, although i still, i wouldn’t say that only the government of italy miloni, the government spoke out unequivocally about the fact that they are against spain, yes spain and belgium, but still orban also said that you are crazy, you are leading us to the third world war, to the third world war, he is talking directly about the very essence, fitz even earlier before i was exposed here. attack also spoke about the risk of a third world war from time to time , the czech president speaks about this, well, i meant ivanich among the so-called leaders of the european union, especially now the positions of italy, everyone is writing about it, are strengthening in the context of the weakening of both germany and france and discord in the franco-german tandem, which is why i emphasized the italians, but you are absolutely right, of course, there are still sane and responsible leaders and countries, turkey has not said anything articulated about this either. member of nato, but her
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position is nevertheless known that, of course, she does not support this either, so as for this game among the so-called leaders of political europe, from my point of view macron very gracefully beat scholz at this summit, he took advantage of the fact that germany last 2 years has turned, well, i say that it’s like a child who fell to the ground, but he’s in the wrong place.
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macron, taking advantage of this passive position of scholz, outplayed him perfectly, because macron said everything he wanted, and knowing macron, we understand that he would later say that he meant something else, change the interpretation, and scholz was forced to make ambiguous statements , again, if it were possible to say nothing, he says: so that nothing concrete can be understood, so macron is trying, you know, this how to become the main one in the cemetery, so he is fighting for leadership, but at the same time he is destroying europe, that is, he wants to be the main one in some
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remnants of europe, maybe even in the nuclear ashes, yes, instead of making europe great, he trying to make himself great, at the same time, even in ruined europe. but in fact, this is another sign of the degradation of modern european political elites, because they are fighting for leadership, playing with fire, and not just playing with fire, playing with nuclear fire, yes, because direct military a clash between russia and nato, a big war between russia and nato, will inevitably lead to nuclear escalation and will inevitably lead to nuclear strikes on europe, in fact, we remind you. about this with my statements and exercises on the use of tactical nuclear weapons, i really want to hope that these signals will reach, now a little advertising, then we will continue, at the age of 19 i was left alone,
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why are you here, and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, theater, the reds will come, art will be banned. yes, this is a mule, tell me ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my skin, yana passed by her, look at this face, exceptionally, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will challenge this predishka, they love you, serious, smart man, are you acting?
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watch after the program time, happy birthday to anyone lion. we have to fly for 45 days, 11 hours before the launch, the state commission simply changes the entire crew of the soyuz-11 ship. and it was the pope whom they, at their own request, replaced, was tasked with informing the families of the victims. i spent 3 years to prepare for the flight to the moon. at that moment
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i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would have eaten on the moon all my life, because my father died there. sunrise two. “we are ready to take risks, attention,” says moscow, on children’s day, let’s go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children’s
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programs, and the children simply stuck to him, it was obvious, this is impossible play, it was such a guy who said there, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are we playing together now?" and his call was from yulia. seryozhka was a real genius of children's television; he died, in general, at the age of genius. we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood. june 1, on the first day, on the day of protection of children. we are in the cities and villages, we would never have known these days. the clock is on the old tower, in this world everyone must not rush, not lag behind,
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we are sailing on a lezine, like on a brigansine, for forgotten troubles, stopped bet, not in love it happens, everything is simple and smooth, it doesn’t solve the problem in love. in total, beauty takes me away , appreciating the snowy and beautiful distances, a concert dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the composer evgeniy krylaty premiere on june 1 at the first children's day, hello, we didn’t expect what you came to us with joy.
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should it hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe you're old? maybe hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and you want more, i don’t mind, eat everything, you ’ll be fat, i’ll be thin, thank you my dear, and if i break it, you won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your legs... okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, well, not that much, better than everyone else, premiere on june 1st on the first, the big game is on air, today is secretary of state blinkin. flew to prague, where tomorrow an informal meeting of nato foreign ministers will take place, and this
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meeting will be dedicated to the preparation of the washington anniversary nato summit, which will take place in july, let me remind you that this year this aggressive bloc turns 75 years old, and in fact, one of the main issues of condemnation in washington and tomorrow in prague is what to do with ukraine, which is trying to be invited, yes, issued a formal invitation to nato immediately after graduation. demand an invitation from the west right here now, much less create the kind of
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hysteria that zelensky allowed himself at last year’s summit in vilnius, where he called the lack of an invitation absurd. let's listen to what the telegraph says. ukraine will make no progress towards nato membership at this year's annual summit - reports the telegraph, amid fears that the alliance could be drawn into a war with russia. in preparation for a two-day summit in washington dedicated to... germany and the united states have openly stated that they will not set exact deadlines for kiev. they are extremely skeptical about ukraine's further progress toward full nato membership this year, a source familiar with the biden administration's position said. the decision is expected to disappoint ukrainian president vladimir zelensky. colleagues warned him so that he does not demand the impossible from the alliance. are they still afraid of war with russia, alexey petrovich? really afraid, what about zelensky? well, who invites a bull to be slaughtered at a steak-eating event?
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no one will invite you to learn that ukraine is understandable, they gave ukraine everything to last as long as possible, money broke congress, strained everyone, now the world is moving towards extreme escalation, then there’s ukraine, let’s use us nato, well, that’s already, as they say, excessively, as they say, is overkill, so here i think that nato itself will discuss those issues. which ukraine no longer concerns, it has already been written off, and they have finally given, as they say, the scenario that it will play out will go down in history, as if, probably, one of the last nazi states, and there they will decide further the fate of europe, because the usa , as the main beneficiary of all this, he needs time, he needs to accumulate strength to cope with china, he needs strength to still have time to rob europe, before whom, when it is given to russia, there or to someone else, or there will be islamic fundamentalism there so that they accumulate strength and maintain their hegemony.
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lavrov, he clearly said, they are doing everything to maintain hegemony.
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while the criminal trial against donald trump was going on in the case of stormy daniels, this is a payment to a porn actress, trump's lead over biden in the country as a whole and in all key swing states has increased, another trial of hunter biden will begin right now, and he is also capable of weaken the position of the current head of the american state, in addition, in
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in recent weeks, biden has lost, the american media also wrote about this, trump in terms of the size of his election fund, but by the end of april this is no longer the case, and trump has taken the lead, that is , more and more sponsors are going over to trump’s side and financing his election campaign, rather than biden's company. follow the money, and in america you always have to follow the money. well, in general, in this situation, let's listen. there is a pervasive sense of fear in the highest echelons of the democratic party about joe biden's chances of re-election, even among those strategists who were previously convinced of success in the upcoming battle with donald trump. throughout the entire year, the godocrats carried out the joyless and exhausting work of preparing for the elections. now, with
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almost 5 months left, the worry has grown into palpable anxiety, according to more than a dozen. party leaders and activists, you don’t want to be that guy who says on the record that we are doomed or that the company is bad or that biden is making mistakes, no one wants to be that guy - said one of the functionaries of the democratic party has close contact with the white house, but according to him, biden's consistently poor polling results and what is at stake are causing hysteria. this is the assessment, alexander viktorovich. of course, biden is losing electoral support today given that many internal issues have not been resolved. collects donations, and these populist statements about bombing beijing or moscow were made to sponsors in order to lure away extreme radicals, who, among other things, see in ukraine a certain carte blanche of american policy
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on my side, because the decrepit old and experiencing a fairly serious crisis... the number of issues in both foreign and domestic policy, so i believe that tension will increase, and today mr. biden’s team is not able to solve a big biden will have to reveal new, rather sophisticated factors that should prevent trump from winning the presidency. yes, i agree, well, we’ll keep an eye on it, especially with the trial of hunter biden, and now they’re writing about it like one of...
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hegemony, absolutely true, you know, another proof of how the west fights for its hegemony, how the west does not tolerate any independence, does not tolerate the sprouts of independence and sovereignty. in the modern world - this is ur. today , general elections are being held in the republic of south africa, and ur is a very important partner of russia, this is a brix country, this is one of our strategic partners in africa, you know, the western media, everyone is writing like a carbon copy about the supposedly terrifying internal situation and the socio-economic, crime situation in ur, and you know what the reason is, the reason is, it turns out that they entered the brix, they made the wrong choice not in favor of the west, in favor of the world majority. here is an example, a quote from an article in the british times. over the past three
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decades, the african national congress has won elections six times in a row. somewhere in the middle, in 2010 , optimism gave way to anxiety and cynicism, when south africa entered the brick, which included brazil, russia, india and china, but took a new one. ank must admit that the country's entry into the anti-western brix bloc is a road to nowhere. china, the main economic engine, is experiencing a slowdown in growth, and vladimir putin's main contribution to the development of the african continent is the export of brutal mercenaries. the illusion that these powers can help the african population escape poverty and illiteracy is just a soap bubble. you represent ivan alekseevich, the west, which has nothing but sanctions, threats, and yes, attempts at military coups. gives no benefits does not give yet criticizes that you see, they made the wrong choice, they joined brix, but the fact is that in the countries of the world majority, they
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can be viewed differently, these are very diverse countries, but there are countries in which the internal discussion has already come to some kind of consensus about what place they want to occupy in the world and through cooperation with which partners to achieve this, someone thinks, well, no, we can beg something else from... the americans, squeeze it out, something like this to cope with them, someone already understands that no, only sovereign development, there are countries in which this internal discussion has already ended, is it still possible to play with the neo-colonialists or is that it, we need to end this world order with neocolonial, or rather disorder, and there are those countries where the internal choice, and different political countries present different, different views, like argentina,
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bringing their clientele to power - they wrote this, they are trying to crush sovereign sprouts and georgia. the day before, the georgian parliament overcame the presidential veto, actually on the law, the so-called foreign agents law, has come into force, indeed georgia. has taken the path of sovereign development, and the current georgian government, which has an overwhelming majority in parliament following the results of free democratic elections, and this causes categorical rage and
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rejection from... from the united states of its european satellites, they threaten georgia with sanctions. most likely, at the next summit, the european union will raise the issue of withdrawing the decision to grant georgia candidate status for membership. the european union, in general, will again try to carry out a revolution, they will try to carry out a coup in georgia in order to bring their clientele to power and abandon another country, a country close to them. we are actually in the middle of a hybrid war against russia, i really hope that it won’t work out, now a little advertising, then we will continue, family is love, first of all, it is support, it is support, these are the people who
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will help you at any moment. our mothers, wives, daughters, these are the most beloved, every week we go with the whole family to some a restaurant, a cafe and just spending time together, being parents is great, it’s good, but in general it’s very, very exciting, it’s just an attraction, i wish mothers that they always win some games, mommy, we love you, yes, oh homeland, fatherland, you are my second mother, i am dear to you, i am ready to give my whole life, my family, my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland. and i want her to smile every day along with her residents. grand chaps, britain's defense minister, decided to bet on ukraine. we all must provide ukraine military support. if this is not done, then the unimaginable cost of a russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries. in his incompetence, criminal, he
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puts forward very dangerous ideas and speaks.
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do you have a husband? no, i'm a lady. yes, they only survive as intellectuals. yes. 7 minutes of your dog is a huge audience success. tell me what do you want from me? maybe you will remember that you are the director of this production, and not ranevskaya. ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. do you clearly want to become? the main figure of the play fayen gurdna, well, if necessary, for the sake of business, i can play worse, yuri sancho, for alexei leonov’s ninetieth birthday.
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good luck to you, eagles, it's time for the first ones, on sunday on the first one, attention, says moscow, three chords, new season, on sunday. on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, on children's day. cities and villages, we would never have known
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these cheerful days, the clock on the old tower, in this world everyone should not rush to get up. we are sailing on a lezine, like on a brigancine, worries are forgotten, the fur is stopped, there is no love it happens, everything is simple and smooth, in love it doesn’t solve everything, beauty carries me away, carries me away, appreciating. concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeny krylaty. premiere june 1st on the first.
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the big game is on air. one of the most relevant and widely discussed topics within. and russia, at least since yesterday evening, are the proposals that the ministry of finance introduced into the budget tax code to increase the social security of citizens, to strengthen social justice, to enhance economic growth with the help additional adjustments to the tax system, perhaps these proposals will be adopted by the state duma, they are being discussed now, they may be adopted as early as the spring session and come into force on january 1. twenty-fifth year, which means, briefly, what is proposed: firstly, a progressive four-stage personal income tax scale is proposed for citizens with an annual income of over 2.4 million rubles, that is, more than 200,000 rubles per month, and this applies to approximately 2 million or
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3%, 2 million people or 3% of working russian citizens, for citizens with income less than 200,000 rubles per month, the military operation is offered nothing very important, what to change for the participants of the special, leave them with a rate of 13%. and for business. and it is proposed to raise the profit tax rate from 20 to 25%, which will eliminate the use of exchange rate export duties. we were joined by vladislav aleksandrovich saskov, director
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of the association of tax consultants and expert at the institute of tax management and real estate economics. i understand that you were directly involved in the discussion of these proposals made by the ministry of finance. firstly, tell us about what result this is intended to bring, in fact, will it really help to strengthen economic growth and strengthen social justice in russian society? yes, good afternoon, thank you, vladimir, yes, of course, of course, the key goal is to increase tax fairness, this is exactly what the president ordered to do in his message, this is support for low-income families with children, is the redistribution of income from rich to poor, as for the development of the economy, of course, this will also be called upon to stimulate through the mechanism of the income tax, just formally
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the income tax rate is increasing from 20 to 25%, formally, but at the same time, the ministry of finance announces that for companies actively investing in the domestic economy, in social projects, in infrastructure development will...
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taxation, but not taxation, but family tax support, in this regard , a little later i will say what this means, families with two children or more. having low incomes, they will be able to receive a refund from the personal income tax budget, this was not the case before, that is, today we have children, they do not affect the level of the tax burden in any way, it’s like children are ours and we ourselves will pay, and of course there was a system of tax deductions for children, well, this is historical and not as tangible as the measure proposed today, that is, what the government is proposing.
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for example, if he is lucky, the amount is less, the state tax authorities, at the end of the year, see that he has earned an insufficient amount, they, because he paid 13% for the whole year, they recalculate his taxes, tax payments based on the rate of 6%, they understand that he overpaid taxes, so this amount of overpayment is returned to him in real money, this is as possible... it looks like an additional annual bonus from the state
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at the end of the year, this is a unique mechanism, i repeat, we are implementing for the first time, this is very effective support, very unique, i apologize for the repetition, it should really help families with real money, and really support for childhood, support families with children, this main course is very cool that the tax office. politics stimulates development in this direction, well , i can’t help but note, of course, the international context, after all, the big game is a program on international relations, first of all, russia in recent years has remained a country with low taxation, 13% for personal income tax - this is significantly lower than in the vast majority of countries in the world, but agree with me, russia will remain so, because the maximum rate on personal income tax is 22% for the super-rich, this significantly less. than in european countries, than in the united states, where
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the tax rate for the rich super-rich is higher than 50%, here is the graph, yes, for example, france - 55.5%, austria - 55%, in russia 22 are attached, that is, russia is still remains an attractive country for business, attractive for investment, i agree with you, of course, in any case, and this even caused some surprise, i mean surprise from the point of view of loyalty. did not go into the shadows, did not go into the shadows, and
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we value our business activity, absolutely, that’s why i said that the priority is strengthening social justice, and supporting childhood, as you rightly said, and of course, stimulating the economic development of russia, for this it is important that businesses pay taxes, citizens pay taxes and that the money actually works , huge, thank you, vladimir alexandrovich, thank you everyone, now we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00. don’t miss it, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this issue: don’t delay the recovery after the floods, vladimir putin discussed with the governor of the orinburg region the resolution of key issues, to which the president paid special attention.


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