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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  May 29, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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russia: ukraine is one of the few fields in which great britain has its own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is for all these guys to return home and continue to die there at the front for the interests of the united kingdom. pomatrosil quit. politically, of course . pr was important to him. his key goal is to become prime minister. the whole company is built. about intimidating a third world war. minister of defense grand shabs, the englishwoman continues to shit. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. in our studio, friends, endorphins. these are hormones of happiness. where can you get endorphins? let's not wait for mercy from nature, we will tell you what you can do to become.
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happy, tomorrow on the first, to the ninetieth birthday of alexei leonov. almaz-2, report the situation. and diamond-2, i report, everything is normal. ready for spacewalk. get started. i see the sky, i see. the ground, the volga right below me, the time of the first, in sunday on the first, remove the cover from the film camera lens, took off the cover, but where does it go? yes, just throw it away, i understand, i’m throwing it away.
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how do you like violetta? well okay. well, your type, women? well, basically, according to the parameters that are externally, yes, they fit my parameters, even tight trousers, how do you like them? yes, even in a tight fit, my daughter is an adult , 22 years old, and... please, a higher education, even arrange it, of course, but we also have a higher education, her only fiancé can be hired for the job, come and meet me, but no more fiancés are needed, we're already picking it up let's go, now there will be another one, let's see, beauties, everyone is beautiful now, i think they will be beautiful too.
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hello, yuri, i am ready to melt your heart with my feminine energy. what's your name? catherine. catherine? very nice. ekaterina, 49 years old, manager of a nightclub , lives in moscow, is proud that she gave birth to children and planted a tree. built a house, dreams of waking up in a cornflower field in a wreath of daisies, admits that in life she does not live with sergei, warns that she does not tolerate delays and sms with errors. when ekaterina is in once again she trusted a man, she did not even imagine that this relationship would destroy her one hundred percent vision. she hopes that with yuri her eyes will shine with happiness. well, we don’t have sergei, that’s really good. she planted a tree,
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built a house, well, it’s clear, it’s as if there’s a man sitting in a woman’s guise, well, yes, right there, wow, such a flint, you can’t shout at her, tell me, who is ayla to you? ayla is a work colleague, my friend, and are you so brave or something, to take a beautiful young girl with you as a matchmaker, my children refused to marry me go, unfortunately, well, tell me your story, what happened to you, i was in love with a fitness trainer. we lived together for 2 years, he had a wonderful figure, was completely immersed in our relationship, and he began to not tell me something, he constantly received some text messages on his phone, which he told me that yes, this is for a client and so on, and the canner opened your eyes and said, yes, i met his canner, right? there's a woman there who goes to him in a joint, right? yes,
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yes, yes, and he is still like a canner what gave him away to me was that he took girls to his house, and he still doesn’t pay for the conservancy, well, i don’t think that’s straightforward. hurt you and broke your heart, and after that you stopped trusting men? well, probably the peak of our, the end of our relationship was that on my birthday i returned home, i had the keys to his apartment and found a long black hair on the floor, and then i saw the same one in the bathroom, then i saw in our bed, an extremely difficult situation, probably to find a hair in the apartment. which are not your color, it is clear that they are immediately there are only one thoughts, someone was here, yuri, and how will you feel about the fact that you won’t see your wife at night, and she won’t see you during the day, the most important thing is to see her before bed. tell me, ekaterina,
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if yuri is asked to leave this job, will you leave? of course i will leave if yuri is ready to help me. normal, well, you say it as it is, it’s true, you’ll be happy with a separate budget, it’s only separate, your money is yours, mine is mine, but we’ll also go to a restaurant ekaterina, it seems to me that it’s already happiness if they don’t encroach on your wallet, it seems to me, this is already
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happiness if it feeds you, pays for utilities, pays for all services, takes you on vacation, gives you some gifts, holidays, restaurants. and the rest, it seems to me, you had to earn for yourself, well, at the age of 49 , you can’t expect a man to give us deodorant, you know , they’ll pay for it, i don’t care, i rely solely on my own strength, i’ve been counting all my life, so i built dacha myself and gave birth to children, raised them, and live in my own apartment, bought a car, so in principle well, a man is needed for joy, that’s right, for joy, for some kind of warmth, show me a surprise, let’s go dance, and... the surprise is good, she buys time, time for communication, for her this is a plus, it means the kids
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are adults, yes, yes, my daughter has already given birth, my son has not yet grown up to that, well, okay. what is your granddaughter's name? my granddaughter's name is zlatoslava. oh, how beautiful. zlata. well, zlata, we call her zlata for short. very beautiful. well, no, well, it seems to me that she is the kind of woman who gets her way, yes, she is straight through his eyes. to me it seems that if you give him more time, she will charm him. thank you girls, good job, go to night. yuri, what do you say? well, i'll tell you. and if my goal was, for example, some kind of property relations, then of course i chose ekaterina, because almost everything is ready-made, that is, nothing is needed, nothing is needed already, no, when the woman says, i built a house , planted trees, gave birth to children, you know,
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with something like this, no, everything in this regard is normal for her, you can say she’s accomplished a woman, she has everything, and i would n’t even ask her to change her job, ekaterina is cool, but she’s just like that for role-playing games, it seems to me that the wicker was just really missing, so she came like this, so i built it, so i gave birth, this is all, i did this, come on baby, what are you going to tell me here, listen, the man is really nice, of course he’s a little worried, when we danced, he’s shaking like a hare’s tail too. well, look, elena, violetta, ekaterina, oh, larisa, they all choose physics, violetta is suitable for physics. who do you suggest? well, since we
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are not choosing a bed partner in 15 years, but a bride today, i recommend the first elena, remembering her surprise, i will say. that this teacher will teach you only good things, it seems to me that any of these women would suit you, but with you... i think i agree with mendelssohn, it will work out, elena, only, ekaterina definitely not, violeta, i don’t know, vita, if the groom comes for you, you will follow him, oh, girls, well, i think, i think, yes, yes, a nice, nice man, come in, i invite everyone to come out and support yuri.
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so yes, maybe if we talk there, yes, he will choose something there, we can try, and talk, i agree, a beautiful couple, yuri and violetta, if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let’s get married.
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my daughter is with us now, i really want the kids to come, be with us, we will walk together, manage, i want to take custody of four children, my former partner, for that you have been deprived of parental rights? i was sitting one time someone was stabbed, who? they threatened to kill your partner for the second time, because of him you have two terms, but you are pregnant.
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good afternoon, mother of five children, status on social networks, family comes first. together, but does she exist, this family or just status? today in our studio alexander tsayser from the altai territory, hello, alexander, hello, tell us what you came with, what happened? i want to take custody of four children, my former partner. wow, these are not your children, these are not my children, but they are. brothers and sisters of your daughter, yes, yes, absolutely true, but we
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could not persuade guardianship, we were given a negative result, that is, you were denied guardianship, and why they explained, yes, they explained, in my youth, i made a mistake and received an article for that there was a threat to life, and you served some time, but no, i had a suspended sentence, well there... i literally shouted: i will kill you, that’s enough. let's listen, because we have this document, voiced, why were you denied guardianship? conclusion guardianship and trusteeship authority. the zeiser couple are calm and friendly in nature and created a peasant farm. the average monthly income is 115,000 rubles. the spouses have created all the necessary conditions for the adoption of minor children. tsather ekaterina does not have and never had a criminal record.
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for a month, my mother called me, said that no one was waiting for me, that marina, well , was walking, drinking, that is, they saw her in the company of men, well, i reacted to this, i don’t know, hard, not hard, i stopped everything communication with her, but did she already have a child at that time? no, there was no child at that time, she was pregnant from you, well, as she said, yes, that is, as she did. she said, well, you recognized your daughter, well, after a few years, of course, i recognized it, it looks like you, yes, here’s coffee, so i didn’t communicate with my daughter at all until three years ago, then somehow my conscience slowly began to eat away, we started communicating, and took in guests of the child, that is, well, he put on shoes there, well, he rarely took him on a visit, that is
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, we always had problems taking the child, marina, call me, can you take me?
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just a binge, how she gave birth to so many children, she gave birth like that, we will deal with her a little later, first with you, you showed what kind of farm you were running, let’s see, we have a large farm, about fifty heads of milk alone, this is a raspberry, this is a black one, there is just a cow, there is a night, well, they are like family members, one might say, already like that. i’m very glad that my daughter is with us, there is such a small tractor on the farm, i taught my daughter to ride it, it helps that you will have a daughter,
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well, now we have dirt here, but in the summer... we have green grass, flowers bloom, everything is very beautiful, we have so many calves, we all need to be watered and fed, i really want the kids to come, were with us, we will walk together, manage, teach them to work, so that animals are loved, here we made a nursery, bought cribs, warmth, light, what else is needed for children, we were waiting for the kids, i ordered mugs for them, because that we were denied guardianship, the mugs are gathering dust. now we are already planting seedlings so that we then this appeared. we have a spare room that we want to make for the boy, but at the moment we have a pantry, we store milk, at a time we sell
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about two or three buckets a day, the monthly profit is around 100,000 rubles. we have worked all our lives, we are not afraid of work, and we can give what the children need, she communicates with... her daughter, yes, she communicates on the phone, but you don’t forbid it, she once forbade you to communicate, well, you can’t be like such people, i think so, but i don’t like communicating with those come on, why don’t you like communication, well , my daughter says, she never called, they’re still sober, but she always calls even when she’s drunk, but when was the last time you saw marina, at the signing of documents, was that when paternity was established? it was in the month of august, look, marina will come into this studio right now, she’s ready to talk, yes, why not, of course, well, we’re waiting for her then,
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hello, what didn’t expect, you know how to lie well, but what did he lie about? , and the fact that i did not allow him to communicate with the child, the fact that the child was 12 years old, he did not even deign to once, my daughter called him herself, she already had a phone, they bought it for her, why were you deprived of parental rights? i was deprived of it, it wasn’t deprived, you were deprived, i had a sentence, i was in prison, for what? a threat to life is the same as he said, no, well, you’re not just a threat to life, you also stabbed someone, this was the first time, that is, you stabbed someone once, who? your partner, but under what circumstances? well , under such circumstances, the fact that he rushed to fight me, or i was in... conditionally, yeah, but for, then they replaced me for 8 months,
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second term for what? the second term is simply a threat to his life, but he, and he was also drunk with jokes, called the police, but there was nothing like that anymore, there was just a relapse, wait, and now you are telling this with a smile, why you are still doing this. together, well, yes, i see that you have a belly, you are pregnant, yes, and you are pregnant now from him, yes, they stabbed you once, they threatened to kill you the second time, because of him you have two terms, but you are pregnant, well, yes, he is the father of how many of your children, barbarians, anna and maria, three children, and he is deprived of rights to girls, now yes, that is, both of you have been deprived of the rights to all children, and who is your son from? in general , another person, how old are you, how old am i, but i’ve already lost count of god, marital status, i have a husband, i’m not
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a lady, he’s only serving as an intellectual, but 7 minutes of yours has gra remember that you are the director of this production, and not ranevskaya. ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. you obviously want to become the main figure in fien görden's play? well, if necessary, i can play worse for the sake of business. on children's day.
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simple and smooth, love doesn’t solve everything, beauty and carries me away, appreciating the gift of snow, the beautiful is far away, concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the composer evgeniy krylaty, premiere on june 1 at the first children's day, greetings to the prince! dali, what did you come to us with? with joy. should it hurt between the shoulder blades? no. why
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does it hurt me? maybe old? maybe? hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake and drink tea, and what else do you want, i don’t mind, eat everything, you’ll be fat, i’ll be thin, thank you my dear, and if i break you, you won’t be sorry, i you won't be sorry the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, well, not that much, but better in... where are the children? children in an orphanage, yeah, why were you deprived of your rights? the conditions in the house are very bad, that is, repairs are needed, let's look at your conditions in the house, and then we'll talk.
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i bought this house with maternity capital, we lived here with our children, look at the view we have, what mountains, it’s a mess with us, get out of here, get out of here, i say, the windows are bad, the house is old, it’s been here since 1941 this house is ours, this is our bathhouse, my children had everything. i have tanks, i have a stroller , a crib, here it is, this is senki, i have it here, the wiring is normal, at one time my neighbor got his electricity from us, well, here i have what’s left of the children, this was the kitchen, this is a room, and the stove began to smoke,
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she had nothing to do, well... i have a son here, this was his room, i heard carefully and in a dark voice exactly what he had come to, why are you, if you are sitting, both of you are drinking, please drink calm down, go in there, i say, room, go in there, but you also decided to disgrace me, lord, how did you get it, will you leave here or not, both of us, this is a wood-slab from us, i bought 30 sheets, this is to sheathe the house completely, i have girls here lived, now while we are temporarily here, i made okroshka today, something like this, yes, now it would be great to gather with the kids here to fry kebabs here...
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it’s hard without them, it’s hard, because without them , of course, i have no one but it’s my fault, i have no one else to blame, who are they drunk? people who walked around your house, well , this is my roommate, and this is your mother, this is your mother, also drunk, of course, why are you sober, well, because i don’t drink now, you don’t drink, now in general, how did i free myself and didn’t drink anymore? are you free? i was released last year, yeah, but did they try to take the children? where should i take it, in these conditions, i don’t have what kind of house is this? not a penny, this is a house bought with maternity capital, but why did you buy this wreck with maternity capital? and we have nowhere else if you take houses for that amount, this is not a reason to buy such a house, so where to live, what to live in? what do you mean where to live? so you need to buy a shed? well, it’s normal
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when... we bought, as the owners told us, a complete cosmetic renovation, when we entered this house, it began to crumble, all this began to fall, right away, as soon as you walked in, it immediately began to crumble, no, it didn’t happen right away, over time little by little it all began, so why didn’t you maintain it in proper condition, the house, the house began to sit down, it all began to fall down, we just started this renovation, i dismantled the stove while my husband was at work, let’s do this if you weren’t drinking. together with her husband, this house would not have fallen apart like that, and this is not discussed, why did you break up with alexander, but he just went to work in the city, left me pregnant alone, never came back, and you didn’t drink, didn’t go out , didn't change? no, his child, that is, i was nowhere from him, i was waiting, that is, i had no time to even go somewhere, i
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walked with my stomach. and alexander broke my jaw, but what happened, he didn’t just so he came up and broke it, well, how was our holiday and... he charged me, we were with friends, we were with friends, yes, and what happened, alexander, you tell me, well, we were with friends, we drank, marina, i don’t know , as it has become in character now, then before the girl was too hot-tempered, the scandal, swearing got out of control, her jaw was broken, yes, the police were there, no, she wrote a statement, no, and you were drunk, yes, she was blown away, no , yes, those who had drunk also sat straight and discussed beethoven, that is, even at that time i didn’t know that i pregnant, when i came in with a broken jaw, then i found out that i was pregnant, yes, yes, absolutely right, alexandra’s wife ekaterina came to our studio, let’s
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call her, marin, no matter how you don’t drink, you’re drunk, you’re always drunk called the child all winter, we were shocked that you were pregnant at all, constantly, you yell at her, you swear, you say that... yes, i’ll take them home, it doesn’t matter where you take them, that’s you will take this barn, not to you to raise your cows , but talk to me, please, tell me, as i understand it,
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it was your common decision to take your eldest daughter, well, your spouse’s own daughter from the orphanage, yes this is a common decision, i found her through social networks when we found out that our child was somewhere in an orphanage, we started calling the guardianship authorities. somewhere else, that is, but they wanted to know where they could look for her, the girl wrote me the contact information of the shelter, we called the shelter, explained the situation, we were allowed to come visit, from that moment we started going to visit, that is, somewhere... then they took her, dressed her somewhere, gifts for the child they brought them, but they are very pleased, because no one comes to them or calls, listen, but this is one child, and this is his own daughter, now you want to take four, and he is not their father, but they are our family, you understand, became during this time, while we went to the shelter, while they were all there together, that is, we go out, they run out to us too, they are also mother’s family, not family, your family, but let mom tell you how many times she called them while they were in the orphanage, and how many times in the orphanage did she call them, my dear, nothing, that
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i was sitting, firstly, when i came out, i called them every time, they wrote me letters, if anything, i have all the letters saved from them, it was they who wrote to you, and you wrote to them, did you write to them? next to us, they support you, the whole family supports us, on his side, on my side, everyone supports, and friends, as it were, everyone wants us to take the children, and what kind of relationship did you have with your mother-in-law, it was very good we have a relationship, you have
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a good one too, but i lived with her for four to 4 months, listen, i want this amazing a woman who was able to build a relationship with one daughter-in-law can be seen with another, at least on the screen, let's see. my son met marina, they didn’t live long, well , they behaved inappropriately, her mother and marina, and sasha complained once, complained twice, then in general my mother said, i won’t live there, i bring money, this money goes to the store across the road, beer and vodka, and she’s pregnant, marina, well, that’s why my son left, he left, marina gave birth, she’ll bring this girl, she’s always dirty, to such an extent so dirty that you can’t even look at it, here we have this sasha all summer, when sasha married katya in barnaul, they came to us krasnoshchekov, and he said: mom, let’s go to chenita, we arrived there, we go into the house, moms she’s not at home, she’s stupid, sasha is
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the boy behind her, the next one, they’re sitting like two wolf cubs, looking out the window, so we took her, we didn’t have clean clothes, sasha and i took off our son’s jacket, wrapped it up they brought her like that in a taxi to krasnoshchepovo, took her to the hairdresser, she had terrible lice there as a child.
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marina, well, a surprise for you, you said that you had such a good relationship with your mother-in-law, you heard what she said about you, yeah, i’m just saying it straight out, it’s surprising for me, i don’t know directly, how they drew up a plan, and you know why this surprised you and why, there was no plan, they said. there was no plan, my mother, one might say, bent over for you for the purpose, so that you would give your granddaughter to her, so that she would give it to you, so i never forbade you, if i forbade you, i would n’t even let you, i wouldn’t allow her adopt, yes, we deceived you, we deceived you, so that they told her that she needed to go to study, so that he would help her financially, because you have no money, so it was you who deceived me, that the child had to go to study, so you her still left.
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puts forward very dangerous ideas and talks about the need to launch long-range missile strikes against targets deep in russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields in which great britain has its own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is for all these guys to return home and continue to die there at the front for the interests of the united kingdom. pomatrosil quit. politically, of course.
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i have 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and 30 minutes, i know, i have life left, if something didn’t work out, that means what belyaev should have done, shoot him to death, that’s his job, that’s what he thinks , he doesn't, he doesn't think it's a feat, to be honest, a man went into outer space, this is svetochka, when i met her for the first time , a schoolgirl, of course she would have a young man, a rocket scientist, svetlana, or now or never? this is the picture on the left in the corner,
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the last hunt with gagarin, here i close my eyes, i see his eyes, it was more difficult for them, they were the first, alexei leonov's space odyssey, premiere on sunday on the first, our guest is a friend of ekaterina, katya, hello hello! you have known the family for a long time, about 14 years, exactly, do you think they will cope with raising them if if they take four, then there will be five children in total, they are really looking forward to them, they prepared so much, collected all the documents for about a year, and it was a blow for them when guardianship was denied, katya was in shock, she called, cried, she cried for a very long time , i remember there was a situation - katya and i worked together, it was necessary for katya to take time off from work, i went out to work for her. they went and took little sasha, uh-huh, so
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they brought her wrapped in sasha’s jacket in the winter, that is, the child didn’t even have clothes, she was getting lice out of her, it was all i had before our eyes, how do you even know this, because when they brought sasha, you ’re such a friend, he took her once, probably, and then she left with my mother-in-law in barnau, marin, you’re so interesting, now we’ve arrived, okay , this is a friend like katya, okay, i’ll believe that she’s sitting right now, here... everything is lying about you, but you have a cousin, well, i’m interested in what she will say about you, irin, come to us, hello, in herself, to be honest, she’s a good person, she’s normal, well , she just comes across really guys with lunatic, but she needs, she needs a normal guy who would take her right into his fist, listen, i’m not ready, but i flogged her, honestly , i’m not ready, irin, but she was always like that, she drank, she occupied herself with the children, honestly
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i’ll say, she found girlfriends that weren’t suitable for you, it’s just that alexander told us that you yourself... the beginning, when he started dating her , he went to work, they told him that she drinks, goes out with men, rubs herself, so she always drank all her life, no, there were moments, that is, when she did not drink, that is, she there were such moments, listen, she is the mother of five children, she should not have drunk for at least 5 years, while the pregnant woman was at least walking, and you say, there were moments in her life, well, just like that, it turns out that she drank while pregnant, there were moments , when the pregnant woman drank, and that is, with... that’s how it was here, but how, yeah, but nevertheless you think that she’s a good mother, but not well, well, like her, she’s not a good mother, well, damn it, honestly, honestly, where is it better for children, it’s better in an orphanage, but sasha and katya, or sasha and katya, give it or not, give it, give it, that’s it, we talked to
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neighbors, with yours, ekaterina, alexander, with yours, marina, let's listen to what they say about you. katya grew up before our eyes, she is a very good girl, like a housewife, she is also wonderful, katya and alexander, they are always in front of us too, i have never seen them drunk, incapable of being there, they are generally hard-working, well done, and responsive, they are very, i say, when you don’t turn to them, they will always come to help, alexandra, i have never heard of them having a row with katerina at home, well, they are good people, my children love them, especially sasha, he... has a good character, loves children very much, even spoils mine, they took their daughter, well, she treats them like a mother, dad calls, everything, it seems that their relationship is good, we think that we still need to give them the children, they have their own garden, katya plants everything, they have all the berries, in the orphanage it will be worse for them, here
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it will be 100 times better, and we will help, one family, one might say, we live - here are six courtyards, the marina is sfadimo. a normal family and their children are wonderful, but it’s all yankees, their stove was dismantled a long, long time ago, and even if the children had not been taken away, how would they have survived this winter, the children had no idea of ​​getting married, she had her daughter for 2 months, we went, the neighbors brought potatoes, brought food, you saw yesterday the grandmother, this one, who was running around like that , that’s what you think, it’s possible for grandma to give birth to a grandson, but she’s always like that, i personally feel sorry for them to live here, they have more opportunities there, i asked, i said, vadik, have you even put together a pizza?
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nobody said a good word about you, marina, but about alexander and ekaterina only with a plus sign, again everyone is lying, we decided invite your daughter marina and alexander to this studio, she is already 16 years old, i really want to listen to her opinion, do you want to answer me how you live alone, alone without you, i mean, why? well, i don’t know how she won’t think about the kids. sash, the first question for you is how was life with your mother and stepfather? well , life was initially good, when i was little, i didn’t seem to understand all this, i started to grow up, my parents drank, yes, i skipped school because of this,
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there were many times such cases that i received, as it were, from stepfather. for what? well, in different cases there for what, is it fair or not? i don’t think that beating children in general is fair, i agree, well done, i agree, well, that is, did he beat you sober or drunk, most often drunk, yeah, he just let his hands go and beat your mother? did you beat your mother, and did your mother beat you? no, that didn’t happen, please tell me why is mom here now? and you are here, because i have a very big grudge against my mother, i don’t want to sit with her, let’s talk, but why? well, she didn’t change her mind, the first time.
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them further, yes, at what age did you end up in the orphanage? the first time i was in an orphanage, i was 10 years old, i was with my brother, the second time i was 14 years old, my mother called us, but during the whole time it happened three times, and the first time she called, she was drunk , i asked her about her studies back then, i remember this, listen, in some amazing way, i understand that... she is not deprived of rights to me, to you, this is how it turned out, because i live with my father , i am fully provided for, and alimony is assigned to her
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for you, no, we don’t know, we didn’t clarify this, but for other children she should be assigned alimony, if she is deprived of the rights to them, such information is also yul, she just doesn’t know, she still has to pay alimony, they like it i don't like it, is there a solution or is it always like this? every month, that is, from me and my husband. you will never regain your rights in your life; it will never be possible to have alimony debts. sasha, do you want to live with her? no, i want to live with my father. do you want your younger ones, sister, brother to live together with you? yes, i want them not to live, i really miss them. i believe that my dad and my new mother will be very happy about this, they will cope with this, i believe, i will help them,
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but your mother thinks that they want to take the children so that they will be extra working hands in your big farm? well, if she thinks so, i don’t even know what to answer to this, well, you live in this family, you think that you are extra hands, she treats you like that, she treats me like a daughter ... she treats to the person we love we tried to explain this to the guardianship authorities, they gave us an answer: for more than 10 years, the family of the sacrificial marina sergeevna was in a socially dangerous situation, all prevention services carried out work to alleviate the troubles in this family. marina sergeevna did not work anywhere, was noticed ... consuming alcoholic beverages and was brought to criminal and administrative liability, the court was presented with reports of an inspection of the living conditions of
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the defendants’ family, where it was stated that for a long period of time living in this the house has not created conditions for children to live in, glass and furniture are partially missing from the window frames, the stove has been dismantled, during each visit by the guardianship staff it was established that the defendants were drinking alcohol in the house, since there were bottles scattered under the houses, the sanitary condition of the house was unsatisfactory, the defendants stayed intoxicated, the children were placed in a social rehabilitation center. marina sergeevna knew about the period of stay of the children, but after the expiration of which she did not come to the guardianship authorities for the children, as of today day there is no positive dynamics in this family, and marina sergeevna is not interested in the fate of the children. it took them 10 years to...realize this, dear guardianship authorities, i am turning to you now, i hope that it will take you much less time to realize that
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these children have a wonderful family who really want to become parents, this is ekaterina and alexander, otherwise you will deal with me, i promise that i will come to you, let's ask sasha to leave the studio, okay, sasha, after all, you are 16 years old, and maybe some of our experts will be quite harsh. there he said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are already playing these funny stupid games together, so you and i are on
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equal terms, but he ran through life, laughing, smiling. the genius of children's television died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1 on the first. marin, this hut, which the guardianship authorities have just described in detail, has been purchased for maternity capital, the children have been allocated shares in this house, yes, that is, your children now, being orphans, because you are your hubby, your filthy partner, are deprived of parental rights to the children, but they will not be able to get housing from the state, because you
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gave them shares in this shack, well done, mom! like this, be a person, if the father, if they want to raise, and you see that he doesn’t pray, you still haven’t matured, it seems to me that you are still at that youthful age, where drinking, taking a walk is your priority is to grow up, to really become a mother, thank you very much, you are great, and please, think, think, let there be at least something sensible in your head, let it go. let them be with the children, the children will be with this family, and you come and pray to god , ask them to forgive you, maybe someday they will forgive you, thank you, alexander, ekaterina, of course, you should first of all now file a challenge to the court decision, yes, that is, about the fact that you are refused to be guardians, and the first channel will help you, yes, that is, take my contacts, yes, that is, well
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, by video call on the phone, i will help, advise, write there if... what is needed, second, i would recommend that you still seek deprivation of rights to alexandra, that’s why? because this wonderful woman, when she becomes infirm, if she is not deprived of parental rights, will be able to apply for alimony from your now, well, daughter already, yes, that is, from your daughter she will have the right to alimony, so do this before sasha turned 18 years old, okay, thank you, i will never file child support. you even if you demand it, you’ll still come crawling to live with them. alexander, you are a deeply sympathetic man to me, if you need any help, legal, financial, you can safely contact me, i will help in your family, understandable, right? this is the first one. secondly, i think that even a court decision will not be needed. i suspect that after the release of this program, the altai prosecutor’s office will certainly respond and correct the wrong guardianship in the right direction. so, as far as
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this mother is concerned, that means you are for me. it’s certainly not very nice, but i want to give you a hint there are some things that you can do today to atone for part of your guilt, if you - write a statement to the registrar's office or, well , to the registrar's office, which issued the birth certificate, that you simply made a mistake by entering there the name of those men who gave birth to these children, and you write that, in fact, dad is here, then such a good thing will happen for them without any, without courts, without anything, you just write that it was your mistake. they came to correct this mistake, this is resolved without any courts. to you that sasha is your first daughter, that everyone else will say thank you, they will be grateful to you later, thereby you will at least somehow atone for the guilt, you do not sue these people, because they are correct, they live the correct life. marina, i saw how you looked at your daughter with someone else’s eyes, so surprised, this is very clearly visible from the outside, leave alexander and
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catherine alone, and everyone pray for them.


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