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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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make documents on him for alexander and be grateful to them, at least in this way atone for your guilt, at least partially, alexander gave you very good advice, i would use it if i were you, maybe a miracle will happen, your maternal instinct will open, which fate will finally give you your sixth child, at least you won’t deprive him, i honestly don’t know, will he be my seventh, eighth or ninth? a child, and if
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necessary, i’ll give you 20 grand, there is no upbringing as such, the mother is always either pregnant, or she gives birth as much as i want, i laugh as much as i want, this is my business, my body, and you are pregnant, yes, i’m pregnant, why are your children stealing from the supermarket, printing everything out and eating, this is nicole, she’s just small and doesn’t understand where the maternity capital is , they deceived me, they gave me only 50,000, you just wanted to cheat the state, in the end they cheated you, you are constantly making noise and yelling, he also came here, let's ask why you are interfering with the family so much. good evening,
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the big game is live, i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today the president of russia, vladimir putin held an extended meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects and the state council commission in the kremlin. this is what our president said when opening this meeting. the main tasks of the country's future are largely solved on the line of combat contact. we must never forget about this, and we are all together, everyone who is sitting here, all your teams in the field, everyone must work exactly the way our guys work on the front line, we must work constantly, intensely, understanding at what point in history russia and i we are working with you, it is from this that we build from goals, objectives, the very style of work of today, despite...
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the front, and today the minister of defense of the russian federation, andrei belousov congratulated those units that have distinguished themselves in recent days on the line of combat contact, and today the professional holiday is celebrated by a very important part of our armed forces; the minister of defense also congratulated them. let's listen. military vehicles are an important part of the army's weapons and logistics system. all types are equipped with it. and branches
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of the armed forces of the russian federation, motorist soldiers are constantly improving their professional training, successfully mastering the latest weapons, military and special equipment, making a significant contribution... what about military motorist day? the war is waged on wheels and the delivery of troops, ammunition, evacuation of the wounded, delivery of prisoners of war, all this is done by military motorists, and huge gratitude from everyone... the country congratulations on your professional holiday, and of course, not only motorists are forging our victory on the fronts of the northern military district, our aviation and rocket men make a great contribution, today a powerful blow was struck at the yavoriv training ground in
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the lvov region, where they train, among other things , mercenaries to take part in the war, how effective was this blow and what is happening on the line of combat contact. boris aleksandrovich rozhin, who is with us live, will now tell us. boris alexandrovich, good evening, over to you. and good evening, well, the strike on the yarsky training ground seemed to become part of a more complex campaign of strikes, which i was also in odessa, in kharkov, in the zaporozhye region, but it was the strike on the training ground that made the most noise, the most noise, there, according to various sources, they suffered, that is, well , as they say, up to 300 people were killed and wounded, that is, the exact numbers are still unknown, but apparently, in the near future we... will wait for a flood of information about various obituaries that pop up, as a rule, after such attacks after some time, naturally , foreigners were most likely also injured, and a number of sources report that export was carried out victims on the territory of poland, as usually happens when
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nato instructors or mercenaries suffer, who are later taken by helicopter to the territory of poland, well , naturally, these attacks accompany the active offensive actions of our army in most directions, if you go from south to... north , then in the zaporozhye direction on the rabotinsky ledge the battles continued outside of rabotin, the enemy’s main positions there are already north of the village, and our troops are pushing to the north-west of tverbovoy further in the direction already there on a small takmachka of nuts, that is, this ledge is gradually disappearing, on the vremevsky ledge our troops have already liberated more than half of the staromaisky one, the center of the village is already controlled, the enemy is only now on the northern outskirts, we can say that gradually the staromariskaya ... will return to ours control, the village was captured by the enemy last summer, now this achievement of the summer counter-offensive is disappearing, our troops also control up to the third village of urozhainy, which is located nearby, after the capture of staromorskoe, most likely the harvest will not last long. in
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the ugledar direction, our troops continue assault operations in the western part of paraskoveevka, there is little progress there, there is also little progress to the south of mikhailovka in the direction of the konstantinovka ugledar highway, in krasnogorovka we have progress in the central area. areas of the city , the enemy is gradually being pulled into the north-western part, there is a slight advance in georgievka, the battles for karlovka have already begun in full-fledged, the enemy is here lost part of the positions covering the outskirts of the village, the situation here continues to deteriorate for him, he cannot stop our offensive here yet, the taylovo-nivelskaya road has also been taken, our troops have also moved up near umansky, there are battles for novoleksandrovka, there is an advance to the west of ocheretin , an opornik was also taken in the kalinov area, in chasyarskoe... there is a slight advance to the west of kleshcheevka and andreevka, on the northern ledge today positional battles took place without much change in the area of ​​vesely, sporny and belogorovka, on
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in the krasnolimansk direction, also without any special changes, positional battles have ceased in the serebryansky forestry, in the svatovo-kupyansk direction the offensive of our troops continues, our troops were able after... the liberation of berestov to reach the north-eastern outskirts already from the telemakhovka and also put pressure on the telemakhovka from the east , here the enemy’s position has also worsened, there is also an advance to the west of ivanovka, that is, gradually we are moving there, well, in the kharkov direction , our troops have advanced a little in the area the village of leptsy, and there is also progress in volchansk, despite the large number of reserves that the enemy pulled up, even in this case we have progress precisely in the central regions of the city in the area ... of the local industrial zone, in general, as we see, on in most directions, the initiative belongs to our troops, the enemy fights back and since there are not enough reserves, he periodically faces various operational and tactical crises, which are becoming increasingly difficult to solve. boris aleksandrovich rozhensky, accurate as always analysis of the situation on the fronts of a special
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military operation, where we are moving forward, slowly, but absolutely confidently and realistically on all fronts. it’s really difficult for ukraine now. defend their positions from a military point of view, but also politically. yesterday our president made several important statements in tashkent, one of which concerned legitimacy. i would recommend that curious readers to master the text of our constitution indiscriminately pay attention to the first part of article 108:
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the president of ukraine exercises his powers before the newly elected president of ukraine takes office. in democratic societies this is called continuity of power, so vladimir zelensky will remain the president of ukraine until the end of martial law. the only thing that is confusing is that some ukrainian politicians, as if preparing the ground, quote the narratives expressed almost word for word, in particular within the ukrainian walls. it looks like it started bubbling there after the statement of our president, no, no, well, they’re afraid, of course, vladimir vladimirovich is absolutely right in his analysis, as always, that well, who now could, of course, push zelensky, the west, of course, the americans, first of all, if they had uttered at least one word there, they would have said that his legitimacy had ended, that would have been all, yes for zelensky, they...
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write for sure, but they write off for a reason, with baggage, which means this is the first, second, the whole
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regime, judging, after all, we won’t forget, they came to power as a result of the state coup, and a bloody coup in the fourteenth year, so it is obvious that their legitimacy in principle, as a government, is, well, let’s say, doubtful, such a neat word, although we understand everything perfectly well what the essence of this kievsky regime is, so i literally say one word. i’ll return to what the president said, that the future of russia is now in many respects really being decided on the fields of the northern military district, this is not only our military security, which is very important for our citizens, this is a question of our sovereignty, our independence, and - the most important basis of this independence - this ours, this is the consolidation of our society around the president’s course of creating a modern industry and a modern economy, this is the most important role of the one being renewed...
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to steal it, this means our indirect statement that with this, with this government, no negotiations and nothing will be signed, we consider them criminals, this was also a very clever message, now let’s get to that.
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and it turns out that the statement is already interesting, here is yuri sak, advisor to the minister for strategic industries and industry ukraine, said: but we are already striking with the permission of the western ones.
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after putin’s statement, there was a statement from poland that they do not limit, well , it’s true that poland has such systems, they don’t produce them, naturally, they talk about this, the british confirmed this, and macron talks about this, in fact, putin said yesterday, that they must remember that these are small countries with very dense populations and that... they are playing dangerous games, how dangerous are they? i would say that games are more than dangerous, especially since you are absolutely right, naturally, as indication targets, and combat information control systems, launchers of all western production, and the operators, as we once said at this table, can be exclusively western, because otherwise they will not have access to the indication target system,
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that is, these are active officers nato, the ukrainians have no right to this, i said it, we all said it, so it’s clear, there is, unfortunately, data presented on how the ukrainians use, unfortunately, american -made poisoning substances, and yet less silence, no one wants
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to react to this, the united states explains in an interesting way why they did not fulfill their obligations to destroy chemical weapons, you know how?
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staking key technologies to moscow and lifting restrictions on ukraine's use of u.s. short-range weapons to strike russia, the moves would mark a significant escalation of biden's carefully calibrated policy to support ukraine as he seeks to avoid direct confrontation with the russian president vladimir putin or his key ally, chinese president xidzenping. the very fact that such measures are now being considered indicates the administration's growing concern about ukraine's vulnerability.
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there are centers that produce these weapons, i think this is also quite legitimate, for military purposes, if they are used against our country, with the permission actually on the orders
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of the government of the relevant states, so they should also think about this, at least russia leave things like this without attention, it cannot definitely not happen, especially since the united states is not as strong as it once was, and it itself is absorbed in something completely different. now the most discussed issue in the united states, you know what, when trump is imprisoned, yes, how the secret service, which is obliged to protect him, will behave, after advertising we will discuss, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we had 35 young pilots, we went around city, runs into my mother, he flew on training planes over her... took his suitcase, the blanket that my mother once gave me, here i came to their home with these things, i offer you my hand and my heart,
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anything, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time. dad received a call to moscow. we understood that we would have to work harder to get an education as a test engineer. that's how we started working together. left. 5 minutes before entering the shadow and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary from the point of view of others, but for me just a dad, a good home dad, space inside, tomorrow on the first, the task of going into outer space is completed, by the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. to fly for 45 days 11 hours before the start, the state commission completely changes the crew, the soyuz 11 ship took off into the open spaces, and
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it was the father who they voluntarily replaced who was assigned to notify the families of the victims. i spent 3 years preparing for the flight. at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would have spent my entire life on the moon, because my father died there. voskhod 2 landed safely. the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary's car, and then a man emerges from the crowd starts shooting with both hands. dad survived by a complete miracle; one of the bullets whistled past his temple. the premiere, at the very edge, is on friday, on the first, on children's day.
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let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness. seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children’s programs, and the children simply clung to him, it was obvious, it could not be played. it was this guy who was like, well, i am. 20 years older than you, well, you and i are already playing these funny stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through life laughing, smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, as if they were picked up along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was to yulia. seryozhka was a real genius of children's television ; he died at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often remember him, so sergei is irreplaceable. suponev, my childhood hero, on june 1st , children's day. if there had been no
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winter in cities and villages, we would never have known these cheerful days, the clock on the old tower, in this world everyone should not rush, not get up, we float on here, as on... in love everything is not simple and smooth, in love it does not decide everything, beauty carries me away, carries me away, appreciating the snowy yes, beautiful.
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what did you come to us with? with joy. should it hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe old? maybe! hey girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, bake, what else do you want? i don’t mind, eat everything. you will be fat, i will be thin, thank you my dear. what if i'm weak? i don’t know, you won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is, so that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, but not that much, better than anyone else, premiere on june 1 on the first, the game is live
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. the modern world is changing, changing quickly, and not in favor of the west, which is still trying to maintain its hegemonic aspirations and dominate the entire globe. today sergeevich lovrov met with representatives of the diplomatic corps represented in moscow, ambassadors of a large number of states, as you can see, are present at this meeting, this is what he said our minister.
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no matter who comes to the white house, there is trump, there from prison, he will win the election, not from prison, there or biden will end up staying somehow miraculously, uh, it doesn’t matter who, but the important thing is that to stop this process, united the states cannot, they cannot now make a single key international decision on their own, they want to do it, but they cannot, they are forced to turn to other countries, because even the western is about the american core, this is the western nato core. that too cannot do this, and we see it very well, so to speak, they have all united against us now on the fields of the northern military district, they cannot do anything, they are of little use from this, indeed, the world is really changing very quickly, they say this in themselves in the united states of america, in my opinion, tucker carlson had a very interesting interview with jeffrey sachs, a famous economist, and they really discussed the entire modern agenda, they put a whole
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series... europe, not to defend europe, not even to protect ourselves, this is hegemony, we need our pieces on the board,
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but this is our piece on the board. why germany allows foreign troops to remain on its soil for 80 years. i don't understand why european countries allow this, would you like to see foreign troops? tucker, during your wonderful interview with putin, he answered all the questions except one: you asked him what the germans see in this, and putin said, “i don’t understand.” i thought, “oh god, thank you, because i don’t understand either.” this is the same the question is the same after the united states blew up the nord stream gas pipeline. why don’t the germans, before or after this, tell you why you did this, because you undermined our economy, but they don’t want to. that's how subordinate they are to us interests. of a general order, iosifrionovich was the first to talk about joining nato, in 1949, in a conversation with the french ambassador, he said, if you are a peace-loving bloc,
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but naturally the soviet union, as the most ruble-rich state, really wants to be in it, the french ambassador did not find anything to answer . molotov, comrade molotov, 54, applied to join nato, received the answer that only if our base was dismantled.
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what do you think about putin? he is very smart, extremely effective in leading russia, as a native of the kgb, he understands how the united states operates. we have become a state where the cia has absolutely exclusive influence, and putin understands this. he doesn't like it, but he knows very well how we operate, based on his experience, especially in the kgb, when his main enemy was the cia, he doesn't care illusions about the united states. i wish we could prove him wrong, but alas. instrument of regime change, and the us is certainly very influential, it is the only country in the world that relies on regime change as a leading diplomatic role. i would even put it a little differently: this is the leading instrument of our
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foreign policy. in other words, most small or medium -sized countries, when they don't like another country, either have to deal with it or come begging the us to remove that country. we the country that makes a living overthrows.
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states, because they think absolutely rationally and see the world as it is, because in america now everything is upside down, but the main thing, of course, is the presidential election campaign, which is going on in interesting conditions, because the democrats, seeing that biden well, he is losing this campaign, which he is absolutely incapable of. they can’t say a word about it, because he is a candidate from their party and no one wants to be the first to shout, but the king is naked, yes, on the other hand on the other hand, the leader of the race, the most popular politician in the united states, donald trump, against whom there are several criminal cases for which he faces 600 years in prison, and it is possible that this will happen very soon, in any case, there is already a trial in one of the cases , why he i...
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an interesting question, not when he will be imprisoned, but how he will sit, because the president of the united states, he is doomed to be under the protection of the security service, which must obey him, which owes him obey, yes, and how it will be in prison, let's cbs listen to what exactly will happen if the jury finds trump guilty is difficult to predict, according to former manchanton prosecutor duncan levin, trump's case is being considered in court. new york state, where judges have broad
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power to determine when inmates are sent to prison after conviction. this differs from federal court, where there is usually a waiting period between sentencing and imprisonment. it can be sent to jail right from the courtroom,” levin said. the question of where trump might serve his sentence is one of many factors that remain unanswered. the short sentence can be served at the city's two-building reicers island jail complex, which is commonly used.
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but they were there, they scolded carter so much at one time that he’s not pale and so on, so to speak, but still, compared to biden, he’s a rock, therefore, but, but the fact that they are now busy with this is once again speaks of how far from them the well-being of other countries' peoples, this is absolutely, by the way, their policy towards ukraine, these supplies are absolutely necessary. ukraine held out until the november elections, you know, yes, well, the question
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is whether the american press is getting ahead of itself, but trump doesn’t think so, actually, because he sees what’s happening, because now his question is whether there will be whether he is in prison or not depends on the decision of the jury, in the state of new york, there they selected, i think, good jurors who are needed, which jurors are needed, further from the judge. who decides to imprison him immediately or not, or to keep him free for some time, yes, in any case , the situation does not seem funny to him, let's listen to donald trump. donald trump has done nothing wrong, everyone says that except the corrupt judge who is involved in this case, and you know why, but i can't say that because i was gagged, which is also against our constitution. i am the leading candidate, i am ahead of biden and everyone else, but i am gagged and not allowed to speak. this this is happening for the first time; no president
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has been deprived of freedom of speech before. today everyone in new york is saying this is crazy and this trial should never have happened. this is a very sad dangerous day. for america. trump means that the same judge forbade him to disclose, that is, the details of the case, that is, to speak in his own defense. well, eric trump, his son trump, is now fighting with all his might for the rights of his father. i was in this courthouse for every hearing against my father. while new yorkers watch murders on the streets, then women being thrown under the wheels of trains.
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a man will not be able to care for a woman at all, as has always been sung, because when a man is courting a woman, he hits her with candy, when they are still far from some kind of relationship together, well, it is clear that he wants to touch, suddenly shake her hand, put her hand in your pocket, to arouse some feelings, this is why you should go to prison for this, i don’t want to live in such a society, you see, i’m not a femenka, and you don’t live in such a society. and you won’t live, we have the right society, it’s just very beautiful, it, as a person in christian culture, it frames everything, we set the table beautifully, although in fact we just consume calories, just like in
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the relationship between a man and a woman, this is the height, we made everything beautiful, wonderful, satiated some kind of spirit. this is not something new, it happened in 1992, i taught for one semester at the california institute of technology, and there they forced me to write some insane amount of papers, in my entire life i have never signed so many papers as there when applying for a job, this volume dealt with sexual harassment, where you have to sign every page, there were an insane number of them, even then, now it’s much worse, they’ll put you in prison. well, there are two options, whether they will go to jail or not, which means the first option is connected with the fact that they simply want to discredit him, and to take the agenda in a direction that is inconvenient for him, yes, that is, now everyone is discussing, well, did he pay
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the porn star, did he not pay, this is in any case not the most beneficial for a presidential candidate the topic, well, in any case, is not the most profitable, so you can get distracted at this time. biden's health, from his endless failures, from corruption, now the pier that they built for some hundreds of millions in order to supply humanitarian aid to the gas sector, or more precisely to israel, but next to the gas sector, they spent this money, it collapsed, yes, this is also clearly corruption, but all this is not discussed there, everyone is discussing this topic, this is one option, but they still want to bring it out directly.
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happens after advertising, i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and admit that i love my homeland, “i love you, russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent and the best in the world, only here, my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all citizens
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of our dear homeland of unity, a peaceful sky of unity grand chaps, the british minister of defense, decided to bet on ukraine. we all must provide military support to ukraine. support if this is not done." what an unthinkable time russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries, his own incompetence, criminal, he puts forward very dangerous ideas and talks about the need to launch long-range missile strikes on targets deep in russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields in which great britain has its own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is to get all these guys.
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at 19 years old i was left alone, why are you here? and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is crap, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes, i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything the hard way, the war passed her by. look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will challenge this
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anticipation, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are grimacing, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a lady, no family, no children, but devoted to art to the grave, you are brilliant, dramatic actress. and the whole world will know about this, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, happy birthday to whom, leo nikolavich tolstoy, on the occasion of alexei leonov’s ninetieth birthday, the americans are planning to go into outer space, our sunrise should fly earlier, unfinished products cannot fly into space. and you try, i don’t keep up with the task, but i don’t care, you are my partner, the risk of launching
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sunrise 2 with living people is too great, we are ready to take the risk, attention, says moscow, today is march 18, 1965, a man... a man went out outer space, no do you understand what's wrong with the pressure? and we have two, are you okay? answer, alexey, why are you silent? sorry, i’m ready to enter the airlock, i’m waiting for the command, are you suggesting leaving them in the soldier’s orbit. i have to die for the sake of the interests of my state, when i wake up, dad will already arrive, she won’t
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try very hard, lyosha, there’s not enough air yet, lyosha, it’s time for the first ones, on sunday at the first one, well, we’ll see who wins? big game on the first: israel strikes rafahi refugee camp, large number of casualties, total number of casualties there already for 70 thousand. israel is already an outcast for the vast majority of humanity. this blow caused a new one. a wave of protests essentially all over the world, not only in the islamic world, but in other countries there were protest demonstrations, there were
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protest demonstrations, and of course in the united states of america, where they are brutal...
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there is an ordinary american, he is a fairly good-natured, honest worker, oh, about the honest thing, i doubt something, but - god bless him, the american worker, well, the world actually sees this, even if the countries of the european unions are now recognizing palestine one after another, at the last meeting of the european union the issue of imposing sanctions against israel was discussed, this is serious, it says a lot, but what does it say now? well, the leader of the nato country turkey erdogan, this speaks for itself. let's listen. the world is watching the barbarity of a sick maniac, a psychopath, a vampire feeding on blood named netanyahu, watching this on live television. hey american state, this blood is also on your hands, you are as responsible for this genocide as
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israel. hey, heads of state and government of europe, you too. became partners in this genocide, this barbarism, this vampirism of israel, because you were silent, they shot at hospitals, schools, mosques, and you were silent, they shot at a convoy with humanitarian aid, you were silent, they shot journalists, doctors, humanitarian workers , and you were silent, mass graves were found in hospital gardens, and you did not react, absolutely right, this is a fundamental thesis, in fact, it will further...
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because the americans have been involved in this for decades, they are interested in this, to fish, i repeat this again, what i said, in the troubled waters of the middle east, they continue to do this, but it’s a pity, it’s a pity that the same no words were spoken in relation to the residents of donbass, who were killed for years, killed by american and western weapons, continue to be killed, now russian citizens, they are now citizens of our country, disengaged, so... i would have added this, and it would have completely buried they will bury, i am sure, any western claims to moral and ethical heights in the world. western hegemony, which we talked about, is in its decline, it is just beginning, its decline begins with the loss of moral leadership, with the loss of this very sovereignty of the spirit, because thanks to humanitarian technologies
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, the west reigned supreme, now everyone can see ...
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somehow resulted not only in the words of recep tayyip erdogan, but in some kind of more effective position, so that it was not on the principle that you know, as they say, as culbert, the french minister, said, two ships meet, fire each other from cannons, and the sea does not become saltier from this, yes - but in fact , the only way for israel is to still recognize an independent palestinian state, already how many neighbors have declared influential , the minister of foreign affairs also stated this.
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because the weakening hegemon, who personifies the bygone era, is doomed, but our cause is just and the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we pass the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. key tasks for the country are now being solved on the front line, we are all together, that’s all who are sitting here, all
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your teams are on the ground.


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