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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 29, 2024 6:30pm-7:54pm MSK

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well, right now on the air of the first channel, watch the program, time will tell, hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, in an interesting time, of course, we live in an interesting time in which new evaluation criteria appear.
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we must work constantly, intensely, understanding at what point in the history of russia we are working. in fact, these are very important words, not only because over the past 80 years, well, 79 years, but in general, on such a scale as this can now say our leader of the country, but so that in general it is clear that on these lines of combat contact, where our guys work, the fate of the country was really decided, with the understanding of this moment in history, we live at this moment in history, by the way , we are here in... and the program
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time will show a perfectly understood moment in the history of russia and we try to work and live like this, and even some of our regular guests regularly not only visit the line of combat contact, but also directly they work there, so now let’s rush into big advertising and, true to vladimir putin’s commandment, we’ll immediately start discussing from the song, how are our guys doing? happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i recharge, this is very cool, we are often confused, if someone...
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us, everyone says: oh, twins , protect your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobility, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are telling each other the truth, always, always. listen to each other and always understand, we were raised so that we always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country. country, we love you. grand chaps, britain's defense minister, decided to bet on ukraine. we all must provide military support to ukraine. if this is not done, then the unimaginable cost of a russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries. in his criminal incompetence, he puts forward very dangerous ideas and talks about the need launching long-range missile strikes against targets deep within russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields in which...
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great britain has its own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is to bring all these guys back home. the americans are planning to go into outer space, our sunrise must fly earlier, unfinished products cannot fly into space, but you try, don’t hold on to this task, but for me i don’t care, you’re my partner, the risk of launching
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sunrise two with living people is too great, we are ready to take the risk, attention, he says, moscow, today is march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, he didn’t understand what was wrong with the pressure, and we have two, on your plate, answer me, alexey, why are you silent?
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time for the first ones, on sunday on the first one, well, we ’ll see who wins, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first one, it will be... hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first one, how many years how old are you, yes, yes, i'm already god, i've lost count, my marital status,
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you say i have a husband, no, i'm a young lady, they only get to work with the intelligentsia, yes. 7 minutes of your play are a great audience success, tell me what you want from me, maybe you will remember that you are the director of this production, and not ranevskaya, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, you clearly want to become the main figure in faien görden’s play, if necessary, i can play worse for the sake of business, yuri sanich. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, i started the program today with words of vladimir putin, and addressed to
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the participants of the meeting of the council on strategic development, national projects, that each of them, and i would also add to this that each of us in our place, must work the way the guys work on the line of combat contact with the awareness of the moment in which we live in our country and how much depends on each of us, on his work, just as a lot depends on the work of these guys on the line of combat contact, today we will discuss one of the manifestations the significance of what the guys are doing there, and speaking of conversations that have been going on for several days now. russian federation, we have already discussed, we know that there are different points of view, that there is a point of view that they want escalation, some want it, some don’t
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want it, there are points of view, what is it, so to speak, how would be an attempt to push us to some kind of negotiations, but no matter what versions are put forward by the people who are discussing this and arguing about it, everything... on what prompted these discussions, discussions in the west, the situation on the front line, that is, the very work that is being done there... our guys, but what actually happens there on the front line, at least in the area where your brigade and your guys are working, well, taking into account that , what you can say about this or can’t say, let’s talk, i heard, for example, that they brought shells to the enemy, somehow they weren’t very good with the shells, and so they gave it, they went, they brought it, they brought it, but still less in our sector now, well, in the sector of my brigade, neighboring... sections, yes they shoot they are not trying to conduct combat operations too intensively and generally not too intensely,
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that is, they are now on the defensive, this is naturally explained very simply by the fact that they are forced to drag a significant part of their forces to the kharkov direction, thereby they are now not as dense as earlier, just personnel, and, in fact , guns and equipment, because they were forced to actually move along the front line, to move their units with reserve units... after all, already with reserves very weakly, that’s why they have to withdraw from the front, from the lbsa, respectively, parts of the unit and send them to the kharkov region, yes, no, no question, they will still be able to gather meat, the question is the combat readiness of this meat, the question of the combat readiness of this meat, of course is already weak, the motivation is very much weakened, because everyone who wanted to fight with us intensively, in fact, we have already killed, so those who remain are those who don’t want to fight with us at all,
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according to nato regulations and rules, they, according to the officers , even the younger ones, it is forbidden to approach the lbs, more or less than the so-called military, yes, they operate at 15 km, yeah, yes, that’s why the lbs there are privates and sergeants. and the sergeants are, in general, simple guys, you can always tie them up in blood, yeah, well, for example, torture some people who are in the rear, their own, so-called citizens, for pro-russian sympathies or something so fictitious , film all this, and then shows and says: well, mykola, conditional, so you’re thinking of leaving from the front, and you leave, the russians will then come to you in your village, it doesn’t matter where it is, it doesn’t matter if the russians will come to the zhitomir or vinny region, they will... maybe they won’t touch others, but they will definitely touch you, because they will get you out they will say, what did you do, this
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is whose head, which has a russian passport nailed to it, you did this, yes mykola, come here, and they are afraid of this, judging by the details of the description, you are speaking based on some experience, of course, of course, of course, which comes from yes, comes from communication with the pleno and in particular, yes, therefore they are also often afraid to surrender. therefore, the people there on the other side, they clearly don’t want to fight anymore, they believe that they
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are forced to do it, they were pinned down so well, well, the timber has always existed with them since the twenty -second year, and, in fact, even before the twenty- second year it also existed in the fourteenth, the practice of detachment barriers, yeah, that is, they have detachment barriers that destroy everyone who tries to leave the line of combat contact without an order, they simply directly destroy them, and everyone there knows this well. so this is such a fighting army serfs, military slaves, but it still exists, so don’t think that everything is so brilliant with us, everything will end soon, we are moving forward, but we are moving forward very slowly and hard, that’s what i’m actually talking about started talking, i wanted to ask that i, well , listening to our diverse information space, i hear quite a lot of such, so to speak, seemingly... convincingly joyful messages that combat units are now leaving, their reserves
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are bad, combat they are forced to remove parts and transfer there to the kharkov direction, and yes, that’s probably true, but after that i ask a question in an absolutely deletan way, but from what i know during the 2 weeks of my trip along almost the entire front, literally 2 weeks were too long, yes they've sold out a little, maybe they're removing reserves? but they are removing reserves from those areas from which they are removing them, well, for now, at least, there are no breakthrough actions of ours, so that the front would just begin to crumble for them, nowhere, no. he is slowly bending, but he is not yet broke through, when it breaks through, well , i don’t want to pretend to be a fortune teller, it could actually crumble somewhere at any moment, but there are some reasons for this, that it could crumble or or well, well, here we
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are talking, and i hear it, i can tell, you know that they are already slowly starving for shells. stops, of course, it ’s over, frankly speaking, yes, when they want, they shoot a lot from the heart, that’s a lot from the heart, yes, especially since the drones directly overlapped very well, the number of drones is really huge, simply inhuman, in at some point they tried to use drones to make an alternative to the lack of shells, well , not the absence of them, to a significant reduction in the number, yes, so to speak, of those shells that they can use, respectively, now they have shells and drones in huge quantities, that's why. yes, they work quite intensively, we oppose them, to say that this is such a one-sided story, no, this is not true, we are also very good at getting them with our own drones, but they are doing very well with the update, they are jumping on frequencies, that is, they have dropped significantly in terms of the frequencies of their devices, that is, they are now no longer even operating at 700 megahertz, but have dropped below almost to the frequencies at which our devices operate, that is, to 400 mhz, i
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work at these frequencies, we don’t have one right now , it just turns out there isn’t such a reb, well, in the field. conditions that could oppose them with something, they, accordingly, hit our communications, that is, they don’t even hit half as much, they try, as they organize raids on the road, because the front, the battle line contact, it’s such a living thing, yes, so to speak, it’s not like a trench, yes, in which people sat down, placed them there and they sit there, no, of course, it’s such, i would say, a thick big line that 10-15-20 km, transport is constantly moving along this line, especially at night, of course, so they have...
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since 1914, our enemy has always been good in defense, so now they have sat down on the defensive and are trying to hold on, so of course we will break them , we will probably break them somewhere, just when it is will happen, how long will it take us to do this, how much strength will it take us to do this, only god knows, i must say that they have acquired serious weapons, they are increasingly
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starting to reach our rear with long-range weapons, yes, because in lugansk for a long time they didn’t hit, now they’re hitting actively, on our rear, which... are located even further than in lugansk, they’re also hitting quite actively now, i must say that they periodically hit, because well, it’s impossible to cover everything with air defense umbrellas reliable enough to some moment you can't it would be overloaded, they are improving, they are working, they are improving the tactics of their attacks, just so to speak, as they say, it is expensive to watch sometimes, yes, a good enemy, we, when we destroy him, we will be the most powerful army in the world, exactly 100%, yeah. well, this is actually, dear friends, a good example of how a person coming from the front, despite the fact that...
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some of the moods that are sometimes heard here among people who, well, it seems like that’s all, this a very important line that we all should not forget about, that when you look at a big map, not even that big, but even bigger, then how can you draw these arrows, that we don’t go there, why don’t we go around there, and why don’t we go there? , what are we afraid of, who are we afraid of, when this map is even the size of the front of a brigade, sabotage and assault. and right away, it’s like you treat the enemy differently, it identifies a different problem, there is nothing decadent, critical, and so
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on and so forth, these are my friends, life is in all its fullness, and this does not negate the fact that in general, relatively speaking, the tendency is that we are putting pressure, but we are putting pressure on the enemy, who is still very much even, this is the word: that they are improving, but of course we must say here that it is not only them they are being improved, they are being improved, because there is a transition to frequencies and so on and so forth, but there is someone to study, there is someone to study, yes, of course, industry science works for them, the advanced science of our main, our own geopolitical enemy, the collective west, well, it's necessary to say that we, of course, have a soft war against progress, any war is a very big engine of scientific and technological progress, it is a mobilization of forces. nations, well, in our case, yes, in their case, it’s this conglomerate, well, with them, therefore, with mobilization, i must say, it’s weaker, with all their total economic power, which of course exceeds in terms of the
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same gdp, but colossally exceeds the domestic product of the russian federation, yes, it would seem they could, but consolidation is very bad there, and we still have several better, let's say, that's why we are quite efficient. private, well, i mean sort of popular-collective, yes, because we have a lot of everything that we are equipped with and what we really use, what we effectively use, this is the fruit of
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private initiative, people, people, businessmen, who also , by the way, part of the people, i want to tell you, many have proven that they are a real part of the people, not the worst at all, and maybe just the best, because well, people are just great at helping, moreover, they invest money for scientific and technical developments in pro
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and this, by the way, returning to the beginning of the program, is that if everyone approaches what he does from the point of view of understanding and perception of what, yes, yes, what he was talking about, that’s about what the president said is that we all, given that the 21st century, given the moment in which we live, we are all one way or another on this line of combat contact, it’s just that for some, the line of combat contact is shot range. from an anti-tank gun or a flight or arrival, respectively, of some kind of missile, and for some the line of combat contact, this is where he
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does something, produces something, which... they are large-scale, by the way, this is how he sees what problems we are going to solve, our enemy in the person of his minister of foreign affairs, please leave minister of defense russia has about 500,000 troops in ukraine near its borders, and is preparing to add another 200-300,000. moscow is preparing for a new strike, their goal is to open a new front in the north to begin using all their
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manpower, firepower... to destroy nation, we are resisting, but of course, we need more weapons, we need more firepower, we need long-range missiles to prevent them from entering the territory of our state, let's do this, let's remove rustem umerov from this phrase this well , propaganda component, that we are going to destroy their nation, because well , in general, we do not perceive them as a nation, we...
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the territories of the former ukraine, well, we recently summed up the results of the spring campaign here in this studio, they said that in general , we indeed , we achieved very serious results, and the most important thing is that over these months we were able to create, or more precisely, achieve a new level of training for our troops, when we moved from those small assault units that began to produce results to a situation where we began to act as full-fledged assault units, yes. and accordingly, again, there is a whole technology, there are factories, drones, control, yes, in this case, of course, it is absolutely obvious to us that the defense war is not being won, it is absolutely obvious to us that we need to attack, and of course, we will attack, the summer campaign is ahead, the ukrainians are quite rightly afraid that russia will strike, not one strike, but several strikes, because it is quite obvious, meaning by strike, this is the movement along the front yes, because, because
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we see that there is war. begins to take a completely different track, we see how the war begins to slide to the side, well, what is called - well, it cannot be called a world war, but it begins to be drawn into it more and more countries, that is, we see that there are all these statements about the need to give the ukrainians the opportunity to strike further, and this is exactly what we are now moving on to, this only means one thing, that there is a clear understanding that ukraine she won’t be able to stand it on her own, so you have to go with one. sides allow them to really strike further, strike more often on the territory of russia, because firstly, it hurts russia, it’s clear, it allows you to support the agenda that they, so to speak, retain the initiative, naturally, this strikes at our objects that are located at key points, including quite far from the front, there are warehouses and headquarters, but we first pulled them back to the khaymars range, and now we are beginning to understand that it is necessary, not only to push them further, but to endlessly pull them back it’s also impossible, because this is the same logistics that is
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somewhere in some place. this means that in this case we just need to increase protection, more air defense systems, more real protection, we must finally start building shelters for aircraft at airfields, and not just put them out there to say, like at a parade, this is a mysterious topic for me, i even honestly say, well , i have no comments on this topic, why have they been talking about this for so long, and it seems to be very obvious, and yet it is not obvious, i think that when some kind of sins begin, everything will start to spin, and so far many are counting how many blows were struck,
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drlo, i’m already reading why these stupid guys need drlo planes, they’re like dead in the park, guys, in fact, a normal aviation circuit is simply being built defeats, f16 were initially designed to work with drlo aircraft, that is, they are designed for this, there is an entire digital system that allows you to automatically receive information from these aircraft, not go on air anywhere, go at extremely low speeds, be virtually invisible and fly out at least to the front line there... still, as it were, at such altitudes where they won’t take you, you know, and the most important thing is that these planes, they are already completely tied to the nato air defense system, they are all digitalized, they are all completely tied to satellites and everything, everything, everything, but the whole
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mystery is that where they will operate from, that is, the crews will be ukrainian, or at least, well, with the ukrainians, there will definitely be someone there a flag to walk there on the shoulder, but they will not be able to operate on the territory. look, just at this moment, you actually came to this yourself, to this conversation, which we will actually all come to together now, since this is one of the main topics, remains one of the main ones, and maybe
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now the most important one in the information agenda, well, as if at another level of this broader lbs, yes, that is, you think, judging by your words, that all these statements by the stoltenbergs, which... here we have been saying for several days now that permission must be given, what is ukrainian, and what is our weapon, as soon as it falls into the hands of ukrainians, it is ukrainian, let them hit, here is barel, who yesterday, it means, was talking about the fact that it seems like one and a half countries have already given permission, today, however, i’m in i wrote in a telegram, today, it means that the ukrainians counted already 10, it’s true, and this is also an interesting question, it’s like in these ten, but if my memory serves me right, great britain is listed.
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many of you have seen this picture, this map shows that ukrainian territory is actually under fire from bases in russia, so how do we explain to the ukrainians that they are not allowed to attack points from which missiles are launched? in fact, we tell them that we supply weapons, but we do not allow them to defend themselves. we believe that they should be allowed to neutralize military targets, with which the missiles were fired. and in fact, military facilities. which were attacked in ukraine, but we should not allow them to hit other targets in russia, i think we can do this if we really want to achieve our goal, and i think that in essence we are not provoking escalation, russia is provoking escalation, and canada is provoking
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she made the same statement, but that’s kind of it, that’s the idiocy with which they present all this, of course it causes laughter, but the question is whether the direction they are moving causes laughter. if they are moving where i understand vlad describes, and the canadians have already said that , like, let them do what they want, however, again, the canadians do not produce long-range weapons, that is, the canadians talk about american weapons, the estonians, latvians, lithuanians, well, all these other swedes, they too they say, in essence, it’s not about their weapons, but let’s listen to the poles, where would we go without the poles, please, minister, you returned from bruhl, when he... transferred weapons to the ukrainians, was it stipulated that they should not be used to attack russian territory, if this weapon has which we transfer, are there any restrictions for use by ukrainians? the polish weapons that we give to ukraine do not have
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such restrictions, ukrainians can fight the way they want, i think this is a very important aspect of this donation, if we decided, and we as a country decided to help ukraine in this conflict, then ukraine has the right to defend himself has the right.
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task, but at least it will, as it were, fix ukraine in the form in which it exists; it can be further pumped up endlessly and made into a new one, so to speak, a huge outpost of the war against the future against russia, the task is to coerce, this means that we really need to develop to untie all the laces, so to speak, all hands, in this case, yes, the supply of long-range weapons, the ability to hit the territory of russia, this is at the same time psychological warfare, and of course , well, the military impact too, the second... behind this , as if we saw how it all is, that is
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, this is an important question for these discussions, i ask it every day and it confirms every day, well, it is confirmed from different on both sides, after all, this is already preparation for some kind of military operation, or is it still an information-political operation, this is not an information-psychological operation, because there are people there who are very seriously trained, well prepared, who are excellent at calculating what they have.. . strategic, strategic, well, they are not delivering yet, but they are supplying everything, and russia
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has not shown any reaction, well, except for our routine statements. then the next thing began, we see, this is precisely the use of these weapons, at first only on the front line, then in the fall they included crimea, all, as they said, traditional historical ukrainian territories, that is, navorosiya, everything else, well, traditional historical ones, they are just russian territories, they call them that, we say how they call them after them. allow hitting, yes, and today they are already starting to completely calmly lift the latest restrictions, hit wherever you want, because after this there will be the following, i remind you, 3 months ago, 2 months ago in this studio you and i spoke when the arrivals will begin, you said, the first to go will be some estonians, some daughters, and it’s not like you don’t feel sorry for them, some medical platoon will go, you know, there’s a logistics unit there, the task is to start the russians again little by little, so to speak, in homeopathic doses accustom them to the fact that... there
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will be, as it were, the next stage, that is, when they begin to enter and the russians again do not react, then what is called free western territories will be created, in the sense that more will enter there, air defense will be established in the western territories, where the military-industrial complex will be built, where there will be other levels of training grounds there, that is, to create a solid rear for ukraine, which it currently does not have, on which to rely, again liberated from the western territories from the border with belarus . in
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the end, build a certain curzon line behind the back of the current fighting front, on which all sorts of nato outposts, so to speak, will definitely stand, and if the russians drive the ukrainians to these outposts, then further of course, the question will be, will the russians decide to fight directly with us? they think they won’t, because we still haven’t done this, is that one thing? made, as i understand it, these swedes, armored personnel carriers, if they come under attack, no one, no one says: oh-oh, wait, there are parodies, there, there the swedes slow down, everyone is big,
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they didn’t react in any way for 2 years, accordingly they over the next 5-6 months they will be able to accustom us to the fact that troops are officially present, and accordingly behind the line of these russian troops will no longer march, even if they reach them, because this is already a direct conflict, it seems like with the west, they think so, it indicates that our red lines are bending, that we are, as it were,
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our red lines periodically we bend, as it seems to the west, yes it’s true, well, at some point this thing is very reminiscent of a bowstring, they have the impression that they don’t understand this, this is... from an angle, i’m very interested in hearing your point of view on what after all, they are actively engaged, now heating up this discussion about granting the right to ukroreich to strike our territories with western weapons, and now i am returning to this list of 10 countries, in the same place, for example, it is not very clear
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what it is that 10 countries have given permission to ukroreich to strike the territory of russia with their weapons, how can the lithuanians give permission to hit them with weapons if their... weapons are american, for example, if an american missile is delivered to lithuania, and lithuania transfers it to ukraine, and ukraine launches it on russian territory, what kind of missile came to us, ukrainian, lithuanian or american, and there are a lot of nuances like that, but your weapon is like, and you ’ll come up with something like, what, but she has something to use, but she allowed it, and why did she allow it if she doesn’t have anything that can reach , these are already developing their own... no, no, no, this is not foreign, the ukrainians themselves developed it, it will be written there for ukraine, or here you go, bilt carefully, well, he also puts in, in general, about the same manual that it seemed like something like this had already happened, but then there seemed to be alarm bells
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the hysterical ones from washington and berlin seem to have not happened, the americans are the cherry on this very cake, that... stoltenberg has already jumped out of his pants, the barrel is jumping out, all these people are jumping out to the emirates, against this background such americans are standing aside, everyone is in white, well, who is there in white, well, let kirby be in white, please. we are aware of zelensky’s interest in this regard, but i will say that there are no changes in our approach; now we do not encourage or facilitate the use of funds provided by the united states weapons for... and i could show you about miller and the state department in the same situation, this same cheburashka again, i forgot its name, well, you know the cheburashka of this cousin’s brownie, in about the same situation, in general, everything is about the same thing well, here i am at this moment, well
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, what’s wrong with kuzma, here i ’m asking you, in your opinion, this is all about what stoltenberg barel is all about , korea, afghanistan, russia supplied weapons, planes to korea, and no one, while the war was fought with un sanctions, and no one is going to do it.
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i say, this is russia according to our constitution, we voted for it, it is clear that in the west they consider it ukraine, but in this structure we also say that you cannot hit russia, but here we admit, we also kind of admit that it’s not up to russia, you see, that’s the problem, guys, this is also russia, they’re already hitting it, well , you know, when they say, deep into russia, kazan, belgorod there, they’re talking about something else, they’re talking about the fact that there ’s war in moscow today no, that’s what the person told me, right?
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the goal is not in itself military escalation to the battlefield, escalating the possibility of military escalation for the purpose of influence and forcing some kind of negotiations, and within russia there is an internal consensus so that. conditionally, we in the moscow region felt that this war is not only there in donetsk, it is also here, uh, that ’s what, that is, then new risks appear in power, then they have more motivation for the fact that let’s, let’s stop, well, i now i’m exaggerating, yes, but the fact is that for the west, i agree with vlad, it is fundamentally important to freeze this situation, they are doing everything for this, this, in my opinion look, the game is in this direction, this is how i see it, i understand, that is, we will now fix this point, because...
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a threat is one scenario, as in forcing us to do something, this is kind of like a different scenario, that’s what’s interesting, let’s
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secretary, here a man comes out of the crowd and starts shooting with both hands, dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the fields cleared past the visa, the premiere is right on the edge, on friday on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, on the day of defense children, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who there he said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are already playing these funny stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through life, laughing,
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smiling, rejoicing, these are all his wives were, it was as if they were picked up along the way. and he loved yulia, his last call was from yulia. seryozhka was a real genius of children's television and died at the age of genius. we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, my childhood hero. june 1, on first. on children's day. if it weren’t for winter in cities and villages, we would never have known. we are happy these days, there are hours on the old tower, in this world everyone should not rush to keep up, we are sailing on luzina, like on a briganine, forgotten worries, the bet is stopped, in love everything is not simple and smooth,
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beauty does not solve everything in love takes me away to the ninetieth anniversary of the composer's birth takes me away, appreciating the snowy yes, the concert for evgeniy krylaty premiered on june 1 at the first children's day, hello, we didn't expect what you're up to to us? i came with joy, but it must hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and what else do you want, i don’t mind, eat everything, you ’ll be fat, i’ll be thin, thank you my dear, and if i break it, won't you be
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sorry? i won’t feel sorry for you, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, good, that means i can do whatever i want with them, well, not that much, better than anyone else, premiere on june 1st on the first floor, time will tell the program, let’s continue work live, remembering the phrase that the logic of propaganda is not always... consistent with the logic of war, and we understand that in the actions of our opponents, as we came to the conclusion in the first part of the program, at the moment there is, relatively speaking, a lot of, well, in the broad sense of the word, propaganda political-psychological logic, forcing us to do something, there to negotiations, to freezing, which they need, because the front does not export edibles and so on, yes, that’s all
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this, in my opinion, is close to the truth, but... even in this formulation of the question there is one unpleasant nuance for us, in my opinion, that it turns out that in a sense, they still have the initiative on this front, because now we are again faced with the choice of how we should react, and there is a fork in the road so-so, on the one hand, if we do not react harshly with some actions, then this is an effect that is constantly reminiscent of a frog that is boiled by adding one temperature at a time, by 1°, if we react like...
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we are winning the war with ukraine by ukraine, not with the west, i think he meant this here is a fork in which they will instruct information and psychological propaganda, from which... it is not very clear how to get out. against this background , various recipes are heard, also related to demonstration, as if in response to a demonstration of something. well, today my colleague, in a certain sense of the word dmitry suslov, wrote an article, who would be interested, i posted it before the broadcast, because well, we didn’t have time to present it here in detail, well, to roughly describe his thesis in general , it sounds like this. russia you need to think about a demonstration, but real nuclear explosion, so that this picture from this nuclear mushroom has a psychological, that is, impact
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on the western world, so that they feel it not as a hypothetical prospect, which you can think about, but you don’t have to think, but how to do something more, well, roughly speaking , to put pressure on fear, read the article, there is an argument there: the only thing that bothers me about this is that we then become, in a sense, hostages of our own demonstration of power, because if imagine that they will not be afraid of the demonstrations, they will continue to press, then if you said a, you need to say b, and then the question arises, they will not be afraid, they will not be afraid, they stopped being afraid a long time ago, they stopped being afraid a long time ago, that’s right, there is such an argument, so there is a danger here, as if to say a, and then beat ourselves up for it. somewhere behind zh. sergei karaganov, whom i have already quoted, uh, regularly goes a little further and says things like this, please. over the past 70 years in
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the world in europe, the phenomenon has especially grown strategic parasitism. they were convinced that the war did not threaten them; the virtual replaced the real. they lost their fear not only of god, but of war, and forgot their own history. the only opportunity to remind them of this is to show readiness to use nuclear weapons on the ladder of escalation of nuclear deterrence at least a dozen levels, i in no case want a nuclear strike, although this may turn out to be absolutely necessary. once again, sergei karaganov is no longer talking about a demonstration, but about a real blow, but i’m discussing whether not to apply or not to apply, i ’m discussing what options we have for getting out of this paradigm, where they, in a sense, continue. give an agenda like this or some other, but so that this game does not just react to their game, but intercept it, your options, let's go, let's start with you in turn, well, fear is one of the main motives for
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making a decision, we have already come to the conclusion that they are unlikely, no, fear, basic fear, the security instinct is built on this , any state is based on security, security is based on fear for your life, your loved ones. it doesn’t matter to relatives, what i mean is that as far as possible, there is another version, absolutely accurate, as far as you can scare churchel after the first world war, he said that the horrors of the great war, because the west perceives the first world war as great, the second is already so himself, so colossal that the world is entering an era of long prosperity, no one will want to repeat this again, in 1945 he will write about the thirty-year war with germany, uh-huh, that is, in just a little while it will turn out... that prosperity will be in place prosperity came with the second world war with its horrors and the readiness to use weapons, this is a very important factor, it is no coincidence that the americans dropped a military
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sense on nogasaki, there was no big political one, they demonstrated that we can and are ready to use it to demonstrate to the whole world, and nuclear is real parity, the confrontation between the soviet union and the united states began after the caribbean crisis, when it became clear that russia could do it too. there were two world systems and no one crossed certain borders, red lines, and did not violate them, because there was resistance. the fact that we have returned to that original world, where nuclear weapons are
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the main deterrent and the basis of peace, is very, but leonid viktorovich, look, sergei alexandrovich is saying that in his opinion, perhaps they did not return, that they did not return to the world that was after the caribbean, it... says that it is possible, as terrible as it may seem, there are no other options except to return them there, except to practically demonstrate to them that this is not an illusion and blech, i understand, and nevertheless, we are... returning, because just recently, before russia used calibers and precision weapons, the main foreign policy line in the united states was the renunciation of nuclear weapons, all disarmament programs were aimed at reducing them, because they believed that they had superiority over all the armies of the world in high-precision and technological weapons, russia has shown that this is not so, that’s why the launch of caliber strikes in syria, it was such a horror for the whole world, for the western world, and for... and for the arabs this is new
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a window opened for security negotiations, it turns out that there is another entity in the world that can provide one, then the united states began to withdraw from all strategic arms treaties, they are also returning to that world of parities, because this is the basis from which this stove, from which this world danced, yeah, well, on to the question of the stove, whether this stove works and whether this pot cooks or not, everything seems to be complicated here, because... and here begins the line for which i myself don’t understand , to move or not to move even in discussions, but nevertheless, sergei koroganov said this in an interview about the question of how parity can only be achieved, from his point of view, he, to be honest, regularly raises this question, but he raises this question, demonstrating understanding , that this will require such tough steps, which i don’t know whether we are ready for or not, well, listen to another piece from this interview, please, it’s clear that...
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there will be no nuclear war with america, they love themselves too much, but with europe , which has completely gone off the rails, that’s it perhaps, in what order to hit them, the first to openly suggest themselves are poland, germany, great britain, the czech republic, and, well, france, where would we be without it? i really don’t want such a development of events, yes, we will send them to at, but thereby opening the road to hell for ourselves, this is a terrible choice, but if a fight cannot be avoided, then the goals are obvious, you correctly named poland and germany, the next ones .
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is growing in the world, and the fact that this particular territory, which is called ukraine, or more correctly called malarcia, does not matter, no matter how it they said that it is simply the key that launched this escalation, this is no longer so important, the escalation in the world is growing, it is clear that no one wants mutual destruction, yes, it seems, but everyone is taking steps, including these demonstration steps, but we know many times, including in modern history, how demonstration steps led to real ones. absolutely events, this is how the first world war began, which was also initially based on a mass of all sorts of demonstration steps, we are doing this, our enemy is doing this, we cannot to act differently, so we put forward the following conditions, the next ultimatum, well, on the other side, everything is the same, everything is slowly, little by little along the chain, it’s just that then the process was completed faster, now due to the huge number of various kinds of checks and balances that were built after the second world war war, this process is going a little slower, but it is still going on. it
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goes progressively to approximately the same point, we must take into account that at the same time the whole world has forgotten how to fear nuclear war, because everyone knows that conventional weapons have now reached such a level that they are already approaching the power of tactical nuclear weapons, that tactical nuclear supplies are now of such small, modest power that they are no longer so dangerous in terms of radiation, so to speak , for a long time, yes, for centuries there will be no, so to speak, the soil of all nature is contaminated, so to speak, he disappeared in russia and, first of all, he disappeared from our western opponents, which means that at some point someone , as the saying goes, will break the check, objectively speaking, we must be absolutely prepared for this and workaround maneuvers, maneuvers, no, why are there, there are workaround maneuvers, the fact is that if we are now behind...
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and slaves, then we need to remove the terrorist organization, its in fact, the founding leaders, not to mention its connections already in the west, god bless him, but you yourself said at the beginning that a terrorist organization is not bad. unacceptable, well, more precisely to those degrees, the escalation has not reached the point where there will be no return to us, we need to quickly and effectively complete a special
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military operation victoriously by conventional means and realize its goal, there is no other option, i agree that this is an extremely difficult task, and this is moreover, this is not just an extremely difficult task, as we were at the beginning of the program.. . we found out quite realistically, but there is still a certain vicious circle, the faster we get closer to completing this task on the ground, the more they push the escalation, to which we cannot help but respond with some more effective methods, and the circle. closed, no if they have time, it would be necessary to do so so that they do not have time, yeah, to take certain steps, then when there are no longer the subjects with whom they seem to be helping, yes all the time, then it is already useless and you can enter into the situation. negotiations with the collective west, so we need this subject, who is sitting in kiev, i in this case, not this informal, not just this clown, so to speak, infernal, i mean, yes, but well, his whole entourage so that these subjects, they cease to be subjects in general, of any kind of political activities, well, this is not entirely in our
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power, for now, unfortunately, this is extremely difficult to achieve, yes, it is a shame, but otherwise the world will slide, i want to tell you, towards more and more escalation. moreover, for him, this little devil, yes, about whom, since we started talking, this is the only chance to survive, because well, imagine that we were persuaded, and we carried out these negotiations, and what’s next for him, it’s just in his interest for it to go boom, as you understand, so he and his assistant are sure that it’s for him than worse, the better, from the point of view of his physical survival, too, because he perceives the prospect of a nuclear war as virtual. by the way, like many of our compatriots, i noticed that this threshold that you talked about, this fear, is very absent among many of us, already in people who are so easy on telegrams, on social networks and so on and so forth, why don’t we bang there, the whole world is in ruins and so on and so forth, it’s
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like it’s like it’s there, but me all the time, when i read this, and even agree with many things, i am stopped, you know what, the thought of whether this is exactly what they want us to do... everything will be bad, they will lose ukraine, but at the same time provoke russia to use tactical nuclear weapons , because then it does it to them, as if they could in this case, the whole world, as it were, say, against the rogue country that violated, that is, this is plan b when we tear china away from russia, anyone, because the country violated everything all
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the written and unwritten rules, well, we are from the series they told you they were like that, but you didn’t believe it, from the third side you need to understand that, of course, today the situation... has already reached the point at which the option from the well-known kari crisis is not only possible, it is inevitable, that is, the point at which we will somehow collide head-on with some nato contingent, in the air or planes, at sea, on the territory of ukraine, but that there will be one way or another a well-known incident with a u2 plane shot down by an american over cuba, this is already inevitable, because the degree of participation this is what the chosen rope is. they are such that the next, as it were, interception of the rope is already in our hands, you understand, so this will also happen when the west stopped being afraid, the west stopped being afraid when in the nineties it turned out that the soviet leadership, which was absolutely in no way with
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by them, not only converted, converged, but which set itself the historical task of destroying the west no longer, and then our leadership , our establishment, began to sprout there. from the mid-nineties, of course they are they stopped being afraid of us, and today they live by the same principles, because why would the russians fight against us, because the russians were, are, will remain our crypto-colony, their children, their grandchildren, their business, yes, frozen, it’s all with us, that’s why to think that the russians will also use nuclear weapons, but it is impossible, because i repeat, cryptocolonies do not rebel, how to dissuade them from this, not only about nuclear weapons, but about a cryptocolony, you know, this is an extremely difficult task. i know what happens, everyone i talk to, everything is there, everything coming back from vacation, they say, well
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, somehow we, probably something in general, the battalion commander called me today, one of mine is also on vacation, well, there are difficult family circumstances, he was allowed on vacation for a week, came to the provincial russian city, he says, i don’t understand these people, what they will do here, i want to go back, i want to go back, you know, you have to understand that in many high offices they also don’t understand what they ’re doing there, because we kind of here we would always have already agreed,
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maybe he can come to russia and buy the newest ones here systems, that at least air defense, at least anything, that is, when they see our, well , philosophically speaking, onological enemy and understand that they have woken up famously, then, in my opinion, there will be no need to resort to mentioning nuclear weapons at all, because yes, the demonstration, of course it will work for a while, but you are right that, despite all my militarism, it will first of all work on this main plan, that we warned you about this, oh, in short very. in short, yes, that's what i said vlad, in my opinion, in 2008 the us national intelligence council wrote that the most
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important threat to the western model of existence is the emergence of new, clearly oriented national leaders like mao zedong, stalin and hitler, that is, the model that established general rules, it is not tolerates people who come and say: listen, we don’t want to live according to these rules, you know, like we talked about the paper market, yes, that is, it exists in one common space. and at the same time real enterprises in customs conditions, in tax conditions, others, in legal conditions, how to capitalize this based on the average temperature in a hospital is impossible, so they need rules here, they will not deviate from this position, this is a red line for them, and for us one of the red lines is here on our front, advertising on the first channel, we will not retreat, advertising on the first channel. grand chaps, britain's defense minister, decided to bet on
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ukraine. we all must provide military support to ukraine. if this is not done, then the unthinkable time of russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries. due to his criminal incompetence, he puts forward very dangerous ideas and talks about the need to carry out long-range missile strikes on targets deep in russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields where great britain has. have their own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is for all these guys to return home and continue to die there at the front for their interests united kingdom. pomatrosil quit. politically, of course. pr was important to him. his key goal is to become prime minister. the whole company is built on the idea of ​​a third world war. minister of defense.
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and it was my dad who was assigned to notify the families of the victims, whom they voluntarily replaced, i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to the moon, at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown, he would have stayed on the moon, i would have howled at the moon all my life, because my father died there, sunrise two, safely. heroes they enter the kremlin, following the car
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of the general secretary, and here the pillars come out and a man begins to shoot from two. hands, dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the bullets whistled past his temple, the premiere was right on the edge, on friday the first, on children's day, if there had not been winter in the cities and villages, we would never have known these days , the cheerful clock on the old tower , everyone in this world should. i shouldn’t rush to get up, we ’re sailing on a vizine, like on a brigantine, forgotten about the worries, stopped, in love everything is not simple and smooth, in love it doesn’t decide
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everything, beauty, carries me away and... masut me occupying the snowy gift of a wonderful concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the composer evgeniy krylaty premiered on june 1 at the first three chords of the new season on sunday at the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday at the first, at 19 years old i was left alone, why are you here and not with your father on
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the ship? oh yes, the theater, the reds will come. art will be banned, but it’s a crap, tell me, you’re ronevskaya, but i’m ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my skin, the war is past her passed, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting, i will make a call, if you come to me, they love you,
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watch after the program time, happy birthday to whom? including the one announced by the president, the new one, we talked about it then, the new emphasis that is being placed in preparation, in the expectations from this political elite, about what the emphasis will be placed on in its preparation, so that very same program, the time of heroes, has entered another very important period
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of its existence, the same program in which is beginning to be emphasized in management training. the country's elites are taking part in a special military operation, as the president spoke about it. i followed this program quite closely , a huge number of people i know at the front applied for it, and even 83 people who on may 27 began the first stage of the full-time completion of this program, even among them there is one of me acquaintance, a person i met. back in the fall of twenty -two there in the northern military district, a man who with first day at the front, i say all this largely to my comrades in arms, to those who wrote a statement and did not immediately go to these 83, my friends, we see that these are worthy people, everyone who got there, front-line soldiers, that is, according to at least the idea that this will again, as always, be some kind of feast-action, as many of you,
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let’s be honest, thought, it did not come true, let’s hope that it will come true. with the participation of these most worthy people, all our expectations from this program are common, i wish the men good luck, there is a holder of four orders there.
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minister of defense shaws is an ordinary hard worker, like everyone else.


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