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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  May 29, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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with the participation of these most worthy people, all our common expectations from this program, i wish the men good luck, there are holders of four orders of courage, several three orders of courage, heroes of the russian federation, all honored people, and if the state places emphasis on selecting such people, this rollback that vlad spoke about, they will no longer allow bets. political elite of our country, god grant, good luck to everyone, the doll of the heir to tuti on channel one. defense minister grand chabs is an ordinary hard worker, like everyone else. everyone loves beer and plays games in the evenings
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bingow, they believed it, and we didn’t, we dug deeper and found out, in front of you, comrades, the real hobby of this simple working class worker, a private plane, costing 100,000 pounds sterling, to which was attached the land of a private airport, where they were going to build 700 residential buildings for the workers, but it didn’t work out. grand chaps, the british minister of defense, is popularly known as a man with a very long nose. in our program, dolls of the heir to tute are with you right now, maria butina. we begin. grand chabs, british secretary of defense, was born in a suburb of london in utford. in 2013 , the belderberg conference and the 2019 nato summit were held here. grant shapps's father ran a manufacturing business.
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abilities, be it music or mathematics. in parallel with his studies, grant participated in the jewish youth movement headquartered in washington. i was 15 years old, as part of the youth movement, i took leadership courses in manchester and even went to international programs in pennsylvania. around this time, shabs became interested in politics. i watched the news on tv i realized that i wanted to participate in governing the country. then i thought why some other idiots. at the age of 16, grant left school and
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began studying business, taking a relevant course at the university of manchester. after 4 years , shaps opened a printing house and began to make his way into politics. i decided to get into printing, because if you can print your own literature, you can print your own election propaganda, so that's what i did. he wrote a letter to local conservative mp triston garl jones, who took him under his wing. grant ran for manchester city council, but lost miserably. this was followed by several more unsuccessful attempts to become a deputy, but in vain. after another failure, shaps met belinda, a student at the faculty of psychology, in the pub. at first, he did not interest the girl, but then he still managed to win her heart, and after 2 years they got married. finally, on the fifth attempt in 2005, shabs became a deputy. his political career took off thanks to the conservative leader.
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david cameron, who began promoting guarantor for ministerial offices. in 2012, cameron, already prime minister, made sure that shapps became co-chairman of the conservative party. under him, the tories received an absolute majority in the house of commons for the first time in 23 years. despite this, shabs fell into disgrace with cameron due to a number of scandals. the town council has decided to build 700 houses on the airfield site where grand chabs stores his £100,000 aircraft. he tried to stop this development. shaws secretly changed his wikipedia biography. he edited his information school performance, deleted references to political mistakes, hid the sources of his funding. in addition, the english media stated that shaps, in parallel with his political activities, continues to do business, using three pseudonyms: michael green, karin stockitt and sebastian fox. i don't have a second job. and
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i never had a second job while i was an mp. as a result, journalists found evidence that he still continued his entrepreneurial activities after he entered parliament. shaps was forced. know that during the interview he made a mistake in the dates, i think we need to leave this in the past, because he does his job well, despite public statements, cameron demoted shapps in his new cabinet, he became junior minister of international development and served in the new position for only 5 months. shapps, while still co-chairman of the conservative party, did not take any action against an activist of the conservative youth organization, who intimidated his colleague to suicide. boris johnson did not appoint him transport secretary in his new cabinet, withstood the lis routes, even became the minister of the interior, though only for six days, the government was headed by richa
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sunok, alternately tried on two ministerial positions in shaps in energy and entrepreneurship, as a result, when ben wallace resigned from his post as minister of defense, they put him in his place. shapsa, he did not break the tradition of western functionaries and rushed to visit zelensky, not forgetting to show off on camera, promised the kiev regime as much as it needed, became david cameron’s drinker, who allowed the ukrainian armed forces are not afraid to use british weapons to strike deep into russian territory; subsequently , granshaps is not afraid, because if something happens, he can always change his name.
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hesitate, he says, well, yes, but, probably, we will somehow not go into direct conflict with russia, why is it considered normal if british and american planes shoot down iranian missiles aimed at israel, which happened a few weeks ago, but they are shot down by the russians, who are shelling ukraine. understand there is a difference. israel is a democratic country, it is not in nato, therefore she does not enjoy protection. the same thing with ukraine, of course, as far as ukraine is concerned. it is waging a war against russia, which is trying to undermine nato. we do not want to enter into direct conflict with russia, but we are determined to provide weapons, resources, training. 65,000 ukrainians have been trained in the uk with the assistance of other countries, so we are doing a lot for ukraine, but we
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are not going to fight this war. in israel , the circumstances are different: iran is whose only interest is to maintain its power, theological system, attack democracy, i think.
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ready to fight with russia, not ready? let's figure out what we're talking about here? well first of all, who is shaps? this is a political chameleon, a multi-talented politician. his key goal is to become prime minister of great britain. we see how he changes completely different political posts and everywhere inflates himself as a great thinker . themselves with the ruling elites and the course of official london. as minister of defense, he wants to be as brutal as possible, due to his incompetence, often criminal, he puts forward very dangerous ideas. it was he who actively participated in ensuring
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that ukraine received long-range british stormshadow missiles. it is he who pushes and pushes official kiev and talks about the need to launch long-range missile strikes. against targets deep within russian territory, it is he who authorizes and ensures the entire cycle of maritime terrorist attacks carried out by the corresponding british special forces. russian black sea fleet and against our port facilities on the black sea coast, all means are good, this is a maximum of ceilings and a foreign ukrainian flag against his political ambitions, yeah, really his main goal is to become a prime minister, to occupy, if he could become a king, he would have the goal of becoming a king, the man was brought up at a time when there was a confrontation between the camps of the socialist and capitalist world, we for him... that the soviet union, that russia are enemies, and naturally, it is this paradigm that he chooses to achieve his
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goal, he is a person who can overcome anything in its path, in the end, he then changes position, no, wait, but he jumps off, look, on the one hand he’s so brutal, he says, i’ll do it there, and then he says, oh, no , no, we don’t want to fight in russia, just as he hated russia, he will hate it, well, globally. even more than the united states, great britain is our historical enemy. even in the first world war, when we were seemingly on the same side, england set russia up in such a way, great britain, that this, well this, this is even scary to remember, so this is our enemy, this is an enemy who is clearly moving towards his goal, we must understand that he is dangerous, this is a dangerous, advanced, competent enemy, and if he somewhere, so to speak, acts as chameleon, it's simple. a means of achieving his goal, by the way, another episode where he, in fact, acts as
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a person regularly changing positions, again about us, first about crimea, crimea is ours, by the way, shaps, as you know, we allowed the use of weapons on the territory ukraine, in including in crimea, which we consider an integral part of ukraine. i will not expand on this topic and discuss tactics, but i will emphasize what we will allow to be used. in accordance with some international law he invented, which allows this to be done, but after 5 days he comes out to use our weapons anywhere with another statement and changes his position, because, let's see, why not allow the ukrainians to shoot at targets on the territory russia, listen? and i just can't delve into such sensitive issues, decision on choosing a target? no, this is politics, and
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you have expressed your position on this issue quite clearly and openly: at some point you have to play big so as not to lose everything. i can’t say what weapons we allowed the ukrainian armed forces to use, but i can say one thing: ukraine is fighting for its survival. we've helped our ukrainian friends a lot, and we encourage others to do the same, but they shouldn't fire at russia. nothing is clear, then we should, then we shouldn’t, if we understand this person, here look, he always has the feeling that he is hiding something, he seems to have graduated from a good school, but this is not eton, he graduated from college, but this is not oxford, he is always, excuse the word, a little unfinished, he does not correspond those positions and those positions that he has, he understands this perfectly well, that’s when he always... talks about a dual position, this is his peculiarity, his kind of thinking, because the most important
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word that we missed is exclusivity, and i once found an early interview of his, and he said when he asked a question, do you consider the british to be an exclusive nation, namely the british, he says: yes, of course, but he says, you think that you are higher than the americans, he says, here he could not answer, it became scary for him, why he did not answer this, he is afraid of something, and i then...
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want to be prime minister, but one problem, his character does not allow him to do this, he he may want to be a king, he can and as soon as he can completing something big, he will be able to gain self-satisfaction for today. faltered so yeah, watch another interesting video of him dating austin. i would just like to give you personal credit for your leadership of the ukrainian defense contact group. your leadership has made a huge difference to ukraine, and i'm just putting it on record: we stand shoulder to shoulder in honor of your leadership.
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raman, what was that? it was an incredible sight. you know, it was hypocritical honey. is constantly trying to play someone, trying. by and large, he is more of an actor, that is, he to be a minister, he plays him, he tries to play businessmen, it was said that he is such an existential enemy of russia, he hates, a little wrong, you know, he is so... he doesn’t care, but if tomorrow they say, we need russia to love, you will just see a stream of oil and honey pouring on our country, on our representatives, he will simply love us, he will tear our shirts, he will say, guys, you are like this, i don’t adore you, just like that, he is like this man, further, it was said that his goal is the prime minister, i agree with this, absolutely so, he really wants it, and the problem
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is, he hasn’t achieved anything, he has a desire to be, it seems, the matter is secondary. the main thing is that i am like that, applaud me. marie, i would like to add a few words as an answer to the question, what does ukraine mean to him? in general, what is ukraine for great britain? despite all appearances of the unity of the anglo-saxon world, which they are trying their best to demonstrate, ukraine is one of the few fields in which great britain has its own interests, in some places they coincide with the american ones, in others they... do not coincide with the american ones, in those issues in which the british pursue their own interests, they try to act independently, so let’s look at the difference in rhetoric, an example has already been given about missiles, yes, it’s possible, sometimes it’s not, well, the united states america, they also supply atak ms missiles, yes, but they clearly, carefully say that atak ms should not hit the territory of the russian federation, the deep territory of the russian
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federation, thereby attributing responsibility to ukraine, in fact, leading everyone operations, of course, yes, here he first said one thing, then said another, but this is a question for his diligence, further, from his recent statements, he stated that great britain has irrefutable evidence that china supplies components for weapons and even directly supplies weapons, the united states did not allow themselves to do this, that is, in this case he is playing, well, how to say, apalageta of the british empire, we are talking about how he would like to become prime minister, i’ll just remind you that he has already tried in 2022. become prime minister and, in general , the result was indicative when boris johnson left, when lystras left with the scandal, he could not even gain the support of ten of his party members, well, which shows that of course, well, he can be anyone, even be a minister there tomorrow foreign affairs, the day after tomorrow he will again be the minister of transport, but in his own party no one perceives him authoritatively, yes, so he probably has to really push himself somehow
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so that he appears in newspapers everywhere, yes, so that reminded of himself, yes, so that he was always on the agenda, because he is. they take one peak, yes, this is not advertising, god forbid, yes, well, this is their main difference, that they are broadcasting, now in order to rise in european political circles, you just need to swear aggressively, show the incredible the number of strange actions, saying complete nonsense, the
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brighter the better, and the stupider, the more the crowd likes it, so what? although maybe not entirely, maybe it's just a façade, let's take a deeper look right after the advertisement, at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, and not with your father on the ship, oh yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will become... a ban, yes, this is zhmulya, tell me, you are ranevskaya , yes, i’m ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin, come to me. she passed, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there may be one great meeting, i’ll make a call, if
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you come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you’re making faces, marital status, what are you saying? , i have a husband, no, i’m a lady, without family, no children, but devoted to art to the grave, a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it. toronevskaya, watch the time after the program. happy birthday to whom? lev nikolaevich tolstoy. rum. castro, a product of stellor group. pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, veta vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac,
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a product of the stellar group, steersman bourbon, a product of the stellar group, for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we must fly 45 days out of 11 hours before... start , the state commission completely changes the crew, the ship union 11 launched into the open spaces, and it was the dad, the one whom they voluntarily replaced, who was assigned to notify the families of the victims. i spent 3 years preparing for dalan's flight. at that moment i thought if my dad would fly. if i had stayed on the moon, i would have howled on the moon all my life, because my father died there. sunrise to you, landed safely. the heroes
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drive into the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, and then a man comes out of the crowd and starts shooting with both hands. dad survived by a complete miracle; one of the bullets missed him. whiskey prime minister edge on friday on the first, on children's day, so that there would be no winter in cities and villages, we would never know these cheerful days, the clock on the old tower, in this world everyone should not rush to keep up, we are sailing in the river. like on a brigantine, forgotten troubles are stopped, in love everything is not simple and
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smooth, in love it does not decide everything, beauty carries me away, carries me away, appreciating the snowy distance, the beautiful gift. concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeny krylaty. premiere june 1. on the first. to the ninetieth birthday of alexei leonov. the americans are planning to go into outer space. our sunrise must fly earlier. unfinished products cannot fly into space. and you try. i can't wait until the task. i don't care. you are my partner. “the risk of launching voskhod 2 with living people is too great, we are ready to take the risk, attention, says moscow,
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today is march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, i don’t understand. what’s with the pressure? and we have two, are you okay? answer, why are you silent? dawn, i’m ready for the tears to come out, what command do you offer? leave them in orbit? soldiers have to die for the interests of their state, when i wake up, will dad already arrive? he’s trying, lyosha, there’s not enough air yet, lyosha! time for the first, on sunday at the first,
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well, we’ll see who wins, it will be hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games, on sunday, at the first. maria butina is with you again, so the doll-heir a tute, in the focus of our attention is the british minister of defense shapps. the first action he takes after being appointed to a ministerial post is, naturally, sent to zelensky, talks about terrible things, about deaths, about murders, and at the same time, for some reason.
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smiling, let's see, mr. minister, welcome, very glad to meet you, very glad to see you, how are you, very good, hello, mr. president, very glad to see you, very glad to see you , how are you, very good, on behalf of the government and his majesty, i, as the newly appointed minister of defense, have the first opportunity to talk with you, i want to assure you that ukraine remains at the forefront of our attention, we feel your pain from everything that happens and we will stand. no, and it became even more interesting, he is already recording the so-called television stand-up, well, the introductory video to the commercial , let's see, i am the british minister of defense, i am now in kiev to sound the alarm bell, because what will it
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mean if we let's let this...
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it's a long explanation, it doesn't matter, i'll tell you something, his wife is a psychiatrist, belinda, so there is a relationship, as if they say henpecked in the popular saying, this is not so, before us is a relationship between mother and son, the son comes running home, says: mommy, they offended me, says, don’t listen, son, you ’re the best, the most beautiful, the nicest, at home he’s another person, you know, the kind of guy who needs attention, she’s trying to treat him with her therapy this is to provide, they... are mutually important to each other, but there are nuances, great britain has opened such a program, which means the program for accepting refugees from ukraine is called home for ukraine, yes, in fact, let's watch its promotional video, you already understand, i tell you it’s not for nothing that i’m showing it to you to submit an application you will need a passport or id card, names and addresses of both parties, after successful verification permission will be granted to travel to the uk,
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there will be... information kiosks at key airports and entry points, your onward journey by rail will be free, but you must plan all route with his sponsor, welcome to the uk, and grant shabson promoted himself on this program, he took a refugee, well, like a pet animal, that means snezhana chaikin her name was, we mentioned this in our last program, which means that, well, she began to publish joyful posts there, that it’s so good, i’m participating in this program, i feel so good with him and... the story unfolds further, recently a message appears on snezhana’s page written in an emphatically formal tone, for some reason from an old photograph that shaps is already her, in general, goodbye, and the program, by the way, this one, on which he
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did his pr too... has already been closed. let's look at this snowman's post. circumstances forced me to leave my home country. to fortunately , the “at home for ukraine” program was introduced in the uk. i was fortunate enough to discuss this opportunity with the grant. shapps, the current minister of state for defence. at that time he served as minister of transport. on the very first day of the program launch, we applied for a visa together. just a couple of weeks later, my young son, elderly mother, our dog and i arrived in the uk, marking the beginning of our journey. at first we lived with grant and his family like one big family. a year later we moved into our own rented house in london, where we currently live. it was an unforgettable experience, and we are still ...
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placing these same ukrainian refugees around the house, for example, in a spare room, the program was launched there to much fanfare in 2022, but certain problems immediately appeared there, firstly, problems with financing, that is, many british people complained that these 300 pounds simply did not reach them, but
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there are certain expenses, and for these same refugees, so there are certain contradictions between they arise, then there was a really funny media wave about all sorts of british women who complained that beautiful people were coming. ukrainian women take away their husbands, begin to live in their house, in general, that’s all, then the british government simply ran out of money, which is quite a standard practice, and these same amounts stopped, if i’m not mistaken, from the end of the twenty-third year pay, and , of course, many ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets, so of course, there was definitely negativity about the refugees themselves, and for example , some british people there complained that ukrainians were coming in expensive cars. and they sell counterfeits to britain, which they bring from their own country, yes, and at the same time they also receive large benefits there and so on, so it’s as if even such a certain wave, a certain campaign began so that maybe all these benefits could be gradually reduced for them, yes so somehow we can slowly squeeze them
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back into our country, well, because we understand that, in general, these same refugees are not needed for the most part in britain at the moment, and among them there are a certain number of specialists who can somehow work there, the same doctors, and so on. but in general, of course, the task of britain is for all these guys to return home and continue to die there at the front for the interests of the united kingdom, therefore, in general , the program was short-lived, at the moment it is over, but grand chaps i was promoting myself on this for some time, because let me remind you that this whole story with this refugee was discussed precisely in 1923, when ben wallis announced his resignation as minister of defense, which was also not accidental, because this very announcement happened immediately after the failed ukrainian counter-offensive, so called. grandshaws comes, shows what you see, the ukrainian agenda is not alien to me, i even have a ukrainian family of refugees there, and they live in the house, but another thing is that of course in six months he has not had any success on this post, well, but here you and i are still there , yes, after about 8-9 months
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we are discussing all his somersaults, here is literally one point related to why he constantly with his verbiage, then speaks somewhere, then is giving back and so on, here , of course, is the very moment when political technologies defeat common sense, because the whole ... campaign of the conservatives in the upcoming elections on july 4 is built precisely on intimidating their electorate with a third world war with russia, with china, with iran, that's why they say that there, china supposedly supplies something to russia, but they seem to need to cultivate this very atmosphere of fear in society, so granshaps sometimes goes a little too far, then, of course, the serious guys in the british general staff give him a slap on the wrist, they say, well there’s no need to publicly voice this, he’s going back, but these somersaults are funny... and periodically swimming behind the buoys, you know, when the uk was being divorced by the european union, many people inside the uk said how great it is, we we determine it ourselves now migration policy. well, of course, the program, this one that malik just talked about, it was very successful, except for
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one thing: the government promised to pay more utility bills, it turned out that all those rich ukrainians who came in beentle, in mercedes, in jaguars, several people even arrived in yellow rolls-royces, as there were photographs. four children, mom, dad, two children, you fill the bath with water, first the youngest child washes there, then the older child washes, then washes in mom washes herself with the same water, then dirty dad washes himself, and then this water is carefully scooped out with a bucket , the toilet tank is filled so that you don’t just have to flush the water, and you also have to leave the water, so you can imagine when you’re talking about 300 pounds, one ukrainian family who came to the house, their average utility bills dropped to... 600 pounds, the ukrainians washed too much, and you
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understand, you can only tolerate it, now it has become very popular, just to say that better to shelter anyone different migrant than a ukrainian migrant, because there are other expenses, ukrainians are very picky, they want a good doctor, a good dentist, they are very noisy, if he has a toothache and is taken to a bad dentist, he says: no, no, no, i i don’t just want someone to drill me, i want a good crown. they start screaming very loudly, so when this lady is now simply thrown out, we understand that the intelligence services in britain have begun to work in full force, and several talk shows have already been made about this in the uk, a purge it's all-out, now every family who moved is being checked, their property status, they're just being taken out of the uk in batches, that is, the shaps are being taken out from under attack in this way, you know, this is what he did to the family of this ukrainian refugee.
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why am i personally so concerned about what is happening in europe, in ukraine?
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this is probably due to the fact that my family at the end of the 19th century, and these were ancestors from both my mother’s and my father’s sides, left the territory, if not of ukraine, but of eastern europe, namely poland and lithuania, where they came from fled during the pogroms in fear for their lives, it was great britain that gave them the opportunities that we have had for three generations, and it’s simply impossible to believe that something like this again... confused with their great-grandparents, which
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is here, honestly speaking, in general, mr. shabs does not even bother to name at least some names, surnames, at least some data, in fact, by the way, yes, i will say frankly, i really tried to conduct such a genealogical investigation, for me, to be honest, it was not possible to find out at the level great-grandfather or at an even deeper level, he says the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century, so that some ancestors related to the current... mr. minister, as a result of the jewish pogroms, to which he obviously transparently hints, that they were expelled from the russian empire, or fled from there, so i think that this story was born now for the sake of a catchphrase, to strengthen one’s own dialectical position and in general, well, what is such a bad expression, yes, that people are grabbing, well, in in this case he is counting on it, so if you look at him from the point of view of his education there, let’s say that we can say from there, maybe he doesn’t quite feel
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at ease, because as has been said more than once, the conservative party is still changing, on the other hand, as it were and has not changed for centuries, yes, after all, david cameron, and boris johnson, and george osborne, and anyone, yes, who are found in the first roles are people who graduated from politics, philosophy, economics, and the faculty at oxford, that is you can come there who whatever, they will have exactly the same educational history, he doesn’t, yes, that is, he, by the way, yes, this is very, which is just absolutely uh-huh. refused, well, in general, as they said more than once on the program today, that there are a lot of blank pages, on the other hand, well, in general, who is he? he doesn’t have much character, and he doesn’t have much charisma, well , let him sit, yes, if something happens, in case of another... shake-up and an office, well, let’s give him some other position, and that’s good. anyway, on to the political statements. shaps treats the way - some bad bloggers treat blogging, that is, roughly speaking, irresponsibly, in politics someone needs someone like that, this duality, this fog, but at the same time complete loyalty
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to the americans, he actually, he is little changed since the beginning of his career, so... when he and his wife wrote these blogs called how to create a corporation, what did he offer? he offered to give us 200 pounds, and in a couple of months you will receive 2.0. as a result, they did not gain in technology, even in finance, he was caught more than once for the fact that as a parliamentarian, he carried out some kind of fraud with cryptocurrency, and she not only supported him, this is also... an important point, but she also helped him, well, roughly speaking, to fool people, to fool users, that is, such a directed psychotherapeutic influence, so that you don’t want to give 200 pounds, but you give it anyway, they gave it away, here he is the head, and she is the neck, so he comes up with it, and she
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turns it a little bit, where needed, then the result their work, let's see, here is grandshat, whom she prepared as a serious politician, as a person who is like this... he can directly influence people, like this they influenced one person, and then they will influence the whole world in such a way that we it became very funny about this, let's see, mr. green, how you are doing, very good, michael, today you are mr. green or grandshaps, today i am a grandee, can i ask you about the book that you published on the internet, can you assure us , what all the reviews on your site are reviews from real people, mr. shapps, mr. green, can you assure us that all the reviews on your business sites were on...
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some kind of strange thing, for some reason he goes between different offices, but if he wanted to leave, conditionally, from a journalist, but he went there and closed the door, let’s say, it feels like he’s still trying to remain in the focus of attention, yes, but in my opinion, if i’m not mistaken, there was a conservative conference and that’s why he’s like i wouldn’t be able to leave completely, but i still need to stay with the party, but if not i’m mistaken, it’s the twenty-second year, that’s what concerns this, of course, all of his fraud, and of course this comparison of sergei mobrodi comes to mind, but such a very minor injury, yes, because well, the amounts there are some small. a little bit of cryptocurrency, a little bit of this web marketing, and in the 2000s, yes, when it was all popular, well, that is, a private airplane, and a private airplane, well, yes, as if in the end, in the end i earned something , well, a happy plane for its age, sports cars, does he have some kind of role in the government, is he appointed to this position, understanding all these components for something, what kind of
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game is being played with him? well, here i think there are several points, you just need to understand that ben wallis was the most popular last year, and in the twenty-third year. minister in the conservative government, and many even believed that he could pose some competition and eventually become, for example, an opponent of rishi sunak, and at that time already the british prime minister, when he they removed him, well, he himself left after the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive, i think that sunuk’s close circle understood that it was scary to put some strong apparatchik to the post of minister of defense, yes, because he really can somehow work together there, there will be success , and then this will create certain problems for rish. on the one hand, a disqualification was needed - this is true, on the other hand, a person who would not have been able to organize some kind of coup against the prime minister, in fact, this was to some extent successful, yes, we see that his ratings are not so high that they are already very high, yes, many laugh at him, i absolutely agree, most likely he will even lose in his own district, in a few minutes after a short advertisement we will return to do an even deeper
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dive into shabs' biography and, of course, let's look at his surroundings. ronevskaya doesn’t know that frankenbok was drawn from her without showing the picture, you call for an appointment, frankenbok is seriously passionate about carlson, this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old, i’m trying to somehow justify her heroine's love for this fan turns an elderly sadist into a vulnerable woman. my head is in the right place, they told me i can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you go, ranevskaya, look, after the program, my funeral is going on, an orchestra is playing, instead of my photo, a photograph
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of frekenbock, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, cnop gin , product of stellar group, cognac monte shoca, product. rum, castro, product of steller group. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. in our studio, friends, endorphins. these are hormones of happiness. where can i get it? endorphins? let's not wait for mercy from nature, we'll tell you what you can do to become happy. behind. on the first one on children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was
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like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy, who kind of said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are now playing these funny and stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he’s ran through life laughing. smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, they were, as it were , picked up along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was yulia, the earring was a real genius of children's television, he died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we we often remember, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, on the first of june, on the first, on children's day. no, we didn’t expect what you came to us with? with joy, but
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it should hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe you're old, maybe hey, girlfriend, without getting bored, eat a pancake, bake, and you want more, i don’t mind, eat everything, you ’ll be fat, i’ll be there, thank you my dear, and if i break it, you won’t be sorry , i won’t be sorry, the main thing , so that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, but not that much, better than anyone else, the premiere is june 1, the first, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, i don’t miss it, i’ll soon, i have 5 minutes left before entering. into the shade and 30 minutes, i know i had life left if something hadn't happened it happened, which means that
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belyaev should have done, shoot him to death, this is his job, he thinks so, he doesn’t, he doesn’t think that this is a feat, to be honest, a man went into outer space, this is the light when i her i met a schoolgirl for the first time, she would, of course, have a young man, a rocket scientist, svetlana, either now or not at all, on the left in the corner is a picture, the last hunt with gagarin, so i close my eyes, i see his eyes, it was more difficult for them, they were first. a space odyssey by alexei leonov, premieres on sunday on the first. three chord, new season, on sunday on the first. maria butin is with you again, this is the doll-heir of tootie. so, minister schabs, british defense minister. shabs, what
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is going on in his kingdom and state? here is one of his, in fact, subordinates, thinking about the british army, literally like this. britain is not quite ready for a full-scale war on its own. the army is trying to gain strength again, as it has lost the skills of running a military campaign. army size. today you are talking about the construction of a large number of new ships and submarines, but at the same time, our army remains the smallest in the last 200 years, these 2.5%, and we are talking about 2.5%. the gdp that we allocated last month to defense spending means that we can now afford to achieve much more, but i would like
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to clarify something, you mentioned the size of our ground forces, which is only one of the branches of the armed forces, because apart from they also have the navy, air force, cyber forces, space forces, so we have at least several hundred thousand people in military service, and what’s also important is that if not consider the us and uk spend more on defense than other nato countries. in europe, we definitely spend the most on these purposes. i believe this is money well spent because the best way to protect yourself from an attack is to show others that you are prepared for such an attack. this speech reminds me of a well-known joke: i know wusha, karate, taekwondo, and many other scary words, but he generally understands what he’s talking about, because immediately after his speech an article comes out that britain is not the only one that can’t cope with military spending; can not show no resistance in a real war, but even together with france, let’s listen and
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discuss. there is no need to offend the french president, but to protect the continent. without the us , more than a nuclear deterrent from france and britain will be needed. neither france nor great britain can protect anyone but themselves. paris and london do not have sufficient nuclear arsenals. the british only have a maritime patrol, a single nuclear submarine with trident missiles, this is clearly not enough to intimidate russia. french the nuclear arsenal is slightly larger than england's, but is still too small to pose a real threat to russia. european support has nothing to oppose to a theoretical russian strike using tactical nuclear weapons, we will not talk about them, we will invite them to talk about themselves. we have a special guest in our studio, this is mike jones, he is a former infantryman of the british army, so let him tell us. hello, hello, hello,
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please tell me what is happening in the british army. even then they could not solve the problems in the army, and not only in the army, we saw, for example, in the navy, our arsenal of nuclear boats
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is suffering, and launch tests are insufficient, they do not work. they are impossible. i already understood the terrible truth. the army to which i was drafted is not the army of my grandfathers, my fathers. i read the story. i read a story where our army fought for the king, against the fascists, the nazis, in 2003 in iraq, when tony blair told us that there were weapons of mass destruction there. why are we going to save the world now? no, it was. and i i remember that my corporal then told me that listen, you are not fighting for the queen, you are fighting for your colleague, if he approaches, then you too will lose, and for me this was a big change in thinking, and it broke my will, i didn’t i wanted to serve further, i left, unfortunately, this did not happen for my colleague in afghanistan, he was simply killed for oil, i want to show you a piece of
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information that came out in the british media about... interesting customs of the british army in kenya, and you either confirm or deny, do such things happen? let's see. british soldiers in kenya are forced to have unprotected sex with prostitutes in coin-toss initiation ceremonies to prove how brave they are. this raises concerns that unit soldiers may become infected with hiv aids. one soldier, whose identity is unknown, told the ministry of defense. when this unit goes to a british army training unit in kenya, they hold an initiation ceremony for all new recruits. old-timers threw up coin, heads can be used with a condom, tails cannot. the announcements alarmed defense officials because of the high incidence of hiv aids in kenya, where one in 20 people is affected. it's true, it's
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true, because it's similar to the stories i've heard. those who served before me. this is exactly in line with the latest reports of war crimes, and i know that corporals in my units who were in africa also reported such cases. it's horrible. any questions? i would like to ask, over the past decades, great britain has mainly been waging expeditionary wars, that is, outside its national territory. what is the motivation of the military personnel, do they explain to them why they should, perhaps, risk their lives in afghanistan, in africa, in some other places, how this relates to the security of great britain?
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it’s very interesting to tell you sincerely, tell me, in our opinion, shaps is more suitable for running some kind of blog, but not for the post of minister of defense, here’s what you, as an englishman, think is suitable for
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this post or not? he is the personification of everything wrong that happens to the elite , which is what the elite in the uk came to, like most of those who were before...
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the usa to everything, now the usa does not treat the former master as such a lower partner. we understand that great britain is now involved in matters related to ukraine and reports everything to washington. thank you very much, thank you. we have now all seen that indeed the person is absolutely not professional, he is a person, a representative of a new breed, so to speak, but english politicians, politicians of great britain, which has now truly become, as we now understand, small britain. subordinate, well, well, they asked a question here about how smarter ones, to say, ministers, politicians, use him, but it seems to me that he uses them, he is less educated, but he is not a fool, remember, when
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we discussed, he decided to go to politics, as he said, a direct quote from him, why should some other idiots make decisions, i am, to put it mildly, an idiot in quotes, that is, i am not that educated, but i can do it too, because... well, why should i be somehow educated, when in the current paradigm i can cope with everything just fine, and i am these smarter oxford graduates, i will use them, and not they me . but i would like to draw some kind of direct line between his statements and the state of the modern british army, in general its role in nato, well, in the world, probably, how they see themselves, look, he let slip, and in plain text, said that great britain had prepared 65.
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ability to train enemy soldiers there is? there is, there is an opportunity to carry out military supplies, there is, well, a submarine with three tridents, but you know, this is more than...
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we hoped that he would still try a little and would try for them at least some additional military sums issue tranches for at least britain's own armed forces, but by the way, probably for us, unfortunately for them, yes, this did not happen, just at the beginning of this year there was a huge scandal about how grand shabs began to promote himself, but now this increase in military spending in britain, there, in my opinion, at 2.5
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he is sent to check the defense industry, the defense sector, and production, to see how the new super-duper mega tank is doing there, that’s what he finds in production, let’s see, we are modernizing 148 tanks to make their deadliest in army history. i'm in telford, where 300 jobs are currently being created to upgrade our previous challengenger 2 tank to challengenger 3. this requires the involvement of engineers, researchers. welders and many trainees to complete this work, this is an amazing tank that will do more on the battlefield than any british tank before it, it is a sight to behold, yes, there is a sight to behold, let's see how the challenger 2 performs on the battlefield, what about, is there a need for a third one, if we dealt with the second ones like this, well, the next one?
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the same fate awaits you, only extra expenses were with you: marya butina, the doll of tute’s heir, now the “time” program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. key to the future on the front line. russia - strategic development and resources for national projects. important statements by vladimir putin.


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