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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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about crimea, we dealt with it like this, well, the next one will face the same fate, only extra expenses were with you maria butina, the doll heir to tutti, now is the time for the program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the key to the future is on the front lines. russia - strategic development and resources for national projects. important statement by vladimir putin. to whom,
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how many, for what, changes in the tax system, the principle of fairness and targeting, what should you know about the proposals of the ministry of finance? minus fighter, french howitzer and abram again losing the enemy, without them no one can make crossings in the most dangerous places. criminal map, nato weapons for strikes deep into russia and foreign ones. search with passion, what did the graduates have to do to get to the state exam? details of the loud scandal in voronezh. and the tretyakov gallery on the volga in samara, a new branch of the gallery, is one of the most unusual museums, because painting there can whet your appetite.
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the authorities must understand what historical stage russia is going through and work like our military on the front line. all possibilities for the country has achieved national goals, ” vladimir putin emphasized today at a meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects. anastasia kobozeva will continue. meetings of the strategic development council usually take place twice a year, this is a comparison of notes, what has been done, where there are still gaps, but above all, important things are taken here.
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on the line of combat contact, you should never forget about this, and we are all together, everyone who is sitting here, all your teams in place, everyone must work exactly as our guys work on the front line, we need to work constantly, hard, understanding at what point in the history of russia we are working, and it is from this that we build goals, objectives, and the style of work itself. until today, everything must be agreed upon between various departments and levels of government, submitted to the council for strategic development, and of course, their financial part needs to be worked out in detail. the horizon for planning goals in the new may decree is 2036, that is, another 12 years ahead. the main thing is that plans do not remain only for paper, but were implemented, special attention to the national project, their 14 validity period expires this year. the task is
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to update national projects and understand how much money needs to be invested. expenditures on national projects will become the core of the most significant part of the development budget at the federal and regional levels, and therefore key areas for all levels of government. i am convinced that despite the objective difficulties that they are trying to create for us from abroad and despite the current trials that we face, we nevertheless have everything possibilities.
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national development goals are being achieved,
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how much money is spent, how people’s lives are actually changing, and of course, how citizens themselves evaluate these changes, i am not based on how many events have been carried out or i ask the participants of our meeting to proceed from these fundamental considerations. a separate federal project may appear in the country to promote a healthy lifestyle, as one of its points will be the transformation of primary health care. the governor of the ivanovo region, stanislav, spoke about this voskresensky. we here support the ministry of health to adjust the approach to the distribution of money for the modernization of primary healthcare, meaning to use not only the population size, but also the real state of the healthcare system, as well as population density, this is especially important for colleagues from the far east. you are offering. distribute resources not only according to population size, but according to the real state of the health care system in the region, yes, who will determine this real state? all statistics already exist, but some had more opportunities due to the fact that their budgets were richer, while others, given the low
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level of budgetary security , did not have such opportunities, but the population should not suffer from this, so colleagues suggest a little introduce a correction factor so that those who... so only the sea of ​​azov, of all the production
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of the entire soviet union, provided about 18%, this is only the sea of ​​azov, very good indicators, which are now quite. destroyed infrastructure. we are very active they launched work on road construction , both the highway along the sea of ​​azov and the repair of existing roads. our regional leaders are doing a lot of work today. by the way, today we actively discussed that the leading regions will have their support obligations until the thirtieth year. render to the regions, therefore, in order to catch up with the new regions of russia, it is necessary to work twice, three times in some areas, 10 times more, in order to catch up with the existing indicators throughout russia. there will be many changes in the national digital economy project. eat the topic of remote territories, and in transbaikalia and
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yakutia this issue was raised regarding better access to communications, all this will certainly be included in the national project. along the federal railway and regional highway routes also require strengthened communications, all new solutions will be implemented by us as by mail, its more technological work is also important for people. very sensitively, especially in small towns, another very important message was heard that we must correspond to those who are on the advanced, each of us must do the maximum in order to ensure that our area of ​​work is at a high level, and we will do this without fail, understanding the importance of the moment for our country. from the previous national projects on ecology, specific proposals were also made on it, now the air condition is monitored in the regions, but... this is not enough, it is necessary to develop the so-called observation network. we propose
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to adjust the regulation regarding the data of territorial surveillance systems, primarily mobile small-sized stations the possibility of holding them accountable based on their information, as well as creating economic conditions for enterprises to choose to pay not according to standards, but according to actual emissions, that is, installing sensors. at the end of the strategic development council meeting , the president returned to what he had said at the very beginning. listen, i don’t want to force anything, but i ask you to pay attention to this: we all understand, in any case , everyone should understand what time we live in and what historical stage we are going through russia, and if we understand this, then everyone, everyone should work as if on the front line, everyone should feel mobilized, and only in this way will we achieve the goals that
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we set for ourselves. in modern conditions it is impossible to work differently. it is necessary to establish close cooperation between all government bodies and implementers of national projects. the effectiveness of our work will depend on this, only then will we achieve the goals that we set for ourselves, as i already said, and which.
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the higher the income, the higher the rate will be tax, this is the essence of the changes; the flat scale is being replaced progressively, the tax system will become more fair and balanced. so, the personal income tax scale in numbers for those whose income is less than 2.4 rubles per year, that is, less than 200,000 per month, remains 13%. for incomes from 2,400,000 to 5 million, the tax increases by 2%. those who earn from 5 to 20 million rubles per year. will pay 18%. you get from 20 to 50 million a year, pay 20%. the rate of 22% will be for those who earn over 50 million rubles. in year. income for the majority of people. of which there are less than 200 thousand rubles per month, nothing will change, yes,
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it will change only for a small number of people receiving income of more than 2.4 million rubles per year, for them it will change, but out of 64 million personal income tax payers, this will affect only about 2 million people, then there is this 3.2 need to replenish budget revenues, on the one hand, on the other hand, in compliance with
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the principle of fairness in terms of taxation, when richer citizens bear greater responsibility precisely through greater payment of taxes to the state budget, families with children with an income of no more than one and a half subsistence levels per month per person will benefit from tax changes ; tax payments are provided for them; significant support for families with two children who receive insufficient incomes will be tax refunded through social support measures. which will reduce their tax rate to as much as 6 percent, and these payments will be made automatically, yes, that is, there will be no need for any additional physical the introduction of a progressive scale will not affect the bureaucratic burden and for the population the income of svo participants; there will be minor
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changes in the taxation of income on deposits in banks; at the moment, the taxation of deposits is 13%.
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small businesses can grow faster and more efficiently and integrate into the system of interaction with large companies, and this is very important, there has always been such a fairly significant gap between small and medium-sized companies, we have quite a few, quite a lot of small companies and quite a few companies medium-sized, small companies that are ready
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to abandon fragmentation schemes and work in the white will be offered to come out of the shadows, those who are conscientious. wants to continue his business in russia, he should receive the opportunity of an amnesty, that is, this means that today he announces that he is moving away from fragmentation, returning to business consolidation, receiving clear rules of the game in relation to the state through the payment of a specific figure, but everything that was done previously is not presented to him as a fine, the changes will not affect 95% of entrepreneurs, and for self-employed, their in the country. and the state duma will consider tax bills before the end of the spring session. dmitry kuchatkov, alexandrich, fuzulfiya khakimova. first channel. in addition to the special operation, according to the ministry of defense
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, an enemy mig-29 fighter was shot down, 31 drones, two naval drones were shot down in a day, and destroyed by black sea fleet aircraft. and for the first time, our military knocked out the french trf o howitzer. long-range strikes hit a warehouse for unmanned boats, aviation equipment, and a fuel storage facility. drone assembly workshop. in the volchansko-kharkov region there are several enemy strongholds were eliminated by the crew of the tosochka heavy flamethrower system, and the manpower of the militants under coal was hit from the same installation. and here is the destruction of the american abrams tank by a high-precision projectile from krasnopol. he has been on the reset list since mid- may, but the video has not been published before. and to one of the key directions of our offensive at chas yar, features of the front line, there is the seversky canal. the end of donbass is an additional difficulty for attack aircraft, but they are supported by fire, including from grad installations, some of them can even be used by direct fire, and the engineering troops are preparing to cross
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the canal, alexey kruchinin saw everything. pleshcheevka has been liberated and the rocket artillery of the eighty-fifth brigade of the southern group of forces is driving the ukrainian armed forces further. endless volleys clear the way for our infantry to the hour ravine. today the grad-9p-138 combat vehicle is in operation. our army used these. still in afghanistan. this modification of the hail was developed specifically for shooting in the mountains. now the package is standing horizontally, you don’t even have to lift it, it’s enough unfold, and you can shoot almost directly. and the stops serve both as stabilizers of the combat vehicle and as recoil devices. the battery commander with the call sign ural is a graduate of the kazan artillery school. education helps you choose the best battle tactics based on the capabilities of the vehicle. in the previous area of ​​work, the enemy was hit from a very close distance by hail standards. there is one there. interesting, and we shot from there at night, it was very interesting and unexpected, well, the styricon could have been used in the mountains, but still they used it like that, yes, yes, there
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the range was about 6 km to the enemy, they were coming close, so we worked on getting there, the podsechansk artillery crossed the seversky river in pontoons, the obstacles that our engineers had to eliminate would be more serious than many.
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the kamaz drives onto already assembled sections and must get to the very edge in order to drop the next section into the water exactly like now, this is how bridges stretch out in chains even in the most dangerous and impassable places. the current crossing of the seversky donets is scheduled lesson. longer and in much more dangerous conditions. the main merit was our guys, when performing tasks in the zone of a special military operation in the first months, for which our formation was noted by the president, the minister of defense, and probably by all the people. any vehicle can travel on such a pontoon. up to the tank, sections can also be used as a ferry, which is pulled by the most modern tug-motor boats. machinist plat, a kind of ferryman, controls the seemingly bulky structure with ease.
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car driver. in the previous one, everything was on levers, the control was on cables. here everything is hydraulic, everything is very beautiful, you can control it with just one finger, that is, without effort. now the river is calm, but the guys remember very well the minutes when the water around was literally boiling from enemy fire. hymer.
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telegram channels. there is information that for up to 18 years, several write at once , the united states insists on this. ukrainian bloggers are developing the theme that those under twenty will serve in the rear. about preparation the lowering of the age limit is evidenced by the fact that even seventeen-year-olds are already receiving summonses to register for military registration to clarify their data, although the authorities insist that this has nothing to do with mobilization. let me remind you that, according to the british press, the average age of soldiers in ukrainian trenches is 43 years. this is what they think in the west. they don’t carry loads, unlike young people. and here is another confirmation of the catastrophic shortage in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. prisoners say that after mobilization, they practically immediately went to the front line and there was no intensive training at the training grounds. let me remind you that now ukraine has been mobilizing since the age of 25, even the chronically ill and disabled. meanwhile , the united states today confirmed that it is leaving it up to ukraine to decide how to use american weapons to strike
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russian territory. canada and poland announced the absence of any restrictions on their part, joining the provocative dangerous rhetoric of other western countries. france, represented by emmanuel macron, distinguished itself separately in this series. ivan blagoy will explain. campaigning for the lifting of restrictions for kiev on strikes by western weapons deep into russia, the french president showed a certain map. already from the video you can understand that belgorod is marked on it. photos taken by photojournalists provide more information. marked in blue on the map. ukrainian strike on belgorod, here it is, in the upper left corner of the document the date is indicated on may 12, but it is known what happened in belgorod on may 12. terrorist attack: as a result of the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces in residential areas , the entrance to a ten-story building collapsed, killing 17 people, injuring 19, waving evidence of the shelling of belgorod, macron reflects on the certain right of the kiev regime to strike russia. we believe that we should.
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especially in small countries, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with, they should remember that this is usually a state with a small territory with a very dense population, this is a factor that they should keep in mind before speaking about striking deep into russian territory, a commentary on the air of the german tv channel welt: the reaction of russian president
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putin could not have happened. permission to hit deep territory of russia, the idea of ​​shooting down russian missiles from polish territory, as well as sending instructors to ukraine, according to the expert, only seem to be a solution to a whole range of problems in kiev. in practice, this means that western military units deployed for this purpose take over the key tasks of the ukrainian armed forces. they will become a party to the conflict in the foreseeable future, a target of the russians. thus, this would be the beginning of direct western participation in the war, participation in the war that the majority of the german population does not want. journalist bloomberg agency asks the adviser to the ukrainian minister whether kiev will use western weapons on russian territory. we already have a precedent, for example, the uk, they previously allowed ukraine to use the long-range stormshadow missiles they supplied and we are successfully using them.
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are prepared, formulated, brought in an automatic order to the appropriate calculations, they may not even understand what they are entering, and the calculation may be ukrainian. all this is no secret, because just last year the washington post with reference to american ukrainian officials noted: without receiving exact coordinates from the united states, their allies, the ssu cannot use high-precision western missile systems, a critical dependence as the direct participation of military specialists of nato countries in planning strikes and long-range missile weapons, demonstrated a previously leaked conversation between bundeswehr generals, those they were just discussing how such participation could be disguised in the event of the transfer of taurus missiles to kiev. what purpose do they all serve now? these statements in the style of “we allow” we do not allow, the creation of media fog, let’s give carte blanche to kiev to try to deflect direct responsibility for the consequences. ukraine has every right to strike back at russia. for russia, it depends on
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ukraine. and this is already a discussion on the air of the french tv channel tf-1, what they hope for in france and a number of other european countries, where ideas of sending the military to ukraine are being expressed. they hope for a colorful reaction from poland. however, i don't want to talk about help here americans. i clearly state that poland has no restrictions on the use of weapons, there are no such restrictions as canada has, but the swedish government has announced the transfer of its radar detection aircraft to ukraine, according to bbc sources, we
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can talk about two machines. this airborne sensor is capable of identifying various threats and risks from both land and sea. this means you can identify approaching winged ones. like i said before, she has to make her own decisions about what's best for her. defend yourself. we will provide all the necessary weapons. another feature of our support to ukraine for more than two years now is adaptation to changing conditions on the battlefield. and i'm sure we
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will continue to do so. the washington post reports on the possibility of revising the red lines. this is due to russia’s successes on the battlefield. and now there is a statement from the us representative to nato. the united states leaves the decision to kiev. how to conduct combat operations with russia. the day before at the civil service flight radar near kaliningrad one could observe a certain aircraft with the call sign bart-22. he went to the territory of lithuania and for a long time cut circles near the border of the kaliningrad region. this is an american b-52 strategic bomber with registration number 0037. this is the same machine at the british military base at fairford. and this is a statement on the website of the north atlantic alliance about the tasks of bombers in the baltic. missions also allow crews to maintain a high level.
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un secretary general, person who advised the government of superpowers, both the usa and russia. he appeared in takir carlson’s program after an almost two-year pause; sachs, previously the most popular expert on the main news, was no longer invited to the leading channels after sabotage on the nord streams. shortly
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after the bombings, i was on bloomberg, where i said: “you know, i believe that this was done to the united states. mr. sachs, how can you say such a thing, i was taken off the air within 30 seconds. i saw the anchor doing something spoke into the earpiece, it’s easy to guess what exactly, get this son of a bitch off the air, they so, our interviews are over, and after that the second presenter scolded me for several minutes, this... was the last time the central media invited me, despite the fact that sachs cannot be called a pro-russian speaker, he was one of the developers of shock therapy for a complex of radical market reforms in the transition period of russia in the nineties. after leaving moscow, sachs consistently criticized the kremlin, blaming, however, not only his russian colleagues for failures. i told yeltsen, everything will be fine, you will receive full support, we will prepare a financial package help, we will help you stabilize the ruble, you will get this, this and this.
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gave way to the democratic vice versa, but
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the foreign policy of the white house remained . presidents and republican elites of the previous ones changed, because the neoconservatives essentially captured both parties, for example, one of the main ideologues of the neocons robert kagan, a republican who advised many key conservative politicians, such as the presidential candidate john mccain, and kagan's wife and ally victoria. architect of the maidans, responsible for the ukrainian the direction of democrats biden and obama. needless to say, none of them took moscow’s interests into account. russia wanted, or rather, even europe wanted, before europe became a complete vassal province of the united states, wanted what they call collective security. this is a set of measures in which the security of one country does not come at the expense of the security of another. gorbachev dissolved the warsaw pact. we had to.
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he answered all the questions except one: did you ask him what the germans see in this? and putin said, i don’t understand. and i thought, oh god, thank you, i don’t understand either. american neoconservatives, according to sachs , place their ideology above economics and what they call realities on earth. as a result, entire countries are driven, quote, into hopeless chaos. in this context, the ukrainian direction is for the state department. how is it different, for example, from syria, the main idea is incredible
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arrogance, they just don’t think, by golly, whoever gave this order, he knew nothing about syria, i can guarantee you that, but the consequences were terrifying, incredible, this led to the creation of isis, yes, it looks like we literally created isis, since we have been funding jihadists all the time since 1979. the nioconns are stupid, extremely arrogant, do not discuss anything with us, us citizens, or with congress, or with partners in other countries, and this behavior causes problems. we remember what happened in syria, in libya, they did the same thing, look at libya, they decided to remove gaddafi, but no one really knows why. ultimately, sachs believes, this harms the states themselves by increasing distrust of washington, even from outsiders. allies and forcing those who disagree with the state department line.
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has a strong influence, it is an instrument of regime change, and the united states is the only country in the world that relies on regime change as a leading diplomatic maneuver. sachs is in favor. joe biden and vladimir putin, an expert who worked in washington and moscow, he does not see opportunities for achieving peace without respecting the interests of the kremlin, just as he does not see any intentions on the part of the state department to respect these interests. georgy lisoshvili, pavel nesterov, grigory emelyanov, channel one usa. vladimir putin sent a telegram
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to the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev thanking him for the warm welcome during the state visit. orenburg region by denis pasler. the main topic is eliminating the consequences of the worst flood in decades. more than 7 billion rubles have already been transferred to the victims. however, the range of questions during the conversation is wider. anna kurbatova will continue. meeting with the president , the governor of the orenburg region brought with him a voluminous report on the results of the socio-economic development of the region, but putin suggested starting with something else. let's start with the most pressing issue with the floods, i know that you are working on it, however, there is one quite pressing issue, really
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related to children's recreation; many institutions and children's health camps were damaged. what are you planning to do in this regard? the children will have a rest, we plan to send 5,500 children. children from families whose houses were badly damaged during the flood will spend this summer in camps in southern russia on the coast of the krasnodar territory and crimea. four starburzh boys and girls are right now in anapa, and some have already managed to relax in artek. let's say a big thank you, artekovskaya. in the orenburg region itself , 46 camps were preparing to welcome children this year, but more than half of them were damaged by floods. they, of course, need to be restored. we have already selected new places outside the flood zone. and here, of course, help will be needed. yours. another important
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topic is payments. we have prepared a resolution together with the ministries from april 1. 90%, respectively, money has already been considered more than 7 billion have been transferred. the governor reported that work on restoring infrastructure in the region has been almost completely completed. and for gas, for water, for electricity and roads, everything is already close to 100%. denislavich, do n’t delay, only if some additional questions arise at the government level, tell me about it right away, okay, thank you, right away, don’t delay, well, summer is starting, we need to urgently organize all the work, of course, it ’s leaving . yes, active work on drying begins, accordingly, it’s clear from repairs, pasler has been heading the orenburg region since 2019, the region he inherited, to put it mildly, was not in its prime, industrial giants were idle, many enterprises were on the verge of bankruptcy or had already gone bankrupt, today they managed to restart a hundred production facilities. 70%
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of enterprises did not work, today all enterprises are working, accordingly, a special economic zone appeared in the twenty-first year, territories are moving... development and today we are implementing 90 large projects with a volume of almost half a trillion rubles. new production facilities are created for grain processing. sowing in the kuban and in the orenburg region is far from the same thing, however, it is in this arid steppe climate that today almost half of the entire durum wheat harvest in the country is threshed, all domestic varieties. the orenburg region is now one of the ten largest so-called donor regions in the country. all this affects itself. on salaries, wages during this time increased by 78%, there is also room for growth, of course, but nevertheless there is dynamics. wage level your teachers have grown a little over the past city, yes, yes, you are absolutely right. in general, the head of the region noted, the quality of life of orenburg residents is improving, the capital of the region
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is becoming prettier, a new airport terminal is being built in the city, which should open next year, from above it will look like ours - 20 tons of orenburg jasper, a stone famous throughout the world, products from it there is in the louvre, the hermitage, the russian museum, millions of the most striking examples that have been collected for decades are now being put together into a mosaic. region 90 years, province is 280 years old this year, of course we invite you, thank you very much and we would like,
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of course, for you to come and see, open, look, accordingly, we rejoiced along with the people of erinburg. ok thank you very much. denis pastler has been serving as head of the region for 5 years; his term of office expires in september. with your support, and the support, of course, of the residents of the orenburg region, i am ready to participate in the elections. you have done a lot in previous years, i wish you only success, of course, everything will depend on voter, from a resident, thank you, all the best, anna kurbatova, anna zayakina, andrey kirillov, channel one. now there is an advertisement, see below the stripping scandal, so what happened in voronezh near frames before the school unified state examination, there will be something else, don’t switch. ranevskaya: there are people in whom god lives, and there are people in whom
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only worms live. watch the time after the program, we are ready to take risks, attention, says moscow. veda vodka, a product of steller group. old barrel cognac, a product of stellor group. borbon searsman is a product of the stellar group. whiskey manmencher. stellar group. gin cnop. stellar group. cognac monte chococa. product of stellar group. rum. castro. steller group. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei.
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the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, and then a man emerges from the crowd and starts shooting with both hands. dad survived by a complete miracle; one of the bullets missed his sight. the premiere, right on
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the edge, on friday, on the first, on children's day, if only there had been no winter in the cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days, yuchis on the old tower, in this world we must everyone, don't rush. to lag behind, we are sailing on a lezine, like on a brigancine, but forgotten worries, the bet is stopped, in love everything is not simple and smooth, in love it does not solve everything, beauty carries me away, carries me away. concert for the ninetieth birthday of composer
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evgeniy krylaty. premiere june 1st on the first. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we miss you. i'm what? i have 5 minutes left before entering the shadows. and i know i have 30 minutes left. if something didn't work out, it means that i should have done it belyaev, to shoot him to death, this is his job, he thinks so, he does not think that this is a feat, to be honest, a man went into outer space, this is a little light, when i met her for the first time, she was a schoolgirl, of course she would have been young man, rocket scientist, svetlana, it’s now or never, this is the picture on the left in the corner, the last hunt with gagarin. i close my eyes, i see his eyes, it was more difficult for them, they were the first. a space odyssey by alexey leonov.
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premiere on sunday. on the first. this is the program time and we continue. loud a scandal erupted in voronezh over the inspection of schoolchildren before the eg. the reason was the statements of several girls who, according to them, in search of cheat sheets for prohibited gadgets, were forced to strip down to their underwear. the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee and rosobrnadzor were involved in clarifying the circumstances. ya. podzyuban has collected everything that is known up to this hour. to get to the exam, i had to undress, the footage spread like lightning, voronezh school 62 became famous throughout the country, not for its achievements in the field of knowledge. high school students are crowding at the entrance, they are already they are worried, they came to take the main exam, and at the entrance they are turned around by a metal detector many times. the young men take off their belts, watches, and glasses.
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girls rip off the buttons on their blouses; they are metal. the only thing left to do was... pick off these beads that scattered across the floor, that is, she says, i stood with my hands trembling, then the mothers wrote in the chat that even some children at home were crying, my daughter was crying, even already there , when i tore off these beads, one girl was hysterical, her hands were shaking, she was standing all in tears, already about the fifth time she tried to get through, she didn’t succeed, the inspection lasted 50 minutes in total.
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take off, even if it's underwear. dad counted about 11 girls who went out into the street and took off their backlashes there because they felt awkward in the corridor. i personally don’t know how to leave now, especially since there’s still another one ahead, are you afraid or something, he’s calling again, excuse me, you’re afraid, well, of course. during the exam, evgeniya, the mother of one of the schoolgirls in the video, ended up in moscow and urgently went home with her daughter to constant communication, i cried during the exam and came home. says: mom, i’m so dirty, i apologize for such an expression, but i don’t know what we wrote there, so the scandal quickly reached the federal level. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin plans to discuss the situation with the search of schoolgirls in voronezh with prime minister mikhail mishustin. think about it, we are all parents too, and how each of you reacts, if a child is undressed, who came up with this, who allowed it, invite
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the commissioner for human rights, we are with him we appoint you if you... you lack tools of influence, we expect from you that the education committee, especially on exam days , monitors the situation almost around the clock and asks those who allow such excesses. dozens of complaints were recorded by member of the public chamber ekaterina mizulina, she will forward them to the prosecutor’s office. i thought, how would i feel in such a situation, but most likely i would just burst into tears and... in principle, i could not pass any exam, i was absolutely surprised and i was shocked by the statement of the ministry of education of the voronezh region, which stated that the rules were not violated, in voronezh school number 62 they do not refuse comments, everything is according to the regulations within the law, guys, leave things metal outside the point, because
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what kind of children -they refused to show things, then the children calmly your... outerwear, the prosecutor’s office and the investigative committee are already investigating. cctv footage is currently being inspected and interviews are being conducted. officials of the educational organization are studying the submitted documents. investigators are carrying out a set of measures aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. the ministry of education did not comment on the situation; rosobrnadzor
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took a pause until the investigation was completed. head of the department. tomorrow they are expected in the relevant state duma committee. yana podzyuban, ekaterina belova, anna lepatova, channel one. a significant event in the cultural life of the country. the famous fortress opens. its first regional branch, the museum is located in the building of the kitchen factory, a cultural heritage site of federal significance. the first exhibition also has a gastronomic message. gourmets of russian painting are expected there starting tomorrow. kristina levieva, i have already appreciated the culinary masterpieces. the new branch of the tretyakov gallery in samara is already called one of the most unusual museums in the country, if only because it is located in a unique monument of constructivism. kitchen factory building. in 1932 it already received its first visitors, remaining a dining room until the nineties.
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now the kitchen factory is a huge cultural center, which, in addition to temporary exhibitions, has a permanent one dedicated to the history of the building, as well as lecturers, a cinema , workshops for children and a residence for young artists. here is the most important basis. this is to preserve the heritage that we received, our building there is about 100 years old, this was the main task, the second is to naturally adapt it to modern use, because today the highest requirements for objects such as a museum are the safety of maintaining temperature and humidity conditions , however, this is not the only branch that will open this summer; already in june, its own tretik building will appear in kaliningrad, and this will be the largest modern museum building in the regions. branch in samara. will become a big part of the big tretik, kaliningrad is waiting for us, vladivostok is waiting for us, and we are really looking forward to the branches creating their own collections, working with the local artistic community, with local
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art critics, and this, of course, will be an important part of the life of the big tretik. we ask you to remove everyone who is on a diet from the screen, because the first exhibition of the samara branch of the tretyakov gallery is dedicated to food in all its forms, from ripe karl bryulov grapes to fresh ones. food as art and a favorite metaphor of russian artists. in petrov vodkin’s painting , there is a family drama at the samovar, the blurring between a man and a woman, and even the table seems to separate them. and this is the most famous meal in human history. last supper. at the exhibition you can find several of its versions at once, canonical, like that of academician semyon zhivag, and avant-garde, like that of natalia goncharova. and heroes.
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the meal in nature is written with undisguised irony, opposite a completely different feast, exposing the vices of the time, his tea party in the washing room shows a blatant contradiction, a well-fed priest refuses alms to a beggar. we have selected the best works from the collections of the tretyakov gallery, which arrived in samara today, this is the work of the first row, part of the work from the main exhibition of the tretyakov gallery. we have a separate multimedia interactive exhibition that you and i can watch. dedicated to the history of the history of the building, that is this is such an integrated approach, as it seems to us, which really reflects not only the specifics of the samara branch itself, but also shows in general how extensive the collection is...


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