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tv   Ranevskaya  1TV  May 29, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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there is, of course, food, it’s like the theme of breakfast, also the beginning of the day, but it was just an appetizer, the main course, a newly restored painting of a feast of hunters at a rest stop, this is well known to the artist himself, a simple man’s meal in nature, written with undisguised ironically, opposite a completely different feast, exposing the vices of time, his tea party in mytishchi shows a drinking contradiction, a well-fed priest refuses alms to a beggar, we have chosen the best works from...
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different halls, the first is dedicated to anticipation, the second is already the feast itself, well , now we are entering the third hall, it was jokingly called dietary, although you and i know that dessert is served for the third, and here we will talk about the phenomenon of excess, the work of andrei lagvin, a famous photographer, designer, artist , who worked in the nineties, in the 2000s and... and here she represents such an example of criticism, overconsumption, a society of overconsumption that was characteristic of the 2000s. in the painting by viktor vosnetsov there is a primitive feast, it seems that this tribe survived a terrible famine, and now can't get enough. thanks to boris kustodiev, we know exactly what the city cabbies ordered at the tavern: ham, crayfish, sausage, pickles. for constructivists , the most important thing is the form, be it a milk carton or a tin can.
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the train is leaving, gentlemen, hurry up, sir, where are you going, it’s not allowed without a ticket, it’s not supposed to be done without a ticket, what can we do, but we’re already getting off, well, where, lord, i’m jumping off, but what happened, oops!
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because i know how to help, no, no, why do you need this, but i have a selfish interest, connections i’m flattered by yours, vertinsky, kachalov, geltser, if everything works out, you will form a patronage for me in moscow, the same as for yourself, sing. something, well, i beg you, something. so, marusya, i got away. ivan kazimirovich, the sun has set.
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she was burned by the war, her soul was young, she couldn’t bear the insult, and she raised her rubbish to the sky, full of torment and sorrow, crossing her thin arms, fayna died, great, now say this text to the music, these are not the words of your heroine, you’re just singing another verse. come on, and, erkele, beloved, what are you ready to do for me, ask for my life, i will give it without reserve, kill
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saleimankhan, then i will remain yours forever, he will die if he wants, so reigns. my bloody air drama will be presented for you by a troupe of famous artists, young and less young. the unbridled passion of the oriental beauty will melt your hearts, and her death will not leave you indifferent,
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tell the lord a fairy tale, beauty. the king of georgia had a daughter of such heavenly beauty that the pomegranate flower turned yellow near her purple lips.
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killed, grisha, from whom, gifts, and once, stand, forward, you can’t kick, bad
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primena, ivan kazimi, saved my life, he held the rock over me while these 10 men were running around, i was afraid that you would stutter and start shitting yourself, the box office is huge, for a week in advance, all the tickets
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are sold out, make sure that the press prints that the theater director almost tragically died on stage, vostryakov, why are you huddling there, come here. the bitch finished her game, and now she’s gone to see her mother, you’re fired, why did you climb the rock? thanks, prol potapych believed that i would not fail the performance, so that he believed stronger, i asked him for a gambling debt, here corruption, yes fain, there was a telegram for you, “there is a chance that i will never see you again, my family is leaving because
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nothing is keeping them here, and i have absolutely nothing to do there abroad, don’t persuade yourself, go and know, what will happen in russia in a month, but no matter what, the theater will remain, i’m going to see, dad sells steamships and ropes, maybe i won’t see them for a long time, you have a pass, not me, my father, i, like you see, the croaker, he wanted, damn, there’s only trash in his pockets,
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but what to give to the young lady who has steamboat? i don’t know, i’m tearing it from my heart, it ’s on my left, you have it like ivan khazimirovich, it moves freely inside a cool cage, just wait, excuse me, in the name of, yes, yes, great, great!
10:13 pm
tell me, lyali, can he come with us? she won't go. why? he doesn't want to. look at me. it's not her, you don't want it. dad, i can make difficult decisions too. what do you know about difficult decisions? glanders. i don’t know if we’re doing the right thing, we sent her a telegram, she didn’t come, what do you suggest?
10:14 pm
salome zurabishvili, true francias, according to part-time president of georgia. protests are blazing in georgia, the president is against parliament. this is the revolution of foreign agents. zurabishvili herself is the number one agent of foreign influence. it feels like this is a repetition of the ukrainian scenario. yes, there is a parallel, the riots are coordinated by the cia. this is the time that will allow them to somehow regroup. she's a revolutionist. in chad, this was her practical test. mini iraq, mini saddam hussein, that's what happened there. her daughter is in france, and her son is in france. her the task is to drag georgia into a military conflict with russia. it’s not just about georgia, but about finally getting the entire caucasus out of...
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i took my suitcase, the blanket that my mother once gave me, with these things i came to their home, i offer you my hand and my heart, whatever you want, i’ll tell you... i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time. dad received a call to moscow, we understood that we would have to work harder to get an education as a test engineer, so we started working together. there are 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary,
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extraordinary, from the point of view of others, but for me just dad, homely, good... dad, space inside, tomorrow on the first day, mission to go into outer space completed, on defense day children, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who said there, well, i... you are 20 years old, well, you and i are now playing these funny games together stupid, that’s why you and i are equal, he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, all these wives of his were, they were, as it were, grabbed along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was to yulia, the earring was a real genius children's television died in general at the age of genius, we
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certainly miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, ponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, on the first, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, don’t be bored, i’ll be there soon , i have 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and 30 minutes, i know i have life left, if something didn’t work out, that means what belyaev should have done, shoot him to death, that’s his job, that’s what he thinks.
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alexey leonov, premiere on sunday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first.
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wait, wait, wait, ignat, ignat, where are they, here, it’s good that you made a profit. god heard my prayers, that’s it, you’re here, you couldn’t wish for more, a mother’s prayer works miracles, look. you are some kind of deprived person! we've fallen! dad, i won't stay with me ignat, we need one more cabin, what a joy it is to have a contract, a contract, will it save you from these scumbags with the red gangs, has it really become an artist, i’m playing in the kerch
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theater, for whom, for whom are you going to play, fani, what is this another thing, this is love, and zohanvy, that’s why you stay, but judging by the jewelry, you fell in love, this is not natural, how can it be, my girl, i won’t let you go anywhere, i’ll lock you in a cabin until istanbul. no, mom, i won’t stay, i have a performance tomorrow, what a fool you are, fanya, how you will live among this rabble, but i’m not going to live among the rabble, among the creative rabble, what’s the difference, vanya, ignat, lower the ladder, let him go, kisha, what are you doing, making the wrong decision about which...
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nathan markovich , paina, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, where is the mule, now it’s washed away. with us, he left, yes, to the cemetery, lying in the cold, damp earth, schreber’s shop was smashed, the mule bought cakes there, and they killed my boy, an animal, it’s impossible, the earth will burn under their feet. will burn, will burn, will, will burn.
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hello father, huh? if you're going to watch, get out, you're defective, calm down,
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stop, where, to the circus, to the zoo, isn't that here, but yes, here, hello, change seats, thank you, what do you mean the theater
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is closed? order before whose order, who else would know, don’t you know who is in charge in your city, but i just don’t remember, on christmas of the seventeenth the bolsheviks were here, on easter on the eighteenth, the german army was here, in the nineteenth on on on easter 40 km from the city, here there was a red army, if you don’t like it, come for christmas. there will be white entrepreneurs of any color, alas, your health, listen, well, i’m an actress ranevskaya, i have a contract with your troupe, it took me a week to get from ekaterinodar, what are you talking about, my dear, there is odessa, there is sevastopol, theaters there are probably still operating , don’t hesitate, you need to get out of here as soon as possible. but here’s a good one, like in the tsar’s time, right
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now, please, here’s a piece of paper, thank you very much, cucumber, please take it, what, what, i worked in your theater pavla leonochev anulev, yes, last season. “she’s invincible, i gave her flowers, chocolates, lozenges, i applauded, she flutters, flutters, i even cried!”
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let my girl find a family where she is now. let there be good people. that they will protect her from all troubles, from all troubles in the world, this button should be given to that aunt, take your buttons, oh, thank you, it came out of my heart, thank you, madamelle, you can sit here.
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why? pava wulf is a thing of the past, like all her roles, does anyone need it now? art? for money, perhaps no one, even for stew in our times, my mother considers it humiliating. humiliating? when i was your age, i saw your mother on stage in taganrog. i fell in love with the theater forever, my mother won’t play anymore, she gave her word, she keeps her word tightly, and you would like her to come back, i want her
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to calm down and not suffer, she promised us nanny to get used to this new life, i don’t like this new life either, but i don’t torment myself like that, so... take it and take it to me to your mom, here it is! salome zurabishvili, the true francias, is also the president of georgia. protests are burning in georgia, the president is against parliament. this is the revolution of foreign agents. zurabishvili herself is the
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number one agent of foreign influence. it feels like this is a repetition of the ukrainian scenario. yes, there is a parallel. the riots are coordinated by the cia. this is the time that will allow them to regroup in some way. she will turn it over. in chad, it was her practical test, mini iraq, mini saddam hussein, that's what happened there, in her daughter is in france, her son is in france, her task is to drag georgia into a military conflict with russia, it’s not just about georgia, but about finally pulling the entire caucasus out of the mentality of soviet oppression and russian influence, the united states of america will come into madness and shed blood. solome zurabishvili and head. in georgia, dolls of the heir tutti tomorrow on the first children's day, no matter how winter there were in cities and villages, we would never have known these days
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, the cheerful clock on the old tower, in this world everyone should, not to rush, not to get in the way, we are sailing on the river, like... in the land of the forgotten fuss, stopped me, in love everything is not simple and smooth, in love it does not decide everything, beauty, carries me away, carries me away, appreciating the snowy yes, the beautiful gives a concert. june 1, on the first children's day, hello, we didn't expect what you came to us with, with
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joy, but between the shoulder blades it should hurt, no, why does it hurt me, maybe you're old, maybe? girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and what else do you want, i don’t mind, eat everything, you will be fat, and i will be thin, thank you my dear, and if... they break me, you won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can handle them to do whatever i want, well, not that much, better than anyone else, premiere on june 1, on the first, for the ninetieth birthday of alexei leonov, the americans are planning to go into outer space, our sunrise should fly earlier, unfinished products will not fly into space. and you try, i can’t
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keep up with the task, but i don’t care, you’re my partner, it’s a risk launching voskhod 2 with living people is too big, we are ready to take the risk, attention, says moscow, today is march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, did not understand what was wrong with the pressure, and we have two, you are fine, answer, alexey, why are you silent, sorry, i’m an almak, i’m ready to enter the airlock, i’m waiting for the command, what do you propose to leave them in orbit? soldiers have to die for the sake of the interests of their state, when i
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wake up, dad will already arrive, he will try very, very hard, lyosha, there is still not enough air, lyosha, it’s time for the first ones, on sunday at the first one, well, we’ll see who wins? and he’s so strong, i’ll come out now and hit him pretty
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hard on his jaws, give me some bread after that, you know how to cry, but as you should, loudly, pitifully, with tears, on dry land, you just finished fighting and practiced, there is soap, but i don’t have it, perfume, perfume, even better? damn, god, god, what are you, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what kind of people are you, there is no god for you, the baby is dying of hunger, you feel sorry for a piece of bread, yes, they forgot that god willed, such and such a time is terrible, we now the whole family will die. you feel sorry for us, yes, we will come to you at night in your dreams
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, we will appear in your dreams, we will not give you peace, you don’t have a human heart, no, you don’t have it, no, damn it, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what is this, well , let's go, let's go, well, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, well, well, show me, he, come on, sit down, sit down, sit down, that's it, don't you dare use mine. what and what is a good girl, nimble, you won’t get lost with her, in kharkov, in belgorod, in kiev, in feodosia, in sevastopol. i replayed all the classics, oh well
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i knew how, but i was never taught acting, your skills are quite suitable for the people's theater, they now have their own revolutionary theater, hamlet was banned as a monarchist play, but they play rallies in collaboration with the audience, it would be a good idea to make another... another classic was condemned and shot , there is whistling, laughter in the hall, and biting bites are flying at the actors, in irkutsk. only drunk people, high purpose
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cackle, stomp their feet like children on a christmas tree, art is to change people, who, who to change those who spit husks at the actors. they cannot be changed, it is impossible, i cannot and will not i want to go on stage, i’m scared and sad, and not why, but how do you intend to live, i can teach, music, languages. it’s a pity that the piano won’t fit in the carriage, but someday this will all end, pavel leontyevna, why suffer and suffer, well, start teaching now, for me, together we will heal the wounded
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soul, with art.
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mr. captain, you have ladies waiting there,
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well, not really ladies, here is their document, what else... not quite ladies, fool, what a stunning surprise this is for us, hello, pavel leontyevna, no, no, it’s not me , but when i go to the bathhouse and change clothes, you will be able to recognize me, it took us a whole month to get here, but... of course, i will give you orders, they will provide you with housing in whatever way we can help, just don’t take an apartment with a sea view, i advise you not to walk along the embankment , corpses are often carried out of the sea, my god, my god, the bolsheviks saved cartridges, so they drowned the class enemy by tying stones to their feet, oh,
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forgive me for introducing you to such horrors, despite this at... people want to believe that the worst is already over, you will play for us with joy, mr. captain, what is the condition of the local theater? oh, i’m sure that with your arrival art will be at its best again. this is very nice.
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he is bound to me by a marriage obligation, a receipt stating that i borrowed money from her , i don’t need money, let him marry!
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actress fronevskaya. fronevskaya.
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thank you. protests are blazing in georgia, the president is against parliament, this is a revolution of foreign agents, salume zurabishvili herself is the number one agent of foreign influence, it feels like this is a repetition of the ukrainian scenario, yes, there is a parallel, the riots are being coordinated by the cia, this is the time that will allow them to somehow regroup, she is a coup in chad, this was her practical test. mini iraq, mini saddam hussein, that's what happened there. her daughter is in france, and her son is in france. its task is to drag georgia
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into a military conflict with russia. this is not only about georgia, but about finally getting the entire caucasus out of the mentality of soviet oppression and russian influence. the united states of america will go crazy and shed blood. solome zurabishvili and head georgia. heir dolls. in tutta tomorrow on the first children's day, hello, we didn't expect what you came to us with, with joy, but between the shoulder blades it should hurt, no, why does it hurt me, maybe it's old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, no be bored, eat a pancake, bake it, and you want something else, i don’t mind, eat it all.
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good luck, little eagles, it’s first time, sunday is first, attention, says moscow.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, you are unhappy, it’s not enough for you that i love you, and no, i want everything. you need my honor to desecrate, so that when you meet me at a ball, on a walk, you could laughingly tell your friends a funny adventure and resolving their doubts, forgive me horse, i already have a partner, the reds will come, art will be banned, madmaza, you think they
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’ll arrest me, maybe you ’re molesting the red-haired guy, well, come on, it’ll get to the underground theaters, he’ll stop you, but you can’t wait, andrei, where did you go, i pulled up, i look, there you are you're sitting on the bench with the young lady, good luck madmazet as soon as he appears opportunity, i’ll gladly come to your performance, but maybe it’s better for you to return the money, i don’t need money, let him complain,
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is this after yesterday’s fall? as if my countess had the same lovely hand, don’t you love the countess anymore? 3 years of marriage, you know? what a lesson, how about the countess, is that you? if you were me, you would
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say: no, no, no, but this is the third time.
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funny little thing, this figaro of yours. i saw a marvelous production at the korsh theater, but your light repertoire will have to be made heavier, comrades, other times are coming, brother rabbits, stop sitting in the warmth, you will embrace villages and villages with art as part of political agitation, and not with your bullshit. and in the updated proletarian word, run, check how it is there, it is unknown how long all this will drag on, and what about grub, talk, war!
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faina, we’re here, lord, what were you doing in the basement, you broke the glass in the room, it ’s war again, it’s a very short war, but it’ll be over, and he’s not with you, no, no, no, she’s there talking to the new bosses, where your second shoe, and dance, go home, go. i, i, i will bring it.
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what's up there, the bolsheviks are up there, huh? all over the earth, i’ll bring water, wash it for you early, no, no, no, don’t, it’s not my blood, i’m just slightly shell-shocked, wait a minute,
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i can’t get out of here, and i never attended your performance, if you will sit quietly and not move, i will close the basement, they will not find you, i will bring you clothes from the theater, you will be able to get out at night, leave and do not come back here, i want to help you, our primary task, comrades, is to organize mass a propaganda theater in which the artist will unite with the audience, everything is in order at home,
11:00 pm
poruchek don’t shoot your people, there is an opportunity to take you out of the city, change clothes, and the general brigade is sent to persuade the tobacco factory to communism, i... the pass forms will not be shot here, but at the tobacco factory. we will teach poor dimyan. maybe it really will work out.


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