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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 29, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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pooruchek, don’t shoot, your friends, there is an opportunity to take you out of the city, change clothes, an agent brigade is being sent to persuade the tobacco factory to communism, i’m on the pass form, they’ll shoot you not here, but at the tobacco factory, we’ll teach poor dimyan, maybe it’s true it will work out.
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of course it will work out if you read with expression, sound, my lyre, i’m composing a song to the apostle of peace, tsar nicholas, is that demyan, yes, what a bastard, a girl from nene, this is your family, no, this is mine and... no donation , that's good, the tobacco factory is next to the pier, and i have a little boy there, yeah, he was demobilized at the same time, and now he’s guarding the boats, we can run away together, why should they stay here, first to ours in odessa, faina, let me save you too. where is the guarantee that
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the bolsheviks will not take odessa too? i believe, and what kind of revolutionary was he? seizure, they give you a good meal for campaigning, never humiliate yourself with mediocre lies.
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bring him in here, eat the shavings, prepare, get ready, celsius!
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there's a big game on the air, two worlds, two politics. yesterday in moscow it was reported about planned measures for the further development of the tax system, and at the center of this is great social justice to have additional funds for social needs and, above all, for medicine for children. well, if we are talking about what is already happening in moscow.
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moscow gives the impression of a developing, but in my opinion, a very peaceful city, a very peaceful city, i do not see military units or even large numbers of people in military uniforms marching around moscow, this reflects the preferences of russian society and the russian government, including, of course, the president himself vladimir putin.
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most likely, we will place them like this so that they can train ukrainians, so that they can protect some civilian areas, russia has no right to call this, to perceive this as a step on the path of escalation, well, i don’t even know what to answer to this, if
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they seriously believe in this approach, then it really seems to them that the ability to fool moscow’s head. on the topic of what we should do today in the current, as they say, difficult circumstances. alexander, how can we convince the west that, in general, it’s good to stop? without starting a new round
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of escalation. you know, it seems to me that the west, unlike us, we are not in a symmetrical position with them, we look at them from the outside and do not pretend to interfere in them. life, of course, we follow them, but we do not infiltrate their society, but they, on the contrary, they infiltrated our society so deeply back in their 90s, and maybe even earlier, that they combine two ideas about russia, from the outside, from the outside, and from the inside, and from the inside, they see what you started talking about, dmitry, curbs, construction, peaceful people, almost in a beachy, beachy moscow, which completely resembles anything but the capital of a country that is waging war with...
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we said, they can be read in the west precisely as a fundamental internal unpreparedness for serious resistance if the west joins in full program, they are testing us, word by word, gesture by gesture, they send their first instructors, then their almost professional military personnel, they are increasingly inclined to allow western weapons to strike at moscow, that is, they, it seems to me, see in this peaceful... city exactly the opposite, that what we like, and maybe our government likes, look
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how good it is, peaceful life, now we will improve social services, that’s all absolutely correct things, no one argues, but a country that is on the verge of a nuclear apocalypse, and we are on the verge of a nuclear apocalypse, we don’t want it, but we are here, it seems to me that there is a feeling of some kind of internal, internal anxiety, it’s just that in such a society it must somehow have. as in iran, i think that they might give up many forms of real blackmail and nuclear blackmail and strategic blackmail that are not used, not necessarily the death of america, this is conditional, but someone must answer for all this , we have been fighting... for a year, we have been fighting absolutely fiercely, with a terrible enemy, of course,
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the ukrainians are suffering huge losses, we are much smaller, but we are also bearing them, and here it seems to me that a certain degree of leaving the comfort zone, as now they say we definitely need it, this is not a peaceful city, this is the rear, this the rear of a warring country, we are our moscow, alexander, i want to argue with you, come on, i am also for leaving the peaceful comfort zone, completely.
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neighbors, frankly, let's say, hostile and arrogant neighbors, with a very dense population, as president putin noted, and this is in a situation where nato has no plans for their protection that would not assume that these states will actually
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cease to exist, and it seems to me that that...
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to be precise, and complaining about allegedly incorrect behavior during the next balkan crisis, and there they took place in at the end of the 19th century, well, almost every 2 years, the austro-hungarian ambassador told the emperor: if you do not immediately change your behavior, we will mobilize two corps. what did alexander ii do? he took the silver fork that lay in front of him, bent it like this and threw it at the ambassador, said, this is what i will do with your two corps, here with alexander ii, if you remember, he did not start a single war, but he had the russian army was in such a state and he had such,
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if you like, sincerity in his eyes about what he was ready to do with the enemies of russia. prefers peace, but i would not advise anyone to further test our patience. now let's talk to a very reasonable, informed person from washington, christian whiten, who was a senior adviser at the state department, this is a political
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post, and during the bush administration, you were still, i think, in the bush administration. this is already very close to our time, and maybe once again they wrote a very interesting , important article from my point of view, naturally from the american point of view, from the position of american national interests, why trump, if he became president, why if he wouldn’t be very attentive regarding...
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about the meeting with putin in helsinki, everyone
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was also on ears, and there was even talk about the need to call an interpreter to demand that the translator told us what trump actually talked about with putin, but what if we go back? i say that we could try to quickly start peace negotiations, perhaps trump is just the person who could do this, but again this will take years, let's again draw a parallel with vietnam when nixon and kissinger began negotiations. with north vietnam in paris , it took several years to reach an agreement, the following approach was adopted: escalation for the sake of de-escalation, that is
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, the americans began bombing vietnam, cambodia, in order to push the vietnamese leadership to a peace agreement, i don’t know if trump is ready to do something like this, will he be ready to increase the amount of aid to ukraine? and stabilize the situation on the battlefield, because so far the situation is such that it is russia that is attacking, in a situation when one of the parties has the initiative, it is usually not very willing to negotiate. you said a number of other very important things: the first thing you recalled was that nixon, when he came to the conclusion that in order to get out of the vietnam war, a war that he did not want, he inherited it from president johnson, but nixon came to the conclusion that he had to use more force, heavy bombing, against
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north vietnam to get out of this war, the result was a terrible polarization of american society, which ultimately ultimately ruined nixon's presidency, he had to resign, and i don't have to tell you that...
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and we don't always ask this question, we don't always answer it: yes, we overthrew saddam hussein in iraq, but what next ? the united states did not provide answers to this question and could not solve this problem. then the question of iranian influence in afghanistan arises, let’s take afghanistan, they also thought that they would create a liberal democracy with afghan specifics, but no, nothing... again everything dragged on for decades, and as a result they came to power the taliban, so the whole story after the second world war, if you look at when the united states
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got involved somewhere. yes, there were, of course, exceptions, there was panama and so on, but in principle, when the united states is drawn into some kind of war, no one really thinks long-term, what will happen next? the same thing with ukraine, at first the mood was triumphant, they said: “now we will knock out russian troops, return to the previous borders, return crimea,” but then quite quickly everyone realized that this was... impossible, now everything has turned out differently direction, therefore, when donald trump talks about the need to start negotiations, there is nothing radical or incomprehensible in this, but for the biden administration, this seems absolutely unacceptable, and for the washington establishment, for the military, this also seems unacceptable. well, now preparations are underway for a peace summit in switzerland in june. “i
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don’t understand how it’s possible to organize a peace conference, despite the fact that one of the parties to the conflict does not participate in it, i’m talking about russia, of course, this reminds me of how they were going to organize a peace conference in 2010 conference on syria abyss, approximately the same situation, but i have this question, you know graham ellison well, i know him well too, we were even with '. authors, i respect him very much, he just published an article in the journal national interests, where he says that the matter of avoiding a world war should not be left to chance, that in general wars arise quite regularly, and if you want to stop this ominous cycle, then you need to think about what you can do to make it a priority. this
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seemed very reasonable to me, but further professor alison says that it was possible to maintain peace after world war ii as a result of the large, predominant military forces of the united states, and this surprised me, because i thought that there was no war, because there was a balance of power, because there was the soviet union. with armed forces that were impossible to ignore. do you agree that if russia wants to avoid war, then there is no alternative to demonstrating its real military strength to make it understood that this force is serious, realistically, if necessary, in case
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extreme necessity.
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on the one hand, high technologies, space sensors and so on, various types of aircraft are used, on the other hand, the most primitive technologies are used, this is such a hybrid, mixed war, a mixture of high and primitive technologies, so... i believe that the use of non-nuclear military forces, this is of course one thing, but from the point of view of nuclear weapons, i think the whole world understands that no one is interested in this, and it is necessary to discuss the existing risks, an attack on crimea would be in this regard
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very risky. step by step, but if we talk about trump, taking into account what he did in his first term, how he conducted a dialogue with north korea, it is clear that his threats are nuclear.
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they didn’t really help in implementing his plans, there were several ministers of defense, but they also gave him the idea that it was enough to carry out counter-terrorism operations around the world, that he needed to focus on the pacific region. it seems to me that maybe now trump will be better able to influence the military establishment in this regard than the first time, but when i return to the meeting with putin
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in helsinki, then it caused a simply hysterical reaction from the american military establishment, well, we'll see, we'll see what happens this time, resistance from military bureaucracy, of course.
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how old are you, how old am i, yes, yes, i ’ve already lost count of god’s sake, marital status, you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, but he spends his time only with the intelligentsia, yes, 7 minutes of your play has a grandiose audience success, tell me. what do you want from me? maybe you will remember that you are the director of this production, and not ranevskaya. ranevskaya. tomorrow after the program time. do you
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obviously want to become the main character in fien görden's play? well, if necessary, for the sake of business, i can play worse. there's a big game on the air. and now we will talk about another war. about a war with large casualties among civilians. and about the war, which also cannot come to an end. and i’m talking naturally about what is happening now in the gas sector, about israel’s actions, which are like.
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a limited number of states that support israel, despite these terrible , terrible acts of violence, and there are states that, on the contrary, have already been recognized today. will palestine as an independent state
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, including such things about this recognition, somehow really help palestine? you know, it will certainly help with reputation, there is a state there, well, suffice it to say, visible on the map, well, in particular , spain and norway, and there are states that are small and very inconspicuous, like. arbados and other caribbean states, but nevertheless, even if we count these states together with the caribbean ones, this will be some kind of sufficient group that is ready to believe that everything needs to be done to recognize the existence of a palestinian state as a reality, and thereby show what is urgently needed now do something on the other. on both sides there are other states, including those that seem
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to have a good relationship with us, that think differently, that maintain close relations with israel, if not support it, but somewhere take a position similar to american, that is, and if they condemn it, they don’t condemn it very much, this dangerous international situation around gas, it does not give us the opportunity to feel any optimism about what to do next. netanyahu said that he would investigate this attack on people and even more than forty people died, right? absolutely all civilians, allegedly netanyahu said that they somehow wanted to destroy two hamas commanders, well, either they wanted to, or they destroyed, or most likely did not destroy, but in any case, it’s perfect to act like that it is clear that it is impossible to act like this, it is impossible. this is the universal transformation of
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israel into a pariah state, into a state that today, well, everything is sliding lower and lower along this reputational ladder, down there already to the bottom somewhere, which is impossible to continue to exist like this, like this, but netanyahu continues , he and his government colleagues persist and say that they will not yet resolve all their issues, including, as they say, the destruction of the remnants of hamas, i doubt that there are actually remnants there . this is far from true, they are not will stop, which means they will be ready to continue to do the same thing that they have now done, these terrible acts are ours, i read today in the new york times, where they refer to anonymous but supposedly knowledgeable sources in the israeli government, and it says, that israel does not hope to complete the military operation before the end of this year, of course, you think this will really continue. i'm sure they are ready for
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this, i don't know, maybe something will force them to act differently, but since, despite the fact that the condemnation of israel in the world has taken on unprecedented proportions, it still seems to me that the world community is not yet ready, not ready to accept any sanctions, to condemn so strongly and to put so much pressure on the israeli government to force it to change.
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how to get to know us, establish relations with the russian academic community, i don’t know what will come of this next, but it seems to me that this is some kind of step that to some extent develops the decisions now taken in terms of establishing contacts with the taliban movement, i
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would not call this normalization, but it is a step towards normalization, it can certainly be considered, i think this is absolutely correct, because well... there is simply no way, it is quite strong, standing firmly on its feet now states in western asia and or in central asia and there are no signs that there will be some kind of crisis there that will collapse this government, no, it is standing on its feet, somehow this government is developing, and there are hopes, that she will evolve.
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preparations for this began immediately after america fled from kabul, after the famous flights when collaborators fell from the plane in clusters, but i believe that we need to prepare for a long-term, i even think, it’s better to say endless confrontation with the west, and for this it is very important to rebuild our consciousness, that this is not just some kind of altercation, some kind of shift change, everything was so good, suddenly we quarreled there, now we’ll come back. afghanistan, iraq - these are the territories that can solve many of russia's structural, strategic, energy and economic problems. i think what we are doing now
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is absolutely right, we are truly engaged in the very geopolitics that the west, the americans are actively using.
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if you allow me to disagree with you a little on one nuance, i practically, practically agree with you on everything, and we have the same position except for one thing, i don’t think that we need to focus only on the fact that the taliban are the enemy of our enemy, therefore you need to go with them cooperate, there are also a lot of organizations that act very badly both against us and against our enemy, but the taliban are not like that, they really, you correctly said that they are changing, they are developing like...
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what are the veloyats and khurasans that they are fighting taliban, we also have some humanitarian tasks, tasks there to fight the illegal drug business, i think that’s all, if we put it together, it’s of course geopolitics, plus economics, plus the pragmatic interests of theirs and ours, which do not coincide only in opposition to america, well, even if you look at the kharasan poppy plantations, this is the usa, this is the usa, this is...
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the world, when the bolsheviks gained a foothold in power and remember how the bolsheviks were perceived and began to act, so to speak, in the interests, firstly, of their state, secondly, they established themselves as a serious, solid , solid force, then the world gradually began to turn towards them, and the taliban, having come to power, as far as i understand, maybe you can correct me, like any force that is already... not in opposition to the regime, and deals with one or another operational issues, they, of course, could not help but change and could not look differently at
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their distant neighbors at their close neighbors, especially since, well, let's remember that the history of relations between the soviet union and russia in general with afghanistan was quite complex , but this , by the way, is not such a bloody history as afghanistan had with western countries, remember the british invasions, well , the american ones, of course, twenty years too. against the backdrop of the american presence in afghanistan, the soviet presence there is, of course, chronologically less, in terms of content, yes, because hospitals, roads, education, that’s what accompanied the soviet stay in afghanistan, plus the support of a fairly serious part of afghan society, which maintained, so to speak, normal relations with the soviet union and believed that this is the path that the soviet union proposed.
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number one, it feels like this is a repetition of the ukrainian scenario, yes, there is a parallel, the riots are coordinated by the cia, this is the time that will allow them to somehow way to regroup, she is a coup in chad, this was her practical test, mini iraq, mini saddam hussein, that’s what happened there, her daughter is in france, her son is in france, her task is to drag georgia into a military conflict with russia, it's not just about georgia. about finally getting the entire caucasus out of the mentality of soviet oppression and russian influence. the united states of america will go crazy and shed blood. solome zurabishvili
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and the head of georgia. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. there's a big game on the air. vladimir, we talked. about the cold war, about containment, in general, we still talked about how we managed to keep the peace, and this, of course, did not completely keep the peace, there were so many wars, clashes, we talked about vietnam, but a big war, some kind of direct clash between the soviet union and the united states succeeded, does this give any grounds for optimism today or... are we in a completely different situation and if different, then how? well, in general, i always think that there is a reason for optimism, and
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as during the cold war, one reason one of the reasons for optimism is the same nuclear weapons that existed then. after all , this is such a powerful foundation that even with the collapse of the soviet union it was not possible to reset it, and this is taken into account, i think, by all people who make decisions. well , at least in the nuclear countries that understand what it is, i think that in the baltic states, perhaps, they no longer understand, at least those people who were responsible for the soviet, so to speak, participated in the soviet nuclear programs, probably, these decisions are no longer made, and young people have already grown up quite smart, but i think that after all, the buttons are not in their hands, but what still inspires pessimism is that really, we talked about this a lot today , a whole series of factors that were important for the west, for the united states during the cold war, are now still being devalued, which has always stopped
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the united states from becoming, well, not the united states, but the united elite. the first is money that is wasted and does not bring result, this is such a business approach to geopolitics, secondly, one’s own geopolitics, what can be obtained in terms of influence or not, does it make sense, and of course, these are people, because the critical mass of coffins of the united states, as we know, this is from history, the vietnam war mentioned today, they still give an effect of influence on those people who belong to... america is not losing anything yet, europe is still under control, it is still ready to act, so to speak, in self-harm
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in the interests of the united states and... human victims, that is, coffins that come to the territory of the united states, with the exception of a small number, as i understand it, there are still no isolated mercenaries who made their way to ukraine and are fighting on the side of the kiev regime, that is, there is not a critical mass observed, in this regard it has not yet been observed, in this sense i will probably say the most important thing, we are all talking about the fact that the appearance of western contingents in ukraine could become a red line, well, perhaps this is it...
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that the americans, without being directly involved, they can watch how we destroy the poles, estonians, french, germans as much as they want, they don’t like them very much, in fact, this is europe - this is by no means the closest and dearest territory for them, it’s just a vassal, absolutely disgusting, then more time from time, claiming some kind of independence, so they will gladly sacrifice.
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this imposes on our, of course, leader and on our entire leadership, on all our people, a colossal responsibility, probably like this, you said correctly, then it was not yet there were nuclear weapons under alexander ii, there were possible mistakes, we could have lost. impossible, something needs to be done, but what
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exactly, firstly, we really should advise our leaders, and secondly, it should be something very sharp, radical, except for this, which could already be advised , i think this is to bring the combat readiness of society, to push society out of the state of the beach and simply. so that it goes down in history, because in historical consciousness - this is what we lack, why law 314 about historical enlightenment was accepted, we are a little, because history is not just the past, it is also the future and the present, and the goal, this is so, this is a completely different form of existence, historical existence, this is exactly what we are missing, i think that we simply need this historical mobilization, vitali, you are not only outstanding scientists in your own right, but also outstanding.
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a very significant exception and an extremely important leader in this area, so i want to ask you what to do to make it happen, but if you want some kind of reformation and
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scientific, analytical interests, and so that this huge, huge space that we call the world majority, so that we better understand how to work with it and... how to influence it? it seems to me that to this expert knowledge and the preparation of all kinds of analytical materials we need to add what, in fact, we were talking about here, about saturating it with history, studying historical lessons, in particular, a huge array of archival documents that remain so far or unclaimed or not not unmastered, or even maybe partially. not declassified, although this work continues very actively, we have just now published a huge, powerful volume of documents that have been put into circulation, so to speak, according to the second.


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