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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 30, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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the chinese war, if you read them carefully, these are 1000 pages, selected the most important of them, they show in a completely new way the lessons of this indochina war of our cooperation with allies including vietnam, north korea and even china, although these were years when we already had ideological differences, this is what i think, just as the role of some political figures who... were not previously considered as important as foreign policy specialists is being highlighted in a new way, in particular alexey nikolaevich kosygin. its role in asian politics, these lessons that are learned from there, i think they are very important, only experts can do this. thank you, i hope that you, alexander, will tell us what is happening and most importantly, what will happen in georgia. and i think that for the first time we saw a truly sovereign force in a person. georgian dream,
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which defends not the russian side, not our side, it defends the georgian side against the transformation of georgia into a completely bloody zone of a new new ukraine, that is, now there is a struggle between supporters of georgian georgia and absent georgia and ukrainian, ukrainization of georgia, and this is very important, this is very important, because now ivanishvili’s georgian dream is demonstrating... rigidity and consistency does not give in to blackmail, western pressure in carrying out its sovereign course. if we deal with sovereign georgia, we have a chance to build a positive, positive model of relations with them in the future, because with the american puppets there is nothing but war, alas, is not working out for us. my problem with this situation is that georgia actually opened the door. for
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western intervention, i mean illegal, naturally on the agents, they opened this door when they said that they believe in their euro-atlantic integration, that they want to join the european union, and thereby they opened themselves to this terrible pressure, this is so , but they are correcting these mistakes, they started out much worse, the situation under saakashvili, they are getting better, they are taking the path of sovereignty, they are getting bigger. more defends its own national georgian interests, and i believe that we should, of course, if we say that we will support, and immediately there will be a new blow to our sovereign forces, so you should just watch carefully, and of course, it’s more profitable for us to deal with supporters of a sovereign, independent georgia, independent of us, independent of the west, than with simply slaves and extremists, who are now acting as pure foreign agents, who...
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we’ll meet tomorrow on the air. i'm proud to live in such a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin was everything in his time. life called himself a simple vyadsky peasant. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​the taiga, are as beautiful as our sunny komyka. no one returns from a trip the same the most human, so travel and indulge yourself. on any highway, in any
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village, we are all one big family. this is an easy money tip, i’m its host , mikhail khanov, and today we’re looking at how, with the help of government benefits, tax deductions, and the use of a compulsory health insurance policy , you can significantly save money and even improve your budget. our guest is karina ponomareva, doctor of law, leading researcher at the tax center. policy of the financial research institute under the ministry of finance russian federation, expert of the myfinance project. rf. hello karina. hello. our program is about finance, and here we talk about how you can do more than just make money. but how is it possible, already paying
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certain taxes, but we are always indignant about where our taxes go. but it turns out that they partially go towards certain actions that we perform. and which are beneficial to the state, let’s start with the simplest and most general aspect, which probably concerns everyone, these are deductions, that is, compensation from the state, money that you spent on treatment, that is, de facto the state returns part of this money to you, well, as a law-abiding taxpayer, actually, the first question: in order to receive a tax deduction from the state, should i be a taxpayer or not, i must be a taxpayer on... on the income of individuals is paid by all citizens who work under an employment contract, work under civil law contracts, that is , provide some kind of services, it is important to take into account that not all deductions are available for self-employed and individual entrepreneurs, since they either pay
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taxes according to a simplified system, or are not included in the personal income tax system, because the self-employed, as you know, simply pay a certain percentage of their monthly income. here, our viewers, listeners, listened, watched our program, received it, wanted to understand it in more detail, study everything carefully, where can this be done? well, first of all, i want to say that on the website of the federal tax service of russia the federal tax service is posted, that on the website of the federal tax service there is detailed information, very clear infographics, for any tax you can go to the website of the federal tax service and look directly at the diagram. and tables with how much deduction is due for training, for treatment, who is supposed to go where, like yes, great, that is, all the algorithms are there, that is, if anything happens, go ahead to the website of the federal tax service of the federal tax service, type it in directly, and there everything is detailed, as
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our expert karina, a doctor of legal sciences, tells us that almost anyone can understand, let’s start then with the very thing called mass. the source of our expenses is the cost of treatment. what can i get from the state if i spend money on my health? any taxpayer who pays personal income tax in accordance with the established procedure can receive a deduction for the purchase of medicines. it is important that you can receive a deduction for the treatment not only of yourself, but also, for example, of your parents and children of spouses. and the certificate indicates accordingly.
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are not taxed, but you are a working person, and you, in fact, from your income they paid taxes, paid for them, here i pay, i tell you, accordingly, there are two types of treatment, this is ordinary treatment, and expensive treatment, compensation for expensive, ordinary, well, that’s all except expensive, expensive treatment refers to, for example, prosthetics, dental implantation. eco, high-tech medical care. the operation, you need to see if this is included in
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the high-tech medical assistance program, it’s all on the website of the federal tax service on the my finances portal, that is, where you can find the full list. there is a government decree and this list should be posted, for example, on the website of the territorial compulsory medical fund on the project, there is this on the project, we have this infographic, which says: that this is the service code 02, treatment is expensive, then there are restrictions no, this magic number is 150,000, what is it? what’s interesting is that from this year the limit from which you can get a deduction has been increased, before that all social deductions, which include deductions for treatment, education, medicines, the ceiling for which it was possible to get a deduction for expenses amounting to 120,000 rubles. from this year this ceiling has been increased to 150,000 rubles.
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that is, after you post a list of operations and actions that are included, but this is very relevant for me now, because i was involved in dental implantation, that is, i understand correctly that you can get 13% from the entire amount i spent for dental implantation, even if it was not done in a state clinic, of course, that is, if i officially paid, if this is a company, it should have some kind of registers, to enter somewhere. have a license for drying medical children, if you have a license, then in any dental clinic, you can
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draw up documents and receive tax deductions, now we are figuring out exactly what i need to do, i need to go where first to the clinic or where, you need to come to the clinic, ask them for a certificate in the established form of the federal tax service, they will give you such a certificate, they will give you such a certificate that you spent so many thousand rubles on such and such treatment. they give you this certificate, you upload it to the taxpayer’s personal account, attach it, it means this is the year, yes, that is, from the beginning of the year, i make sense to do this, probably at the end of the calendar year, yes, to sum up all the expenses for treatment, that’s what it’s important that you can get it, if you file a deduction yourself, then you can only get it for the previous year, that is, for example, in the twenty-fourth year you can get a deduction for the twenty-third year, well, that’s understandable.
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accordingly, after this you have two options: filing a deduction, you can get it yourself or from the employer, we will consider the first option independently, since we started with it, you can accordingly do this in the next calendar year, and you go to the taxpayer’s personal account, click the button to receive a deduction. it’s quite simple, you will see it very quickly, attach a scan of this certificate, yeah, and send it to
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the portal, so i just wait until the money arrives, and wait, this is considered a declaration in form 3, which means no additional statements need to be made , statement is generated automatically, yes, that is , as soon as you start clicking on the button to receive a deduction, it redirects you... several times to the next page, and thus your application is generated in electronic form, well, here i must say, yes, many thanks to our prime minister , when he was the head of the russian tax service. and i think that everyone appreciated how many innovations have been made that made such operations convenient, because i made other deductions related to investment activities, here i can really say with all confidence how convenient it is, that is , we actually receive a certificate, we go, well , that is, we create it, digitize it there
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, photograph it on our phone or scan it, then we create, if we still don’t have a personal account on ... on the website of the federal tax service of the federal tax service, and then we upload the document there by clicking the button to get a tax deduction everything, and we wait until how long it takes for the refund to arrive, the total period for checking the declaration by trifle is 3 months, but in practice it happens faster, longer togo, if, for example, you did something wrong, then you receive feedback from the tax service, you can write to them in the same office to correct it.
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maximum, but if we had expensive expenses, then significant ones, then these are hundreds of thousands, let’s say, yes, then the amount will already be from the entire amount, the payment will be from the entire amount, it turns out, well , for example, let’s say if you re-prosthetized the entire family, something else for the whole family and it all resulted, let’s say, into
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space, i don’t know, 300-4000 yes, let’s say even 30-3000 rubles. over the course of a year, the tax deduction will be 3x4/12 42,000 rubles. in principle, for 42,000 you can go to the clinic with a passport, scan it, take a photo by clicking on the receive button. but as a rule, karina told us that the money comes within , well, about a month, but three at most. it's going to be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games? on sunday on the first. this is the easy money podcast, i’m its host, mikhail khanov, we continue to figure out what tax deductions and benefits we can get from our
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states. so, that means something else in medicine. there is still a second option where you can go. tax, yeah, that is, to the employer - this is where we work according to a work book, it makes sense when you come in december, in november you can come during the year, when you think it’s necessary, but it’s simple, that is, i made an expense, let’s say i immediately accumulated 150,000, and i came to the employer, i said, let me through you, and then what, that is, for some time
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the employer sorts out how much he has to pay in taxes for me, then just pays less, i understand correctly. well , yes, that is, he pays you a salary for several months with personal income tax, that is, i will explain for our audience, since any employer, just like any bank, any financial company, just like any employer is a tax agent, what a tax agent is, this is an organization authorized by the state to collect our taxes, that is, you and i for the most part do not pay them ourselves, the employer does it for us, just like him... these are other taxes, but already there as a legal entity, so you simply decide what is more pleasant for you, or do it yourself, there is nothing complicated here, paying and receiving your salary. let's say you get 100,000, minus 13% - that's 87,000, or get 87,000 later, having done this in
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march, click on the button to upload documents and wait for the tax deduction, but here's what we talked about 19,500, or this amount will be, well, in this case, there with my example, and divided into two parts, there, the first time you will receive all 100,000, the second time minus only 13.6500, yes, then yes, you will receive 93,500, well, whichever is more convenient, yes, is it more convenient to receive this amount right away or is it more convenient to receive a larger salary, well, that is, in any case, we will feel what taxes are, where they are spent, and even the state returns it to us, motivating us take care of your health, you have sorted out your health, or there is something else, somewhere else you can get deductions, you can also get a deduction for the purchase of medicine. but it is very important that you have a doctor’s prescription for them if you are just buying some medications for yourself without appointments, as often people do this, then you will not receive a deduction, but if you have
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a prescription, again in the prescribed form, then you can also present this for deduction, similarly through the employer or in the case itself, i need these recipes and receipts, which i really medicines, let's deal with studies, we will also deal with studies now with the help of slides. deductions, that is, if you, for example, only received treatment this year, then 150 is your limit, if you did not study anywhere, did not buy a gym membership, that is, if i was treated,
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let me immediately anticipate the conclusion that i no longer like, if i immediately received treatment and studied and went to the gym, then it’s still 150, 150, except for the expensive one, yes great, that is, but you can say so, that is, maybe is it to be completely? teeth plus 150 for training and or not, or if my teeth cost 300, then this covers 150 or expensive treatment goes separately, this is separate, that is, if i had my teeth treated this year, and also studied or bought a gym membership, then 150,000 separately i am with them too i can get it, for expensive ones you apply separately without restrictions, there are 13%, we don’t take them into account, let’s figure it out here. this means that the tax deduction for training, firstly, let’s start with the person for whose training, here we are expanding the categories of people who can be trained, unlike those
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who can be treated, we can also train brothers and sisters, so as you can see , there are different rules here, that is, for children there is a ceiling of 110,000 for studies, and for brothers and sisters at 150, but now we will clarify again, in general it turns out great, you and the teeth were treated at an expensive cost, and the child was educated, it turns out that in any case you will receive 14-300 for the child, because
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the child does not fit into this general money, excellent, but the brother is already over 150 and i will not be able to return 19,500, brother already, but if, for example, you also bought a gym membership, then your brother will already be there , then we add this up with the first 10, you understand correctly. yes, it’s very complicated, difficult to understand, but nevertheless, we must keep the following in mind, our dear audience, that we immediately cut off expensive treatment, i hope that there will be links to documents, links on the portal myfinance of the russian federation, a leading list of what is possible, in fact, where the costs are possible, for what costs you can get financial benefits and deductions and deductions in this case, and let's remember two things: the first thing expensive treatment.
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expensive treatment separately, and if we taught children, brothers, sisters and so on, well, in the case of children, it’s 110,000 ; if we trained brothers and sisters, it’s 150, but then we won’t be able to buy medicine with checks, but that’s all 150 will be spent, relatively speaking, in our head on a tax deduction for the education of brothers and sisters, well, you just need to remember that another amount from which you can get a tax deduction is 150,000. absolutely
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right, the third part of the marlezon ballet, which is included there, that is, if you did not have enough expenses for the education of children, brothers, sisters, children, wives, grandmothers and so on, if you were fine, felt healthy all this year, then you can still spend money and get a tax deduction for playing sports, because you were healthy, let’s do it, so that you are healthy, let's also have a slide itself. but as we have already said, physical education and health services are covered by the concept of a social deduction, they are also included in the 150,000 that can be maximally claimed for deduction, what is included there? well, it includes a gym membership, which is the simplest and most popular, well, other physical education and health services, with a license, and from my own experience i can also tell you that everything is very simple, a gym that has -
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and with 150 he can only get this deduction , that is, 19500 is the maximum size the deduction that he will receive for this, but 2000, since they no longer fit, they no longer fit, by the way, what’s also important is that we didn’t talk about training, here it’s not only, for example, studying at a university, it can be any educational organization,
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which is licensed now. fashionable , popular, gaining a trend, there are deals on the market for online education, that is, if an organization, as a legal entity, has a license for training, for education, in the russian federation, then these could be courses there, i don’t know, on working with big data or there, programs advanced training for accountants, that is, i am for these programs, if there is a license, then they can also be included in the list of organizations that the state supports.
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this is a child account; for the first two children , a standard deduction of 1,400 rubles is established. for the third and subsequent 3.00 rubles. is it mom and dad or just one of the parents? both parents can receive this, and a single parent receives double the amount. what do you mean they can receive? maybe they won't receive it? receive, receive, that is, we don’t need to worry here, dear audience, then here the state does everything for us in its
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system of mutual settlements. with the tax agent, which is your employer, right? yes, moreover, in the president’s message on february 29 of this year, it was announced that it is planned... it is proposed to increase these deductions to 2800 rubles for the first second child and to 6.00 for the third and subsequent per month, yes it is obvious that this year it will be prepared bill with the implementation of this proposal, that is, it is a deduction from those taxes, that is, i should have the amount of taxes, but it turns out that i should receive a salary more than at least 3000 rubles. now, by the way, i ’ll tell you about one more limitation, you get it.
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years old, she receives 1,400 twice, once a deduction of 3,000 rubles. and to understand how this happens, we subtract this money from 50,000 from its tax base and multiply it by 13%, which is 50 minus, for example , 5,800, well, 44,200, and about 800 rubles. the minus will come from her tax. if i have an official salary, let’s say, for a moment, yes, 300,000 rubles, then i don’t receive anything right away, well, by february you have exhausted this limit, i’ll exhaust it at once, but with the first one i’m paid, and from february i’m also paid, because in february
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you’ll only reach this limit, okay, if my salary is 302,000 rubles, then i ’ll reach this limit, well, 350, and 350, okay, 350, 300 house, 350 my salary, then i will reach this right in january, its personal limit will not reach there, it is logical that these are our standard tax deductions for children, that even for a disabled child , a correspondingly increased deduction is provided, yes this is right here, yes, but here i think there is no point in understanding it, that is here your employer does everything for you if you are not working. then, unfortunately, you are deprived of these benefits, because there is no place to return it to you from, you do not pay taxes to the budget. next we have investment, investment deductions - this is a complex matter, let's try to talk about them more simply, given that from january 1 of this
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year some rules for receiving investment deductions have changed, and there is such a financial instrument as an individual investment account, known as iis , and until... december 31 last year there was two types of individual investment accounts, type a and type b, and accordingly, for these two categories there were different rules for deductions; for the first iis of type a, it was possible to receive a deduction from contributions to this individual investment account. the point is that you open this individual investment account for a period of at least 3 years and...
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invest your investments in your pension provision, these are the so-called long-term savings, literally on march 20 the federation council approved this law, after which it was signed. published and, accordingly , the state now also encourages investment in pension insurance by citizens on their own, well, all this information is absolutely definitely available in the fnes on, or not, it is there with all the acts, with all the resolutions and with all the figures and amounts, the information is practically updated in real life, everything is for new, you know, how modern, let me be a little young blogger, dive from... the links are in the description, i can also say that dive to
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the federal tax service website, so to speak, there is all the information, if you use information from the ministry of finance, then this is moifinansy.rf, property property deductions, it seems to me, are most popular among the population, because when you communicate with people who buy housing, everyone first of all talks about tax deductions, that is... it feels like people are very aware, probably the amounts are large, yes, well , yes, uh, if you buy housing, that is , an apartment, a house, a plot of land for housing construction, you have the right to receive a tax deduction limited to 260 thousand rubles, that is, the base from which you can receive a deduction is 2 million, and that is, i get it, this is 260 - this is not a base, the base is 2 million, the base is 2 million, but you can get 260. and
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there is also a deduction provided not only for the cost of housing itself, but for interest, that is , there are separate rules for mortgage housing, 260,000 for the cost of housing itself and 390 for interest, that is, if god saves me, i paid interest for 3 million rubles, yes, then the state will return 390 to me, that is, even more interest than for the purchase.
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it’s certainly not like they don’t lie on the road, and this is really a huge amount, and i think that here any consultant must notify all participants in transactions about what preferences await them, and the last professional, what are professional professional deductions are provided for certain categories of citizens who, as the name implies, have what -the peculiarities of their profession, for example, these are lawyers, notaries, these are persons in...
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notaries, lawyers, individual entrepreneurs who pay personal income tax, that is, not those who are, for example, on some special tax regimes, and those who pay personal income tax, they all have a twenty percent deduction, of course, but i think that both notaries and lawyers already use them. get at least some, well, as
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it turned out, by the way, from our conversation, not a penny at all. karina, thank you very much, in fact, this is a very useful immersion for all our listeners, for our entire audience, because often we are just standing next to money, sometimes not so small, yes, as in the case of, let’s say, well, if there with the housing stock and... upon purchase real estate, we all use this 650,000, but if we are talking about expensive treatment, such as dental implantation or prosthetics and... just training, buying a gym membership, then i don’t think there is at least one family that will say that 19,500 is completely unnecessary for us, thanks to today’s program, i think that the state will begin to feel like a more generous donor of these
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returns, or rather simply returning this money and making as many families as possible, including happier ones, because additional money... is in the family budget, thank you very much, thank you, you can find all episodes of the podcast easy money on the channel one website, hello, this is a podcast of the psyche and we continue to look for formulas in the literal sense of happiness, at least today we are let's do it, i don't know with what chance of success, but in any case we will try. today in the studio are andrey shapenko, professor at the moscow skolkova school of management, and elena guseva, a family and provocative psychologist. hello friends, what did you just find? each of you is the path to happiness, the formula for happiness. yes, i will say it differently, happiness is
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a state of maximum satisfaction with one’s being. it's not an emotion, it's what we look at emotions through. because there are different events, if we are happy, they will bring us positive emotions, if we are not happy, we will start to cry, that is, this way of assessing or looking at the world, as the ancient sages said, it is not the things that upset us, but the way we we look at them, the ability to get high, to enjoy, but i see here, well, not exactly a contradiction, but in any case, quite different perspectives, the ability to get high, the ability to enjoy in any situation, even the most difficult, some positive ones... that is, after all, an assessment, from your point of view it is rather a kind of lens , through which we look at this, how we feel, how we feel. is happiness in the head in the psychology of our relationship with the world or in physiology? in psychology and , accordingly, physiology, as far as we are satisfied, i will add here also
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happiness in the soul, a person exists not only cognitive and bodily, a person is also a spiritual and social being, that is, happiness is also in how we... act, how we interact with other people, i like to say that happiness is in action, happiness is in how we we behave both through our behavior and through our understanding of the world, we can become a little happier, let’s still try to look at happiness as a physiological process, because there is a point of view that the feeling of happiness, but this deep satisfaction, is such a story from neuropsychology, from neurophysiology, i would even say from endocrinology, when the puzzle... comes together in the most successful way, it’s the serotonin that we use, well, there’s not only serotonin, yes, we hug the baby, we bleed oxytocin, we, and we are happy, we are planning a summer vacation, dopamine, the hormone of anticipation, the hormone of expectation, happiness, dopamine is about leadership, about
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achievement, about success, and anticipation, and serotonin, well, anticipation that i will achieve a certain result. yes, i will have there is some kind of victory there, and if we are talking about serotonin - this is enjoying the view from the window, nature, sitting next to a loved one, watching a movie without hugging, oxytocin - this is when there is already some kind of tactile contact, and we get how since we experience this pleasure from tactile contact with oxytocin, the hormone of love, affection, so if we talk about happiness, happiness is more about serotonin, when we talk about happiness with...


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