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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 30, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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the sky lies on the ground, it will run, it will sweep, it will lay down the bed, sleep until it is flogged.
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filling everything with laughter, the ground under the snow, the water under the ground, the bottom under the water, something black for me, something stolen from me.
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the sky lies on the ground, runs, sweeps, makes the bed, sleep until it pleases, neti. this is how the music sounded before it was mixed with rhythms that came from africa, through slavery in america and from the arabs. of course, today it is difficult for us to imagine such music. but you know,
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probably the muscle memory of humanity is you is being recreated, yes indeed, look, this is just a feeling, as they are, and this is an anthropology podcast on the first, our guests are alisa ten and rus pazyumsky, well, in the cinema, for example, you are invited to work, just some there are no offers to work in films, in a sense i’m even a little happy about it. because i’m free, that is , there’s no director above me, for example, or anyone else, that’s basically what i came up with, it’s like it’s there, but that’s okay, the record will come out again, yeah us soon a record will be released, i think it’s worth saying, alesa, but you still think in terms of a record, in my opinion there are no discs anymore, the pin is just a continuous stream, it’s called a record anyway, it’s just a collection of 10-12 songs, combined.
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and vinyl, this is exactly necessary, probably, it could have been done digitally, it’s just that this is how it is now, but they think that viols, gut string, vinyl, these are like materials, why do you call these strings fat, they are veiny, veiny, veined, because, strictly speaking, these are sheep, they they are quite alive, they also get upset by moisture, light, heat, this is not very convenient, but they have this characteristic sound that i dearly love,
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well, they are amazing singers, they are simply technical, perfect, it seems to me so, but besides this, there is some meaning of m, which is contained in ragas, in peni and ragas and in sounds in general, in indian classical
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music, there is a whole philosophy, these are whole images in general, this is esotericism, this is not for everyone, well now i was in india and it seems to me that even few people there remember this, this goes somewhere, in european music, since after all, i live in the context of european music, this has already happened, despite my roots, somehow life led me to baroque, also as a source of this information about european music already later, but it seems to me that it contains... about singing it’s not always clear, it seems to me that it can be interpreted very differently when you play the viola, because it’s just how the music is written, because how this instrument sounds, and his already some sound, that is, i can sing with different voices, this may be a controversial moment, but the viola sounds in a certain
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way, it itself reveals the essence of the baroque about - alice’s youth and old age of this music, the fact is that... mm, after all, they wrote this music by exactly the same young people who experienced the same youthful feelings, it was just a long time ago, now it was often applied music for i don’t know uh there was a royal birthday or there was a wedding there and there on some big holidays, it was large orders or small orders, uh salon party, and somehow people survived, they hung around in this, in fact, just like now it was such a mess, well, the russian is trying to prove this using the example of his life. and he feels to me like a frilly musician, he just writes music to order, sometimes on different topics, but it’s like for viols, for viols, for many viols, for two viols, for one viol, songs, some, well, i would say, that they are directly very modern, they could, in principle
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, be played in a different arrangement altogether, but no, that means courtly aris, as it were, with it’s not that i’m deprived of part of the brain there, let’s say, and i only have... which is responsible for the memory of the 14th-18th centuries, that is, i understand what’s happening in general, it’s clear that i have the whole background there, well, as it is in principle. for a modern person, there is jazz, and rock, and some kind of modern music, quite in the sense there, well , let’s say, electronic, not that i listen to it, but i hear it, of course, that’s all the same as -it ends up here in the end, in my opinion it’s good, because i don’t want to for this to be a museum, i want it to be something that can be used now, well, you were just lucky to meet alice, who, of course, put her rich voice to the service of these tasks, it turned out, in my opinion, very harmoniously. we'll be looking forward to this vinyl record, let me thank you for your attention, we're saying goodbye to
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you, we need to ask our friends to remember some song from our meeting today. i don't know your name, you, you, you don't know your name. me, me, me, look
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in the eyes suddenly, you find out the name, me, me, me, me, me, me, i kiss the night on the cubes, kiss the day on the lips, i
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kiss the light on the lips, kiss the shadow on the lips, look into the eyes and suddenly you you'll find out what the... name is me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
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the time when our first satellite was launched, i naturally don’t remember, as for gagorin’s flight, i have a very vivid impression of it from childhood, of course it was complete delight, but then very few... if it hadn’t happened, it wouldn’t have happened would space, here it must be said, first of all, that a new era began in august of forty-five, the nuclear era, the united states had a monopoly on the atomic bomb, and this of course made the world very unstable, and of course, no one in the united states expected that the soviet union could create a nuclear bomb in 1949, go into space, and on october 4, 1957,
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launching the first satellite, this is how this race in space developed, we are today... hello, this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. peter is with you romanov and sergei solovyov, and today we’ll talk about how the space confrontation between the united states and the soviet union developed. in 1947 , the cold war had already flared up, but the first shadows between the allies in the anti-hitler coalition had, of course, fallen earlier. the us and uk feared the spread of leftist ideas. the influence of the soviet union, which was truly enormous after the victory over germany, there was stalingrad, the battle of stalingrad, all this was known, the soviet union wanted to ensure its security with the help creating such a belt of friendly states around it in order to prevent a repetition of the situation on june 22 , 1941, yes, when hostile germany was
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everywhere on the western borders of the ussr, either she or her allies started the atomic project. in the ussr, he gave a decree of the state defense committee in the forty-second year, but only in august of the forty-fifth year, after kheroshima and nagasaki, they began to allocate truly large funds for this, the deputy chairman of the state defense committee, it is important to say that the state committee defense is during the war the highest authority in the ussr, that is, not the politburo, namely the state defense committee, the state defense committee, and so the deputy chairman of the state defense committee, the chairman was stalin, the deputy was beria, lavrenti pavlovich beria becomes the curator. atomic project, scientifically its curator was, of course, kurchatov, in the forty-ninth year the soviet nuclear bomb, thanks to the efforts of intelligence, and thanks to the efforts, amazing, inhuman efforts, of soviet physicists, the nuclear bomb was tested and the monopoly of the united states on nuclear weapons are over. another
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problem arose: how to deliver nuclear charges to enemy territory; with the help of aircraft , the air defense system can deal with them. either high-altitude fighters or ground-based air defense systems, respectively, other delivery methods are needed, especially for the soviet union, given that if american aircraft could be based on the borders of the soviet union, then purely geographically our aircraft could not be based on the borders of the united states, we do not have nato there were allies near the united states too there was no, here it must be said that the most advanced country that developed rocket technology until 45 was germany, well, yes, of course, the famous fao, fao, yes, the first cruise missile fao-1, ​​the world's first ballistic missile, fa2 , a long-range ballistic missile, moreover, the germans also created the vaserfall guided anti-aircraft missile, which they developed, brought to the level of mass production, but
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they simply did not have time to launch this mass production, because soviet troops had already arrived germany, already at the end of the second world war , the united states and the soviet union were very interested in seizing these german developments, they knew about them, of course, in this story of seizing german developments, the americans, of course, were in the lead, they had a special program called the paperclip for the seizure of german scientists, german technologies, thousands of german scientists, engineers, technicians were transferred through this operation at different times, during the forties, early fifties to the usa, and of course, most importantly acquisition... here was, who surrendered as an american, who deliberately surrendered as an american on may 2, 1945, werner vaughn brown, the developer, actually fa 2, the father of the american space program. the americans used, uh, respectively, both the wasserfall project and the fa2 project to develop their program. it seemed that they were in a much better position, they had
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much better starting conditions for the development of rocket technology. there was only one thing they didn’t have, they didn’t have sergei pavlyvich korolev. yes, they don't have a queen was, but it is also possible that korolev would have been doing something other than rocket science, because he himself wrote about his meeting with tsialkovsky in 1929, although it must be said that there is some kind of intrigue here , because some dispute that this is a meeting at all.
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as a matter of fact, after the meeting with tsealkovsky that excited us, my friends and i began active actions and even some practical experiments in rocket technology, and in one of the official questionnaires of the fifty-second year he also writes that since the twenty-ninth a year after meeting solkovsky, he began to study special education. technology, the soviet missile program could theoretically not be inferior to the german one or not much behind it, if not for repression. back in the thirty
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-third year, a rocket research institute was founded, the organization of which was helped by mikhail nikolaevich tukhachevsky, who understood that the country needed new technology, sometimes invested, by the way, in failed projects, but still he very actively supports the development of new technology , but he generally adored everything advanced, so to speak, a military uncle, yes, yes. the institute was created, and not without bureaucratic resistance, that was also the case then, tests of rocket projects began, and the people who created this atmosphere of creativity in the early thirties, it was amazing, people literally forgot to eat when they launched this soviet rocket program, before the creation of rni, a rocket science institute, the group was called tsgirt, the central group for the study of jet propulsion, jet engines, it was handed out to the queens with enthusiasm, without a command from above, without encouragement from above, the gird was deciphered then in the early thirties, a group of engineers working
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for nothing, these are young, talented, bright people, when they came to it, they were in in general, they lost their earnings, there were cases where people, as they say, burned out at work and burned out, friedrich arturovich zandr, one of the forerunners of astronautics, now his name is practically forgotten, absolutely undeserved. they were just launching the first project of his rocket in 1933, and they really dreamed of space there was a kebalchich back in the days of the people's will, tsilkovsky, but here it is important to say that the chance to realize this dream appeared only after the revolution, after the state began to mobilize... these talented people in order to discover the unknown, this craving for the unknown, this, of course , is also the atmosphere of the thirties, it will be there later, yes, but without this enthusiasm,
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human enthusiasm, the creation of rocket technology would have been impossible for us, at the rocket institute everything was not entirely smooth, korolev was first a deputy director, then he was demoted to the head of a department, his character in general was quite tough , korolev’s, then they will remember, by the way, already when he became the chief designer, korolev’s were legends... scoldings, but always to the point, but some launches began to happen, the deputy director of rni was georgy langemak, this is also a well-known figure, he is one of the developers of the katyusha rocket, but langemak was arrested in 1938, followed by the director of the institute kleimenov, arrested sergei pavlovich korolev himself, arrested valentin petrovich glushko, a future designer of rocket engines, engines and comrade-in-arms.
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r1, yes, already 10 years before the launch of the satellite.
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keldysh calculated all the parameters necessary for the launch of the first satellite, that is, 10 years before the tight, well, it must be said that keldysh was generally called the number one theorist of astronautics, and also when we talk about the space program without the name keldysh, there is no way to get by, but i'll go back to germany a little, the fact is that the first institutes that were involved in the development of rocket technology, they were... created right in germany, the rabe institute was organized in bleichord, which was in the soviet occupation zone, which was engaged in collecting and studying all the developments on rockets, and there the scattered technical documentation, fragments somewhere, we didn’t get a single intact fa2 rocket. in august 1945, to organize test launches of missiles, a special shot group was created, and for the first time it was headed by sergei korolev stood up, who had previously worked in sharashka, sharashka of the aircraft engine...
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year in kazan, he was brought to germany, he began to understand there, even while he was a prisoner, and korolev came there for one test of missiles that the germans carried out, but so that he would not be identified, so that he was an overly competent technical person, he came there under the guise of a driver, interesting, that is, they tried to deceive the americans a little, and so, when it became clear that we would not find the entire fao-2, they began to restore, they restored, minister weapons of the ussr, dmitry fedorovich ustinov approved the creation of two... all the other specialists whom we managed to capture in the soviet union, while in germany, missiles, about 500 technicians and engineers worked in them and the germans agreed to work, we even managed to lure them from the american occupation zone some, in particular specialists in automatic control systems helmut grettup, kurt magnus, hans hoch, and a special nii, nii-88, was created, where
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the king became the head of the department. and then it was created from it there was the famous okb number one, this is the same design bureau that launched a satellite and a man into space, again, what is important, korolev served time, yes, korolev could have become embittered, he could have broken down, but his thirst to create a rocket, including a rocket and military and at the same time in order to go into space, this thirst remained, but if not for this thirst for the unknown, nothing would have come of it. of course, well, it should also be noted that in general this was the space race of the cold war period, it, of course, was important from the point of view scientific and technological progress, but this was also a kind of competition between two political systems, so of course successes in the scientific sphere, in the scientific and technological sphere, they were echoed, so to speak, in...
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designed to encourage education in strategically important areas of science, well and the famous nasa, an office known to all of us, was organized, we are in our fifty-seventh year, and on february 1, 1958 , they also managed to finally launch their first satellite explorer 1, the first living creature put into orbit, precisely into orbit, this
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not a jump there and... launched, they were the first living beings to overcome the so-called karman line, this is a line of 100 km, the surface of the earth, they reached 110 km, that is, this is not space yet, but nevertheless it is already a big step towards him, it was still the fifty-first year, both returned back, but at the next launch dezik died, and after that the gypsy korolev was very upset, the gypsy was not sent anywhere after that, but the dog was angry and even bit one general , treated her with disrespect,
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when... they were preparing to launch the satellite, then when they were discussing what would happen in space, then pyotr leonidovich kopitsa accordingly said, you know what, i don’t know what... it will be there, but if there is an opportunity to break into space, it definitely needs to be done. this is a historical podcast russia west on the swing of history, we are talking about the space race waged by the united states and the soviet union. missile technology appeared to carry nuclear warheads, but here is the irony of history: our first ballistic missile, intercontinental, r7, seven. the famous royal one, some write that they wrote and said that it’s just fa 2, there are some kind of connected ones, this is complete nonsense, the design there is completely different, uh, of course, on the basis of fa2, soviet technology developed like
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american technology, yes, there was a common line here, but the seven was a huge step forward, uh, it was the first continental missile, but the second one put into service, the first one was delivered by the americans, it was not suitable for military needs, it was too heavy, not balanced, the accuracy was low, but precisely because it was so heavy, yes, it was able to launch first a satellite, and then, based on it , a man into space, that is, a failure in military terms became success in terms of space, but there is a paradox , again remembering the first satellite, i must say that it did not last long by today’s standards, made 1440 revolutions around the earth, but the furura produced was simply fantastic. and his famous beep-beep signals were most likely listened to by the entire planet, because that the impression was simply fantastic, they burst into space, and here i will refer to a memory, i will quote georgy mikhailovich
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grechka, who was first an engineer for korolev, and then became an astronaut, was one of the first civilian cosmonauts, so to speak, not from the air force, yes, it was from, so to speak, engineers, grechka wrote, in a very... brochure of scientific and technical information that we published regularly, we read that on the fifth the americans were making a report called a satellite above the planet, and we were planning the launch on october 6, we came to korolev, showed him this information, at first korolev said nothing, went out somewhere, only then many years later, grechka writes, i found out that he had contacted the state security committee and asked the question: did they have information that the americans are going to make another attempt to launch their satellite on october 5, otherwise why would they make a report? from the kgb came an answer just like from the delphic pythia: we have no information that they want to launch a satellite on this day, but we have no information that they do not want to launch on this the day was a brilliant answer, well, like the greek pytha, which gave answers that could be interpreted in any way, and korolev took
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a risk, he postponed the launch of our rocket with a satellite, and the satellite was specially lightweight, there was only a radio transmitter, the scientific korolev decided, that we will not load scientific equipment there, there is no time for this, we need... why, under the conditions that you had, with enormous funding, more than in the soviet union, it is important to understand this, many times more, despite what do you have experience, respectively, was still in the military and so on, why didn’t you manage to be the first, he replied, i quote, i didn’t have that many highly qualified specialists. the next stage was sending into space. in the spring of 1960 , 20 people were enrolled in the first cosmonaut corps, then six of them were selected, including gagarin, german titov, andriin nikolaev, pavel popovich, grigory nelyubov and valery bykovsky, they respectively had to pass the test, about this too
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those who are now talking about flight don’t really understand man into space, well, it would seem, he flew into space for 108 minutes, just think, yes, he spun there, yes, what’s heroic about that? it was 50/50: will gagarin survive or not? what kind of psychological stability should a person have who understood perfectly well that he was taking a risk in which 50/50 you would die or survive, and you would die in some completely inhuman way, 50% of luck includes, for example, doctors argued, it will do a person will go crazy in zero gravity or not , it was unknown during the flight one of the backup control systems did not work, again we had to hurry. because the americans tried to do everything so that the first person to go into space was an american, allen shepard, in the end he was supposed to fly, or rather, at the beginning he was supposed to fly on march 6 of the sixty-first year, but due to weather conditions it was postponed to may 5,
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another thing is that it was a suborbital flight, that is, it did not enter orbit, but if the flight had taken place, the first person in space would still have been an american, and not ours, and of course, this was not just a political question. i didn’t get arrogant for a second, here are the memories of him and what is interesting and important, gagarin shows not many people that this is a test with copper pipes, but this is actually a rare case when you can pass the test of fire, water, fame and notoriety by power - this is the most terrible test for a person, gagarin passed brilliantly, passed brilliantly, without any arrogance, he treated people. and it was korolev’s choice, because they were arguing about who
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should fly, korolev made a bet on gagarin, although titov seemed to be more intelligent, and he flew later, yes, but here is the image, just the image of a man who should be the first in space, korolev guessed, yes, the image was very important, that’s interesting, that means gagarin flew on the 12th date, april 12, and already on april 26 there was a decision of the presidium of the cpsu central committee. about measures to further commemorate the popularization of the first flight of the soviet check into space, behind this was, of course, work for the domestic audience, but first of all, of course, work abroad, gagarin’s foreign trips several departments planned it at once, the foreign ministry, the kgb, and the ministry of defense, but only in the spring...
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he was not given the opportunity to visit the usa, but,
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well, to a large extent this was compensated by the absolutely fantastic success that gagarin met in the uk. the authorities there, too, were not very keen, but nevertheless the visit took place and was a huge success, it was greeted by huge crowds, and even queen elizabeth ii received it. and i don't know this. historical jokes or non-historical jokes, maybe true, but they say that because - the crowd was eager to touch gagarin and have something there as a souvenir, which after this story gagarin carried with him, when he went somewhere solemnly, a box of buttons for his uniform, because fans simply tore buttons out of his uniform , speaking ...
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astronauts of the future, possible, they were called the magnificent seven, so to speak, american magazines were happy to publish their biographies, reports and their lives and the like, that is, these were two different approaches, one open, the other closed, hermetically sealed. and we continue, today the topic of our conversation is the space race. it is worth saying that the americans, having lost the start of this space race,
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then sharply raised the stakes, so, so to speak figuratively, that is, they announced preparations. lunar program, this was also announced, which is worth recalling, which many of us somehow forget, even during the inauguration of president kennedy, he actually, well, invited the soviet union to participate in this lunar program, he said: we will explore the stars together , and for this was the document, and there it was...
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it also began to be developed later with a significant delay from the americans, so one of the reasons, perhaps, for our lag in this area is that we slowed down development, this is one of the versions, our wonderful a scientific journalist, by the way, golovanov’s friend, vladimir stepanovich gubarev, unfortunately recently deceased, is also an absolutely great journalist, of course, here’s guborev regarding the secrecy, firstly. yes , uh, i remembered that korolev wanted to launch journalists into space, there was such an idea, and that if it weren’t for korolev’s death, an early death as a result of an unsuccessful operation, when we operated, we discovered, in general, a sarcoma in the intestines and as a result, he did not know whether the heart could withstand anesthesia, the heart could not withstand it, and there is one version that
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korolev’s daughter then she developed that they couldn’t insert a breathing tube into him because of problems with his jaw, she wrote that it was because of the beating during interrogations, well... it is unknown whether he died from this, but the fact is that his heart did not survived, he left at a very young age age for a designer, for a man of his stature, 50 years old, korolev wanted to open up space more to the public, excuse me, i remembered an anecdote about journalists flying, allegedly this is how gagarin was asked, is it possible for a journalist to go into space? and gagarina replies: of course, of course, just first let them learn to write the truth about the earth, a good, good joke, so, one more thing about the lunar program, and korolev believed that, judging by a number of memoirs, which
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gubarev also wrote about that the soviet union could not win the lunar race, the resources were are incomparable, it is known that we had a failure with the device... the americans won the lunar race, although again there are conspiracy theories that the americans were not on the moon, but there is not a single person in the space industry, that’s just in itself this is a fact, and i’m not even talking about the measurement, about the fact that... the dachas were caught from there, that the signal reflectors from there were recorded by ours, yes, who were not interested in the advantage of the americans, but not a single person is in the space program, including in modern of our people seriously, who are involved in astronautics, who would deny the presence of americans on the moon, after the defeat of the soviet union in the lunar
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race there were other projects, and the project of rapprochement between you...


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