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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 30, 2024 3:00am-3:06am MSK

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alliance in the lunar race, there were other projects, and the project of rapprochement in the era of détente was the soyuz apollo docking project, which was covered in the press and which became a really very important factor in détente during the cold war. speaking of the queen, what was his genius? again, as guborev said, everyone was used to walking up steps, but he jumped over a step, and was aware of the risk. possibilities, he had an amazing instinct, he was not a scientific genius, he was an organizing genius who managed to gather people, who knew how to control them, who knew how , by the way, which is very important, had intuition, engineering and scientific intuition, they argued when it was necessary to send a device to the moon, without a person, yes, they argued whether there was dust there, or there was solid surface, they argued, they argued, korolev thought, thought, listened to various arguments, then took the flock.
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wrote the moon is hard, but no one knew whether it was hard or not, korolev, on the one hand , went for rice, on the other hand, this is what is called scientific intuition, it is really hard, there were people around the queen who went through the war and for whom this work, exhausting hard work, was nevertheless easy compared to what they saw during the war, and at the same time it was motivation, and the feeling that the future of the country depended on them, on their work , buckwheat wrote korolyov... completed the bet on people , so he won, the slogan, personnel decide everything, sergei pavlovich korolyov learned this better than others, no one corresponded to this principle in practice as much as korolev, who highly valued professionals, not cogs, namely creative professionals , in this i see him genius uniqueness, i attended several meetings held by korolev, he invited the main specialists whom he knew well and young ones like me , for example, the question of fuel for future rockets was raised, kerosene or hydrogen, he passed everyone, including me, i
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couldn’t offer anything... smart different from what was said, but i stood up and expressed my opinion, only much later i realized that korolev taught everyone to say what they think, again, this is a lesson for many modern leaders, yes, probably already let's finalize, i can only say one thing, that yes, the collapse of the soviet union dealt, of course, a powerful blow to our astronautics, this cannot be denied. this is a fact, well, what can we say, well, now with the general rise of russia, cosmonautics will rise, of course, we need to catch up, after all, we have, so to speak, baikanur, we have plesetsk, we have the eastern cosmodrome and they happen regularly launches, the importance of astronautics is often underestimated; we are surrounded by what we have. thanks
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to space, this applies not only to some fundamental scientific research, this concerns fasteners on clothes, the first, yes, corresponding fasteners, velcro, were invented for space, and computers, the internet, satellite navigation, all this is a consequence of space technology, a lot of medical technologies were tested for the first time within the framework of space programs, that’s all , thanks to which it is possible not only to develop science. develop our human well-being, and also earn income, and what is also often not understood is that we need to invest in fundamental things in order to subsequently this had a practical effect, our knowledge about the world around us thanks to astronautics has increased sharply, improved dramatically, this continues to this day, the fact that space is a thing that can bring people together, and even people who participated in the space race, they are understood that it brings space closer together, so it remains on...
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study history with us, you can watch all episodes of the russian west podcast on the swing of history on the channel one website. hello, this is a podcast of witnesses from einstein, where we, film historians natalya ryabchikova and stanislav didinsky, we talk about who and how created famous, little-known, cult, forgotten soviet films. today our program is dedicated to the film, which is known under two names, ilcha outpost and


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