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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 30, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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that this rapprochement will someday really take place and space will truly become international. this was a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. today we talked about the space race, about the competition between the united states and the soviet union. pyotr romanov and sergei soloviev were with you. study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the podcast russia west on the swing of history on the website of channel one. hello, this is a podcast of witnesses from einstein, where we, film historians, natalya ryabchikova and stanislav didinsky, we talk about who and how created famous, little-known, cult, forgotten soviet films. today our program is dedicated to a film that is known under two names: ilyich outpost and i am 20 years old, it was directed by marlen khutseev, why
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does this film have two names, how did it happen that it was filmed for about 5 years, and there are two versions of this film, we today we will talk, so, what happened before the film of the ilyach outpost, we need to start with this, who is marlen khutsiev? well i would say it was two authors who worked in tandem were marlen khutsiev and felix miran. they had one coat between them, because poverty was such among students that, as their friends recalled, they went to vgik to study one by one, this was in the late forties, yes, actually post-war moscow, here are two students who live in one room, in the common room they have only one coat between them, so they go to lectures in shifts due to the cold weather, but it is precisely this friendship that begins in those years that becomes for them, the basis of their working relationship, first they actually have a joint directorial
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proposal, in fact, a joint thesis work, then they have a joint work as urban planners, and finally their finest hour, this is the film spring on zarechnaya street, well , firstly, this is one of the most famous thaw films, a symbol of thaw cinema, the thaw and that era of the sixties is the time of summer rains, spring rains, this trend is set in many ways, of course, by the film spring on nazarite street, with which the well-known biography begins:
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the paths with mironer seem to diverge on the one hand, they have their own projects, on the other hand they want to work together, they submit a new application, which is called the lecha outpost, and this happens somewhere in the very, very end of the fifties, already gorky’s studio in moscow. what's in this application? four friends, young muscovites, all workers, work at the same factory, one of them has just returned from the army, here he is... goes to the factory, joins back into this peaceful moscow life, his friends, one of them is newlywed, the other a bachelor who is caring for a girl named zoya, she is a nurse, at the same factory, another younger man meets with the main character’s sister, they also have a certain mentor at this factory who works in...
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decides that it’s better for marlen khutsiev to write this script with someone else or on his own, then a young man appears who should bring into this script... well, the real atmosphere of moscow youth, after all, khutsiev is already over 30, a film about twenty-year-olds, who is this person ? this man, gennady shpalikov, he is the star of his course, they talk about him on every corner, he is still a student, he starts working in cinema, but absolutely everyone already knows him, so the fame about shpalikov reaches khutsiev, and he decides to attract him absolutely, it would seem , a screenwriter with zero filmography, nothing... he hasn’t filmed anything yet, but nevertheless shpalikov is truly a singer of the thaw era, and in a logical way khutsiev decides to involve him, because it seems to him that this is exactly the person who can tell about those people who sing, dance, have a good time about the first free
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generation, which brings many of its new ideas into the script of marlin khutsiev and felix veroner, firstly, the number of heroes is reduced, four friends. she has a slightly different company, not working boys, she has a prosperous family, a settled life, according to the application she also has a fiance, in the film he turns out to be an ex-husband, it seems to me that this, too, shpalik brought some more modern relationships
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in moscow to that moment, and sergei is a hero at some point, because of this girl, because of this different environment, she begins to move away from friends, the application left the ending from...
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they are playing a party, this is the birthday scene of the main character, anya, she is played by maryana vertinskaya, also a young star, the main the hero ends up playing. valentin popov, later he never became a film actor, but he played wonderfully in this film and received the prisvenitsian festival. his two friends are played by stanislav lyubshin and nikolai gubenko. and so popov’s hero ends up at a party where they joke about something extremely dear to him. according to the script, shortly before this we see a scene when his mother remembers the war days in moscow, how she... lost her food cards, was digging potatoes near moscow and was shelled, that is, absolutely such days are the most intense, these moscow majors are old-timers, yes, yes, yes, they
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laugh at these potatoes, konchalovsky’s hero brings alarus potatoes in a pot for his birthday, a conflict arises, we have a fragment, we can see what it looked like, but you there are things?
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they said: why did you cast these generally negative characters of yours
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who oppose the main character, why did you cast such charming people as konchalovsky and torkovsky? why did you take the color of our young director? and khutsiev made excuses, we read this in the transcripts, he said, i tried the actors, but it didn’t work, well, i needed this lively atmosphere. to be fair, natalya ryazantseva said in one of her interviews that this is all quite enough. his desire to be as truthful as possible, even if he elevates this truth into something
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else, to be as documentary as possible, it simply permeates every frame in the completed film, and this scene was filmed in a pavilion, of course, but most of the scenes that we see on the screen are friends walking around moscow, this is a huge evening of poets at the polytechnic museum, a stage with poets, he regretted that he was busy in those days, he could not get into this crowd, because everyone wanted to
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get into this crowd, he could have, but he was busy, we so used to talking directly double title, outpost of a lich, i’m 20 years old, takes place in the mid-eighties, when after the fifth congress of the union of writers , a conflict commission is formed in the union, what is it, this is a meeting of critics, journalists, film experts. who watch those films that are lying on the shelf, in order to find out, in fact, what the problem was with these films, whether they can be released on the screen, and thus many films are released that were actually lying on the shelf, an opportunity arises for khutsiev return to your the original version, longer and called the ilyach outpost, the film is 20 years old, it takes those materials that have been preserved, they may not have been in the same quality, but ideal, which was printed for me 20 years. but he restores and even seems to make it a little longer than his original director’s version, and this
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film is released again as a film from the ilyach outpost, so we really get two versions, the official version and the director’s version, despite the fact what he later said that the scene re-shot with his father, he really likes that he made it better than it was, nevertheless , he returned to the original version and still made a long version, the question arises, which version to watch now, firstly, you need to read the script, it seems to me that it would be useful with this film, then watch the version that was released in the sixties, and after that watch the full version, because then maybe the director’s, author’s intention will be revealed, which, after all, khutsyev in the absolutely one hundred percent world can show on screen still, it didn’t work out and you have all these problems, very often we argue which version of the film is original, the author’s...
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takes in the form in which we first met it, or later editions, this is always such a debatable issue, therefore the best film is probably the film that takes shape in the viewer’s imagination after knowing. getting to know different versions of sources and everyone can choose the one they like best today. and this was the podcast of lenstein's witnesses, where we, film historians, natalya ryabchikova and stanislav didinsky, we talk about who and how created cult, classic, famous, little-known, forgotten soviet films. and today we talked about such a cult film, which is known under two names: outposts of ilcha
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and i am 20 years old. all episodes of the podcast of isenstein's witnesses can be viewed on the website of the first channel 1tv. thank you and goodbye, i’m larisa guzdeeva, let’s get married, good afternoon, today the bride is elena, violetta and ekaterina, and our groom is yuri, yuri is 50 years old, owner law firm, lives in mytishchi near moscow, proud of the fact that he has come a long way from a security guard to a general director, a dream. to become a world champion in the game of darts, admits that he does not like to do household chores, and warns that he may lose his temper. after two divorces, yuri finally realized that it was not by chance that his wives ran away from him for other men, so in his relationship with his new wife he promises to work on his mistakes. i am sure that he can become an exemplary husband next to the liberated owner
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second breast size, higher education, gentle disposition, pleasant voice of adult children. “hello, hello, he’s a very nice young man, don’t you think so, he has such an attentive look, i think he’s kind, his smile is gorgeous, listen, okay, two marriages are just behind him, you understand something about this life , and today we are ready to enter into a new relationship, great, listen, you know, he comes here, he’s been here for 86 years, and as they say, they didn’t understand anything, and what did you understand, by the way,
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but you realized this when you were living, that you make mistakes, that it was a bad character, but your father didn’t teach you, your mother didn’t pass it on to you, in the family it was so accepted that women played second roles, what was that, legal? that’s how, unfortunately, only at the age of 50 i realized that what i was doing was wrong, that is, everything that i had two marriages, the first for 9 years, the second for 16, yes, and i did, well, you can say everything was wrong, only now i understand what i did wrong, and what did the other one do to you? they broke it a couple of times and well, look, it’s not like that, just imagine, yeah that is, i broke my arm twice in 2 years, i broke my arm twice at the same time in the summer and practically in the same month , so accordingly, there was a wall there , so i hit the wall , well, imagine, yes, i because you hot-tempered
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due to the fact that i’m quick-tempered, it’s easy to bring me down , that is, with any words or actions, that is, it’s very easy to bring me out. when i actually fell asleep, at work some event was celebrated by the whole team, that’s all, and i calmly, as they say, was almost ready to sleep go to bed, well, rest, she just came back for me, took everything to her home, and i naturally, everything was naturally ready for him there, expectations did not coincide with
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reality, yes, she didn’t just come, yes, that is, i i was making hints, we kissed before, how we hugged, so she followed me. and flew in later, when the house was ready, she probably cleaned up, that is, she got everything ready, and i came and fell asleep on her, even if, as the groom says, there was no intimacy, betrayal is not only intimacy, betrayal, it’s in the head when you they became the general director under the second wife, of course, yes, under the second, that is, it’s hers, look, our girls like to fantasize about what they will make of a man. there's a president there, is that true? that's right, yes, i also believe that a man should become a general with his wife, who, when they met as lieutenants, later.
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education, and she is a philologist with honors, with a higher education, well, imagine i’m a security guard with a secondary education , of course she didn’t just hint there, sometimes she said: it would be nice to go and study, but what do you think, she was hinting, she not only didn’t force me and said: go study, she was just hinting, and not well...
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a common wallet, when i gave her all the money with my second wife, i had, we had the wallets are different and this showed that this is absolutely normal, that’s because you ’re cute, why does she need an elderly man, that’s right, she says, why do you need different wallets for her then, well, okay, good, well settled, yes, what kind of different wallets, my ex, ex-husband too, we had different wallets, no, excuse me, i, for example, would have already become meet brides, go through, meet first.
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good afternoon, yuri, greetings, my name is elena, nice to meet you. i listened to the story, there is a lot in common, i hope that the third relationship will be happy, let’s get through it, elena, 47 years old, head of a department at a metallurgical plant, lives in novokuznetsk, dreams of buying a dacha and opening a flower shop, admits to being proud of the fact that she participated in a ski marathon. .. that she is ready to move mountains for the sake of her loved one, they warn that she sleeps only in complete silence. mistresses always lie in wait for their husbands elena in unexpected places, then a nearby
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successful plot. this is the feeling, i look with gifts, this is something, it’s a cake, i prepared it for you, and this is chocolate sausage, oh, chocolate sausage, and jam is also prepared, now, we’re going to treat the groom now, listen, but she’s not a muscovite , firstly, he dreams of buying a dacha, i have a dacha, he dreams of opening a flower shop, i grow
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flowers myself at my dacha. well, i came to a field of miracles with food. len, somewhere in the most unexpected places yuri was caught failed lovers. and your husband, i suspect, is the opposite, expected, expected, right? yes, it turns out like this, right next door, one might say, next door, uh, at the dacha, well, tell me directly how you lived, were, one day, you sleep at night. one day i was sleeping at night, i heard a phone ringing, it was a long time ago, when cell phones just started appearing, i didn’t have a phone, neither did my husband, i understand that this is not an alarm clock, it’s late at night, i get up, i go towards the sound, i find it in the living room upstairs, i take the phone, i answer, i hear a woman’s voice, fun, apparently
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somewhere the girls were having fun. and they decided to dial and you, hello, i say, hello, they heard a woman’s voice, laughed, hung up, classic, you woke me up with kicks or waited until the morning, and of course i woke you up, asked what it meant, what kind of phone it was, whose it was phone, since we don’t have one, i heard a very, i don’t know, banal or strange answer, this is a familiar phone. which i gave, because she doesn’t have an alarm clock, and she needs to get up somehow in the morning, i say, what is this phone doing in our apartment, but it broke down and i was forced to take it away in order to repair it, a caring person simply could not pass by, so to speak, someone else’s misfortune, what a gallant husband, and i buy phones for all my neighbors, but that was the beginning, then it happened. continuation,
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when in the summer i went to the dacha, my husband was supposed to meet me with the child there at a certain place and take us to the dacha to my parents, i got off the bus, i saw a girl sitting in the front seat in your car, and in our car , i’m at a loss, i go up, sit in the back seat, he’s sleeping there child, we are going, why was he waiting for me purposefully, well then maybe some fellow traveler is just scissors, i asked if you would like to introduce me to your companion, to which i received the answer, it’s a neighbor, they just asked me to take him home, i calmed down, because
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in fact... there is such a practice, we are the same one, yes, who didn’t have an alarm clock, he gave it to her, well, that’s right, so what, now i have cars, now of course, yes, she, so that she doesn’t have to get up before dawn, at least so that the girl can get enough sleep, so she has to wake up, but how? well, honestly, in fact , i’m elena, i don’t want to be ironic on this topic, i can imagine what you had inside there, besides a small child, there’s nothing funny, it’s just me, to your parents, for some reason he took you both. well, we agreed, he was with our common child at his parents’ dacha, i was at home, working, and we agreed that i would come, he would meet me and take the child and me to the dacha, so he took us, he went with the girl to the city because he had to go to work, and i stayed, well, it’s disgusting, of course, when he locked himself in there with her, no you, but no, it was a different story, it was a different girl,
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we were at a birthday party. with mutual friends, and i didn’t understand, maybe it was to annoy me, maybe, well, i just, i don’t know, a relationship was born, it wasn’t. paid attention to another girl, with whom he danced, and talked, and looked at each other, and then in the kitchen they stood there, talked, then walked into the room, then into the bath, in the bathroom relationships are just born there, if you didn’t know, in the baths, just here, they closed it there, well no one knows what happened, i don’t know, they talked, communicated, let’s say there was nothing there, but... your husband locks himself in the bathroom with some chick, little girl, how do you feel about your husband locking himself in the bath , with some girl, well, i would have told him right away that when you’ve already collected your things, that is , as i understand it, you didn’t catch anything stingy,
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no, but i think that it’s even overcooked if your man closes in bath with some incomprehensible girl with whom he had exchanged glances before, whether it was or not, this doesn't matter at all, you hear yourself, right. of course, for me this is already a fact of betrayal, but for some reason you turned a blind eye to these betrayals all the time, you persuaded yourself that, well, you didn’t see this, so you can give a ride to who knows who, or you can listen to lies about the phone, when it’s obvious, just some kind of fairy tales, well, i thought that i was getting married once and for all, that there should be a family, listen, well, i forgave myself for 2 years. so at some point you can understand her, women, when they love, i think that she forgives, and children in this marriage were born to you, yes, a daughter, that is, you have two children 24.14 from different marriages, and i was
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officially married for the first time, we have a common daughter, the second time i was in a civil marriage, it was an unofficial marriage, the second, cohabitation, 14 years old - is it like an adult child, not an adult, in principle? yes, 14 has also grown up, please tell me, here we are 14 years old, but the heroine couldn’t figure out whether her husband is a bad person or just a good person who helps his neighbor, for me it’s clear, but what do you think? well, in general, if your husband bought a neighbor’s alarm clock, the phone constantly gives her rides, and at the same time she is 94 years old, she is capable, then you need an alarm clock, because this is an alarm bell, and... that means, look, you live with us in what city, the city of novokuznetsk, novokuznetsk, and we are in moscow, in moscow, a tax collector, so look, you will go to your husband, well, if he invites you, then yes,
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this is the only thing to do in moscow, well, here no, metallurgical plants in moscow, why would you send it to your farm, if anything, that’s it, it was a surprise, and the jam is interesting because it’s a wild berry, yeah, which, you still have boxes there, i see, you need it too, yes, yes, yes, yes, rose, larisa, thank you very much , i have prepared gifts for you, a rose for you, larisa for you, the gifts are also interesting because i also made the jam from wild berries, but... but ground with sugar, home -made tea, and cones from siberia, go to your room, thank you very much for the treat, thank you, listen, well, if the groom wanted a lighter, it seems to me that this heroine
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with a dull look, it’s probably not his option after all, she’s not a lighter, that’s for sure, we have a lighter, yuri, how do you fall asleep? tv, for example, or under audio, what is your ritual under, well , lately i’ve been turning on white noise on the speakers, what is white noise, well, white noise - this is considered when the child is in the mother’s womb, he hears this white noise there , and accordingly the sound is like, which reminds, like this, it means that you will have to give up this, why, because lenochka, this, this is a directly categorical demand, she is with
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how do you like elena? i liked elena, well done, well, i warned you about children, you won’t be able to cope with all children, the groom is a difficult question with children. interesting, i liked that he looked at me, and he tried my preparations, and the only thing is that i didn’t hear and didn’t say if he liked it, meet the second bride, come on in.
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hello, yuri, i’m violetta, you’ve come such a long way from a security guard to a director, and god, this is impressive, impressive, yes, i’m ready to try to go a long way with you together. but we can try and talk, well , i decided to live until i’m 90, so this is a very long way, great, great, me too, violetta, 49 years old, a dentist by training, works as a hairdresser, lives in kaluga, is proud that he looks her age, dreams of going to art school, buying a parrot, admits that she cannot live without kisses and hugs, and is warned that she will not allow her husband to drink from her mug or eat from her plate.
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the only woman for whom violetta was not jealous of her husband was the unprepossessing saleswoman from a bakery store. but it was she who became the reason for the divorce. he hopes that yuri will not turn out to be a traitor. hello. well, i think, on the first date, you probably should have worn a skirt, but she... i want to say that trousers suit, you know, it’s like a detective’s law, you never, the last thing you think about, but it can’t be, it’s violetta murderer, god, the last thing i would have thought about was her, dear woman, also with this bakery aunt of yours, and so it was, neither dream nor spirit, well, probably, the beauty was all white, rosy-cheeked, no, in fact, everything, it was the other way around, i was just very, when he
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took her to work, i was very - glad that finally i wouldn’t be jealous, it seemed to me that she was ugly, ugly, not i want to speak badly, but tell me how it is, why it’s bad, how it is, well, she wore glasses, let’s say, one arm was normal, the other had an elastic band, such a short haircut, all tousled, of course he liked it, well, naturally, i would be like that, probably too i wouldn’t be jealous, but you see, the man apparently fell for her in this it was just the saleswoman who finally found something, how did they find out that they were in a relationship, huh?
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at eight, i began to notice that
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he, too, began to treat her with sympathy, and i told him: i want you to fire her, and he said: no, no way, she’s a very good worker, and then i gave birth and when the baby was a month old, he said that he didn’t love me anymore and wouldn’t live with me, another scenario where a man doesn’t love a woman, well... husband, it’s about this husband, yes, so it was 100 years ago, well, and at the same time you, means, say that i won’t cook, because he needed warmed up, not just warmed up food, fresh, if he wanted steak, pasta, that was 20 years to 22 years ago, yes, why don’t you want it now,
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no , but if everything is very pleasant, no, i won’t cook three times a day, why, i don’t want to, i don’t want to, well, pretty girl. why didn’t i say that i wouldn’t cook, i said that i wouldn’t cook three times a day, yes, well, i don’t know, for you it ’s like sleeping in different rooms - this is normal for you, yes, i really like how can i sleep? i like it, spread out and so that no one snores, if we want, we’ll sleep together, that’s great, but
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i wanted to see the surprise, are you ready, please show me, listen, i wonder what kind of surprise she will show, because the previous surprise with the teacher was such an event . my favorite film is love and doves, they, uh, always identify love and fidelity, uh, i would like you and i, yuri, to go and uh, talk to these beautiful creatures, but let’s go? where on the table, wow, a dove is a symbol of love, a symbol of peace, come closer, we will communicate with you with these, look how tender they are, how beautiful they are,
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fingers like this, now, like this, like this, like this, now, so that he, yes, like this, now, oh, now can i plant him? you can put it on your shoulder, yes, just this, let me help, yeah, oh, right, violeta, are you a pigeon hooper or something, no, i just really like pigeons, and i asked them to teach me how to communicate with them, look how she's affectionate, the way she strokes those pigeons, yes, that's why she wants a parrot. and coo, you know how, he likes you, great, great, it’s cool, look, i put all the love, tenderness, kindness into my dove, and what will you
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put into your dove? and what i said, attention and care, i probably wouldn’t be able to make such a surprise on... in appearance, yes, it fits my parameters, even tight trousers, as you like, yes, even tight trousers, and my daughter adult, 22 years old, please, higher education, higher education, you can even get her a job, of course, but we have another bride, come in, meet me, but we don’t need
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any more brides, we’re already taking her, let’s go, now there will be another one, let's see, beauties. everyone is beautiful now, i think you will be beautiful too, hello, yuri, i’m ready to melt your heart with my feminine energy, your name is ekaterina, ekaterina, very nice. ekaterina, 49 years old, manager of a nightclub, lives in moscow, is proud of the fact that she gave birth to children, planted a tree, and built a tree. dreams of waking up in a cornflower field in a wreath of daisies, admits that she doesn’t live with sergei in life, warns that she can’t tolerate
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being late and sms with errors, when ekaterina once again trusted a man, she didn’t even i assumed that this relationship would destroy her 100% vision, hope that with yuri her eyes would shine with happiness, well, it’s not sergei that’s just fine with us, she put her in prison. the tree built a house, well, it’s clear, it’s as if there’s a man sitting in a woman’s guise, well, yes, there ’s just wow, such a flint, you can’t shout at her, tell me, who is ayla to you? ayla, a work colleague, my friend, are you so brave or something, to take a beautiful young girl with you as a matchmaker, my children refused to go with me, unfortunately, tell me your story, what happened to you, i was in love as a fitness trainer, we lived with him for 2 years , a wonderful figure, was completely immersed in our relationship, and he
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began not to tell me something, some kind of text messages constantly came to his phone, that he he told me that these are clients and so on, and the canner opened your eyes, he said, yes, i met his canner, and there are women who go to... there was a long black hair on the floor, and then i saw the same one in the bathroom, then i saw in our bed, an extremely difficult situation,
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probably to find hair in the apartment that is not your color, it’s clear that these are just thoughts, just one, someone was here, yuri, and how will you feel about the fact that you won’t see your wife at night, and she won’t see you during the day, the most important thing is to see her before sleep.
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it seems that this is already happiness if he feeds you, pays utilities , pays for services, takes you on vacation, gives you some gifts, holidays, a restaurant, and the rest, it seems to me, you had to earn for yourself, well, but at the age of 49 we should not expect from a man that he will deodorant, you know, they’ll pay for it, i don’t wait, i rely solely on my own strength, i’ve been counting all my life, that’s why i built a dacha myself and gave birth to children, raised them and live in my own apartment, bought a car, that’s why. basically, that is, you need a man for joy, that’s right, for joy, for some kind of spiritual warmth, yes, show me a surprise.


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