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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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bearer is a portrait of alexey leonov, from the day of his birth, today is 90 years old, a special page in the history of mankind is associated with the name of alexey leonov, a real legend, he was the first in the world who saw the earth not only from a porthole, but stepped into outer space for this, those 12 minutes changed everything, only then it became known how dramatically the events had developed, problems with the spacesuits had to be carried out in violation of the instructions at the risk of life, but everything worked out, the next flight 10 years later... also a milestone: the first international expedition soyuz apollo. a soviet ship docked with an american one, and this was at the height of the cold war. in honor of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, a large program on channel one. tonight at 0:50 watch the space inside. tomorrow at 23:50 there will be a documentary film on the very edge, on sunday there will be another premiere - the space odyssey by alexei leonov and the feature film "the time of the first". that's all for now. we are following the developments, well,
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right now on the first, watch the program, time will tell, hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, in the program we will discuss important, current events that one way or another... are related to one of the main processes around which in general, one might say, human history is now being built, namely the confrontation of the american-centric west, and then we can discuss what to call those who do not want this american-centric west to dictate to everyone but its dominance, in fact, everything that whole conflict in its military... form,
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economic, political, informational, you need to understand that it revolves around the confrontation, which is much larger than the battlefield, than the economy, than finance and than the information sphere, it revolves around who, strictly speaking, in this world decides who should live by what values, who should determine what are values ​​and what are not values, ultimately, what is good and... what is evil? because the united states, as we have discussed more than once, they do the emphasis is on the fact that they are custodians in the first place, they focus on this, not the dollar, nor democracy, but values, they themselves have appointed themselves custodians of values, they judge entire countries and peoples based on how they fit into these values ​​or not fit into these values, and if they don’t fit in or don’t want to or resist, like... in this case we do, then these countries
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are declared rogue countries, countries of this and that, axes of evil, and so on and so forth. and it is very important to remember that this confrontation, it really is something that is not on the global world level of value. and in this sense, i want to start with a situation that is not the brightest and not the most, so to speak, so flashy against the backdrop of this conflict, but nevertheless. a country that tells everyone about values, teaches everyone how to live and be progressive, democratic and tolerant, announced that it will boycott the meeting of the un general assembly, at which those present will honor a minute of silence in memory of the deceased the results of the helicopter crash, this is the official version that is now being announced. once again, the united states,
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the guardians of value and tolerance, the people and the country that teaches everyone how to live, refuse to observe the elementary, minimal rules of human existence, the country that constantly blares the teeth on edge until disgusted about... a world built on rules, a country that shows the whole world that it does not care about the rules that are important for others, the general assembly has a lot of its own, so to speak, internal contradictions, but nevertheless less, to honor the memory of a person who died in a plane crash, well, it would seem that the united states is doing this for show, and you know, what else, what else, well, in my opinion, it’s more disgusting, today, when i wrote about this on my telegram, channel, which is like, they are also the keepers of value for me, they also teach everyone this value. i have one person with whom we
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discussed this, he writes to me: listen, why are you doing this, that you are once again biting them, well , it’s clear that this is their internal political struggle, and what does this mean, these are the republicans, which they are biting, remember what he tells me, and you and i discussed this on the air, remember when ted cruz, the republican , pushed the sad tony blinken with his face on the table and this, this, even without sound, it’s clear here , what does he say to him, what are you doing there, like, you want to honor racey there, what are you even there, and blinkin is so unhappy, sad, he says, well, no, well, we’re like, we’re this, and to me this person says, well, you understand that they are, attention, that they are not serious, but this is theirs such an internal political struggle,
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the most striking episode, but very revealing, we must remember this when we talk about this conflict about why in this conflict it is impossible to give in and retreat, because people who are unprincipled to this extent, you can roughly guess how they will behave themselves with those in relation to whom they consider themselves or who admit themselves defeated, think about it, the advertisement will be short, and then we will move on to discussing our homespun. advertising: ranevskaya doesn’t know that frankenbox was drawn from her, without showing the picture, you call on recording? frekkinbock is seriously attracted to carlson. this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old. i'm trying to somehow justify my heroine. love for this fan turns
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an elderly sadist into a vulnerable woman. my head is in the right place, they told me i can’t. from morning to night he watches tv, here you go, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, my funeral is going on, the orchestra is playing, instead of my photograph, a photograph of frekenbock. solome zurabishvili, a true francias, is also the president of georgia. protests are blazing in georgia, the president is against parliament. revolution of foreign agents, salume zurabi herself is the number one agent of foreign influence, does it feel like this is a repeat of the ukrainian scenario? yes, there is a parallel, the riots are coordinated by the cia, this is the time that will allow them to somehow regroup, she is a coup
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in chad, this was her practical test, mini iraq, mini saddam hussein, that’s what happened there, her daughter is in france , but her son is in france. its task is to drag georgia into a military conflict with russia. it's not only about georgia, but about finally getting the entire caucasus out of the mentality of soviet oppression and russian influence. the united states of america will go crazy and shed blood. solome zurobishvili and the head of georgia. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. on children's day. our studio has the most talented people. 85 - 72 + 97 answer 315 yes, what is the most
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unusual phobia, what do you think: penterophobia, fear of mother-in-law, fear of whom? i’ll go out russian-japanese, and he was married, on the fifth at night in the field, because i can’t sleep, history, this is very interesting, what kind of war began in 1904, the first one, well, yes, twice, i live in the city of donetsk, i want to become a world-famous pianist, the soul must be seen in a child, his heart must be seen.
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i don’t care, you are my partner, the risk of launching sunrise two with living people is too great, we are ready to take the risk, attention, yes. says moscow, today is march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, he didn’t understand what was wrong with the pressure, but we have two, you ’re fine, answer, alexey, why are you silent?
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it's time for the first ones, on sunday at the first one, we 'll see who wins, it will be hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games. on sunday on the first, time
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will tell the program, we continue to work live, starting the program, today i said that essentially, globally, this conflict is based on very important value confrontations, including who will determine what to eat good and what is evil in the modern world, but... naturally, who will be one way or another recognized as a winner or a loser or not a loser, depends on the very battlefields that i mentioned, the battlefield on the ground, the battlefield in the economy, in finance, in the information space, so we will now talk about this, remembering what this confrontation is about, this week so it doesn’t often happen when...
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first of all, nato countries provide, and discussing this topic, which we will talk about today, what does it mean, what is this, what is this conversation about, what kind of development can it have, how much is it for us is dangerous and how should we respond, because this is one of key issues now in this confrontation, and in previous days, and this is absolutely justified, we said that this next level of designated possible confrontation or escalation is connected with the situation at the front for ukroreich, because it is clear that the conflict is a value-based one,
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it is clear that we have a contradiction with the collective west, but the direct battlefield, of this, well, if you like, proxy war, it is here, now, here, there is, as many believe, something happening that inspires many westerners uncertainty about what will happen next with this kamikaze proxy of theirs, because we are...
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ukraine knows that it is finished, after a while this headline disappeared, a headline appeared, ukraine now understands what it has. only a few months of survival, then this headline disappeared, the headline appeared, without western weapons, ukraine may have only a few months left, and i don’t know if this is an indicator of what, that the author first assessed the situation on the battlefield for
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ukraine, since they all discuss it among themselves, then they hit him in the head a little. i rewrote it, then i received it in a bottle somewhere, which means it was in a different place, and i rewrote it again, or is it some kind of thing, i don’t know what it is? in any case, in an article that has not changed, the headline has changed, but you and i remember that the headlines are read by millions, and the articles are read by tens of thousands, a refutation is then made by only a few, we listen: the war between ukraine and russia in the kharkov region is flaring up more and more, kiev was forced to redirect thousands of soldiers to the northeastern section of the line. to repel the attack, leaving your defenses unprotected elsewhere. the war is reaching a critical juncture as western interest in helping ukraine risks waning again. vladimir zelensky realizes that ukraine does not have long left. that is, this accent still exists. further, in this case, i am interested in your assessment, not
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only of the state of affairs at the front in the kharkov region, but also of the situation at the front in general, as you see it. from your source, from your own understanding, and so on, what the situation really is now at the front, is it so influences this new attempt at escalation by the west, please, well, i would say that , of course, the situation that is developing now is largely not in favor of the kiev junta, because its own masters, i mean the american and british military, are ready to consider different scenarios of events, provided that the most...
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skilled workers, and the west needs these people, because the west does not think from a month or a year perspective, it thinks from a several decades perspective, for according to him, war is a continuation of the economy in other ways, there are statements from this area on this matter, to paraphrase the marxism known to us, today the economic goals, as we have spoken to you more than once, have already been achieved, but the political goals of the zelensky clique in this case turn out to be. absolutely, well, i would say, bankrupt in that case, hostilities cease, in that headline, therefore, which you showed us now in the editorial office, it says that you listen to us, because tomorrow, if we we won’t give you weapons, without our western weapons you won’t be able to fight at all, but this is from the point of view of general analysis, from the point of view of specifics on the front line, and
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there really is no reason to believe that we will not continue a systematic offensive, i refer, among other things, to the conclusion from khota, rhetor and mcgregor, to gather american analysts, they are waiting, as unbanal as this sounds, well, at least for military people, for the earth to dry out, for the simple reason that we are the main mass our armored vehicles have not yet been fully launched into battle, soldiers often tell me why our tanks are not very good now, while the offensive is still underway, and why should they go on the offensive when the land there in the southern russian steppes is such that for now it’s quite difficult to go on the offensive, probably in the next week or two. we are already seeing the deployment, so to speak, of this part of our troops, we have complete air supremacy today again, i see that there are a lot of comments, that we’ll have to wait a little for comments from the ukrainians and then 100 f16 pilots will definitely arrive, they will definitely be based somewhere there, everything will be fine,
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i’m purely technical about this, because in this regard, from the technical side , i usually pose the question, i say: how will they be based if the uv16? forgive me for the details, the rack is very thin, and they are based on airfields where there is a slab surface, that is, slabs, concrete, anyone who has been to our airfield on a wave understands this, they cannot, because they need a smooth and even surface, now they are trying to something like this should be adapted in one of the points, old mikhailovki of others, but the fact is that we are persistently bombing, so i’m just wondering , purely technically, how will they arrive if they have nowhere to fly even from the point of view of the runway, i don’t even consider the possibility of this... until there’s a victorious march, but the fact is that on our side there are more and more drones, and military-technical cooperation with interested parties is also expanding, about which i naturally remain silent, because
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there is no need to talk about it, let me remind you of another such truth, actually usually when we have an offensive from history begins, even if you take it, it can go slowly, it does not stop, that is, if someone expects that this is some kind of attack, a red guard attack on capital, then he is deeply ... mistaken, because he is not stops, goes like a steam roller, this is a comparison of the smell of von schlieffen, who compared the advancing russian army, with well, his era was not yet a right roller, so to speak, but something so to speak heavy powerful shaft, in my opinion he used the ninth shaft , so to speak , which rolls uncontrollably onto coast in the era of hitler they said a steam roller, i still understand why it is going slowly, remembering some of the statements of senior comrades who speak at the battle level from... and 30 km we take care of the soldiers, and we take care of the soldiers because they have already gone ahead. and more, because we are
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the reason, i think that maybe someone hasn’t thought about it, but we don’t really know what nato can do, here’s macron’s statement, here’s the upcoming so-called swiss conference, and if they really start introducing their troops, what if we now we will spend our army, not to mention the fact that these are living people, we care about them, we worry about them. he said, the west is fighting with the hands of kamikaze proxies, whom they don’t care about, your remark, this is exactly your remark, so as i understand it, unfortunately, in what i said, by the way, there is not much optimism, unfortunately we need to prepare, well, i would say for the most difficult scenario, everything else will seem just good to us, just from the point where you say that yes, we have forward movement, which god may give, in a powerful offensive, but then you say that they can be ready for anything, we move on to the very main topic that we have been discussing
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for several days this week, and the most amazing thing is that everyone the day when we finish discussing it in the evening, i’m already thinking, it’s interesting, well, that is, it’s like the topic is already, well, what is called static , no, every next day brings new development, that is, the impression is that this is how you they said. let's just say, case. it's about applying strikes on the territory of the russian federation that they, that is, the west, recognize as such. i understand all the journalistic
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pathos of those who say, well, well, they ’re hitting, they’re hitting in crimea, in donetsk, yes, of course, they’re hitting, but only in this case we are talking about the fact that they are going to allow them to hit with their weapons over that part of the territory of russia that the west recognizes as such, and this nevertheless. within the framework of international law, the situation is a little different, so let’s be, well, let’s be realistic, we we all understand that for us there is no difference between the territories, but for them there is, and this is another line that they are discussing, that they will also allow ukryreikh to cross it, because it is not for nothing that they forbid him to cross it, they did not forbid him to beat in donetsk, they did not prohibit attacks on lugansk and kokhovka. and so on and so forth, but here they were prohibited from entering the territory that they recognize, so every day they bring evidence that they are pushing - more and more countries, and -
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european leaders to give such permission. scholz, who has publicly said several times that germany is against it and does not give such permission. politico is already writing that she seems to be such an interesting chick. is inclined to allow ukraine, blah blah blah blah, the department now says that ukraine can, where, what the department says out loud, i personally haven’t heard, politico is already writing this, then the question arises, for me personally, this berlin is leaning on tiptoes, or berlin is being tilted on tiptoes in order to , as it were, put pressure on this very resolution, well, in your opinion it is. what, this is whose, what is the game called, and most importantly, what is this game about, this topic that has appeared, let’s resolve it, let them hit russia and so on and so forth,
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about what? i thank you here, there is the logic of two different schools, the western, let’s say, general staff of brussels nato, our logic of behavior, they, unfortunately, do not study military history well, i know this, i saw it with my own eyes, for the following reason, i just remembered it, their logic is simple and clear, we remember makrovan’s speech, look, we set up guns, the russians did nothing, no way didn't react much.
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in a slightly different approach, we really , too, in simple russian language , endure for a very long time, and then deal a crushing blow, and then, as a rule, the west, which has a short memory, is very surprised, but how did it turn out this way, without any cenism, because he is not here, i understand that we really do not suffer because we are waiting for them to buy up there in evorovo, which we just attacked, or when they all come together, i remember the cards that they painted, borders of the sumy region there is a frenchman. they wanted contingents to be deployed with the germans, or when he and schultz had their four srain metal factories, the creation of which he signed up for, underground factories would be built somewhere in the lviv region, but no, we endure, because it is indeed a very difficult choice, this choice lies in the need to hit the territory, which is still our original civilizational lands, where our entire civilization and development came from, to hit with something and to hit with very heavy arguments, because i’ve been reporting for quite a long time,
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i said obadabach, and i can now state that my front-line friends specially sent me a lot of video footage that we have begun to widely use adab, so we will also use vacuum bombs, because they are already in use, the new generation has arrived then , tosochki, heavy flamethrower systems, there are many more of them, that is, in fact , we have come to all the arguments that artyom grigorievich and i discussed during the year, further, if we see a contingent nato is in ukraine, and they are watching more and more, there will be tiao, especially since tiao. in this case , such tactical nuclear weapons will not cause any particularly lethal consequences; they will be there, and most likely they will be across the bridges in my opinion, because then we will isolate the contingent on the left bank of the dnieper, on this i will very much look at how they are adjusted, and bridges, except for tiao, are not taken by anything, bridges - in this part of the european plain, our ancestors built taking into account the possibility of conducting military operations, i
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i remind everyone of the fate of the antonovsky bridge. i know the speeches of western strategists, they say: russia is as modest as a woman, i’m just quoting now, what is being discussed at their headquarters, which is very afraid to enter , their poets are the only ones, just like they say, they are very afraid to enter the water and do this is then done in parts and very leisurely, i don’t know if we are women or men, i have great respect for women, i think that firstly, it’s not the worst quality to not rush, and secondly, we are not modest, we just don’t run ahead begging squeal and we don’t want aggression,
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but if necessary, we will completely agree to it.
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reserves of lithium, without which not a single principet telephone is produced, i’m not talking about all the other rare earths, but in my opinion i mentioned them, but let me remind you once again that in the dnieper already in the sixty-eighth year ... diamond-bearing ore, diamond-bearing ore was discovered , this is our newspaper, i pulled up the archives and looked, so this is an incredibly rich land, which is not just divided theoretically, it also belongs to their corporation, we have quoted them many times, and black rock, and avangard, and monsanto and dupont and so on, so they are simply defending their property, do i understand you correctly, when you moved this conversation from a seemingly military plane to the plane of defending property, which you, by the way, quite a large number of experts for... these days before you this studio, you are of the opinion that this is escalating a potential escalation with strikes on our territory, this is, as one of my guests put it yesterday, forcing us to freeze the conflict along
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existing lines. absolutely right, yes exactly, this is the only way it is, especially since this was the plan of cia director bärtz back in september 2022, salvan signed up for this when he arrived and convinced zelensky to negotiate with russia. back in october in november of twenty-two, the director of the cia came again in december with the same message, it was on this occasion that at the beginning of our conversation with you, i said that zelensky was not listening, because for this little man the negotiations of death similar, i understand, we’ll talk about zelensky later separately, since this little man is still still a screw of this colossus, but we move on, we move further towards an understanding of what drives those forces that... are quite successfully escalating this story with possible strikes on the territory of the russian federation, we are trying to understand what the goal is, as i already said, and many experts, and alexander germanich has now joined them, say that this is an attempt
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to force us into some kind of negotiations, well, under the pressure that we are either freezing the conflict, or it will be worse, because we will hit your territory, these are social consequences , and so on and so forth, all that remains is to find out who? is behind this game, because in this case the americans behave, i will not determine how they behave, you will tell me now how they behave, i will only give examples of what i see, here’s politics, as biden describes his position at the moment regarding the resolution of these strikes, before that they always said that we do not welcome, do not we welcome, we do not welcome, it’s the same policy here, remember, which already puts this very scholz on tiptoe, yeah. come on, the biden administration has admitted the possibility of allowing ukraine to use weapons provided by the united states to strike russian territory. the move, if made, would come as russia has made significant gains on the
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battlefield. it also suggests president joe biden and his team are increasingly concerned about kiev's ability to fend off attacks. russia, especially due to the russian offensive on the second largest city of ukraine - kharkov. according to one official.
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you see, yes, that is, adaptation, adjustment, well, that is, everything has been like this for a long time, despite the fact that in europe more than a dozen countries have already openly lined up with the idea that yes, yes, yes, hit the territory, however, there is one nuance , the majority of those
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who line up and say: yes, yes, hit russia with our weapons, they do not have such weapons with which they can hit russia, and with the exception of great britain, france in this composition, i don’t know if there is something like that. basically it’s all these poles in the baltic emirates there and so on, and kirby, by the way, i can also bring you, he’s also quite, quite streamlined, that is , it’s like... you know, we don’t encourage, we don’t contribute to at present , there have been no changes in the position of the united states, i remind you, politico writes that it seems to have already happened, the washington post, that it happened, kirby says that it did not happen, all of europe, not all, half, the most frantic is lining up, like we will beat, in your opinion, who, what, why, what is the goal, please, about attempts to force peace, this version exists among political scientists. but despite its prevalence, many american
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military analysts, including those whom alexander germenovich mentioned, and scott tretor, and mcgregor, the same larry king, they say that already next month, that is, in june, there will be , or what they expect, there will be a russian wide offensive, at least they say so, this means that all these statements by western politicians. about the fact that someone will be allowed to do something beat and so on, they don’t make a difference, and the resolution itself, if you follow what american military analysts say, will also not change the position of forces on the fronts, it will not greatly prevent the russian army from moving forward in the kharkov area or in the yar area , in fact, this is the balance of power on the fronts,
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well, the first question is, they are doing this for some reason, then why? this is where
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the danger of the situation lies, that is, they really assume that russia will not react, that all the talk about how moscow might resort to tactical nuclear weapons, to something else, they perceive this as vomiting on the part of the russian leadership, and they have already tested our strength, and some of the reds ... this is a favorite american tactic over the past many decades, that it will continue, for which they are now escalating the situation, partly this is aimed at domestic consumption, since the biden administration on the eve of the elections and others, and the same sunuk, even though he has little to count on on the eve their elections, and also to macron and... other europeans on the eve of the european parliament elections, they need to demonstrate that
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they can do something, that they are achieving their goal, despite the advance of russian troops, that is, this factor of the american elections that will take place in less than six months in november, it is very important, here you need to demonstrate your muscles, even if they are already flabby for the same biden, they demonstrate it, but what is the danger? situation , it turns out that this is such a cavoy game, who will blink first, who will shoot first, who the chicken will be the first to say how they do this, and who will still have time to press the brakes and stop over this abyss, and here everyone is as one, all these military analysts say that the situation is very dangerous, because the hand can tremble like this , and... there is also the fact that we are on the brink of the third
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world war, i hear this all the time now, but we are standing on the brink of the third world war, we hear this all the time, but in your opinion, they, those, whoever pushes to this edge, they push to it for the sake of some of their pr goals, after all, or for the sake of, well , crossing one more red line of ours, again for some reason, that is, what i mean... four regions, which according to the constitution are russian, they have come to terms with this, but as for odessa, especially the british, they just can’t come to terms with this yet, they are drawing their lines, and with this intensity they are trying to warn moscow that it’s good,
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you are moving forward, but there is a certain limit beyond which we will not allow you to advance . this is an interesting version, that it is generally new, what they mean, what they have the decision to strike our territory with your weapons is already almost ready, if, here is one of these possible ones, if you just voiced it, that is, no one says it, but probably everyone thinks that this is already clear, for example, odessa, yes, what if in your movement you begin to deal with odessa, then we put into action what we have already signed up for there -
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then i assure you, well, the same william burns, although we talked a lot about the fact that they don’t know russia well and so on, but they know vladimir putin and his circle quite well, they they know this well enough to understand that there can be no illusions here, no one will stop now, i understand, konstantin vasilyevich, of course i have some more here, what they call quotes from the western press and so on, on a related topic . with the war, with either the informational or its economic component, but let’s start with you, as a purely civilian person, very careful, and who, well, as a rule, when someone starts waving a saber, you always seem to suggest necessary, you're like everyone else you understand this, how you feel all this, how
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you explain all this - to your own, from the point of view of your competencies, they use every opportunity for this, now the opportunity is clear, well, actually, what you started with, with a quote from the telegraph, they the demonstrative ones are extremely clear, that is , they are trying to show their partners in the western world that russia will now launch a successful offensive, it will not stop, so
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extraordinary efforts need to be made, uh, and they are not afraid of anything, because here, too, i agree, such logic can be, not worry, russia will not use nuclear weapons, so this is all bullshit, let’s raise the degree of tension, go further up the ladder, escalation, because we are not given anything else, because otherwise we will not stop russia, and we are obliged to stop it, but this is a certain rhetorical construction, because one of the versions is that the task of great britain, as it may seem paradoxical, is ... to involve the united states in a full-fledged conflict, because the dominance of the united states may not to arrange, oddly enough, not only for us, but also for great britain, in this regard, to consider the united states and great britain as almost a single alliance there, the glasaxians, as we often say, this seems to me, may be a delusion and great britain is systematically
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dragging the united states into this story, so that the united states does not view this war as again very far away... we will look at it this way, putin directly said about countries with a high population density, that is, in this regard it was said very much a lot, but it didn’t stop anyone, it really didn’t stop anyone, and vice versa for britain. got me even more excited, and it’s interesting that there is an election campaign going on in britain, but the company does not influence the foreign policy
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of great britain in any way, including, and even despite the fact that it is obvious that the conservatives are losing there, but internal politics in great britain does not influence on its foreign course, and the elections will not change anything, in the united states the situation is mirrored, where the election campaign has a very strong influence on everything, unlike britain, and i think that... for the democratic party this is a serious question now as to what the position should be on the uh use of guns, why? because they realize that allowing ukraine to attack russian territory within the borders of the ninety- first year, against military targets, by the way, within this border, indeed, as you rightly said, can be perceived as an incident beli, putin repeatedly... about this i said directly, this is already a reason to use russia has nuclear weapons in the context of even our doctrine, it is clearly written there, this is a threat
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to our national security to our state, they understand that here it will be more difficult to sell this to the american voter, because now it is explained there that there is a struggle for our values , we certainly will not give up, we have allocated assistance to ukraine, but this does not directly concern you, dear american voters, i believe that this is why some republicans deliberately force democrats to be more aggressive when they they say: why don’t you do this, there,
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remember drawing these maps, that is, they deliberately involved the democrats in giving this permission to the city, there is a version that they showed the map, showed the map, showed the map, that is they, the republicans, are dragging the democrats into these tough decisions to say, dear american voter, the democrats are setting you up, setting you up for the russians, it’s unclear, but as for continental europe, it’s just scary for really serious countries, after all, like germany, but pushed by the same british, who naturally use, as you rightly said, countries that do not have their own weapons, but they shout loudest, there are the baltic countries, they are driving them, in fact , too...
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their such formidable baltic politicians who they are biting, in fact they are also being driven into this decision, which i absolutely agree can become very dramatic, because it is true, it very seriously increases the degree of conflict, we too will soon have no special options left, unfortunately, because what should we do, we said everything, when they tell us, well, you say, but don’t do anything, but then a terrible situation really arises, when nothing can be done and it may not be possible, now we are left... leads to the same question that, after this range of questions, is the main one about what we have already done, what we still have left to do and
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whether we need to do something else, what this could lead to, and by the way, the situation you described - it’s even banal to say, but every time, well, this is pronounced, this is how you just described it, those have their own interests, those have their own interests, those have a choice, those have elections, this is frighteningly reminiscent of the situation before the first world war, how... a point, it will converge at one point or not, we don’t and somehow everything there, then everything came together in one we know, the more important is what we will discuss now, and what, in fact, what options does the russian federation now have, because a lot rests on it , either she is being provoked, or something else, now after a short advertisement we will discuss this, no switch. yes, this is the first time i’ve seen you, well, it’s the first time, you’ll be a zolda from three stations, sergey repnyu, it’s very nice to be a zolda,
7:22 pm
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hours before the start the state commission changes fully crew.
7:24 pm
on the very edge, tomorrow on the first, on the day protection of children, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who was like talking there , well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are now playing these funny stupid games together, so we... the genius of children’s television died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so that there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, my hero
7:25 pm
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will tell the program, we continue to work live, we are discussing live an important and not at all uninvented question that now very... a lot depends on how russia will react to the increased activity of the west with such a certain hint that they can raise the level of escalation, including by allowing strikes with their weapons on ukroreich, which is now under an embargo, the whole question is whether they are provoking us to a tougher reaction, or whether they are forcing us, as some believe, into some kind of negotiations. with a freeze along the current line of contact, which, well, let’s say, will not quite look like a victory for the russian federation at this stage of the conflict, in this
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sense the question arises of ours, our responses, our reactions, and if we proceed from the version that this is an increase in rates by the west, while, at least verbally, this is an attempt to force us into some kind of negotiations on terms unfavorable to us. then publicly, sergei viktorovich lavrov today, in my opinion, at least i think so, voiced the answer to this. please. the war party rules in kiev and strives, at least in words, to defeat russia on the battlefield. in such conditions, a dialogue about peace is difficult to imagine. russia remains open to negotiations, but it is necessary to clearly understand that we are talking about peace, and not a truce. there is no point in giving the enemy a pause... he once again uses it for regrouping and rearmament. negotiations must be based on the principle of indivisibility, security and realities on the ground. that is, aleksandrovich, the version
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of what they are doing to us is that they are forcing us to freeze, she officially received an answer, well, at almost the highest possible level, because then there is only the president, but i don’t think that sergei viktorovich is saying this as if outside the framework of some concept, that is, in theory. answer to we have already given this potential coercion, now the question arises, what now? that is, in a sense, we now have a slightly different situation, we have already publicly stated that with this raising of rates they will not be able to drive us, which means into a freeze. now the question is: what next? of course, i can answer as a military man, i can answer as a diplomat, i can answer as a military diplomat, so to speak, in furtherance of that line. you discussed with elena vladimirovna, which i remember you and i also raised more than once, and the west, of course, has some options proposals to us, including the possibility of allowing us to reach the dnieper evenly along the entire line
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of combat contact, that is, advance, let in the sense that if we advance to the dnieper, it’s not for nothing that i mentioned bridges, because it is extremely difficult to hold the territory up to the dnieper if we have transition to the next type of arguments, weighty supply. army logic, distance from the centers, in the center of them are nato countries, this is romania, this is poland, accordingly, a certain bone in translation into russian, they throw us, as they do to themselves represent, because we discussed this logic with your colleague, with ruslan ostashka with a certain polish defendant, who decided to mock us on the other side by saying that if we reach the dnieper, then this will be the russian border line of the 18th century, that’s actually the brez union , so i want to dress like this. well, what can you say, mock him, because no one told him that we would stop there, so mock him, we didn’t give him any guarantees here, didn’t confirm it, so everything will be based on the following, and he said as
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a military diplomat, naturally sergevich, especially since i work at the diplomatic academy of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, so to speak, is right, but without this he would be right, a deeply respected person, the question now is what forces we are ready to expend to achieve our goals, based on this i... have to admit that without using very decisive arguments that will demoralize the ukrainian army, it will now be difficult for us to cope with the situation somehow like this in order to go beyond the dnieper, i have no doubt that we will definitely reach the dnieper, probably , even in the coming months, i hope that by the fall our front line will approach the dnieper, i would say, radically, neither 10, nor 20, nor 40 km, if it weren’t for you, i would...
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the era of the first world war, unexpectedly won our territory, because we simply didn’t become a front, we just left, unfortunately, it was sad, but the fact that this story is strong, i think, is that we fully hope for something similar with the ukrainians, because ukrainians are people with a unique spirit, i will not offend anyone, but having perfectly analyzed the situation of these last years, so they fight when nato is behind them, they throw weapons at them, give them all the necessary supplies, if it turns out differently, they
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now realized that nato has actually abandoned them, there will be a different situation, if suddenly they don’t run and the line holds, then for we achieve our goals, alas and ah, through the use of very weighty arguments that will allow us to at least reach the dnieper, as a maximum fulfilling the president’s task, to go beyond the dnieper without destroying our own army, this is very important, because joseph vesarionovich was ready for besides that a significant part of the army will, well, die. will fall on the battlefield, we are not ready for this even once, because a completely different era, a different attitude towards human life, as far as i understand, i understand, i understand, well , look, here is just one example of what we are facing now in the current situations we are dealing with, here are the red lines that someone will cross or will not cross, here is the situation with the f-16, which has already been said more than once, how we will perceive their provision, and... today
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i repeated this again, well for some reason i didn't i doubt that this is the position, so to speak, the consolidated political position, of the government leadership, we listen, the supply of american f-16 fighter jets will not change the situation on the line of combat contact, these aircraft will be destroyed, like other types of weapons supplied by nato countries to ukraine , it should be taken into account that f-16 fighters have long been... the main means of delivery within the framework of joint nato nuclear missions, therefore we cannot help but consider the supply of these systems to the kiev regime as deliberate nato nuclear signaling. they are trying to make us understand that in ukraine the us and nato are ready for literally anything. nevertheless, we hope that the russian-belarusian exercises being conducted these days to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will bring some sense to our opponents, reminding them of the catastrophic consequences of what happens next.
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moving up the ladder of nuclear escalation, well, look, in no case, not having in mind somehow arguing with sergei viktorovich in absentia, and i understand that he is a diplomat and his job is like this, and the military will probably talk less, and only then, if they do more, but nevertheless, look what the situation is, on the one hand, we are talking about the fact that the provision of the f-16 is a signal action by nato in nuclear sphere, that is, we indicate that this is not a red, but a burgundy line, which suggests...
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and they do not believe that in words, with these, nevertheless, we hope that they will look, be impressed, understand that it does not work , what konstantin vasilievich spoke about, the question arises, then what further, well, how else can you reason with them, and you and i talked about the fact that they believe that this is a bluff, they proceed, well, so i ask this question, if they believe and rasmusan demonstrates this, that this is a bluff, then how now we need to convince them that this is not a bluff, apparently, to convince them with words. it’s not working out very well, but considering what we’re saying, what if they provoke us to these actions, the circle is closed again, in order to slightly reduce the intensity of tension regarding the military and diplomats, i remembered a story told...
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again, what is the danger of the situation? the danger of the situation is that someone may not be able to stand it, someone may make a mistake, someone may do the same on their part, and they write about this, they talk about this, that is, we, i even know who from their side may make this mistake, as soon as the first f-16 is at the disposal of the ukrainian reich, he will immediately make this mistake, and this mistake will fly somewhere, well, then this whole sequence continues, this signal something there. .. if we talk about europe, then europe is not capable of fighting, europe is not ready for a third world war. the americans don’t want to fight, they want to fight with european hands, just as they are now doing it with ukrainian hands. that is, we also proceed from the fact that they
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are bluffing, but nevertheless, their weapons are appearing on the territory of ukraine every time. and they really have already driven us into such a... situation where it is no longer possible to wait any longer, so from this place i asked the question from which we need to destroy these f16s if they appear, so how our missiles are used now, ours are used to destroy simply as flyers or as something signaling signal actions in nuclear safety, well, should we use tactical nuclear weapons , for example now in... ukraine, right now right now, now there is no urgent need for this , but if they suddenly hit cities that are already located on the same territory that they recognize as russian, then perhaps
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there will be no other options, konstantin vasilyevich, well, a short remark about inducing us to negotiate, i i don't think that's the case why because you really. lavov was quoted, and putin has repeatedly said over the past few weeks that we are ready for negotiations, it is clear that on our terms, it is clear that not on ukraine’s terms, but nevertheless, if we were persuaded to negotiate, it would be possible if we could start them, at least, yes, well, there would be at least some option to outmaneuver us in these negotiations, here we are talking about the fact that when we say that we are ready for negotiations, and lavrov confirmed this, and putin he said that we are ready for negotiations, but not with this regime and b, not on the terms on which negotiations and...
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tests of nuclear weapons are proposed, that is, to still show them in practice, why? no, this is even the same question, now i’ll also say about this, well , in fact, here are the exercises that we conducted in belarus, there we also see that it is shown that nuclear weapons, they are sort of
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unpacked, demonstrated, but no pictures, yes absolutely true, modern physics makes it possible to test nuclear weapons without the explosion itself, technically this is perhaps, by the way, the united states recently talked about this for their part, it even caused some shock within the western world, for example, in japan, that is, technically it is possible to conduct tests without the mushroom itself, another part of the political scientist says that without the mushroom, that’s how you said, nothing will happen, let's conduct tests with the mushroom, maybe they will see the flu, they could have been said, and if you saw the western reaction, the point is that this should not be said, but the flu should be shown. so eat like you you know, another camp of political scientists, for example, the famous political scientist karaganov, who has been saying for quite a long time, this won’t work, let’s use me.
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the first world war, but everyone had already gone so far that there was no way forward, it’s really like a paradox that no one wanted a global war, but it began because it was no longer possible to retreat, all the options had worked out, so everyone knitted theirs , it was indicated that here we are playing a delicate game, and then, and then what actually happened was what happened, in this regard, of course, there may be a domino effect here, of course, but we imagine, let’s say, hypothetically, because for me this prospect is quite enough. monstrous, we are using nuclear weapons there at
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the base in poland, so what next? , so be it, take it along the dnieper and maybe take odessa, but it seems to me that this won’t happen, so further, because it will start domino effect, here a catastrophe is absolutely inevitable, here’s what to do in this situation, by the way, i don’t have a ready answer and i’m not ashamed. i must admit, if you and i had ready-made answers, i believe we would be standing not in a television studio, but somewhere in other discussions, so if we have them ready, we’ll sign up right away, we’ll go somewhere and tell them, by the way, regarding this use, why do i say that perhaps this is also a provocation, because in today’s interview lavrov once again showed that we are a peaceful chinese initiative, that this is what we and ukraine recognize, and sit down and figure it out, and so on, that we not only recognize it, but support it, but we understand perfectly well, in the event of the use of something like you said, more harshly,
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the chinese initiative is no longer valid, i don’t think that the chinese comrades developed their initiative for negotiations based on the fact that we are going somewhere with tactical nuclear weapons, and judging by the fact that lavrov mentions this, he's a diplomat high-class, he would not have mentioned this if we had distanced ourselves, we are not distancing ourselves, perhaps they are pushing us there too, very briefly, very briefly, a short comment about... the third world war, it is quite simple, the fact is that the west is more likely he doesn’t want all this, but by delivering the f-16, he may encounter the ukrainian logic of striking our radar stations, which are part of our strategic count. the americans have already expressed their concern about this, especially since such the kyiv regime has some inclinations. we have a voronezh-class radar station, we have a container station in mordovia, which tracks absolutely all launches of anything, right up to the uk.
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the station is part of our strategic deterrent forces, you yourself understand that there will be direct aggression at our expense, the ukrainians want this, the ukrainians understandably want it, the question is what do the owners who raised these ukrainians want. oh, advertising on channel one.
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salame zorabishvili, the true francias, is also the president of georgia. in georgia protests are blazing, the president is against parliament. these are revolutions of foreign agents. salume zurabishvili herself is the number one agent of foreign influence. it feels like this is a repetition of the ukrainian scenario. yes, there is a parallel. the riots are coordinated by the cia. this is the time that will allow.
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85 - 72 + 97 answer -15 yes, what is the most unusual phobia, do you think, penterophobia, fear of mother-in-law, fear? history, this is very interesting, what kind of war began in 1904, for example, well, the russian-japanese one, and he was married, well, yes, twice, i live in the city
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donetsk, i want to become a world-famous pianist. you need to see the soul in a child, you need to see his heart and try to just love him so that he is happy, for alexei leonov’s ninetieth birthday, the americans are planning to go into outer space, our sunrise should fly earlier, unfinished products cannot fly into space, but you try .
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when i wake up, dad will already be nice, he will try very, very hard, lyosha, there’s still not enough air, lyosha, it’s time for the first ones, on sunday at the first one, well, we’ll see
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who wins. will hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am next to my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents and to my sisters and brothers, many thanks to my
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parents for raising me and making me a real person. makes the health of loved ones, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish so that our country is healthy, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their own happiness, at the end of the program there are two also interesting: moments that should not be forgotten, in this difficult, perhaps increasingly difficult situation, here we are we say, here are the germans, here they are, there are westerners, i just now ran through the news feed, literally in an advertisement, but i thought that there are different westerners, here you go, two germans, one of them is the head of the bundestag committee on international relations from the social democratic party
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germany, mikhail roth, who stated that missile attacks on russian targets should be allowed and used. german tanks on the territory of the russian federation, he is german, he is part of germany, and so on and so forth, here is the head of a german manufacturer, one of the famous manufacturers of german chocolate.
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in megacities, and then i was kind of surprised that , like, well, somehow it’s all a little bit, you know, only a year has passed, and reality has prevailed, this is a very good, very joyful development
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of realities, with such an approach to reality, it seems to me that we will win for sure, well, on the way to victory, as always, the dolls of the heir to tuti will be a joy to us. and you and i, dear comrades, will paint a portrait of our next character, oh, we know, we know, your insightful mind, based on our appearance, probably already guessed that we will be talking about a french woman, wow, yes, yes, exactly about her, exactly oh... she once proudly stated this, i myself was born in...


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