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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  May 30, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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well, a very joyful development of realities, with such an approach to reality, it seems to me that we will definitely win, well, on the way to victory, as always, the dolls of the heir tuti are a joy to us. and you and i, dear comrades, will paint a portrait of our next character. oh, we know, we know, your discerning mind, based on our appearance, has probably already guessed that we will be talking about a french woman, yes, yes, it was about her, it was she who once proudly stated this. i myself was born in france, so, strictly speaking, i am not an emigrant.
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we want a european future or russian slavery. after a crushing defeat in the confrontation with members of the ruling georgian dream party, soloma was apparently given new training manuals. now she invites the opposition to join the georgian charter. this will require holding early parliamentary elections and repealing anti-european laws, including the first - the law on foreign agents, which zurabishvili expectedly overcame the veto. 84 deputies are for, against everything. four, although
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any advantage was enough to carry out referendum, soloma needs parliamentary support, which she absolutely will not receive; in this situation, soloma has no choice but to throw some slogans into the void, like oppositionists who have received a demonstrative assessment of their position. but even this did not cool down deputy giorgi vashadze; for another 5 minutes he continued to irritate members of the georgian parliament. with baseless accusations against everyone, everything that specifically in the document did not suit the supporters was zarubeshvili and she herself remained unclear. you should have argue point by point why points of the law are problematic. let's start with the title, why is it bad? this law is unacceptable. will you give us answers regarding the title? no, why? because, well, it’s true, not even soloma admits that...
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both paid liberals and those who will soon be called foreign agents were waiting for the u-turn on rustavili avenue, that’s why they are holding us and eu flags, which betray the organizers of the whole action, true , few survived the seven-hour meeting of parliamentarians and by the evening the crowd was noticeable limit, for a bright picture of the expression of solidarity of one people with another, a handful of demonstrators were caught up in kiev, their number was exactly enough to fit into the frame, salome’s appeal was limited. according to the video
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, this time, at least from georgia, and not from the usa, as usual, why she almost never visits the country and what she does on her endless travels is unknown, maybe she was once again reminding macron of her french citizenship with great hope go back there. this is not only about georgia, but about finally to pull the entire caucasus out of the mentality of soviet oppression and russian influence. here the black sea is a transit zone for energy resources; france’s non-presence here is unnatural. but the french president was unlikely to listen to her, and even the us secretary of state was somehow upset by what was happening. blinkin, having already brought back the situation in ukraine, and now it’s hardly worth counting on the second stronghold of hopes on the black sea coast; in his congratulations on the last day of independence, he clearly hinted that georgia moved away from its historical achievement, membership in the european union, washington is threatening to punish the georgians. actions of the ruling party anti-western rhetoric.
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contacts with the west, so as not to hear threats against you. the day before he was reminded of the fate of slovak, fico. the ukraine scenario will not happen in georgia; here is a restored sovereign state that will respond to any attempt at violence. to such unrest. called on non-governmental organizations of georgia, declared that they would not submit to the new according to the law, the european union was hysterical, the head of the european commission, jose borel, is ready to consider , i quote, all options for responding to these events, whatever that means, but not attempts to organize a new maidan, not even the desire
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behind the scenes to rock georgia to send the vulen contingent to ukraine, did not produce results , these were both open calls and behind closed doors, some friends and not friends of us for this... cia, they are trying to divert russia's attention from ukraine, causing chaos in other places. georgia is just such a place, because the usa has there are many long-standing ties that date back
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to the visit of president george w. bush in 2004. without the connection there, it is unlikely that uzurubeshvili, who was born in paris and worked as the french ambassador to georgia, would have arrived. alive at 36 years old, brainwashed in washington and vienna, speaking georgian with a french accent, completely controlled by nato and eu structures, there were chances to become president of a country with a strong national component. my brother and i have always been in love with georgia, my grandmothers told us fairy tales and sang to us. georgian we had a church where emigrants gathered and prayed. i wonder what straw prays for every time, now at night, after taking off the mountain of jewelry. another day dedicated to an unsuccessful attempt to split the country, her american-french fairy tales clearly did not take root here, but she does not intend to retreat until she receives the head of the last sovereign georgian on a silver tray. first,
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a short excursion into what is happening now. so, a year ago in georgia there was an attempt to pass a law on countering foreign influence, about transparency. foreign infusions into the country, well, simply put, to prevent foreigners from influencing the internal politics of georgia. a year ago it was not possible to pass this law; there was a confrontation between the president and parliament, protests, the position of the westerners, in general, was postponed for a year. now we have returned to this issue again, but this time the parliament has already taken a more serious approach to the matter, the law has been adopted by the president.
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and the grant eaters who carried out destructive activities in every country, but what is happening now really reveals masks, one could imagine that the minister of foreign affairs of the baltic countries suddenly agreed among themselves to go support the rally, such a clear hand of the puppeteer in the background . we couldn’t imagine at all that there would be political assassinations on the leaders of countries who represent national interests, and other leaders would be intimidated by this example, as was the case with the prime minister, but...
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it has become such a cornerstone, the fact is that since the eighteenth year georgia became a parliamentary republic, the president
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powers have been seriously cut off, well, this is a little bit of an inoculation after the crazy saakashvili, who dragged the country into the conflict of the eighth year, the elections in the fall are an important moment, so the ngos that are present here will have to play their role, and there should be a redistribution of mandates and should come, well let's call it so, pro-western parties, and this will allow... this very law is compared there with the corresponding laws either in the russian federation or in the united states of america,
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but you still need to understand that it is like a specific georgian law, so if we compare it, for example, with the american farah law, which was adopted in 1938, that is, more than 80 years ago, it gives the opportunity to a person who is convicted of receiving foreign funding, and if he has not registered lobbyist, he is most likely obliged to pay a very large fine, which goes up to... receiving funding is not provided, yes, that is, but of course you need to register, why now at the
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moment, but all these are not essentially the following: tell me who pays you and in whose interests you work, and they even put a penalty only if you have more than 20% of your npo’s income from abroad, by the way, to be honest , it’s a strange requirement, but nevertheless, hey just say that conditionally something there works in the interests of america, for example, but so that people know and... only administrative, you will pay a fine if you don’t tell, yes, much softer than american law, yes, why everything - after all, all these non-governmental organizations are now their own supporters are taken out into the streets, but i think that there are two reasons, yes, first, many people really don’t want to highlight all this, and also so that they don’t have the foreign agent tag, although they are one, this is the 20% requirement very liberal in fact, yes, that is, they do not have the opportunity to say that there is some kind of provocation for us, they sent us an invoice for 1 dollar, yes, we need to register, no, these are serious amounts that... non-governmental
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organizations that are financed by, well, different funds, either american or from parts are british, by the way, the british have now begun to work very actively on georgia, right there, you know, i’m watching the british media there, and separate the telegraph from the right and the spectators, right up to the bbc, right now everyone is actively writing about it, that is, they included this a manual that georgia needs to write, of course. i stood myself, i am here in new york, behind me is the statue of liberty, a symbol of what
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georgia has always fought for, this is what we have reached to this day, and i am next to you, because today you represent free georgia, we all together, today, we will be together tomorrow and we will bring this country to europe, i promise you this, because i made this promise to myself a long time ago, i want to ask, are you serious, there are protests in the country in georgia, president. makes videos against the backdrop of the statue of liberty and says: we are here with you, pay attention, everything will be fine in that country, which one, probably in your country? but rhetoric, you know, because, as you know, the devil is in the details, we have arno khidebergishvili, journalist, on direct line, political scientist from tbilisi, georgia. arno, please tell me what is happening in georgia now, how serious is the situation that can lead to a real revolution? well, the revolution has already begun, a month ago, it’s a revolution
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of foreign agents, it’s just that the authorities provoked it again later.
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thank you very much for your opinion. so, colleagues, listen, i have a feeling that this is a repetition of some georgian scenario , a repetition of the ukrainian scenario, because 10 years ago, if we compare the protests, they are incredibly similar. you know, very clearly there is continuity, this is the start of such a very strict integration of georgia into the western community - this is 2004, this is, let's say, the point that we call the point of no return, precisely since 2004, any person who communicated with a georgian. in america, these are all those georgians who received free and big money, just like that, they came to study, they came to all kinds of conferences, and the united states of america paid for them. bush, jr., it was his idea, his toy, he was the original initiator of what was needed will use any means necessary to antagonize georgia and greater russia. it will be bush who will then say, yes,
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georgia is a free people, but georgia has deep-sea ports, then the word will be heard, “there is manganese there, but what are the americans interested in there, besides the so-called freedom, the resources of georgia. we keep forgetting that that in georgia, in addition to the human factor, there are also specific resources that america is taking away. so, this is the current scenario. america now has a lot of hot spots that need to be suppressed, both ukraine and taiwan. moreover, we can find a dozen conflicts that america is in one way or another overseeing. but we understand perfectly well that the scenario of the present is now beneficial for america. yes, it is fading, so i have a feeling that now the most scarce commodity for americans is time, they need to win back this time at any cost, look, elections to the european parliament will be held on june 5-9, perhaps they will not be in favor of america, but elections will also be held in the uk, in america itself there are elections on november 4, so it seems to me that they need georgia to boil and
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was seething, well, for about another 3-4 months, this is the time that will allow...
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opposes the sovereign course of the country's development, either georgia will follow the sovereign course of the country's development, or the ukrainization of georgia will occur. as for my contacts with almezourabishvili, we met in person more than two years ago, in february 2022, before the start, shortly before the start of the svo, and after the start of the svo, she started off the chain.
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with her it is absolutely imperceptible, she speaks the correct words in georgian with an easy accent, but she translates it from french into georgian, that’s the only way she speaks, and since her georgian vocabulary is very small, she was brought up in a georgian family, and there is mostly everyday vocabulary, hence her manner of speaking, she selects words, sometimes it’s out of place, he says it’s good, but with a slight accent, also when you look at a person who seems to be saying the right words, but there’s something wrong in the intonation, accents, and maybe he doesn’t dream in
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his native language , but what language is it for her? dear, if her dad taught her to learn the enemy’s language, more on that right after the ad. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we have to fly up to 45 days. and 11 hours before the start , the state commission completely changes the crew. the soyuz 11 spacecraft launched last year. and it was the father whom they, at their own request, replaced, who was assigned to notify the families of the victims. “i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to the moon. at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would
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have eaten on the moon all my life, because my father died there. voskhod 2 landed safely. the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, right here from the crowd. a man comes out and starts shooting with both hands, dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the bullets cleared past the visa, the premiere at the very edge, tomorrow at the first, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, vodka in... this is a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac. product of steller group. stirsman bourbon is a product of the stellar
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group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. on children's day. go. some kind of god-given radiation of kindness. here is seryoga was like that. it was not for nothing that he took over children's programs, and the children simply clung to him. it was obvious, it couldn't be played. it was this guy who said, well, i’m 20 years older than you. well, you and i are now playing these funny, stupid games together. therefore, you and i are equal, he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, all these wives were like trails, and he loved yulia, his last call was yulia, the earring was a real genius of children's television died in general at the age of genius, we need it certainly not enough, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1 on
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the first. on children's day, if there were no winter in the cities and villages, we would never recognize these cheerful days, yusy on the old tower, in this world everyone should, not to rush, not to get up, we are sailing in the winter, like on a brigine, troubles are forgotten.
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a city of large-scale projects, large avenues, especially for you we will show you how we can do this, you are wearing a suit, i am seeing a submarine for the first time in my life, the chefs who cook on submarines are real chefs, we are going back 300 million years, it’s incredibly cold, very beautiful,
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alexei leonov’s space odyssey, premiered on sunday on the first. maria
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vutina is with you again, this is the doll-heir of atuti, salome zarubishvili, the president of georgia, who for the first time sees a georgian, a person with georgian citizenship, only at the age of 8 , and as she sees it, a ballet troupe comes to soloma, a town in france , they go with their parents to watch, then again, she is fascinated georgian culture and decides from that moment. to become the president of georgia without having anything to do with the country, because her ancestors once abandoned their native country and fled to france, how can this be? nikolay, will i need your help to find out where the roots come from, how did she end up in france? yes, an interesting story, our respected expert on skype, arno, yes, arno, dropped the phrase that she is a typical menshevik, in fact,
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where the roots grow from, in general, roots. he didn’t escape from there straight away to paris, he escaped , a funny story about how he actually moved from after sovietization, he fled from there, and initially to istanbul, i heard this , but after the bolsheviks came to power there, istanbul to paris, he was interviewed by journalists from the agency, which was then called havas, they asked him two questions that interested them, what are you you know about the bolsheviks and... what could happen next, to which the following answer followed: i know a lot of things, everything happens. why, a report was sent to paris that we had found a great expert on bolshevism who could predict that
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what happens next, we have to take it, so he moved to paris, who else is an interesting relative there? this means that one more interesting thing to say about relatives, of course, is her cousin. but her cousin is the absolute antipode of herself, so let’s immediately look at her comment about russia. so, cousin myshvili. i gave my entire scientific life to getting closer to russia, i am a frenchwoman, but a frenchwoman with a russian heart. i love this country and i will say that the only thing that matters is for me it is to try to explain russia to the french. it’s quite unusual to hear this from zurabishvili’s cousin, who hates russia with every fiber of her soul. well, yes, but in fact, before us is an intellectual, a man who headed the french national academy of sciences, this is a man who in
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1978 wrote the book broken empire, in which she substantiated the upcoming collapse of the soviet union, for which, by the way, she was unlucky in our country to... may be found, so in this regard, of course, we have before us an absolute antipode, and uh, unlike salome, helen, yes, she always considered herself part of georgia, but equally considered herself part of russia,
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she always said that her soul was as georgian as russian, which we never heard from solome we won't hear. it’s interesting, but for solom it’s the other way around, she thinks that her soul is probably greater, not even how much european, british, you really were on the other leg. was, tell me, yes, well, what can i tell you, she loves this kind of impressiveness, she loves to show off in public, what kind of person are you? were there as a representative of the media, yeah, well, so what, the whole ceremony was at a fairly high level, there were serious expectations from it, the participation of the population, but personally, i mean , despite all this, you knew all this about relatives, about immigration. yes, they were waiting for something, yes, they were waiting for something, but personally, even then, i had a low opinion of salum zurabishvili, my expectations, unfortunately, were confirmed. yeah thanks. galina, i’ll switch to you. yes, maria, what catches
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our eye when we look at her is noted by literally everyone, a large number, bright, catchy, jewelry. here we now see crosses. this is also so surprising, that is, she is apparently trying to be. with expensive, large stones, large carats, unfortunately, i can’t say for sure from the photographs, but it’s all either made to look like antique jewelry, or she really has a lot of antique jewelry that she uses, but i want
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to draw your attention to one more thing: one moment, as i understand it, she is trying very hard to demonstrate that she belongs to some royal family, and noting the fact, that women in royal families always wear brooches, we see this now, i think she’s not... very puzzled by why this is done, what it is, because among aristocrats, brooches are nothing more than a secret language signs, that is, this is what you want to say as a person - well, in general, to your subjects, in this case, straw, of course, it looks very funny, because she uses large large brooches, she uses them without fail, the fact is that in protocol, business, political, modern, as if in the wardrobe of a woman politician, this is not at all necessary, and these are, to put it mildly, unpopular jewelry, they don’t say anything, but they are always flashy and huge and wild, to be honest, they are wild, yes, i absolutely agree with you, maria, that is, i tried to understand, to time them to some event when they put them on, no, it’s just... what else do i want to say,
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now i listened and thought, i also thought about this, who is she, a frenchwoman or georgian, judging by how diligently she tries she’s trying to demonstrate that she belongs specifically to georgia, but she ’s doing it poorly, but she’s not french either, you know, there is one version of the origin of the word freak, in russian the word, yes, that is, a person who is beyond the limits of a freak.
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with her grandfather, who came, but in general is she from a poor or rich family? from a rich family, because my grandfather had enough money, but not his own. many say that this is the money that he carefully took out of georgia, first to istanbul, to constantinople, then then i will transfer it all to the cash register, like you can call it whatever you want, today you are showing a huge number of brooches, and in france she is known as a very large collector of antiques, which even then she got, historians come with her, they sort out what kind of jewelry she has. to whom they belong, at one time even in monaco
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there was a small collection, including with her contribution, a collection of jewelry that once belonged to the house of the romanovs, so if we look carefully, is she georgian, no, of course, is she french she, no, of course, but her heart is where she is family, her family is in france, and her soul and heart are in the states, where there is a catholic christmas, not a georgian one, i don’t agree with you, i don’t agree at all, i’m sorry, look, that means about the family, she doesn’t have a family and she doesn’t give a damn about her family at all, the only person who is interesting is herself, a sheaf, an absolute sheaf, she cares only about herself, she always feels underestimated in herself, you know, that’s when they showed me this moment, with the inaugurations that what it's like, so i remember aladdin's magic lamp when uncle aladin got a lamp, he’s like, i’m there 300, i don’t know, there’s half a million years for them.
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salted in 2007, yes, when saakashvili dispersed all these large-scale protests against his power, and, if i’m not mistaken, it was our today’s heroine who tried to resolve these issues with the west, but it didn’t work out then, then later it didn’t work out with ivaneshvili, which is under american and british sanctions, so i fully admit that indeed, of course, he moved a person who was, well,
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had certain connections with the west, so that again , he had to resolve certain issues for himself, but he got a little carried away and in the end he didn’t succeed, but as for the actual... her connection with the west, that is, we mentioned that she spent a long time there in france, by the way , studied in science, this is such a forge of personnel for french politics, yes, which macron graduated from, and jacques cherak, and many others, then she worked there in the french media, and in a variety of directions, yes, as a representative in the usa, in chad, in nato, in the european union, that is, with everyone she managed to work in institutions, and also managed to study at columbia university in the united states of america, which is also an important story, because it was... at columbia university that she met sbigniew brzezinski, and this demiurge and american foreign policy of the second half xx century, yes, a man who at one time developed the concept of how to tear ukraine away from russia, from historical russia, well, by the way, brzezhinski had certain rather harsh comments character in relation to georgia in the early
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1990s, especially when he stated that georgia under no circumstances needed to return to normal relations with russia, because in his opinion russia would absorb georgia, well, somehow... then there is a need to understand that how the brzhizhinsky family really worked in the south caucasus, we know that one of brzhizhinsky’s sons, mark brzizhinsky, he is now the us ambassador to poland, and his second son, jan brzyzhinsky, works in the southern caucasus caucasus, these are armenia, azerbaijan, georgia, and is an expert on the south caucasus at the atlantic council atlanticians, an organization recognized in russia as one of the main nato think tanks. therefore , here, of course, we don’t need to exclude this connection either; i really absolutely agree that she has connections with the americans there. well then look, there, okay, she worked in all these institutions in france, yes, but she constantly invited french leaders to georgia, jacques chirac there, now she invites macron, but so is it really strongly represented, for example, french business is now in georgia, well , probably represented, but they are not trying to enter georgia very aggressively, as for example, they do with armenia, that’s
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what concerns the americans, the british, here it seems to me that you can imagine more of them, yes, you know, i want to pay a little attention to the psychological aspects, because... americans, when they play for a long time, those forces that place people, they first of all choose a person according to his psychotype, whether he is able to fulfill that decision, unpopular, which may be contrary to his inner nature, when it is planned for him, she is an expat, as they call them now, or a varyak, her task is to bury this country, she is not going to live there, now they will carry out, relatively speaking, let’s say, impeachment of her, she will go to france, she has goals. laganya is there, she is 72 years old, she is already, she is already thinking about how she will babysit her grandchildren, she is not going to live in georgia, so this is a person by psychotype who has no connection with georgia, there are no graves of her ancestors, there is nothing there, she just arrived manager, within the framework of a project, to work out some situation, today the oligarch
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ivanishvili was mentioned, here a person is taking a very serious risk, here is a man who threw away all his capital, and he is the richest man, he is included in 200. his task is to lead the country through this ocean in order to keep it from being plunged into war, because its task is to drag georgia into a military conflict with russia, its task is to weaken it either at the end of this year or at the beginning of the next, because the west understands that it is beginning to crumble . the whole situation in world, they are already taking actions that they would never have done before, direct threats, complete interference in internal affairs, which was previously unacceptable, so now, of course, this is a crossroads. but to a certain extent, in fact, she ’s even a little bit free, we don’t see her hysterics, she understands, well, now they’ll take me off, i ’ve worked out my contract, i’ll go
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back to my place as a legionnaire, nevertheless, we paid attention to interesting signs , signs that may not be obvious, that occurred during the time of zurabishvili’s inauguration, and by the way, similar things happened to other politicians whose fate... my name is mikhail rom, now i will invite you to star in my film, what is the picture of a chubby mabasan about, about a prostitute, yes, but you will play honestly in woman, excuse me, but why are they shaking us up like eggnog, they are setting the frame. guys, be quiet, she's falling out of the frame. no, this is not art. ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. do
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you like acting in films? how can anyone like this madhouse? gene sheaf. product of stellar group. montechoca cognac. product. stellar group romca product stellar group vodka pichora product stellar group vodka veda product stellar group on children's day in our studio the most talented people, do they recognize you on the street? everyone recognizes you right away, they say, can i hug you, can they kiss you, well, let me kiss you, 85
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-72 + 97, answer 215, what is the most unusual phobia, do you think, penterophobia, fear of mother-in-law, fear of someone, going out at night field because i can't sleep. it's very interesting what the war began in 1904, yes, during the russian-japanese war, and he was married on the fifth, well , yes, twice, i live in the city of donetsk, i want to become a world-famous pianist, you have to see the soul in a child, you have to see his heart and try it’s just that loving him so that he can be happy is bound by heaven alone.
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attention, says moscow, today is march 18 , 1965, a man went into outer space, did not understand what was wrong with the pressure, and we have two, are you all right? answer me, alexey, why are you silent, i’m ready to
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go out the airlock, i’m waiting for the command, what are you doing? you propose to leave them in orbit, soldiers have to die for the sake of the interests of their state, when i wake up, dad will already arrive, he will try very hard, lyosha, there is not enough air yet, lyosha! it's time for the first ones, on sunday at first, well, we'll see who wins, it will be hot. what where when. summer series of games. on sunday on the first.
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i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we convey hello everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, thank you very much. to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, it makes me happy, the health of loved ones, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i’m proud to her and i wish everyone to find their happiness in her, with you again.
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actually brought her into politics, it was the president of georgia, if we remember who saakashvili is not unknown to us, he is now imprisoned in georgia, in prison, when she came to power, it would seem that the person who installed her should be in favor, but no, she signs a number of pardons, but saakashvili is on this list. no, then the campaigns of european leaders are turned on, saying: release saakashvili. let's get a look. we would like to see the government take action to release former political leaders, in particular saakashvili, who is currently detained in poor health. we must take into account his health and solve the problem
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tensions among the population. mikheil saakashvili is a political prisoner. representatives of the republican party, you know, for me the republican party has always been the party of ronald reagan, the main idol of my life, and john mccain, my closest friend and many of you. i ask you, provide ukraine with help, please, please, do not abandon ukraine, this is very important, i beg you, the fate of georgia, saakashvili, the georgian does not
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care, he says:
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on the career side, her biography is very clearly visible, look, well, yes , here already they said that she graduated from the paris institute of political sciences, the colombian usa, of course, which means that it’s interesting that from 1974 to 1984, she worked in the french mission in italy and at the united nations organization, that is, she gained operational experience , then from eighty-four to eighty-eight, she was the first secretary of the french embassy in the usa, there she gained performing experience, then, today roman, in my opinion, yes, spoke about the fact that her chat was a business trip to the chat, colleagues, let's not underestimate the chat, in chad it was her practical test, very dramatic events were happening in chad at that moment, the fact is that it can be compared, you know, mini iraq, mini saddam hussein , that
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’s what happened there, there about the french leader hissan habré, who... participated in all these processes, she was in this country at that moment, i say this to the fact that she is never a diplomat, she is a revolutionist, she is a revolutionary in the bad sense of the word, she is a performer. further, whose performer is she? i think today we have all already come to this conclusion that she is a performer from the us side, because literally on the second day after she became president of the country after the elections, she stated that georgia’s key partner is the united states of america . is it any wonder in this regard? that she gives an interview against the backdrop of the statue of liberty and says that yes in this country, what should happen even using this etymology, the protests that are now they are coming, it doesn’t control them, they are controlled
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by the embassy in the usa, it cost from 60 to 90 million dollars, we see tracing paper of how it happened in ukraine, gas masks, this picture where three people are beating somewhere and 20 journalists are filming, here these flags that they wrapped on their backs, that’s all. regime, they understand that this is for free movement on a visa, visa-free youth is one of these, well, cornerstones, a certain freedom of movement to go somewhere for the summer, and not hit at these points, so this process is not now
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controls. galina, should i add? yes, i want to say, you know, i noticed another amazing touch to the portrait: the holy fathers of the orthodox church warn us in their writings, they write that if the soul-destroying passions, thoughts of a person, if you don’t fight them, sooner or later they will ... is reflected in a person’s appearance, on a person’s face, so in my opinion, salamon zurbishvili over the years looks more and more like another great lover of brooches, this is madeline albright, well, unlike albright, i think her career of course, it will end much faster if she leaves it, i hope that she will go into the dark abyss much faster and fall into oblivion too, i just wanted to ask, by the way, what are her prospects, the prospects, most importantly of georgia, will they be able to defend their country, yes molik, well, this is a good question. there will be parliamentary presidential elections in the fall, and she herself has already announced that, yes, she is not going to run, but will, as it were , become the face of this western-centric, westernized part of georgia, which as a matter of fact, they go to rallies, and
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you need to understand that indeed, of course , in any case, the georgian dream wins these elections, yes, but those who are now speaking out, holding rallies, they have no real chance of winning in the elections, then there is no way they can come to power through legitimate means; in fact, i think that this escalation of the situation is, to some extent, also a gesture of desperation.
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in europe, it’s as if they will be blocked from entering there and sending money back, it’s also kind of an unpleasant story that ivanishvili does, yes, what the georgian dream does, sends his prime minister hayrakl kabakhidze to europe, to hungary, a congress of american european right-wingers, that is, those people. who in europe and the usa opposes collective soros, that is, here it’s also interesting that they respond to all this in such an asymmetrical way, there they certainly understand and there’s some trump or marine lepen and so on, for them they are not allies, but situational as if the enemy of my enemy, my friend is quite possible, that’s why here, in my opinion, yes there i give such a cautious forecast, unless of course some kind of force majeure happens there, after all, really at the beginning of autumn all this will fizzle out and we will not see the ukrainian scenario in complete peace. sergei sergeevich, to add yours, you know, we... my interpretation, it will be similar, i agree with malik, but look, today i don’t see her as a revolutionary at all, the fact is that the personality factor is very important in any revolutions, the fact is that money can lead, but there must be
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big money, we see that money ends, but the threats continue, very strong, we also see that the threats have stopped working in georgia, but they worked before, and european integration, an absolutely identical topic, an identical copy, everything is the same, but another question arises: what will they get if the fact that if they completely fall under the united states of america, they will simply be another state and will not receive anything, none of today’s pro-western politicians said that you will... no, she does not control, she is the person on whom then they'll write it off there are certain problems and failures, and she has very big ambitions, but she now has a growth ceiling. she reached it and
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rested her head on this very ceiling, so i believe that august will be the last month when people take to the streets, and either the united states of america will go crazy and shed blood. the only thing they can do now is commit murder on camera. by the way, it’s interesting that we don’t believe in signs in general, however, during the inauguration of salma zarubeshvili, we noticed one small detail that was hidden from... the majority, but let's see, so, salomy, walking directly, having taken the oath, accompanied, as expected, here such a moment happens, her earring falls, and those are the very heavy ones earrings, antique ones, which she collects, she puts them on as a symbol of power, it’s uncomfortable here, and we decided to see what... else happened to
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politicians who had such, so to speak, situations during the inauguration, well, let’s remember , for example, at least yushchenko, when the dove did not want to fly, it was necessary to release the dove of peace, but it did not fly, let us remember, for example, poroshenko, who also had an unfortunate situation when a serviceman practically fell right during his inauguration, dropping his...
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for salome zurabishvili they definitely not foreshadowed. maria butina, the doll-successor of tute, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. for the fight for the work. vladimir putin awarded the heroes of the special operation, a hundred-year-old front-line soldier from dagestan, statesmen and famous artists.


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