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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 30, 2024 11:00pm-12:11am MSK

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faina, you will overshadow the great alice to such an extent that she will shake up the entire repertoire and pay you more money so that you don’t go on stage. oh, aina, shouldn’t we go to oracle about this? i would love to, vasily ivanovich, but i understand, i understand, i understand. food safety. statistics yes, we should rejoice here, not mourn. claims that the main cause of severe food poisoning is in ourselves. how to store it correctly?
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5 minutes before entering the shadow and 30 minutes i know i have life left if something didn’t happen it turned out that means what belyaev should have done?
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a space odyssey by alexei leonov. premiere on sunday on the first. happiness. this is home, these are loved ones, relatives. synonym for the word harmony. oh, this communication with children, their energy. i'm charging. it’s great that we are often confused; if someone sees us, everyone says: “oh, twins.” protect your children, raise them with dignity, honesty, nobility, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, always, always listen to each other, always understand, we are so we were raised to always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country. we love you, on alexei
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leonov’s ninetieth birthday. the americans are planning to go into outer space, our sunrise should fly earlier. unfinished products cannot fly into space. and you will try. i don't stick to assignments. i don't care. you are my partner. the risk of launching sunrise 2 with live people is too great. we are ready to take risks. attention, says moscow. today is march 18, 1965. human went into outer space. didn't understand. what about the pressure? and we have two, you have everything.
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answer me, alexey, why are you silent? zarya, i ’m ready to enter the airlock, i’m waiting for the command. are you suggesting that we leave them in orbit , the soldiers have to die for the sake of the interests of their state, when i wake up, dad will already arrive, he won’t try very hard. lyosha, there’s not enough air yet, lyosha! it's time for the first ones, on sunday at the first one, well, we'll see who wins, handsome, with all the proletarian hatred, in general, i'm actually a fan of this songs, i am.
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comrade kogan, hello, comrade may,
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i owe you a favor, i read an article about the theater, this is your profile, i understand you. the play suddenly became anti-soviet, but nothing has changed for me, um, nothing, nothing, we will still fight, i will turn to mlanacharska, alexander yakovich, the best you can do. now for myself and for the theater, it’s to change the posters and start rehearsing a new play. alisa georgievna, tell him. we all need to calm down and think one step ahead. where is this article, give it to me here. sasha. which one? exposure in all newspapers. do you know whose article i'm talking about? the play is devoid of the pathos
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of class anger. you should strive to improve your performance in literally every area. sorry, comrades, continue to improve your performance in all areas.
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i’m leaving with the red army theater, going on tour in the far east, pavel lentyevna promises unforgettable meetings with sailors, i don’t want you... let go, hello, faina, my vasya asked me to come
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to your workshop, he said it’s very important, okay . swiss mechanism that’s why we had to wait so long for the part, but now everything is in order, mine will be so happy, we all thought, the end of the family heirloom, after all , the revolution was with us, well, not all soviet systems were on the same path, tatyana nikolaevna, well, backwater. vasya, oh, the main part has arrived, very rare. hello. well, tatyana nikolaevna, will it fit your mechanism? faina georgievna. answer me
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as a woman, to a woman. will you star in my movie based on the script of two other talented women? no police, she's coming with us to dacha, wait, we'll ask the girl now, tell me, little one, do you want... to have your head torn off or go to the dacha? to the dacha, well done! lala, i'll arrest you! valentin, don't make me nervous! valentin, don't worry! tanechka, i have one question for you: my movie husband’s name is valentin, but is it possible that he should be called muliy, something personal is connected with this, my dad dreamed of giving me away...
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me, no, i don’t like the motive, that’s it you also have a pipe, citizen, this doesn’t suit you, i myself know what suits me, this is exactly what i need. yes, we'll take you her back. mulya, don't make me nervous.
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there are artists in your office, but what else,
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here’s a pipe, a pipe, give me a pipe, 2.54, no, i don’t like the tune. you also have a trumpet, citizen, this doesn’t suit you, i myself know what suits me, you remember, i remember, this is exactly what i need.
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yes, eyebrow, eyebrow, here, here.
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oh, when you hang them there, tell all the customers that this is my daughter, faina ranevskaya by marriage, that she plays the best in this picture, they can go see for themselves, here. right, right, thank you,
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worry, okay. “that’s right, i wanted you to study, for you to become an engineer, i wanted you to be smart, clean, rich, i wanted you to be happy, lazy, mom, don’t torture me, i can’t go back, well ok, then explain to me, engineer, why? my life has fallen, explain, because i’m not as literate as you, i myself can’t understand this. and i was afraid to let vasily ivanovich into the first showing, but i whined so much
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about the door that mikhail ich took pity, pity, and let me in. let's get really drunk, yelling, music turn it on, well, you're all for it, of course.
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a special analytical edition of the great game is on air, now we will talk with columbia university professor jeffrey sachs, professor sachs is a very famous economist, but in addition, he is an equally famous public figure, who, in my opinion, speaks very convincingly and authoritatively about today’s international relations, frankly speaking, about the significant difficulties that have arisen between russia and the united states, professor sachs, i am glad to welcome you, thank you very much for finding time, i already told you that you are now a real star of the first caliber in russia, your interview with tucker carlson was broadcast
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on almost all news channels and...
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the impression is created that it seems to them that they can do absolutely anything without fear consequences, the people of nato member countries understand that we are getting closer and closer to... a very dangerous line, we are getting closer and closer to a catastrophe, to a conflict for which there are no objective reasons or grounds, if
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you look at what is happening in nato, the usa , canada, great britain, germany, france, all other nato countries, there is not a single government that currently enjoys the support of the population in these countries. will the public in our countries be able to make their voice heard: we want peace, we don’t want war, we don’t want
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american missiles to strike deep into russian territory, this is an absolutely dangerous, irresponsible game, and yet there are several leaders member countries that are moving precisely in this direction, this is what danger on...
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they are doing something absolutely wrong and unattainable, the war that is now going on in ukraine began due to the fact that the united states insisted that its nato military bloc could spread anywhere, and specifically they wanted to encircle russia, that's what they 've been doing for the last 30 years, russian leaders, and i knew many of them, starting...
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we controlled ukraine, but we don't want you to also place your system, your missiles, and so on on the territory of ukraine. but there are no politicians in washington they don’t listen, but all the other countries, including brussels, all these capitals, they also listen to washington, they all followed his lead, followed this stupid idea.
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on the territory of russia with nato weapons, and nato secretary general en stoltenberg says the same thing, these are absolutely irresponsible statements, you rightly spoke about the drama,
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big. political drama, a big geopolitical drama, but in addition, there is also a human tragedy when the russian leadership thinks about the current situation, except for, well, if you want, big questions about where the world is going, what is happening with international security, in moscow they think, they are obliged to think about the tragedy that is happening in belgorod.
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people, and this is our reality over the past 60 years, we remember what happened during the caribbean crisis, the world was saved thanks to two people, or rather, no, i will say this, there were three people who saved the world during the caribbean crisis , these were president kennedy, nikita khrushchev, who then headed the soviet union. and there was one
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little-known man whose name was captain arkhipov, it was he who then decided not to use a nuclear torpedo, he was on board a nuclear submarine, there were people like nikita khrushchov and john kennedy, they were careful.
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and the world was literally on the verge of nuclear war. this is the situation we find ourselves in today and i am very afraid. i believe that the american leadership is now incapable of acting effectively.
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and the minister of foreign affairs of russia, sergei lavrov, behave in this case responsibly, balancedly, they say: there is no need to cross the red lines, i can’t how these people think that they are acting in the interests of their countries, now you have president macron on your screen, he made an absolutely irresponsible statement, nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, absolutely
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irresponsible statements, these people, don’t they understand, how dangerous the situation is now, there is no need to push the world towards a nuclear catastrophe, but the root of the problem... i already said what they see, that their policy did not work, they are trying to somehow save their face, and their policy was to weaken russia, and this policy was terrible a mistake from the very beginning, because russia was striving for peace, we could have had normal mutually respectful relations, but the united states refused, instead the united states prefers to dominate, that was the fundamental mistake, and this will not work, and because of this we are all. closer we are approaching a dangerous line, the art of diplomacy, therefore every day, to express ourselves very clearly, it is required , therefore you need to clearly understand what is happening every day, as soon as there is some
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opportunity, i appeal to everyone and explain to everyone: we do not have any then global there are objective reasons for this conflict, and ukraine is no better off. ukrainians are only dying during this conflict, so we need to take control of the situation, the american authorities need to think very hard about what they are doing, because their childhood is very dangerous, irresponsible and does not meet the interests of the american people, i naturally did not know president john kennedy, but i knew people who were then... in his office when all these decisions were discussed, people like george ball, polnitsa, whom, i am sure, you knew well, and they always emphasized in conversations with me that yes, indeed, you are right, there were different
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opinions on how to put pressure on the soviet union in this critical situation, but everyone agreed that the goal was limited, force khrushchev to be removed. missiles from cuba, there was no other broader strategic task, to inflict a widespread defeat on the soviet union, to undermine the power of nikita khrushchev, on the contrary, there was a desire to somehow find a formula so that this very complex situation could be resolved in mutually acceptable terms conditions, and there was an understanding, as i was told, that after...
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to have normal relations with the soviet union . and he understood that there was such a possibility with the union, even at the peak of the cold war, this is exactly what he strived for, and after the end of the caribbean crisis, he gave the most . he spoke at an american university on june 10, and he
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told the american people, we can have peace with the soviet union, with the soviet people - this is a wonderful country, they have a very rich culture, they have excellent science, high technology, we... with this country directly never fought, because naturally, the united states and the soviet union were allies in the second world war, and president kennedy very clearly outlined all this... and nikita khrushchev heard his speech and turned to the american ambassador in moscow and said: “so, i i want peace with your president." and then , literally a few weeks later, they signed an agreement on a partial ban on nuclear tests, because kennedy and khrushchev had developed a trusting relationship, even at the peak of the cold war, less than a year had passed since caribbean.
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when you need to choose either destruction or a humiliating defeat, because this would be a disaster for humanity, this is precisely the policy biden is pursuing today, he is trying to humiliate russia, he talks about the need to defeat russia , he uses destructive rhetoric, this is direct the opposite of what kennedy said. he warned those
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presidents who would come after him that it was necessary to find a way that would allow us to get out of this situation; we must not push the situation into corner, now what we see is that president biden needs to call putin and say, let’s sit down at the negotiating table, we need him to say, we were wrong, we... tried in vain to drive ukraine and georgia into nato. yes, we had such a plan: to surround you, to surround you in the black sea, it was a bad plan, we now understand how it was perceived on your part. we understand perfectly well that russia perceived this as a threat to its security. that's it, we want to stop. let's return to peace. and it is possible. and this is exactly what everyone needs today to the world. and we need all these european
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leaders who are constantly calling for war to stop fanning this fire of war, let's stop making these statements, dangerous statements, like now, remember, the leader of one of the baltic countries tweeted, russia est, russia must be destroyed. if some fool wrote this on twitter, fine, but if it’s a state leader who writes this, it’s just a disgrace, it’s absolutely unacceptable, the world won’t survive if people are, if politicians will behave this way, so the situation is very dangerous, get into the position of those who make decisions in russia, they agree with...
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if there are no negotiations, now they clearly see that along the entire front line, on the one hand, nato, with the other side is russia. and russian troops are achieving success along the entire front line, they are destroying the ukrainian-nato defenses, so they see the american approach collapsing before their eyes, this is not surprising to me, i
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told them about this from the very beginning, i told them from the very beginning them that they have nothing will come out, president obama needs to give him his due, he understood that there was no need to go this way, because he said that russia has, he called it escalatory dominance, he knew that russia would take this kind of thing very seriously, that's why obama said , there is no need to get involved in this, and biden, of course, is not as smart as obama, biden has weaker advisers than obama, and he does not fully understand the danger of this situation, that ’s why we are now in this situation, russia is advancing by... and russia will be so continue to act. russia says: we will create a sanitary zone. if you give us longer-range missiles, we will have to create an even larger sanitary zone. therefore, it is time for the american leadership
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to understand. if you lose, you don't have to raise your bets all the time.
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in uzbekistan, that nato countries need to think about russia’s capabilities, if necessary , to defend itself not only on the territory
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of ukraine, but also to take some measures against those who help ukraine carry out attacks on russia. this is a serious situation.
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i can tell you that i have heard very alarming signals from our leading scientists in the united states, they say that in their opinion washington understands the danger of what it is doing. yesterday the american authorities and representatives asked me to somehow try to convey the full danger of this situation.
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it’s not russia, the whole world is saying, first of all to the united states, stop the escalation, let’s not forget that the united states is now inciting war in three regions of the world, it’s not just ukraine, it’s ours. at the same time, a complete catastrophe occurs in gas, this whole operation, it is financed
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and provided with weapons from the united states, we have practically already started a war over taiwan-eastern asia and this, again, is due to the irresponsible actions of american politicians, they created exclusively around taiwan. a victim of american aggressive actions on the part of the united states, now exactly the same game is being played out in relation to taiwan, which is part of china, why on earth is the united states arming taiwan, stationing some troops there, why on earth are the leaders.
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should tell the us: behave responsibly, return to the negotiating table, refuse escalation. by the way, 62 years ago, when there was the cuban missile crisis, then secretary general won, utan, played a very important role in normalizing the situation. he supported both kennedy and khrushchev then.
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and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who was like, well, i’m
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20 years older than you, well, you and i are playing these games together now. funny, stupid, that’s why you and i are on equal terms, but he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, that’s all his wives were, as it were, picked up along the way, but he loved yulia, his last call was yulia. seryoshka was a real genius of children's television and died at the age of genius. we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, my childhood hero. june 1st. on the first. there's a big game on the air. and now we will talk with andrei valerievich kartopololov, colonel general kartopololov, in the recent past deputy minister of defense, now chairman of the committee state duma for defense. and general, i
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know you heard. my conversation with jeffrey was a very interesting, optimistic moment, if you like, closer to the end, what sachs heard, and you know, there was this one : the united states is going to this whole escalation, because their business is rotten in ukraine , because the ukrainian counter-offensive has failed, because the russian armed forces are moving forward, not always as quickly as desired. but true, reliable, in general, again, sachs was right when he said that few people in the united states today they believe in the possibility of a ukrainian victory, if so, then maybe we are exaggerating, maybe i personally am exaggerating when i talk about the dangers of unilateral nato escalation, when
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they seem to be acting almost in a fit of desperation. you are not exaggerating, there is no sign of despair in the actions of the west yet, this is a plan, it is being implemented, whether it is good or bad, well, only time will tell, but if they have accepted such a plan for themselves, they will implement it, the ultimate goal of this plan is - this is inflicting a strategic defeat on russia. the goal is absolutely absurd, unattainable, but for the current administration it is not clear that it is unattainable, and they have nowhere to go, they will carry out this plan, here ’s how to carry it out, they, in fact, do not have many levers left, so one of them is a continuation of escalation, an escalation
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of the situation, everything is getting tougher. rhetoric, including their european vassals, first of all, and you see how they are doing it very cunningly, they themselves seem to be, well, not so much that they are being too harsh, sorry for that expression, they give it to their subordinates, and they do not spare themselves in this impulse, but what washington is counting on is that, strictly speaking, all of europe... it will be the second strategic echelon in the fight against russia, they hope that things will not come to the strategic use of nuclear forces and mutual nuclear war; they will continue to try to strangle russia
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using land forces and more. conventional, that is, the use of conventional weapons, well, i’ll tell you, this a serious misconception, we’ve already tried it more than once, your interlocutor showed such a very good knowledge of history, including soviet history, well, they should also know that napoleon didn’t succeed, hitler didn’t succeed, those were more serious guys, well well, more active. intellectual in general, so they need to think, they really need to think now, what to do, because the further implementation of this plan will not lead to anything good, first of all for europe and ultimately for the united states itself. you know, it seems to me that you they said something very important, i would say, even central to our understanding of this problem, the central thing is that this is not
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a dispute about ukraine, of course.
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russia, or what remains of it, will have all strategic nuclear weapons and any nuclear weapons, and put the remaining armed forces completely under control of nuclear energy. at the same time, with everything, naturally, they receive unlimited access to all resources, natural and mineral wealth. countries, i tried to find precedents in history when a country, which was not defeated in order for it to be offered such conditions, but there is one
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example that i know of, this is the ultimatum that austria-hungary presented to serbia in 14, in 914, but serbia rejected this ultimatum, and russia. today we see in ukraine, and for the russian economy to survive in this way, and for russia to have the military results that failed attempts to isolate russia, and at the same time come to russia with such proposals, this only tells me that they are negotiating do not want. they don't want to they can’t, they can’t, why don’t they want to, we ’ve already discussed, but they can’t, because due to their intellectual
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inability, inability to predict, and most importantly, unwillingness to take care of the interests of their own people, their own people, that’s all the reason the fact that they cannot... sit down at the negotiating table, admit they are wrong, and, in general, find a way out of the current situation. you know, when we think about american presidents who were hostile to the soviet union, ronald reagan involuntarily comes to mind. i agree, frankly, his love for the soviet union and russia in general, well, let’s just say it was limited. i would also add harry trumpet here.
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he interrogated several sheets of paper and wrote a handwritten letter to whom do you think, leonid ilich brevnev, in which he said that, despite all our fundamental differences, we, of course, want the best for our peoples, for our families, we want world, and i constantly think that ladies should defend their interests, their...
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such, when he is in intensive care, this is about says a lot, later in eighty-three , after the incident rather.
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that it was necessary to take some extraordinary measures, and he found the possibility of a private channel and sent a signal to andropov, where he said that we are in no way thinking about a disarming strike, and although we definitely have serious disagreements, especially about this korean ill-fated plane, but nevertheless, i want and expect to work with you. interests of our two countries, why am i telling you all this, general, because the behavior of the biden administration unprecedented, they create the impression, not just that we have some serious disagreements there, they, as you say, the impression that, in general, they decided not to reckon with russia anymore, and either completely throw it to the sidelines of history, or, well, lead long, protracted and destructive struggle, so...
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no one in russia will flinch, and most importantly, they again just need to read history, because for a russian person, for a russian, the harder it is, the more understandable, we are used to it, we got used to it for generations, for centuries, it has never been easy in russia, and it was never easy for the soviet union, out of the entire history of russia, if there...
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there are ten years when russia did not fight with anyone, then this, this is very good, therefore trying to put pressure on us there, to put pressure on us, no, i repeat once again, it is useless, it is impossible to defeat russia, it is useless to try to break us, so let them do what they want, but the most important thing, i repeat, they are with this absolutely irresponsible conduct of politics, they do not endanger only all... no, they first of all endanger the existence of their own people and themselves, we go out for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes. it will be hot. what, where, when, summer series
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of games. on sunday on the first. general, what is your assessment of the situation on the ukrainian fronts? well, let's just say she's cautiously optimistic. we keep moving, we keep moving. in many directions, and i really agree with you, it may not always be what we would like, in depth, in pace offensive, but this is an offensive, there is another very important aspect - this is the increased, and seriously increased, losses of the armed forces of ukraine, they today fluctuate somewhere around two... thousand people per day, this is already
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a very serious factor, because it affects the stability of the entire defensive structure of ukraine as a whole, because with such pressure and with such losses, sooner or later something will break somewhere, and where something breaks, there these rates will be multiplied. depth, respectively, too will be sufficient to solve not tactical problems, but operational problems, but in this case it will be approximately a collapse, in general. in fact, in the entire ukrainian position, the current one, and of course - the main task is now to maintain the level of this pressure, to continue to maintain
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the momentum of the offensive, increasing it if possible, and most importantly - not to reduce the intensity of fire damage to the troops. in congress, regularly, the american congress held hearings where they invited various experts to talk about the capabilities of a potential adversary, that is, they did not rely only on internal analysis within the administration or the pentagon, but
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in general they wanted to listen to different points of view, this is no longer done, i have not heard it, at least not even i remember when it was. last time, there is an organization called the defense policy board, you know, it’s a council, it’s a part, an advisory body of the highest ministry of defense, a military political council, i spoke there a couple of times, and i was naturally, there was only the part where i performed myself, because everything else was a high level of secrecy. but what impressed me was that they again invited people with different points of view, and that there was a clash of opinions, i heard that nothing like that was being done now, that they seemed to have achieved their moral and political unity and did not want
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to bother themselves with analysis unpleasant opinions, well, let’s imagine that it would be possible for you to be invited as...


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