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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 31, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm MSK

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how do the intelligence services of america and great britain influence polish politicians? i think this interview will make a big splash in the western press, because the current, i repeat, polish judge, well, now he has already been deprived of his position, will tell the whole truth about what is happening there, well, the big question in poland itself is what kind of state this is, because there are now the most important russophobes there, who are trying to yap at us and yap as soon as possible, there once was a polish kingdom, in general they should bow down. alexander i, which gave them a lot of concessions, but poland does not change for the better or for the worse, this is its constancy. news on channel one. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery koravlev, in this issue. about the most massive attack on the crimean bridge, the situation at the general front.
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threats, important statements by the russian minister of defense at a meeting of the council of heads of military departments of the csto countries. to hit or not to hit, the pentagon confirmed, kiev is allowed to strike with american weapons on russian territory, only the appearance of a discussion in reality the west has been involved in this for a long time. guilty of 34 counts on all counts, the jury reached a verdict in the case of trump and the porn actress, but he does not intend to give up.
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statement by defense minister andrei belousov in almaat at a meeting of the council of heads of military departments of the csto countries. so, everything happened the night before yesterday. the kiev regime used 10 atacoms missiles, all of which were shot down. andrei belousov also reported that russian troops liberated 28 settlements in may. ukrainian fighters on the front line are suffering heavy losses. this month alone more than 3500 over military personnel.
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shells, hymers and vampire, over aircraft, over 250 jet eighty guided bombs, hamer, 50 operational-tactical atoms missiles and eight scalp cruise missiles, i want to report that literally the day before yesterday there was the most massive attack by ten atoms on the crimean bridge. with a flight time of less than 2
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minutes, all the missiles were shot down, resulting in hundreds of lives being saved. so, in may alone, hundreds of intercepted western missiles, guided aerial bombs, cruise missiles, this report against the background of the discussion in washington and brussels, does ukraine allow the use of nato weapons on our territory? farce, theater with not very convincing acting. the west has long been involved in such attacks, data. from satellites from intelligence, geolocation - direct involvement in kiev terror. foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova recalled that the ukrainian military cannot independently use western missile systems. their participation is limited to showing target on the map. and these goals, as a rule, are determined by the west. they must be aware there, zakharova added. russia is well aware of the role of nato countries in carrying out strikes, and they will have to answer for it. growing threats are one of the key ones. then, at a meeting
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of the council of defense ministers of the csto states , constant improvement of the forces of means is required. an exchange of views took place regarding the challenge. an agent recruited by the ukrainian security service was supposed to kill a serviceman of the black sea fleet. the saboteur first watched for our fighters, received money from the sbu for this. afterwards he was given the task of carrying out an explosion. he took the explosive device from the cache and installed it on a gas pipe in the entrance of the house where the military man lives.
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the suspect was caught on the spot and fully admitted his guilt. general mobilization in ukraine could lead to collapse in many areas, including industry. and even on public transport. in the kiev metro , due to staff shortages, they were forced to change the schedule. trains now run at increased intervals. well, the hunt is for conscripts are gaining momentum. ukrainian media write that security forces were ordered to detain even those who simply move to another region. and they are trying to force seventeen-year-old boys who are now abroad to return home to register. this cannot be done remotely. it became known earlier that already at that age.
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in the states, the jury returned a verdict to donald trump in the case of forgery of financial documents on the second attempt. the ex-president was found guilty of 34 counts. criminal offense. about payments to a porn star for silence about personal relationships , according to the prosecution, trump transferred the money in 2016 shortly before the presidential election, and spent it as legal expenses. the jury decided that he hid the payments so that voters would not turn away from him, that is, he illegally interfered with voting. the former
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owner of the white house is sure the case is fabricated. the biden administration is behind this and is trying to do harm. 4 days until the republican convention, where trump should be officially announced as a presidential candidate. russia reaffirmed its status one of the leading grain producers, domestic needs are completely covered and at the same time exports are growing. this was announced by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev at the all-russian
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forum in sochi. the creation of a grain exchange, the elimination of intermediaries in the world market and cooperation with friendly countries that directly buy russian products are also discussed.
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suffered, i know that replanting is underway in the affected regions, i’ll even say it’s almost completed, so i have high hopes. that the structure of areas will be generally observed, for today this allows us to maintain the forecast for grain production at... me at least 132 million tons. particular attention is paid to the employment of special operation veterans about important social programs, they say at vdnkh, where the final board of the ministry of labor and social protection is there. all the necessary conditions have been created in each region, and you can undergo free retraining. another important topic is the creation of a single window for providing federal support measures. it becomes even easier, more convenient for citizens to receive all the tools that exist, obviously here. a system of informing people about the benefits they are entitled to, well
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, first of all, about those life situations when there is neither time nor opportunity for paperwork; priority is given to supporting families with children, and the older generation, people with disabilities, caring for veterans, about their loved ones. by order of the president, a system of long-term care for citizens is operating throughout the country, but for now in pilot mode. the elderly actually depend on each of us at our workplace without any involvement the future of our country, what it will be like in 10, 20, 30 more years, but it is also important to understand that at the current moment this is not only increased responsibility, but very unique tasks that we have to solve, unique tasks, interesting tasks, which will require non-standard... approaches, new solutions. development of the arctic, improvement of living
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and working conditions, protection of unique nature, a big conversation in the arkhangelsk region, an all-russian forum opened there called the arctic, the ice has broken, young people have grown in number organizers, hundreds of people came from eighty regions of russia, there are foreign guests, participants planted trees as part of the memory garden campaign, toured the unique exhibition, searching for victory about the events of the great national program for many years. reactors, at the atommash enterprise, the rosatom state corporation, hundreds of highly qualified specialists, and not only men work with passion, especially today on their professional holiday, a report by yulia pogorelova, if before that training had just begun, and i only knew electrode and metal, everything was bigger. nothing, now i know manual dog welding, organ
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dog welding, semi-automatic welding, nastya is only 19, but for a whole year she has been working at one of the largest plants in the nuclear industry, atommashi, the rosatom state corporation, they willingly take such young people and eager to work under their wing, under the supervision of mentors, she comprehends the intricacies of welding, in which the main thing is not to rush, not to make sudden movements, the hand trembled slightly together with the connection, a defect, the so-called undercut, that's all. quality, here you stand on your knees and work with an angle grinder, all this dust, dirt, abrasive, smoke, but nastya, colleagues are sure, the work is up to the task even in such difficult conditions, so a guy meets you and says: “who do you work for?” , nastya, and you are his welder, he doesn’t run away, no at all, well, of course, everyone is surprised, why is he a welder, my parents are proud of this, they tell everyone, here we have a daughter, a welder, rosatom welders are putting together parts of nuclear reactors and paragenerators. these are highly qualified craftsmen with the highest ranks. nastya is still just learning, working with individual elements, honing
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her skills at the plant and at professional competitions, where rosatom sends young specialists. her results are excellent, which means she has every chance of becoming one of the best at the plant in the future. by the way, there are four hundred welders here, and only four of them are women, so to speak, individual specialists. we make lodgements, we make bases, this is what the steam generators stand on. steam generators, heat exchangers, parts of the reactor plant are classified as products first class safety, and therefore require high precision of all work performed, especially welding and connecting. this is how the most difficult stage of manufacturing a steam generator for the fourth unit of the seidopu nuclear power plant, which is being built in china according to a russian design, takes place at atamash. the most experienced welders weld the huge internal headers layer by layer to the main body of the steam generator. one shof is 14 layers of meta. slowly, slowly and slowly cook it. the strictest controls, controls and the quality of welding, let’s just say,
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the loads here are crazy, so this is one of the most important shows. this is the seventieth paragenerator produced by atommash, which became part of rosatom. since then, the company’s facilities have not been idle for a minute, fulfilling orders for the production of energy equipment for nuclear power plants being built around the world. specialists, including welders, have a lot of work to do, and they say this is an obvious plus. that's it, we are following the development of the event, and the information channel on the first will continue program, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues, we are working live, time will tell this program in the studio of ruslan astashka, alesya losyeva.


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