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tv   Ya delayu shag  1TV  May 31, 2024 9:45pm-11:56pm MSK

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objects of the national health project, it will accept small patients from different regions, and the technological level will allow it to cope with the most complex diagnoses, and much earlier than the originally planned deadlines. yulia pogorelova will tell you more. the new surgical building on the basis of the rostov regional children's hospital was supposed to be opened only at the end of next year, but they were able to do it now, all thanks to the national healthcare project, within the framework of which modern medical facilities are being built throughout the country, this building is essential.
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sovchan, the southern federal district, new regions, but all of russia. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova and health minister mikhail murashko came to the opening of the surgical complex. 56. m, 7 floors, 400 beds. ventilators are installed in the intensive care unit. each bed here has infusion stations. i would like to note that here are the beds that are equipped with scales. this is very important, you don’t need to lift the patient, weigh him, it gives a complex effect. the ability to respond in a timely manner and accordingly adjust therapy. nine super operating rooms are just getting ready to accept small patients, but doctors are assured of them, and are not ready to work miracles, eliminating a variety of pathologies from kidney stones to any malignant neoplasms. now the equipment in the operating room itself allows you to see a tumor, even the smallest one, and clearly determine the boundaries of the surgical intervention, and see a stereo image of the organ on which surgeons will have to focus. i think everything we had here, we waited all our lives, for what?
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the cost of the robot surgeon davinci. the human surgeon in this case becomes an operator, essentially a brain, remotely controlling four mechanical arms. such operations can last up to several hours without unnecessary burden for the doctor and the patient. they are also called bloodless. most importantly, this robot has additional degrees of freedom of the tool. that is, this tool rotates in a large number of planes. he has manipulators, one hand is the camera a. three hands are tools. please pay pay attention to these plastic panels on the ceiling in the shape of a rectangle. they are located just above the operating table, this is the so -called laminar system, essentially a ventilation system. not only does it maintain a special microclimate in the operating room, but it also disinfects the air from any bacteria with powerful streams. there are such modules in every operating unit. the center is brilliant and beautiful. and the technologies that are here. made
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implemented, this is the most high-tech that exists in the world. well, firstly, this is minimally invasive surgery, it the highest level of diagnostics, which generally exists in principle as x-ray, ultrasound, laboratory and much more. now, instead of 8.00 operations a year, they plan to do at least twice as many, helping such young patients. from the bottom of my heart i want to say thank you very much. that i stand in front of you and see this wonderful world, i love you and am proud of people like you? he loves. dima spent six of his nine years of life in a hospital bed. in 2018 , his parents learned of his diagnosis: acute, lymphoblastic lycosis, cancer of the hematopoietic system. all this time, the doctors of the department of pediatric oncology and hematology, led by karapet oslonyan, fought for him, and they succeeded. yulia pogorelova, sergetarev, surfiya khakimova, boris kamenov. and viktor
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grebnyakov, channel one, rostov region. young heroes, those who rushed to the rescue in emergency situations, saved lives, and fought back against criminals, received awards from the head of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, and from the ceremony , andrei goldrev. these shots went viral on the internet. midday, brother and little sister returning home from school, the girl is a little behind, a man in a baloklava runs up to her and tries to grab her, the brother reacts instantly, rushes after his sister, grabs her hand and... doesn’t let go anymore, when we reached that area over there, that’s when we left, i noticed an unknown man, then he followed us, then when we reached this place, he wanted to grab emilia like that, but didn’t grab him, he led her by the hand like that, eleven-year-old aslan literally tore his sister out of the hands of the kidnapper, a man he clearly did not expect such a rebuff, he immediately ran away, he was soon detained, on social networks people from all over the country appreciated the courage of the teenager, the boy did well...
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the head of the ministry of internal affairs also appreciated aslan’s action. on the eve of children's day , vladimir kolokoltsev awarded departmental certificates to 13 young heroes. the right to be proud that such caring and brave children are growing up in our country. in difficult circumstances , each of you needed to show courage and ingenuity, act confidently and accurately, and overcome doubts and fear. and you managed it do. as a result , serious crimes were prevented or solved, and most importantly, human lives were saved. for example, sixth-grader platon krasnov from the lpr discovered an unexploded shell during a walk. when the emergency services arrived, together with my father, they were on duty near the ammunition, he stood here so that, god forbid, no one would step on or touch this shell, i went and told the security guard, in the first place zakhar griznov saw how a robber armed with a knife burst into a grocery store, threatening the saleswoman , he i took the money from the cash register, standing here, i saw
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a man in the doorway, he began to run away, knowing that the store was a carry-out, i told my friend to go to the store, he ran around, i made him... in heat, criminal fell, the young man neutralized the attacker and handed it over to the police, as for a son, of course, yogna, but as for a man, how proud i am of him that he did this, someone should do this, if not our youth, the future that we leave after himself, then who will do it, so nikita ivanov from the krasnoyarsk territory saved a pensioner from fraud, he got a job as a courier in the first order nikita was asked to take money from an elderly woman and then deposit the bill through an atm, the young man immediately... realized that they were scammers and went to the police, because the money was someone else’s, it’s wrong, this not according to the law, but sixteen-year-old ilya helped return the savings of his neighbor, who was beaten up, he tracked down and independently detained the criminal, and then handed him over to the law enforcement officer, they are all ordinary guys,
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some are engaged in freestyle wrestling, others athletics, some playing the guitar, but everyone is united by one thing, they do not remain indifferent to the misfortune of others, i am sure that if... the exhibition opened today in the historical park russia my history. st. petersburg was the first after the capital to present its achievements in this format and scale. 10 modern thematic halls, created after the russia exhibition. they actually became
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its continuation. one of the first to inspect the exhibition was deputy prime minister dmitry chernoshenko and governor alexander beglov. on behalf of president. st. petersburg is the first among all the subjects of our country, now it is doing, in fact, the same exhibition of russia, international, only here in st. petersburg, it starts with my petersburg, assamich told me that there is an initiative to do it here in the capital of the western federal district, in essence, the same exhibition for subjects, which i’m sure... well, i didn’t want to wait until the eighth, because there’s a lot of material, there’s a lot to tell about our city, about the achievements of our city, and the achievements of our city -
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it is you, we are st. petersburg residents, residents of our city, everything that is presented here at the exhibition is the work, the work of our residents. $35 million plus just one day after a guilty verdict by a jury unprecedented in american history. donald trump's election fund has been replenished by donors who believe that the former president and candidate for a new term is being persecuted legally. the verdict does not mean a deadline, but it’s still interesting, what’s next? georgiy alisashvili figured it out. article one guilty, article two. live news channel presenters the jury's decision on each article of the charge was read out, and the main intrigue remained until the very end: would the jury recognize trump's actions as a criminal offense? the former president is accused of illegally concealing payments to porn star stormy daniels for silence.
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according to the prosecution, trump, through his lawyer, transferred money to his mistress and reflected the entire amount in the financial statements under the heading of lawyer's fees. with business papers, the amount of 130 thousand dollars does not lead to a prison term, but if the jury unanimously decided that trump committed deception in order hide or commit some other more... serious crime, then for this the judge could already impose a real term of imprisonment, and the worst possible scenario for trump has already been launched, video filming of the process is prohibited, but the few reporters who got into the courtroom noted , when it became clear that all 12 assessors found him guilty on all 34 counts, the ex-president ’s face changed. he blushed, frowned and looked distressed. in theory, the judge is right after. trump, however, he was released even without bail. the administration is behind this
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biden, who is trying to harm a political opponent. i guess it's just a shame. we will continue to fight until the very end, we will win, because our country is going to hell, we no longer have our old country. it is divided, turned into a mess. trump became the first us president to be found guilty of a criminal offense. the jury counted. then in 2016 he not only hid payments to a porn actress, let’s say, from his wife, but did this so that voters would not turn away from him, that is, illegally interfered in the elections, because the money from trump is the owner of a prestigious professional award, the best breast of 2009 was received just on the eve of the vote, the prosecutor was laconic, but clearly pleased with the verdict, i’m just doing my job, our job is to follow the facts fearlessly and impartially, the trumpists, by the way... . they don’t consider the district attorney in new york to be an elected position, and the main thing that alvin
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breck promised his voters was to get trump convicted. judge juan merchan is a staunch democrat, and his daughter is co-owner of a company that worked for joe biden. key witnesses, a porn actress and trump's ex-lawyer, have repeatedly contradicted themselves. none of this bothered the new york fimid. both the judge and the prosecutor were anti-trumpists. this is a gut punch. america must answer it. they slipped in a prostitute and a lawyer for a serial liar. this is crazy, this is not how we deal with our political opponents. are such staged trials possible in the courts of third world countries? biden's campaign called the verdict confirmation that everyone is equal before the law on the president's social networks immediately after the announcement, a recording appeared calling for sponsorship of his election campaign. there is only one way to keep trump out of the oval office: vote. according to the law, trump can do it even from behind bars. to run for president, the pro-democratic press had labeled him a criminal even before the judge’s verdict.
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it was once unthinkable that americans would elect a criminal as their leader, but trump's rebellious behavior is emboldening his supporters. the man who refused to accept his defeat in the elections 2020, is now trying to delegitimize the verdict, asserting the supremacy of its brute political force over the law. the maximum sentence in the trump case is 20 years in prison. conservatives straight. they call the process a settling of scores that undermines trust in the basic institutions of american government, free elections and an independent judiciary, if only because the case was tried in ultra-liberal new york, where the jury was initially biased against trump. democrats and republicans agreed that they don't do it that way, but joe biden has changed the game. i pray to god that trump wins the election and the first thing he does is instruct his department of justice to charge joe biden, who, as we know from special counsel robert hur, has criminal documents, and the only reason why, according to the crime, illegal possession of secrets
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, prosecutor biden was not charged, because he is an elderly man with a poor memory, it is unlikely that the jury will be persuaded to support the charge. well, let's check, maybe we'll be lucky if we collect jury in texas or mississippi. the secret service is already preparing protocols in case the former president has to be guarded in prison, but experts say they are unlikely to be useful, so most likely the judge will impose a fine, although it may be something like that. billionaire trump will have to file for bankruptcy. this won't stop trump. he will win the election unless he is killed. trump supporters are unlikely to be deterred by a court decision they consider biased, according to the ex-president since its announcement verdict, that is, in less than 24 hours. his campaign raised about $35 million for the election campaign, with most of the money coming not from representatives of big business, but from the money of ordinary americans. another thing is that in swing states, the outcome depends on them.
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candidate for president, now his participation in the ceremony is in question: the defendant may not face prison, here is a written undertaking not to leave the place, the appeal will take at least a year, so trump’s entire election campaign now... depends on humanity american court. georgy lisashvili, pavel nesterov, natalya labanova channel one usa. steersman bourbon is a product of the stellar group.
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manmencher whiskey is a product of the steller group. cnop gin, a stellar group product, montechoca cognac, a stellar group product, rum, castro, a stellar group product, pichora vodka, a stellar group product, veda vodka, a stellar group product, feeding the heat of pure passion, always an enthusiastic hero. was ready to sacrifice himself, and at the end of the last part the threshold that was worthy of good was always punished a wreath, for the poet’s anniversary, i remember, somewhere along a taiga stream i dropped it quietly, people,
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my homeland, but i can... answer, as if your voice, the earth came from the pines and from the wind, people, my homeland, i understood, wandering around the world, humanity, a family, but a family where there is no peace, you calm the planet, people, my homeland. who is noble in soul, and has his own religion, with him we do not have different homelands, people, my homeland, i was born again in you, you whisper, beloved, as a gift to our children, three words, people, my homeland.
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nothing, spore, good, belly. sir, sir, you disturb the peace, my direct your salutation, what, yes?
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come on, have a nice day, come on, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, run, bye. hello, do you know? i think i’ll still tell my mom about the pregnancy, i agree, it’s high time, hello, jay, hello,
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mommy, hello, hello, daughter, i have to tell you something. are you ready? something happened? no, no, everything is fine. we will have a child. so that's good. what's the deadline? 5
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months. how 5 months? so, why didn’t you tell me before? i'll become a grandmother. i, i ’ll go and make my father happy. and tell grandma. which grandma? i mean, mom, sonya’s grandmothers. you know that we don’t communicate with her. oh, hi. how's the weather in chicago? hello nick! congratulations! thank you! when will we have breakfast? now i 'll talk to my mom. you feed your husband, we ’ll talk about it later. mom, well, as i understand it, mom already knows? yes, all her life she dreamed of taking care of her grandchildren, you’re right. what else were they talking about? about my grandmother? didn't know you had a grandmother? yes, she remained in russia. i remember i went to her in the summer, there were big trees growing in the yard, when the trees were big, when vochevsky were brothers, you know, i grew up in an ordinary
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area, a new microdistrict, where all the trees were small, everything was gray and ugly and nothing, but now there are palm trees outside the window, the ocean, summer all year round, and not all this central russian crap, grandmothers was the sea, the black sea? my grandmother was preparing fish fish, she kicked me out into the street so that i wouldn’t disturb her, the house is in a chudul, smells throughout the whole block, you know, i want fish, no problem, our favorite restaurant serves amazing tuna, i invite you to dinner, no one understood, i want fish is fish, but fish and fish are the same thing,
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thank you, irin, you can go. thank you, tastes weird, boiled berries mixed with sugar. i tried that once at the russian trade
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atache dinner. some countries have really weird desserts. you know, i, i can't help it, ask you, um, your accent, are you russian? you got me, i'm a kgb agent. yeah, everybody tried to find me, i help trump to win it all. oh, did you? really shame on you, no, but uh, really, what are you? my parents came to this country from poland, so i'm polish, okay, what's a relief actually, mean the fact that you're not a russian, it's practically impossible to conduct business with them, yeah, i know what are you talking about, yeah, all right, let's get on with the project, waste your time here, we have uh, we have iri, or rather airen
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, think, work, that’s it, thank you, igor, the parcel has arrived, yes, i know, i’ll look later, thank you, where does prodina begin, my, good to you, today.
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four, five, i didn’t understand anything that i said, what should i do, you know, my visa is running out, and i urgently need get married because there is no visa, no green card, no green card, no pension, no pension, nothing to send to relatives there in armenia, 19, then i myself will have to return, and then you imagine, he will say, like this... .
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you’re an armenian, you’re an ara, they’re americans, they don’t care what vasgen thinks, they’re great, you understand, it ’s you who don’t understand, but i’m an armenian here, georgie, there i’m already an american, help me, now i’m here. i’ll find them, okay, i’ll try, but you’ll have to live with her for a month or two, for a while, maybe six months as a family, if i had to get married, i would have gotten married a long time ago, but why did you come to me, get married, you want to say that i owe this to some woman, yes, yes, you think that in migration services, fools sitting here, they see people like you from a kilometer away, do you know how many people want it? get
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a green card effectively get married, it won’t work, it won’t work, you’re not alive with a woman, but until the morning, you know, here too, consider it until the morning, just consider it the polar night, 2000, dear, of course, to you only mexican migrant workers will give themselves up. do you want me to bring a healthy, tanned, mustachioed mexican gastro worker to your house? but no, don’t you want it, don’t you want it, so it’s 20.00 and that’s just her money, without mine, maybe okay, 18, 20 thousand, goodbye, children, goodbye, here
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they are, so i found them, well, let's sit down, hello, hello, dad, hello, how are you, registration passed, control passed, that's it, i'm sitting, waiting, okay, when you arrive, don't go anywhere, okay, what are you doing, i'm already on airplanes don't be afraid i’ve flown more than yours, but have a good flight, dad, that’s it, come on, daughter, i say, i was talking to my daughter just now, i live in america, i left for los angeles, there are a lot of you there, you don’t understand anything, you smile, okay, what do we have, right? the first set of laws of ancient
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russia, prince laws russian truth beech yaroslav. that the author of russian truth, prince yaroslav, nicknamed the wise, yaroslav, that you were silent, as if you were not russian, that you are flying to your own people, to your own people, angola, cameroon, saratov, okay, seriously, okay, grandson is there, and i can imagine, only from photographs i saw everything in the photographs, 12 years old, yes, she is there, so the twenty-first century
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is outside, you can call there, no, this is not mine, all these technologies, i once, listen, tried to pay for a communal apartment, that means paying for it, well, on the internet, well, everything is fine, but... there is no queue, i don’t understand, so is it convenient, that there is no queue or what? you don’t understand anything in life, understand , there must always be some kind of queue, so that while you wait, you think three times whether you really need it or not, what are you waiting for, me, by the way, well, have a good trip, uncle vid, saratov, hello, na posaraan, let's how to cook kefilty fish, the skin is very carefully removed from the fish, bones and gills are removed , minced meat is made from the fillet and
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the skin is stuffed with it, then the fish is simmered on the fire for 5 hours, and it looks like this, as if it was prepared entirely, wonderful, cool, keep it, wow, you shouldn’t be doing that, very tasty, really, yeah. yul, okay
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, you’re my little cook, but he generally understands russian, understands, understands, he’s just not used to the fact that he can speak russian with someone other than us, normal language, and not this is your non-alcoholic version, look, pashka, here is steel, hvg,
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zlatoust, we still didn’t want the child, well, to play with weapons, what a child, our kid is 10 years old, gaidar is almost his age . guys, these are generally plants or animals, this is
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a shellfish, by the way, it is very good for the brain, well, as i understand it, you consume them regularly, dad, please stop, by the way, i tried and prepared, oh, mayonnaise, this is not mayonnaise. this is a low-calorie sauce, and mayonnaise is harmful, life in general is a harmful thing, dochan, give me this one. bye, this is amar, here you go, dad, it’s delicious, but there are no fried potatoes, oh, i can’t get it, oh, i didn’t go, little little amar. so,
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what kind of disco, no time, no time, no options, what happened, what’s going on, and i sat down. well, this word is absolutely superfluous, just
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next time you want to go to the toilet, just say stop, the main thing is to strictly tell him to listen to you, i haven’t talked to toilets yet, trump, trump, trump, is there no obama left?
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hi, my name is samantha. nice to meet you. george sent me. so, we met on the beach, you approached me and we had affair. what about you talking? i see you first time, that's what you're going to tell immigration. okay, where is the bedroom? here, come on, yeah, okay, we have to leave like a real. couple at least for one month, they can ask neighbors,
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they can watch us, so everything has to look real. okay, fine, uh, why i choose you, what i can't tell them, um, i have to ask you about that, um, maybe i like your soul, are you poet or something, okay? what do you think about me? guess i have f of here, really? yeah, mean, what else can it be? maybe good in bed. let's stick to that having fun thing. are you sleeping on the couch? no, yes, no, because i have neighbors, they don’t believe me. it's believable, you snore. good night. what
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a rich homeland we have, our russia, how many forests, fields, rivers, what kind of fur there was, the swedish king decided to attack us, alexander, our russian prince, was very young then, he was a little older than you. at the age of 19, he gathered his warriors and said: “brothers, we are few, but god is not in power, god is in truth.” and he collected prisoners... told them to join their europe and tell everyone who comes to us with a sword will die from the sword, after that alexander began
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to be called nevsky, alexander, this is the story we guys have, mrs. douth as an impression, thanks to everyone, you can be free, don’t forget your pens, mark, you forgot your pen, you bungler, what kind of militaristic fantasy is this? that our homeland has once again allowed the enemy to come to us, you must teach children to be tolerant and
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adequately relate to the challenges of our time, all conflict situations must be resolved specialists whose competence this includes, specialists.
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something in-law, sorry, i'm late, my car broke down, since you were 10 minutes late, i'm next now... i won't count it, yes, okay, and make sure no one disturbs me, i have an important phone call , ah, mother, come on, hello, madbukha, ladkes, hut, it’s very difficult to make a choice when not a word is clear at all, here’s folafel, here’s folafel, i know, honey, you don’t have to choose anything, we came for the fish, only me i never understood what was wrong with the previous restaurant, they were wrong jews, i am ashkinazi, and they are sephardim, they
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do circumcision somehow differently, they have no worse gefiltfish. you know, grandma tasted better.
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of course, i understand everything, but this is too much, forgive me, please, something is wrong, everything is
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wrong, well...
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there is, but what is it? it’s such a canoe, you take it, pour it into a bottle, then pour some water on top, close it, okay, it doesn’t matter, oh, drag it here, two bolts and a nut, why, well, let’s make a scarecrow, but what is it? this is breakfast, this is not breakfast, this is breakfast, coffee,
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no caffeine. no gluten, no sugar, no gmos, no carcinogens, but eat whatever happens, you don't eat meat, why not i'm not? karen, i am cook meat for you. okay,
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bam, if you want a barbecue, we should have just bought a grill, i want to cook meat, it look like you trying to burn us down, who cooks like that, every normal person, don't yell at me, do you want neighbors to hear us and report to immigration? let's get some food,
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do you want tie chinese, maybe italian? are you cooking tight? why cook if you can order? oh, you don't cook, are you even a woman? uh, how does cooking define me as a woman? look, here in the nut i trimmed a gray one with a match, yes, we tighten it, scarecrow, and it’s
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safe, well, in my time. the boys would have pulled your eyes on your butt for these words, they would have told you that you were the last to watch, who is a coward, come on, well, grandpa is nearby, the battery, the fire, where, this is dad’s car, dad, you’re all right , but we’re fine, but you’re not so good, what? this is the country, yes rum, and what’s wrong with my car, well, someone was playing around with a ricochet, yes yes, well, here’s a child he won’t lie, i think it’s newman igor, for some reason he’s rubbing, rubbing, rubbing himself near the car, why are you, let me fix
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your car for you, why have you really created a whole tragedy? well, well, i remember, you know, i remember very well when my mother worked three jobs so as not to have to buy a penalty for school, which i wanted, and the bullies are all yours, i remember very well, don’t worry, i remember everything perfectly, i know, i’ll tell you this, i won’t just work all day, i’ll also
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work all night, because i want, for my child to grow up. and i didn’t remember any of this, i knew it, i shouldn’t have come, but there’s no mutual understanding between us, but you know, dad, i’m glad you came. “i understand that you probably still haven’t forgiven me for leaving, yes, but look what i’ve achieved, i have a great job, a beautiful house, i’m happy here, but there are different rules here, don’t try to establish your own, daughter , well, what are
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the rules here, well, who, who will tell a child about a normal life about his homeland, dad, he’s an american, this is his homeland, come to terms with it, the country is here, the homeland is there.
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in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk. tomorrow on the first. but this is additional, it's not in our contract. yeah, this is what the client wants, he had changes, there are either plans or conditions. look, this is a force measure, it'll be paid for. we drafted the agreement already. okay, we deal with it. how much time do i have for all this? all right, here's the thing, we need these changes done by midnight. what, what? mike, it's impossible. look, sorry buddy, there is nothing i can do about it. look, it should be on the uh client's desk in the morning. all right,
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he'll have a general contractor there to sign off. look, i know these are extraordinary circumstances, but we pay for it, and the pay is good, right? so, uh, i can count on you, right, buddy? yes, for sure. yeah, there are not raster graphics, there is a vector curve, you need another program, why is the project
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made in vector graphics format, well , such a special program, even the king won’t help here, but can you at least open it? i'm trying, there's an hour and a half left until midnight, it’s here, phoenix is ​​an hour apart from us, so there’s only half left, damn it, i knew it was unrealistic, igor, jason, come on, no one hears, and you rub for another 20 minutes, otherwise a stain will appear, that’s it , ready,
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i sent all the options in six colors, so that the customer has the opportunity to choose, but where do you all come from? well, well, i graduated from the faculty of graphics and design, then worked for 12 years in my specialty, but why were you silent, unfortunately, here my diploma is just a piece of paper, come on, yes, well, i’ll go, yes, of course, and irina, you have a day off tomorrow, thank you, goodbye, goodbye. hello, igor valerievich, good afternoon, good,
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someone from moscow is bothering you from the sixth hospital, tell me, novikova valeria semyonovna, your mother, mine, unfortunately, she died, please accept our condolences. hello, igor, i still haven’t learned how to use this, but i’m more used to writing, and i won’t distract you from your work. you wonder how time will be, how you are there, i’m very worried about you, you say, you have palm trees growing there, but i’m still afraid that you’re freezing, socks i knitted it, write if it’s the right size,
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i also found your old player, you never parted with it before, i’m very proud of you , i miss you, kisses, mom!
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long happy, then any woman can be re-educated, if you need it, i will give you literature, just not now, please, yes, hello, i urgently need to fly to russia, who is this? igor, how can i help by giving you money? i have an american passport, i need a visa to russia. listen, no, no, no, it’s impossible, you won’t be leaving in 5-6 at the earliest, no one can do it for you faster, sorry. what's the rush? mom died.
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“okay, i, i’ll try, i’m tired, i want to sleep, comeon, yul, give me 5 minutes. okay, i’m here now, hello, zhor, what hello? good night,
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zhor, you can get everything, right? that's right, why did you all think that i do this at night? i really need you to get me gefil tefizh, properly prepared for a special connoisseur. and what is this? and this is a jewish dish, stuffed fish in los-. angeles. the jews are over, i don’t know, zhor, well, right now , no, no, no, tomorrow, tomorrow okay, well. that is, tomorrow it’s possible, yes, yes, yes, just tell me, it’s possible, yes, tomorrow, thank you, zhor, i’m so grateful to you, you’re saving my brother, it’s hot. passport, all documents,
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everything neat, ticket at the end, departure in an hour, no need. well, no need, mom, hurry up.
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hello, good morning, can i speak her to paul's parents, sorry, yeah, english doesn't really understand, go away, you're probably paul's grandfather, opana, russian, zemlya, no, i'm a teacher from the sunday school where pavel studies, so- did something wrong, don’t worry, well, today i’m in his class i took this away, but what can’t be done, is this your first time in america? i roughly understand where he got it from, it’s impossible, we can’t, hide it, please, goodbye, this, this, maybe 50 each, i mean, no, what are you saying, it’s a working
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day, i don’t drink at work , i don’t drink at all, he drinks a lot of philimons. from the fourth house, well, you don’t know, that’s not what we’re talking about now, we’re there to clean the blood vessels, well, as they say, for this, for a healthy lifestyle, then, well, i began to forget how convincing my compatriots were when want drink, vitya, georgy. zhora, zhora, let's go, no need to wipe it, now
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i'm checking this thing, let's go. let's be healthy,
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oh, so there's a knife there, this is a weapon, this is, yes, a weapon, militarism. it’s not allowed here, it’s not allowed, shootings in schools are allowed once a month, it’s possible, pacifists, damn it, yes, what else did i notice, if i haven’t noticed, the supervisory authorities could send a commission to check how a child lives in a family, here it’s easy they could have taken pavel away from his family, but how could they take it, here they could easily go to another one. boarding school is easier than this steamed turnip, turnip, no, you need to wash it down, how to take it, how to take it, well, something,
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bless you, take it. pick up that i’m undressing, why, zhorka, zhorka, i’ll take off my jacket, you can, but the jacket, the jacket.
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gosha, nikolai, how is the weather there? george daughter, dad, oh, good evening, hello, oh, hello, good afternoon, good afternoon, i 'm leaving already, i have a lot, a lot of things to do, something.
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yes, come on, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, so what, without a snack? well, if it's our first date, why don't you
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tell me about some something about yourself? okay, but you first, okay, fine, um, i was born in nebraska and i worked here and there and... the bar, um, but then i've got this, this burning desire for something new, i want to change my dreams, i didn't want to be one of those 90 year olds who you know regret about everything, so i moved here too late, and now i'm an actress, oh yes, i see you, i see you sir . i didn't know that you're fan of detergent commercials, no, i leave alone and
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my tv is always on, yeah, it was big, it's a national, and then i worked in theater, how warm in nebraska, it's warm, and ask a...
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when i was a little boy with my father we go to sevan, look lots of water and sea, my father is love and say now, it's a lake, but it's a large lake and so beautiful lake, it sounds beautiful. but i asked you to tell me about yourself, not about armenia, but how i
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can tell about me and... 'don't tell about my motherland, you know somewhere you break up with someone, you forget, you can't break up with motherland, that's why you are marrying me for papers so you can stay here'. you don't understand, sure. are you julia? hello, we're waiting for you,
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the trade of our restaurant is that our guests can cook any dish, they can do it by themselves or under the supervision of the chefs. your place is in the auditorium, i just thought that scales, scales should not be thrown away, we will soon need them, why? georgy said that you are a connoisseur, did he mislead me? no, what are you, georgy? so please sit down and don’t ask stupid questions, what a beauty you are, we need a saucepan, we have one, hello,
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hello, hello, and you, i'm leva, and george. he told me that you are looking for a person who will cook a real fish, here i am in front of you, i will open from the age of 5, like mozart, only mozart created at the harpsichord, and i at the plate fish, my signature work, so excuse me, who is this young man pale with a burning gaze, this is leva, she didn’t say that we would be together, baby, if i were you, i would call georgiy and ask, he took this dude, this is not even witty, the young man is going to bake, and you will forgive me generously, i am the uncle of salt from zhory, hello,
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and come in, keep going, baby, it’s not hard, i... i see a whole bunch of kagal gathered here, ready to strike, what, what? yes, may you be healthy, thank you, sorry, hello, nick, are you here? yes, he came, they came, he’s cooking, yes, he’s cooking, the fache adds sugar, i see you’re about to prepare dessert. minced meat adds salt and pepper. nick there are three of them, that’s how it should have been. minced meat adds sugar, salt, and pepper. how do you know what is added there? well, zhora said that he would send the right people, these are his friends. it seemed to me that they didn't very similar to friends. you took a small fish too. and her eyes. one is cloudy,
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the other is red. she saw you and brightened up. what difference does it make, they will cook your fish for you and everyone will leave. our cutlet with a bun, what are you doing there, what, don’t look back, here’s a girl, mia, nothing
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like that, pretty, grandpa approves. does that mean you don’t know how to hitch up, who to hitch up? that you can’t sleep in the dead of night, why in the dead of night? well, that’s what they say, who can’t sleep on a dead night and there’s an echo, it doesn’t matter, you’re worried about this, what’s her name, meya, business, but come on this, she’s going to school tomorrow, and i ’m going to attack her, what are you, i... i’m with your grandmother, i met her like this, i made an agreement with vitka trykov, that’s why i drove up, here
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i appear so, these are his boss, and she immediately fell for me, verka, and no, in our time this won’t work, you don’t have some kind of romanticism, you know, no, i understand, i’m there, i’m with ... old, i don’t understand it, i don’t access the internet at all, i can’t spin a spinner very well, but just trust me, well, trust me, these are the girls, they were with me, this is them now they are exactly the same, but nothing has changed at all, but we tripped them there, pulled their pigtails, because there was no one to explain something to us, and you have me, so you catch me, you. .. use it, you listen to me, just come to her, just like that, i like you, i want to be friends with you, damn, i think it’s a bad idea that
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the kid, bzdyum, yes, shit in his pants, bottom, look , doesn’t hold, well, grandpa, it’s all your business, you’re young, what are you doing? love, daughter, hello, i bought some overalls, mom, for home, for newborns for three months, for six to nine, you know, i bought a neutral color so that it would suit both a boy and a girl, something happened, give me the phone number of grandma, which grandma, grandma sonya. “you know that we don’t communicate, but i’m not forcing you, give me your grandmother’s phone number, but that’s not the point, she was against our leaving, she said that if we leave,
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she would never talk to us again, and she didn’t talked to you again, will never talk to you, i just don’t want you to be upset, is it hard for you to give me grandma’s number, why do you need it, well, you live here, you have a nickname, you feel good here, okay?” and did you ever ask where i feel good, what i want, they loaded it in like a suitcase, you were little, you’re okay i didn’t understand, but maybe the happiest time of my entire life was in the summer on the black sea with my grandmother
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hello, hello, hello, who is this, grandma, hello, it’s me, yulia, well, yulia, your granddaughter from los angeles? , yulenka, my baby, grandma, i miss you very much, your trees near your house, yours.
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ry, remember, when we went to the sea, you bought me fruit, my mother said that you would die, but you didn’t care!” “a song about a tree, remember, you sang it to me before bed, a field of trees, one, sad tomica . birds scattered from its light long ago, some to the east, some to the west, some succumbed to the klug, throwing it into the tree, to all the winds of it, that’s what the mother of my soul is,
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because i love baby, i just read that some couples get dogs, they can take care of them and that brings them together, like why is this stroller? because it's a baby, look at her, i love dogs, mean i'm not ready for kids yet, but i still want to feel like i'm a mother, you know, mother,
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literally good and faithful comrades living next door, or maybe it starts with that the songs that namas sang, from the fact that in any trials, i didn’t do everything to anyone, i don’t help anything, everything starts,
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it’s not about her, it’s not about her, it’s not about me, it’s not about money, it’s about you, you are not american, and i am not american, but you are no longer american, you are armenian, just an old, russian, armenian, and what should i do? go home go home to
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to people who understand you, whom you understand, goodbye, children, goodbye! so that’s where they are, and i’m looking all over the school. why so many people? parent's day, and paul, for now, you show grandpa everything here, and i 'll go with the teachers, we'll talk about your successes, yeah, i'll be there soon, interesting, oh, yours, yours, yours
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, come on, what are you, such a chance, well grandfather, let's put our pants down again, come on, come on, come on!
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where are you going home, grandmothers, yulia, or maybe from this fish already, and i understand that pregnant girls have their own whims, but reasonable whims, yul, they don’t come back home because of the fish, yul, yul, is that true? you don’t understand, i really don’t understand.
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hello, igor valerievich, hello, come in. thank you. and we lost you. you
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don’t answer the phone, you haven’t been in the office for a long time. we had to go to moscow. would you like some tea? yes. thank you. igor, everything is definitely fine with you, she died.
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come, well, we're waiting, we'll come, that's it, we're waiting for you on thanksgiving day, we'll celebrate in our own way, igor, come, okay, and igor, well, madam, i hope. let's probably do it without me this time,
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zhora, i’ll curse you, seriously, i say, i’ll curse you, zhora, okay, yes, it’s me, with you. worker, always, oh, nicky dan, ah, help, please, if you're not in a hurry, of course, oops, thank you, where was i going, i'm chasing my love, oh, where is yours, she's chasing fish, in general, dear, remember, a woman comes and goes, but her health is not restored, i will have to tell her about this. experience of life, oops, here we go, so, here’s
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the suitability of the armenian nose, it ’s just open space, but here and there it turns out, it’s a very task to throw it up, yeah, if it falls like that so, so rub it, bash, if it’s like this. my grandmother cooked these when i was little, you know, so thin, fragrant,
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just like this, my mother also tried to cook, but of course she couldn’t, these are only grandmother’s lengths, let me have mine, well done, well done, like this, something is wrong, well done, and now i, come on, i understand, so, is this countable or not? of course it didn’t count, it fell, just like this tank didn’t count, you see, it stood up and didn’t fall, oh, it didn’t fall, that means it didn’t count. listen to your mother,
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everything is in order, grandfather, and you won’t mind, what if we come to visit you? neschitova is still early, yeah, i decided, i’ll leave, you were right, you know. melancholy is sad, you know that the word melancholy is only in
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russian, yes, they have sadness, sadness, but melancholy is only ours, why are you going with me, i can’t go there yet. and then there is no one there, there is no one left, no one, but here, and here you are, my home is far away, it is not far away and not across the river, it is dark all around, and i look at the sky as if through a window. my thoughts are far away, it’s not
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far off, not yet in sight, it’s dark all around, but i look and see.
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yul, i love you, i'll fly next tomorrow flight, yul, yul, i really want to meet your grandmother, i really want to eat this fish, fish, do you hear, tell it to your grandmother! thank you for your granddaughter, it’s hot, well, you can get everything, how can you organize a good fireworks display, oh my god, why do you need
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fireworks, what kind of fireworks, how boring, what kind of holiday would it be without fireworks, what a fancy way to go, what? that’s the kind of people we are, but we left russia, but she’s not one of us, and the heat won’t go away, you return to your homeland, well, look around, who else needs you. it's good that there's no one to blame, how good it is that you are not bound by anyone, how good it is that no one in the world is obliged to love you to death, how good it is to rush home to your homeland,
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to catch yourself in unrevealed words, to suddenly understand how slow the soul is. take care of new changes, where the homeland begins, from the picture in your letter, pretty betas giving, we are learning together. well, well, grandma, how i love you, thank you, grandfather, pavluha!
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arrived, but i promised, the boy said, the boy did, 'i see you already cl the deal behind my back with my business partner and my wife, sure, you told me she's our boss, yeah, that's true, in my country, wife is always a bus,
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guys, um, i'm really excited about our future collaboration, we french people are very strong in business, and i know for sure that polish people to right'. we didn't know, we're russians. poet. my friend, let’s dedicate our souls to our homeland
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with wonderful impulses. man went into outer space on the nineteenth. march, at 12:02 moscow time, the spacecraft, voskhod 2 landed safely, comrades belyaev and leonov are feeling well, and we are leaving plane, sergei pavlovich and yura gagaririn are walking towards them. the whole state commission, then they, we go to them, they suddenly stopped and started laughing, we also stopped and went in
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the opposite direction, but where they ran towards us they started throwing us up.
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in 1967, by government decision, i was appointed head of the lunar program and commander of the first crew. i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to the moon with oleg makarov, during these 3 years i worked out the control system for the lunar ship with the second escape velocity at overloads up to 14, there 10 maximum here 14g, to understand the aircraft, the superplane su-27 under overload. 12 is destroyed, and man 14, 196 rotations on a centrifuge,
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there is no such idiot in the world, how much of all this i have, it comes out, here these petechs are an exact hemorrhage on the border with the lodgement, well, they are on soft tissues, on the lungs, on in my head. into orbit, one person had to remain in the ship, the second one was supposed to land on the moon, so dad had to be this
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person, and he had to be ready for this pre-lunar mission, which was extremely difficult in terrestrial conditions, because he trained with the windows drawn up, that is, he had to descend to a certain height from a certain height with the windows closed, and the windows were opened at an altitude of 30-40 m so that he could land safely, and if it were possible to implement this program, he would implement it 100% under any conditions, he would lurk. whether it would be possible to get up later or not is unknown, but at that moment i thought: and that if my dad had flown, landed on the moon, then he wouldn’t have been able to get up, he would have remained on the moon, i would have howled at the moon all my life, because my father died there, the body of the descent module
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is made of aluminum alloy. its bell-shaped shell is welded from a cylindrical iconic shell and a bottom hemisphere. we left already at the politburo, let's fly, it was hard, there was no orbital compartment, the descent module had to sit for 7 days together, but it was all worth the candle. sergei pavlovich korolev was not there, he died, and the new chief designer, vasily pavlovich mishin. he is a brilliant performer, but he is not an organizer and he is not a person who could make risky decisions, but here you have to take risks, so we had the opportunity to fly around the moon six months before america, the americans then took the lead, dad spent 3 years preparing for this program ,
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it’s a shame, it’s a shame, it’s a shame for the state, for... that is, half the globe directly saw this image, i’m very sorry for our american colleagues, because there are rumors that they didn’t land on the moon, unfortunately are taking place today not only in russia, but all over the world, it’s incredibly offensive,
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videos are circulating on the internet now proving that i... the americans weren’t on the moon, there were soviet specialists, including my cosmonaut dad, everyone was in the center flight control watched the moments of approaching the moon and landing on the moon live, and the moment they were on the moon was, in principle, broadcast to the whole world, except for the soviet union and china. when the 80th anniversary of the kubrick was celebrated, journalists... came to my wife they asked her to tell how he worked on the film, he worked very hard, he filmed all this in hollywood, she said, but it’s clear that there was additional shooting, here’s how to film the ship, he sat down, who from the outside will film
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him, how he sat down, it means that it just had to be filmed... when i see these shots, i am filled with such pride, because the heroes were known, the heroes were valued, the heroes were loved, the heroes were looked up to, but this is the situation, it still has a downside, because closeness to
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power, it is often very dangerous, heroes. they enter the kremlin following the general secretary’s car, and then a man in a police uniform comes out of the crowd and starts shooting point-blank with both hands. dad survived completely miraculously, because he instinctively turned his head away when he was flying, one of the bullets flew past, which just hit the driver, the second flew past, just whizzed past his temple. one bullet hit the chanel, but didn’t hit dad, just a chanel, and then i saw this chanel with such a notch, a puri flying in and... and the glass broke, my dad got shrapnel in his eyes, and he was sitting at the reception, then at the government office, well, of course, they washed him there, but he sat there, squinted, his eyes were hurting, and leonida ilyevich came up to his dad and said:
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alexey, i’m sorry, but you know, they didn’t shoot at you, they shot at me, just like that it turned out that the story continued, this man named ilyin, naturally he was then captured, he was placed in... a psychiatric hospital, but some years later he was examined as a mentally normal person, and he found the opportunity to come to the star city and ask forgiveness at my father’s, my dad met with him, he talked to him and said: “you don’t ask for forgiveness from me, you ask for forgiveness from the widow driver who was left alone with two children, well here he also said, sorry alexey arkhipovich, i’m not in shot you, i shot at leonid ilyech, to which i said, but he says, why does he say, well , he’s a usurper, he says, no, he’s not a usurper, i know that was the phrase,
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we lived in the same community, in... in natasha dobrovolskaya, she was my best person, i spent my entire childhood with friend, we were very good friends, went to pioneer camps, lyudmila timofeevna volunteer taught mathematics at our school, in general, no one disappeared anywhere, no one hated anyone, everyone understood everything, space is a great risk, yes, it is a great goal, this is a great... victory, but exactly the same amount from the opposite scale, this is a colossal risk, this is life, death, this is courage, cowardice, this is joy, sadness from
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the fact that maybe something did not work out, did not happen, because this it’s no secret that some flights were not so successful. the crew of the soyuz-11 spacecraft is ready for launch. crew commander, lieutenant colonel dobrovolsky. your flight on the soyuz 11 ship is cleared, i wish you a happy flight and successful completion of the task assigned to you. this is a terrible tragedy, this is what happened. i started working on orbital stations.
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the first commander, i go to the station, 3 days before the launch he begins to do x-ray examinations for us, my flight engineer was diagnosed with a real cavity on the lungs, pulmonary tuberculosis, which means 2 weeks ago everything was good, but here, and he and i live in the same room, we drink water from the same glass, so they gave it to me right away...
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the state commission is changing the crew completely, rightly, of course, because it is unknown what condition kubasov is in, what will happen to me, but the crew was changed. they flew instead of us,
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the volunteer fsai wolves. the soyuz 11 ship launched from the vastness of space. the next day, news of a new outstanding achievement of soviet science and technology spread throughout the world. docking of the soyuz 11 spacecraft.
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i say: close the breathing valves write everywhere in red pencil, open after the introduction of parachute systems, but that’s what i thought, the instructions said right away so that they wouldn’t suffocate, well, because they were so negative, they didn’t listen to me, they did it as in the instructions , they did it right, not the way i wanted. but the way i wanted, they would be alive, as kosya feaktistov said, when he left, he studied these materials, this is the business of the enterprises, and he said, they would listen to lyokha, they would be alive, they did not listen to him, the whole conversation was, i i never said this, because there are no people, that smart man, well, that i am... smart,
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this is sad, this should be, such things should not happen, but due to the fact that they flew for a very long time, there was a change in the design of ball valves, it’s interesting that this happened during the war, the war on il-2 aircraft, suddenly fuel tanks began to explode, it turns out that the washers, well, you need to know. the washers became not 3 mm, but 2 mm, the load was 90 kg, count 1/3, that’s 30 kg, they were weaker than the steel and when the fuss and...
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the washers worked at an altitude of 100 km, it opened the ship, 18 minutes before landing, they tried to close the power valves, kissed until... it came undone, as you can see later that it was tied, across, made a harness system, that's it, they landed, warm, an attempt to resuscitate, did not accomplish anything, i flew there with eliseev, straight to the scene of the sinking, the ship was arrested, i started filming everything, they changed the designs of the valves and made valves - two-position, open-closed, that is, if there had been
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a two-position valve, when the decommissioning began, the noise, he would have... checkbox threw everything, they came to this, that is, all the design changes, they come through blood, through the death of people, the blasphemy of the leadership in this particular case was the order for the dad to go to notify...
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to go to the people’s house where the father died, in the father’s place he should he was personally, you know, a person who has a conscience, responsibility, and... this is much worse than just coming to say, i sympathize with you, after the death of the volunteer volkov and potsaev, tom stafford flies to the funeral, the state debt did not allow him to fly .
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i appreciated the courage that he got into trouble from the state department for disobeying, but life showed that he was right.


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