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tv   Po samomu krayu  1TV  May 31, 2024 11:55pm-12:56am MSK

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who has a conscience, responsibility, and this, this is much worse than just coming to say, i sympathize with you, after the death of the volunteer volkov and potsaev, tom stafford flies to the funeral. the state debt did not allow him to fly, and he flew to our country on his own, flew in and was present at all these sad events, then he was here for 3 days, i took care of him, supported him, appreciated his courage, that he got into trouble from the state department for that he disobeyed, but life showed that he was right. and that's why he
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only he had greater respect in his country, and even more so in ours. despite the fact that dad didn’t know a word of english, and thomas tufford didn’t know a word of russian, then he says: excuse me, i’ll be happy to meet this man, i’ll accompany him, i ’ll look after him, but what language will i speak to him in? you are pilots, you are cosmonauts, you are astronauts, you will find a common language, that’s what happened. they spent three days together, what they talked about, and about everything, how, yes, it’s unknown, it’s unknown, just like that a friendship was born that lasted for more than half a century. during his stay in the united states of america, leonid ilyevich brezhnev, speaking about the significance of the joint flight, noted: the soviet
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on the brink of war, all people are already looking at each other like animals, so let’s find good guys, prepare them, send them into space, let them fly over the world, let them say goodbye to people from there, this was very well understood by our leadership, they supported it.
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and a political feat that no diplomats, no one has done so much to destroy the current state between our countries . a big obstacle on the way to the goal seemed to be the lack of knowledge by the soyuz and apollo crews of the language of another country. but here, as in all preparations for the flight, they showed will and determination. this language
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was perhaps the most difficult in the training system during the 3 years preceding the flight. when we started the program, we couldn’t figure out how we could do it all, by setting the main language to english, we thus infringed on the dignity of russian language and the russian person, the soviet person, by putting russian as the main thing, we... hurt the pride of the american nation, so the first training showed that even if we started, we would speak russian, and not english, or we would take russian or english on the contrary language, that it was difficult to get anything good out of this, after working for a couple of weeks on the simulators, we tried this option: we speak english, they speak russian, we respect them, they respect us and... it worked out for us ,
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it worked out, because uh, even if i distorting the english language any way i say something, they will still understand me, and if they are like... linguistically, we are english, not russian, i was not in this group right away, vitya ended up in this group gorbatko, he’s a good cosmonaut, he knows mathematics very well, he ’s enchanted with the language, absolutely, they
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’ve been studying for six months already, he calls me immediately, do the program, well, i said, i’m okay, we’ll give it to you.
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soviet cosmonauts and their american colleagues are worried about a horse named cosmos. crew commanders general thomas stafforth and colonel alexey leonov present a prize and souvenir to the winner of this unusual race. appoints a commission. the commission arrived for us. me, kubaasov, filipchenko, rukavishnikov. and the crew of yura romanenko, ivanchenkov, and also volodya dzhenebekov, and andreev, we appeared before them, and when we went on the attack on them, we bombarded them with our vocabulary, and even a russian
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person will not understand what we are talking about, like a little sub, there or barbekkumanyuva, or ssvp, these kinds of things. doesn't seem to be what it is, we're starting, this is it this, this this, this, this, well, how do you do the reporting, okay, i have to report, good morning america, the reporting is like this, i mean, i’ve put together a program, that means, in the morning i’m at 7:00 am the program, just in the center of america, i'm getting out, good morning america, it's a snake,
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driving very blue, very brightening blondend driver, blondes, every bus is driven by a blonde, and they have such an order that - mother...
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soyuz 19, having reached a given height, must to form a so-called assembly orbit for a rendezvous with apollo. received message from alexey leonov. the mounting orbit is formed. the union is waiting for apollo. 7 hours 30 minutes after the launch of soyuz 19, apollo leaves cape canaver. but on july 17
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, about a billion earthlings watched the docking in space on their televisions. everyone understood that this event would take a place in the history of cosmonautics on a par with gagarin’s smile before the launch, leonov’s entry into space, and armstrong’s first steps on the moon. the counterbore is completed. relationship within the crews, there were amazing relationships between the crews, everything was thought out
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down to the smallest detail, everything was beautiful, i made a slogan on the ship like this, o brave, shakespearean words, o brave new world zplanit, o brave new world, which has such people in it, invited, i made cartoons of everyone, did, well and... and most importantly, i prepared stickers from the ground, uh, stolichnaya vodka, russian vodka, old vodka, moscow vodka, and uh, after the start , i stuck these on the tube with tape, so we had to open the hatches, shake hands over moscow, i followed time. i don’t remember where the acceleration occurred, but it turns out we are above the elbe
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they opened the hatches above the elbe, and i shook hands with tom , he dragged his ship, come on, tom, come in, a friendly hurried thomas stafford, alexei leonov, meeting their fathers on the elbe, years later,
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they open and chin-chin, it turned out to be borscht, and it was such a joke. after resting , the astronauts resumed working together. the press dubbed the second day of the joint flight an open day. first, leonov went to visit aboard the apollo, to the alliance. then in the next trade, kubasov worked for apollo and leonov hosted stafford. when
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we were hidden from you, we have two women on board, but why, where did you hide them, yes, they were under the chairs, and that means there is a recording, that means women’s squeals, sighs and gasps, such a brothel background, ok, ok, now i switched all this to the ground, i thought
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the union docking port was active, the tests went brilliantly, and now any ships equipped with such docking hubs can come to the aid of each other. of course, the most important thing in this flight is testing joint systems, because the two countries flew into space, if an accident happened, we could not help each other, we could not approach, we did not have compatible systems, but here still...
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it is interesting that when opening the parachute systems, nitrogen tetraxite, yellow nitrogen, got into into the cabin, and tom stafford put a mask on himself, put a mask on dick and brant, who lost consciousness, they sat down, then they were taken to hawaii, where they have a military hospital. dick underwent abdominal surgery on his lungs, but they didn’t arrive for a long time. members of the american crew and their families are awaiting the arrival of the american crew in moscow. good welcome, dear guests.
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on each of their visits, the american astronauts got acquainted with the history of russia; they visited the trinity of selgivo and the lavra, where they examined architectural monuments of the 16th century, and visited the assumption cathedral.
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here he treats us to pilaf, this pilaf, it was very hot, the pilaf is transparent, they are masters at doing this, well, guys, but they never ate pilaf for this, and they have a habit of washing everything down with cold water, oh, oh-oh-oh, what happened? a nightmare? what happened? their american representative office there, they called their doctor. they have it.
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and cernan says: well, why is this so, such toilets, cesspools, you understand, this is from tamerlane, 11th century, you can’t redo it, but paper could be placed there, astronomical yearbooks. it was, well, such a culture, well, yes, they are generally clean, they use water every time after that, but this is private, and
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there are no public toilets, it’s terrible, it’s a pity that the sochi shores greeted the guests with drizzling rain and then rested a week in sochi, rested in sochi, then we went to america, there was already a us...
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i got on the plane, where there was a kitchen, bedrooms, they put me to bed in one of the bedrooms, and i remember now, i fell asleep like that, woke up for some reason, went to the toilet, went into this beautiful, elegant, beautiful , a clean, amazing toilet, not an airplane toilet, but just a toilet, in general, the door slammed there, and i was standing there in such a deep voice, my parents were walking somewhere in some salon, well , this is a fun company flying to america, and i’m standing there and don’t know what to do, i don’t remember
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if i shed a tear, it’s unlikely, because after all, i needed my dad’s daughter show resourcefulness, but i probably found some kind of button to call the flight attendants, in general, a beautiful girl, she rescued me from there, stroked me on the head, took me back by the hand and put me to bed. in this double room on board this wonderful liner, which took me to america right in the bedroom, right in the double bed, i remember forever, there was a very friendly attitude, after all , we broke this cold war, we arrived in los angeles, we stayed on long beach in a hotel, at every hotel. then they were lying there for a while, which means jeans, a jacket, a denim, big hat, not a sabrera, just a texas hat. my parents left for some kind of
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reception, and my older sister, katya kubasova and i stayed in the room, and i probably don’t know the number. 300 and these were skyscrapers, it was such a high floor, it started to rain, and that boom was knocking, either on the roofs, or on the windows, and we were terribly scared, i thought, i’ll go look for my parents, i open the door and there are two police officers, like this, hands behind your back, right and left, the door closed, girls, everything is fine, we don’t we're afraid, everything's fine.
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spoke, i told what we had done during this time, you know, the americans are pleased that the commander speaks american, in english, tells understandable things, then i finished, what does in the end mean, i want to wish you, i made one mistake in one word, instader successful life, i want to wish you a life full of success, i said, i want to things sexy life. what happened, if you saw, the whole hall stood up, stomped, shouted, bravo, no one had ever wished this on us, interesting, 10 years later we celebrated the union gender, anniversary, there was also fletcher, an academician, he
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says, the sultry welcome provided by the soviet cosmonaut on american soil. see you soon. dad was already quite an old man when someone asked him a question at
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the table. and you would fly. on the poet's anniversary, shouldn't they laugh before their hand gets warm, shouldn't they part amicably, but the wild secular enmity is afraid of false shame.
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hello, dear friends, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, i’m with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, visiting me writer daria dontsova, head of the poetry department of the new world magazine, researcher at the dahl literary museum, pavel kryuchkov. hello! hello, today we will talk about korney chukovsky, well, of course, pavel works for us at the chukovsky museum, which is part of the dahl literary museum in peredelkino, and daria is visiting us today not as a famous author, but as a person who korney ivanovich personally knew, remembers and can tell us some unique things that no one else can tell,
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i would like to start with the fact that... there is this classic phrase: a writer in russia must live a long time, which is attributed to korney ivanovich chukovsky. and my question is: is it true or is it a myth? let's first... it's in such a truncated version, in russia you have to live for a long time, this is how i just said it, some witnesses refer to those years that korny ivanovich pronounced it, and even i saw winged quotes in the dictionary. words, this phrase is authored by kareniy ivanovich, but in all honesty, i’ll tell you, it seems to me, and my friends to my colleagues that, after all, these words appeared earlier, korniy ivanovich simply somehow gave them life, well, he didn’t just give them life, he actually brought them to life,
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lived this huge ancient life, and was born in 1882 under alexander ii, and died in 1969 under leonid ilche, under leonid, and if he had not fallen ill. here is the patronymic, since he was illegitimate, the son of the girl korneichukova, it was chosen by ivanovich, or the priest who baptized was father ioan, that is, they sometimes gave godfather, yes, maybe there was
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successor ivan, yes, maybe that’s it, my mother’s last name was chosen by korniychukova, that ’s how they write in dictionaries that he is actually nikolai vasilyevich kornechukov, also this vasily, also either the priest vasily who baptized, or the successor vasily, it’s unclear, but this vasilivich is a completely conditional patronymic, for him this is the whole story of his childhood, this injury was real, and until his old age, he believed that he was bruised, not like everyone else, he even wrote in his diary, i don’t have such joy as my grandfather, let alone my father, and wrote that even as a child i knew that we were not like everyone else, that i was not like everyone else, he said for a very long time, just call me kolya, because it is not clear what middle name to say, he was emelyanovich, emmanuilovich, but maybe without this he would not have become a writer, god knows, sometimes such wounds, in fact, they force people, in any case, this fate of his was reflected in his book
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for teenagers, the silver coat of arms, very much in his diary in different years, maybe, in any case he became a real father to his children, having no experience of fatherhood for himself, he he himself stood on... he didn’t seem alive, how would it not be strange, he ran with me to races for alterations, but he had very long legs, he was very tall, and i was such a little girl with thick legs , and he always overtook me, if only
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you would remember him like this, yes, yes, he was always smiling, let’s run to the writers’ house, he said, it meant to him that naturally he ran ahead, i ran behind, i was terribly upset, started, that means... let out tears, that's it, but fundamentally ivanovich said, you know, you lost, wait, your legs will grow, you will definitely overtake, he made a children’s library for us in peredelkino, i very quickly read almost all of it there and began, so it’s 5:00 so around the evening, i very often lidia korneevna knocked on his dacha, sometimes she opened the door, looked at me, i said: hello ridya korneevna, i need such and such a book, but it’s not there...
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the korneevnas are there, if you look, there’s a forest, a forest area , and there was a gate in the fence, everyone knew that through this gate to the lead some people come to kardievma, the children would not understand how... what, but the adults whispered that these are some, but i am the daughter of an ideological enemy, you know, and, oh, the office, and such an enemy, who was definitely a lady korneevna is very unpleasant, but she, they let me into the house, i never felt that they didn’t love me in this house, i never had this feeling at all, he wrote in her memoirs: this moment, bonfire
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, hello summer, bonfire, goodbye summer, princess who should perform there in our children's the main role in the play, i think it will be me, but it wasn’t me, and i’m in tears, i’m about eight years old, i came to korni ivanovich, began to sob, cry, stamp my feet, and demand that i be a princess, he has there is a note in his diaries, this is right here, he has an entry in his diaries, and you are in this photograph, no, maybe you are.
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and marina nikolaevna is holding in her arms
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korney ivanovich’s youngest daughter, murochka, who has lived through everything, a huge misfortune for kornevano, yes, yes, it’s just a huge misfortune, in the arms of karny ivanovich is the first granddaughter, daughter of nikolai korneevich, then a woman, and now natalya nikolaevna, alive, thank god, in an old, very vigorous state, she comes to us during troubles, visits us, we love her very much, that is, he is like that after all here is a happy family man, but on the other hand , there is already a lot of drama involved, yes, yes somehow, yes a lot, really a lot, you know, there is such a memory, and somehow we, i just remembered, just participated in a documentary film with respected daria, and valentin semyonovich nepomnyashchy took part in it litera, a dear man to us with alexei nikolaevich and here he is... he told the story that he always told, he loved her very much, this is a story, although it
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went through him, he once greeted korney ivanovich, he was a young, beginner, pushkin scholar, talented, everything he greeted, and he somehow even became one of the favorites, and one day he didn’t turn in some work on time somewhere in a publishing house or something, and they threatened to break him off - these relationships are creative, and he came to korna ivanovich and told him to complain that... that’s the thing, you’re on time didn't pass? yes, i ask you, maybe you can help somehow or something. korniy ivanovich called and said, there’s a phone call, you did everything right. yes, we have him very nasha and valentin semyonovich, he was somehow stunned by this and korniy ivanovich, almost in a calming mode, very seriously, fatherly, said so, listen. well, why did this happen? he said: korny ivanovich, i had circumstances, insurmountable
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circumstances. he said: “i understand you, you have a circumstance, i also have a circumstance. i am a sick old man, i buried two sons, spent a year and a half sitting at the bedside of my dying daughter, survived three wars, hunger strikes, i did not eat, at times, i had to submit an article on time. no matter what happened around me and to me, i got up every day. in the morning and worked, what i wish for you, understand, we are like actors, people can die around us, something will happen, we are obliged to go on stage, and then it’s brilliant. “this is our destiny, and it is a sin to evade it. those who don’t remember speak wrong, it all entered into the consciousness and heart, and then i lived as a different person. but by the way, let's talk about how, how he entered literature, pavel, this is how this child with
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such a difficult fate, all these circumstances, why he chose literature, did literature choose him, let's go back a little to that "exception in all this, it seems to me, because from early childhood he read a lot, and he has a memory in his diary that he was a prisoner, skipped classes at the gymnasium, from where he was kicked out in the end, came to the city park in odessa, climbed into a hole , filled with fog, i read aloud to myself avidia, reveling in these lines, you understand, that is, it was such a narcotic excitement for him.
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how is it that a person who starts out as a philosopher, a critic, a journalist, well, suddenly turns around like that and
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writes fairy tales for children, like a writer, how can you explain this psychologically, but i can’t explain it psychologically, because i understand that karniy ivanovich himself did not understand. we were brought up without these children's books that ours are all these great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers absolutely the entire 19th century, i’m not saying before there was nothing during the entire 19th, only after 5 years it was possible for a child to somehow combine something with literature, and before that only songs, that is,
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he essentially chose a new genre, created, bears were riding on a bicycle, he created literature for two-year-olds, there was no literature, he is the creator of this literature, everything came from him, my grandmother said this.
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he was hit in helsinki by a cart ; a horse was passing by; kolya had to see a doctor; there was a russian boy's surgeon. without approval, it means they did something to him, they we went back by train, we went, i think, to st. petersburg they went and korny ivanovich, to the sound of the wheels, so that kolya would not whine, began to tell him the adventure of a crocodile to the sound of the wheels, and when i used to give excursions to small children, i showed, i say , you hear the train moving, there once lived a crocodile, here is kolya, there lived and there was a crocodile, he walked along nevsky prospekt, cigarettes, you hear the train dialing, smoking in... german at first he spoke some place, when he said: further, crocodile, crocodile, krokodilovich, and he’s there until and so the crocodile appeared, it was somewhere
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around the fifteenth year, if not the fourteenth, already in the fifteenth year he read it out loud at bestozhev’s courses, and mayakovsky was even present at the same time, in the sixteenth year the thing was already ready in some of its basic things , then karney ivanovich decided, already being a very famous literary critic, he decided to take over... as i joke, at the niva magazine, not even just take over, create a children's department, make an application for children, in every issue, starting from january the seventeenth year, until december of the seventeenth year, that is , under three modes, he began to print his crocodile, i add some chapters directly to the typesetting, this can be seen from the proofs, and it was the first child who always turned in everything on time, no, no, but how does it sometimes turn out under the very press, but he did not miss a single issue.
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in the last years of blok’s life, he became friends with him, indeed, because there was no sense of friendship at the beginning of their acquaintance, and before the revolution there was no, no, no, blok has a very harsh entry in kornet ivanovich’s diary that came from odessa, the critic chukovsky, who is stupid with you. paws into our smart st. petersburg pain, and korny ivanovich writes that this is famous, this is already friendship, this is already friendship, he said, he said that the block is sitting next to me in this photograph, like a doctor at the bedside of a seriously ill patient, it was the evening when korney ivanovich was giving a lecture about a block from his book, a piece, this book is in my hands now in twenty-four, look, it’s a real book , you see, here’s the carne ivan i read a piece from this book. you can’t
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choose from a critical book for a lecture in front of the general public, it wasn’t very accurate, and he says: the block listened to me, participated with all its heart in my failure, korney ivanovich crumpled up this lecture, ran somewhere under the stairs, read his blog perfectly , found korniy ivanovich, did not console him, said... he didn’t like it either, but ordered that they would take a photo together, because napilbam had come to photograph him on the card , ivanovich sat down next to him, and he said: “yes, the block is watching at me with a lot with a sympathetic expression." dear friends, we continue, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, i am with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, today we are talking about the root of ivanovch chukovsky, our guest is a writer. dontsova and literary critic, employee of the dahl literary museum , pavel kryuchkov, and he was also friends, if we talk about
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great poets with parsnips, or here is a photograph that was taken at the first congress, it’s just them as a neighbor, he very much sympathized with pasternak, loved his elements very much, helped, we know from his diary, especially in recent years, but friendship is yes, yes, but friendship is like, why am i talking about this so calmly now, because i just re-read the correspondence.
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korney ivanovich simply adored this dress until i don’t know how, he opened all the fires in this dress and always did not forget to say that it was given to him by a real indian leader. sometimes one of the children shouted: indian, indian, he said, no, indian, every time, every time he corrected, he really loved, really loved this dress, and of course, he’s just like a child, he’s somewhere inside himself, he's just him he was with us as equals, but you know, there came some... moment when he, i caught this very well, when he had to leave, you were sitting at his house, drinking tea with a cake, everything was fine, everything was fine, lidia korneevna, korney ivanovich, someone else came there, i’m a child, i can’t even be silent now, i don’t interfere in adult conversations, but in some, and i know karny ivanovich very well and he’s sitting, smiling, at some point, you know, his eyes become like this,
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well, that’s how he sees you and doesn’t see you, although... he sees, but he doesn’t see you, that’s all he, that is he withdrew into himself, yes, he is leaving, he has no, i understand him very well, i understood, the moment has come when the world will immediately run away, because i am in his way, he will never say this, and it’s as if we were tinka kotaeva, i tugged at her, and we appeared to be running away quickly into the desert, that is, mentally you are sitting on his lap, yes, then it was like moving his hands away, this is how a carnival is talking to someone, he is cheerful, he is like, so what? - he was broadcasting, and i looked at him: i understand, no, it would be better for these people to leave, but i can’t let them to say this, you see, as the curtain fell on him, at some point people began to interfere with him, nevertheless , i still want to say about people, chukovsky is precisely due to the fact that he knew so many people, and not just so he invented a genre for children, he invented the chukokala genre, because it seems to me that this is a book that has no precedents at all in
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world literature, so he took it, took it and came up with it, right? this is an absolutely stunning handwritten almonach, here is pavel, how did this book come into being, it arose, repin came up with it, repin was his neighbor in a finnish village, in this cuoccolo, and repin combined the surname of korniy ivanovich and the name of the village, it turned out chukokla, these were the first days of the first world war, one of his drawings in the almanacs, repin signed the word chukola , and so the name appeared, so i came up with the name.
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i drew with a match in this elmonak, there are repin’s drawings with a match, which are dipped in ink, here is the first entry in chukokal - these are repin’s drawings, home household ones, and then he saw korne ivanovich that this was incredible wealth, these records were created in moments of rest, here is repin’s workshop, corne ivanovich - this is the day of tolstoy’s death, that is, when the newspapers reported about tolstoy’s death, it is repin
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reading this newspaper, about tolstoy’s death.
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they slipped karne ivanovich to him, they slipped him a chukokola, and something tugged at poor alexey ivanovich, he had a homeless youth, everything was a mess, he cheated for years, he suffered for years, he was korne ivanovich,
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it was scary, korne ivanovich was put on him and left, and oscar waaldk got tired of him there, you know, akhmatova’s montalishtana there, it’s terrible some simple thing to do, here he sat, sitting all wet, corner. so, well, then it dawned on him, in the wrong direction, of course, and he dipped his thumb into the inkwell, well, as expected, he made an imprint, wrote a homeless poet, a criminal omen, then for years, yes, yes, it seemed great, he actually came up with it , but for years, yes, but, but then i was horrified by what he had done, and elena tsesarevna, chukovskaya, who was with him very...
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very different directors came to him , torkovsky, i don’t remember, i just never i never knew and some names were called, sometimes they were remembered, but you know, like children.


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