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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 1, 2024 1:40am-2:26am MSK

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understand in more detail, study everything carefully, where can this be done? well , first of all, i want to say that the service is posted on the website of the federal tax service of russia, that the website of the federal tax service contains detailed information and very clear infographics. for any tax, you can go to the website of the federal tax service to see directly in the diagrams and tables how much deduction is due for training, for treatment, and to whom it is due. where to go and how, yes, great, that is, all the algorithms are there, that is, if anything happens, go to the federal tax service website, federal tax service, you fill it in directly, and everything is detailed there, as our expert, doctor of law , karina, tells us that almost anyone can understand, let’s start then with the most so-called massive source of our expenses, these are the costs of treatment, which is possible receive from the state if... i spend money
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on my health, any taxpayer who pays personal income tax in the prescribed manner can receive a deduction for treatment, the purchase of medicines, it is important that you can receive a deduction for the treatment of not only yourself, but for example your parents, children of spouses, the certificate accordingly indicates that i, for example, receive a deduction for my father or mother, and accordingly i receive the same from... but it is obvious that at the same time my father , if, that is, what is meant here is that i spend this money, i spend money from my card, well, or cash there, obviously the father cannot use this, or the children or the spouse, because they do not spend the money, then here for our audience, what not if u the question arises: how can you get this deduction twice, it won’t work, because you spend the money once, so, moreover, if your parents are pensioners and non-working pensioners, they do not receive...
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expensive treatment includes, for example, prosthetics , dental implantation, eco, high-tech medical care, surgery, you need to see if this is included in the program of high-tech medical care, it’s all on the website of the federal tax service on the my finances portal, that is, where you can find the full list, there is a government decree, and this list should be posted, for example, on the website of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund on the project my finances? we have this infographic
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that says that this service code is 02, the treatment is expensive, then there are no restrictions. this magic number 150,000, what is it? interestingly, this year the limit from which you can receive a deduction has been increased. before that, all social deductions, which include deductions for treatment, training, medicines, ceiling, which you could get a deduction for expenses with...
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such a certificate that you spent so many thousands of rubles on such and such treatment, they give you this certificate, you upload it to the taxpayer’s personal account, attach it yes... at the end year vsemskop, we better do it all gradually, so that later it won’t be like cutting stakes, we didn’t think, oh, now go there, collect there, yes, well, well, i ’ll tell you from my own experience that, for example, you are in you are being seen at the clinic, you went there three times in a year, for example, you have three receipts, in december you call them or come to them,
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with your passport, ask for a certificate, they quickly issue this certificate to you at the end of the year, so that for the whole year then further, so we received the document. accordingly, after this you have two options: filing a deduction, you can receive it yourself or your employer, we will consider the first option independently, since we started with it, you can accordingly do this in the next calendar year, and you go to the taxpayer’s personal account , press the button getting a deduction is quite simple, you will see it very quickly, attach a scan of this certificate and send it.
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to receive a deduction, it redirects you several times to the next page and thus your application is generated in electronic form, well, here i must say yes , thank you very much for...
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from the tax service, you can write an appeal to them in that housing office, what to correct, they will tell you they will answer, and you submit the updated declaration a second time, then they approve everything, great, thanks for such a detailed algorithm, i understand correctly that it’s best to do all this in january, that is, the year has ended, we have reduced our expenses for treatment, we went in in january and submitted an application for a tax deduction in january. you won’t be able to do this yet, you will be able to do this, as a rule, at the beginning of march, because by the end of february, according to the law , certificates from your employers with data on your income, those same personal income taxes, are uploaded, they appear only by the end of february, that is
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when we do this, we do it at the beginning of march, approximately yes, excellent, that is, we have we have until the beginning of march to reduce all our medical expenses. to be happy, well, or for the little money spent on treatment, a return of 13% of 150,000 is maximum, but if we had expensive expenses, then significant ones, then these are hundreds of thousands, let’s say yes, then the amount will already be from the entire amount, the payment will be from the entire amount , it turns out, well , for example, let’s say, if you re-prosthetized the whole family there, something else for the whole family, all this resulted, let’s say, in absolutely cosmic things. 42,000 rub. in principle, for 42,000 you can go to the clinic scan with your passport, take a photo
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by clicking on the receive button. but as a rule, karina told us that the money comes within, well, about a month, but three at most. this is an easy money podcast. i’m its presenter, mikhail khanov, we continue to figure out what tax deductions and benefits we can get from our state, so that means something else in medicine, there’s still a second option where we can go. salary, how to say, dirty, 1950 you get, for example, a couple of months , well, that is, taking into account... tax, yeah, that is, to to the employer - this is where we work according to a work book, it makes sense when
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you come there in december, in november you can come throughout the year when you think it’s necessary, but it’s simple, that is, i made an expense, let’s say i immediately accumulated there 150,000, and i came to the employer, i said, let me do it through you, and then what, that is, for some time the employer sorts out how much taxes he must pay for me, then he simply pays less, i understand correctly. well , yes, that is, he pays you for several months salary with personal income tax, that is, i will explain for our audience, since any employer, as well as any bank, any financial company, also any employer is a tax agent, what is a tax agent, this is an organization authorized by the state to collect our taxes , that is, you and i for the most part do not pay them ourselves, the employer does it for us, just like we pay. other taxes, but already there as a legal entity, so you simply decide
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what is more pleasant for you, or do it yourself to do, there is nothing complicated here, paying, receiving your salary, let’s say you get 100,000, minus 13%, that’s 87,000, or get 87,000 each, then, having done this in march, click on the button to upload documents and wait for a tax deduction, but there you go what we talked about. 500, or this amount will be, well in this case, there with my example, divided into two parts, there, the first time you will receive all 100,000, the second time minus only 13, 6,500, yes, that is, you will receive 93,500, well, whoever is more comfortable, yes, is it more convenient to receive this amount right away or is it more convenient to receive a larger salary, well, that is, in any case, we will get a feel for what taxes are, where they are spent and even...
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you can also get a deduction for the purchase of medicines, but it is very important that they have a doctor's prescription, if you simply buy yourself some medications without a prescription, as people often do, then you will not receive a deduction, but if you have a prescription, again in the prescribed form, then you can also present this for deduction, similarly through.
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i studied at the gym, that's all equals 150, 150, except for the expensive forest, everything is fine with the teeth, yes excellent, that is , but you can say so, that is, it could be completely teeth plus 150 for training and or not, or if my teeth cost 300, then that covers 150 and training, expensive treatment comes separately, this is separate, that is , if i had my teeth treated this year, and also studied or bought a gym equipment. then 150,000 separately, i can get from them too. for expensive ones, you apply separately,
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without restrictions, there are 13%, we do not take them into account. let's figure it out here, so the tax deduction for training, firstly, let's start with for whose training? here we are expanding the categories of people who can be trained, in contrast to those who can be treated, we can also train brothers and sisters, so as you can see, there are different rules here. that is, for children there is a ceiling of 110,000 for studies, and for brothers and sisters of 150, but now we will clarify again.
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for the child, because the child does not fit into this general money, great, but my brother is already over 150 and i can’t return 19,500, my brother is already but if you also, for example, bought a gym membership, then your brother will already be there, then we add it up with the first 10, i understand correctly. yes, it’s very complicated, it’s difficult to understand, but nevertheless we need to keep the following in mind, our dear audience, that we immediately cut off expensive treatment, i hope that there will be links to documents, links on the portal myfinances of the russian federation, the leading list, what is possible, in fact , where the costs can come from, for what costs you can get financial benefits and
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deductions and deductions in this case, and let's let's remember two things, the first is that treatment is expensive. yes, so that i can cover with my taxes those costs that, that is, the state cannot return to you more than you paid in taxes, well, this is logical, this is logical, and that means we are the first expensive treatment separately, and if we this was not taught to children, brothers, sisters, and so on, well , in the case of children, it’s 110,000, if
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we trained 150 siblings, but then we won’t be able to buy medicine with checks, and then all 150 goes to, conditionally speaking, in our head for a tax deduction for training brothers and sisters, but you just need to remember that another amount from which you can get a tax deduction is 150,000, quite right, the third part of the marlizon ballet, which is included there, that is, if you did not have enough training expenses children, brothers, sisters, children, wives, grandmothers and so on, if you have been feeling great and healthy all this year, then...
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standing popular, well, other physical education and health services, with a license, yes, from my experience i can also tell you that everything is very simple, hall, who has the appropriate license, yes, you just upload your contract and check, and thus you receive this deduction, well, that is , let’s give an example, for example, a person spent 70 thousand in a year on treatment, ordinary inexpensive treatment, for example, he is still on 60,000 e taught his brother, for example, and for another 40,000 he bought a gym membership, the total is 170,000 and with 150 he can only get this deduction, that is , 19,500 is the maximum amount of the deduction
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that he will receive for this, and 20,000, since already did not fit, they no longer fit in. and by the way, what’s also important, we didn’t talk about training, it’s not just, for example, studying at a university, it can be any educational organization that has a license, that is, now fashionable and popular deals are going on in the market that are gaining a trend on online education, that is, if an organization, as a legal entity, has a license to train for educational purposes in the russian federation, then these could be courses there, i don’t know, on working with... even for a driving school, oh well, yes, then there is a private kindergarten, school, driving school, courses, it all goes there, this is an easy
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money podcast, i am its host mikhail khanov, we continue to figure out what tax deductions and benefits we can get from our state, we now, as you said, have dealt with only one type of tax deductions with social , do they happen? also standard, here we were talking, investment, property and professional, let's figure out what standard deductions are, standard deductions are better known as deductions for children, that is, any citizen with children receives such standard deductions, and you don’t need to go anywhere to get them, you receive them, one might say automatically, the employer simply provides you with such a deduction throughout the year, it matters which one... it’s on the child account; for the first two children, a standard deduction is set at 1,400 rubles. for the third and subsequent 3,000 rubles.
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is it mom and dad or just one of the parents? both parents can receive this, and a single parent receives double the amount. what do you mean they can receive? maybe they won't receive it? receive, receive, that is, we there is no need to worry here, dear audience, here the state does everything for us in its system of mutual settlements just in... on february 29 of this year , it was announced that it is planned, it is proposed to increase these deductions to 2,800 rubles for the first second child and to 6.00 for the third and subsequent, per month, yes, it is obvious that a bill with implementation will be prepared this year.
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i’ll tell you about one more limitation: you receive this deduction every month until your income for the year, cumulatively , reaches 350 thousand, then if, for example, salary is 50,000 rubles per month, by july this limit is selected, and after july you will not receive this deduction. 44,200 and about 800 rubles minus will go with it , respectively, 50 minus for example 5,800, well
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, tax for that is, if i have an official salary, let’s say for a moment, yes 300,000 rubles , then i don’t get anything right away, well, by february you will exhaust this allowance at once, but from the first i’ve been paid, and i’ve been paid since february too, because in february you will only reach this limit. well, if my salary is 302. rubles, then i will reach this 350 well, 350, okay, 350 320, 350 my salary, then i will achieve this right in january, but for january i will be paid for one month, and in parallel with my wife, if she has a lower salary, or no matter what, too will pay until her personal limit reaches there, it is logical that these are our standard tax deductions for children, that for another...
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years, some rules for obtaining investment deductions have changed, for example, there is such a financial instrument as an individual investment account, known as iis, and before on december 31 last year, there were two types of individual investment accounts, type a and type b, and accordingly, for these two categories there were different rules for deductions; for the first iis type a, it was possible to receive a deduction from contributions to this individual investment account. the point is that you open this individual investment account for a period
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of at least 3 years and... deposit a certain amount into it before january 1, it would be easier to say, it’s 400,000, for example, you opened this account for 3 years at 400,000 per year deposit on it, and accordingly, from this 400,000 that you contribute, you could also receive a thirteen percent deduction, which is limited to a limit of 52 thousand per year, now i understand that changes have occurred, let’s briefly say, yes, you can get it before january 1 of this year. there was either the first type of deduction, or the second, now, since these two types of iis are combined into one iis-3, the so-called, you can get one deduction, and the other, that is , from there was one, as if risks, and from two - two sticks, they were mixed, it turned out three sticks, and the benefits were also combined, yes, and the benefits combined, but it is important that investments should not be your only income, you should receive taxpayers, yes you should create a base, but this is logical,
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our dear audience, in order to... provision, these are the so-called long-term savings, literally 20 march the council delays your investment in your pension the federation approved this law, after which it was signed and published, and accordingly the state now also encourages citizens to invest in pension insurance on their own, well, all this information it’s absolutely definitely in the fnes on, or not, it’s there with all
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the acts. with all the regulations and with all the figures and amounts, the information is updated almost in real time, excellent, everything is like new, you know, how modern, let me be a little young blogger, dive into the links in the description, i can also say that dive into the federal tax service website if you can put it this way, all the information is there, if you use information from the ministry of finance, then this is moifinansy.rf, yes, property property you...
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in thousands of rubles, that is, the base from which you you can get a deduction - this is 2 million, and that is , i am 260 - this is not the base, the base is 2 million. the base is 2 million, but 260 - so here, as it is , we can talk about something, and there are also separate rules for mortgage housing , there a deduction is provided not only for the cost of housing itself, but for interest, that is, 260,000 for the cost of housing itself and 390 for interest, that is, if i... thank god i paid interest on 3 million rubles, yes, then 390 will be returned to me by the state , that is, even more than for the purchase, interest is obtained, yes, that is, in in total, you can get 650,000 if we add up 260 and 390, but if, for example, you have not paid 3 million interest in a year, for example , it took 2 or 3 years to pay them, it stretches, that is, in the end you will
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still get 390, but ... for a certain number of years, that is, until i earn money, the state will make these deductions for me, it’s nice, but who should i buy from, there are some restrictions on who i buy it from, no, it could even be a developer , at least secondary, that is, secondary too, yes, that is, i grant that i am, accordingly, a person he will pay his own money from the money received as income, if there is something to pay for the difference in housing, and i’m explaining this for our audience, you bring what, a purchase and sale agreement and a check for the transfer of money, right? this is certainly not something that is not lying around on the road, but this is a really huge amount, and i think that here any consultant must notify all participants in transactions about what preferences await them, and the latest professional ones, what professional
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professional deductions are. provided for certain categories of citizens who, as it is clear from the name, they have some peculiarities of their profession, for example, these are lawyers, notaries, these are persons.
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first of all, as - persons, in fact, involved in all their professions in this issue, they do not let go of the opportunity to get at least some, well, as it turned out, by the way, from our conversation, not at all a penny. karina, thank you very much, in fact, this is a very useful immersion for all our listeners, for our entire audience, because often we are just standing next to money, sometimes not so small, yes, as a case, let’s say, well, if there is a housing stock and... when buying real estate, we all use these 65,000, but in the case of expensive treatment, such as dental implantation or prosthetics, and just training, buying
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subscriptions to the gym, then i don’t think there is at least one family who will say that 19,500 is completely unnecessary for us, thanks to today’s program, i think that the state will begin to feel better. cost a more generous donor of these returns, or rather, simply returning this money and doing as much as possible more families, including happier ones, because additional money appears in the family budget. thank you very much, thank you. you can find all episodes of the "easy money" podcast on the channel one website.
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in an eternal circle, different things are drawn to each other, and for some reason we are moving in different directions, you are in orbit, i am under water, we dream about different things with you, a fragile snowflake, a space station, you are beyond my gravity, i was looking you on earth, i was looking for you in space, i’m tired of explaining to all the gods, that we were created to be together, but... the body won’t come back, i can’t catch up with you, i can’t reach you , i can’t reach you, i can’t reach you, i can’t reach you, and i can’t get through to you, and you are forbidden by my gravity,
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the sun shines equally for everyone, we got a lucky ticket, but why -it comes back to create it, a lot of patience, a crack in the darkness, you can’t destroy it with your forehead, brick walls, i minilay, you are elena the beautiful, and you are beyond my gravity, i was looking for you on earth, i was looking for you in space, i’m tired of everything explain to the gods that we were created to... together, but time doesn’t heal, time cripples, they know when i’m spotted with someone, the yellow press and paporations, and you are beyond my gravity, dear friends, radion gazmanov
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opened today the podcast melodies of my life, i’m its host, valery syutkin , and today my guests are those guys and those girls who are associated with the voice program, and today... we have anastasia speredonova. hello, finalist of the first season, the main one, sergei volchkov, winner of the second season. radion gazmanov, fourth. he represents, and i was a mentor in the eighth and ninth, which also unites us all and makes us all united around the project, the name whose voice, by the way, here’s a question for all of us, what song brought you into this profession, because for me this melody was, the beatles ensemble, or rather paul macardnimi, but he wrote, this is the song can't buy my love, love can't be bought, i heard it, and how it sounded, it immediately sang.
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which brought me to the big stage in victory is, of course, muslim magamaev’s song blue eternity, but from childhood i remember the golden ray of the sun, the bremen musician, despite the fact that i i listened to sting, i listened to dj music, scooter and tibi, everything else was probably newfangled, yes, yes, and despite the fact that they were recording matches, they lived. before, well, i had everything, but this was remembered in my life as a ray of golden sunshine, let’s see how it was, we have footage, anastasia speridonova, it was impossible to turn around.
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the main goal of the voice is to reveal new names to our viewer, this is where the eternal question of our tv viewers comes up a lot, naturally, where, where are these finalists, here they are with you, seryozha has a wonderful career, he has so much - i notice from the outside, he is the main promoter
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of the songs of alexander nikolaevna pakhmutova, the poems of uncle kolya nikolai nikolaevich are kind, what nastya sings today, tell me, i’m doing my own material, it seems to me that the artist should say something from himself , with my own face, i always said in all, so to speak, seasons in which i took part, when such an opportunity arose, now i will be happy to consolidate this material again, the most important thing is that you could not be replaced by someone... for someone else, even if this is a repertoire that was heard before you, you must give a version that will be from volchkov, from spidonova and from radion gazmanov, radion, in my opinion, is very much in the authorship, you practically do everything yourself, yes, i write almost all the songs myself , yes, everything is correct, and in my voice i was wildly upset that i couldn’t sing my song, but they told me, well, these are the rules, as it is sung, i went out on stage in some kind of wild excitement, then, it was, it wasn’t. ..
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please introduce yourself, article introduce yourself, radion gazmanov, i love you very much music, tell me who you liked from the subsequent seasons of the voice, whether it was a mentor, let’s make everyone equal, it’s just that after the season where sergei won, i approached him, it seems to me that he was so scared, well, i approached him and
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simply said words of admiration, because this is crazy talent, charisma in general, and i admire you to sing a song called love. let's listen to this duet with pleasure. so, dear friends, sergei volchkov, anastasia spiridonova. love.
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how high my soul flies with you, how easy it is for me to love you, to breathe with you, as if born for each other. as if we had been together all our lives, i love you so much, zatoya’s breath, i’m flying with you to the ends of the earth, i
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love you so much, you are my soul, the yakiran of my love, how warm it is, under the bright sun of your eyes, how bright it is for me, and the whole world around is for us, as if you have one soul, yes, we are alone in the whole universe, i love you so much, my laments are in store, i’m flying with you to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, you are my soul, and the ocean of my
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love! how long have i been looking for you, how long have i been waiting for you, i love you so much, you but i’m flying with you to the ends of the earth, i... love you so much, taking my breath away, with you i’m flying to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, now my soul, you are the ocean of my love, i...


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