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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:35pm MSK

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for the poet's anniversary, friend, idle thoughts, my inkwell, my varied age, i adorned you with you. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. vladimir putin has faith and hope. on children's day
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, we talk about those who were not left alone with serious and rare illnesses. a place of help, defenders of the fatherland for the fighters of their family, exactly one year in all regions. meeting of the president with the head of the anna tseveleva foundation. the resource has been reduced, the blows to the enemy’s military forces have been massive, the ukrainian mobilization has grimaced and expired zelensky in singapore. for what? "hungarian march", prime minister orbán's emotional statements about europe with a crazy driver and politicians out of touch with reality, like drug addicts. last thanks, in moscow they said goodbye to anastasia zavorotnyuk, to feel those who knew her personally, who loved her roles, words of support for the family. people of the future, the main moments of the children's party, and the dream comes true at the first one. special guests in
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our newsroom, colleagues, are impressed by the communication. so, calendar summer has arrived, and the first day of june for all of us has long been firmly associated with a warm holiday, children's day. what do we mean by this word protection, besides the direct meaning? the happiness of a child is to be with those closest to him, the opportunity to learn, develop, be useful and be healthy, even if, even if. this requires a miracle; it is to solve such problems that the circle of good foundation was created on the initiative of the president. vladimir putin met today with its leader alexander tkachenko. anna kurbatova will tell about those who were helped. the earth doesn't move. until recently , timofey’s parents had the ground disappearing from under their feet, but today they are watching together in the moscow planetarium. it continues to rotate around its axis.
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he spent almost three of his 9 years in the blokhin cancer center. it’s hard to believe that timofey, a fidget from novosibirsk, has a very serious disease, neuroblastoma of the retroperitoneal space. there were no signs, football, swimming pool. we all ran and jumped, he began to get weaker, just weaker, then they discovered that we have such a terrible disease, he suffered three abdominal operations, bone marrow transplant, underwent 11 courses of chemotherapy, but the malignant tumor came back again, until the circle of goodness got a drug for timofey, everything changed, the drug, which in total for our course, cost more than 25 million rubles. 3 days ago it was...
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before specific children, as you noted, the most important result is the lives of children, recently masha, 12 years old, spoke in the public chamber, despite the fact that she is forced to move around. in a wheelchair, she has amazing energy, she embraces life, she lights up everyone around, she wrote letters to the fighters and the word, she inspired the whole class, the whole school, these are children who literally embrace life and teach this to adults, we have prepared an album for you, an album on every page of which there are stories of hope, help and faith, these stories are about how - life returned to families, how these families gained confidence in the future tomorrow. emil was born in the primorsky territory and as a result of neo-oral screening, which is carried out on all children for 36 diseases, a severe form of spinal muscular atrophy was identified, doctors diagnosed unfavorable prognosis, the mother learned about
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the child’s illness and abandoned him, we talked about how emil’s fate turned out on our broadcasts, he was adopted, he lives in a large and loving family, just look... this boy is splashing in the pool and how confidently he masters the steps at just over a year old, but with the diagnosis that was given to him, he could never learn to walk, he had to act very quickly, because if you get treatment before the first symptoms, you can get rid of the disease forever. circle of good foundation in time delivered to emil a drug that costs almost 100 million rubles. gensma is angry, one magic injection, and this merry fellow is no longer different from his peers. i don't even know how to explain this. to express, and this is just my son, we love him madly, and we, and i, and my elder children, this is a huge gift of fate. the circle of good was created by presidential decree in 2021; the state fund budget is formed thanks to an additional 2% personal income tax paid by citizens earning more than
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5 million rubles a year. as soon as at any point planet, an effective drug appears, even if the most expensive one in the world, even if it is not registered in russia, it immediately becomes available. russian children. the fund's beneficiaries receive assistance free of charge, including during the rehabilitation stage. you are so cool, you are so strong. please accept my deepest bow and gratitude for the creation of the fund from the parents of these children. i wish you success in this noble, very good cause, the circle of goodness, like this, this fund is called the circle of goodness, here we are. created this structure, and thank god, it responds with our practical work to achieve the goals for which this structure was created, so every success to you, everything that can be done to support you, to support your work, we
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will try to provide, thank you very much, since the beginning of the fund’s work we have been able to save already 25,000 children, 25 thousand extraordinary stories proving goodness. this is that very ordinary miracle. hello. anna kurbatova, alexey zotov, daria rybakova, ekaterina yarovenko, alexander gornostaev. first channel. children's day is a holiday all over the country. in moscow, the main site is new, where the festival of childhood and youth hosts the movement of the first. ivan prozarov learned what boundless energy lies in a generation that is ready to go to any heights. in this city of childhood, you immediately want to immerse yourself in a carefree time, when the trees were big, dreams were pure and bright, and true friends were nearby. the festival of the first movement is dedicated to those who have everything ahead, their dreams, aspirations, and most importantly , the opportunities that children have in our
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country. the russian anthem performed by several thousand people, at vdnkh participants from all regions. everything is gorgeous, i really like it, it’s very cool here, the flags of india, algeria, france are shoulder to shoulder with peers from our country, guests from forty countries who came to build new, strong friendly ties. it’s amazing, it’s incredibly beautiful here, it’s friendly, i’m in love with russia, we met guys from different countries, now we all need to unite. the festival is simply incredible, we are very happy to be in russia, we exchange ideas, make new ones friends, this is great! deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko met with children from different countries, ariya chanda from india told how she preserves the traditions and culture of her country. i wrote 11 books, they were published by unesco. these are
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books about cultural preservation, environmental responsibility and climate change, and i want to start a campaign in schools and universities. have you ever heard about the sirius project? unfortunately no. i want to invite you to sirius. you will take part in educational and scientific work and meet new people and specialists. if you agree, then welcome. thank you very much. on behalf of the president , an international association of children's organizations will appear in the country. a huge number of young people want to be connected with russia, who want to work with us, who promote and share our traditional values. the guests studied major russian projects from the space sector of the nuclear icebreaker fleet to volunteering. participants in the first movement are involved in everything. the guys are incredibly talented and motivated. most importantly, they understand very clearly those the opportunities that our country has to explore.
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channel of the country on children's day, channel one, of course,
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anastasia is giving you this opportunity, today we will work together, you will be a correspondent for channel one, super, thank you very much, nastya is not new to this business, by the way, she has filmed quite a few stories for television studios are the first to move, many journalists record simply static footage, but it is much more interesting to watch live reports, that is, with live emotions and various interesting moments, therefore, nastya decided that, as part of our story, she would film a mini-report about the site. as if we were tightening a nail, the projects of the first movement cover millions of people across the country, volunteering, ecology, sports, creativity, on this day they not only talk about dreams, but show opportunities for their implementation, thanks to the flagship projects of the first movement, everyone can find their calling, including me. and behind us right now is the media attraction project, let's go! the guys here try
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themselves as presenters, bloggers, correspondents master the latest media technologies. all my life i dreamed of working with children, with young people, to make a difference, and thanks to the movement of the first, this happened, and we created a big project for young people. how many other such successful guys are there in the first movement now? i think there are definitely more than 1 million people already, this is due to the media. compatriots from st. petersburg and participants also met here. russian family project, relatives and loved ones, but we decided to ask the guests of the festival about their innermost dreams, children, adults, when i was little, i had my ears pierced, it was done by a cosmetologist, i think how beautiful, fresh, clean, well, in general, i wanted to open my own beauty salon, i did it, please tell me what you dream of, to become a hockey champion, i dream to become a famous surgeon, i dream of flying into space, dreams are needed in order... to feel inspired and important on this planet. at this time, at the other end of moscow, in the
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dream island amusement park, channel one has already gathered a family of our defenders. i'm very brave and i can ride even the fastest at the highest, i also take care of my mother. and we are so glad that on this day we got here. such a fairy tale, such a dream, when our children are happy, we are happy too. dads are, well, in the zone. carrying out a special operation, and we, accordingly, are replacing them today, helping them feel our unity, our love, our reciprocity, let them carry out tasks there, and we will support their families here, and this is gorkov park, the large-scale arts festival nebo has started here, performances, orchestras, gaming and creative platforms. over 100 events in the park over these 2 days there will be 25 groups from different cities, including moscow, of course. this thing is so that
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they get carried away by watching, this is a very difficult task, all over the country these days different sites opened in berdyansk, a branch of arttek was solemnly opened, guys from new regions of russia came to the first shifts, for the whole summer there were such shifts there will be five, and a thousand schoolchildren from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions will rest here. i was in many camps. i really like it here, i really really like it. meanwhile, our correspondent nastya solyukova finished her work at vdnkh in moscow. we did a great job, you naturally have talent. future, guys, she really did a brilliant job, although she admitted that she was a little worried, thank you, i’m already in tears, this is a huge scale, responsibility, the microphone of the first channel gives me such confidence, i managed our incredible team all day today, and this incredible emotions, you did a great job, so that for nastya and for millions of russian schoolchildren this is not the end of the story, here
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at vdnkh the festival continues, there is still a whole day ahead of the celebration of childhood and youth. and the whole summer to have a good rest and, perhaps, finally fulfill what you have dreamed of for so long. ivan prozarov, anastasia solikova, channel one. another important date is today: exactly one year since branches of the defenders of the fatherland foundation opened in all regions of russia. it was created on behalf of vladimir putin , the head of the fund, anna, reported to the president about what has been done during this time tsovileva. about a million requests were received and processed. valentina solovyova collected stories. i help people like me, i went through all this from the inside, how to tell them the next steps in civilian life, that leonid galkin, a machine gunner, was wounded in his hand when he stormed a forest plantation in the marinka area, at first the fatherland defenders foundation helped him undergo rehabilitation, and then leonid himself decided to become a social coordinator, to help our heroes and their families, he
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says, this can hardly be called work, the word client is never heard in the fund the customer is rude. it is said, most likely, that it’s like a family here, and it was for this approach to people today that vladimir putin thanked the chairman of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, anna tsovileva. frankly, i am always very pleased to hear positive assessments of your work, especially from participants in a special military operation and from members of their families. i know that you have assembled a large team of employees who are interested, frankly speaking, interested in this work. there are 3,500 social coordinators, they are overwhelming, in any case. most of them work with their souls, especially since you actively involve the guys themselves, the participants in the special military operation and their loved ones in this work, who, if not they, know what our guys need,
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know how and what needs to be done in order to debureaucratize the system. making decisions and bringing to their attention everything that the state is doing to support them, these are people who work without wages, who work from the heart, wanting with all their hearts to help the children return to this life, to support them, today we have 200 people - these are veterans of a special military operation, including those who have disabilities, these are 135 family members of the guys in... i only have tatyana aleksandrovna, tatyana aleksandrovna , with any question i go to her, it means a lot she is for me. so, nina stepanovna talks about her social coordinator, as soon as her son, volunteer andrei komandirov, stopped contacting the special operation zone, tatyana helped in the search. when it turned out that the fighter had died, she stayed nearby and took charge
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registration of all support measures, accompanied nina stepanovna to the doctors. at the same time, grief occurred. in her family, her husband also died in battle, he didn’t have an ounce of doubt about whether to go or not, in fact, i respect him for this choice, that is, if my husband had said, i want to run away, but i would get a divorce right there, because a real man is the one who, faced with such a challenge, in front of the whole country, says, yes, i’m going, well, to protect my loved ones, in a year the fund managed to process more than a million requests from a variety of veterans special operations. help to find a job and get a new education. tankman ivan erusov performed tasks in the kharkov region and decided to become a certified subjudo coach. at the fund’s branch in chekboksary, he also helps returning soldiers adapt to find themselves in peaceful life. when i left the service, i was so sad that, well, people are staying there, i’m leaving, after all, i wanted to
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help, at least not there, but at least in tula. socialization is one of the most important areas of the foundation’s work. everyone here understands how it is important not to let a person withdraw into himself; the fighters in this donetsk volleyball team , sidi, were united by the russian cup fund ; this year they took fourth place. we have had a conflict for 10 years, starting in 1914, so i’ve been there since 14, so i got injured, now i can at least go in for sports. as anna tseveleva said at a meeting with vladimir putin, the fund is now expanding the range of assistance. we have now begun to provide children with highly functional prosthetics. rehabilitation provide children with cars with manual control for a specific category, for children who can no longer be fitted with prosthetics, these are double amputees of the lower extremities and children confined to
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a wheelchair, and on june 1 we begin to issue cars to our heroes. denis pankratov was born in donbass, a sapper, he has been carrying out tasks to clear mines from the territory of the republic since the age of fourteen. now denis is also a social coordinator, but there is one document that he himself cannot yet do. do not receive combat disabilities, that is, they do not undergo military medical examinations commission and they receive disability due to a general illness, which is also
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a form of injustice and , accordingly, insufficient payments, and we, for our part, as a fund, are ready to help the ministry of defense, understanding their workload, now understanding the importance of the tasks that they face, to collect documents , and form...
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objects. last night, targets were identified in the dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd, ivano-frankivsk, lviv, odessa and vinnytsia regions. explosions occurred in the area 50 km from lviv in the city of stryi the largest gas storage facility in ukraine. in odessa shitholes in military warehouses. missiles also hit burshtynska, ladyzhynska tes and dnepro-hpp in zaporozhye in western ukraine. and video from advanced positions, lancet operators caught a trawl with two in kharkov. armored vehicles, tracking the target with an accurate strike, here is the destruction of the buk air defense system and self-propelled guns akatsiya militants. potus.
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abramsov and bradley are caught in crowded places, markets, and shops on the streets. this video was filmed in the still kiev-controlled part of zaporozhye. price tags on the counter by the way, in russian. police, you should protect the people, not break people. due to catastrophic losses at the front, military commissars received orders to row everyone. outraged internet users are sharing
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footage. that’s what military registration and enlistment offices are called in ukraine, they commented that according to the new law on mobilization, the guy’s diagnosis fully allows him to serve in military units, in the transcarpathian region they decided to plug the holes on the front line at the expense of the kreshnoites, in mukachevo the military...
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can dance somewhere in trenches under the clockworks. according to this military man, it’s all the fault of the draft dodgers, the ukrainian-style hooligans, it’s because of them that the military commissars have such a bad reputation. they can indeed then leave the unit without permission, they are not fighters, but this is the element that discredits people in uniform, it is not people in uniform who discredit themselves, but they are us with such actions, they are my enemies. video from the ukrainian border service: in transcarpathia, seven men broke through the barrier mesh on the border with romania across the tisa river. they were detained when only 100 meters remained to the cherished line beyond which salvation. on social networks, ukrainians share tariffs for assistance in illegally crossing the border; in order to escape from mobilization, they already have to pay up to $20,000, just 2 years ago the amount was 10 times less, radicals are calling for tough measures. give each tetsekashnik some kind of makarov pistol a baton, he runs away, shoots him in the head, that’s it, he won’t run away anymore.
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the mobilization age has already been reduced by 2 years. "ukrainians go to war from the age of 25, sending young people to slaughter, the kiev regime threatens the existence of the nation, the country is already on the edge of an economic abyss, and western curators demand that boys over 18 years of age be sent to the front. according to competent sources , us secretary of state blinken demanded this when he was in kiev two weeks ago. the west provides weapons and soldiers, whom the command of the ukrainian armed forces plugs into gaps in the defense, this is the problem of the ukrainian authorities. zelensky was made clear that if the condition is not met, he will quickly find a replacement, and nothing special will have to be invented; legally, zelensky lost his legitimacy on may 20, when his term expired powers, and although the entourage of the overdue president pretends that nothing happened, someone will be there, when necessary, to shout that the king is naked, while in the west they admit that a further reduction in the draft age will actually destroy the remnants of the ukrainian economy, a powerful personnel shortage is already felt in almost all industries, a shortage
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of personnel that weakens... ukrainian troops, holding back the onslaught of russia on the battlefield, also reduces labor productivity in factories, construction sites, mines in restaurants countries affected by war. a mobilization law that took effect last month aims to bolster ukraine's military ranks with hundreds of thousands of troops, but a shortage of able-bodied men and women is straining the large and small businesses that form the backbone of the wartime economy. kiev has to fill brezh, left by millions of people who either fled the country, or ended up in the army, or died in... the metro in kiev, due to a lack of staff, switches to moving at increased intervals. driver shortage trucking has reached such proportions that companies are thinking about hiring women or foreigners. in the ukrainian capital, according to mayor klitschko, there are not enough doctors and utility workers. according to media reports, the authorities decided to mobilize firefighters. meanwhile, the ministry of defense of ukraine calls on the verkhovna rada to adopt a law on military police as quickly as possible in order to keep those forcibly mobilized at training grounds and
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to search for deserters. security summit in singapore he flew to seek support from asian leaders ahead of conference in switzerland, looking pale even before the opening, and to meet with the chief of the pentagon. strikes with american weapons on the territory of russia, nato, led by america , staged a whole show with the issuance of permits to kiev, although it has long been known that nato members determine targets for our enemy and supply it with space data. it’s not enough for them, the show with permits is linked to supposed assistance in
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the area devastated by flooding. irina kuksenkova talks about the situation in the zone where the elements caused trouble. dealing with the consequences the devastating flood in northern armenia has been going on for almost a week; overflowing
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rivers have destroyed roads and bridges, flooded entire cities and led to the mass evacuation of residents. four people died. today we will be cleaning the area from silt, cleaning garages, buildings, utility rooms. from a thick layer of silt. our other group in sanahin and valaverdy is preparing the crossing. unfortunately, today we must transport a man who died on the other side. the city of tumanyan suffered the most, it is in the lary region, bordering georgia. there the dibet river overflowed its banks. the footage shows a rapid flow of water that fills residential areas, washes away roads, and causes a lot of destruction. the town of allaverdiit was also badly damaged. there the water level rose by 6 m. almost half of the settlement was under water, and the sanahin railway station there was flooded. water trapped passengers on the first floors of the building. this branch leading to georgia
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is a strategically important artery, the only connection between armenia and the outside world by rail . the disaster damaged 18 km of tracks, destroyed 45 contact network supports and disrupted the power supply to traction vehicles. substations , the armenian authorities turned to russia for help. the operational headquarters was headed by the head of russian railways, oleg belozerov. russian railways specialists arrived in the flood zone to restore the destroyed infrastructure. before starting work, our railway workers carried out an inspection to analyze the damage, then began drying the equipment and cleaning the equipment from silt and dirt. several areas have already been brought into working order. this morning we opened traffic on this section in order to continue moving forward and repairs, because all sections are located in such a way that...


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