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tv   Kosmicheskaya odisseya Alekseya Leonova  1TV  June 2, 2024 2:30pm-3:26pm MSK

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well, the most interesting thing is that later, when we were already in the direction of the komsomol district committee, in my opinion, even the stalingrad district committee was komsomo, we received a higher education assignment to the naval school in kaliningrad, the four of us, that means toley golperin, vitya kireev, alexey lionov and me , so we went to school, he was there, but he later, then he took it away.
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we continue the conversation about the man who was the first to go into outer space, alexei arkhipech leonov, my guests are oksana leonova and yuri mikhnin. but how did he end up entering the flight school? why? his brother
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pyotr, older brother, he did his military service in the flight unit, was a sergeant, he still had notes, engines, everything there, lyosha studied all these engines, he liked everything, but he wanted too, well, i would say that this is already consequences, in fact, everything comes from childhood, when dad was still very young, and they moved from the village of lestvyanka to kemerovo and lived in a barracks. in a dorm in a room of 16 16 m2, a family of 12 people, dad’s regular place was a bed under the table, and in this barracks one pilot and dad periodically appeared as a baby followed him, kept looking at him, everything was literally following him, then he noticed him, he said that you are following me, you are a pilot, you should become a pilot, he says, to become a pilot, wash...
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wash, then he said, well that’s it, you’ll be a doctor, soon they brought the film fighters to the cinema, where mark bernes sang, so the boys went many, many, many, many times, i don’t know, there were no tickets, they probably got in somehow, but then he got sick aviation, he had two passions, and painting, aviation, well, to be honest, he i never intended to become a maryak, he probably just received a recommendation.
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the holidays were at the same time, we met, we just met for the first time, the first holidays were only after admission. look at those cap -dressed caps, tell us about how your parents met, after all, i’ll really be happy to tell you, but by the way, the most living witness, and of course it all happened, of course, i’ll tell you, and he’ll say, it was may 30, 1959, we know the exact date and time because it is a birthday.
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there was a girl, then after a while the girl finishes school, dad walks backwards through the streets and bumps into mom, recognized her, of course, and he recognized her, blushed, turned white, shook, began to ask mom for the lowest forgiveness, and she, being proud of the beauty, said , young
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man, it’s okay, go your way, you didn’t bother me in any way, everything is fine, but they separated, went their separate ways, and quite by chance that same evening they met... here is the company of yuri anatoly, my dad, confirm, and my mother in officers' house at a dance, quite by accident, and dad was really for it, he was so much, but well, not right away, only dad sent ambassadors, here yuri and anatoly, they were so handsome in these nautical, beautiful uniforms, slender, handsome, athletic young men, they came up to her, we were so uncomfortable for our friend, he liked you so much, he is so uncomfortable in front of you, please, forgive him, i think, honestly, i don’t even remember anymore, well, in general, this is how their acquaintance began, we must pay tribute that from that very day, dad was
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immensely in love with mom, but mom’s, well, not even i know how my heart or just my leisure time was busy then with another young man, and my dad was very busy, because these were final exams, it was already the final year, and he already then - began - to fly for qualifying tests, because it had already begun - was already the selection for this secret group of pilots, and he finally arrived for this selection on october 4, 1959 , on the very day when we didn’t meet alekseevich gagarin, so once again he comes to menchuk, goes towards his mother’s house, and her young man who is looking after her, persuaded some local bandits to beat up dad, they beat her back, so to speak, knocked her out, beat her,
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local aborigines, yes, yes, and dad comes in such a brave military uniform, these local aborigines. .. they were already dumbfounded, what a handsome guy, word for word they talked to him and became interested in ice activities, and he began to talk to them so interestingly, he was so charming, charming, that firstly they invested this comrade, and in -secondly, they carried it out straight to my mother’s house, romance, well , maybe they had a meeting with my mother, well , maybe i don’t know, so they got married already when he joined the detachment, it turns out, but no, i ’m telling you here. he was called to moscow, so he was one of the forty icemen who were then chosen for this commission, it was october 4, 1959, he was given a hospital gown, he comes to the ward, the flight is straight to the first companion, yes, to the ward,
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a young man is sitting in the ward, reading a book, with a bare torso, in the same hospital trousers, with naked torso, looks up, eyes, smiles broadly and says: yuri gagarin, his famous northern pilot, senior lieutenant, and dad saw how handsome... the young man, his neighbor in the hospital ward, immediately introduces himself as alexey leonov, southern pilot , the southern one is here with humor, well, they became friends on that very day, in october 1959, after completing the medical examination, dad returned to kremenchuk and immediately received a distribution, assignment, to join the german group of forces, and he understands that this needs to be done urgently, just as urgent his personal needs to be settled. life, because he flies away forever, and he finds my
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mother and says: “svetlana, i guarantee that i will love you like no one in this world, always firmly, devotedly and faithfully, marry me, or tomorrow, or never, and his mother told him yes, and she was not mistaken, and she was not mistaken, and they lived, 60 years without one month.” action, when my dad began to undergo a medical examination, right from the very first day he could yes, it was so comradely that he could not pass this medical examination, because the doctor, who received young young pilots, he wrote off dad. instantly as soon as i saw it, because he said that you have increased hairiness, you cannot fly
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into space, hair, this means, this means increased hairiness on the torso, you were hairy, but as you say, how come we have sensors on you we will attach it when we fly to distant worlds, and dad says: when you are going to fly to distant worlds, he says, right now, in a year, in two to distant worlds, it’s not possible to attach a sensor to you, but dad was not in favor. ..
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everything to print, yuri fekin came to me, wrote everything there, told us, they invited us to the blue light, this yuri folkin announces, sedat... all the cosmonauts are sitting, who are already the eleventh, which means before him everything, and he says, we have prepared a surprise for alexei arkhipovich leonov, his school friend is sitting here, yuri mikhlin with his father, in general, all the events, everything - that’s it, some anniversaries, all the holidays, everything, we celebrated everything together, we had
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a family tradition, without fail, on january 14th old new year, we gathered with our families, yes. all the children, and he wrote, because there were no telephones back then, they all wrote greeting cards to each other, so he always wrote, congratulations to everyone, signed, vika, oksana, svetlana, lyosha, and this is for his eightieth birthday, here are all four, four friends , all four friends, the penultimate time was on june 23, 1919. it’s just anatoly golperin’s birthday, we came to see him, a book came out, it’s the time of the first, so we brought these books, he signed these books for us all, and the last time we, yes, this oksana was just there, do you remember they raised the flag, yes, i remember, of course, they raised the st. andrew’s flag, at my dacha on
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navy day they always raised it over the houses in star city in the summer. flag, they arranged a formation, we all stood on the line, they raised the flag, so, and i remember the story of pyotr kolodin, when he was still alive, he loved to go to our bathhouse, gagarinskaya, bathhouse, gagarinskaya, why, because gagarin was donated by komsomol members of finland, a finnish country house made from finnish birch, but he already had a dacha, and since he he loved the bathhouse, but there was no bathhouse, and he decided that this house should be... a bathhouse for an astronaut, and so he said that when his son was born, he didn’t have a car then, then he says that there were only cars that had already flown away , cars were given after the flight, alexey rakhapech had them, they were friends together, and we lived on the same staircase, so he says, i asked alexey arkhipovich, my mother says i decided to come help, well, for
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a young mother with the birth of a child, well, she asked kipicha, mom is coming to the station, can we stop by? her, he says: yes, of course, we can, the only thing is that i need to go somewhere there on business, come in, he says, and of course, we’ll meet your mother, we’ll come home, well, alexey arkhipovich, apparently he was going to some kind of official meeting, so he put on his jacket, hero of the soviet union, colonel, they went and met his mother, so he says, then his mother tells him, who stayed there for not a month, even a little more, came to her homeland, to a small village there . well, since she was in moscow, the whole village gathered at the club and began to straighten out, well, tell me, son, go already, there’s probably a major, there’s how he flies everything else, he says, i don’t know who my son is, but his driver is a hero of the soviet union, well , we can’t help but talk, of course , about his spacewalk, yes, but they didn’t talk about it then, he said, a special
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group, that’s it, no one knew about it, of course, but there, how did you perceive it? you know, well , i can only tell from my parents’ stories, i wasn’t born then, i was born later, and my dad didn’t tell me his tasks because the task was very risky, the task was classified, so what was happening was already seen on tv, my sister was 4 years old at the time, she got very worried , and mom, mom, let him come back quickly, because it was scary, so my grandfather arkhip alekseevich, too, when he saw this, he said: “well, why does this man not do everything according to the rules, well, he’s just some kind of noodle, well, well, why shouldn’t he, everyone flies in a spaceship, and he went into open space, that is the family didn’t know at all about what was going to happen, they just found out how many emergency situations there were, where everything was laid out, one
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worse than the other, but he was the first, and although his exit lasted only 12 minutes, 28, i’m here today.”
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i entered into the nitrogen boiling zone and that’s it, so i theoretically took the only possible option, he reduced the pressure in the spacesuit and avoided the bend zone, despite the fact that he already felt that his fingers were tingling, that is, nitrogen had already begun to appear, that is he reduced this pressure, but then with such difficulty he entered back into the ship and also abnormally, not as prescribed, i have never flown in such a plane anymore, so i can just say that... some height, i just remembered now such a case, at the school we had a tower 3 m 5 m, everyone jumped in the pool there, so we
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recruited for the school, after all, they came from the navy, they were just already there, there was an assault on the sergeant major, the second article, i remember until now, from 3 m he enters 3 m, the foreman of the second article reports, he is ready for promotion, jumps, jumps, now at... 5 m, at 5 m he climbed, he is already scared, he is no longer a second sergeant, cadet, cadet popov, predshkugatov, now 5 m is already scary, but i remember this in nikolaev, when on from 10 m, well, i was a gymnast, i jumped like a class, i stood for a long time, i couldn’t decide to bend from 10 m, i can’t imagine how you go into outer space, you go out, there’s nothing above you at all. you don’t know somewhere, i can’t imagine, yes, even with a parachute, he had more than 200 jumps there, it
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was still the first, it was unknown to anyone, so, of course, he was ready for any a surprise, let's say, of course he was prepared, he was prepared, but what happened to him, i think, of course no one could have guessed in advance, on the eve of the flight, when korolev tried to answer some questions for... all issues you
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can watch the space stories podcast on the website of the first channel i am a diamond, a man has entered outer space. the life of alexei leonov was like an exciting film, where everything was there: victories, injuries, heroism, conflicts, miraculous salvation and even gunshots. leonov almost died in the time of the assassination attempt on leonid brezhnev. the bullet passed near the stomach, from the back. largely thanks to alexei leonov, the cold war between the nuclear superpowers was stopped. it was a time of warming between our countries. the soviet union and the united states. it was leonov who found out the whole truth about the death of yuri gagarin. his
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investigation helped find that pilot. but the main thing in leonov’s life was, of course, space. he was the first to enter the open space of the universe. the task is completed. leonov is a true legend, a true hero. from my day off at school, i kept a diary, here is the epigraph of this diary, somewhere in my apartment, my fate is written there. i
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myself, where i got it from, i don’t know, probably from my head, this is true, on march 18, 1965, at 10:00 moscow time, in the soviet union, the sputnik spacecraft was launched into orbit of the earth’s satellite by a powerful launch vehicle vaskhod-2. alexey leonov and pavel bilyaev went into space on voskhod-2 in 1965. they were astronauts number 7 and 8. but leonov was to become the first.
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landed in the area of ​​the city of perm, but behind this word there were 26 hours of flight, during which the cosmonauts more than once found themselves on the brink of death, only thanks to their courage and heroism they were able to return to earth. stepping into outer space, leonov
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saw the sky. not above oneself, as usual, but below oneself. amazing picture. leonov's breath caught. it seemed incredible to be outside the confines of the earth, hanging over an abyss, and seeing, in the palm of your hand, seas , oceans, polar caps, continents, everything that was previously impossible to see as now. caucasus, caucasus, caucasus i see below you, raised my head. the kaliningrad bay is like a map, and quietly, quietly, i heard my heart beating, i heard my breathing, but euphoria quickly gave way to cold horror, about the eighth minute i felt that my fingers were leaving the gloves, admire the beauty of the universe he didn’t really
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have time, something strange happened, he swelled up, which made all the astronaut’s movements difficult. leonov realized that in this situation it would be simply impossible to return to the ship. nobody knew anything about how the spacesuit would behave, so this not everything is so simple, it really is when you begin to understand, like a professional himself , when he himself went into outer space , you understand how it could be, well... it’s certainly creepy. if you look closely at the archival footage, you can see how leonov tried with naughty fingers to wind up the halyard, the cable that connects him to the ship, but he couldn’t. the matter is further complicated by the fact that he has no support for his legs, and there is space vacuum all around. he simply hung in space, absolutely without support, on a very long halyard.
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here's today's... astronauts who have already made hundreds of exits, the americans too, but they do not have the right to disconnect from the handrails, they are constantly interlocked with carbines that protect them, and they want to be. to test a completely new ship, new systems, and most importantly, to create a spacesuit in which a person will not be afraid of outer space. the vacuum of space was simulated in a pressure chamber, a giant installation with powerful pumps.
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will reduce the pressure in the spacesuit. later, this decision will be included in textbooks on how to act in the most difficult, deadly situations in space, but the main thing is not to panic. as if this is a model of an astronaut, this is how an astronaut should be, in good blood, confidently understanding exactly what he is doing. it’s probably in his head, but i just know from myself that if some emergency situation occurs, you immediately have in your head many different ways out of this emergency situation, from these...
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like rubber gloves, your face becomes twice as big, my eyes are falling through, this is death, there is no choice, i followed this path, i think i ’ve been there for an hour already, breathing pure oxygen, i probably washed out the nitrogen, i took almas, and i released the pressure twice, and... i immediately felt it, it became easier, more free to move. leonov winds up the halyard and gets to the airlock. according to the rules, now he must enter
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it feet first, so that he can close the hatch if the automation does not work. and he is thrown into the under again, but it doesn’t work. the suit is still too bloated. there is no time for consultation with the ground again, then leonov goes against the instructions, grabs the handrails tighter and pulls himself into the airlock head first, here you see the cosmonaut in spacesuit, a life -size dummy of an astronaut in a spacesuit and a life-size airlock, now he entered almost up to the shoulder correctly, just as it was written in his instructions, well... that’s how he failed to enter, there’s a hatch inside, he’ll have to sit down there in the airlock then close in front of him, which means, well, see how the hatch closes, if you need to help him, close, close, close, and he had to control the hatch
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with his head back, and he turned in this our airlock, thank god that he was soft, all this is not on film. two, body temperature exceeded 38°, sweat poured down his body in streams, in the 12 minutes he was in space, alexey leonov lost 6 kg. when i entered the ship, without even closing the hatch between the ship and the airlock chamber, i opened the pressure helmet, without having the right and... began to rub my eyes, sweat was eating away at my eyes,
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but that he was on the verge of death, lionov in i didn’t even think about it at that moment, the main thing is that he did it, he was the first to go into space, tomorrow the whole world will talk about it, only after 3 months the spacewalk will be repeated american edward white, but he will already be the second, all this time pavel bilyaev, the commander, was watching leonov from the spaceship. fortunately, alexey leonov, although with difficulty, was able
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to return to the ship. pasha patted me on the shoulder and said: “well done, lyokha.” and it was very difficult to wrest praise from him. but soon the astronauts again found themselves in the face of danger. the ship suddenly depressurized. the hatch did not close tightly. the pressure in the cabin was almost six times higher than normal. oxygen became less and less. the astronauts were already breathing not oxygen, but explosive gas. the slightest spark, for example, due to a faulty electrical wiring, and a fire in the cabin is inevitable, more like an explosion. this is exactly how the astronauts of the apollo 1 mission died during a test flight. in addition, in such a situation a person is inevitably drawn to sleep. sleeping is equal to death, our cosmonauts were truly saved
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by a miracle, and we dropped everything that was supposed to, the temperature should be at a minimum, the humidity at a minimum, the pressure was growing, then suddenly we fell asleep, we fell asleep, tired, and in the dream i used my hose turned on the pressurization, supplying pressure from the cylinders, as it turned out, this enormous pressure put the hatch in place. the air from the ship stopped leaking and the pressure began to return to normal, we breathed freely, then things went well, we went to land, but it was too early to rejoice, something completely unexpected happened, the ship began to uncontrollably descend from orbit. leonov and belyaev could forever become hostages of space.
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well done guys, but fast at cosmic
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speeds means thousands of km. instead of in the kazakh steppe, the cosmonauts landed in the snowy perm taiga. pasha got out of the ship, the snow was like salt, one of her heads was sticking out of the snow, there was one and a half meters of snow, 60 meters, like that. i jumped out after him too. as leonov recalled, only around. trees -25°, apologetic silence, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, watch the time after the program, for the poet’s anniversary. pushkin is really not just our
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everything, but this is something that can be done again , again, understandably, to a foreign viewer, something that is understandable to... the viewer who will definitely come to the familiar name. the first film based on pushkin was made in 1907. moreover, it was a sound film, the queen of spades. bontarchuk, of course, takes boris godunov and plays boris gudunov himself. what's this? they make luxurious clothes for the boyars, trying to reproduce the clothes of that time. pushkin, how the space industry enriches civilian production. something like that, yes. podcast lab. on tuesday. on the first. in 2017 , leonov ibelyaev’s flight was used as the basis for the feature film time of the first. do not be bored. i soon. pash, just push me
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gently. oh, first time idea. came to the mind of evgeny mironov, and to begin with, he decided to meet someone who managed to accomplish the impossible then, i plucked up the nerve to call, said that my name is zhenya mironov, and wanted to list my films so that he would remember, he said: “zhenya “whatever you want, i know you, that’s it.” i said that i have an idea, he said, come. and then i was late for this meeting... 4 hours, because for some reason he didn’t answer the phone, i thought that i would arrive at the gate, which was closed, sealed, i’m damned, no, he stood there like that in a tracksuit, in patent leather sneakers, then i went in and saw a table set, and we
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sat and talked for quite a long time, probably also four, one might say, leonov blessed me...
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he said: “zhenya, i just now, just now i it was scary how many times leonov said goodbye to life.” during his first flight into space, how many times could he really have died, so when he landed in the snowy taiga, he and pavel belyaev were sure that this was the end, it was freezing, there was nowhere and nothing to keep warm, it was a shame, they came out of space alive they returned, they would die here in their native land, they fought as best they could, tried all the ways to survive, at first... the navts tried to make a fire, but it immediately collapsed in a snowdrift. then they tore open their spacesuits and wrapped themselves in internal thermal insulation material; it was still cold. and then leonov drew attention to the parachute, entangled in the branches of the trees. the astronauts cut off the lines and wrapped them in the fabric of the dome. the next morning
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, leonov and belyaev were finally discovered.
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among them is a historic spacewalk. about the fact that alexey leonov is masterful he painted pictures, everyone knew, but the fact that he also created icons became a revelation for many. this temple is located in the village of novoselovo, vladimir region, not far from the memorial in memory of yuri. a few years ago the temple was destroyed, but thanks to leonov’s help it was restored. the paintings on the walls of the church
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were made according to the sketches of the astronaut. for alexey arkhipech, god the cosmos is not opposites. here on his icon he connected the mother of god and the iss. here in the upper right corner you can see the flying station. three chords, new season, watch after evening news, yes, this is the first time i’ve seen you,
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well, it’s the first, it will be from three stations, sergey repnyun, very pleasantly studied, the only person who didn’t call me a mule, well, that’s because i always liked you better, a prostitute, the best compliment for turning five. ranevskoe. tomorrow, after the program time. fellow chairman of the state commission, the crew of the soyuz spacecraft is ready for a joint flight with the american apollo spacecraft. crew commander, colonel leonov. with thomas stafford alexey leonov met during the famous apollo soyuz mission in 1975. by the mid-seventies , relations between the ussr and the usa had become worse than ever. the cold war threatened to become real. the world was not on the brink of
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a cold war, but on the brink of a real war. it was a cold war. well, the war didn’t happen. this means that we can say that this flight was one of the reasons why she did not exist. the joint soviet-american flight was supposed to melt the ice and show that we can. this connection was to become historic. the crews of the soviet union, leonov and kubasov, three astronauts on the american apollo spacecraft, led by thomas stafford, were supposed to spend two days together. and at the very beginning of the meeting, on camera, that is, for the whole world, the commanders gathered as a sign of the warming of relations between our countries. the meeting was supposed to take place on neutral territory, but contrary to protocol, leonov
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, instead of the planned formal handshake, literally dragged the astronaut by the hand into his compartment. shouts of delight in our mission control center and indignation in the american one. so the priority was torn, as it were, from american hands. ended up in the soviet union, then lionov prepared another surprise, he decided to end all the quarrels between our powers, purely in russian. the americans are used to it, when we had them we always treated them to, these tubes, borscht, there, soup, some kind of soup, lyosha signed, vodka, vodka there such and such, vodka, i gave them all these tubes, well, for the meeting , he says, you and the prince.
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attention, says moscow. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. to the poet's anniversary. each king carries special signs with him, note that how will the kings know? listen, brothers, sir, the third operator is with us, that’s it.
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here is the aurora, an interesting pattern: under the moon, the flashes are usually green-blue, and under the moon another red color appears. the moon in leonov’s paintings is not just an object of interest to the artist, it is a dream that he followed, and his pain, long
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journey, years of training were all in vain. it was alexei leonov who was appointed commander of the crew that was supposed to fly to the moon. but after the death of sergei korolev, our lunar program was closed. the americans were the first. americans immediately invested 25 billion dollars in the program, and we invested 2.5 billion rubles. miscellaneous money. but leonov had no doubt that our time would soon come to fly to the moon. he was sure. the earth's satellite needs to be developed, i completely agree with alexei arkhipovich, we will make a lunar base, first a research base, then we will probably want to produce something there or extract something if there are some valuable minerals there, well and as the apotheosis of everything, the arrival of tourists and
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the hotel tourism business. this is it svetochka, when i met her for the first time, she was a schoolgirl, with his wife svetlana, alexey leonov lived for more than 60 years, at one time he took the girl by storm, of course he had a young man, a rocket scientist, there are such, in general, such a choice, but then i arrived when i had already passed the commission, and when i come, svetlana, it’s either now or never. otherwise i have to fly away on the fifteenth, come on, then i had to wait 3 months, i went to the city party committee, explained, at 14 in the morning we signed, the wedding was played quickly, very modestly, no romantic marriage proposals for you, no kneeling, expensive rings , lush dresses, but for...


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