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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 3, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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according to the second hydroelectric power station the fourth, the energy capacities of ukraine have been seriously reduced, they have already been introduced throughout the country. the situation is very difficult, i advise many people to now look for friends, acquaintances, relatives in villages and regional centers where there is traditional heating with wood, so that in winter they can go there for at least a few weeks. in general, the situation in the ukrainian energy system during the heating season will be very threatening, the situation is now. critical, and in winter it can
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be catastrophic, well, yes, critical the situation with electricity, well, for those who want to remain in darkness, well, light is actually not needed, work is in full swing at the front now, our soldiers liberated the village of umanskaya in the avdeevsky direction, our ministry of defense reported this yesterday, one of the hottest sectors of the front, now this is the outskirts of chasovoyar, intense battles are taking place for the dominant heights, western analysts write about the attackers. the actions of our fighters north of chasoy yar in kalinovka. the russian military took most of kalinovka and crossed the canal north of hours. no ukrainian troops in the trenches, no return small arms fire, no mines, only counterattacks using fpv drones. this morning our ministry of defense reported that our paratroopers stormed another large enemy stronghold in the chasovo yar area. the video shows the work of the guards guys. parachute landing
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regiment of the kostroma ivanovo guards airborne forces. the paratroopers are working. and now war correspondent marat khairulin contacts us directly. he is working in this direction and we will find out last news. marat, hello, how are things? ah, good morning. well, you said it very correctly, yes, we are moving forward. now, if we say in scientific language what happens sometimes savyara, then we begin to block, so to speak, access zones. ukrainian troops, everyone is discussing why these northern trenches - chas yar, northern, not chas yar, but north of the microdistrict, kanal, turned out to be empty, but there is a very interesting story: on friday there were very strong, let's say, aviation work and work artillery large power, these are our destructive, armed brigades - well, there are such special brigades, theirs is open information, because it was vladimir... and about 700
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people in this sector of ukrainians were killed, as if this is the official data of the ministry of defense. and that means, this is what they themselves are telling, well, there are fighters in the trenches, there were two chernigov territorial defense brigades, i don’t remember them, 115. azovites, yes, banned in russia, these are the punitive forces, and so, the chernigovites, who lost a lot a lot of people they they fled, these azov men did not go to the first line, they have now retreated to the far part along oktyabrskaya street, kalinin street.
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that there is this canal, seversky donetsk, which was crossed, it is buried under a very important crossing there, why? because the land, and there it is very convenient to force it, as it were, exactly the same situation is happening to the south from ivanovsky, ivanovsky, the same thing is expanding the bridgehead towards kleshcheevka, there is... between the conditionally ivanovsk, kleshcheevka, andreevka line, there they again dug in - in the ground there this field area is quite large, well-known, yes, there were a lot of battles there, the ukrainians dug into the ground there, they are moving, slowly digging them out, yes, well , preparations are underway, movements, as if in the direction of chasovyar, this bridgehead is expanding, and through which, as it were, crossed the seversky donetsk, there is a peculiarity from the north and from the south, these two. whether near ivanovo,
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near kalinovo, and seversky donetsk is buried underground, ours are calmly expanding this, let’s say, part of the bridgehead, yes, that is. access zones, cut off their oxygen calmly they begin, as if they are waiting for the moment when, as it were , that is, they storm the clock, that is , most likely the clock will be exactly the same, an unexpected jerk, let’s say, then we will see the escape, from the point of view of logistics, now, well, in general, a very interesting situation at the front ,
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they have units fighting among themselves for the basements, they are so stuffed there like sardines in barrels, that’s all, that’s it, thank you very much, murat khairulin was in direct contact with us, from the ukrainian military, the americans are making the real ones cyborg killers, and what the worst thing is that they have completely devalued human life, but in ukraine, in russia, they teach ukrainians to enjoy the process itself. thanks to modern training techniques, i mean targeting simulators, we've made killing an almost unconditional reflex that allows you to get
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the job done. the main thing is that we must be able to live with what we have been taught. the reaction of most trained people to murder is joy. i hit the target, i did my job, i saved lives, i saving my own life. it is called. the euphoria of a survivor, well, in general , perverts and maniacs in the united states are probably in trend now, as far as we can see, and from various shots that are scattered across social networks, and which are published by the americans themselves, well, you see, maniacs, they often don’t they understand that they are maniacs, they just see the world differently, well , in general , they are looking for new test subjects for american instructors everywhere, over the weekend a video spread across ukrainian social networks of military commissars trying to take a giraffe, well... not the giraffe itself, but a life-size doll, and then we got to the hare krishnas, on the streets of ukrainian cities there is a real hunt for men who are trying to escape from the military commissars. well, those who end up in a training center are sent to the battlefield with virtually no
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training, at least that’s the picture ukrainian commanders paint in the western media, by and large they don’t hide it in any way, and this is not the first time we’ve talked about this, of course they are now they are trying to... say that all these shots from the shopping center are staged, russian propagandists are filming, we are running around there during our free time from work, we are filming all this video, but nevertheless, vlad, many people are interested, so we show the footage, yes, of course, i am far from thinking that this was filmed somewhere at mostfilm, there is too much confirmation from the other side it comes that this is the case, but as soon as these recruits find themselves in the trenches, they stand there to the death, well, whatever one may say, there are mass surrenders, and there is no escape now, but how is this even possible, how does this happen maybe we're not so bright we should paint a picture of things like this, that no one wants to fight there, maybe they still go to serve there, well, here you just need to separate, as it were, two stories, the first
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is the desire to serve and go to war, which is completely absent from the word, secondly, the situation when you find yourself in a okupa, firstly, you need to understand that you find yourself in a okupa as if there is a conditional... he honestly says that yes, we shoot at our own people, when he says what do you want to say now , excuse me, guys, you understand,
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that is, a person finds himself in conditions where even if he doesn’t want to fight, then the war forces him to fight, there’s just the concept of a threat to your life, people mostly fight because it’s a direct threat to life, that is , correct psychological work and dosing with veterans allows people who don’t even want these giraffes, conditionally, and animators, who after 2 hours find themselves on the field... well, any unit, if we take the ukrainian one, this is even more clearly visible, it always has a certain, so to speak, combat core, in which, again, there is a sufficient number of natives zapodenets, immigrants, those who seem to actively profess ukrainian nazism, they, of course, in this case are also an internal detachment, the story is about how they shoot their own soldiers, there is even a video where our copters are filming how they, for example, there someone is taken away and shot, that is, the person is
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between two fears, the fear that they will kill you right now, and the fear that the russians will kill you, the russians have not yet reached you, so you need to at least somehow... then hold on and somehow sit when they they push, then they all start saying that we didn’t want to fight at all and we are in favor of surrendering, they are sincere in this, but the problem is that before that you fought, it turns out, throw them into such hopelessness. .. like a situation, and put a weapon in their hands, they say, they shoot, yes, in this way they are simply, well , i don’t know, they are aimed at killing a person, they say, well, this is a way of survival, it’s just amazing that the country is america , which shouts loudest about human rights, now gives others the right to kill, short advertising, and we'll be back.
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i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents and sisters , brothers, many thanks to my parents for that. that they raised me, made me a real person, what makes me happy is the health of my loved ones, not only my loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i’m proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their own happiness, how old are you, how old am i, yes, yes, i’ve already lost count, my god?
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and after the program time, you clearly want to become the main figure in faien görden’s play, but if necessary for business, i can play worse, jari sancho, for the poet’s anniversary. pushkin is groping the way to an objective knowledge of history, to not remaining in one camp, to look at it all through the eyes of shakespeare, even at the decembrist uprising with his friends. pushkin has grown up.
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today on the first, so amazing company in our studio: cats, dogs, birds, everyone who lives in your homes. what are the benefits of pets for each of us, an amazing topic, let's talk about this and many other things in the program to live healthy, tomorrow at the first, on the anniversary of the poet, each king wears special signs, note how
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the kings recognize, listen brothers, sir, he himself is also the captain’s daughter, it’s commendable, my sir, that you are starting your service from the garrison, oh, how good for you, such as you are, even now, if it’s the will of the lord, come to me, now we are not just quarreling, dear mother, here you are, grandfathers, a new commander, well , are you silent, or don’t you believe that i am a great sovereign? god knows you, sergei makovetsky, you will still be my wife, vladimir mashkov, forgive me, o people-glorifying one, forgive me! in the film russian riot, on friday, on the first.
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three chords, new season. on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, a summer series of games, on sunday on the first, for the poet’s anniversary.
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pushkin, how the space industry enriches civilian production, something like that, yes, podcast lab, tomorrow on the first, ranevskaya, my head is in the right place, they told me, you can’t watch tv from morning to night, so please, watch the time after the program. in the west, they decided to completely take off their masks, the leaders of western countries took turns giving themselves a mandate to strike deep into russian territory, in washington , meanwhile, they also decided to secretly give ukraine some kind of secret permission, the secret is important here, but in the end, all the information immediately
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ended up in in mass media. major changes have occurred in us policy on arming ukraine, for the first time the white house allowed kiev to use some types of american weapons to strike russian territory. the president recently directed his team to ensure that ukraine can use u.s.-provided weapons for counter-battery warfare in the kharkiv region so that ukraine can retaliate against russian forces attacking or preparing to attack it. attack, in fact, ukraine can now use weapons provided by the americans to shoot down launched russian missiles heading towards kharkov, troops amassed right on the russian border near the city, or russian bombers launching bombs towards ukrainian territory, but ukraine cannot use these weapons to hit civilian infrastructure or launch long-range missiles, the american
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president now admits, that the situation on the battlefield has changed greatly and that there is no doubt that russia is gaining the upper hand in this long war. there is not much information at the moment, but it has appeared after an interesting statement antony blinken made the other day. ukraine turned to us and asked for permission to use our weapons to protect against russian troops who are concentrating on the russian side, their common borders. have given kiev more than $50 billion in military aid since the russian invasion, but have previously refused to allow ukrainians to use weapons outside their borders for fear
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of escalating the conflict. this month, russia launched a new deadly offensive in the kharkov area, raising fears that ukraine's second largest city could fall. you know, throughout the war the same situation occurs: ukraine asks for additional military assistance or other types of support. at first, the united states hesitates for a long time, when time has already passed , many people have died, washington softens its position and agrees to kiev’s requests. yes, ukraine was given the desired permission, but kharkov is already an almost destroyed city. what an impact this us decision can really have on the front lines. happened for real an important change in the war, but the really big question is whether this will successfully slow down or even stop the new russian offensive around kharkov? this is an extremely important step on the part of the us and president biden, and something that
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zelensky has really been pushing for over the past few weeks. we are grateful to president biden for recently allowing us to use highmars in the kharkov region, along the border with ukraine. is that enough? no, because i recently gave you examples airfields from which russia attacks constantly and absolutely calmly. knowing that ukraine cannot strike back, does not have the appropriate systems, does not have the appropriate permits. well, here, probably, the main message of this entire kiev kunta, which zelensky represents to the americans, is that in order to achieve our, that is , the ukrainian goal, he wants to tell the americans, including biden, and the goal is the killing of civilians, your means american ones are also good, in history...
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last week, if he’s talking about the possibility of striking russian territory with long -range precision weapons, he, as a person who heads a military-political organization, although he is a civilian like me, but he still must know that long-range precision weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance assets, first: second, the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified
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specialists on the basis of this intelligence, technical intelligence data, if according to one strike systems, such as stormshadow, but these tasks can be entered automatically into flight missions, without any. the presence of ukrainian military personnel, who is doing this? this is done by those who produce and those who supposedly supply these shock systems to ukraine, without the participation at all, it can and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel, and other systems, for example, such as atakoms, yes, and also on the basis of space reconnaissance are being prepared , is formulated, brought automatically to... to the calculations of the corresponding, they may not even understand what they are entering, and the calculation, maybe the ukrainian calculation, enters the corresponding flight task, but this
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task is prepared not by ukrainian military personnel, but by representatives of nato countries, well, these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries, they must generally be aware of what... they are playing with, they must remember that this is, as a rule, a state with a small territory, with a very dense population, this is a factor that they must keep in mind before - talk about launching strikes deep into russian territory, uh, this is a serious thing, we , of course, are watching this very carefully, we look - everything is now going on around the events - on the approaches to kharkov, so they provoked these events in this direction, i six months ago, in my opinion
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, he publicly said if...
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a conflict is always preceded by a negotiation process, but what the hell is it that zelensky is inclined to the first version, that the aggravation is not a joke, especially since zelensky now has a person who identifies himself with president of ukraine, well , there can’t be any responsibilities at all, because he doesn’t hold an official position, and his western curators,
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western patrons know this very well, who don’t even use him... in the dark, they just use him, this is completely obvious how this can all end, it can end either in big negotiations, or in a real exchange of blows that will shake europe. the most interesting thing is that the smile of giaconda joseph biden, which he accompanied the corresponding question, she says that the united states doesn’t feel sorry for europe, it doesn’t feel sorry for it. vlad, the sanitary zone that our president is talking about, how realistic is it now? create, well, the word is really not accurate, this is a necessity and this is a task, accordingly we will carry it out, we have enough reserves, enough forces, we have the whole summer campaign ahead of us, i think that the goals will be quite large-scale, not just just sanitary zones, i think that they go much further and we must understand that of course this is the current, as it were, removal of all restrictions in general, but... when did it become
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it’s clear that weapons went, then you and i formulated a strategy for boiling down the frog, that the russians will be taught in homeopathic doses, but in the end everything will come to the point that any restrictions will be lifted, and there will be no restrictions at all, as if not for ukraine, today they are in a hurry because it is completely obvious to them that ukraine is beginning to sag more and more, it is not crumbling... it is sagging, you know, when the surrender gives a crack, it still stands, but everyone already understands that the process has begun and it unstoppable, now this is an attempt, in principle, to raise the stakes for us so high that we ourselves falter and we agree at this very stage to freeze the war and go to negotiations, that is , this is actually a psychological attempt to put psychological pressure on us, because from a military point of view, this removal of good
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will not change absolutely anything. even if they issue hundreds of missiles a month there, which they physically cannot do, because they don’t have that many, then the percentage of those that reach it is still it is equally incapable of influencing our defense capability. even this weekend, hymers fragments, which, by the way, are already published on social networks, fell on civilian objects. what's next, rockets? well, you know, i’ll actually be surprised at this stage, because it’s very important for kiev to show that they are so good, white,
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fluffy, that is, at this stage i don’t expect this, especially since in the background it’s like now in 2 weeks there will be a summit in switzerland, which is not being assembled and which is chattering like an owl on a globe, so in any case until switzerland they are for sure. they will not do this, because for them it will be political suicide, no, while they are still working on actual military targets, then, further, yes, it may well be that the same attacks can be used to strike our military industrial facilities, but industrial facilities will not are located in cities, yes, accordingly, if the rap system is able to take something somewhere, it will take it away from a military plant, and there may be some house nearby and so on, that is, this is a very dangerous thing and of course they they will probe position, but -
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it did not take into account the main thing, the situation has changed a lot, and the russian army has also changed, its tactical actions, capabilities, and so on, and kiev’s capabilities have changed accordingly, because in fact they are much weaker than they were a year ago, when they were preparing for counternast, remember how we together literally exactly a year ago expected this powerful blow, which our valiant fifty-eighth army under the leadership of ivan popov repelled, but nevertheless it was truly a powerful blow they had dangerous chances. now, taking into account our capabilities in color, in everything else, it was initially clear that they had no global chances, the maximum they could count on was to try to knock us out of volchansk before the swiss summit, they tried, it didn’t work, on the contrary, according to the data that
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i have, gradually introducing reserves into battle, our command generally sets the task, well, from the action i see, but to turn the situation around and use this counter-offensive of theirs, after we have repelled it, in order to... v ultimately continue our offensive here in order to completely wash away the enemy politically before the door of this very summit, that is, i don’t yet see how they can do this, taking into account the sharply increased technical capabilities of our armed forces. well, this morning there was information on some social networks that our guys not only repelled this counter-attack, but somewhere they even went on a counterattack; fighting is already going on in the area of ​​the volchansky high-rise buildings, but i’m not very familiar with the details yet.
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dividing such essentially senseless attacks, and also covering them with air artillery on the way, which also often happens, we thus generally gain a strategic advantage, that is, such a battle, it is still going in our favor, and i, well, for another week two weeks ago, i said that i would be
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glad if they went on a counterattack, we were able to train their best forces in this attack, so that we could then use it during the summer campaign, so today we recalled the words of vladimir putin in uzbekistan about the safe zone in...
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they just took me and stole it from the chinese, and that’s normal, well, ukraine generally has a long tradition of throwing money away, back in 2014, china never got $3 billion worth of foreign grain, so it’s not surprising that after such somersaults, china refused participation in a certain summit in switzerland , many countries will not participate in kiev’s adventures, for example , saudi arabia refused the invitation, which is most surprising, the owner means the land of kiev. who he thinks he is, american president joe biden is also not yet on the list
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participants, and ukrainians in their favorite style, propaganda, pr campaigns, promos, they made a whole website called peace needs joe, that is, the world needs joe, but apparently joseph biden doesn’t hear them yet, but here’s how - if you believe, yes, what they write on social networks, australia decided to send the minister for insurance of disabled people to this summit, is it either trolling, or is it really such a decision. ended, attempts to find at least some justification for zelensky’s position as the leader of ukraine were absolutely unsuccessful, vladimir putin, during his visit to uzbekistan, emphasized that the problem of the legitimacy of the ukrainian government is very serious. regarding legitimacy.
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moreover, under the conditions of the martial law law, the powers of parliament are extended. this is such a preliminary analysis, we need to look carefully, some experts say that there are contradictions between the constitution, which only talks about the extension of the powers of the rada in conditions of martial law, the law that i just talked about, the law from
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i think 2016. it is said that they are prolonged, and this is a problem. so, according to the ukrainian presidency, there is no constitution, but nowhere is the constitution, the president is elected for a term of 5 years, and there is not a word about the extension of his powers, moreover, in 2014. the constitutional court of ukraine confirmed that the only possible, established term of the presidency in an independent country is 5 years. the constitutional court of ukraine notes that the provisions of article 103 of the constitution of ukraine and its other articles do not contain norms that would establish a period other than five years, for which citizens of ukraine
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can elect the head of state, regardless of the type of elections, regular or extra-regular. so, enshrined in the first part of article 103 of the main.
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year it was outside the regular one, that is , it began in may, if there had been a second round, it would have been in june, the constitution said: 5 years and not a second more, yes, that is, the constitutional court according to the constitution of ukraine, the only body that has the right to interpret the constitution, and the decision on the interpretation of the constitution is binding on everyone, this constitutional court, why didn’t zelensky turn to the constitutional court in order to interpret it as he needed, what
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zelensky says, interprets the constitution or anyone on planet earth, it has no meaning at all, that is, it’s just a point of view, but here it is here's the point.
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martial law there are also many nuances, but according to the ukrainian constitution , the verkhovna rada also does not have the authority to extend martial law, however, the law on martial law in ukraine says that in conditions of martial law, change the constitution is prohibited, as well as holding elections, what to do here, how they will end, martial law will end, it is being introduced for a limited period, the president is over, he is no longer legitimate, who can extend this martial law or as soon as... it ends this is martial law, they are obliged to hold elections, you know, this is not separate power, because zelensky will end, martial law will end,
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everything will end, that is, everyone in ukraine understands this perfectly well, so they are extending the martial law the situation is also outside the law, why is there martial law, ukraine is not in a state of war with russia, not a single law, that is , war has not been declared on russia, just for one simple reason, if ukraine is in a state of war, the credit rating of ukraine will decrease almost not to zero, and not a single credit organization, not a single state will give it a day.
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well, in a state of passion of debts of all that is simply impossible in a normal state, making a decision that does not
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comply with either international law or the very constitution of ukraine, as a result, simply destroys the body of the state and civil society, that is, in essence , the main enemy of ukraine is vladimir zelensky himself, his team, as well as petro poroshenko, his team, and then on the list, yes, well, say yes, there is an article by alexander, usurpation of power, but where there is arbitrariness, there are no... limits to lawlessness. a short advert and we'll be back. i am happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know that something new awaits me during the day, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes. cooking, this is heaven for me, one might say. my hobbies are traveling, my favorite is ice hockey, i have a dacha, which
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has turned into a paradise, into a flower garden, i am proud of it, i started going to drawing classes, and i put my paintings at an exhibition, play music, do art, this is very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybinsk, be happy if you find it. good in every second of her life, ranevskaya does not know that frekken they drew boxing with her without showing the picture, you call for an appointment, freaking god is seriously passionate about carlson, this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old, i’m trying to somehow justify my heroine, love for this fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, my head is in the right place , they told me i can’t watch tv from morning to night, so please,
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ranevskaya, watch it after the program. it’s time for my funeral, the orchestra is playing, instead of my photo, a photo of frekenbock, such an amazing company in our studio, cats, dogs, birds, everyone who lives in your homes, what are the benefits of pets for each of us, an amazing topic, let's talk about this and much more. in the program it’s great to live, tomorrow at the first, for the poet’s anniversary, pushkin is really not just our everything, but this is something that can be done again again, something that is clear to foreign viewers, something that is also clear to russian viewers, who will definitely come to the familiar name, the first film according to pushkin was made in 1907, moreover, it was
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a sound film, queen of spades, bondarchuk, of course, he takes boris godunov and plays boris godunov himself, what’s that? they make luxurious clothes for the boyars, trying to reproduce the clothes of that time. pushkin, how the space industry enriches civilian production, something like that, yes. podcast lab, on first tomorrow. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, three chords, a new season, on sunday on the first, for the poet’s anniversary, each king wears special
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signs, note how kings are recognized. "listen, brothers, sirs, the third emperor with us, fyodor fedorovich, this is captain mironov, himself, there is also a captain’s daughter, it’s commendable, my sir, that you are starting your service from the garrison, oh, how nice for you, you can wear such an earring even now, may the lord please you, come to me, now we’re not just quarreling, we’ll forget our own mother.” here you are, grandfathers, a new commander, well, are you silent or don’t believe that i’m a great sovereign, god knows you, sergei makovetsky, you’ll still be my wife , vladimir mashkov, forgive me, orthodox people, forgive me, in the film russian revolt in
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friday on the first. yes, this is the first time i’ve seen you, well, it’s the first time, you’ll come out of three stations, very nice, the only person who didn’t call me a mule, well, that’s because i always liked you better, prostitute, the best compliment for the petite, ranevskaya, look after the program time. in united russia, the results of the preliminary, or rather electronic voting, and preliminary voting, which took place in eighty regions within 163 companies, were summed up ; more than 22 thousand candidates took part in it. in addition, in preliminary 95 participants of the special military operation took part in the voting; united russia accompanied each such candidate
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individually. throughout my entire career, my entire military career, i have gone through a lot of tests, a lot of tests, passed by fire and by fate itself, returning home, wounded, seriously wounded. i became concerned about the fate of my colleagues, my comrades and my people as a whole, having learned that elections would be held, i submitted an application and took part in the preliminary voting, i will call key positions are, of course, helping our guys who are returning from the front line, carrying out the humanitarian mission in
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full, because the war is going on... and the volume is increasing and, accordingly, the work is becoming more complicated, and i also plan to focus on our people. you and i are going to the elections not for the sake of mandates, not for the sake of the crusts that will lie in our pockets, but for the sake of those residents, and those who voted for us in september, for those who did not vote for us in september, so that in life in a specific locality, in a specific city, in a specific region, it became better, and so that you and i, already vested with the mandate of a deputy, senator, or someone else, would not be ashamed when walking down the street. look people in the eye. alexey aleksechin, united russia is not holding a preliminary vote for the first time, where it selects candidates who will already participate in the main
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elections to local authorities in september, but this time they are participants in a special military operation. what does this mean? primary is already an institution. by the way, other parties do not conduct primary, which is also typical. this is an indicator of self-confidence. plus, of course, recruiting, because united russia receives very serious competitive advantages in this way, which is why the attempts of western
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countries to question the results of various elections of the russian federation, they crumble before our eyes, this is obvious, because we observe everything to the smallest detail, this even ritualism in a good sense that helps you feel confident in this raging world of passion. members of special military operations, it’s not a pity to send people into power, these are the requirements of the president, these are the requirements of the president, these are people with a high sense of social responsibility, and this is the kind of inoculation that civil society needs in order to understand what is happening and, most importantly, to build those responsible people who , well, let’s just say that they don’t have a sense of the moment, the president said that we all, especially officials, must understand that we are in a very...
12:00 pm
hello, it’s news time at first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. a firestorm from our artillery. reconnaissance confirmed a hit, so five more missiles.


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