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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 4, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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astronauts, who are you the best astronaut among artists? alexey leonov's answer, and this is an absolutely deserved story. it was he who made the first drawing in space, he took with him, i don’t know, contraband or what, he took crayons with him to make it, i don’t think it’s contraband, i think it’s a completely meaningful action, and moreover, this is the first artist in the world who saw space with his own eyes, and dad had a heightened sense of color and... so his drawings, especially after going into outer space, well this is like a textbook and some kind of, you know, textbook material that space and stars, they look exactly like that, because dad, when he jumped out of the spaceship and found himself in airless outer space, he was amazed by myriads of stars, and the stars were above him, around him, and under him, his spirit was completely captured by everything.
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for the rest of his life, he retained this feeling of the boundlessness of the universe. yuri, how did you first meet alexei arkipovich, what kind of classmate and friend was he to you? in 1950 we met in twenty-first secondary school in the eighth grade of the city of kaliningrad. this school was a girls' school until september 1950. and so in our class there were 26 girls, only six. guys, you can see here, you can count, six guys, i ’ve already found, yes, the rest, all girls, since they came from different schools, that’s why there were students who learned english, some german, some french, we had three groups, lyosha, he just studied german, and then he retrained in english perfectly, he studied german, he really didn’t want it, it was just the first post-war years.
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the most interesting thing is the chemistry teacher, elena anatolyevna lenskaya, she was an honored teacher awarded the order of lenin. we had a chemistry club, we did some kind of experiments there, everything, but we were also assigned to make instruments, as i remember now, they apparently invited correspondents there, so lyosha and i, how... they assigned us to make one instrument, so we did it they were just demonstrating, pay attention here, the badges, here he has mine, of all the boys, we were the only two who were such athletes, lyosha had a second category in bicycles, which means the most interesting thing is that his bicycle was unusual, there was no money then, in kaliningrad you could find anything you wanted in the ruins, so he assembled somewhere from... four
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bicycles, we called him a drone, here he is on this drone, that's the norm for the second sports category, he completed the svetlogorsk highway 20 km, that's how the two of us were just like that , let's say, such fighters, us in all the competitions that were held, our physical education teacher constantly attracted us, we worked very hard together. just sailing, tell me how you stole a yacht to poland, we had a helmsman, borya bykhovsky, and we were yacht sailors, we taxied somewhere, well, it was already getting dark, we approached the pier, disembarked, we wanted to eat, we had to if we understood something, we’d buy some bread, milk, some sausages, we’d go into a shop, and there we’d say, here we go, please, please, sir, what, where from, zlotys, what zlotys? we
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realized that we taxied in the wrong direction and spent the night at piers on a yacht, and in the morning they showed us where we had gone wrong, how to go, we left, but then this boris bukhovsky on pregel had the pregel river, there were all the razbolovetsky seiners, that’s what we’re racing along the river , and we took boats from them, the sailors gave us...
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they learned to row well, so school was generally interesting. lyosha was the editor of the school newspaper, then, interestingly, our favorite, one might say, teacher. she decided to stage a skit about how ivan ivanovich and ivan nikiferovovich got together, for this role alexei lionov and vitya kireev suggested, they had to rehearse, they even went to her house twice, the last lesson in the tenth grade, so we were with him... we decided at the big break, we jumped out, he said: let’s scare the girls, it’s nearby there was a rod, there were a lot of frogs there, and during the big break we ran, picked up these frogs, brought them to class, disrupted the lesson as a result, so zinaet mikhailovna morozova, the class
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teacher, took our briefcases and said: “go home for your parents, won't bring your parents to the certificate exams i won’t allow maturity.” and so my mother comes to fetch... his mother minaevna, here we are, yes, he says, i know, lyosha already told me, here they are going to school, evdake says, well , he could be lazy , in general, he is like that, and your yura is so intelligent, everything, but he couldn’t, there ’s nothing there, disgrace, and his mother says, yura, why, i haven’t left school since the first grade, you have alyosha, he’s such an intelligent boy , always helps everyone, his...
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the artist wanted to go to riga after school, that is, to become an artist, not an astronaut, not a pilot, yes, it was he who drew from life, and so, his dad, arkhip alekseevich, worked at the kaliningrad carriage plant, and he knew that he wanted to go, a car was going to the riga carriage plant, they were transporting the engine, which means it was fixed in the front part of the body the engine, and... and it came, let's go, let's go, here we are together for 600 km in the month of march, and on march 23, that's one and a half meters somewhere behind, well, lyosha , let's go, so considering the speeds,
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at least 10 hours , otherwise it’s more, 600 km, that’s decent, the main thing is it’s cold, we were in shen there was such a desire to dedicate, he had such a fleet. bought at the market at a moroholka, and i have my father’s gray one with a cap, and so we were sitting small portraits, under this overcoat my father still had his father’s suit, which naturally was very big for him, on his feet were his father’s shoes of size forty-five, and dad’s feet had not yet grown to such an extent, so first he put on slippers, and then, together with the slippers, he got into his father’s shoes, these are two beautiful ones.
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500 rub. so, but if you rent a house, how much 500, what, but there’s no money, well, as a result, which means, well, the most interesting thing is that later, when we were already referred by the district committee of the komsomol, in my opinion, even the stalingrad district committee was the komsomol, we received a referral to the higher maritime school in kaliningrad, the four of us, that is, either golperin.
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in this case, illegal migration placed a heavy burden on our entire security system. suna says that russia is also to blame for this, he is just trafficking in people. at the same time, of course, there is drug trafficking there. this state has always been a parasitic state, and has not lived at the expense of others. the task was set at the world economic forum: the world must be redivided, it is building a platform for war. we will return compulsory military service to all young people . he will go home to the united states of america because india is not his home.
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if he treats this freely, your exhibition should perform the same function as a politician’s speech, so it should be addressed to a specific viewer, a specific group and produce some kind of result. clothing is one of the best means self-belief, but in everyday life people rarely take advantage of this opportunity. i started thinking about how i could do the same thing to spice up my own graphics. i took the records from all of mine.
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hello country, welcomes you to voronezh, i love our small cities very much, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed through, i have a dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai by car through the whole country, and to the south and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot look, they're all bazhov's. by the way, i visited the most delicious shawarma in volgograd, did you know? i am from the city of beloredsk, republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of
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russian sailors. i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk. i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river. i love my country very much and am proud of it. we continue the conversation about the man who was the first to go into outer space, alexey arkhipecha leonov. and my guests are oksana leonova and yuri miknin. how did he end up joining the flight corps? school? why? his brother pyotr, his elder brother, he served in the air force, he was a sergeant, he still had notes, engines, everything there, lyosha studied all these engines, he liked everything, but he wanted too, i would say that this already the consequences, in fact, everything comes from childhood. when dad was still very young.
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you follow me, you are a pilot, you would like to become a pilot, he says, in order to become a pilot , you need to wash your face, well, then he began to wash himself, some time passed, which means that dad again meets this pilot, and he was amazed and uniform, this cap with a cockade, it’s all just like dad said, chicken na na na well, yes, that’s what they call it on his uniform, why wash your face on... what does he say, he started, but for some reason you can’t wash your neck, that’s why he decided to wash his neck,
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then he said, that’s it, you’ll be a doctor, soon they brought the film fighters to the cinema, where mark bernes sang, so the boys went many, many, many, many times, i don’t know, there’s probably no tickets there, somehow they penetrated, but then he fell ill with aviation, so he had two passions, and painting. i've never heard him want to be morik, he always said that he passionately wanted to be an artist, it was more like they went for company, you’re right about the pilots, because i remember they brought me to school, we had meetings with all sorts of famous people, in
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general, some kind of father - then our student, the pilot came there, so he... both in maritime schools and in flight schools, so we had vacations at the same time, that is, you met.
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so this wonderful meeting happened, but this is such a fateful circle, dad noticed mom two years before, she was leaving school, and since she was unusually beautiful, he paid attention to this girl, a high school student, she had black thick hair, yes,
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beautiful, bows, and he was already such a cadet, an adult, they were 6 years old the difference, and he noticed... attention and walked with a friend, he said: someone will get such beauty, such a miracle, so he passed by, she was just a little girl, after a while the girl graduates from school, dad walks with his back through the streets and bumps into mom, recognized her, of course, and he recognized her, blushed, turned white, zatras, began to ask my mother for the deepest forgiveness, and she, being a proud, handsome young man, it’s okay, go your own way, you didn’t bother me in any way, everything is fine, but they separated, separated, and quite by accident that same evening the company of yuri anatoly, my dad, confirm, and my mother met in the officers' house at a dance, completely by chance, and dad was so, he was so, well , not right away, only dad sent ambassadors, here are yuri
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and anatoly, they were so handsome in these seas. in beautiful shape, slender, handsome young men, athletic, they approached her, we are so embarrassed for our friend, he liked you so much, he is so uncomfortable in front of you, please forgive him, yes, well, honestly, i don’t even remember anymore, well in general, in this way everyone became acquainted, we must give credit that from that very day dad was immensely in love with mom, but mom’s well...
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and once again he comes to kremenchug , goes towards mom’s house, and she has a young the person who is caring for her persuaded some local bandits to they beat my dad, these ones beat him back, so to speak , they knocked him out, they beat him, the local aborigine taught him a lesson. and became interested in flying activities, and he began to talk to them so interestingly, he was so charming, it was even charming that, firstly, they
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invested this comrade, and secondly, they escorted him straight to his mother’s house, romance, well, maybe they had a meeting with his mother, well , maybe, i don’t know, they got married already when he joined the detachment, it turns out, but no, i ’m telling you, then they call him to moscow, here he was one of the forty pilots who were then selected. for this commission, it was october 4, 1959, he was given a hospital gown, he comes to the pallet, the flight is straight from the first satellite, yes, to the ward, in the ward a young man is sitting, reading a book with a bare torso, in the same hospital trousers, with a bare torso, looks up, smiles widely and says, yuri gagarin, his famous northern pilot. senior lieutenant, and dad saw what a handsome young man, his neighbor in the hospital ward, immediately introduced himself as alexey leonov,
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southern pilot, here with humor, well, they became friends on that very day, in october 1959, after completing the medical examination, dad returned to kremenchug and immediately received an assignment, an appointment to join the german group of forces. and he understands that this needs to be done urgently, just as urgently, he needs to settle his personal life, because he flies away forever, and he finds my mother and says: svetlana, i guarantee that i will love you like no one else in this world, always firmly, faithfully and faithfully, marry me get married, either tomorrow or never, and his mother told him.
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this is a doctor who saw young, young pilots, he wrote off dad instantly as soon as he saw him, because he said that you have increased hairiness, you cannot fly into space, woolly, this means increased hairiness on the torso, he was hairy , yes, as you say, we’ll attach sensors to you when we fly to distant worlds, and dad says: when are you going to distant ones? no entries appeared in the log, returned to
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hospital ward, says: yuri, let 's do something, they went to the nearest store, bought disposable blades, shaving foam, yuri alekseevich shaved his dad's back, dad shaved his chest, went to the medical examination the next day, there there was another comrade, another doctor who... had not seen him before and dad passed the medical examination with flying colors, because he had absolutely excellent physical characteristics, so yuri alekseevich, through a real friend, helped him in the most difficult moment, he helped him, he put his shoulder on him and thus, a happy career developed as a cosmonaut pilot from the ussr, they were very close friends, they even lived nearby, we lived on the fourth floor, yuri alekseevich lived on the sixth, klaus schwab. president of the world economic forum and one of the most mysterious figures in world politics. schwab is the master who rules the whole world. ukraine has no way to win. and
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we will face a coalition of russia and china. the first alliance that irritated me very much was the alliance of schröder, chirac and putin. oh yeah. he called it a terrible nightmare. shva will look at ukraine globally only in one context, how much still needs to be invested in this country and for what. as you see? you need to use him to tell him that he will get what he wants, and weapons and b - access to the european union. wonderful, use zelensky, promise, vavan and lexus show, premiere on wednesday on the first.
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this is captain mironov, he himself, there is also the captain’s daughter, it’s commendable, sir, that you are starting your service from the garrison, oh, how good for you, such sergega even now obey, be it the lord's will, come to me, now we're not just quarreling, we'll forget our own mother, here's to you.
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so it was, which means that in the sixty-third year , on january 1, i had a wedding, and alexey arkhipovich was invited, svetlana could not come, because they already had vika, she was small, there was no one to leave her, so lyosha came alone, and he was a tomoda, and we had a wedding at my aunt’s, on shalbolovka in her apartment, and her son... pavel leonidovich, he worked on the committee for broadcasting and television, was the deputy head of the department, he was present at the wedding, because alexey was remembered for the wedding, because he led it all so masterfully, everyone remembered him, so when this was announced on march 18, 1965, he said: so i know him, he’s with me i was a nephew at the wedding, well, he immediately says, then let’s go to him, then
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everything at once. in general, all the events, everything, this very thing, some anniversaries, all the holidays, everything, we celebrated everything together, we had a family tradition, of course, on january 14 for the old new year, we gathered with our families, wonderful, and he wrote, because back then there were no telephones, they wrote cards to each other, congratulations, so he always wrote, congratulations to everyone,
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signed, vika, the last time and we, and this time oksana was there, remember they raised the flag, yes i remember , of course, they raised the flag, andreevsky, at my dacha, on navy day, they always raised the andreevsky flag over the houses in the star town in the summer, they arranged a formation, we all stood on the line, they raised the flag, and i remember the story of peter kolodin, when else he was alive, he loved to go to our bathhouse,
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gagarinskaya. gagarinskaya bathhouse why? because gagarin was given a finnish country house made of finnish birch by komsomol members of finland, but he already had a dacha, and because he loved it. a bathhouse, but there was no bathhouse, and he decided that this house should be a bathhouse for an astronaut, and so he said that when his son was born, he didn’t have a car then, then he says that there were cars only for the cosmonauts who had already flown away, cars they gave us after the flight, yes, alexey rakhapech had them, they were friends together, and we were on that staircase lived, so he says, i asked alexey arkhipovich, my mother, he says, decided to come help, well, a young mother with the birth of a child, well, he asked, kicha, mom is coming to the station, can we stop by, her, he says, yes, of course, we can, the only thing is that i need to go somewhere there on business, come in, he says, and of course, we’ll meet your mother, we’ll come home, well, alexey arkhipovich, apparently he was going to
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some kind of official meeting, so he put on a jacket, hero of the soviet union, colonel, they went and met my mother, so here he is he says, then he says, his mother, who stayed there for not a month, even a little more, came to her homeland. to a small village or village there, well, since she was in moscow, the whole village gathered in the club, they began to straighten out, well, tell me, son , go, there’s probably a major there, there, how he flies everything else, he says, i don’t i know who my son serves, but his driver is a hero of the soviet union, well, we can’t help but talk, of course about his spacewalk, yes, but they didn’t talk then, he spoke to a special group, that’s it, no one... about this, of course, i didn’t know, but there, and how they perceived it, dachsama, you know, well, i can only tell from what my parents told me, i wasn’t born then, i was born later, and dad didn’t talk about his task, because the task was very risky, the task was classified, so what was happening
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was already seen on tv, my sister was 4 years old at the time, she got very worried , she, mom, mom, let him come back quickly, because it was scary , my grandfather arkhip alekseevich, too, when he saw this, he said: “why is this man he doesn’t do everything according to the rules, well, he’s just some kind of naughty guy, well, well, why shouldn’t he, everyone flies in a spaceship, and he went into outer space, that is, the family didn’t know at all what was going to happen happen, later we only found out how many emergency situations there were, there were seven situations, where everything was laid out, and one was worse than the other, but he was the first and although his exit lasted..." only 12 minutes 28, today i listened to one of his interviews , so he says 28 minutes, now the astronauts go out for hours, there are 6-8 hours, this is considered normal ordinary work, in a fixed position, and alexey
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arkhipovich he was in open sailing, and it was very, yes, you can’t even imagine, it was, it could actually end in tragedy, because then he had troubles with. ..
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that is, the nitrogen had already begun to appear, that is, it reduced this pressure, but then with what difficulty it entered back into the ship and also abnormally, not as prescribed, i have never flown in such an airplane anymore, so i can just tell you what it's like heights, i just remembered this incident now, at the school we had a 3 m high 5 m pool and everyone jumped there, so we were recruited into the school because they just came from the navy.
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he climbed to 5 m, he’s already scared, he’s no longer scary, cadet, cadet popovshka is ready, now 5 m is already scary, but i remember this in nikolai. you are space, you go out, there is nothing above you at all, you don’t know, somewhere, i can’t imagine it, the cosmic abyss, yes, even with a parachute, he says how many, he has more than 200 springs there, it was still the first one, this was unknown to anyone, so, of course, he was ready for any surprises, let’s say , of course, he was preparing, he was being prepared, but what happened to him, i think, of course, no one could have predicted in advance , on the eve of the flight... when korolev tried
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to ask some more questions, he said: sergei pavlovich, well, we have already worked out 3.00 emergency situations, we are already ready for anything, don’t worry, he says: alexey, there will be both 3001 and 3005, and 3007, you must provide for everything, even what we did not work out, this one the situation was exactly one for which they were not prepared, and he turned out to be right, thank you very much for such a wonderful conversation, today we remembered. about the man who was the first to go into outer space, he really became famous not only in our country, but throughout the world, this is alexey arkhipovich leonov, this is the space stories podcast and i, anton shkablerov, you can watch all episodes of the space stories podcast on the website of the first channel, feeding the heat of pure passion, the always enthusiastic hero was ready to sacrifice yourself, and at the end of the last part, always on...
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hello, dear tv viewers, you are watching the triggers lab podcast with you. leading psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya psychologist psychotherapist sergei nasebyan is our guest yulia, hello, hello, tell us what you came to us with? i came with such an interesting request, i don’t know what to call it, it’s a diagnosis or my fears or my beliefs, in general, it seems to me that i have a childish position, that is, i seem to always expect from someone that they will some of my questions have been resolved, for example, there is a search work.
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there is no learning, but it’s as if i’m doing something myself, but with everything that i expect, for example, from my man, that he will somehow solve my financial issues, while i cannot voice it to him. requests to ask for money, that is, for example, say there, give me some amount for this, for that , that is, for some reason i am ashamed to do this, and i’m a little confused about this, i also have a feeling, that when looking for a job, i also don’t seem to allow myself to ask for some kind of well, a certain level earning money, due to the fact that i don’t have this internal permission, i broadcast myself this way, that is, this is how i see myself inside, this is how i see myself.
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here i am, the eldest sister, the eldest child, in a relationship with my brother, it turned out that my mother worked, we are 8 years apart, and somehow i was kind of helpful to him and my parents, in part, my dad earned good money.
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maternity leave, that is, i was at home for 8 years, taking care of the children, as it seemed to me, i was an ideal mother, well, then it happened that at some certain moment - it came the need to go to work, because such was my financial situation, and i realized that at the age of 45 i left, i had no self-doubt, my skills were lost, that is, all i could tell myself was that, well, sort of like i’m a good mother, but then - over time, naturally, like there is such a joke,
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yes, that if you have a mother, then you will definitely meet with a psychologist, the children began to grow up and... the joke began to come out, well, some ... then their injuries, and this also included a certain feeling guilt that you are starting to analyze whether you did everything like this, this whole structure has been shaken, i am a good mother, well, in the end , i came to the conclusion that people there at 45-47 years old are summing up some results, and i as if i don’t know... an idea, well, that is, you don’t like the results, obviously, apparently, yes, yeah, you like the children, you don’t like the results, you don’t like the results, yeah, yeah, so i can’t yet - get my bearings so that to stand on the rails and feel, well, self-confidence, let’s say, there is a little bit of a feeling
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of being lost, and your divorce has happened how, and the divorce happened, i was the initiator. relatively calm, well, quite a serious decision for a person who does not know how to make decisions, why did you decide to divorce? i just began to understand that i was not happy in the relationship, i began to understand that i did not give my first husband anything, well, that is - as for a man, i understand that all the same, the support of a woman, faith in him, it is important, so i, that is, you withdrew yourself. i had quiet feelings for him, well, let’s just say he disappointed me, or so, as you say, the results were not i like them, well, accordingly, mutual understanding was also not achieved, and well, i didn’t want to do that, because i didn’t want to get sick, i didn’t want to subject the children
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to stress, because until a certain point there was an opportunity to somehow level it out and hide it, although i have children they say that it’s all the same, well, how did they feel it. uh-huh, so, you said that he disappointed you, what was the initial expectation or charm? well, material issues, that is , somehow, well, conventionally, let’s say, there was something like this, as it was initially agreed that i take care of the children, well, he provides our rear, but it so happened that at a certain moment the situation changed, and i had to go to work, the situation changed in the sense that he is not able... was to provide for your family at the level that is necessary, yes, yes, uh-huh, so, well, this entailed some certain things, maybe we just , as adults, could not cope with this situation, yes, since we there was an early marriage, maybe we’re kind of at that age stuck, yes, that is, we have grown up, but adults
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have not learned to solve problems, perhaps what are you crying about now? “i’m crying, i feel sorry for myself, what ’s wrong, that you’re crying, you’re 45 years old, you have healthy children, and why do you feel sorry for yourself, well, it’s as if you clearly didn’t imagine your 45 years like that, well , something like this, that’s not i like the results , i imagined that i understood where to go, i imagined that i would have some kind of vector, i imagined that there would be some kind of, well..." some kind of feeling of reliability, i imagined that there would be support, yeah, all this support for reliability was essentially built on the husband, on my husband, on my dad, yes, well, first on my dad, then on my husband, well, my dad did the same for us, he supported us, yes, but you knew, yes, as if by the age of 40 you guessed that dad would die, the husband will die, everyone will die
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someday, how could one build a foundation on...


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