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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 4, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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yes, that is, we have grown up, but adults haven’t learned to solve problems, perhaps, what are you crying about now, i’m crying, i feel sorry for myself, what’s wrong, that you’ve been crying for 45 years, you have healthy children, and why do you feel sorry for them? , well, it’s as if they obviously didn’t imagine their 45s this way. i imagined that there would be some kind of, well , some kind of feeling of reliability, i imagined that there would be support, yeah, all this support, reliability was essentially built on my husband, on my husband, on my dad, yes, well, first on dad, then on husband, well, dad was like that there too, he supported us, yes, but you knew, yes, how if by the time you were 40, you would have guessed that your dad would... die, your husband would die, everyone would die
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someday, how could you build a support on someone who dies? well, the question is, how could you build a foundation on someone who dies? well, let’s talk to you about this, how did you build a support on i don’t know, there’s an ear of clay with feet of clay, so to speak, maybe i didn’t think about it before, that is, so far everything was fine, well, everything was going well and those same things didn’t arise questions, what? that he was like that for me, maybe just in the subconscious like a support and some kind of support, and then it so happened that i went to work , a pandemic happened, and i was made redundant, i got divorced and my dad died, it’s as if everything is, yes, well, as usual, it’s the same it happens, it doesn’t happen little by little, it happens all at once.
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yeah, how did you cope with such a royal flush? i don’t know how you coped, well, i can’t say that at that moment when all this was happening, i had some kind of deep analysis, i somehow suffered, yes, well, somehow, it seems to me, that i felt so good because i got divorced, as if i had resolved some kind of issue that i didn’t, well, didn’t analyze the fact that, for example, i was left without funds. in existence, and well, well , i was fired, well, that your divorce will have some consequences for you, and the children stayed with you, yes, yes, the children stayed with me, but my husband supports, helps, that is, well, how if we got divorced very much - how to say, right, it’s probably not environmentally friendly, but there is such a thing, yeah, that is, you still have fairly good relations with husband, you have a man now, right?
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i have a second husband, you weren’t alone for long, not for long, yeah, so what, but does this husband live up to the expectation? now there are no expectations, now it’s just there, well, somehow every time there is a current moment, well, in these current moments he performs the functionality that you assigned to him, a person who solves your problems, meets some of your needs , yes, yeah, why are you worried? i’m worried, i don’t see myself as a person, as a unit, yes, that is, well, you don’t have such a task, so far, from what you said, the task was one: first to live with your dad, then to live with your husband, now to live with your second one, what kind of personality are we talking about, well, apparently such a need arises now , there is such as you would like, this is the ideal picture, this is this holistic personality, what is it like when you can...
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rely on yourself to understand that it is good when there is a person nearby, but at the same time, if there is no person nearby, well as if everything is okay with you, not in the sense that you are divorced or married, not as a partner, but in a family, but that in principle you can handle it yourself, that is, for me, how will you understand this, that is, what do you need for this, now you are like that... you don’t consider yourself , you don’t consider yourself like that based on some analytical calculations of such or such results, yes, for example, you don’t have a profession that would make you happy, that you would be proud of, so, you don’t have an income that would allow you to exist comfortably alone without relying on other people, you don’t have any interests, apparently, not i know there is a hobby there, so you talk about it, that means that’s accordingly when they ask you tatyana. but i have reason to assume
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that all this should be the other way around, it is you who must master a profession that will give you respect, confidence, and so on, but you need it accordingly. provide for yourself from start to finish, and accordingly, your life should be interesting, that’s how you will understand that you are the right person, so yes, okay, i like this approach, let’s start with the profession, what kind of institution are you in the end are you finished? i graduated from the kurz polytechnic institute, where your parents went, you are a software engineer, yes, yeah, i graduated from college second, as a financial manager, well, i received a financial education, and so on... which seems to be quite in demand today, well, first education, it’s so nominal, that is, it’s not about me at all, second education, but i initially worked there for several banks, then i worked at a company as a financial manager, then as an accountant, then i wanted to leave the accounting department and i was fired, well, accordingly
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i couldn’t answer my request, so you liked your job, accounting, no, but there are people who like working in accounting, i wonder? probably so, but i wanted to leave, and it so happened that i accidentally, not by chance, got a job as an assistant to the director of a state school, and you liked this job, yes, you liked this job, now you didn’t work there, now i don’t work there, because the fact that the pandemic laid you off, no, they laid me off from accounting, why don’t you work at school, if you like it, it’s a little difficult to be personal assistant, there are certain moments when... i couldn’t mentally combine this role as a personal assistant, yes, that is, i liked all the functionality, everything except that at some point they start , well, like certain boundaries of mine, i couldn’t defend, let’s say, that is, i don’t
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have any complaints against my employer, yes, but i just realized that at some certain moment i lost myself, and you left , yes itself. your last job, yes , you quit a long time ago mm in september, so good, and if we assume that now you will again climb out of the hole in which you are, what profession would you like to make your main activity, well , i like something related to administration, that is, well, how long do you plan to work for position of some administrator, something, well, until the end of your days, for example, you want to die at work, is this possible, or do you understand that you have 15 active years left there? i definitely don’t want to die yet, i don’t want to die at work either i want, but for some more time, well, i’m interested in working, i’m 47 years old now and i
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don’t see myself as a pensioner yet, that is, i have the strength, the desire, i want to work, but how would you like your life to change? , suddenly one miracle, and so... the whole mechanism switches and suddenly your ideal life begins, what it would look like, there in a month you have this, in a year you have this, in 5, in 10 years, you wake up, satisfied, well, there is this, let’s say, some kind of inspiration and a desire to do something, interest, satisfaction, well, that’s it internal, yes, which doesn’t mean...
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let down by the fact that you couldn’t get it all, who you let down, who was disappointed in you, let yourself down, who else could be disappointed in you, you making your decisions in life , it’s as if you stumbled and disobeyed someone who told you what you should, maybe it’s your dad, maybe who, for example, maybe told you that yul, you don’t need to get married so early, let’s say, or you don’t need to marry this person, maybe not, but from what i see, how do you think about it? you tell me, i get the feeling that right now at this moment some character will come out of the darkness, maybe it’s not even a person, but who will have every reason to tell you, it’s her own fault, you were warned, i would like him to come out, i would also look at him with
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pleasure, let’s just call him here now, if we allow this fantasy, then what kind of character he is, i don’t know, maybe it’s some kind of... uh, like a sense of his own ego, well, it’s like i ’m disappointing myself, yes, that is and what kind of yourself have you disappointed? let's look at your stage of 47 years, where does your memory stop, where does that julia appear who has reason to be disappointed in you now, today, at 35 years old, what happened at 35 years old, filled with something that happened at 35 years old , during this period of your life, what happened, everything was fine with me, yes, what else was happening there, i knew where to move, i understood that i had... what goals? well, that was 12 years ago, that is, this is essentially the birth of your second child, where are you
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did you move? for what? ok, why? to the fact that there was an opportunity to do what you liked, and what you liked? did you go on maternity leave when you were eight years old? yes, i liked planning, well, somehow i liked children, well , taking care of them, yes, but now i ’m analyzing it for myself on the other hand, that maybe it was... it was precisely at that moment that there was a moment of leaving myself , yes, that is, it’s like, instead of taking care of myself, i’m like, well, you covered them up with your children, and this gave you an excuse before your father and in front of your husband at that time, this also gave you an excuse in that you took some kind of help from them, well, the husband is understandable, the father is less clear, well, perhaps yes, now you are saying, perhaps yes, what to say, well, for me it was justified , yes, that they support me, because i have a job... but with something that supposedly cannot be measured, measured, yes, yes, at this
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moment you clearly seem to you would already be disappointed in something, and for you this eight-year maternity leave was salvation, and the birth of your second it was to some extent a salvation for the child, that you didn’t have to achieve any results in the material world, let’s call it that, and you went into the ephemeral world, for example, into the ephemeral world of good mothers, as if there was some kind of thing, you know , a universe where all mothers are good and everyone shows their children to each other, and they have children accordingly. from harp to chinese, from chinese to gymnastics, from gymnastics to smoothing, then chess, english, only after that sleep, they all eat well, they don’t get sick, they are obedient, here you moved into this world of good mothers and thought, i’m such a good mother, but then it happened, well, this is the most disappointment, disappointment, there was a problem that even at that moment you were not confident in your husband that he could to provide for you the way you need, you already saw it then and understood it then, but close... your eyes, that’s the point, instead of at 35 there, well, even though now you are, in general, quite yourself nothing,
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but at 35 you were young, and this was the moment when it was possible and worthwhile to accept others decisions, perhaps to get a divorce, perhaps such thoughts were there, perhaps not to go on this eight-year maternity leave, but to work on building your career, building your relationships in this world, so that this world knows about you as a person, and not as a prefix to your husband, right there at this second... or at this minute or this year, it doesn’t matter, it’s as if july was lost there, well, as if it happened a little earlier, you seem to be very familiar with this state of disappointment of some kind... something like disappointment in yourself when you first made an independent decision, you can answer first, that’s what comes to mind, an independent decision in principle, well , some kind of decision for your life, any independent decision, i’ll go to school, i won’t go to school, it seems to me that everything is in my marriage time were my decisions, well, that is, i
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was in my first marriage all the time, well, let’s put it this way, but this is the notorious one, who is the boss in the family, that is, well , everything was on me, and i understand that my spouse, in principle, too well, it would have been comfortable, well, despite everything i had like a mother, yes, but she wasn’t much of a girl, that is, i don’t know how it is not to take the packages that are standing there, well, just walk past them, yes, i will definitely them... well, here are some moments like that, how do you like them? was it to be the head of the family? i liked it at first, well, judging by the fact that i took on this role, and i liked it too, there is a feeling that along with this dominance you got that husband who did not live up to you, what were your expectations in the end? well, of course, yes, i understand it now, well, the decision to get a divorce was mine too the decision was absolute and i understood it. also, well , further, well, not under any circumstances, even if
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there’s no work there, and there’s everything, i still can’t be in this marriage anymore and i don’t really know this decision, i just understood differently that well, it’s like i’m just not breathing, well, well, well i really physically just can’t and, accordingly , i’m suppressing my first husband too , because i understood that this is exactly where i am , very, very, very strong dominance in the family, like this, well, now it’s as if something like this happened, you know, changeling and uh, i seem to be afraid of something , to return, yes, to that one, to become so dominant again, or as if, well, let’s put it this way, yes, it didn’t lead to anything good, well, relatively speaking, i think that if you now -
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when we are talking about this, if you take responsibility for this entire experience, that is absolutely total responsibility. that you made decisions, you did what you did, and the result of these decisions, the result of your actions, in general, you do not like, if you accept all this experience from the beginning and to the end and integrate it into yourself, then most likely you will not repeat the same mistake, but then the question arises: how will you act from today in your relationship with your current spouse - so that your personality develops, as you say, at the same time you can count on your spouse and... give him the opportunity to take care of you, what can you do differently? i still don’t understand it very well, well, this is apparently why there is, how can i say, this is like an imbalance, and it’s like there’s some kind of imbalance instability and uncertainty, or what, what are you saying, as if you
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cannot control this force, that if it exists, then it is total, then you begin. suppress your husband, you begin to dominate, lead him with you, and as if now, if you turn it on, then the scenario will also unfold in the same way, so that this does not happen, you then take this position, i do not take responsibility, i let’s take care of everything here ourselves somehow, i’ll get over it, this is such a diametrically opposite position, role, after all, there is a balance between these two, and... it’s clear that you are frightened by what the first 25 years of marriage have led you to, well, in the sense of your first marriage, and you here now cannot allow this, and you fall into this position child, what would you do now, yul, if you decided to destroy your relationship with your husband now, with your second one to follow , yes, follow this scenario that you
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followed with your first husband, with your second husband, i have a little different situation, we have a big difference in... hardly even if i strongly if i want, i will be able to defeat him, yes, but answering tatyana’s question, would you try to somehow suppress it, i don’t see it in myself now , no, tatyana asked you another question, i said, what would you do? if you wanted to destroy the relationship with him, as from what you answer, i conclude that if you could, you would suppress him, that’s how you would destroy the relationship with him, but thank god, you understand that this is not ... perhaps due to his some kind of wisdom, maturity, his inner strength, well, yes, well, it’s clear that you really if they didn’t come, they didn’t say, look, now let’s agree on who’s in charge here, well, if we exaggerate this situation, then they would develop in this direction, if i wanted to basically destroy the marriage, yes, i probably would, well most likely she would have simply
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said that listen, i’m wondering what i could do, so that you would categorically tell me, i think, if you began to humiliate him, humiliate him, disrespect him, of course, yes, why did you give in tatyana’s question, well, i’m interested in understanding what’s possible do in order to destroy, in order to understand, and then what is worth doing in order to preserve, that is, there is a certain idea, but about what destroys relationships, it is now clear that it is not worth doing, then what is worth doing, the most important thing is that i seems worth talking. well, that is, to communicate a lot, to talk, to explain, to check in with each other, well, at every moment in time, when some situations arise, for example, or some simply, as they say, to dialogue, yes, that is, but you need to find some... then the balance between destructive actions and actions that are absolutely creative, yes, we need to find some kind of
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golden mean, yes, i will give a hint such that as a man, that - the value of conversations... in a couple is greatly overestimated by a large number of psychologists who broadcast today in various channels there , because in my opinion, just the opposite, the ability to feel each other without talking is higher when it’s just good for the two of you to be silent, this is also important, well, after all, your marriage is just beginning in this sense, not so long ago you're married to him, but what about it’s definitely worth talking about roles, this is what you essentially started with, because... on the one hand, of course, in this relationship you can now be in the role of a little girl, for whom a man much older than you is responsible, but it won’t last long either, that’s the thing. he won’t be interested in it, that’s when, as tanya is talking about, you will find a balance, because i’m sure that your spouse, in general, is not against it, only for you to develop personally, well, let’s just say that
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yes, naturally, he no way, do whatever if you want, if only you don’t, well, because you can rush to the other extreme now, you can destroy, or you can rush to the other extreme, where you maintain relationships, just create everything by running there, spending all your efforts. yes, but you need to find just yourself in this with or without a relationship. you can find all episodes of the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel let’s just say that relationships in marriage, they don’t mean no, well , they’re not that important, yes, they are, but now in the first place for me is exactly that and about the fact that there in general, in principle, where am i for myself, that is , right now what. i wasn’t there alone for a long time, well, my daughter tells me that it seems like you can’t be alone, but i can’t say that, well, i
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rushed right into this marriage, yes, that i just, for me, just well it turned out that way, but at the moment i still have more of a request for myself, that is, i understand that marriage also depends, well, naturally, on how i feel about myself, that is, how much i will... . means to realize, that is, now you have there is such an opportunity, it’s important not to miss it, that same opportunity that you missed at 35, when you had a dad and a husband , and maybe if you
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had realized yourself through these parameters, they would have gone to false, in fact, identity, mother, there, good mother, wife and so on, yes, because these are identities that are always associated with the role of the other partner, if there is no husband, you are not a wife, if there is no child. you are not a mother, so now you just need to take this lesson, which 35 years would not have passed or passed it’s wrong, because you don’t like the result, and today direct all your strength to this, using your husband as support and support, now you have a couple of years for this, believe me, no more, but within two years it must be done. julia, tell me about your children, how they see you, this is just such a question for me too, i always ask myself what is interesting to me... it would be nice to see myself through the eyes of my children, and find out what they think about me do you think you ever asked them? well, i asked, and
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even when i didn’t ask, they somehow didn’t they strongly hide their opinion on the matter, my daughter tells me that i underestimate myself, that i don’t believe in myself, and this daughter is 16, daughter is 16, yes, my daughter tells me that she is grateful to me for... that i divorced, do they highlight some of your strengths, something that they like about you, something that impresses you? well, yes, she often tells me what she likes, what kind of relationship we have, she is open with me, it happens that she and her brother sometimes diagnose me in their correspondence there, that i have some kind of adhd, that i what advanced children, depression, split personality, yes, now. young people love to talk about this, well, just at some point, when my friends used to congratulate me on my birthday, they often
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told me that you are an amazing mother, you are a great mother, somehow i don’t know such mothers, to me at some point it already became like bad advertising, yes, that is, because this is just a small part of your personality, and what did you manage to create in relationships with them, what do you think is the most important thing with children? it seems to me that not it worked out, i managed to keep them, well, realness, that is, they are like that, well, in my opinion, i also understand that they are loved ones, they are so spoiled, such, well, such good home children, yes, well, in a good sense, not in the sense, that the greenhouse people, they have grandmothers, grandfathers, mom, dad, well, how can you say that, in principle, a family... a full cup , yes, they had a good, happy childhood, that is, you know how to love, in fact, yes , well, that’s great, look, it’s the same thing, just give it to yourself now, and your daughter is right when
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says: to you that you underestimate yourself, because in essence you now, here you are 47, have the opportunity to show them another very important thing, that you are an adult, you can do anything, and you will do what you like without looking back on them, on parents, on husbands, there and so on, so they should see that 47 is only the beginning in this sense of life, when we begin to enjoy our life, when you can love yourself, you were able to love them, already everything, everything with them, and now just for yourself? in a good way words, you have a beloved man nearby, in general, in the near future everything will only be wonderful, i think you need to find yourself, that is, the you you want to be, you know, like when a chumrashka asks a crocodile for a gene, he says , who do you work with, he says , a crocodile at the zoo, can you imagine how harmonious this is, well, as a child, you weren’t embarrassed by this answer, a crocodile at the zoo, he ’s either an idiot, or cheburashka is an idiot, or we, who are reading this, but no, in
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fact this is... an absolutely harmonious emanation your essence, your essence, your, your inner self, this is me you need to find, which you will work in the zoo as a crocodile, that’s also good, but you need to find this self that wants to realize itself through some position, through some profession , through some kind of activity, don’t look for a job, find yourself, who wants to realize themselves through this or that profession, there is a very simple coaching tool, you can take a piece of paper, when you leave here, or in the notes on your phone, are you going to go now? taxi, write what you want your day to look like, so you woke up, where you woke up, what’s around you, where you went, what you started doing next, what kind of work you have, how you feel about it, when you arrived, what meets you in the evening, who meets you in the evening, what do you do, through these simple steps you will little by little, little by little feel, i’ll try , don’t try, i have to do it, i won’t try, i’ll do it, good, good that you stopped yourself, thank you very much , thank you, are you crying so interestingly? a
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at the same time, in your head the past and the future are a little confused, you look at your future, but you see only your past there, well, yes, there’s probably this moment that it’s like i don’t see the future, and what the hell with it , no need to look into the future, look at the present, what kind of self you want to realize through your work and professional activities, thank you very much again, thank you, well, this was the trigger lab podcast, and we talked with yulia about how to find yourself in the vicissitudes of life. relationships and professional activities, with you were the hosts of this podcast, tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan, and you, dear viewers, if you want to become a participant in the trigger podcast and be our guest in our studio and understand the issue that is interesting to you personally, fill out the form on the website . love will pass, desires will die, cold light will separate us. who
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remembers the secret date? dreams, delights of previous years, let them leave their slight trace in the sheets of memory. to the poet's anniversary. hello, dear friends. this is the podcast life of the wonderful with you, i am its host writer alexey varlamov, my guest is the honored artist of the russian federation, tv presenter larisa guzeeva. hello, first of all, as a writer, and as a person, i am always interested in the story of growing up, the story of how a person makes the fate that he is destined to live, as far as i know, you were born far from
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moscow, far from... somehow they they dream of something else, no one flies somewhere to try themselves, to test themselves somehow, but there are no such situations today, no such stories, but in in any case, this is the path that i and thousands of other girls and boys took, who were traveling precisely for such a dream, today i practically don’t meet them, well, i don’t know, i, as the rector of the institute, just as a person who observes life, i think , that all the same, girls dream of
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love, dream of getting married, also dream of love, and i dreamed of love, i never dreamed of getting married , i dreamed of living with my mother, for example, if we talk about reality, but some of these, well from such a real dream, i'm always in... my imagination i dreamed of how i would move my mother to my place, i would have a whole room in a communal apartment, and how i would just divide the room in half with some kind of closet like that, on one side she would live, on the other i would live, i had these dreams, i didn’t dream of princes, or marriage, or children, they began to appear late in my life, i didn’t dream of that, i dreamed of becoming an artist, it’s true, then all the girls gathered artists,
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attentiveness girl, i remember that i went to the pancake house before the train, i had as many 25 rub. i gave this money, took a pancake, as i remember now, i took the iron change and went to the station, it turned out that i didn’t have the money, because i didn’t take 24 rubles, and i
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think, oh that’s right, i forgot them, so that same cafe, i come back, i had time, i go up to the cashier, i say, hello, i was with you right somewhere just recently, i even gave you 25 rubles. so you say, you gave me some change, but didn’t give me rubles, well, here i am, i’m waiting, she looked at me and said: get out of here, i say, i swear to you, i swear right here you, i took a pancake from you, and you gave me 70 kopecks there, but you didn’t give me 24 rubles, i thought that she was worried about this, she said, get out of here, she’ll call the police now, it was my first blow was like this, of course i cried, stood there and went nowhere, naturally i didn’t go on any train to moscow and was forced...
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after all, nevertheless, st. petersburg simply amazed me, that’s what i saw there, being here young, and i still have this impression that this is the best city in the world, and i am terribly jealous of those who live there, those who studies there, works, it seems to me that there really was some kind of culture there, especially in those years there was still a completely different culture than in moscow, so i’m interested in these impressions of yours, i didn’t have such an impression, a very beautiful city, and maybe i i was a little inhibited in this sense, but this is the impression, for example, that makes on me now... yes, st. petersburg or the subsequent years, when i was already older, then i was less attentive, probably, so i dreamed of moscow, well because what a girl from the province about what he dreams of, of course, about moscow. plus, as far as i know, although you talked about this many times in interviews, but nevertheless, yes,
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you found yourself involved in this st. petersburg party, conditionally, a little later there was a little institute, no, no, no, no, that was already somewhere, probably during the course, when i fledged, because i say again, i’m nothing. well, i’m poor, i was very embarrassed by my poverty, purely material poverty, they dressed poorly there, but no, i always dressed better than everyone else from school, because my mother also i sewed poverty very well, and in this sense i was fashionable, on the contrary, they came and looked at me like, but then i was wow
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in appearance, i had long hair, i wore short hair, there was probably something like that, no, but i was embarrassed because i had no money, it seemed to me that i couldn’t go somewhere with them, somehow approach them, because where were they and where was i, with... tsoi, well, the story who rehearsed maxim pashkov in his large apartment, because he had a separate room, and maxim pashkov was in love with me, and i thought, well, let him maxim will be there too, well, that’s how it is, yes, and i came, but i told them, if it’s with you again then i won’t come, well, in general, you have good feelings from this student life, are you lucky?
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everyone enters the theater institute a little sick in the head with delusions of greatness, we all enter there as folk artists, there’s just a feeling that you’ve come, and if not you, then who? this is already a national thing, you can do anything, but after the first year, when there are a third fewer students left, because those who are unsuitable are expelled, you are already deserved, in your second year you are already just an artist. by the fourth you understand that you know nothing, you can’t do anything, and vladimir viktorovich the master of the course kept saying: “nobody needs artists anywhere, the theaters are overcrowded, the judges are overcrowded, but good artists are always needed, so you, probably, are you you will work, but you don’t, you are lazy, your self-esteem is already below the plinth, and you understand, this is where the work begins, that is , it is such competition as in sports, here it is not even competition, your idea of yourself changes, you suddenly
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don’t care, well, if with maktunovsky, i don’t care at all, and then you realize that you have nothing to feed yourself, you have nowhere to get this from, and you have nothing to live with, and you realize that you are already before this you get there, not because the master there tells you, read, read, but what to read, that’s what i’m interested in, well, it’s straight forward, yes, they forced us to read, well , by the way, i read the classics at school, it wasn’t easy for me to put it down, i liked it, so so when i graduated from college... and i didn’t want to graduate from college, because they began to
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to invite somewhere from the third, from the second year, and my mother, i told my mother, and it’s not necessary, by the way, mom, to be an artist, higher education, this is absolutely a diploma in general, mom doesn’t give anything, i’ll probably leave, look, there’s tatyana drubich, vera glagulyeva, look, their mother doesn’t have a higher acting education, they ’re filming, and my mother knelt in front of me right in the face... “i’m asking you very much, please, bring your diploma, graduate from college, here i beg you very much, please, finish your studies, and for the sake of your mother, you finished your studies, well, already it worked out, but one of your first roles, correct me if i’m wrong, was in this famous cult series, don’t change the meeting place, it was an extra, that’s all, but it had nothing to do with how you got there they got caught, look, there was a friend, an acquaintance, who was such a cameo somewhere and...” he said, if you want to meet vysotsky, who wouldn’t, i was 18 years old, i said, yes, he
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said, well, you’ll act in film , we will go there, and then we were very friends with govorukhin, i just thank him i once said after the fact, i say, kudos, and you know that i was filming with you, and he doesn’t even remember that, no, of course not, listen, an eighteen-year-old girl is dancing somewhere out there, and what can he do? , well, that’s why he directed me, that’s why he shot me big, but i still have my receipt, and... 4 rubles for filming as an extra, no, he’s saying, oh well, we can assume that this is your first photo, no, of course, what role, but what are you saying, well , in the crowd, no, i was even embarrassed , i didn’t even tell anyone, already when i was good, did anyone see this mom there, neighbors, acquaintances, yeah, mom saw it, of course, everything is fine, then there was a topic, i don’t know whether you want to talk about it or not, but it seems to me that it would just be wrong in front of the audience if we won’t touch on this topic, i mean cruel romance, of course, rezanov gave me a name, gave me.
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they were at this performance, and we were sitting in the smoking room, then they knew that ryazanov had arrived, the cameraman had arrived, and that they would be there, that they were watching, looking for a girl, a heroine, but i knew that they had come to see me. watch and naturally, playing such a little episode for the chambermaid, i couldn’t, i didn’t know that they would approve me, but why be a laughing stock, then i already went to moscow for auditions, there were many auditions, the last one was with nikita mikhalkov, and rezanov told me: “in 2 days, at least the council, i want
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you to act, i don’t think that at least the council will argue with me, i flew, came to st. petersburg, there was a call, they told me that they would approve you. i thought, probably , that i am delusional, because i have confirmed the traitorous krizanova, he she was completely neo-gudalova, right from the word at all, well, there was no heroine with a long braid, a valaoka, the one who cried there, no, i was from another trade union, so ryazanov taught me to walk. wear a dress, hold your back, and what kind of ryazanov do you have in general, it was good to work with him, when you are from the orenburg region, next to you are alisa frendlikh, nikita mikhalkov, proskurin, well, by the way, to a lesser extent, because he lyudmila gurchenko, who starred, was not as old as i thought in this picture, because it was
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based on ostrovsky, then her line was cut out, and by the way, i saw fragments from your podcast, where you talk about how she gave you advice about eyebrows, they helped, i didn’t really succeed, of course, i grew up, yes, it was hard then, but you remember nikita mikhalkov once met me at a film he said, don’t drink, look, he says, you were filming in sevastopol yesterday, alexey petrenko saw you, said that you i was drunk, look, she says, where have you been?
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in sevastopol and drank there, yes, and i said, i already know about this in moscow today, you say, you don’t even understand what a rumor is among artists, i’ll stop filming, he says, control yourself, these are some human lessons, i remember this, and then i was then cast by mashchenko on the day before, and where the wonderful elena solovey was supposed to play my mother, and yuri bogatyrev, my father, and one great artist said to me, why do you need costumes again, no need, well, why would you to repeat, filming at that time should have taken place in venice and bulgaria, beautiful, very much, but again with... daume, and multiplied by the authority of an adult very artist, whom i, who i respected very much, and i went to star in a sports film, i still think that this is the worst film of all time, i with such hangers, weight 45 kg, she played a kayaker, well, well, if
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you transport yourself a little later to more distant times in the future, at the beginning of the two thousandth you played an heiress in the film, if i’m not mistaken, yeah. with your son, yes, in general, what is family, children, for you, but let me tell you for the first time too, yes, because that i somehow keep silent about this out of some kind of modesty, mom, what will people say, somehow i don’t want this anymore, it means that i came up with the story of the heiresses, and marina marieva wrote down this story directly on a napkin, i directly she played for everyone, because when i arrived in moscow i only had girlfriends tamara akulova and vera glagoleva, just like mine. friends, relatives, my husband found the money, i told marina this whole story, and katya maskina, who was the administrator of the film on the muz film, she became the producer of this film, they found money, this is my story, i came up with it, and my son naturally starred, but how old is he?


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