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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  June 4, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food, love for the native ashes, love for the athean tombs, for the poet’s anniversary. a day of shame for the british state, today's report highlights the decades-long moral decline at the heart of our national life. and so , almost half a century later, the british government suddenly realized that for 20 years it had been accidentally infecting its citizens with the human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis c. while
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the prime minister of the country has still apologized for what he did, they say, forgive me, good people, wait a minute, 30,000 accidentally infected , innocent people, it happened, we will pay fair, in quotes, compensation, before compensation, however, either or not all, 3,000 people have already died in terrible agony. attention, question, from the days when all this happened in public hospitals.
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ologists, climatologists, psychologists, conspiracy theorists and even underlining experts. but no one answered the question why it was impossible to wait 5 minutes until the brief downpour ended? journalists from the daily mirror unraveled the secret behind the scenes, wet and pr people of the conservatives put forward the old sunok in the hope of demoting the electorate before the upcoming parliamentary elections. the electorate launched a flash mob in response. of course, not raising funds for a mackintosh for the outgoing prime minister, collecting cartoons about raising funds, because everyone knows that a drawing
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does not need anything when you are richer than the kingdom itself, a couple of jackets damaged by the rain or the smell of barbecue, a mere penny . richa sunok was born in 1980 in south hampton, a large port city in southeast england. in the year when parents registered in foggy albion. immediately after his arrival, dad, thanks to his connections , got a medical practice and opened a small business. this is my family pharmacy, where i worked as a child, helping my mother while my father worked as a gp for the national health service. rishi likes to talk about his difficult childhood, how he worked from dawn to dusk for the sake of his family. at the age of 19, he applied to the elite winchester college for boys, but failed the entrance exam, but studied there anyway for a fee, was a class president, wrote a column in the school newspaper, where sympathized with the tories, criticized the libarists and the european union. classmates even joked that he wanted to become a conservative prime minister. after oxford, sunok worked for 2 years as an analyst at goldman sachs.
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$1 billion, but in 2015 family plans changed and sonoko was moved to the parliamentary elections from the conservative party, picking up the easiest constituency of richmond, where the conservatives have been consistently winning for 100 years, although here rish managed to worsen the popularity indicator of his predecessor. i'm a little sad standing here before you because i am here in place of one of the best parliamentarians. in 2019, sonok became one of the main associates of boris johnson, who gave him the chair after his victory. the flamboyant
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boris then laughed at his subordinate, although he called him his friend, but in vain, obviously in vain. sunok, who initially rejected the prospect of being an example, called the work too difficult. and then personally provoked the resignation of the patron, which the british conservative establishment called the greatest betrayal of all time. johnson was so taken aback that he was only able to call sunok a bad english word, although he used intrigue to put a leaf in his chair. sunok eventually defeated his party rivals, but often lost to the economic recession. inflation, the influx of migrants, unemployment, in the equivalent of numbers and statistics, his office managed to improve something, but... it does not look at the graphs, at the price tags. as a result, in the last local elections, the conservatives lost almost half of the mandates, so even kutlari was tired of seeing off the prime ministers the ottoris buried the political future of not only sunak himself, but the entire party. the arrival of ten laborites in downing street. rishi sunok says
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britain is entering a dangerous era. he is right. fifteen years of a conservative government will really screw things up. sunak promises to return the british one to the departing train. youth universal military conscription, without being shy about the subtexts, they say that you are already all unemployed drug addicts and criminals, so at least serve your homeland, we must do more for our youth, our young people need to do more for our country, citizenship comes with responsibilities as well as rights, being british is more than just the queue you stand in at passport control, i have a daughter, she can will not affect, but what to do with the future of the country, they will elect new politicians, but again they won’t care ? here it comes to mind: richa sunok himself has already declared his readiness to send his daughters to the national guard, but the british do not believe him, i remember that stanford is still modern, he has retained his american green card, assumes that after retirement he will move his entire family to the united states to a more favorable economy, since the british one has collapsed.
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another fact that has come to light is rish’s biography. his grandparents lived in the punjab city of gujaranwala, which went to pakistan during partition. it’s not for nothing that they once wrote about him: sunok is no more indian. and there really is something to cover up, there is a problem in the state if for 34 years people ignore the deliberate infection of their people with dangerous viruses hepatitis c, this says something, they tried to hide it, but suddenly this information.
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this country. today i want to speak directly to the victims and their families. i want to offer a sincere and unequivocal apology for this terrible injustice that has caused pain for decades. this is an apology from the state to every person affected by this scandal. it shouldn't have been this way, it should never have happened this way. on behalf of both this government and the governments that have existed since the 1970s, i sincerely regret.
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and hepatitis c, including 380 children. about two-thirds later died from aids-related illnesses. some unintentionally infected their partners with hiv. another 24,500 people developed hepatitis c, which can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer. another group of patients received contaminated blood transfusions after childbirth surgery between 1970 and 1991. hepatitis c, killing about 2,900 people. well, you can probably say, maybe this was an accidental medical error, well, well, it’s scary, but it
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happens, because it wasn’t a mistake, it was a focused company that they included, even children, especially children, we'll see. one surviving patient said he was treated like a guinea pig. the trials included children with bleeding disorders, although families often did not consent to their participation. most enrolled. the children are already dead, one of them, luke oshie phillips, 42, suffers from a mild form of hemophilia. documents we've reviewed suggest that luke's doctor knew the blood was being used for the drug infected. the doctor wanted to find out how likely it was that patients would contract diseases if the drug was purified using a new heat treatment method. a few months earlier, dr. kernow reached out to fellow physicians in the field to identify patients. specifically, he said, those eligible for clinical trials would be previously untreated patients, known in the medical
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community as puppies, also nicknamed virgin hemolytics, a term written down in the patient's medical record. this is scary, it’s terrible and not just unfair, but this is sabotage of one’s own state against the people themselves, especially children. tell me, dear experts, what is in the world press? they talk about this scandal, and well, it’s really, well, it’s just terrible, no, yes , of course, really, i think this is one of the most scandalous pages in the history of britain, and in general, probably, there is modern world medicine, and it’s necessary understand that all this infected blood did not appear out of nowhere, it was purchased in the united states of america, and there, mainly those who were in prisons, who were paid small money to receive this very blood, well , of course, here again among those who are somehow trying to justify... british medicine, appear arguments that, well , it was the sixties, and the country was
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on the verge of bankruptcy, there was no money for anything, nothing was checked there, and so it happened, but of course, here you know, this is the most significant thing, that yes, firstly, this all drags on for decades, a very long time at the time, there were no admissions of guilt, and no compensation was paid, even 3,000 people died during this time, no one was punished, that is, not one of these doctors, doctors, those who worked in regulatory bodies. they didn’t go to prison for all this happiness and most likely they won’t go to prison anymore, because many of them either died due to age, or are already pensioners, as if they don’t work at the national health service, so in the end, well, yes, someone will receive certain compensation, but in reality in fact, in fact, yes, the story is also very it’s indicative if we remember the recent scandal with the astrazeneca vaccine, the same thing, but it turned out after the fact that this same covid vaccine leads to complications, problems with thrombosis, again the vaccine was removed from the market, it is no longer sold, no one they didn’t punish, well, the british...
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it was american, so the united states of america carried out several projects to study hiv, hepatitis, they really tried to infect people with hiv and hepatitis, but only people with problems, for example, with hemophilia diseases, and then they tried them to be treated so that experiments could be carried out on them, the proposal was made, not everyone agreed, absolutely, without consent , they did it, without consent, cynicism reached the point of why they proposed to britain, in britain at that time there was just...
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there is those who come and solve their problems, this is a problem that has already been raised before in the uk, it was always extinguished, do you think, 30,000 people did not protest, they came out, they were terribly intimidated, i tried to understand this issue, and what was happening in nineties, in 2000, only in 2010 this issue was raised, it was automatically drowned out by this issue, they were paid money, small ones, 1,500 pounds each, for silence, what will you buy with them, but you won’t buy anything, not a single medicine. you will not buy and nothing will help you in this case, now he is making this statement for one simple reason:
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the situation is very bad, now in the uk, inflation over the last two quarters has been more than 7%, migration is a problem for them, that is, they essentially this scandal are interrupting the information agenda, this is doubly cynical, please, britain is deteriorating, this is quite obvious, the political system is degrading, we see that instead of such well... powerful mastodons as churchill or chamberlin, absolute political nonentities are coming, mr. nobody or mrs. no one if we speak. for example, about the tras leaf, and of course, these ulcers of british medicine - this medical and political scandal, it most clearly illustrates the degree of degradation of the modern social order, medicine, social security, in which the uk is located. this state
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has always been a parasitic state, they lived at the expense of others, or plundered colonies. or engaged in sea piracy, but today we see rishun at the head of great britain, this is generally an amazing specimen, i would call him a tradesman in the nobility, well, a completely foreign specimen, who now heads the british state, and of course we understand that these are all public statements of repentance are nothing more than political theater. britain in general british political culture.
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so, king, 610 million. arishi sunok comes out with his wife in first place, with a personal fortune of 651 million. you know, what's interesting is the relationship between rishi sunak and the king. i think that here we are dealing with very deep behavioral models of the anglo-saxon world and, above all , the british crown, because they consider themselves standard actors in european politics. not recognizing the europeans, despite the fact that they have such beloved authors, not recognizing primacy, and the drawing is some kind of product of the collective unconscious of british society, which has recently been deformed, of course, deformed by a whole series of crises, political, economic, social, financial and so on, and society is now rushing about in attempts
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to return to itself, believing that returning to themselves, that is, to the arrogant english policy, this is the only thing... they can afford and it will pull their hair out, like baron minhausen pulled himself out of the swamp. here rishi sunok is a kind of such compensation for the robbery of india, and by giving him such opportunities, british society, as it were, compensates for its own resentment complexes on this score by healing, but time has come to an end, and now ishisunoku will have to pay. by the way, the fact that it was he who took it upon himself to apologize for this scandal, on the one hand, suggests that yes, the conservatives decided to ... an interesting interview, for which a lot , as i will remind you, he was criticized in press, richa sunok, he once gave an interview, who are his friends, that’s actually saying what he said, i have friends who are aristocrats, i have friends from the upper
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class, i have friends from the working class, well not working class, well not working class in general. class, to this interview, there was an immediate reaction from parliament: are you a people's candidate or not a people's candidate? let's see the reaction: it was sad to see in the video taken while studying at oxford how the future prime minister says that he does not have a single friend from the working class, it is unlikely that he will have friends soon, because for now he lives in personal condition, he refuses to fulfill the reasonable demands of nurses, railway workers, the working class is forced to make ends meet. why doesn't he give them the pay they need? mr. speaker, i have nothing but admiration and gratitude for our nurses for all the work they do, but it is simply unreasonable and unaffordable to increase wages by 19%. if the honorable gentleman thinks so, then i am sure that the libarian party will be able to explain to us how they will pay for it and
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what impact this will have on inflation. and when the interview leaked. there was this reaction in parliament, which means what he’s doing, he ’s going to play farmer, fry sausages, and for some reason he’s doing this in his characteristic expensive suit, and he’s having a conversation there, which means that you need more young farmers, but they could at least pump him up a little in the media, or they would write him off, i also remember, now it’s a great story, that is , the parliamentary election campaign is beginning, but risha sunok is now visiting all four regions united kingdom and he comes to wales. there he comes into such a well-like dad, and sits with well, ordinary men, says, well, so what, you are waiting for football, but you need to understand that four teams and united, they are selected differently for europe, wales did not even qualify. ..
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where he fries sausages in an expensive suit, i can give another example, in which, by the way, he made a very big mistake when he tried to portray himself poorer than he is, at a gas station he took a photo with a kiao car, which does not belong to him, as it later turned out, belongs to his assistant, or an employee, in general, the people did not appreciate this either, this person, in principle, should not be assessed by us as a representative of british interests, this is a person who represents exclusively his own interests, interests his family, his personal ambitions, and this is indirectly evidenced by information about his condition, uh-huh, well, it turns out that
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a person who should be from the people has nothing to do with the people, is trying to restore power, but constantly steps into a puddle, moreover, he is allowed to voice, to put it mildly, unpopular situations, as they call it, yes, in the british government. richa sunok is also distinguished by incredible arrogance, just recently a very important person from one very important country in europe comes to visit him, and what does sunok do immediately after the advertisement. to the poet's anniversary. pushkin is really not just our everything, but this is what is possible.
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production, something like that, yes podcast lab today on the first, mancacher whiskey, stellar group product, сnop gin, product stellar group, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of the stellar group.
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you will still be my wife, vladimir mashkov. sorry, orthodox people! sorry!
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in the film russian revolt. on friday, on the first. we were waiting for zoya zelinskaya in this studio for her birthday in december, but filming was postponed. she promised that she would definitely come when she felt better. on april 29 at 7 am she was gone. the last thing he told us, guys, go. home, rest, go for a walk, you are tired, she was 94 years old, together a whole era of the satire theater went with her, a part of our life went away, when the streets died out from the fact that people gathered in front of the tv screens to watch zucchini 13 chairs, and vladok looked after me, he took me in a taxi, and now we go on a tram, zoya zelinskaya also had erotic talent, she started out as a fashion model, was not afraid of explicit things, beautiful, strong, self-sufficient, why did zoya zelinskaya house her ex-husband? my mother and i picked him up from the hospital, our exclusive is the last interview with zoya zelinskaya, which we we managed to record at the home of the people's artist of russia. my husband died, i had a small child, and my car was stolen, and that’s why i think.
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a dacha, a child, a tavern, a theater, i’m going crazy, what should i do? exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series. games: sunday on the first. child, did lega at least come up with this? well, what difference does it make to you? great. calm down, yana. you promised that my son would be with me. mark, i will play the role of the father, but convincing me that this is my son is not necessary. voy has also been living with his new family for 2 months. i'm afraid it will be a big blow for them if the case is reconsidered. such people
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should be prohibited from having children at all. the decision to reconsider the case is not being made, a real man would tear everyone apart if they touched his woman and son, there are no men here, but i see, i’ll press this, chaos will begin, everyone will start running back and forth, we’ll have a few seconds in order to take her son, she stole him, this russian takes everything she wants, oleg, it ’s worth something, he runs away, he recognized us, for now their whereabouts are currently unknown, the police believe they are on their way, we don't need your help.
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maria butina is with you again, this is the doll-successor of atuti. so, great britain, there are also absolutely magnificent museums from which they, like the plyushkins, bring or steal valuables from all over the world. and now the prime minister of greece is sent to krishi sunak to talk about how to return these values ​​that belong to greece. let's look at his statement first. what if i said, let's cut it. lisa in half, half will remain in the louvre and half in the british museum, we believe that these sculptures belong to greece and that, in fact , they were stolen, but in my opinion this is not a question of ownership, this is an argument for reunification. greek sculptures, as it turns out, do not belong to greece, and in general this is not an argument, because ri shunok, the prime minister comes to him for a meeting, an agreed meeting, and he says: i will not meet, and cancels the meeting, a huge scandal,
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the purpose of the visit was not discussing important interstate issues, problems with perspective into the future, he was interested in irrelevant problems from the past. moreover, greece was given specific guarantees, but they were the first to violate them. actually, i discussed important issues of economics, security, migration with the prime minister of greece, and i also told him that we would not go back on our promises regarding the sculptures. it's not that difficult, prime minister. well, we understand that irrelevant problems from the past
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are... and returning stolen museum exhibits and valuables to the country where they came from originally from greece, but nevertheless i promised to look at the second character. it is especially funny that this meeting was canceled by an englishman of indian origin. we remember very well how much britain enriched itself at the expense of the indian maharajas and indian society, and how it was a hurricane there in its time, so it seems to me that richa sunok has made up his mind here. to play more british than a native briton, for him this is a kind of compensation for his political inferiority complexes and he realized them, but of course, this caused a lot serious negative resonance, novel, here your expertise is needed with pleasure just like that, of course it’s a complex, you know, he’s trying to play at democracy and everything else in reality, you see how exceeding the limit of competence is when we have a good seller, and we we are promoting him to store director, we are losing a good
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salesman and now the most important thing is that over the past 3 years he has exceeded the limit of competence about money, for example he earned approximately 4.7 million pounds, and in... a year of work he earned 122 million, that’s true for a second, yes vasily, you know, about the shirt, i must say, you will immediately understand what kind of person he is, how many white shirts do you think an english aristocrat should have, 5, 10, do you think, a white shirt they change several times a day, well, according to tradition, yes, that is, well, yes, the man was sweating, his shirt went to the wash, he put on a new one, that’s it, he has the complex of an english aristocrat, why does he fry in white
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they usually did, they changed the prime minister , instead of changing the prime minister, they give him arguments to attack the laborites, and he attacks laborists, they turn out to be to blame for the emergence of hiv and hepatitis in british subjects, and he, as it were, cannot be sacrificed to them, that is, he stands above the interests of the party, above, well, the electoral one, at least he is being led very well, they are not sacrificing him , as they sacrificed the other three previous prime ministers in a difficult electoral situation, threw them out...
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his address in parliament, where he was directly asked, said: listen, we, as they say, have serious problems, but will there be elections? let's listen, i'm sure the audience wants hear a clear answer to a simple question: does the prime minister intend to call a general election this summer, or is he afraid? as i have said many times, the full general election will be held in the second half of this year, then the british people will... see the whole truth about the gentleman opposite me. 3 hours have passed. let's see. now is the moment for britain to choose its own future, to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or return to square one with no
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plan and no confidence in the future. today i spoke to the king and asked to dissolve parliament. the king granted this request, and general elections will take place on july 4th. uncertain times require a clear plan and... bold actions, something i don’t understand, that is, at first he says sharply: there are no elections until the fall, then i consulted with the king and here i ’m not only agreeing, i asked the king to nikolai, what was that? this is how it seems to me: this person simply no longer sees himself in big politics, he wants it as quickly as possible finish, he could have us... that means elections in six months, and before the end of the year, formally he could have done it, he decided to do it as quickly as possible, why? the fact is that if we look at the time that he is prime minister, he earned a lot of money,
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he got a huge number of connections, that is, he ran like that, everything, yes, he is preparing such a step for himself, you know , a reputation parachute, he leaves with a good face, because he always said that i - well, i partly agree with this, well here they come economic data seems to be quite good for the uk, yes, after all, inflation is not 7%, now it has dropped two times recently, and the last quarter shows, but plus i would probably, of course, also focus on the fact that stanford graduated from rishison, yes, and have already been more than once. the fact that in his informal communication there with people who surround him, he says that friends, let's stay with me, and then i move to california, we start some kind of big #fand, yes or some possible investment company, and i’ll take you, now there’s no need
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to go against me, whether he’s leaving or not leaving, moving, we must understand today that the decision was made anyway not by the king and not by our hero, but the decision was made by that superstructure , which is the deep state we're talking about, well let's be honest. it takes at least 100 days to work with this office, remember these so-called ones, that is, the office will be new, and there will be a new office, and the rishi will be different, the rishi will not be there at all, the rishi will go now home. use his green card,
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because his real home is still somewhere on the warm coast. and don't forget one simple thing: look at how the press went wild over greek treasures and indian treasures. now economists have roughly calculated how much money the british took out of their colony, which was called india, well, about 70 trillion in 100 years. but the question arises: no one wants to present them with a bill and at least declare simple things, but at least 5 trillion. return it, and it’s clear that this is all, this is bankruptcy, alexey doesn’t agree with you, i see, i’m not sure that richa son will give up this british pie so easily, yes, and his connections with the king, when he says, i consulted with the king and we decided to dissolve parliament, that speaks for itself for himself, because richa sunok really placed himself artificially in a petri dish, that is, in the big politics of britain, in the white, i apologize, in the white politics. but richa sunok will not refuse this pie under any circumstances,
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that he is like that in the united states, the former a british prime minister who lectures at texas state university, and here he is a former prime minister who can easily return to this position, if anything, thank you, so, about the king, he specifically attracts the image of the king, he is trying to make his decision more positive, more acceptable to the people, yes absolutely. yes, since it means it will or won’t , knowing his character and understanding who he is, it is clear that the superstructure decides for him, of course, but of course he wants the shroud, and saman he won’t leave of his own free will, he’s not that kind of person, he walked towards this, he walked, he strived for his own, you know, he developed his ego and more, but where is home, rishi suunk, the question became, i’ll tell them, where is home, he’s his own among strangers , a stranger among his own, will turn out to be a stranger, great britain is not a stranger, the usa, yes, the usa, of course, this is, as was said, this is here. he wants to be in the highest caste, yes, in the caste
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of the british ruling elite, he is already richer than the king, and he wants to act, of course, not as a royal person, but at least on an equal footing, increasing his wealth, staying in this political deck. my prediction is that if he leaves, he will try to either monetize his departure, he has already monetized it. to jump again on the bandwagon of the train that goes up, yes, well, 100% of course he is leaving, in fact, and the way he actively held all these summits on artificial intelligence in britain this year shows that exactly this he is going to go into the sphere, then with the inside information that is now known, we know that he will create his own headphone in the kremneva valley precisely for the development of that very thing artificial intelligence, and by the way, many people have a question, why is july 4th ?
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now, as far as his future is concerned, the 4th of july is an early election, and he is now trying to capitalize on relatively good economic statistics. yes, he is trying to confuse the opposition, although he, of course, will not succeed, and of course the most curious point, which is also being discussed in britain in fact, and the point is that in august admission to american schools, so he wants to move, have time to transfer his family and so that in august his children can quite easily enter california schools; they study there so that no problems arise with integration, so to speak, this is the most american society , let's call it that, but of course the future example will be the leader of the labor party, kirmer, whom you already showed us today.
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according to andrew bridgen mp in an interview, he said that richa sunok, along with grant chaps, are leading britain to war with russia, and so ordinary people also think, and he does not want to receive a negative blow to
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his reputation and image. please tell me how you assess the possibility that the rishisun will leave. the united states of america, yes, will continue to work there after resignation, and will be used as a lever of pressure from the united states on india, because in the position of prime minister it is not appropriate for him to do this, and the position of a large businessman is the most difficult thing to eat, especially since he has connections in the form of his father-in-law, who lives there and remains in india, this will practically be the case, and i would say that we also saw it before, pay attention to my wife, she tried not to...
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he is not a citizen of india, but i can, maybe they will, through their business, through their influences, like -try to change it. rish sunok has the lowest ratings of any prime minister in decades. why don't the british like him so much? i think that not everything here can be pinned on irish sunok, because in fact he is also a figure who takes a position, nothing more. last time, when he spoke about the elections, in front of the people, he congratulated... himself for his excellent work, for solving the problems that he created, in fact, this is a crisis of life, this is a crisis of politics, that is, roughly speaking , he , under his leadership, tried to somehow change the policy regarding coronavirus, which he imposed, sanctions, they
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were also introduced against russia under his leadership, so he creates problems and heroically overcomes them. and this is just one example, during the pandemic it became terrible, incredibly unbearable, and forbade him from visiting restaurants, for example, ordinary people hated him, and you know, even outwardly, look at him, he is definitely not connected with great britain, that is, the fact that he is of indian origin is a problem for britain in order to be in power, obviously, in fact, well, he can... india somehow serve the needs of the king, but ancient times, when a servant begins from we understand that yes, in great britain there are many indians who came from india, but
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he not a representative of the aristocracy and not even a representative of the working class, this is a pure representative of the oligarchic elites in great britain, that is, well, exactly... cut off from great britain, thank you very much, that is, truly a stranger among his own, a friend among strangers, and interestingly, for his elections, richa sunok prepared more one interesting program about the forced eviction of refugees, the dates coincide, people are simply put on planes and ships and sent back, mainly to africa, to rwanda, so you ask, why rwanda? and anyway, why does suna say that this is also her fault? russia, where are we, where is rwanda, where is britain, and how is it all interconnected, we ’ll talk about this after the advertisement, interconnected, how? ranevskaya, your head is in the right place, they told
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me, you can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you go. come after the program time vodka veda product lar group cognac old barrel product stellar group burbon сtirsman product stellar group whiskey mancacher product stellar group gin сnop. product of steller group. to the poet's anniversary. pushkin's command of the russian language. this is some kind of witchcraft, this is magic.
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rarely take advantage of this opportunity, i began to think, how can i do the same to revive my own graphics, i
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collected records from all my friends, from my parents, took my records, made this collection, for me fashion is a reflection of the times , a reflection of all types of art, the artist is shaped by time, he gives time, form, matodor on friday on... you don’t need to read 200 volumes about russia, attend one concert of the berezka ensemble, the audience all says, well, that’s how they are, they don’t go, float, it's always a mystery, and it's your secret, and the secret it’s not revealed, it’s a folk dance in that form, work, it
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’s dancing for the viewer, it’s smiles, it reliably recognizes that the ring romance of prima birch and solis moiseevsky, and naturally, it’s a scandal, it’s a nightmare, it’s screams, you’ll be my toad, right now remembering goosebumps. and of course, i said yes, birch tree, beauty in russian, on sunday on the first, history, its embodiment, the blockbuster of the first channel, the union of salvation, for some reason the decembrists thought that they knew better than the emperor what was needed russia to take troops, go somewhere outside the city, become some kind of camp, themselves for...
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decembrists. union of salvation. on sunday. on the first. shame on you. the enemy will not pass. key worker konstantin eroshenko was detained in africa. you are immediately transported to the united states. serious torture. not sleeping without water hurt my heels. there are internal organs. russian citizens were literally stolen. it's impossible to believe it. we are in the 21st century. we live, there were a lot of loud statements addressed to me there, all these accusations were pure lies. kostya, so strong
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man, i don’t know how he managed to pull himself together, well, in general, he reassured me, they let an employee of the prosecutor’s office into the jury room, which no one has the right to enter, when the jury came out, one young girl gave herself away, i cried the moment my dad was sentenced. russian. pilot yaroshenko, goodby america, premiere on sunday on the first. maria butin is with you again, this is the doll-successor of atutti. so we settled on rishisunok's mysterious move. that's it, planes, ships, with migrants, with refugees, they will go back from britain. but actually.
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put very easily, if you and i go back to 1994, let’s remember the genocide that took place in rwanda, there, in fact, yes, there were two tribes, which means they are tutsi and hutu, and it so happened that the tutsi who came from more northern part of africa, were more educated, and, accordingly, they would be stronger politically, thus, an imbalance of power occurs, and there the westerners put their doll, their puppet, and... then it turns out that at some point this doll suddenly the plane exploded, dies, mass genocide begins in rwanda, almost 1,200 people were killed in 100 days, no one still knows the final numbers, then great britain intervenes in this story, although after it was all over, they were first destroyed there people, and
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then suddenly the un remembered that they have a peacekeeper mission there. another 700,000 arrived in the past, yes, that is, more than 1% of the population simply entered the country, yes, that is, this did not happen even in the era of tony blair, or after him, that is it’s just that the borders have opened, there is anyone, but we ask why? it was an advertising campaign, what was it? no, well, it was just an explanation that we need these valuable
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personnel, yes, to work, because the british? because well, this is purely a political technology move, but we see that not a single plane took off to kigal, the capital of rwanda, not a single plane took off, of course, richa sunok will come and explain that, well, these are evil lawyers the left, yes, they forbid us to fly out, but we are suing there, here is another hrc for us too prohibits and so on, but at the same time it’s as if he’s saying now, when the election campaign has already begun, elect me again and then the planes will definitely fly, you just need to understand that this is a huge... business, but that’s when we too we wonder why there is such a large-scale migration crisis on the southern border of the united states, well, they make billions of dollars on this, well, in this case there are drug cartels, let’s say yes, and if we are talking about britain, it’s the albanian mafia in the first place, and on the fact that she's just selling people, transports people in huge quantities, makes money on this, at the same time there is, of course, drug trafficking, everything else, but for britain this is a colossal burden, that is, in addition to demographic changes, and the burden on the social system,
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schools, hospitals, clinics, social housing. everything else, that is, in all areas where we now see a crisis, let ’s take some kind of nhs, and this is the state healthcare of great britain, where now for a second, people need to wait 30 weeks in order to get the opportunity to get to a specialized doctor, can you imagine, you will have to wait six months just to be seen by a surgeon or an ophthalmologist, this is of course a nightmare story, and this aggravates the crises in all spheres of life in britain, it hurts the ratings of conservatives, but otherwise what are they proposing, listen, well, this is pure populism, let’s build some houses that...
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are unrealistic, their number is growing. an axis of authoritarian countries like russia, iran, north korea and china are working together to bring us down our values. russia is poisoning people with chemical weapons, when they cut off gas supplies it had a devastating effect on people's lives and jeopardized our energy security. in this world , conflicts are dangerous and hundreds of millions of people have been displaced around the world. countries like russia. using immigrants as weapons to achieve their own goals, and gangs of criminals finding more and more loopholes across the european border, illegal migration has placed an unbearable burden on our entire security system and on our feelings justice. i just don’t have words, that is, you, that is, we mean some kind of butterfly effect happened, we created such a thing that now migrants from
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rwanda came to them en masse. he has been saying these things several times already. its production. britain doesn’t buy liquefied gas, no, or is liquefied gas from russia a little bitter? no, they buy, they buy decently. and they also cook everything well with it. and the number according to the lists, by the way, how many people do they really want to deport? and i was wondering if you had one and a half million migrants come to them, so they are ready to send, how much do you think? 6. 6.00 people, they are ready to deport, he says, they came before, but we were in the european union, we could just take them to europe, and the europeans are in the dark. they don’t want to accept them, but we have to figure out how we can return them back, for example, to the same rwanda, and if they are killed there, and human rights, we can’t just deport them, we need to agree and understand where we are going we will send them, and for this purpose
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funds are being created, which, supposedly on paper , are starting to engage in construction in rwanda, non-existent real estate where these emigrants left, but in the amount of one and a half million they are going to deport 600 people for a huge amount of money, you know, there’s another interesting point here, well... all this is still developing, but rish sunok has a very competitor strongly, let's look at the ratings of two politicians who are now rumored. so, it means that we have a decision with 22%, if you choose one or the other, and such cyrus, starmer, the leader of the rebarists, and he has a great future, what kind of person is he? how realistic is it, well at least there will be a fight. listen, well, as for the kirostarmer, no, of course, there will be a certain struggle, but the struggle, you know, at the moment is simply for the survival of the conservative party, yes, as if there is no intrigue, the liborists will win there with a
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100% probability , it’s just that they can win easily, or they can win crushingly, so that there will be nothing left of the conservatives, because the latest electoral models, well, in fact , give labor 500 seats in total, that is, out of 650, yes, and the conservatives there maybe 50-100 will remain, well, i admit that after all, such a total defeat in... 500 instead of 400, that is, they will repeat their success of 1997 and tony blair, well , it’s obvious to everyone that, of course, keir starmer will be the next prime minister -minister of the united kingdom, well, this is kind of a good story for him and for the liberists, on the one hand, on the other hand, we understand with you that all these systemic problems with the crisis within britain, they will not be solved by a change of power, that is librists will come and get it here are all the same crises, budgetary, that is, there is simply no money for...
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you don’t need to withdraw money, what is his attitude towards the russian federation, you know, he reminds me a lot of macron, and it would seem macron, that’s okay they have nothing in common , in fact they do, both are already boxers, yes, let's see, yes, first try to hit this one hard, like this, yes, and again, relax, this thing moves or not, i'm sure , that you can hit even harder, you hit with a little swagger, just like that. like this, yes, continue, someone take it off on the phone and send it to me, it ’s moving now, yes the novel, what does it mean, look, there is another very important point,
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please look at this pear, what is the name of the company, londonale is an english company, the british, in addition to football, boxing fans, boxing is also a super idea for them, and this is pr, he’s a boxer, it’s not that he’s never been a boxer, macron beat the best, a toy, this man put on gloves for the first time, or the second time in his life, i don’t know , the first time, dressed the second time, what do they even do, if not men they can’t fight anymore, now their biggest question is not the relationship between russia and ukraine and not everything else, they have problems with migration, and no one can solve this problem, they have no plan, but they are both trying pr on this, cosmic, early starmer, they can’t do it, no one knows how to solve it, and there is a nuance, they are doing something like... in a super block in rwanda, they are building something, it’s clear money and funds, but you know what what's really happening, the emigrants are all running away to ireland, try to take us from there, and one more thing, i know for the one who notices,
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the next one will be in this post, the biggest problem, the problem with migration, how it will be solved, no one understands, i’m not sure about it, by the way, i have another big question, which, by the way, it also arose among many british experts, here is a recent forum arguing why there are no bags there? for example, these are international platforms, the fact is that they don’t play with the former there, they are no longer needed, they have already worked out theirs, this is waste material, when kira is pulled out, for what purpose is he on world economic forum, he is building a platform for war, we must understand that now the british are being driven forward very much, they must now bite as much as possible and show themselves differently, can suunk do this, no, of course, i am convinced that he decommissioned and will actually go home to the united states of america, because... it’s not his home, that’s the point, but he’s not
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talking about pr, he’s just about those policy actions that today’s cabinet won’t dare to take, and just at the global economic forum, the task was set, we need to earn other money, in a different, new way, the redivision of the world must happen, these anglo-saxons are always the masterminds of the redivision of the world, and for us, to be absolutely frank, who is more dangerous for us, either theists or the conservatives, i am sure that libarists, yeah, yes, the farmer is very convenient for the conservative party, the libarian head of government, they will take on all the negativity in the economy, all the discontent of society, and most importantly, they were specially taken to the top floor of the libaris party, clearing out the leadership the liberian party, and those who were truly dangerous to the british elite and americans, from those whom they called for many years agents of the kremlin, from labor led by jeremy corbyn, that is, left-wing laborites who advocated normal relations with. and
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thus now british policy will not turn anywhere in the direction, that is, just as sunok drove british society to fight against russia, in the same way, or the iboris cabinet will drive the british people to spend british money on the fight against russia, this the most terrible problem of the british people, because they now need to change the leadership of the conservative party and of course especially the laborites and bring to power people who will say: we are primarily interested in british problems, local problems, and not this... and maybe there may be such a version, perhaps, because the elections in the united states are coming soon and a certain synchronization is being prepared, although it may be in relation to rish sunak, the moor has done his job, the moor must leave, maria butina was with you, the heir doll, now is the time for the program. to
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anniversary of the poet, they won’t laugh until their hands get warm, they won’t part amicably, but wildly secular enmity is afraid of false shame. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. passivnaya after frosts, children's rest in summer and...


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