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tv   Ranevskaya  1TV  June 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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this is the program time and we continue. in moscow , they said goodbye to artur chelengarov, polar explorer, scientist, hero of russia. he was always attracted by the arctic and antarctica. the poles of the world seem to have converged in an amazing fate. scientific works and the most dangerous expeditions. chelengarov more than once found himself in extreme situations, without losing faith and self-control, he broke through the ice. and difficulties.
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idle curiosity, being a scientist, the darkest points of the globe, not because of some researcher who devoted all his strength to his favorite work, accomplished feats will undoubtedly go down in the history of our fatherland. the expedition in 2007, a dive to the bottom of the arctic ocean, can be called historical and even a turning point; the deep-sea vehicle of the world sank 4.5 km and installed the titanium flag of russia at the north pole. chelengarov
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has long studied the arctic continental shelf and firmly believed that our country should secure the right to its territory in the arctic rich in natural resources. he called this project his life's work. he made a huge breakthrough in the understanding of the people around him. states of importance in the arctic. well, in the nineties it seemed to us that we could barely make ends meet here in the arctic. here's arthur. all the time he talks about what is needed, it is necessary, we need to explore the arctic, invest money there and so on, only now , many years later, we realized how really important this is, the mir apparatus then in 2007 could not find a way out for several hours from under the ice, in another expedition, the multi-kilometer dyna where chelengarov had set up a drifting station began to crumble right under his feet, he took risks every time, said that without an adventure it is impossible to make pioneering discoveries, chelengarov headed...
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to treat the arctic to the antarctic. artur chelingarov was no less responsible when it came to his work in the state duma. he was elected for seven days. he was the author of almost seventy bills. he paid much attention to the development of the northern regions of the country. arthur nikolaevich is a treasure of the whole world, a man of planetary scale. he invested part of his soul in the development of our russian parliamentarism, having been elected to the first convocation. and
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the path that our modern russia has passed, for everyone, artur nikolaevich, an example of how to live, how to love a country, a hero of the soviet union and a hero of russia, for many in the state duma and the federation council he was a comrade and mentor. he came to the state duma on time, when it was the most troubled, dirty time, his merit lies in the fact that the north path is turning into a wild path.
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a kind, very sociable person, a person ready to help those who were in need, risking his life, there are many such examples... artur chelengarov did not give up what he loved, worked in the russian geographical society, led a project controlled by a drifting station based on the icebreaker captain dranitsin, studied the towing of icebergs that threaten drilling platforms, was ill, but did not show any sign of continuing to fight. with military honors. the sun flare provoked a new strong magnetic storm that covered the earth today. the good news is that the northern lights have intensified and can be seen in mid-
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latitudes, right up to the capital region. but there are negative effects: weather dependent people may feel unwell, have headaches and feel weak. a healthy heart, what could be more important, a large scientific and practical conference was held at the chazov center in moscow. the latest medical technologies from prevention to rehabilitation, achievements of cardiologists give a chance to millions. the most difficult cases no longer seem fatal, neither to doctors nor to their patients. alexander lyakin was convinced. how do you feel? i feel good. lyubov viktorovna was taken to the chazov cardiology center by ambulance straight from the metro, where she became ill. fine, that they managed to quickly bring.
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reaches 60% in different years, but in all recent years it has been above 50%. therefore, the treatment of these diseases, in my opinion, is of fundamental importance for demography. the minister of health also spoke about the importance of cardiology today; he addressed the conference participants via video link. over the past 5 years , the material and technical base of regional vascular centers and primary vascular departments has been significantly strengthened. more than 25,000 units of modern medical diagnostic equipment were put into operation, treatment and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases. in connection with the new decree of the president of the russian federation on the national development goals of the russian federation for the period up to the thirty-sixth year,
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the task has been set to achieve an increase in life expectancy to 78 years by the thirty-sixth year and to 81 years by the thirty-sixth year. this is without prevention. it is difficult to achieve, says conference participant, chief cardiologist of belarus natalya mitkovskaya. the risk factors she talks about are typical and for our country too. this is a very small consumption of vegetables and fruits. unfortunately, eating, that is, smoking, has a very high degree of salt. for example, i believe that smoking is generally the number one risk factor. at the conference, cardiologists have the opportunity to find out in a few minutes what their colleagues spent many months of clinical research on, no professional...
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at the russia exhibition today they presented the concept of a national center of the same name, which will be engaged in preserving the legacy of the grandiose forum at vdnkh. create one structure. technological and so on, the exhibition has greatly moved the market forward, i’m not afraid
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to say, the world market of the exhibition, so two stories coincided here: this is a very high level, technological, and we all together, all, without exception, 132 exhibitors created an incredible atmosphere love, pride, admiration and adoration for one’s own country, this... this is the result: the exhibition of russia, let me remind you, started at vdnkh on november 4 , the day of national unity, it was planned that it would run until april 12 cosmonautics, but the exhibition aroused such enormous interest that it was decided to extend the work until july 8; at the moment, the exhibition has been visited by more than 14 million people. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated on the event. and now a new episode of the film ranevskaya is on air on channel one. about an outstanding actress and unknown moments of her life, but first the poems of alexander sergeevich pushkin
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the day after tomorrow 225 years since his birth, on the anniversary of the poet, the princess is alone in front of him, sitting unkempt, pale, reading some letter, and she quietly sheds tears like a river, resting her cheek on her hand,
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she went crazy and you didn’t
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kill her husband at the front, she didn’t shed tears for her children at night, she ’s such a reptile, but shut up already, but i feel sorry for her, a lonely woman who sees, so and the old women will play on the gravestone, life is over, yes, beloved, and the moros, the prima, the valins, oh, how wonderful it is.
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how is it all? minsk was liberated, soon the germans will be driven out of warsaw, from prague, i was in prague, played hamlet, your hamlet, perhaps my brother, i saw it. he lived there before the war, or maybe he didn’t live there, i can get his address through the third hand was handed over, but was never written off, maybe it was for the better,
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vasily ivanovich.
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you'll go completely blind, it's not scary, i'm already. i saw everything i needed in this life, that hello, rita lvovna, hello, hello, the package is in your name, by the way, from london. fayana georgievna, do you have relatives in london? and this is charlie chaflin, he sent her an invitation to film. the old man wouldn’t take the risk, he’s afraid that the fake will outplay him. let's open it quickly, oh there's a bookmark, here's the very bottom, anu, anu, anu, the american president, watch the soviet film, the dream, president franklin roosevelt watched the film directed by mikhail rom the dream
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and was shocked by the performance of the unsurpassed actress faina ranevskaya. mr. president considers her the greatest dramatic actress, uh, i can’t see without glasses, come on, come on, she can’t see without glasses, honestly, i don’t understand english, or i can’t read at all, laudatory articles about other actresses sharply impair my vision, well, congratulations, the rumors about your adultery with president roosevelt have been confirmed. strengthening connections with the allies, it should be noted that my success in the west? no, the fact that you received a letter from roosevelt, you weren’t shot, from whom, from whom the package, but i don’t know, well, such things are dangerous not to know, if you missed the first section, then who is the package from, fayna georgievna, i’m very interested details
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of your intimacy with the president, he is a wheelchair user, he was like this just after our first meeting, but the details, unfortunately, are only with the permission of, oh, congress, carefully, kasia, the tragic, greatest tragic actress, non-comedy, you know? don’t wave this around wherever you happen to be, look at the letters there, they’re in english, so when the truth is published about you, you can paste over your ceiling, walls and floor. in the meantime, it’s better to hide it out of harm’s way, or better yet, throw it away, how can i throw it away, this is my oscar, put this oscar in your head, you know where,
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there are crocodiles in greece, crocodiles, crocodiles, there are, in greece, everything is there, so in this scene you... are two drunken idiots, vaina is making sure you don’t eat from the table, it’s clear where she is, she’s ready, but there are idiots in greece, there are, in greece everything is there.
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hello. clothes are trying to reproduce the ragozhi of that time, pushkin as a space industry, enriches civilian production, something like that, yes, podcast lab, today on
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the first, you don’t need to read 200 volumes about russia, attend one concert. of the beryozka ensemble , the audience keeps saying, well, that’s how they are, they don’t walk, they float, it’s always a mystery, and it’s your secret, and it’s not revealed secretly, no, folk character dance in the form in which we teach is not taught anywhere in the world, here so sometimes you have to work, these are dances for the audience, these are smiles, that ... the romance between prima beryozka and solis moisievsky, and naturally, this is a scandal, this is a nightmare, these are screams, you will wish for me, now we just
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remember goosebumps, well and of course, i said yes, birch, beauty in russian, on sunday on the first, the story of its incarnation, the blockbuster of the first channel, union of salvation. for some reason, the pekovrists thought that they knew better than the emperor that russia needed to take troops, go somewhere outside the city, stand up some kind of camp. the conspirators themselves were unable to clearly formulate what the plan was, and nikolai understood the dilemma well: they want to make me a tyrant or a coward. who is this person, the one who twisted the neck of the reforms, or the person who saved them from bloodshed? and this is the famous question that the emperor asked pushkin. what would you do if on december 14 , 1925 you found yourself in st. petersburg? pushkin before senate square and pushkin after, about two different pushkins.
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big history, decembrists, union of salvation, on sunday on the first. lyuchik konstantin eroshenko was detained in africa, you were immediately transported to the united states.
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pilot yaroshenko goodby america premiere on sunday on the first. will you give us a ride? i’m here, and i’m there, get ready, thank you, hold on, thank you, here’s the oud, i understand, again there’s a burning stench all over the corridor, what do i look like, a towel,
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standing water, that’s it, queen! hello, happy birthday to whom? lev nikolaevich tolstoy, well then come in, thank you, and this is for you, shaina georgievna.
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edible gifts are incredibly awesome, we haven’t seen each other for almost a whole year, maybe you’ll hug me, hug me for joy, i ’ve never hugged such a jacket, what’s the matter, i can’t concentrate, the smell of sausage is very distracting, this is krakow, yes, beef roll.
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returned to moscow. during the war, everyone forgot the smells. in 1943 i was in tashkend, but the studio said that you were already filming. ivan groznyj? the king rejected me, rudely and mercilessly in a boorish manner. there is no need to regret it. see you later, how is lev nikolaevich? wait, but what, sergei pavlovich, can i ask you where you came from, where you serve now, or are you completely classified? well no through. in london, as part of a group of military specialists, i negotiate with allies.
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what profile are the specialists? in tashkent, an expert on the evacuation of industrial enterprises, so the war will soon end, what does this mean, you and your allies are sharing the skin of a half-finished bear, yes faina georgievna, well, we are talking about the transfer of german enterprises to us, i guess i forgot with whom i’m talking, that means... this is a long time, at least it became known with whom roosevelt conveyed the news to me, but i accidentally came across the magazine, i was so pleased, this was a very important compliment for me on the dentist at a very timely time, this article supported me tremendously, you know, like this...
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sometimes you feel like you are walled up in a huge petrified heap of crap. wow, what an expressive image! and then sergei pavlych, an old tashkent friend, sends. even if he’s incognito, he still sends a message, it was scary to open an envelope that was unsigned from abroad, but i managed, i completely forgot, i have to go to the studio. i hit the hot roll in the head and forgot, well yes, of course, i was glad to see you, all
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the best and success. i’ll challenge this one to come to me, it won’t work, seryozha, i’m a non-party member, well close your eyes, join in, but i would close all the seats, but you know how they are
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wool from the biographies of the candidates, and i’m a one hundred percent class tailcoat, the daughter of a merchant of the first gerdia gardener and philanthropist, and even the fifth point - a jewish face, even pavleon can’t... fall over, no, we can’t leave him for something, we’ll come up with something, you come up with something, but just somehow so that i don’t get imprisoned, remember, kedrov, vadim ivanovich, captain inkvalle, don’t be afraid, he’s reliable, if he gives me something, it’s almost from hand to hand.
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he does not write.
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and you are an ideal potential channel for communication, that is, if i were, for example, some kamchatka whaler, there would be no questions for me, yes, don’t generalize here, in any profession, the authorities may have certain questions, vasily ivanovich, they won’t even inform me if something happens to him, they will inform his wife, but i don’t know that his wife is in moscow, they separated a long time ago, then there was no war. not getting a divorce, this is so humiliating, this is pride, nonsense, nonsense and pride, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are making faces,
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let's go, vasily ivanovich, let's go back, please, why do we go there too, i don't want to go here, let's go in the opposite direction, please understand. this is extremely flattering, no one has ever committed an act of vandalism for my sake, but nevertheless, no need, let's go, let's go, thank you, this is a face, but i need a face, a face. all men are fools and yours is also a fool,
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there’s so much to eat overseas that you can’t take your eyes off it, this is what you need quit, my darling, resolutely quit, i recently asked a friend, but isn’t the little darling dragging, pulling, pulling, stretching, you need to throw someone, okay. paina georgievna, wait, my dear face, grigory vasilyevich wants to offer you a role in his new film under the wonderful name spring, although the role is small, only a few scenes, but you do it brilliantly, you are a romantic, this is my main role, but you have a worker's house. thank you very much, lyubov
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petrovna and grigory vasilyevich for the housekeepers, but from my comic fools the audience is already sick, why would you make this steering wheel, great, to be honest, i just dream of working with you. you are crazy, ronevskaya, with her character in my picture, but for no reason, we are completing the boiling process, she refused, that’s how, she won’t go, so we have to work in the house, of course, why is that? roosevelt doesn’t
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look at my pictures, thank you, you didn’t refuse. klaus schwab, president of the world economic forum and one of the most mysterious figures in world politics. schwab is the master who rules the whole world. ukraine has no opportunity to win. and we will face a coalition of russia and china. the first alliance, which was very annoying.
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van and lexus show, premiere, tomorrow on the first, appearance is not as important as what ’s inside, zhenya medvedeva, i heard him, let’s go for a walk, maybe you’re a good person? kvn, second quarterfinal, on saturday. on the first one, and what kind of money did you use to buy the bottom two seats? i'm doing scripting, what is it? decentralized payment system based on blockchain technology. it’s clear, don’t tell me if you don’t want to, it's going to be hot, what's where? where, when is the summer series
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of games, on sunday on the first, good night, good. so what happened? what have you done again? what? where? i just heard that you refused to film with alexandrov? yes, yes, well done, i’m tired of paying old fools, which means that alexandrov will film barantov on film judges, and barandov is in prague, and you said that your brother lived in prague before the war?
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i am an idiot! i'm waiting for you in the taxi, hurry up! yes yes yes! hello grigory vasilievich. can i read the script, sorry fin georgievno, nothing to please you i can’t, they didn’t give you permission to leave, i
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don’t understand at all what you were counting on, being non-partisan, i was counting on it not being necessary. take notes on the works of marx and engels in order to play someone's servant. comrade ranevskaya, there are rules from which no exceptions are made for anyone. i don't understand. why didn’t they refuse, i ’m a non-party member, me too, lyubochka, you’re a non-party star, i’m a non-party old ass, stop it, forgive me, i knew that the word ass, your delicate soul can’t stand it, no, my subtle soul just can’t stand it the word is old, i’m 45 years old, in my opinion, this is my
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last young heroine, i asked my husband not to film on...
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connect, but how can i connect with you if you don’t let me leave the country? this is a pass to see me tomorrow, give me a magazine, what? roosevelt, bring it. but this will help, i don’t know, 50/50, i couldn’t tell you about this in the office, everything is bugged there, here too, until tomorrow, i’m very
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tired. world recognition and that spitting and grinding on that america is the right strategy for centuries, but the fact that they will say in the kremlin you won’t be crushed, orlov’s love, comrade stalin’s favorite actress, do you want her to come and ask for zaranevskaya, and they refuse her? happy journey.
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i beg your pardon, on the anniversary of the poet, each king wears special signs with him, note how the kings recognize him, listen, brothers, the third emperor is with us! my commander, are you silent or don’t you believe that i am a great sovereign? god knows you. sergei makovetsky, you will still be my
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wife. vladimir mashkov. sorry, orthodox people! sorry! in the film russian revolt. on friday on the first. contemporary fine art is confined to a small circle of professionals. they pay money for it, big, sometimes very big, but almost no one sees it, that is, if i can’t imagine a person who, knowing nothing, suddenly becomes an artist, and i believe that every person will become an artist absolutely if he takes this into account freely, your exhibition should perform the same function as a politician’s speech, so it should be addressed to a specific viewer, a specific group and produce some result. clothes are one of the best means of self-expression. but in everyday life people rarely take advantage of this feature, i began to think how i can do the same to spice up my
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own graphics. i collected records from all my friends, from my parents, took my own records, and made this collection. for me, fashion is a reflection of time, a reflection of all types of art. the artist is shaped by time, he gives time, form. matador. on friday at first, the child is at least in bed or i came up with an idea, well, what difference does it make to you, great, calm down yana, you promised that my son will be with me, mark, i’ll play the role of a father, but there’s no need to convince me that this is my son, voito has been living in his new home for 2 months already family, i am afraid that it will be a strong blow for them if the case is reconsidered; such people should be prohibited from giving birth at all.
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doesn't this bother you? i don’t want to answer for this, nothing will happen to you, but it will happen to me, i
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’m so glad you took the pony, i feel like i had a choice. it’s unbearable to work with her, i would drag the hemorrhoids of my native land across the border, i was ordered, i obeyed, yes, this is the case when the order is beneficial, pronevskaya wrote an amazing role for your film, it’s hilarious, no one ordered her, the text was already written by her herself, she has already rewritten it 10 times, i don’t know what i 'll film, just let the situation go. let go, so what a spectacular little thing, what is it? in my opinion, this is a hat, just like a hat, and where did you get it from, they gave it to me from the model’s house, which one,
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can i try it on. yes, good, yes, beauty is a terrible force.
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i wonder what they think i can do soak in order to desecrate the honor of the state? fayna gyorgin, you need to now go to the cafe on the corner of the square and drink coffee, the coffee there is very good, go, i imagine, it’s a secret , don’t tell everything.
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you said that we’ll go somewhere, we can’t... if you want, we’ll go through the fields to somewhere, it seems to me that the light was very right, tell me, what about ranevskaya? she filmed for today, as she filmed, but it seems to me that she went to a museum, which museum, well , the size of a whole block, national,
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love, grigory vasilyevich, let's go,
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gentlemen, the cemetery is closing, it’s late.
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