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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  June 4, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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thank you, where are you? building! on the anniversary of the poet, pushkin’s command of the russian language is some kind of witchcraft, it’s magic, it feels like despite the fact that everything is ours, but everyone has some kind of personal relationship with him, he continues to help each of us out, support. after all, what kind of works do i
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love you, although i am mad, i adore this poem, a little strange, maybe an image of pushkin, this is just an example of such folk love, folk is naive art, children really like it, podcast lab, tomorrow on the first , we were waiting for zoya zelinskaya in this studio for her birthday in december, but the filming was postponed, she promised that she would definitely come when she felt better, on april 29 at 7 am she was gone, the last thing she told us, guys, go home, rest, go for a walk, you're tired, she was 94 years old, a whole era of satire theater went with her, a part of our life went away when the streets died out because people gathered in front of the tv screens to watch zucchini - 13 chairs, and vladok for he courted me, he took me in a taxi, and now we go on a tram, at zoya's zelinskaya also had erotic talent, she started out as a fashion model, was not afraid of explicit things, beautiful, strong, self-sufficient, why did zoya zelinskaya house her ex-husband? my mother and i picked him up from the hospital. our exclusive,
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the last interview with zoya zelinskaya, which we managed to record at the home of the people’s artist of russia, my husband died, i had a small child and my car was stolen, and so i’m thinking, a dacha, a child, a tavern, a theater, i’m going crazy , what should i do? something, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on first, i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you. after the sad events in the capital, some impressionable people will see in them almost heroes, you, we have right goals, criminal methods, i dream of getting an answer, tomorrow morning in the senate nikolai pavlovich will declare himself emperor,
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union of salvation, film premiere on russia day first, if she doesn't come back today, you're dead.
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“i sent a request, but after the victory, traces of your family were lost, they could have left under a different name, dad died under with your last name, it’s scary to imagine what could have happened to them, i saw fascist chronicles, the jewish ghetto, this is your father, a real hero, 80 years old, to pull off such a thing, and not only that. he lived his life with great dignity, allowed himself to die when his family was safe, i didn’t know anything about my family for 30 years, here you are,
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this cannot be left behind. wait, i promise, i ’ll find them, it’s much easier to do it from here, i can ask when you return to moscow, approximately. how approximate, plus or minus six months, yeah, then i’ll do without questions, i have a surprise for you, in tashkent after our meeting at the station, i saw you again, but did not dare to approach because of
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the delicacy of the moment, i peed in the bushes, you were trading in the market, i waited... for you sell them, and buy them back from the buyer. i wanted to give this watch in moscow so that you wouldn’t drive it into the tashkinsky market again. you were already planning to meet me in moscow, to meet. i planned to live with you for the rest of my life.
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thank god you’re here, i was visiting my cousins ​​in the kremlin hospital, his roommate, your replin, he’s had six operations, get dressed, i’m in the car. comrade lepnina, will you sign the documents for the operation? are there any other options? you can’t smoke here, keep it down, please,
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it’s not news to you that i exist, well, not in nature, in a legal status. and i know that you and sergei pavlovich are not divorced, there is no one for you to win your status from, especially now, when when are you? i’m ready for anything, you jewish bastard, but i was wandering around the garrisons, an elderly woman, and after the war , to grab a general, you think that’s all, i pocketed a man, yes, i’d rather give it to the grave, but here, bite it, you creature, acting helper, calm down, please, you’re damned, rightly they kept you behind the church fence, tattered bitches, hush, hush,
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sergei, oh, well, what are you, well, what you? i promise you that i will never wear pajamas at home,
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i protested, there are rules like what? yes, they found an extra metal part in me, which, unfortunately, is not removed with the remains of food, uh-huh, but the operation is not at all complicated, on the eighteenth, uh-huh, well, sergey pavlovich, it’s ready, we’ll go now, yes? and then i called everyone that you will be starring in cinderella, vera moretskaya, he whispered to me in confidence, soon they will call me not a comrade of the general, but a man of kronevskaya, that’s it, let’s go, but while i’m dying, make a plan for the future, okay, further.
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love will pass, desire will die, cold light will separate us, who will remember the secret date. dreams, delights of previous years, let me leave a light trace of them in the sheets of memory. to the poet's anniversary. the big game is on air. observing the behavior of american president biden. asking for an explanation experts, i came to the conclusion that his soul and
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his mental abilities still remain in the dark for us, his last statement, this time he decided to complain about netanyahu, said that netanyahu was probably behaving incorrectly and did not listen to mr. biden , because... netanyahu wants to remain in office and therefore he is forced to adapt to his partners in the right-wing coalition. we will talk later.
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with all those absurdities and some really external manifestations of complete dementia that demonstrates president of the united states, i think that he is not so simple, i think that he is not so simple, and in any case we should take him quite, it seems to me, seriously, the point
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is that if you ask me how director, i would tell you what is the distinctive feature of this person, in my opinion, as a person, sometimes i have to work with faces, yes, with the faces of actors, performers, i try to understand what these faces convey, that’s what his main feature is face, i'll tell you, cunning, incredible cunning, he's incredibly cunning, he's very experienced and he is incredibly deceitful, we must understand these two combinations, he is present in everything he does, therefore... those of him, he is very very experienced, very experienced, he is the most experienced wolf, he is not just a wolf, he is the most experienced wolf, he went through fire, water, copper pipes, i admit that some people, you know, don’t hear him, he stumbled, this one, i
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admit that this is part of the game, he is very, i admit that he takes advantage of this in those moments when ... that he is really cunning and experienced, and you didn't mention any dementia if he is cunning, experienced, maybe he will know where to stop in the escalation and we will avoid the danger of war? or maybe, i don’t exclude it, maybe he is quite possible, another question is that to what extent he is, of course,
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absolutely, well, flesh and blood of the american establishment. and you know, probably much better than me, that the american establishment, of course, is overwhelmed by a feeling of absolute superiority, and this is their weakness, in this sense, it prevents both them and him from stopping where they can stop, but the second point, in my opinion they have a feeling that they have a chance of winning this big game, so he is gambling. it is clear that he is passionate, he is not so simple, i repeat, that is, you think that his behavior is less despair about what is not working out either in the middle east or in ukraine, on the contrary, hope for victory, well, in my opinion, yes, in my opinion, in any case , i think that we should treat it
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this way, because you know, how napoleon spoke about one bavarian general there... who tried to and give him a battle, he destroyed it within, i don’t know, 2 hours, he said general harm, harm was his last name, a bavarian general, general harm, when he plans a battle, he proceeds from the fact that his opponent is him, and i when i plan a battle, i proceed from the fact that my opponent is napoleon, so i think that we should proceed from this, from the fact that our opponents are generally quite strong. exactly, this does not rule out either his dementia or that, but he is very experienced, he is very experienced, he is incredibly incredible, it seems to me,
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of course, he is committed to power, in theory, look, the man is 80 years old, well , it would seem, just sit, he has already become president, yes, well, already the president of the united states, well, what’s higher for them, grow flowers, well , sit, sit in this, no, he goes for it, he fights, look for it with any methods, the most... vile ones, let’s say, when we see the trump case, the most vile methods, yes, but this is the essence, this is the essence, this follows from it character, and this character does not bode well for us in general, unfortunately, i don’t i can, he can stop only when he really feels a real threat to the united states and himself, yet in this sense he seems to me much more. that it is reasonable, well, yes, somewhere more reasonable than european politicians, but this is my opinion, as you asked me, but i will tell you honestly that my opinion is not yet fully formed,
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so thank you very much for you, i think that we need to take him seriously, it seems to me that there is a certain tendency to constantly imagine him as out of his mind, it simply dampens us and this is him, he is all the time lies, he and netanyahu constantly lie, constantly lie. without blinking an eye, this is politics, this is their policy, but here he is not very different from macron, scholz, yes, well, those, those are somehow smaller, after all, some category, scale, scale everything - the other one, i don’t know, here’s dear andrei ivanovich, we’ll talk further about what the united states is doing in the middle east, naturally in ukraine, we’ll talk about what’s happening. in american relations with china, but for now let's talk to the man who is with us now via skype and the united states, scott ritter,
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a famous military analyst, who was supposed to come to russia to participate in the st. petersburg forum, and it did not work out, and i would like to ask you, mr. ritter, from the very beginning, and... what happened at the airport when you arrived there to board the plane, which, as i understand it, was flying to istanbul, and then you were supposed to fly to russia, what prevented you from taking off? i was going to fly from the usa via turkey to st. petersburg, i was supposed to participate there at the st. petersburg economic forum. i had a foreign passport, which i had often used many times before, i flew to russia twice using this passport, and there
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was no reason not to let me out, i have a constitutional right, i have the right to move freely according to the constitution of our country , but when i arrived at the airport, three... armed officers took me aside, took my passport, said that my passport was being confiscated, by order of the state department, i ask them what the reason is, give it to me in writing, they are not they can answer, they can’t explain anything, and they didn’t even give me a receipt for my passport, that is , this is absolutely illegal, they confiscated my passport and then took me out of the airport building. i'm still trying to figure out what happened and how i can get my passport back. i believe that the main task was not to let me into russia, not to let me into
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the st. petersburg forum. are you under some kind of investigation that might explain why they didn't want to let you out of the united states?
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i am a us citizen and i am a us patriot, i would not began not to join any military formations of another country and somehow associate myself with a foreign power, that is, i respect russia, respect the russian authorities, the russian people, but by and large i am an american, i have always been an american and i traveled as a citizen usa. american journalist, i was not only going to participate in the st. petersburg forum, but a team of documentary filmmakers was traveling with me, and we were going to travel around russia for several days, go to different cities, vladivostok, kaliningrad and many other cities, we we were going to interview ordinary russians, various officials, and as a result of this trip we wanted to make a documentary film to show it to the americans so that they...
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would find out what is really happening in russia, so that we would defeat this russophobia that now dominates in usa, that is, the purpose of my trip was to collect information, it was not a secret, i spoke openly about it to everyone, told everyone everything, did not hide anything, so i think that this honesty let me down, i think that american the authorities got scared, they didn’t want me to go to russia, and in order to stop me, they took away my passport. this situation is very worrying, on the one hand, i can understand their motives, because you are a famous person, you are an authoritative person, you are increasingly known by the russian audience, but on the other hand, you are right, you act as an american patriot, you are not call for no hostile action against the united states, that is, on the one hand,
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according to the constitution, my right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press should be guaranteed, because i am a journalist, i should have the right to speak freely, and the fact that the us authorities are now restricting my freedom, not allowing me to carry out journalistic activities, this shows that they are afraid, they are afraid of the truth, in this sense, the us authorities do not look very good fine.
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moscow has long understood that the government of the united states, more specifically the biden administration, to put it mildly, is not friendly towards russia, it was clear that from the point of view of the biden administration, russia is not a partner, not even a former partner, not even a rival, not even an adversary, more and more an enemy.
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articulated america's position in today's world, they say it is a rules-based world. in other words, now everything depends not on international law, but on the rules that the united states came up with and imposed on the rest of the world. and this has been going on since the second world war. and russia, china, other countries. situations openly stated that they do not want to live in this world based on rules, so in october there will be a the brix summit, brix is ​​precisely the us response
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to their position, and brix, in a sense, even poses a serious threat to the united states, so the united states is now doing everything possible to prevent russia from stopping the creation of this. us citizen, i want to appeal to the russian people to say: we are not your enemies. we do not consider you as enemies. and i wanted to go to russia in order, perhaps, to create some kind of opportunity
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so that the russian authorities would understand that we americans can bring more people to power. decent people who will pursue more reasonable policies. it’s a pity that i wasn’t allowed to go to russia, because i... thank you, we really appreciate your time, we respect your courage, and of course, we hope that in the near future you will be able to visit russia, you will be able to do this safely, thank you, goodbye, we hope to see you again on our air, thank you , yes, thank you, well, in my opinion, it was very like that,
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scott ritter, also this, not letting him into st. petersburg. please note in what surrounded, i mean objects, was scottritor, on one side there was a poster, it said, albani palace theater new york, bob dilen, show and curcert, bob dilen and his band and his orchestra. and on the other hand, there is a thick book with a portrait of the author on the cover, there it is in the back. the inscription kennen was visible there, apparently, these are the memoirs of george cannon, an outstanding american diplomat, and you know , just some kind of sad thought comes to mind, what were the times and what were the names
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and what we have to deal with today, because the fact that scott ritter was not allowed into the forum is pettiness, it’s just political pettiness, he... uttered a phrase, if you shorten it, it’s a ritual phrase for americans, well, as far as i can tell about it, he said: “we the people of the united states". if you remove the united states, then we are the people, we are the people, that is the people. and if the people of the united states were more inclined to tune into this concept, it might be easier to live, but for now, unfortunately, we have what we have.
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there may not be enough charge to hold back the attempts to escalate the situation made by those around him, but we see that for some time he resists, maybe he doesn’t give in to some issues, but then, that’s what’s happening now with transferring shelling and bombing to our territory, to the historical territory of russia, but... still gives in, apparently, he simply
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cannot be restrained, on the other hand, he cannot restrain, and cannot resist, putting forward what - positive ideas, he is limited in his actions, this may be the main problem that we face, the fact that age leaders happen in countries, but it happens, we ourselves know this, as we know what licuagno was like, even when he was. everything happens in the end not in the age of the matter, it’s in the political team and the policies it pursues, that’s what i think, thank you, vitaly vyacheslavovich, you have been to the united states several times, of course, you are now observing what biden is doing, what his administration is doing in the middle east, how are you?
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biden's cunning trick, i think it's it’s cunning, it’s not just cunning, well , the cunning of all politicians, western ones in one way or another, they exist in this world, but here there is a certain cunning, it manifests itself, it seems to me, on absolutely all fronts, and above all, of course, in relationships with russia, and i agree that this is a very dangerous adversary, call him an enemy, don’t call him, i think... that he is still an enemy now, this is his
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cunning, it seems to me that this is his prevailing quality today, which makes us fear various kinds surprises, you can expect some surprises from him, because the team that was mentioned, the brand, which is the symbol, which, the hat for which he is, is in itself, if... he is a former intelligence officer, therefore
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, he may be subject to certain restrictions on traveling abroad, especially to an enemy country, and we are now an enemy country for them, just as they are for us, then this is understandable, this is practiced in almost all countries in relation to former intelligence officers , here, but if on he is not subject to any personal restrictions on movement around the world, then of course this is a manifestation of another... this greedy company is trying to prevent in every possible way us citizens from establishing at least some contacts with the russian federation, well, as i understand it, scott ritter is not has had relations with any intelligence services for decades, and since he was in prison, he cannot have any secrecy, well, how would i mean access to secrecy, well... and what is his position regarding the administration
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biden and american foreign policy are such that i simply don’t think that there could be any motives related to considerations of real security, but for me there was another main thing in this quote from dmitry peskov, korin georgievich, they perceive russia as a hostile state , he is talking about the united states. and we perceive them as a hostile state, it seems to me that this is a very important statement, and it also seems to me that, firstly, it is not accidental, and that it... did not hang in the air, but what does it mean, well, if you want, further development of the russian official approach to the united states, and that it is quite likely that such statements may be followed by concrete decisions, what do you think? i agree with you,
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of course, this is what belongs at this level of big politics.
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my opinion about the atmosphere that exists in the united states today, to which jeffrey sachs responded, also in my opinion, commands respect, he said that i am fighting against nuclear war, and that is, that is, this, this speaks of his courage, that he is a man of principles, in this sense, this is, if you like, saving the honor of the american intellectual elite in...
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“you are not afraid to express your thoughts at all, if i can add a few words to this, since we are talking about the courage of certain people in the american establishment, quite well-known major ones, i remember the time when scott ritter was in the group of international inspectors regarding iraq, when there was desert storm and there were sanctions against saddam hussein even then. scott ritter showed great independence, which is generally uncharacteristic of an international official, especially one who worked only under the roof of some international organization, being an employee of the intelligence services, then he surprised me with the way
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he voiced his position, how bold and unusual it was, and i wouldn’t say that it was in favor of saddam hussein, but it was pro... and we’ll discuss various international crises, with you, academician, naturally, in the middle east, with you, senator, let’s talk about what occurs in a triangle. russia, china, united states. let's go to advertising. one
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chance for three. leave me alone, okay? we love each other. let's mind your own business. olek, i need you to come with me to finland and claim your rights to your son. what? here is your son. premiere from june 10, on the first. there’s a big game on the air, academician, i won’t ask you a long verbal question, because you can explain what ’s going on there much better than i can, but i can’t explain it well, because like me already admitted, i don’t fully understand what ’s going on, what the dynamics are between biden netanyahu, who? what does it achieve and is there any light at the end of the tunnel? it seems to me that there is no light at the
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moment, and even some of the news that seemed to be encouraging turned out to be just as fake as, in general, everything that happened before, i mean the information that appeared about which seems to mean that at the suggestion of the americans, netanyahu agrees to a break. in an operation for 42 days, but he immediately made a reservation that he was doing this only for in order to carry out the release of the hostages, in fact the hostages, it seems to me that they are generally netanyahu’s hostages today, because they are little by little, many of them, unfortunately, are passing away, passing away only because of the extreme stupidity of arrogance. israeli leader, who, as we said at the beginning, wants to remain in his chair just as much as the current president of the united states, puts
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all his mental resources that he still has there, then he, in fact , made a reservation that what proposed americans, this doesn’t suit him either, it doesn’t suit him because biden didn’t mention hamas, the destruction of hamas, as... the goal right there netanyahu said yes, there’s a break there, it’s clear, but the main thing is that all the goals, uh, sorry, i’m interrupting you , yes, i understand correctly that he actually, he netanyahu said that yes, i am ready to negotiate a ceasefire for a short period of time, and then i will go anyway, i want to say, and then until i finish off hamas until i release everyone hostages, i will not calm down, i will continue the operation until all... its goals are achieved, so way completely overturned, but what did hamas say? hamas, the last thing, what he said on
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this matter, naturally, he condemned what was proposed as, anyway, something that cannot ensure interests, but no other country agreed with biden’s proposal, and on hamas’s side this is connected with the fact that biden’s proposal does not say anything about a political settlement and the creation of a palestinian state, this is important for everyone. despite differences between various factions, but biden does not said, it was clear from the very beginning that the palestinians would not accept this, but he did not say anything about hamas, which meant that this crazy netanyahu and some of his, so to speak, partners in the government would also never accept this it was a completely hopeless idea, which was played out for unknown reasons, this again confirms the justice. georgievich, that he is extremely cunning and arranges such performances, well, which simply make people laugh in general,
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i don’t know what will happen next, because the number the victims continue to grow, more than 36,000 have already died, more than 82 were injured, and people continue to be driven from north to south, from south to north, to the center and so on, and soon this depopulation will depopulate gaza in general.
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you know, american aggressiveness, and chinese bitterness, which, of course, is, i would say, increasing symmetrically, they are all, one way or another, first of all, circling around taiwan, around the taiwan theme, china makes a statement, in its own spirit, well- defined policy, just sometimes the tonality changes and becomes harsher. well, the united states of america simply doesn’t back down one bit and continues to generally demonstrate its readiness to continue to provoke china, that is , it’s not the same here either, of course, thank god, it’s not the same as in ukraine or the middle east, but a certain escalation is also taking place and is also growing.
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the famous shangrila military-political forum by name has just ended in singapore. hotels where it is held, these forums are held quite for a long time, our delegation has been participating in them, sometimes at a fairly high level, but in recent years the focus has been on the participation of representatives of the people's republic of china and americans, usually the military, this time at the highest military level, and the chinese minister of defense people's republic of china, there was admiral dongdyun, and lloyd austin, against their background the speeches of other... participants somehow faded into the background, although there was also a lot of things that need to be paid attention to, but as for us-chinese relations , then here interesting things are happening: on the one hand , the americans periodically play the role of such, well, not exactly doves, but they seem to send signals that in bilateral military contacts with china, we need to lower the degree of rhetoric a little, while they are accused
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of the degree is rising in china.
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well, roughly imagining what the chinese vocabulary was there, i would translate it so that they, well, let’s say, will be defeated and will punish themselves, that is, that’s roughly how it was said, but these are also quite strong strong words, so in principle, in in principle, unfortunately, nothing good can be expected from the american-chinese dialogue in... such tones, it seems to me, one cannot expect anything good. where is our country's place here? we certainly support, we have always said this, china’s position regarding taiwan, and regarding the entire situation, the situation in the eastern part of the asia-pacific region. we are against the build-up of armaments, we are against, like china, the
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deployment of missiles threatened by the americans. medium range, against the cobbling together of all kinds of such interest groups, against involvement in american politics of such countries that, well, for various reasons, largely objective, but are forced to play other people's games, in this case i mean the philippines, all this, of course, china sees, everything china doesn’t like this, all this gives china reason to see a difference between words and deeds, the united states of america does not believe in china, and this disbelief is growing, what will this lead to, can this lead to an even greater aggravation?
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escalation through various kinds of maneuvers, demonstrations of military force, of course, bad signals, i can't. the world may not help ukraine and the civilized world end the war, but it seems to me that disrupting the peace summit, working to weaken the level of presence of leaders, doing everything to prevent some leaders from getting there and putting pressure on them, this certainly does not
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bring peace closer, and this is not only support for russia, it is actually support for war. do you think people in china will get scared and correct themselves? well, i once saw such a ukrainian expression. rude - it is always rude, that is, boorish, he is always boorish, well, this is what it is, apparently it’s just that my nerves are failing me, the presence of this character on the shan gril forum, it’s some kind of, you know, poisonous pepper that was added, in general , different opinions were expressed there, and disagreements, and positions that were quite hostile towards different sides, but that’s all it was still within some framework, like us-chinese contacts are now.


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