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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 5, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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the data of such a huge number of people can become a source of profit, well , actually some products, services or goods are imposed on you, everything is basically not difficult, andrey, thank you very much for making the first one, i think this is a step towards this digital literacy, point of view literacy, small steps, the most beautiful analogy with the digital forest, where you should not put unfamiliar mushrooms in your mouth, much less eat or share them. with the others, where you must remember that you are alone and you must be already armed with the knowledge, at a minimum, not to be lazy about basic things, yes, that’s why it’s hygiene, change passwords often at least once a quarter, don’t store them electronically, and don’t make one password for the entire device, plus try to replace some then there is a small avatar, if you create some kind of digital image of this bank, you can secure a card with a small amount there.
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in reality , andrei mosalovich, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and a cybersecurity expert with more than forty years of experience, helped us in this. all podcast episodes you can find easy money on the channel one website. to the poet's anniversary. friend, my thoughts are idle, my inkwell, my age is varied. i decorated with myself.
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hello, this is the podcast ask surkova and i am larisa surkova, a psychologist and mother of seven children. today angelica came to visit me to ask me. probably about something very important that brought you here? hello, i have a very pressing problem: how to talk to your child and not snap at him? how old is your child? tell us a little about him? your family? yes, son ruslan, he is 3 years old, we have a full family, a husband, a wife, a child, but the child, as those around me tell me, is difficult in terms of, he is very spoiled, he does not hear what... i tell him, and
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he begins to hear me only then, when i start to raise my voice, and like all mothers, well , i think most of us do, when i yell at him, yes, it works, but then i suffer very much inside myself, i reproach myself for doing this to my baby , and i just don’t know, no one can tell me how to do it correctly and convey to him what... i want this, stop, or pay attention or danger, so that it is not a scream, as it is now with us, i understand that this is wrong, it is environmentally friendly, safe for both the child and for me to convey to him what i want, without switching to screams, when it started, it wasn’t from birth, it probably happened, yes, that is, at some point in growing up, when it started, and somewhere after 2 years, approximately, when the child began to apparently be more capricious, yes ? well,
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no longer obey, what, what happened in his life, maybe some examples you can give specific ones, but i connected it all with the fact that the crisis is about three years old, now he is already 3.2, everything continues, that is , we do not have any strong prohibitions for him, because the son is long-awaited, the only one, i made a wish for myself since childhood that i would have a son, ruslan, of course, we really wanted him and it turns out that... well, to some extent, yes, we allow him, probably more than other children are allowed, it turns out he , i want, he is small, but he does not understand that only his desire can be the truth, that’s what i want, he sometimes throws himself on the floor, beats, i want this toy, no, i want to go outside now, no, mom, let’s go right now, it’s night outside, get dressed, let’s go to the store, buy me something something, constant demands, it happens that he starts to run away, and there are cars driving by, i... shout: stop,
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take my hand, he doesn’t hear, because i want, that is, this is what i want, he runs forward in him, i say calmly, one, two, three, ruslan, do this, do that, no, only when i’ve already boiled to the right point, i start attack him, everything stops working for him, he stops and mom, why are you yelling at me, and what are you answering at this moment, i ’m trying to convey to him that i yelled at you on purpose so that you understand that this is not possible, or i start yelling, he doesn’t understand, he’s afraid, hides, runs to dad, dad starts crying, well, he’s just scared now, but i ’m afraid that if it continues at this pace, it will go back to normal and... firstly, it will stop working, but i would like something else to work, and secondly, then later he will think that this is the norm, and when he grows up, he may use this in his future family, i am afraid of this most of all, so as not to break this childish psyche of his, i want to somehow learn how to make this normal in ways,
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because after that i then cry with huge tears, you and he are at home alone, he doesn’t go anywhere to kindergarten, doesn’t attend anything, we tried. send him to kindergarten, but we tried twice, got sick, then we had a private kindergarten, developmental toys in the format of the kindergarten, they took him, but there, too, a girl bit me, or something else, but in the end he threw me another tantrum, mom, i won’t go there anymore, that is, you have ruslan, at 3 years old , he can even solve such global issues, he can go not to go somewhere, well, i’m looking for other educational activities for him so that he won’t be offended there, because i really... looked at the cameras, there the teacher really cleaned him up in various situations, pulled him back, something else, made comments specifically to him , although he is the smallest in the group, and where in general does he communicate with children, if not in a more developmental format, on the playground, how his
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communication with children happens there is better, before it was constant fights, i pulled him away, tried to explain that other people’s toys should not be taken away, others...
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later, well, we decided that after three he turned three, now we have taken up this issue, how does dad take part in the child’s life, i don’t want kindergarten, i don’t want to be driven, but what does he do? gives money for private development, great, with a child, what he does it when i ask him, he stays with him when i need to go somewhere, sometimes we go out together either to parks or for some entertainment in a cafe with a children’s room, well, everything is pretty much clear. let me tell you now, and you will ask, if any questions arise, from what i heard, everything is based on age, the child really, as you rightly said, now is the time to live through the crisis of 3 years, the crisis of 3 years is not
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determined by one day , not because he turned 3 years old today, he started the crisis is over tomorrow morning, no, this is such a crisis, not entirely true, so to speak, because what... sends into the universe what he reports does not correspond to his actual desires, the first thing the child sends to us is i myself, i myself, i’m already an adult, i can do it and... at some point it really begins to seem to us that this is how it is, we really want to believe it, we’ve gotten a little tired after 3 years, it seems to us, hurray, let’s breathe a little now, the child has already grown up, independently and can do something, but this is not true, this is a baby, these are the phrases that you voiced to us, which you tell him that this is our home, here we must live according to our rules, you are little, i am an adult, but for him... not more than background noise, these are very complex concepts that a 3-year-old child cannot
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perceive the way an adult perceives , at 3 years old he pretends that he wants to be independent, that he wants to be so free, he is he checks these boundaries, when he starts running towards the car, this is a test for mom, like she will react quickly, she will catch up, she will not catch up, what she will do, how she will stop me, where is this distance, our so invisible... umbilical cord, what is this footage of it, yes, how far will she let herself go from me, but this is not the story is about the fact that the child has grown up, he is a baby, he cannot make many decisions, even those that you voiced, why did i ask, how does ruslan decide for 3 years whether he should go to some classes or not , he is small, he is of course very changeable in his mood, today he has one thing, tomorrow it’s different, sometimes you want it, sometimes you don’t want it. but as soon as we give the child confirmation of his rights in quotation marks, he
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tells us: i don’t want to go to educational activities, everything is fine, we don’t go to educational activities, the child has such a tick in his head, oh great, this works, next time i definitely need to try it on something else, then i’ll tell my mom something else, she’ll probably react in exactly the same way, and there’s a violation of the normal, natural boundaries of interaction between parent and child, actually what you want to achieve, what.. . i an adult, i decide, but in fact it turns out completely different, we say in words, i’m an adult, i decide, in fact , a three-year-old child decides what he should do and what he should do, this is a violation of such subordination within the family, it definitely needs to be addressed your attention, there is something that suits the child’s age, for example, will you eat fish or meat, here you have both fish and meat, he can decide whether he will eat fish or meat, or you don’t care what to cook, potatoes or pasta ? yes, he can decide whether he wears white shorts or blue ones, in general
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no question, yes, he can already make elementary decisions and should make them at this age, they are very important for his development, but not global ones, on which his life depends, and of course, whether to go somewhere or not to go is not solution for a three year old child. for the first year, i went up to him almost every night and looked. is he breathing or not, that is, i, well, yes, an anxious mother, yes, i’d better go and check if everything is okay with him, if everything is fine there, is everything, god forbid, what, what, where, is he breathing, everything is it good, is he breathing, is everything fine, because what, how is my son there, here, here, actually, on the one hand, this is a manifestation of great love, which is a plus for him, that is, once again, right here, you can praise yourself, hug, pat yourself on the head , to say, i’m great, i gave my child a lot, because his current... behavior tells me that he is in love, that i gave him a lot of
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support, otherwise he wouldn’t behave like that, a human child, he in fact, he is extremely unsuited to survival without an adult, so if he is an adult, he is not sure if he he doesn’t have a feeling of such basic security, he will never run anywhere, because he’s simply afraid to die, this support is formed by your child, this is certainly your merit, but your anxiety bothers him... that i’m just like not his mother, a supervisor, that’s it i have the role of a supervisor, because we go out somewhere on the street, ruslan, stop, don’t go here, don’t go there, you can’t go here, why, why do you control him like that, i don’t prohibit everything, but what in my opinion will be dangerous for him, i also noticed that others my parents are quieter than me, more calm somehow, but i’m still afraid, god forbid, he’ll step somewhere there. something might get cut there, i don’t know, fall, get hurt somewhere or something else, but how to gain
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one’s life experience, what should one use to form it from, if he doesn’t fall, if he doesn’t get hurt, of course, we don’t we are not talking about extreme things in any case, here you need to highlight this category for yourself in bold, emphasize it, understand it, draw up a sign directly, you know, this is what is definitely dangerous for the life of my child, this is advice, which is very, indeed fundamental for all parents. make a ranking table for yourself, write boldly in red at the top, which is definitely dangerous for the life of my child, and see if you can secure this space, like, for example, sockets, right? it’s easier to plug them with mufflers, not to sit over him and not think that he’ll stick him there, cars, the road, it’s definitely safe, my strict rules work here, everything that is included in the red field is my strict rules, angelique, a very important point , in the red field there can’t be a lot of everything, if the child can’t be repeated endlessly, you can’t stop
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working, the word can’t be devalued by children very quickly, because we constantly repeat it, someone calculated: once upon a time, in the first year of life, the word can’t be the most frequently used a word from the parent’s side, and it begins to appear in the child’s life as his outdoor life begins, yes, as he begins to move somewhere, while he is a zucchini, everything is convenient for us, comfortable, we control everything, so here there can't be too much here, at the age of 3, a knife may already appear in a child’s life, naturally, a special one, for children, safe, but he can cut a potato or something soft there, this is normal, yes, it’s part of him... life may already appear , that means our knives will go into the yellow category, which is not allowed for dad’s or mom’s, but you can take your own, accordingly, at the bottom there will be a green category, it should be the largest, you can tear a toupee and eat it, you can step in the mud, your feet will get wet and you will understand what wet feet are, this
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formation of experience, let's imagine in the red field, what would you bring and the pills, so run? on roads where cars drive, otherwise it’s generally impossible, why do you allow such a situation that your child ends up there, i don’t allow it, but when we are on the playground, we have a drive-through yard, that is, cars drive by and he tries to run out there, i i tell him that you can’t do this, that is, i have another yard where you can go for a walk, but they are all drive-through, they are all drive-through, that is, there is no such closed territory, no, what next, well, there are some substances, salt and pepper. no, no, that’s it, it seems to me that the key word here is, not a single child, once again, you need to remember, as a rule, a human child wants to survive, he is the most unadapted for this in general
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, just in this universe of all the creatures that can survive on our own, ours cannot. a fawn can run in 2 hours, a bear cub can run in 3 months, ours can’t tear himself away from an adult for a very long time , he won’t survive, he doesn’t have a built-in self-destruction function, no such a task and goal, he has one and only story related to survival, when a child takes pepper in his mouth, well, firstly, few people immediately have the desire to take it, so what, you put pepper in your mouth? you feel uncomfortable, it burns you, how much salt can you eat in your opinion, just like that, add it to the table, eat a salt shaker, this is impossible, he will pour it on his tongue, get a very sharp taste sensation, start screaming: mom, give me water, this is his way to develop and shape your life experience, there is no other way, salt and pepper lower it into green, not even yellow,
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boiling water, boiling water is not allowed, of course, what are you doing so that he cannot reach it? we say that it’s impossible, we have an electric kettle and it’s within reach, take it away, but how can we then put it higher so that he can’t, but he knows that it’s like with knives, so he knows that it’s impossible, even if he sees or a knife, it’s not possible to be sure, but it is indeed a very dangerous thing, which is the parent’s area of ​​responsibility, that is, everything must be done to make it as impossible for anyone to get to it as possible reach, even if the handle is turned in the other direction, and so on, and add something else here. when it’s very cold, you can’t be undressed, he won’t be able to be undressed for a long time, but again your anxiety turns on, and i checked it on my children, on everyone, so far everyone has survived, thank god, they are over 27 years old already, so everything is fine , but this is not only my experience, in fact, these are numerous experiments that show that children do not want to be in a zone of discomfort, and they work
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in very different areas of life, if the child it’s cold, he will look for... clothes, he will ask for clothes and he will understand that next time there is no need to argue with mom, that the next time such a situation happens and mom says that you need to put on a hat because it’s cold outside, mom is right, i checked, i know mom is right, if i step in a puddle and i feel wet and unpleasant, i won’t get into it next time when mom reminds me that my feet will be wet, but at this age you don’t you can endlessly invest in it... your thoughts, or rather, not even invest, but think that you and him share the same brain, he doesn’t have the experience that you have, and he needs to earn this experience, naturally, under the control of an adult, of course. we are here making sure that he is there, we are not saying that you can jump into the hatch, no, it is impossible here, because it is dangerous there, because he can die, no trouble can happen, but from the fact that he will freeze within there 2 -3
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minutes, nothing will happen, he will ask for clothes, he will feel warm, comfortable, he will form an understanding that mom was right, this is a very simple way of building relationship with a child, when he can form his own feelings, his own experience, not yours... no, it won’t work that way, but with your husband - this is the first person with whom you have to sit down and look at this sign, because there is nothing worse than raising a child, when does such a game of
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good and evil begin with the policeman, when mom doesn’t, dad does, or vice versa, we have this problem, yes we already have such a problem, well, i turn out to be an evil policeman, i’m always a whip, i’m always tough, i i scream, i build, i and our dad is kind, he regrets, yes, but this it’s very difficult for the child, because... it’s emotional, but you pull him in different directions, it’s very difficult for him to break up, he loves mom and dad, mom and dad should always have one common view on any situation, if they have a different view, it is decided behind a closed door from the child, because otherwise, firstly, the child will naturally always choose a good policeman, why does he need an evil one, if dad says, yes, he can do it, this begins to bring conflict into the family, there is a very simple ... such a tool, a simple method, with where to start, to live your child’s own experience, with food, for example, you don’t like something, there are foods that you don’t
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like, or it doesn’t taste good to you, pea soup, so cook pea soup for your child, or go to a cafe with him , take him pea soup, let him try his own experiment on the topic of pea soup, silently, and without comments about how oh, look how interesting, there are peas, trawl-vali, try it. to you, share yours with him, or rather not like that, listen to his opinion about this pea soup, let him share his life position, just like that, little by little, it’s not necessary now, you won’t be able to throw yourself into all sorts of troubles at once, you won’t be able to radically rebuild yourself like that now, but with food it’s always very simple: food, clothes, these are such very simple stories, you may like blue, but give it a choice. you can show him right in the pictures, come to the store, tell us to buy you the pants you want, let him choose the ones he wants, even if it’s not close to you, but you need
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to let him grow up a little, a little a little to live this time, i myself, the formation of myself, the more you give him at this moment this kind of freedom, permissible within the boundaries, of course, the faster the period of crisis of 3 years will end, and the child will become more familiar and comfortable for you. but as adults, but here another question arises, do you even have enough internal resource of strength, if you are alone with him all the time, if you are always on such a bit of a platoon, and emotional, do you even have enough strength, you yourself? the way you feed, well i i try to nourish myself, sometimes i take the grandmothers, well, my mother and my grandmother, the child, sometimes, sometimes, when i need... for a few hours i ask my husband to sit with the child, he is at home, but he works, that is , what he is at home, this does not mean that he can sit with him, he has continuous
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processes that he doesn’t even leave the room, so here i am, but i try to somehow dispel myself, but i spend the lion’s share with him , yes, but as my mother advises me, i should try to send him to kindergarten, to make it a little easier, yeah, because it already is. you’re tired, not enough, tired, yes, because when i’m just with him, i had a week, almost the whole week, i’m here from morning to evening, that is, at 7:00 in the morning we wake up, at 130 we go to bed, that’s it, all day long, i, of course, well, the garden is a garden, it will not solve the problem globally, if you don’t have emotional support, you can send it to the garden and sit at home, worry, torment yourself, then ask the cameras to see what was there, it's only worse... do more harm yourself, in fact, this is one of the psychological factors that can lead to the fact that a child gets sick so often, because he sees his mother’s anxiety, sees
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his mother’s worries, he turns on... children have a very strongly developed tool for how to switch mother for something else, if some atypical situation happens to her, when the child sees that the mother is sad, when the child sees that the mother is anxious, preoccupied, something needs to be done, again, this is an unconscious story, the subconscious it works, you need to do it something so that my mother would pay attention to me, so that i would survive, so that i would survive, that’s why he gets sick, it’s natural. into the psychological component, we do not say at any time that we do not divide the disease into psychosomatic, somatic, the body is one, but indivisible, the psyche is in the same body, there is always a mental component, there is a somatic component, but the task of the human child is do everything so that mom is focused on him, if mom is confused, lost, you need to focus her on yourself, so even when he goes to kindergarten, we need to look for
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a way to restore it. myself, to be happy, with sparkling eyes, to work out there, well, what do you enjoy, i don’t know, to work out, work out, and devote time to work, because when i’m with him, of course, i spend literally an hour there working, maybe , if you’re lucky during the day, and of course, yes, it upsets me, i can honestly say, because there are a lot of plans, a lot of ambitions, projects that are not implemented, that are just waiting for me to have enough time for them, but it doesn’t work out . yes, because there is not enough time, but here too, angelica, it’s still a dad’s question, i understand everything, he works at home, is busy, most dads are like that, but there is a question of priorities, money is important, but the son is also no less important, it’s very important to negotiate with my husband that time should be fixed, allocated, when yes, for example, he is there three times a week, conditionally, yes, i don’t know his schedule, he tells you,
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here i have it here and here, here, here , there is an hour of time when i can go for a walk with my child, when i can with him go kick the ball when i can do something else with it, after all, this is a kid, a crisis of 3 years, it is actually famous for the fact that this is the first crisis of gender unification, when a child begins to look and think in general, who am i in this world , naturally , the mother spends more time with the child, he may play with dolls and something else, this is not a disaster at all, simply because the mother spends a lot of time nearby, yeah.
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sports, and the two of them went somewhere to do something together, this experience is very important for a child at this age, in order to form it, well, mostly the two of them are at home, that is, somewhere, if we go, it’s a three-person format, why is that, dad is afraid, he’s afraid he won’t be able to cope, but he seems to be able to cope, but again- after all, the specifics of the work, if he is with the child, then he is with the child, the work remains here. we slam the door, walk away from this work, if only it were possible, yes, that’s why i say that this time should be fixed, allocated, not like i’m sitting on the computer, and the child behind me is doing something , this is not time with the child, this is not it is believed that we are talking specifically about effective time, father and son time, yeah, that is, this time should be allocated, written directly into the family calendar, that this time exists, yes here, let it be an hour, but this hour i
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close the door , i myself... cope with everything that will happen at this moment in the child’s life, hysterics, dressing, undressing, whatever, but we will form some other experience, it turns out that the child essentially has no other experience, he has the whole experience of living through some such difficult emotional moments - this is an experience with mom, or three of us, or three of us, but apparently, mom still sorts it out, in the end, mom still breaks down and screams, yes, often, not always, there are moments when i ask. when i urgently need to go somewhere, and there are no other options, my mother works, my grandmother works, there is no one to leave with, then i ask my husband, for what, well, for a while, he is at home with him, there is no other grandmother , she exists, but she’s in another city, which means she doesn’t take part when your child has tantrums mom or grandma, how do they cope? or hysteria doesn’t happen, it happens, well, they get tired
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mentally, but they try to cope. they try to distract him, they often have a nice little yard there with him, they often go for walks two or three times a day when the weather is good, in general they, my mother, are a very creative person , she comes up with some games for him. interesting, she’ll put him in a basin, or something else, well, in general, it’s very interesting, she’s always playing some kind of educational games for him, they play with him, but she’s really good with spends time with him, she cooks with him, she teaches him to cook, they wash the dishes together, that is, it is communication that goes on with the child, it’s just very cool, i don’t know, my mother is just great in this regard, yes, she somehow gets around all these hysterics, and mom also follows all the rules of the red zone, she has everything too. well, now we still have i understand that you haven’t voiced everything, that you have much more of everything, mom can’t do all this either, she can do more than i can, yes, she can do more than i can me, that is, she still allows him to form such an experience, which he then cannot apply in life, because
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his mother is not allowed, she sometimes doesn’t even tell me, i later find out, i did this at my grandmother’s , i call my mom and say, what, what’s going on, she, well, i didn’t want to tell you, yes, well, he’s this and that, well, he ’s still okay. well, i already, well, okay , humble yourself, don’t yell at your mom, but if i saw that the situation happened all right, there were no consequences, then well, in principle, okay, this is an action will you move it to the green zone for yourself, that is , if mom spends time and does something like that , or suddenly we have this situation, then okay, okay, angelique, after all, with dad, we can implement this, is it really possible to fit it in for dad? time fixed in the calendar will he go for it? well, if you start with small steps, it’s not 5 hours there, but an hour for us, but that’s only if i go away completely, for example, to play sports, so that i’m not at home
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, because when i’m at home, i ask him yes , i ask him to stay if this the moment the child goes to the toilet or something else , or he wants to eat, he twitches, that is, well, the problems were solved, but when i’m not there, everything is fine, everything happens. tool, parents rarely use it, considering, especially that the child is small, this is a family calendar - it’s very good , not so important, but it is very important to write down some key points in advance, dad’s time, dad’s hour means that dad takes the child, leaves home, you can stay at home, maybe you can sleep, go, who is your time, do what you want, right? well dad should leaving the house as a risk zone in terms of work, dad needs to be pulled away from the computer, for example, we have some pieces written in there in the calendar of dad’s time, we have the ninth written in in advance, may 9 is written in with a trip to
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the park, or it’s written in advance that we do something on the day off, it will be easier for your spouse, you won’t have to use any effort to pull him out, he will already be tuned in to this system, so it will be easier for you, especially... you are an active mother, talking to the child, that is, you will understand what you have, why you should, this internal organization, you really need, it will help you replenish your own resource, because even when you expect that you have a weekend ahead of you, or you will go somewhere, or you will go to a cafe to eat pea soup, or something else like this will happen, it will be easier for you to come to an agreement with your mother and grandmother, because , well, probably, they will also be more comfortable organizing their lives this way, when they understand in advance that... these days, please , yes, help us with the child, yes, now it’s just chaotic here, something is happening, it’s also unsettling , actually, when i explained it like that, something happens when i have some kind of event, i need somewhere, i’m there, well ,
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i also take part in various city events, well, there are some, i need somewhere urgently , i’m trying to arrange a child, come to an agreement with the parents, come to an agreement with my husband, i need something somewhere, there is a hopeless situation, i have to take it. after himself, but this is generally impossible, it is not good for him, nor for you are not feeling well, so you need to organize your life a little, this is actually very important, precisely from the position of the family, from the position of family relationships and as a way to replenish oneself, because people rarely pay attention to this, but controlling one’s own time and planning is this is also a way to replenish yourself, it will be easier for you to include your sports and some hobbies, then your life will sparkle with a little different colors. and kindergarten will be easier, because when you don’t sit in anxiety waiting to see what’s going on with your a child who bit him, and you sent him to the kindergarten for sports, your life flows on, it doesn’t stop, you said this phrase many times today: i’m a mother, i’m
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an adult, i have a feeling that for you this is some kind of here is a barrier, such a step, now you have stepped over it, it is very important to gain a foothold, such a bulletproof vest, that’s what i need. be a mother a few more times, you will develop in your profession, you will develop as a woman, you can find yourself some kind of hobby, the brighter and more interesting your life is, the easier and more imperceptibly your child’s crises pass. our time is coming to an end, angelique, i want to know if we heard anything useful for ourselves today, i heard a lot of useful things, i’m with great gratitude, honestly, i’m talking about planning, about the calendar. family, to be honest, i couldn’t even admit
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the idea that i needed to give my child more space to live his own experience, i didn’t even think about it, due to the fact that everything happens all day long, about even this there’s no time to think, now i’m just with a cool head, i understand, but it’s true, how can he get anything at all if i just don’t give him anything, well, i’m protecting our red one. at a traffic light, be sure to take it with you too, and i’ll also take it into account, i’m very grateful, you just brought me to some moments today, just like that, you opened your eyes, this is a great happiness, i’m very glad that i helped you, and if you want to come here for a consultation in this studio, please fill out the form on the first channel website, i will be glad to help you, this was a podcast ask surkova and i larisa surkova, see you again, we are all, thank you very much,
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no matter where you rush, even on a love date, no matter what your heart is, you have a secret dream, but meet her, embarrassed, you suddenly stop involuntarily , reverently, before the shrine of beauty, on the anniversary of the poet. oh, yes, there is a crimson month in the sky, oh , yes, the stars are shining brightly for us, oh, yes, my friends will tell me about him, we are him alone, in the reflection, narrower.
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for the young lady, tell the truth, tell the truth, dear, beloved, give it to me. ribbons and silk are woven into the taste, all this night i
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i expect miracles, oh, yes, my friends will tell me a fortune in it, my one, to say the ancient miracle. that night and in the morning, unraveling, oh, yes, my friends will tell me fortunes, about him alone, my beloved, show him, bewitch him, tell fortunes, tell fortunes, little one, think through.
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young lady, tell me how it is, darling, show me, cook it, thank you, well done!
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hello everyone, this is not a podcast format and, as always, my permanent presenters are with me in the studio, this is karina cross, valya carnival, behind me is gypsy bend, this is roma, anton, arkady and alexey, and today we have an unusual format. now it’s not the format that reveals talent, today three musicians will come to visit us in our studio, they are beginners, one might say, from the people. and just yesterday they watched us on tv, and today they will present their extraordinary covers of the song of our guest today. and our guest is not an easy one, i am
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sure that absolutely every person in our big country knows all her songs. meet inimitable charm. june 29 luzhniki, the show of my dreams that we are preparing, we just don’t see the white light, for in order to show our beloved viewers a real fairy tale, and that all this is possible in our beloved country, and the bienza will have to move, wow, this is a loud
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statement, yes, this is a loud statement, lord help me, lord, yes, and this is a show will not be about me, but... for all viewers, i know that you are opening new horizons for yourself , you have several acting jobs, despite the fact that the teachers at the acting school said that you took someone else’s place, i i played in several films, and now a six-part film novel will be released, where you you won’t recognize me, i came for the voice acting myself, i say: lord help me, how scary, okay, let’s get started, wait, who are you playing, who are you playing, is this makeup, classic makeup or what, no, why, just washed it off all the cosmetics from me, and a movie novel, red lines, i play a writer, in fact, the rules of today’s unusual non-format, today
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three amazing, aspiring musicians will come to us, they are from the people and will cover your songs, that is, they will perform covers, ours you in one of the most popular music shows, where you are a member of the jury, you didn’t turn to the artists, well, actually the participants , the artist who is now 530 five times, how does such a figure impress you?


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