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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 6, 2024 4:00am-4:58am MSK

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centuries will pass through the hovering distance, youth will sigh in silent donkey, silent sadness and playful joy will be consoled, joy will reflect, on the anniversary of the poet. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. relations with the west, the construction of a union state, russia-belarus, economic development, vladimir putin’s meeting with the heads of world news agencies. points of growth in
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a multipolar world. the international economic forum started in st. petersburg, the first agreements were signed. new symbol of st. petersburg st. petersburg's lakhta center on the banks of the finnish zaliev, the tallest skyscraper in europe, was inspected by vladimir putin. tank defenders. our terminators in the special operation zone, rare footage from the front line and stories of courage. support for regions and development of cooperation in the eurasian space, the main thing about the government meeting. for the first time in history , sergei lavrov visited burkina fasso and details of the negotiations in chad. african tour of the head of our foreign ministry. ice cream festival in gum. more than 100,000 servings in just one
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day, favorite artists behind the counter helping the wards of the konstantin khobensky foundation. 15 million guests. who became the anniversary visitor to the grand exhibition of russia at vdnkh. the main business news in the coming days will come from the northern capital. the st. petersburg international economic forum started there today. vladimir putin is participating. at these moments, the president is meeting with representatives of world news agencies. great conversation on all major topics. we will find out more details from our correspondent konstantin panyushkin. he joins us live from st. petersburg. konstantin, good evening, over to you. ekaterina, good evening, we really welcome you from st. petersburg. we are currently working at the st. petersburg economic forum. today was day zero here, this is the st. petersburg expo, and as you can see, there is no one behind me anymore, because an hour ago work here was completed, everything has already been paid off. left,
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only journalists, technical services remained, and the most truly important and main events, which we all follow now we are watching the development of a certain country from us in the beautiful skyscraper built by gazprom in the lakhta center, where today vladimir putin meets and communicates with the heads of international news agencies. we traditionally say that this format is traditional for the st. petersburg international economic forum, because since 2014 this format has been taking place on the sidelines of the forum, but at the same time it is important to note that there was a rather significant break, the last time we communicated... was in st. petersburg, all the rest communicated from their workplaces, some in tokyo, some in beijing, some in washington, so, in general, it was not, well, such, you know, a direct confidential conversation, like this, like today, when everyone is behind one table, the last time this happened was already 5 years ago, in 2019, you need to understand that then it was even before the pandemic, which is the most important thing before the start. military
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operation, now, of course, when it became known that this meeting would take place again, that the format had been resumed, it was very interesting to find out who would come to this times, because we know what kind of pressure western states put on foreigners heading to russia for the forum against the background of the degradation of relations between russia and the west, but the kremlin immediately said that representatives of both friendly and unfriendly countries were invited, and this format has been preserved today , when we saw the heads of news agencies already on video communicating with vladimir putin, we really saw confirmation ...
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of a candidate for relations between the united states and russia, given the current war that is taking place now in ukraine, well, i already said, everyone took my statement about mr. biden with grins, but also... they even saw in this some kind of hidden attack on president biden, which means, well, really, he is an old-school politician , that’s what he didn’t like and then, to a certain extent, he
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even began to attack me, i thought it would be like this, so i’m right, he’s predictable, all this only confirms our thoughts about what i was talking about, she ... well, if so , by and large, we don’t care, we don’t care, because mr. trump, who was accused of almost spying for russia, as we understand, this is complete nonsense, just some kind of nonsense, it’s just like, well, an element of the internal political struggle was in the relations between democrats and republicans, a ridiculous accusation towards trump and this is us always. was perceived as an element of the internal political struggle in the united states itself, then all this was confirmed as a result of all sorts of investigations within the united states, we never had any special ties with mr. trump it was, but - but - the fact remains that
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just as president he began to introduce some massive sanctions against the russian federation, he withdrew from the missile treaty. smaller medium and shorter range, this was done during his presidency, so to say that i say quite sincerely that we believe that after the elections something will change in the russian direction in american politics, i would not say so, we don’t think so, we think that nothing really that serious will happen. vladimir's answer putin answered this question. quite polysyllabic, here is another statement by the russian president regarding the internal political situation in the united states on the eve of the presidential elections. what is happening in the states, you all know very well what is happening there in the course of the internal political struggle, they are burning themselves from the inside, their
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state, their political system, and i must say. simply using the judicial system in the course of internal political struggle, directly, for us in russia this is obvious, i am sure that in great britain it is obvious, it’s like that all over the world everyone thinks, and the main thing is that in
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the united states itself they think so, because after the well-known court decision, where the jury returned a verdict of guilty, as we know.
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i want to finish, answer your question with what i started with, for us the end result, as we believe, does not matter much, we will ... work with any president who is elected by the american people. at the very beginning of the conversation with the president , tas ceo andrei kandrashov, the moderator of this event, announced a certain order, everyone asks vladimir putin one question with taking into account that everyone has enough time, then it will go from there. but samyana khul also asked vladimir putin another question: what is the russian president’s opinion regarding whether us support for ukraine will continue or how it will change if donald trump comes to power again? vladimir's answer.
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our relations developed differently, but since relations are based on the fundamental interests of both russian and belarusian peoples, it was always based on this that it was possible to find a solution even the most complex, it would seem , a question for which there are no simple answers, but that is why we were initially engaged now...
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so, the first two heads of the news agency who asked the question to vladimir putin today were women, but the third one to speak was
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a man, the chairman of the board of the azerbaijani azertazh news agency, vugar aliyev, naturally the question is about relations between russia and azerbaijan. our relations are developing successfully, reliably, and very pragmatically. you know, we feel the mood of the azerbaijani leadership. for construction interstate relations precisely on the basis of mutual interest and, i would say, even to a certain extent, sympathy for each other in a different way. it’s impossible to explain to yourself, the presence of 300 schools that work, that function in azerbaijan in the russian language , they teach children, i know that president aliyev, he strongly supports the study of the russian language in the republic, this is visible in all vectors, and what does this mean? , this means that the leadership of azerbaijan proceeds
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from the fact that the russian language will be needed. citizens of azerbaijan, why? for development bilateral relations? ekaterina, well, this is the answer to the question of only the first three heads of international news agencies, and now i will literally list who is taking part in the meeting. a total of 16 people from azerbaijan, belarus , kazakhstan, the usa, uzbekistan, china, iran, great britain, turkey, south korea, germany, japan, spain, france, and russia is represented by the general director of tas, so the meeting continues and we are monitoring the statements president. thank you, konstantina, vladimir putin’s meeting with heads of world news agencies, it is still ongoing, during the program we expect to show you new statements by the president. before talking with reporters, vladimir putin toured the lakhta center, an ultra-modern skyscraper on the shores of the gulf of finland, the tallest in europe. gazprom's headquarters are now located there,
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so the head of the company, alexey miller, gave the president a tour. report by anton vernitsky. the world's tallest skyscraper in europe - 462 m. the construction of the lakhta center began with debate about whether the city needed such skyscraper and, most importantly, whether the current headquarters of gazprom will spoil the appearance of the northern capital. today we can say that lakhta center has become one of the calling cards of st. petersburg. the president, of course, had seen the new complex before; it is clearly visible from almost anywhere in st. petersburg, but he had not yet been inside. during last year's st. petersburg economic forum, vladimir putin inspected the building here. 10 years ago in 2014 there was still a excavation at this place so huge that it took 2 years to tear it off. in the foundation of the skyscraper was laid with more than 2.0
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piles to a depth of 80 m. in general, during construction, record after record was recorded for the continuous pouring of concrete into the foundation. about 15 cm thick, it is clearly visible in the foyer and all this glass splendor can withstand enormous wind loads, there have already been hurricanes in st. petersburg, no complaints, how will you wash this building, how will they crawl here, and so on and so forth and so on, you see, these are the guides. there is a scientific and educational center, a planetarium, a sports complex, and naturally, gazprom offices, here
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are kremlin correspondents, while they were waiting for putin’s arrival, were testing not quite ordinary adjustable tables at which you can work and... seeing and standing, as for the skyscraper itself inside of which this happened, even before its launch operation he received several prestigious international awards. lakhta center is the best, the best high-rise building in europe, first, second, i decided that this is the best high-rise building with a height of more than 400 m in the world, yeah, i’m focusing on two categories, first nomination - the best facade of a high-rise building in the world, this is exactly this facade, and a certificate award for construction using the most modern innovative technologies, in this building there are 100 innovations that have never been used anywhere, in any other building, and until now
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does not apply, however, the glass skyscraper is only part of the entire huge architectural complex. of dozens of buildings, kilometers of pedestrian and access roads - this is a whole new urban area that is constantly expanding when the economic forum in st. petersburg 2 years ago, in 2022 the city and gazprom signed another agreement on the allocation of land for construction in this area, it became clear that two more skyscrapers will appear here by 2030, this is how they look on the presentation video: one 55-meter, the other is as high as 703 m, that is, 200... more than meters higher than where vladimir putin visited today. it is very important to maintain the vertical core of the tower. yes. gazprom takes control of its satellite.
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in recent years, gazprom has been improving the entire territory on the coast of the neva bay in the primorsky region. here in winter the world's largest skating rink (2800 km) is filled, in summer it turns into a pedestrian embankment, and there is also a monument to peter the great, who saved drowning sailors in these places. honor of victory in the northern war, which plans to install in the lakhtocenter on the initiative of gazprom management. and mikhail borich pyatrovsky and i, since we are working on the peter velikov gallery, seven
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halls have already been opened, there are still three left. ours is 40, 47.5, somewhere - 47.5, this is a pillar, it will be the highest in the world. alexey miller also showed the president the work of restorers financed by gazprom. during the shelling of the rostov region by ukrainian nationalists. one of the missiles hit the taganrog art museum. it became a matter of honor to save damaged paintings from the taganrog museum, a city founded by peter i a few years before st. petersburg. one of the fragments not only tore apart konstantin korovin’s painting of the terrace, but entered it in a spiral and intertwined the threads of the canvas. and now, after restoration, there is no patch. we managed to unravel the threads entangled by the fragment and restore them. and this is poppies, a painting by seraphim blonskaya, one of a dozen restored after the barbaric one. shelling, and the head of gazprom showed the president the highest point in st. petersburg today - the spire of the lakhta center. having gone down to the conference room, where the heads of international
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news agencies were waiting for him, the president began the meeting with just this excursion. they didn’t offer you a tour of this publication, they suggested that after the conversation, we’ll probably go and go up to the roof, don’t agree, it’s impossible, it’s dangerous, no, you won’t be able to escape from the clutches of mr. miller. the meeting participants naturally agreed who would refuse such an excursion, anton vernitsky, alexey bilov, evgenia savchenko, svetlana barkova, channel one st. petersburg was heard. so, today the st. petersburg international economic forum has started, the largest business event of the year, heads of state, heads of large companies are participating, this time
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the emphasis is on social projects, and the main topic is new growth points in multipolar world, the first agreement on cooperation on equal terms and the future has already been signed, which is closer than it seems in the report by olga knyazyeva; the moscow stand shows a model of the future high-speed highway between. in the capital and st. petersburg they plan to launch it before 2030, the travel time is only 2:15 minutes. there is nothing like this in russian railway transport yet, but the train will be created from scratch, it is already in development, and it will truly be the calling card of russian railway transport. and on the forum you can be the first to see, what the new domestic car lada iskra will be like. the car is built on a modern global platform, which avtovaz has made technologically independent. this model is already on...
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and vesta will be filled with a new car on a completely new and sovereign technological platform, the lada iskra car. the forum will include 150 sessions for every taste, from gastronomic routes of our country to the development of nuclear medicine. plans to discuss russia's place in the world and economic leadership, an alternative to the western model. one of the sessions is devoted to the dynamics of development of small medium-sized businesses in russia and india. our country today actively supports such businessmen. according to the president, it is small. medium-sized businesses make an important contribution to the development of the economy; the chamber of commerce and industry project makes it possible to attract young people to this area as early as possible. during the training of students, they can,
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thanks to the chamber of commerce and industry , gain... more entrepreneurship skills, so we won the mera grant, the moscow government supported us with the implementation of this project, this is from 40 universities from 61 countries, 100 people were selected, then 22 students remain at the finals, 13 universities from sixteen countries, and 10 winners this summer will undergo practical implementation of their innovative projects. in companies of the moscow chamber of commerce and industry. we are open to entrepreneurs from different countries, and this has always been the case. the president of the indian business alliance told how he once came to russia in the nineties. i had $300 in my pocket, then i knew for sure that i wanted to sell winter clothes, to do this. a today i run probably the most successful network. i have six enterprises in moscow. russia is the friendliest country in the whole world, where you will be received with kindness and respect. and i would also like to tell you that in
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1994, when i registered mine. company in the chamber of commerce and industry, i was the first indian businessman. russia is strong in fundamental science, india has an applied base. the president of the rus biopharma group of pharmaceutical companies, satiya, knows what the effect will be if all this is combined. punia. if someone wants to be an entrepreneur, there is just time, pharmaceuticals, here i am, yes, construction, there, clothing, if i were there today for 25 years, i think i, i would see you everywhere as an opportunity. advice for... our young entrepreneurs, what is needed is to focus on real business, on real savings, on production, for example, look, russia, this is my home, yes, and where a person feels comfortable in his home, but of course, it’s not that i’m limiting myself there; we’ll expand somewhere else, of course we will, but
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now we have so much. here in russia, first they need to be completed, here, as i say, the potential is enormous. the forum discusses the medicine of the future, what technologies we have to create new drugs, for example, the use of radioactive isotopes for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors. russia today fully meets our needs for isotopes and supplies its products to more than 50 countries. the challenge now facing the scientific and medical community is to produce isotopes that will... be used for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the endocrine, nervous system, and in our country the leading organization for nuclear medicine is the kurchatov institute, and the kurchatov institute signed an agreement with the russian surgery center; we are closely involved in the development of nuclear technologies, specifically in the field of diagnosing cardiovascular diseases diseases. more than 17 thousand people from
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130. six countries came to the international economic forum: abkhazia, belarus, south ossetia, kyrgyzstan, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, iran and sudan. there are italians and french. some people have been doing business here for a long time, others, maneuvering under the pressure of endless sanctions, are promoting their products in russia. lost 10 billion. lost prospect. and if you lose a piece of the market, in order to win it again, it’s almost impossible. therefore, we ourselves need to stop this process. the president, mr. macron, then, well, i won’t, the degradation of the relationship, they are suffering losses and are sincerely surprised at what the leaders of some countries are doing. you know how ours is performing now you all know how he speaks publicly, who troops should be sent, then the french don’t quite agree, but that’s another question, and i have more than one friend who personally met him at the reception palace, not
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two, not three. that both countries invest a lot in each other, for example, oman's civil fund has recently invested in some russian companies, in the coal sector, as well as in the oil and gas industry. oman's presence at the forum is another milestone in potential cooperation with russia. us it is very important to be here so that we can continue to further develop our relations. important requests from people, new forum platforms, one of these is a healthy society, companies and officials related to healthcare will speak here all 4 days. i want to say that today
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we are preventing people from getting sick. this includes infectious and non-infectious diseases, obesity, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, all this is key, so within the framework of the forum this has become a priority today, the difference of this year is that there are twice as many social platforms and projects, everything for the people, this is exactly the task the president set during the announcement of his message to the federal assembly, but the main topic of the forum touches, of course, on the international agenda and sounds like this: the basis of a multipolar world is the formation of new growth points, now we can absolutely say with certainty... that business activity began to grow at a fairly good percentage, because the number of participants , primarily business representatives from russia and abroad, increased, well, probably percent by 25, and i think that the final numbers will be
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quite serious. the st. petersburg international economic forum is being held for the twenty-seventh time, and if 2 years ago they talked more about the challenges facing our economy, today we are talking about how to maintain the correct course that russia is taking, how to properly build new markets? these are relations in a variety of international formats, for example, brix. by the way, turkey recently announced that it wants to join the association. the year 2023 showed that no matter how the world shook economy, many countries are ready to cooperate. one of the pavilions is moldova. today russia has opened a market for farmers in gagauzia. peaches, cherries, quinces and , of course, grapes, everything that is made from them. the second most popular stand in the moscow region after the moldavian pavilion. shown here. robot, specialist in housing and communal services. all residents of the moscow region know the robot zhenya, you can call him on housing and communal services issues, turning off hot water and recalculating, that’s what will happen if you deviate from the topic. zhenya, what is happiness? happiness can mean
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different things to each person. it could be love, health, family, success. it is important that a person finds his own happiness and enjoys it. olga knyazeva, mikhail semakov, alexander komartsev, olga merkulova and alexander kovalev. first channel. vladimir putin spoke on the phone today with the prime minister of india at rendra mode. the russian leader warmly congratulated him on the success of the indian people's party in the completed general parliamentary elections. the president noted this, indicating that people support the policies of the indian authorities. we also discussed expanding cooperation. both leaders expressed their intention to expand the strategic partnership between the two countries. vladimir putin also sent a congratulatory telegram to narendra modi today. now front-line reports to the ministry of defense. reported the destruction of warehouses with equipment and weapons of the khortytsia armed forces group and militants of the so-called foreign legion. the storage area for unmanned boats was also damaged. our troops have improved the situation in all key areas of the northern military district. enemy losses per day almost 1,600 people and a lot of equipment,
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including nato. american howitzers , armored vehicle, german self-propelled gun. our air defense systems destroyed 55 ukrainian drones. himmers missiles, patriot and french air defense missiles were shot down. terminator, as you call a tank, baby, small, well, such a small beast, jumped out, left, they work quickly, the sky is teeming with
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enemy drones and even though the equipment is protected by electronic warfare systems, some drones are still as good as our vehicles are flying. the anti-drone mesh and active protection can withstand several hits, tank crews of the group. they take the car away from the fire, how does it feel inside? well, they're just laughing it off, laughing it off, but in reality they're risking their lives every day. here the gloomy one came up, the guard-driver, hit three trips directly, direct contact, distance 100-150 m. the gloomy one is waiting for a new tank to be delivered from the factory. your car, this one, no, no, my car burned down. they hit a mine, cumulative. pierced the bottom, passed through the automatic loader conveyor and above right between the commander and gunner of the vehicle, a few centimeters away from them, the ammunition was already a little empty by that time, at the point of penetration in the drum patch there was no shell, the ammunition did not explode, there was literally
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a drum, yes, which rotates, yes, yes, that is it was russian roulette in the literal sense, yes, we were lucky, the jet hit exactly the empty, empty tray, and in the next one there was a projectile. yes, in the next one there was already a shell, god was with us at that moment, he hovered right above our tank and deflected this cumulative jet to where we need it. the gunner commanders got off easy, the commander had a... bass, the trigger was burnt there, well, my eyebrows were just a little on fire, everything was a little on fire, then they got out of the burning tank and moved to their own, they ran for a kilometer and a half, crawled for 800 m, they worked on us machine gun, before hitting a mine, the crew managed to complete the combat mission, the settlement for which they fought that day came under our control, the fighters received the order of courage, people stronger than steel work even when the equipment can no longer withstand, there were arrivals basically here...
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flew in, bombed, there was an explosion under the front roller, an anti-tank mine, let's make it simpler, what hasn't been changed yet, what hasn't been changed here, well, the engine hasn't been changed yet, that's who takes some of the enemy shells , tank support combat vehicles, terminators, rare today there is footage, the bmpt is moving to the position during the day, dismantling the opornik. the vehicle is universal, it can fire at almost any target, you have most likely seen all of these weapons, but separately, and here they are in one place on the tracks, there are two automatic a grenade launcher to fire at infantry, four guided missiles, two with a shaped charge, two with a high-explosive fragmentation charge, most importantly a twin cannon, one is also loaded with high-explosive fragmentation shells, the second with armor-piercing ones to squeeze out lightly armored vehicles, these crews account for dozens of destroyed infantry fighting vehicles and enemy tanks, the exit for us is not the goal, let ’s say, not the m113, which the damn thing shows, this
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is absolutely not the goal for us, that is, flash everything, flash it, the tank can work with the patura, but it’s easy, what can we say about the infantry, here they terrorize the enemy with thirty-millimeter cannons, but with grenade launchers they shoot right through the forest, cover a small ammunition depot, and do not detonate.
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some other tour, additional weapons, let them think about everything, but the surprise will be unpleasant, for the enemy, of course, because when terminators, along with tanks , enter an enemy fortified area, it, as a rule, comes under the control of our armed forces. amir yasupov, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, vladimir belyaev. first channel. losing to the russian army on the field during the battle, ukrainian formations continue to terrorize civilians. they were fired at with cluster shells. another 11 people are in
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serious condition. and this is footage from donetsk. this is what biryuzova street looks like now, which connects petrovsky and kirovsky districts and the capitals of the dpr. along the roadside there are burnt-out cars with traces of shrapnel and fragments of drones, which they stick out and deliberately attack residents. in the last 5 days alone, four civilian vehicles have been destroyed and there have been casualties. the kyiv regime is coming up with new ways replenishment of mobilization resources. ukrainian border guards no longer release ukrainians liable for military service with dual citizenship from the country. the united states embassy responded to this unconditional manifestation of democracy. holders of two passports who are currently outside ukraine were advised not to travel there under any circumstances. those who are currently there are advised to comply with local requirements. as they say, those who didn’t have time are late. but actually, what awaits those who didn’t make it. images from occupied kyiv
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kherson. military commissars came to the city market, but received a decisive rebuff. everything at hand went hot, right down to the tomatoes. this time, the potential ukrainian armed forces soldier was repelled, but not everyone is so lucky and not always. the development of cooperation through the eurasian economic union today became one of the main topics of the government meeting. mikhail mishustin spoke about the results of the visit of the delegation of the cabinet of ministers to belarus. in the spotlight and...
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supported initiatives presented by the eurasian development bank, the eurasian development stabilization fund, these organizations play a key role in integration construction, but first of all they help attract investment in large-scale infrastructure projects that are in demand by citizens and businesses, help the structural transformation of the economies of the union member countries, and of course, expand ties between states. dear colleagues, please monitor in your areas how agreements with partners in the five are being implemented. the five countries are russia, belarus, kazakhstan, armenia and kyrgyzstan, that is, all members of the eac. but the talk at today’s meeting was not only about partnership with these states, they talked about the problems in our regions, and
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specific decisions were made. one of these is to support fishing producers, namely those whose enterprises are located in crimea and krasnodar. in the zaporozhye, rostov and kherson regions, in order to help robotic economic organizations reduce costs, it was decided to compensate part of their costs for current expenses, namely , for wages of workers for social deductions, including contributions for compulsory health insurance and a number of others. for these purposes, the federal budget has allocated about a billion rubles for 3 years. we hope that such steps will allow us to save most of it. employees at enterprises for catching and breeding fish in the waters of the azov and black seas, well, our citizens will continue to be able to purchase their favorite products. the development of the arctic and the far east is also a priority. it is necessary to build kindergartens, schools, hospitals, roads there, the pace has been picked up, and the momentum cannot be slowed down. let's implement
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developed on behalf of the president of the plan for the development of economic growth centers in the far east, we are creating all the conditions for a comfortable life there. life, providing funds for these purposes in the federal budget. today we will also allocate over 1,200 million rubles. they will be used for the construction of a high-voltage power line in the magadan region, an anti-tuberosis dispensary and a medical building of the central regional hospital in the khabarovsk territory, and for the improvement of courtyards in the chukovsky autonomous okrug. thanks to the help of the federal center, over the past 6 years
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, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov's buildings in burkina fasso have been built in far eastern cities. for almost 32 years , russian interests were not represented in this african country. the grand political tour of the head of the meade continues and attention is drawn to the fact that many in the country know the russian language very well. we discussed mutually beneficial cooperation on an equal basis and new vectors of a multipolar world. and then sergei lavrov flew to another african country, chat. and more details about everything in the report by anatoly lazarev. every russian schoolchild and gogol's auditor knows this scene. the interest in russian culture and the russian language in the capital of burkina fasso, ouagadougou, is huge; in the russian house , there is a queue of hundreds of people for language courses. my sergei lavrov arrived in ouagadougou the day before, this is his first visit to burkina fasso. for more than 30 years
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, russia did not even have an embassy here; it was closed in 1992, shortly after the collapse of the ussr. now moscow is actively restoring its position on... a state in west africa bordering mali in the north, niger in the east, benin in the southeast, toga and ghana in the south and scott divoir in the southwest. sergei lavrov's first negotiations with the minister of foreign affairs of burkino fasso. you feel not only the heat of the african street, but also the heat from our warm relationship, and we, of course, also feel this warmth well with our friends.
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the position of the president of burkina fasso in relation
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to the events that are taking place in we very much appreciate an objective, fair ukraine, as a result of the hybrid war unleashed by the west against the russian federation. of course, we are developing military and military-technical cooperation, we are supplying and will continue to supply additional military products that are necessary to strengthen defense. burkinabe's ability to suppress the remnants of terrorist groups. the president of burkina fasso presented sergei lavrov with the country's highest state award for his contribution to the development of relations between russia and burkina fasso. after this, the head of the russian mit flew to chat for negotiations. chat is located in central africa, bordering on the west niger, nigeria and cameroon, in the south - with the central african republic in the east, sudan and libya in the north. sergey lavrov came to the chat for the first time.
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therefore, he gave us the opportunity, the opportunity to fly higher, education continues to be free, he continues to give to the world, he does good for the people, that’s why we believe that russia is like our relatives, because he is honest, in the capital of chadameni, sergei lavov has negotiations with the head of state and the minister of foreign affairs, agreed, among other things, that the chat will prepare a list of industries in which considers russian participation.
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we will punish you, gone are the days when a western ambassador could come to the president of an african country and give him instructions, but in ukraine everything is happening exactly as it was in post-colonial times. the conflict must be resolved at the negotiating table, and we do not understand how one can exclude any party from a conference dedicated to peace issues, that is , russia’s role in resolving this conflict cannot be ignored. the chat became the fourth african country in 3 days. which sergei lavrov visited with a worker visit. russia is returning to africa very actively and widely. anatoly lazarev, pavel
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bolkonsky, dmitry malyshev, first channel of burkinofasso and chat. the united states is putting together another coalition that looks more like a gang of thieves. washington has already passed a law allowing the seizure of russian assets. now it’s europe’s turn , white house spokesman john kirby made it clear. his boss, joe biden, intends to discuss this topic in the coming days during his visit to france. at the g7 summit in italy. states plan to provide ukraine with a new loan of $50 billion. it is supposed to be extinguished using profits from frozen russian assets. and for this, the eu must extend sanctions against moscow, and not for 6 months, as usual, for an indefinite period. however, it is not a fact that europe will give the americans iron-clad guarantees, notes the british financial times. in addition, hungarian prime minister viktor orban is unlikely to like the idea of ​​participating in the legalization of the thieves’ scheme. let's return to st. petersburg for vladimir putin's meeting with world leaders information agent our correspondent konstantin is in touch again. konstantin, we are waiting for new
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details from you. ekaterina, over the past half hour , new, many new, important statements have been made by vladimir putin, right now i propose to listen to a fragment of vladimir putin’s conversation with the editor-in-chief of european information, the french agency afp, karim talbi. in this question , the president will answer that the most important thing is that the conflict in ukraine right now is in numbers. why are you still unable to reveal, talk, tell us, the amount of loss. russian soldiers in ukraine during combat operations, if, if you are only interested in this, i can say that, as a rule , no one ever talks about this, and if they do, they usually distort the real figures, but i can tell you with complete confidence , that our losses, especially if it concerns , unfortunately, irreparable losses, they are
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of course simply many times smaller, we have 6,400 65 ukrainian soldiers, that’s approximately, if we talk about irreparable losses and irreparable losses, then the ratio is the same, one by about five, this is what we will proceed from, but this is precisely
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what, by the way, is connected with...
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he says that the threshold should at least be gradually reduced from 25 to 23, then to 20 years, and then to 18 or immediately to 18, well , because now it is already requiring the registration of seventeen-year-old boys, yes, well, well, this , this, we know for sure, these are the requirements from the us administration to
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the ukrainian leadership. well, which, if one can consider it, the leadership after the elections were cancelled, in any case, i spoke recently publicly, in my opinion, when met with the press, leaving uzbekistan after the visit, i think that the state administration will force the current leadership of ukraine to make these decisions, to lower the mobilization age to 18.
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in the end, we were forced to do what, when in ukraine, the then current authorities said, what they don't like.


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