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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 6, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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yesterday, very attentive guests of the international economic forum in st. petersburg listened, then yes, we are now transported, our colleague anatoly kuzichev is there, anatoly, hello, the floor is yours. hello, yes, of course, everyone listened to this attentively, putin’s interview, moreover, remember, you and i, sasha malkevich and i yesterday discussed just so to speak, well, how they mold an enemy out of russia, so to speak, western propaganda, and came to a conclusion. genius, i believe that there is no other option other than talking directly, what putin actually did yesterday, yes, so to speak, well, it’s impossible to get through in any way, another thing is that there is a mastery of the headline, remember, uh, in my opinion, where it was on a straight line, i don’t remember when putin said that, well, of course, there may be circumstances when we will be forced to use nuclear weapons there, and the mastery of the headline, putin described, therefore, the plot of the use of russia, and accordingly, the burghers, of course, got scared, stopped living their sausages and said : let's do something
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arm yourself, or what? in general, yes, everything is so, they are discussing it very actively here on the forum , yesterday’s interview with putin, and we will also discuss this now, with us - next to me is inna vitrenko, doctor of political sciences, professor run hicks, inna, well, it would seem , yes, what could be more natural, simpler and more effective than just talking directly to people through, say, communication with agency heads, but the mastery of the headline, will we be able to get through and will we even have it?
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wow, 3 hours straight, not afraid of anything, so maybe, maybe really listen, good one, i hope that so, so to speak, that this exact thought will come to his mind, there’s an interesting story, here on the forum, that means, the director of the american chamber of commerce in russia, shared this, that means, fact, that it turns out that most of the american business, despite all the declarations of all the pathos, has not gone anywhere, that is , they have worked and continue to work, there is in this, i don’t know how to say it delicately, in relation to europe a feeling like... . usage? you know, from the moment the svo began, at all forums, delegations of all countries that we call unfriendly countries that supported all packages of sanctions against us are always present, yes, there is no official foreign ministry representation, there are no high-level diplomats there, but there is always a middle-range, large-scale business that is interested in both cooperation with russia, having its own and continuing its own here...
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business in america is structured in such a way that politics are separate, and financial interests are separate, despite the fact that the americans puff out their cheeks and say that this country is nothing knows nothing but democracy and has set up business for this, in fact business is very pragmatic and rational in the united states of america, and they need russia, without it they...
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to make a profit and so on, europe is clearly working to its detriment and loss. this is where that critical mass is, yes, where is that critical mass, where is that line, after crossing which, so to speak, europe, anyone will understand, say, no, guys, it’s time to stop, whether it exists at all or not, but you know, here it all depends on how america behaves towards europe, we have long understood that they have a war until the last ukrainian, then until the last pole, then until the last european, they have these sacrifices that they are ready to make, but it is clear that it is necessary...
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a number of countries that well, they just came to economic collapse. i'm talking about our neighbor finland. eastern finland simply destroyed its economy, since it was based on the flow of tourists, trade, exchange of goods from russia, now it’s just some kind of neglect, the edge of neglect concrete, and people don’t understand why it was necessary to join nato like this, in this way, with such a sacrifice, but what is it?
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as an example of one, how to pull a country out of such an economic crisis, you quite rightly said yes, so to speak, well, a wide circle, just people, i don’t know, ordinary people, citizens don’t understand why all this is needed, let’s go back to where we started, to the words of putin, who quite rightly said, that’s why you need to scare, that’s why they are told, tomorrow putin will come for you, well, if so, it will have to, then i see, well, that’s it, thank you very much, friends, we have a few more inclusions planned today. we stay in touch, keep our finger on the pulse, thank you, thank you very much, anatoly kuzichev, we are waiting for new inclusions, and we noticed that today there is just a sea of ​​people on the st. petersburg forum walking behind your back, it’s amazing, isolation looks
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something like this , everyone is scared that we will attack tomorrow, of course, but nevertheless, against this background, the united states continues to persistently mold russia into the image of an enemy. i want it here understand, alexey alekseevich, this is what the goal is, there must be some kind of ending, they must finally blind the image of the enemy. i understand that over the years they have found different formulations under different pretexts, but one way or another, here they are, which sets the goal, that is, to strangle, destroy russia, well then, excuse me, well, from whom else to create the image of an enemy, well when they will devour everyone, what will they do next? i periodically moderate some panels at mf. and truly american companies are present almost in full force, behind the scenes, i don’t advertise it, but yes, there are practically no european ones, this is the answer to the question: the united states of america is turning off competitors, that’s why it was all conceived, conceived, and putin answered
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this perfectly yesterday when kondrashov, in my opinion, asked him, how do you feel about the fact that you are demonized by the western media, he said, well , let them demonize, let them be afraid, that’s good, and he grinned and about... we’ll overcome, this is the mood from top to bottom , that is from the country's leadership to civil society, it is becoming total, guys, well, if you want to fight, okay, we will fight, if you want with nuclear weapons, no problem, we can use it if you reach this phase, putin made it very clear yesterday that the ball is always in on the side of the western countries, they are now playing this, well, i would say devilish football, and they are constantly trying to hurt russia. in such a way as to do something with it, as i understand it, to inflict a strategic defeat, as they do they like to say, this is not happening,
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moreover, on the contrary, they have already lost their leg, they have received a certain number of injuries from this devilish football, but they persistently continue to do this, there is only one reason, along the way certain things happen that we observe, this is de industrialization of europe, because excuse me, the energy crisis is an energy crisis, this is an objective fact, an objective reality from this. there is no escape, there is a relocation of european business to countries where business is more, so to speak, favorable, business regime, all this leads to the fact that american companies continue to capture the european market, this is actually a war, first it was waged with russia, then with china for the european market, the problem is that along the way they are destroying this market, in the end it may turn out to be such a result, they will capture it, but the european market will not be able
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to give them what they want, and it was premium, there were quite a lot of consumers there, 500 million consumers, who, indeed, need to fight for, but now it’s theirs no longer.evich, well, you see, here is competition, the united states also needs it, if it doesn’t exist, it’s stagnation, honestly, yes, unfair, no, sanctions are unfair competition, political methods of influence, an attempt to isolate someone then there, declaring an axis of evil and so on, this is dishonest. collects weapons for ukrainian military personnel. i want to thank you, mr.
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prime minister, for your assistance in supplying almost 1 million ammunition to ukraine. the czechs are ready to collect money and give it to the americans. it is the americans who will produce the same thing weapons that will be transferred to ukraine. her main problems there are that, firstly, there is a recession in the economy, such a very strange corruption scheme. it was the western globalists who put him in office. at fiala. the czech republic completely stopped consular relations with russia, it also became the first country that actually began to confiscate russian property, there is a lot of symbolism here, he shows prague, he wants to say, it’s all yours, he offers his country on a platter, and fiala is ready to flatter himself in front of the americans , just for the sake of in order to be noticed, how he hates russia, what does peter fiala smell like, the heir’s dolls. tutti is on the first day today, let's come to an agreement with you, i say, you do it,
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otherwise nothing will work out for you and me, i'm detective taria paykola, everything is fine with you, she can't speak, he probably threatened her, you were threatened, a man came to me, this is prohibited, what is normal there, he has a knife, his hands are on his knees for me to see.
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you don’t need to read 200 volumes about russia, attend one concert of the berezka ensemble, the audience is all they say: well, this is how they are, they don’t walk, they float, it’s always a mystery, and this is your secret, and this secret is not revealed, no, folk character dance in the form in which we teach is not taught anywhere in... this is how you sometimes have to work, it’s dancing for the audience, it’s smiles, oh, field, field...
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. on sunday on the first. i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you. after the sad events in the capital, some impressionable people will see in them almost heroes, not you, our goals are right, our methods are criminal. i dream of getting an answer. tomorrow morning in the senate nikolai
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pavlovich will declare himself emperor. story. is happening in st. petersburg, here she is dying, tomorrow everything will change, you have a senator, you have wealth, service, what do you need to change, let's elect a dictator among us, enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, tell me if he won’t decide, you ’ll come out yourself, in france a...
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union of salvation, film premiere on russia day on the first. the west continues to cross more and more red lines, it all started with ukraine simply from the supply of weapons, first small arms, there were mortars, well, light ones, then more and more red lines were crossed, now they are openly sending their instructors, as they call them, western countries to ukraine, openly allowing ukraine to use their western weapons on russian territory federations, moreover
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, are already using it, so we in our studio often discussed the question, what will it be...
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why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes will be made on sensitive objects those countries that...
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understand how to act, they actually have tactical movements, they decide now, now it’s feverish there, let’s, what, what are we doing, what are we doing, oh, russia is winning,
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russian troops are moving there in the kharkov region, what are we going to do now, everyone is running around in a panic, they don’t know, but you know, the client is leaving, the plaster is being removed there, and what scares them is we have a clear strategy, we have clear goals, we have also worked out tactics, although we we don’t present everything, and from time to time... i’ll give a simple example, in fact, this is what our strategy is excellent, we combine military instruments with political and diplomatic ones, we have
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a large toolkit, and we are constantly expanding it, here is an example of africa, please, they didn’t use anything for me there, and now they ’ve been kicked in the ass from there, and the french, the americans they scatter like cockroaches, they run from there, they also react to this, they understand how to respond, well, naturally with headlines, that our president is giving birth to the western world, and it’s impossible to come up with anything more, there are objective things that in the military sense, with a good strategy , they are taken into account and used for this, and this just indicates good military leadership talent, which is exactly what was presented on our side, on their side we don’t see it, so they are in a panic, let them sit and wait, where this will happen, but if we broadly define the zones, then of course this is the middle east. of course , the taiwan issue must be taken into account, because well , look, china is faced with and the united states is facing allies in this matter, but at the same time
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, china’s ally is russia, yeah, and the russian answer, it is mediated and if something happens, they will begin, they will begin to resolve this issue by military-diplomatic means, by military means, and china will begin to decide, china knows who will come to the rescue, and this is also, excuse me, our answer. and this also applies to iran, this applies to many countries that have good military machines, defense-industrial complexes, have their own global priorities, and the alliance, the alliance of these countries with russia, is for them a guarantee that they will achieve their goal, yeah, one more thing if take it deeper, well, look - there are, for example, a huge number of proxy forces that act in someone else's interests, yes, in the same middle east, yes, the gulf, if they act in the interests of iran or syria,
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then, uh, this in the interests of our allies, and these gentlemen, on the other hand, need to understand, since you declared a hybrid war on us, since you believe that the entire globe is a battlefield, and you will punch us in the gut wherever you want, well remember, the explosion of northern currents, yeah. yes, that’s it, keep in mind that you will be responsible for this, but that’s later, by the way, this is also the last moment, look at the behavior of salevan there or other politicians there who are dodging in every possible way, but we seem to have nothing to do with it, because they understand when the time comes for an international tribunal and they will judge these people for that , what they did, and this is possible, well, trump, please, he has already been convicted, american jurisprudence can do whatever it wants. turn around, they can be put on trial for this in the same way, so they understand, there is a personal factor here, each of them understands, and speaking against russia,
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her... allies, he is making problems for himself in the future, and in general, perhaps, this person most likely will not have this specific future, when they talked about regions, they did not mention north korea, and the caribbean region, of course, is worth a separate , yes, special attention, separate discussion, now let’s move back to the fields of the st. petersburg international economic forum, where our colleague anatoly aleksandrovich kuzichev works. anatoly alexandrovich, the floor is yours. yes, thank you very much, not only me, as you noticed, rightly, in our last inclusion, i work here, there are really a huge number of people, here you understand, here it’s not just people, so to speak, wandering around, making acquaintances and taking pictures, there’s actually a huge amount of work going on here, in the fields and there some of these most in conference rooms in special, so to speak, rooms equipped for this, and so on, i mean, it’s just true that work is in full swing in the literal sense, this is not some figure of speech, the chairman of the state duma of the russian
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federation, the chairman of the defense commission family of the russian federation, member of the united russia faction, yes, united russia, well, actually, let’s talk about the family and about protecting it, these are not very fresh and not very original thoughts, that our value approaches with the west are a little different, that well, i don’t know whether this is surprising or natural, but lately this difference has become somehow glaring, somehow simply catastrophic, it’s just getting further and further, this gap is getting wider and wider and wider. accordingly, according to us, so to say, our approach has to be not just, well, practiced, we need to actively defend it, absolutely exactly, absolutely exactly what you said, i will now return to your word, at first i’ll just add that the west is getting further and further not from our values, but from common sense meaning, and this is a huge split in western society itself, i know this for sure, because we communicate with our compatriots
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who... in both france and germany, they are not ready to sacrifice to those mainstreams that are being propagated by the state leadership, their children, they are not ready for this sacrifice, they are trying to resist, but one representative of public organizations, coming here to russia, suddenly said, how is it that we are taking millions out into the streets, they don’t hear us, we... now they have removed the government level, they chose the path of protecting our country, and this is the path of victory on those three fronts, which in my opinion are obvious today: the first front is a special military operation, this is our territorial battle, but it is deeper, this is a front for moral values, the second front , which goes in parallel, the third demographic, which today is a challenge and today we are talking about answers to these questions, so the topic of family is not just not trivial. this is
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the topic of the security of our country, and today we are talking about this security, it is included, the topic of family is included in strategic documents, the country’s national security strategy, decree 809 on strategic goals in business and the formation of the core values ​​of our policy, precisely contain the topic of family and starts all these moral categories, which, like they say, they seemed so morphic, into a clear task for all authorities, that’s why today.
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with each subsequent child, the family should strengthen its well-being, second, the family support infrastructure, everything should be tuned to the family, including tv channels, because... you didn’t have to grab the remote control to switch if there were children nearby, of course, second , these are infrastructures, i said about this, the third value, where without this, lessons have been given, work is being done on family science and this will be included in our educational organizations corresponding program from september 1, i really
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want... i’ll conclude the answer to my question here, so that those who are themselves bearers of these values ​​convey to children, because values ​​cannot be taught like you can a formula.
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us for our lives, for the life of our country, and today the great russian poet alexander sergeevich pushkin would have turned 225 years old, he was always devoted to his homeland, loved russia, worried about its future and was always ready to stand up for its defense, so by 225- anniversary of alexander sergeevich in russian cinemas the cartoon pushkin and mikhailovsky's beginning will be released, this cartoon is a fairy tale, which tells true and fictional stories about how a young poet experiences funny and mysterious adventures in cinemas from june 6.
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but since they usually served him a don stallion from the back porch, as soon as along the high road they would hear their home carts, by this act, offended by this, everyone
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stopped their friendship with him, well, it’s not for nothing that pushkin is called our sun and a classic, because it is through his work , how after all, in the west, if they are interested and not prohibit, they will be able... to understand something about us, to understand about russia, about our goals, about our mentality, because little has changed for so many centuries in russia, but nevertheless, they don’t want to understand, they only want to increase the degree of escalation, the degree of military conflict in ukraine, before joseph biden had time to allow kiev to fire american missiles at russia, as they already began to do so. western media reported that hymers was attacked by missiles. belgorod. just days after the biden administration allowed ukraine to fire american weapons at russia, kiev took advantage of its new position by striking. the ukrainian armed forces destroyed military installations in the belgorod region, approximately 30 km deep into
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russian territory. well, now in the united states such actions of kiev are considered permissible, acceptable, and if earlier the state department was against it, well, in any case, they are... doing it without russia, the united states needs russia in order to be in
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it's all my fault. alexander davich, we showed small fragments of what they call, but this will not be an escalation, well , they allowed us to hit belgorod with weapons, the hymers flew there, but this is not an escalation, so we remember the words of our president, that now we will think, i emphasize, for now, we’ll think about supplying our weapons to third countries, which...
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are beginning to be subject to serious threats there, so, here’s your question, what will the answer be? well, it’s more logical, of course, to address this question to stoltenburg or kirbili, you you invite him, he doesn’t come, i know why, so, but we don’t know, but we must assume to understand all possible answers, and this is natural, and here i agree with my colleague, who...
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russia for allegedly aggressive actions,
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transfer weapons there to some enemies of the west, but in fact, this is the same thing, all this was done, in fact, so you need to understand that there cannot be any big, grandiose answers, and if someone offers something completely headlong... then extreme, then what do you mean, well i think that if it is no longer extreme for them to send western troops into the territory of ukraine, then in my understanding it is extreme. this is crossing the border, the physical border of the russian federation, but i think that the west will not agree to this, again, why? this is not only now hungary, which is always against, no, a lot of western countries, we know that italy, for example, is against attacks by western weapons on the territory of the russian federation. president biden says that an american soldier will not set foot on the territory of ukraine, that is, there are disagreements, there is a misunderstanding of each other regarding these issues. but we must understand and know that the west’s favorite tactics are small
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steps, a little at a time, doing something today that is acceptable by their standards today, but unacceptable, doing it tomorrow, that is, they are gradually, that’s the buzzword at verton’s window , now everyone already knows what it is, there is no need to explain, what seemed unthinkable yesterday is already happening today, remember, they once started sending tanks with a discussion. say whether it is possible or not, and then a long-range weapon is this or that, that is gradually what they said yesterday is no, today they are already agreeing to begin to do it, so there is no need to delude ourselves here, we need to be all the time tuned to a serious confrontation, and we must naturally not forget about our interests, our interests
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are simple, they are clear, yesterday three for more than an hour the president explained - the head of the world's leading...
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firewood, there is a risk of breaking firewood, alexey alekseevich, this is what is behind all this, somehow, on the one hand, i want to believe that yes, disagreement will lead to some kind of split , on the other hand, well, we see the coordination of actions, so at first they hesitated whether to allow ukraine, not to allow it, to strike deep into russian territory, but then they unanimously made this decision.
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ales, you asked a philosophical question, what lies behind all this, human weaknesses, human passions, behind this is the desire to dominate, the desire to humiliate. i’m now describing the psychological state of the establishment of western society, so you probably noticed how matthew miller actually completed the dialogue with journalist, he simply, you remember, russia is the aggressor, that is, he simply recalled the manual, from this point of view , tactically, the manuals are the very content of the process that we are now seeing in the media in the establishment, in the civil society of western countries, and so on further, that is, they live according to manuals, this is a new reality, new values. i strongly disagree with the fact that there is no strategy, there is both strategy and tactics, and we see these tactics, they believe that it is successful, that it will lead to the achievement of strategic goals, there are two strategic goals: to weaken russia, to destroy russia, all this suits them, by weakening russia, they get access to resources, by destroying russia, they get more problems, because after all,
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it’s a nuclear country, but still access to resources, they are satisfied with both options, we are not satisfied with both of these options either. therefore, we, in the person of our leadership, are now giving fairly adequate and good answers. i followed not only what the president said, but also what they said, even the system liberals on the mm forum, what others said speakers, they all expressed quite serious confidence in the future. optimism is, perhaps, the mood that now reigns at the st. petersburg economic forum, and observing this optimism, representatives of western countries are quite seriously surprised. because according to their calculations, we should have already fallen into a phase of despair and look for negotiations, look for negotiations and so on, this is not happening, and it really confuses them, so it seems that they - well, let's say they have no tactics and so on , they're just knocked down no sense, because the manuals don’t work, but
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the manuals seem to be correct, it seems they took them out, shook off the dust and so on, they presented them from soviet times, they seemed to work then, they don’t work now, so... the world has changed, the president about i said this, guys, the world has changed, we no longer work according to old patterns, we work according to new ones, now the most important task of various think tanks in the west is to find out what patterns the russian leadership is currently working on, by what laws civil society lives, they don’t have this information now, and this is our competitive advantage, what century they are already trying to understand, everything is unsuccessful, let them study russian classics, these are military military ambitions. returned from germany, berlin is preparing for war with russia in 2029, and this is not just another fantasy of journalists from the wild or war correspondent julian röbka. which we often quote in our studio, and this is much more serious, this is a statement by the head of the german ministry of defense boris pistorius. a russian victory
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will ultimately cost us all more than support for ukraine today. at the same time, we must not neglect our own defense operational readiness. putin's war economy is working for a new conflict, we must be ready for war by 2029. we should not think that putin will stop at the borders of ukraine. will only go so far, it is our responsibility to provide the troops with the best equipment to carry out their missions, we must continue to invest in building operational capabilities, this has not happened for 30 years, we need main weapons systems, air defense systems, ammunition, operational support from main battle tanks to a mobile field kitchen, so in the next few years we need to continue to invest heavily in the bundeswehr, in general the german mentality, as we see... crushing two world wars was not enough for them, we decided to go for the third one. well, while western politicians are making increasingly bellicose statements,
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the citizens of european countries themselves do not want to fight with russia at all. on french television they discuss the riskiness of the french actions leadership and the desire of the states to drag the europeans into another war. the question is whether it is worth moving the war to russian territory. understand. it's a vicious circle, and that's how wars start. first you say that you are a non-belligerent country, then you send weapons, then you send trainers, then you start striking the territory of the enemy country and end up in a situation that gets out of control. this was the case in india and china, and this was also the case in vietnam. remember how the vietnam war began for americans? it all started with because they sent instructors, and after 4 years there were 500,000 of them, they went to war. it's the same story in this war. this is an escalation, we are playing with fire, arguing that we sent offensive weapons, and nothing happened, then tanks, nothing
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happened, then planes, nothing happened, now we allow shooting on russian territory, you will see, nothing happened will happen, but the problem with red lines is that we don't know which one will be the last one, and nothing will happen, but we don't we know, the greater the cup of patience, the more terrible the consequences of the last drop that overflowed this cup of patience, ivan pavlovich, should they somehow indicate what will become, well, the final, so to speak, speed of decision-making, or should we support them in tense? well, you know, from what they say, by the way, the history that he said, absolutely nothing is happening in their strategic thinking, alexey said correctly about strategy in general, and politically in relation to russia, yes, but just in the military in general, they don’t know what they’re doing, the funny thing is, i was pretty amused now, who definitely said, well, a field kitchen.
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further destruction of the european economy, we already said today, but the first sign, for example, a concern, a chemical company, the main
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pillar on which the entire german economy rests, said: listen, it’s profitable for us to work everywhere, except in germany, indeed, business is not like that only in america, business is like this everywhere, for business the main thing is profit, and not what biden or zelensky wants, this first, second, money, look. in order to fulfill what pistorius is talking about, by the year twenty-nine or whatever, money is needed for this, but germany was inferior in its contribution to the nato treasury, they paid 1% instead of two, now with difficulty up to two got there, and he aims at 3.5%, what will this lead to, to the fact that this money will have to be taken somewhere, and where to take it from the support of farmers, from social programs and so on, what will this lead to, to , where i started, this will lead to voting not by tv, but refrigerator.
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the last thing she told us: guys, go home, rest, go for a walk, you are tired, she was 94 years old, with her the whole era of the satire theater went away, a part of our life went away, when the streets died out from the fact that people gathered at tv screens watch zucchini 13 chairs, yes vladok looked after me, he took me in a taxi, and now we go on a tram, zoya zelinskaya also had erotic talent, she started out as a fashion model, was not afraid of explicit things, beautiful, strong, self-sufficient , what do you mean why zoya zelinskaya? i settled my ex-husband with me, my mother and i picked him up from the hospital, our exclusive last interview with zoya zelinskaya, which we managed to record at the home of the people’s artist of russia, my husband died, i had a small child, and the car was stolen and that’s why i think it’s a dacha, a child, a zucchini, a theater, i’m going crazy, what should i do? exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. rotfron, then through the barns, the enemy will not
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get through. little man konstantin eroshenko was detained in africa, you were immediately transported to the united states. serious torture: not sleeping without water, beating my heels, hitting my internal organs. russian citizens were literally kidnapped, it’s impossible to believe it. we live in the 21st century. there were a lot of loud statements addressed to me there. the whole accusation was a complete lie. kostya is such a strong person, i don’t know how he managed to take it. pull yourself together, well, in general, he reassured me, they let an employee of the prosecutor’s office into the jurors’ room, which no one has the right to enter, when the jurors left, one young woman gave herself away the girl who cried at the moment when her dad was convicted, russian pilot yaroshenko, goodby america, premiered on
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sunday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, upon accession to the throne, he made a promise, with me everything will be like with my grandmother, catherine the great did not hide her desire. transfer the throne to his eldest grandson alexander, bypassing his unloved son pavel petrovich, but it turned out differently: the future emperor joined the conspiracy against pavel, so the death of his father will haunt him until his last day, he will spend a quarter of a century on the throne and will go down in history as alexander the blessed, reformer, favorite of the people, savior of the fatherland. banoparte's victorious march
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across europe was steadily bringing the clash with russia closer, therefore. the central event of alexander's reign will be his confrontation with napoleon. he prepared not only the army for war; the russian secret mission in paris organized by alexander was so successful that the emperor regularly received detailed reports about napoleon’s plans. when in june 1812 the invasion of the french army into russia began, alexander called everyone into the ranks of the russian army to defend the fatherland. empire of alexander ii premiered on russia day on the first. the st. petersburg international economic forum, under the patronage and with the participation of the president of the russian federation, is one of the largest and most significant business events in the world. the most important platform for exchanging
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experiences and discussing key issues. global economy, a unique space for dialogue with the participation of individuals who determine the path of economic development. 27 petersburg. international economic forum, all the most important things are on the first page. we continue to show videos of a joint project of the ministry of culture of the russian state library and channel one. today, june 6, marks the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great russian poet alexander sergeevich pushkin. the new video is dedicated to him. history, let's see, on june 6
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, 1799, alexander sergeevich pushkin was born in moscow, his father came from an old russian noble family. on the maternal side, the poet's ancestor was abram hannibal, comes from a noble ethiopian background. an educational institution for people from noble families, it was here that the poetic talent of the young pushkin was revealed, the lyceum education opened up the career of an official for alexander sergeevich, traveling across the vast expanses of the empire, pushkin perceived its breadth and diversity, later, when our country was under the threat of a collision.
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world literature is impossible without these works; pushkin’s short and bright earthly path was tragically cut short after a duel. on february 10, 1837, the poet passed away. alexander sergeevich became our everything, an unsurpassed classic and the founder of the russian literary language. that's why we say pushkin. everyone needs to study it, especially in the west, in order to understand everything that is happening. pushkin described and told everything, even invited the embittered sons of these western branches to come here, because there is a place for them in the fields of russia among the coffins that are alien to them. and by the way, i also
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wrote that we will not burn warsaw. now the news is on the first. love will pass, desires will die, cold light will separate us. whoever remembers secret dates, dreams, delights of previous years, let them leave their light trace in the sheets of memory. to the poet's anniversary. hello, it's time for news first, about the most. we will tell you about important events right now. how to ensure the achievement of national goals together with foreign partners to respond to new challenges. a number of thematic sessions take place at.


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