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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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a showcase of the book publishing forces of russia, this book fair has become such a real platform for meetings of large, aspiring writers. the festival, of course, will give all guests of the book fair new book
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releases for every taste, from children's literature to such fundamental scientific publications. the most gifted, brave and bright young artists performed in tatarstan at the grandiose holo-concert of the first competition of young virtuosos of kazan. 13 winners took the stage; in total , more than 100 talented children took part in the show. they all study at music schools and art centers of kazan in a variety of specialties. the event was organized under the patronage of honored artist of russia aida grifulina; as the singer herself admitted, the competition plans to expand its geography and reach first the republican and then the all-russian level. aida grifulina addressed the guys via video link. according to her, there are a lot of capable children, it is important to support them and help them discover their talent. i personally went through this path from the very first timid children's performances on...
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small stages to world opera houses and concert halls, and i know what kind of concentration, what kind of work, self-confidence, and of course, the support of family and friends is required to achieve great success. i wish the festival of young virtuosos of kazan to flourish and reveal new names of future great musicians, and never stop dreaming, because dreams always come true for those who dream and... at the concert, the contestants together with the orchestra performed masterpieces of world classics on almost all instruments, works by bach and handel, music of famous tatar composers, as well as the best fragments from modern jazz folk songs, and of course, this festive evening could not happen without prizes and gifts. participation in competitions is very important for me, especially at such a high level. now i have become. understands that singing with such
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a live symphony orchestra is not only beautiful, but honorable. and at the end of the release, the footage that we just received from st. petersburg. vladimir putin meets with the president at the konstantinovsky palace. new development bank brix, dilma rusev. during the meeting, they are expected to discuss the future strategy of this organization, its participation in the financing of various projects, including in our country. details are already in the program time. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program.
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hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk about... today, with the most important holidays, events , many of them have something in common with the most important date in history, in fate, in consciousness, if you like , mentality of our people, today is the 225th anniversary of our birth.
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about winter, about summer, about autumn, about a mug , about an old lady, about love, about war and peace, about successful love, about unsuccessful love, about what you loved, didn’t love, and so on, i’m talking about the fact that love it may also have gone and come, anyone and anything, but besides this, it is
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always relevant, it is always relevant, because he would have seen there and the guy alone reads in a shirt to the slanderers of russia, it is no coincidence that this poem is written so many times rewritten and updated to suit our events, what are you making a fuss about, people's revolutions
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, why are you threatening russia with anathema, what have you disturbed, leave the excitement of lithuania, this is a dispute between the slavs. among themselves, this is written about events that are almost 200 years old, but we, listening to this, understand that this is written about the events that we live through, and we are faced with the same thing about which pushkin wrote these lines, because popular traditions , if anyone does not know to whom he is addressing, it was none other than the french parliamentarians, who then at that time believed...
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revolutions, american ones, which also make noise almost like the national revolutions of the french, other folk ones on the same occasion, and get into the same dispute between the slavs among themselves, although, as the poet said, this is a question weighed by
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fate, which they will not resolve, but they don’t know pushkin, but we know pushkin, and we should... not just read and admire his poems, but we each, in this sense, in which i was just trying to say, should also all be pushkins in this sense. yesterday's events is connected with the city about which he he also wrote a lot of things, and these are lines that were relevant then, but probably even more relevant now, remember, show off, city of petrov, from... that unshakable, like russia, may
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the defeated element make peace with you, this is written how many years ago, about the finns, it’s true, they wrote about the finnish wave, about their ancient captivity, which they should forget, but in general we and... today we will discuss the same element that decided to disturb peter’s eternal sleep. let peter be called by a different name today. in general, now we will discuss current events, realizing that alexander sergeevich pushkin, our past, our present, our future, has already written about everything. well, let's talk about the actual thing, advertising. i know the land, there the sea splashes on the shores in solitude,
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snow rarely falls there, the sun shines cloudlessly on the scorched meadows, the oak groves are not visible, the steppe is legged, spreading alone over the sea, for the poet's anniversary, for the poet's anniversary, this is a canonical classic, a national bard , who fundamentally does not sit on the pedestal, he jumps off it. the main mystery of pushkin, in my opinion, is a striking discrepancy between his admiration in russia and the cool and respectful attitude of foreigners. pushkin - it sounds very russian, but pushkin is a cool surname, it has war, and some kind of affection, and fluff, and guns. pushkin is equal to us at the moment when we hear him. and much deeper than us when we try to understand it. paws podcast,
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today on first. to the poet's anniversary. just before the riot, he saved me in a snowstorm. and i gave him my bunny tour. and what, father, is it an eagle, or what? he is. royal coat of arms. i no one is spared, neither women nor children, they are annoying. “how dare you oppose me to your sovereign, you are not my sovereign, you are an instigator of thieves, i was at mortal risk, but i did not betray you, i will scream, she is the daughter of the executed commandant mironov, take her wherever you want and advice to you to anyone, russian riot, tomorrow after the program, do you have witnesses who can defend you?” god, my witness, i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped
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by you, after the sad events in the capital, some impressionable natures will see in them almost heroes, not you, our goals are right, our methods are criminal. i dream of getting an answer. tomorrow morning in the senate nikolai pavlych will declare himself emperor. history is being made in st. petersburg. here she dies. tomorrow everything will change. you have senators. you have wealth. service. what should you change? let's elect a dictator among us and enter into a revolution.
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union of salvation, film premiere on russia day on the first. on the anniversary of the poet, each king wears
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special signs with him; note how kings are recognized. "listen, brothers, the emperor the third is with us, pyotr fedorovich, this is captain mironov, himself, there is also the captain’s daughter, it’s commendable, my sir, that you are starting your service from the garrison, oh, how nice for you to wear such earrings even now, if it’s god’s will , come to me, now we’re not just quarreling, we’ll forget our own mother." here , grandfathers, is a new commander. well, are you silent, or don’t you believe that i’m a great sovereign? god knows you. sergei makovetsky, you’ll still be my wife. vladimir mashkov. forgive me, orthodox people, forgive me.
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in the film russian riot. tomorrow, after the program time. “i remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me, like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty, in the languor of hopeless sadness, in the anxieties of noisy bustle, a gentle voice sounded to me for a long time, i dreamed of sweet features, for the poet’s anniversary. the program time will tell, we continue to work live, and discuss yesterday's events, which remain one of today's main topics of news, discussions, and
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which are not just discussed, which in a certain part... brought very an important development on the topic of the last week or two, probably precisely in all these conversations that, in my opinion, each of you and i have already discussed here in one way or another over these two weeks, these are western weapons, ukrorekh, strikes on russia, it is clear that they will direct, they will actually hit, and so on and so forth, and we discussed this many times, one way or another we discussed, but what about us, and we often rested on the fact that... well, we we can or cannot, we must or must not answer here in the field where this happens, but while trying not to fall into the trap of using certain types of weapons, moving to one or another level of escalation here, on this field where they play, but also discussed what other options for answers there are, so it seems to me, with all
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that the president said a lot of important things in his communication with these representatives. that if someone considers it possible to supply such weapons to a combat zone to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class in those regions of the world where attacks will be carried out on sensitive objects of those countries that
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do this in relation to russia, that is, the answer could be: asymmetrical, we will think about it, super, i don’t mean anything like that, but in my opinion, this is the most important, most important thesis, a new thesis put forward, put forward by vladimir putin on behalf of our country, and the thesis is very important, because in general we were all waiting for it one way or another, trying not to get ahead of the train, but i started with it and consider it... .also because it is important well, this topic, it was hanging in the air, how can you answer asymmetrically on the wrong field where you are offered to play, we literally just yesterday, i don’t draw any connections or parallels at all. just yesterday evening on the air we discussed how and where we can respond in other fields so that it hurts them, and so that in general it
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does not pose any special threat to us. let's be honest, military responses here in this european theater, especially when there are some, so to speak, tactical, nuclear, and so on, weapons, this will inevitably cause damage opponent, but in general, in a sense , to expose ourselves, and this, of course, is a movement precisely in... to game theory, i will use this word, a kind of bluff from a series of guys, we have such a move, we are already thinking about it, well, now think about what you will do with it, from
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this point of view, in your opinion, it plays, it doesn’t play, their reaction visible in the headlines, at least tells me that they considered putin’s statement in exactly this way , as it was intended, they suddenly realized that it was not they who set the pace and course of this game and this combinations, but the other side offers, as it were, its own move for this part of the combination. now the only answer is to what extent in the current proposed design, this is a version that is enough for them to start thinking about something and possibly adjust their plans, because the goal of any game and any moves within the framework and combinations is also for to influence the enemy and his behavior. well, as they say, you can’t praise yourself, you stand as you stand, and so in this studio, in that place i stood at the last week, assessing some of the statements of our
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top officials, i spoke exactly about this, then i immediately said that britain would get it first, causing everyone to smile, he was talking about britain again, and quoted verbatim, officially, this is important, the official position of moscow, this not an interview, not a comment. official statement regarding britain after cameron’s statement, we all remember him, that if such an impact on our territory is carried out, russia reserves the right to strike at the military uk infrastructure on the territory of ukraine beyond its borders. commenting on this situation a week ago, i just suggested two i confirm, it was exactly like that, i even confirm the smile, there was a smile, yes, yes, i confirm the smile, i repent of sinning, yes, and carthage must be destroyed. the smile was apparently connected with this, and london still needs to be washed away, then i suggested two possible options for such an answer, but then i
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was talking more about anonymous answers, it happened, so the nord stream was there, since it was no, who, who knows, well, some yacht sailed with amateur divers, but it’s not clear, but we are on the other hand, i’m now starting to believe in this yacht, because let’s see. like here, a little to the south, there in a slightly different sea, there they dive without any equipment at all, there are men at such depths and there they also dismantle cables, so these are chinese, this is this chick - cooler than the trouble about those about whom we have talked about many times, and today everyone remembered about them, or rather yesterday , everyone remembered them, and i’m talking about the houthis, of course, they dig better than the pearl fishers of southeast asia, so - then i called them - military bases, in fact, not only bases, military infrastructure, because there are service points, that is, naval infrastructure, but the british have more of it
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than, for example, the french, and the deployment of french troops of the foreign legion, in particular the french one, is greater than that of the british, there is a continent, let’s not point fingers, yes, where is the largest, here it is, just south of europe, where there is a large concentration of still armed forces and... the united states, and france and great britain, we are talking about these countries, because i will remind you that if, for example, poland has stormshed, they give it to the ukrainians and the ukrainians use it on our territory, then poland has nothing to do with it, because poland should call london and permission to ask, so it’s still london, and these are three countries today, this is the first thing - these are the places of deployment, be they land or naval, these same ones, by the way, there are a lot of these bases, too, not far from khrusite, yeah. here, here, here - in northeast africa, and right opposite them the united states base is located, by the way, it’s hard to point to a world map without there being
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an american military somewhere nearby. which is talked about less, but it seems to me that it is no less, and i already said about pearl divers, this is critical military or dual-use infrastructure, yeah, these are primarily fiber optic cables, these are pipelines of any kind and for any reason, but cables are more likely because, for example, there is information, it flashed, that between great britain and scandinavia fiber optic goes through norway. stone, stone, there will be a stone, a cable that was stretched in the interests of the military departments, well , god himself ordered it, the north sea is common, god probably ordered it, but everything you say is fair, interesting, reasonable, it can be developed, well , to develop creatively, because here, but i asked a slightly different question, i asked you the following question, at the stage
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of the confrontation that we... are at now, taking into account the inertia that they have already gained kinetic the energy they gained in this conflict, this move in this volume, in which it is designated, let's say, by our supreme commander-in-chief, is something that is able to stop them, them, or at least make them think, or or this is a move that requires there is already some practical development, you can do it here in any way you like. develop, because we all remember how something took off from the caspian sea, flew somewhere to the syrian region, it could accidentally fly somewhere else, and we can say, but we don’t know at all, who are they there were, but they will start telling us, we saw everything from satellites, here you can do as much as you want, the question is, in the current volume, in your opinion, this is enough as a means of influencing our enemy, considering that we no longer hide the fact that they are our enemy , or does this require certain...
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there - by and large, through them putin played very big international politics yesterday, the assessment of italy is not the same as the spaniards were invited, but were not praised, and so on, and he told them several times : "pass it on to yours." i see, that is the complex proposal was this: firstly, he involved them all yesterday, that is, through them, the west in discussing the situation on the platform of international law, which they
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abandoned long ago. yeah, he did it, they took part in it, this is part of the proposal, we can take a step back and try, within the framework of international law, to still move on to big negotiations, it’s clear, if look, look, everything you say, i agree with everything i agree with this, and if, as it happened in other years, i had three hours, i would still i danced a couple of rounds of this dance with you, when i ask you, this is enough to influence, it has power, absolutely, but to answer your question, no, they won’t respond with words, they need, they need action, oh, accordingly, since well,
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from the third we are walking... after all, it’s like, here ’s your opinion, your answer to this question, i generally guessed and assumed initially, by facial expression and so on and so forth , respectively, then the question, given that we after all, now we’re not talking about tennis, not about boxing, but about politics, on which a lot of things depend, if you, as i probably understand correctly, will you correct me if not, if you think that this very subtle hint will not be enough?
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they don’t hide, right here, already here i could start arguing with you, but i will say that they don’t hide, yeah, and first of all, destroy not just how, but really destroy pushkin, our cultural one.
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we are forming, on their terms, or, guys, a nuclear war, now we are faced with what conclusion, either a nuclear war, or negotiations on the western terms, that’s how it will be, to such a degree this whole thing will now increase, moreover, i’ll tell you, they’re already hitting, and we’re a little bit, you know, just like that , we’re pretending that it’s not like this is happening, and we’re doing the right thing, bye, bye, although if the next one there will be a massive blow, the destruction of certain people, well, conditionally, right?
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here lies one of the main points of dispute and discussion, in which we, being basically on the same side, can look at these things differently, because someone thinks, and i often heard this in this studio, that all
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this is there , ideology, these are the values, blah-blah-blah-blah, all of this is basically based on money in calculation, and this move, which our supreme one announced, is not aimed at... any specific objects, it is aimed at where they should turn on your calculations, start counting, balance debits with credits, you know, when they, i ’m speaking very tentatively now, purely theoretically, when they say that they will strike the belgorod, kursk and bryansk regions, and we are discussing a theoretical strike with tactical nuclear weapons, they the anglo-saxons don’t feel pain at all, it’s so good for them, it’s so good, that's when it comes to '. which concerns them, i can’t, so to speak, yesterday, for example, i was thinking, ah, there are tankers where, for example, something can accidentally fly, there are gas distribution stations in norway, for example, well, i’ll take it from the ceiling in norway, there are tankers with gas, there are tankers with this
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is nonsense, that’s the question, that’s the control center of britain’s strategic forces, no, this is war, no, wait, then why don’t we have a war? thing, if we, i say again, are, well, conditionally, in our launch silos, this really, so what, we have nothing to do with it, this is ukraine, what are we going to do,
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that’s what we’re talking about, but it’s coming to this, what do you think, they say, we’ll hit distant targets, what do they have in mind? i mean, excuse me, so to speak, a stall with shawarma, or something, well, of course not, they will also answer us, i understood you, i understood your position, but well, the same thing, why am i saying that there are many different things that can be cited here? examples of where this could be, but even today. the president yes he said that we will think about it, the president's press secretary today he said it very clearly, by the way, also emphasizing that this is probably one of the most important statements, why we are discussing it at such a volume, but at the same time he said that he was heard, it was widely discussed on the issue of what was broadcast, but, but now it is being closely studied, but where to discuss it? well , i just have talented people here, they didn’t add these...
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it’s laid out, yeah, with everyone who needs it, they understand perfectly well that everything on the table has been called, now i’ll just add, here ’s a good image of what’s on the table, now laid out not only that they imposed on us for several weeks on this part of the table, but now on the other part of the table we are also starting to lay out some certain options, of course, and it’s not just us and...
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we have between this and this still very
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there are many, so to speak, maneuvers, here is one of them, where, i will continue the thought of my colleague, but i will start a little, a little from afar, not in rhyme, which means that today the leader of the yemeni group ansar allah spoke, so, he said that in a week they conducted 11 military operations against the enemy, yeah. they used dozens of ballistic and cruise missiles, found by chance in caves, in the desert, as we all know, where they found them, they say they produced them themselves, maybe even themselves. and maybe not ourselves, we don’t know, but these are dozens of cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as dozens of drones, two very important details should be noted here: firstly, the attack was carried out on eisenhower, on an aircraft carrier, an aircraft carrier, and also for the first time
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, a solid-fuel ballistic missile called palestine was demonstrated and tested against a target in eilat, it also has a very beautiful warhead, it is decorated. flowers of the palestinian arafatka, yeah, this is already a very complex rocket compared to everything that was used by the kussites, used, i note, successfully earlier, so i have a question, but if these guys know how to use such rockets, and the main thing is to assemble them from cypress sand mixed with this ant saliva, don’t you notice that these missiles are very similar to lines like fotah one and not only.
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they say so, but this does not negate the fact that a blow was struck against esenhow, this does not negate the fact that he actually left there 11 operations in a week, they are suffering damage, this does not negate the fact that the economic damage already amounts to millions, tens, hundreds of millions of dollars, again i am playing on the other side, since we are all you and i understand that they have a lot of the world’s information resources, but we understand perfectly well that the whole world has been discussing the topic of the announced strike on our territories with western weapons for 2 weeks.
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the reason won't be difficult, we 'll get involved, that's what we'll really do publicly on my own behalf, we’ll cover it, i ’ll personally fly, shoot it, make a good report, translate it to... whether they hear it or not
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, that’s the last thing, i agree that in a strategic perspective they are unlikely to stop dreaming of destroying us, absolutely , but, but from a tactical perspective here now, today they will, of course, think about it, they are not from the frost after all. yes, they are raising the stakes, yes, they are ready scumbags, but scumbags who want to stay alive and keep their assets, that’s exactly it, that’s exactly it, now in the moment, of course, vladimir vladimirovich cooled them down, brought them down, showed them that not everything with them is as wonderful as they thought just yesterday, we don’t have it, it’s either pan or bust, we don’t have two options , both are worse, and either nuclear war or shame, yes defeat, we have many options, we are calm.
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to the most valuable finds of the houthis, so you understand that we don’t even need to do anything, we are not there at all, their ally is not us, their ally is a high-tech, advanced, regional with a claim to a world power called islamic republic of iran, we are not in this equation,
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for iran this is a wonderful opportunity to get rid of this evil from this abscess not with their own hands, why ayatullah khaminy supported the north military district and why is it naive, well, why did they need what reason did they need before the invasion of afghanistan, you know, it would seem , where is afghanistan and where. well, they decided that this could be solved by anything, that this is not afghanistan, but iraq, or rather, it’s the scarans, they don’t need anything else for a reason, when they lose everything, they lose everything, then excuse me, you said they didn't then they will stop and strike there with something nuclear, i have a question for you, and they will strike with this nuclear something, where, specifically, at whom, in the yemen desert, it is possible.
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but look, what we have now demonstrated with your help and with the help of our colleagues, we didn’t just discuss, but we talk about the game all the time, we
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played it out in a game situation in a sense, paradoxically, you spoke as if played for them, suddenly it turned out that this is exactly how we very quickly transferred you, who plays, plays their role, into a situation in which they for 2 weeks we were driven to understand what we discussed here, and where we would fire nuclear missiles at ukraine.
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is taking away weapons for ukrainian military personnel, i want to thank you, mr. prime minister, for your help in supplying almost 1 million ammunition for ukraine. the czechs are ready to collect money and give it to the americans; it is the americans who will produce the very weapons that will be transferred to ukraine. there her main problems are that, firstly, the recession in the economy, such a very strange corruption scheme, put it was the western globalists who appointed him to the position, under fiala. the czech republic completely stopped consular relations with russia, it also became the first country that actually began to confiscate russian property, there is a lot of symbolism here, he shows prague, he wants to say, it’s all yours, he offers his country on a platter, and fiala is ready to flatter himself in front of the americans , just for the sake of being noticed, how he hates russia, what does peter fiala smell like, the doll’s
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heir. product stellar group cognac old barrel product stellar group bourbon stirsman product of stellar group whiskey mankatcher product of stellar group сnop gin. product of steller group. without thinking of amusing the proud world, loving the attention of friendship, i would like to present to you a pledge more worthy of you, more worthy of a beautiful soul, holy, full of dreams, poetry, lively and clear, lofty thoughts and simplicity. to the poet's anniversary.
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at the moment when we hear it, and much deeper than us when we try to understand it. podcast lab, today on the first. upon his accession to the throne, he made a promise that with me everything would be as with my grandmother. catherine the great one did not hide her desire to transfer the throne to her eldest grandson alexander, bypassing her unloved son pavel petrovich. but it turned out
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differently, the future emperor. joined the conspiracy against paul, so the shadow of his father’s murder will haunt him until his last day, he will spend a quarter of a century on the throne and will go down in history as alexander the blessed, a reformer, a favorite of the people, the savior of the fatherland. banoparte's victorious march across europe was steadily bringing the clash with russia closer, so the central event of alexander's reign would be his confrontation with napoleon. he prepared not only the army for war. when the invasion of russia by the french army began in june 1812, alexander called everyone into the ranks of the russian army to defend the fatherland and freedom. empire, alexander i, premiere on
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russia day on the first. for the poet’s anniversary, just before the riot, he saved me in a snowstorm, and i gave him my hare one, is that, father, an eagle, or something, it’s the same, the royal coat of arms, they spare no one, neither women nor children , and not mebedi, how dare you resist me , your sovereign, you are not my sovereign, you vorosvanets, i was exposed to mortal risk, but i didn’t betray you, i will scream, she is the daughter of the executed commandant mironov, take her wherever you want and advice to you before anyone, russian riot, tomorrow after the program it’s time, and you have witnesses who can protect you , god is my witness, tired of the excitement of life,
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leaving the path of error, i am silent with my heart, and near you, my priceless friend, on the anniversary of the poet. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, discussing a lot of important things that vladimir said yesterday putin, but we are discussing not only what was said, but we are discussing what of this they are able to hear, the counterparts to whom he addressed this, and what this can, let’s say, translate into in development. practical situation, in fact, from this statement that we can offer our opponents on other fields the same game that they impose on us, discussing their strikes, our possible responses,
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where nuclear weapons periodically appear, there was another , well, it seems to me that this is a very important moment, this is the beginning of a dialogue, or rather the beginning of vladimir putin’s answer to a journalist who, having asked him a question: began to return him to that very paradigm of nuclear not nuclear, and so on and so forth, in my opinion, this is another example of transferring, as it were, a game to the enemy’s field, please return to ukraine, what would serve as a trigger for nuclear war, how close are we to this risk? you know, they always try to accuse us of waving some kind of... nuclear baton, but did i just raise the question of the possibility of using nuclear weapons, it’s you done, you bring me up on this topic, and then you say that i waved a nuclear baton,
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here is this gesture, this gesture, in boxing this is actually called a knockdown, a knockdown, which, so to speak, is several, that is, everything. why is this moment important to me, important and interesting? i wanted to focus our attention on it, because this is a continuation of that very previous conversation. vladimir vladimirovich once again at the beginning of this answer, which completely dumbfounded her, he once again captures, guys, we have jumped out of the spiral that you have been in for several weeks were driven, well, some of us were actively driven into it ourselves, yes, that you yourself raise this topic, we respond to it, and then you, in all your... in the media, start trumpeting that we are waving a nuclear baton , this is very important, very interesting, but this should be discussed, again, this is all such a beautiful ligature, such
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beads, everything is clear, but we are in a rather alarming, difficult global situation, that’s what they are from able to hear this and so to speak, it remains to be taken into account question, and now listen, after everything... we have witnessed that american weapons were allowed to be used for limited purposes in russia, but in recent days we have become direct strikes. are
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american weapons currently being used to strike russian territory? it is authorized for use near the border when the weapon is used across the border to attack specific targets in ukraine. we do not allow strikes further than about 300 km. and now look, yes, this is all very funny, but you see, we are just talking about the fact that look, how gorgeous, it means that everything was wrapped up, messages were sent, they were put in place, everything was designated, and now,
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as they say, what of this flew there, into the pan, which means the american journalist, with his legs wrapped around him, that means, the leg of the chair on which he sits, that means, with this traditional expression for their leaders, having heard before that everything that putin said about nuclear... to whom, among other things, we address all these interesting proposals of ours scratch at all turnip, but it turns out that there is nothing in the turnip, there is a memory in the turnip that he has known vladimir putin for 40 years, considering that in 1984 putin did not even work in dressden, that is, he is somewhere else was in such a place that this one couldn’t know anything about him, but he ’s known him for 40 years, that is, there in this very cuckoo, there’s just an echo there. at this
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moment it becomes, on the one hand, fun, i agree, but on the other hand, it’s somehow, frankly , uneasy that this journalist tuporylov, that from this grandfather, it means that he is already so much darkened, and here again there is no time for jokes, well, we talked about this many times, and we can repeat it every time, by the way, and it will not be in vain, which, as a rule, this grandfather is not in charge, including the foreign policy of the united states. and there are other people, other structures, both in washington and not only, to whom this complex appeal of ours is addressed, you really said all this many times, here you are right, but what about me and a person? sitting in front of the tiliz, it should feel better that responsibility seems to be borne by this dementiarch, and it is controlled by people about whom we really may not even know anything, that is, they are not responsible for anything, this one here..
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but this is also about diplomacy in general, this is megaphone diplomacy, we deny it, we turn to other people, well, yes, that’s why vladimir vladimirovich, in my opinion , spent three hours with these editors-in-chief, he
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spent it with them, if only there. there were 30 correspondents, so i think it was time it would have been less, and he would not have met with them, he met with the manager , as it were, so you want to say that grandfather is not a manager, i think that he has the right to speak when he is in himself, but he is not always in himself, when he is himself, which no one knows, but he has the right to vote, but it is not decisive, yeah, washington is very complicated, it is not decisive, we do not have a dictatorship. but even there there is no dictatorship of one person, and there we have, they have complexly designed machines, but the most important thing is this about this to the previous part of our conversation, we kind of they turned the situation around, i was silent, i just shook my head, it wasn’t my turn, but convincingly, so i tried, we turned the situation around when there is a war vortex, it is inevitable, and we just have to decide how we will fight.
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escalation is a thousand times they said this funnel is gone, and i want to remind you that the first world war and the second world war were not inevitable, it was possible to stop in the first world war, and it was possible in the end if the munich meeting had passed with a different result.
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this means there is no need to form an opinion about russia to create an image of an enemy from russia, you are only harming yourself by this, by doing this, you know, you came up with the idea that russia wants to attack nato, you are completely crazy, or something, stupid, in general, like this table, who came up with this, this is
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nonsense, you know , bullshit, but it would be, it would be nonsense, yes, if it weren’t for the idea to fool one’s... it’s done to maintain one’s own imperial position and greatness, that’s what it’s done for, that’s what these threats mean to ukraine, in fact, what is it for? scarecrows for the burghers in germany, france and other parts of europe, that’s why such a threat does not exist.
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that here i agree with my colleagues that in order to proceed and act from a position of deterrence, putin must understand perfectly well that everything, everything that should be ready for war, for the one you are talking about, but in general, sanya, i tell you i must say that if you called me a pacifist, you insulted me, this generally means that the funnel you...
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we don’t want, that’s right, but we don’t want to go there to enter, so we do everything not to enter into it, but what needs to be done for this, i’m like this, but there is no this recipe, you see, that’s the point, i’m explaining to you, yes, we will do all this, let’s do it, but what am i doing with this man who is there, hello, hello, so to speak, good evening, i’m a dispatcher, what is he, what will he say, i’ve been with you in the war for 40 years, and you’re done. for some reason they ate my uncle, no, he says that he has been worried about putin for 40 years, he probably confused him with someone else, how are we going to get out of this, here these are all the blows that we just now explained, this will not stop them from starting this war in europe, but what we talked about in the first part of the program is that perhaps there are ways to make them
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start thinking about how they will come out of all this, in this sense, this is this reconciliatory rhetoric, which i perfectly understand why many, well, don’t like it. and it seems to confuse many, it is correct, but again returning to biden, to this journalist and so on, we are not too do we throw beads before swine, if anything, this is latin, although in general it can be done without latin, but in principle, yes, this is nolitimi margarita sante porcos, but we are not carried away by throwing beads in front of swine, which , well, well, that’s it, what alexey aleksandrovich described in your opinion, i agree with alexander, vladimir putin is unlikely to communicate with...
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everyone saw that he, of course, well, it’s clear that nothing good will happen with such a leader,
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let’s decide in the elections, but there they have but all this comes in the same electoral cycles same, but nevertheless, you can drag out this story for 4 years to the end, i don’t quite agree with alexander in the part that something could have been corrected, history cannot tolerate the subjunctive mood, if something happened, that means it it was inevitable, and it is impossible to say at the moment whether we are in a vortex or not in a vortex,
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and no, this is not necessarily some kind of pacifist populism, let us, therefore, only, only peace, only love, given that the houthis sincerely hate americans , we are not pushing them into anything, of course, of course, naturally, that is, in this regard, vladimir vladimirovich putin does everything right, he puts them in an uncomfortable position, by putting them in an uncomfortable position, he tries to prevent something that can be prevented before it happens, and it has not happened yet , that's right, very briefly one phrase, reaction. the fact that a rat driven into a corner always rushes, it won’t rush if you came there with a gun,
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no, it doesn’t know about the gun, but we have, this is this rat that you just saw, which is there with by this ourselves, before, before she thinks that she will rush to eat the gun, and she won’t rush anywhere, it seems to me that you don’t know everything about rats yet, there is a rat too, i studied them for a long time, considering that the rat is also with a gun and not with one, the rat is sure that its gun is loaded. and your scarecrow, because you handed over your pistol 30 years ago, but then she’s not in the corner, then she behaves rationally, that ’s also true, that’s why i say that they behave quite rationally, until of course, but you there you decide with whom you, with which of the masters of culture, and advertising on the first channel, increase the noise and joy, sing songs in good time, friendship, grace and youth, the estates of... meanwhile, the winged child, welcoming you, friends, secretly
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thinks , someday i will be the birthday boy, for the poet’s anniversary. for the poet's anniversary, this is a canonical classic, a national bard, who fundamentally does not sit on the pedestal, he jumps off it. the main mystery of pushkin, in my opinion, is the striking discrepancy between his adoration in russia and his cool, respectful attitude foreigners. pushkin - it sounds very russian, but pushkin is a cool surname, it has war in it, and some kind of affection, and fluff, and fluff. pushkin is equal to us at the moment when we hear him, and much deeper than us when we try to understand it. podcast lab, today on the first. 2024,
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year of the family. pushkin, therefore, therefore read pushkin’s books. this man made the world a much better, much brighter place. poems and fairy tales written by alexander sergeevich were read to me as a child. grandma, mom. it is impossible to say about his works, i already have this read them, you re-read them with pleasure again . this is a symbol of russian culture. pushkin also drew beautifully. i have a book containing almost 90 of his self-portraits. is it important to teach children russian? so that they have a broader horizon, so that they know better, so that they know traditions better, and of course, introduce your children to pushkin, start from early childhood, with his wonderful fairy tales, for the poet’s anniversary, whoever knocks down the most watermelons will kiss the captain’s daughter, will she agree? i don’t like
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him, i’m even afraid, he’s such a mocker, you tell him i like you, it’s just a problem, masha, a girl on marriageable property, and what a non-devotee she has, a thick comb and a crown, a lot of money, you’ll marry me, lasha, if you want success, act in heaven, i know from experience her character and customs, you’re lying, scoundrel, more it's not too late, shwablin apologize, apologize, russian riot, tomorrow. after the program it’s time for the poet’s anniversary. alexander sergeevich pushkin is one of the main cultural brands of our country. if there had been no pushkin, there would have been no one else, no gogol, no lermontov, no dostoevsky and tolstoy. he was an unusually emotional person, passionate by nature and so on. at the same time, some kind
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of great renaissance harmony lived in him, if you like, on the internet, suddenly. i found this headline: pushkin’s main passion was cards, but he was less lucky in them than in his love of poetry, then i shuddered, podcast lab on sunday on the first, you won’t take an oath to the senate, it’s not the senate that decides, but the guard, and don’t rush to violate this i take the oath to you, great guardsmen, i beg you, brotherhood, come to your senses. union of salvation, film premiere, why don’t you follow the emperor’s order, general, well, there are no turks in the square, and french, doctors, quickly, hold, carefully,
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play the training camp, on the first day of russia. on the anniversary of the poet, my friend, we will dedicate our souls to beautiful impulses, the st. petersburg international economic forum under the patronage and with the participation of the president of the russian federation, one of the largest of... significant business events in the world, the most important platform for exchanging experiences and discussing key issues global economy, a unique space for dialogue with the participation of individuals who determine the path of economic development. twenty seventh st. petersburg international economic
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forum, all the most important things are at the first. and today we still haven’t had time to talk about a lot of important things from what the president said yesterday when answering questions, in particular - about some mythical nato troops, and maybe not mythical ones, which will or will not enter ukraine, in general, putin said this not like that, but in general it sounded like, well , we’ll kill them if they come in, that’s basically all who are already there now, well, whoever comes to hand, they were killed and we will kill them, here in general this is objective important, but nothing new has been said, however, today macron is expected to make some statement on this matter, which i now don’t know, he will agree:
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have a good weekend everyone, two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food, love for the native ashes, love to the graves of the fathers, to the anniversary of the poet. i am located very close to the border in walsassin, germany, and i would like to do
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a small test purchase here. i bought nine.


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