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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  June 6, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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and this answers us, perhaps, to the question, why is macron there, and how whose is macron and zelensky? tootie's heir doll, have a nice weekend everyone! two feelings are wonderfully close to us; in them the heart finds food, love for the native place, love for the tombs of our fathers. i'm very close to the border in walsassin, germany, and i'd like to do a little test purchase here, i bought nine of these common items, the purchase cost me less than... but buying in the czech republic
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costs more than 60 czk more than it was similar purchase in germany. this is a story from the series about how you should never do politics. the prime minister of the czech republic, peter fialla, decided, as they say now, to hype, to make an advertisement for himself to gain points with the population. i went to the supermarket. first in germany, and then in the czech republic, in order to compare prices, everything turned out to be sad in his country, and instead of people’s love, fiala received hatred, now he has new entertainment, he collects weapons for military personnel, all according to the old scheme, in a cart from a supermarket , eh, the recent failure taught the vial nothing, well there will be a new one, well now, let's teach a lesson, peter fiala, handing over the doll-heir to tootie right now with you maria. we begin. european
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tigers gathered in prague to sum up the results of the czech appeal, scrape together the budget bottoms and find at least something else for ukraine. duda, rutte, dotswoman fredrikson and latvian silinya, led by fiala, were happy to announce that the eurocrowd had raised money for another 155mm ammunition using crowdfunding. where can you physically get them from, and in the czech republic itself, where there is a decent amount of them in warehouses?
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he didn’t add a word. his subordinate ministers say that his soviet childhood, spent in the cultural capital of czechoslovakia in the city of brno, did nothing to ennoble the prime minister's bad manners. i feel like a patriot of the city of brno. i like its architecture, style, lifestyle, even its constant competition with prague. however, the residents of prague consider the natives of brno to be narrow-minded provincials, they even make jokes about them, like the danes about the greenlanders. in fiala’s official biography it is written that he was born in the tradition. lordly family. his grandfather františek fiala, a lawyer, worked as the chief adviser to the political department and as a civil servant. almost all of fiala's ancestors, jews by nationality, were killed in concentration camps during the holocaust. since childhood, peter dreamed of becoming an astrophysicist, however, physics and mathematics did not work out since school. i boycotted some subjects, for example mathematics. i like her, but i failed her, i didn't get along with my teacher in high school, i got angry and started doing other things. after school. petor enrolled in
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history, found a job at a local museum, from the jump, a meeting of dissidents began to attend, which allowed him to later proudly write that he participated in the dismantling of the socialist system and the communist party of czechoslovakia. at the barricades he met his future wife, yana; the place of their first date was a cemetery on the day of remembrance of all the dead. it was love at first sight, definitely. it was the same with me, here he was overwhelmed, under the new government he became the founder of the department. political science at mosaryk university brno, was the first to defend his professorial dissertation on political science, and a little later he headed the university, so from the rector’s office he moved to the ministry of education, and then it turned out there was no one to head the first civil democratic party of the czech republic and the new government. fratricidal passions were seething around viala, and he moved higher and higher, simply because after the next fight there were no survivors around except him. the world may know about the existence of someone. professor vial, but
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what exactly is hidden behind this name? recently , in the company of several people, i said peter fiala responded with something like mr. boring and mr. boring. in 2015, five opposition parties in the czech republic formed a coalition and won parliamentary elections. they nominated petr fiala as their candidate for the post of prime minister, who by that time realized that he could no longer be boring. i will do everything to ensure that the current government becomes a government of transformation. and if milos zeman managed to maneuver well between the demands of the european union and the interests of his own country, then fialla immediately crossed out all the policies of his predecessor in his defense strategy. prague now identifies moscow as its main threat, and the czech army has sent more troops to reinforce nato's eastern flank. the fact that czechs are having a hard time paying for their utilities, which have become much more expensive, fela believes, this question is not for him. he seems to see his career in brussels, but not in his homeland.
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moreover, there is almost no money left in the budget, and after, on the initiative of the same prague, europe finally determines ways to finally abandon russian gas, oil and nuclear fuel, as recently. fiala demanded that the czech republic will have nothing to live on at all, hence the combination with fundraising for 155mm for ukraine. the local defense minister, however, blurted out that money was promised to 18 countries, but only four have chipped in so far. funds are coming to us slowly, we cannot buy ammunition on credit, countries signed a memorandum but did not send us money. it turns out that in the next month, as fiala promised, he would be sent to kiev, he would have nothing, then he decided to send him to ukraine. ukrainians launched a project on return of refugees with payment of a ticket to the military commissariat at the place of registration from the czech budget. and now fiala is going to
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washington to pay her respects, i started saying something in poetry, but let’s see. so, mr. prime minister, welcome, welcome. while we were walking here with mr. prime minister, we briefly exchanged memories; almost 25 years ago i stood on the podium in the senate and insisted on the admission of the then czechoslovakia and now the czech republic to the nato. 25 years old, i turned out to be quite perspicacious. mister prime minister, i would once again like to express my gratitude to you for being here today and i hope that we will have a fruitful discussion, i am really very glad that you have come. thank you. the united states played a key role. role in the process of becoming an independent czechoslovakia, the wife of our first president masaryk was an american, and the czech diaspora in the united states is the largest outside the country. thank you again, mr. president, for the invitation and your warm welcoming words. you are wonderful
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ally, thank you, thank you. it feels like you and i are participating in a competition to see who loves biden more and who is better at lying to the americans, literally. at the same time , ex-us president bill clinton arrives in the czech republic, this is what it looks like: mr. president, it is a great pleasure and honor for me to meet you, thank you very much for what you do, if i worked here, i would never did anything, but just always looked out the window, yes, very beautiful, then a very interesting thing happens: bill clinton sits down at... the table fialov himself begins to sign the book of visits for him, while fialov himself stands next to him with a technical pose, but leaving behind sentiments, and i have the first question for you, roman, what does the language of body movements, gestures, participants say, that’s what you noticed,
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that means, so, if we are talking to you about the meeting of mr. biden and the vial, here you are right, in fact, this is a parade of czeslavia, who will be better in front of it...
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here is the picture that illustrates this. by the way , speaking of the saucer, fiala brings a very interesting gift to baidan. means,
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there are two gifts. oh, one is a photograph showing ollbright with the then president of the czech republic, but i thought the second gift was also interesting, where - fiala brings - czech glass with this symbol, by the way, as for the dish, at first the first thing i thought was that this dish.
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maybe in the future, when he is thrown out there , they will go somewhere to work for the bio foundation and hillary clinton, but at the same time, the second visit is quite interesting, this is... about the fact that the french giants will, well, sort of build, but ...
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indeed there is a price difference, i would also draw attention to the fact that in the czech republic the products are worse than in neighboring germany, precisely because there is segregation between products for the old, for western, western europe and for eastern western europe, there are very serious differences, and this makes such a serious break in the psychology of these members of the european union, members of nato, they are constantly forced to prove that they walk in line, that they say exactly what is needed.
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different, and he decided to record an alternative video of how fiala went to washington on behalf of a type of fiala. dear fellow citizens, i called today's press conference to evaluate my trip to the united states and my visit to the white house. i don’t want to brag too much, so i just modestly assess this delegation of mine as the most successful that has ever been to the united states and visited the white house. but we also received a very warm one. reception from president biden. mr. president received valuable gifts from us, items that best characterize us. chekhov. mole from the legendary cartoon, symbolizing a hole, because we are constantly digging the earth. he also almost choked on a zvechin bone, which is an allegory of what an amazing standard of living in our country. and we are already building our first casino to
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make real americans feel at home. it must also be recognized that president biden is already old. and it’s hard for him not to lose his wonderful diapers. 10 times i had to explain to him that i am not from chechnya, but in the end i ordered yagor and beer, after which he blossomed at least during the conversation, he remembered czechoslovakia, biden really made a mistake then, and well , as usual, biden was biden, and let’s better listen to what he said, well, guess what, he mixed up the strange one a little. temporary eras for biden after everything we have seen are already trifles, we’ll see. we present a united front, and it is impossible to express in words how much we appreciate your openness and support from the people of czechoslovakia, the czech republic. i want to thank you, mr. prime minister, for helping us supply almost 1 million ammunition for ukraine, and we are ready to respond to this
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by fulfilling our obligations. but let’s leave aside that biden couldn’t even read the piece of paper, but... nz warehouses don’t count here, because, well , it’s probably only countries like the baltic countries that will give up the last shell, countries like germany, yes, the same czech republic, by the way, france and others, whose main caliber is 155 mm, they will not do this, they will leave something for themselves, not much, but they will leave it, yes, not until the last shell, so what options do the czech side have for that, so that these shells can be purchased somewhere and somehow
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delivered to ukraine. by the way, i doubt that we are talking about a million, there 300,000, i think, is the ceiling. there are several options: they can purchase it in third countries, where nato countries previously supplied these shells, that is, outside nato countries, somewhere in the third world countries, as they call it, or produce these shells under contracts, under government contracts, but then they will not be delivered tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, at very inflated prices, so i think what’s the catch here, it’s generally interesting matter, because we are talking about additional supplies of weapons to ukraine and fial even came up with a separate so-called czech initiative, as many as 20 countries seem to have joined in, but for some reason they don’t want to say which countries, or rather the countries themselves . they don’t want to mention themselves as participants, which is why we’ll sort it out right after a short advertisement.
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2024, the year of the family and the year of pushkin, therefore. therefore, read pushkin’s books, this man made the world much better, much brighter, poems and fairy tales written by alexander sergeevich, i was read to as a child by my grandmother, mother, i can’t say anything about his works, i’ve already read them, you re-read them with pleasure again, this is a symbol of russian culture, pushkin also drew beautifully, i have a book that contains almost 90 of his self-portraits, it is important to accustom children to russian classics, so that there is
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a moment when we hear it, and much deeper than us, when we try to understand it, paws podcast, today on the first, for the poet’s anniversary. "even before the riot he saved me in a snowstorm, and i gave him my hare here this is the father, an eagle or something, he himself, the coat of arms, the royal one, they do not spare anyone, neither women nor children, in heaven, how dare you oppose me to your sovereign, you are not my sovereign, you are a thief of a rebel, i was subjected to mortal risk, but i didn’t give you away, i will scream,” “she is the daughter of the executed commandant mironov, take her wherever you want, and advice to you on love, russian revolt, tomorrow after the program
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, and you have witnesses who can protect you, god my witness, i would like to know why the ant traitor is still was not stopped by you, after the sad events in the capital, some..." of an impressionable nature will see in them almost heroes, you, we have right goals, criminal methods, i dream of getting an answer, tomorrow morning in the senate nikolai pavlovich will declare himself emperor, history is happening in st. petersburg, here it dies, tomorrow everything will change, you have these senators,
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you have wealth, service, what do you need to change, we will elect a dictator among us, we will enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, tell me turbetsky, if he doesn’t you decide for yourself; in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns. “if it’s like in france, then everyone present here will hang, they won’t dare shoot at us, we didn’t shed any blood with their vile blood, well, a match that will light everything up will burn itself out.”
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union of salvation, film premiere on the first day of russia, for the poet’s anniversary, friend, think empty, my inkwell, my varied age, i decorated you with you. maria vutina is with you again, this is the doll of the heir tuti, and so we settled on the so-called czech initiative, this is a lot, a lot of ammunition, who promise, this, as you know, does not mean getting married, betting on ukraine from the czech republic, some twenty other countries, the czech economy, as the minister of finance says to straighten them out, will handle it easily, we’ll see. the czech republic
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will pay for ammunition for the ukrainian army, this is more than 500 million and meme 1 billion. in my opinion, this is an amount that corresponds to the size of the czech republic and the power of the czech economy. this is a game of numbers, yes, it is more than 500 million, but less than one billion. and honestly, this is the first time i’ve seen a speech by politicians like this the numbers, well, think about it, 500 billion, something like that. yes. by the way, i saw a completely different figure; 1.5 billion is exactly what they are counting on within the framework.
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not that he is giving the americans another big government order, but he says directly: you will remember that i did this, i initiated this, and i do not associate myself specifically with the czech republic, i am not a czech politician, i am a pan-european politician, and not just an atlanticist, and this qualitatively distinguishes him from his predecessors, in a year or two he will not be around, well, where will he go from here, precisely thanks to such initiatives, thanks to such orders for promotion to brussels or directly to washington. it’s great that you noticed, because on the one hand, it would seem, but it’s logical, if, let’s say, the czech republic makes weapons, yes, they will receive tax revenues, for the economy, what will happen, to prove your words, let’s give the volume of public debt czech republic and let's see that if these weapons, this participation in the conflict in ukraine would help the czech economy, then we would see a completely different picture, but it turns out that it is state-owned.
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the czech republic today has reached $136 billion and look at 43.6% of gdp and the situation is only getting worse, naturally people cannot be happy with this. there are two points worth noting here, both regarding weapons and regarding the development of the country’s economic situation. at the end of the 19th century, austria-hungary and the german empire reached some mutual understanding, and so to speak, the territory of the czech republic in vienna was considered as a kind of territory. in the czech republic at the moment, despite the fact that after leaving the north their economy suffered significantly, so to speak, some changes for the worse, it still has a certain capacity of the military-industrial complex, which they are trying to load, for example,
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cherskoyka small arms.
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152 mm from the same countries where the czechs, despite the fact that more than 30 years have passed, have maintained very good connections, that is, i can say that quite large countries like...
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the prime minister, only a 20% level of trust , when he takes the oath, it looks quite funny to the previous president, to put it mildly. i want to assure you that i will do everything so that the current government becomes a government of transformation, a government that will not only lead the country out of its current difficult situation, solve all our most pressing problems, but will implement reforms that will provide our citizens with their children...
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well, yes, actually you showed a graph of the growth of the government debt of the czech republic, well, like 43% - that’s okay, their main problems are that, firstly, there is a recession in the economy, but they ended the third quarter with almost -1%, and the czech republic for the current moment, well, this is literally the sick man of europe, even in germany, yes, with all its
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problems, the situation in the economy is a little better than in the czech republic, of course, there was a serious blow for them and inflation, yes, inflation in general was 15% in twenty in the second year, well , now it’s a little less, but of course it hit people hard, and of course the rating is 16%, just think about it... that is, almost 90% of the population does not like the current prime minister, that is, in europe, to be honest i can’t even name another country where a person with such low rating, so this is of course not a political issue, but as for the military-industrial complex, i think they are really trying to make money on this, because we didn’t mention one thing about shells, but the chekhovs still have certain reserves of shells, they are waiting from when they manage to raise the prices of these shells to the maximum and then they will sell them. the epicenter
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of corruption, as a result of this huge number of corruption scandals, a large diverse coalition ended up in that’s why here i think that, of course, in the military-industrial complex czech, well, it’s 100% hand-to-hand. took off, it would give him points, but it wouldn’t take him off, roman, we will need your participation here, that is, that is, it turns out, he always says that, and i still have vague doubts, absentative vocabulary is enough such a bright marker, yes, you know,
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there are categories of people whom i call foul-mouthed, here is the viala, all other things being equal, that you and i haven’t heard this anymore, she does this quite often, it’s in her strength, in her psychotype, and also i would add here, you know, he is inherently very sarcastic. here and a sarcastic, selfish sheaf, they love only themselves, a novel, i will have a surprise for you, we have a direct connection with a person who personally knows the vial, now we will ask him,
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he looks a little like a robot, we
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will always have the feeling that this two people, a person who has a second essence, just like an american politician. some sources write that he has a personal interest in continuing the conflict in ukraine, that there is corruption there, they receive bribes for...
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indeed, working on a personal brand is not neither his wife succeeded as a party technologist and , accordingly, he cannot change himself. he perceives himself in only one guise, in the guise of a professor, by the way, this nickname is used by his fellow party members, from personal academic experience, interaction with polish and czech universities, i will give an example, the word he used and words with the same root are often used in lectures by professors these are the universities
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that were led by the current prime minister of the czech republic, and for him the use of this word with parliament rostrum was quite natural and normal, he did not... feel any rejection in this case, so what we really see here is that a person is not able to build communication with the people, for him the main thing is interaction with the usa, with europe, with others countries, but he is not able to overcome himself, so you look, his children, for example, comment on how generally he should behave correctly, well, not only dad, but in general any citizen of the czech republic, that’s how, the most important thing is to be part west, belong to the west, despite the fact that the number of leftist radicals is growing there. if the west becomes corrupt, we should try to fix it, not retreat or look east. fiala himself said this more than once, when he, while still an opposition leader, polemicized with former
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president zemon, he kept saying that zemon was pulling us somewhere in the wrong direction, by the way, he behaved condescendingly towards... zemon , because zemon is just a man of the people, if he used obscene language, it looked harmoniously, the people loved and appreciated him for this, so this is arrogance, it’s not just for the grandmother, it’s for zeman, for klaus, the former prime minister and president, but i wonder who brought the phial to power, because they say that he is a so-called fosterling. soros, where the american trace appears here and not just the american trace, it is the globalists that our experts are talking about, we will find out immediately after a short advertisement, do not switch, believe me, when
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a swarm of magazines flies around you blinder than mosquitoes, not reason, don’t waste polite words, don’t counter the impudent noise with writing, logic, not taste, dear friend, there’s no way to tame their stubborn mouth, sin is angry, but suddenly swipe them with a nimble epigram, for the poet’s anniversary, bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. gin cnop, a product of the stellar group, cognac monte shococa, a product of the stellar group, rum castro, a product of the stellar group, for the anniversary of the poet, each king wears special
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signs, note how kings are recognized, listen, brothers, sovereign, pirate. this and there is captain mironov, he himself, there is also a captain’s daughter, it is commendable, my sir, that you are starting your service from the garrison, oh, how good for you, such people should move at least now, be at your best, gentlemen, come to me, now we are not the same that quarrels, dear mother, here, grandfathers, is a new commander. well, are you silent, or don’t you believe that i am a great sovereign? god knows you. sergei makovetsky, you will still be my wife. vladimir mashkov. sorry, orthodox people. sorry! in
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the film russian revolt. tomorrow, after the program time. to the poet's anniversary. alexander sergeevich pushkin is one of the main cultural brands of our country. if there had been no pushkin, there would have been no one else, no gogol, no lermontov, no dostoevsky with tolstoy, he was an unusually emotional person, passionate by nature, and so on, while some kind of great renaissance harmony lived in him, if you like, on the internet, i suddenly found this headline: pushkin’s main passion was cards, but he was less lucky in them than... a traveler in love, then i shuddered, podcast lab, on sunday on first, i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you, not by you. history is being made in st. petersburg, here it
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dies, tomorrow everything will change, we will elect a dictator among us, we will enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, tell trubetskoy, if he does not make up his mind, we will carry it ourselves, in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns. if it’s like in france, then everyone present here hangs, they won’t dare shoot at us, we haven’t shed a drop of their vile blood, we are the match that will ignite everything, let it burn itself out.
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union of salvation, film premiere on russia day on the first. 2024 is the year of the family, but it is also the year of pushkin, he is a famous person who wrote many poems, he had a nanny, the beginning of childhood, when we began to somehow become a little aware, to join the culture, every russian person knows, remembers words from childhood.
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let’s look at prime minister fiala, this is the prime minister of the czech republic and they say that they put him in a political position, it was western globalists who pulled him out of science, this is one of the opinions, in fact, from the czech republic itself. the prime minister has too many advisers, i would say, very strange ones in the field of health and so on, we found out what kind of adviser he is, well... he is a long-time colleague and partner in various activities of the association, which stands under the name european values , remember european values,
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these are the same open society foundations, well, in general, these are the guys from soros, they are everywhere, this is the most deceitful government, the most deceitful prime minister, they lie all the time, they lied before the elections, they are lying, and today the prime minister will speak, and he will definitely again lie, which the united states gave to soros, if you go through the filter a little, as they say, for many, yes, for many
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politicians who are now in first place positions that are absolutely pro-western, that give up their countries in the wrong way, you will immediately scratch a little and you will find a little soro, i apologize, but in any case, unfortunately the czech republic was not an exception, please note what exactly under fiala, the czech republic... completely, by the way, was one of the first countries that stopped consular relations with russia, and the first, well, the first, yes, the first country that declared, as they say, when the americans said so, we refuse everything russian , she said not a word more, we are a country that is the czech republic, which is completely dependent on russian energy sources, we are abandoning them completely, russia, the russian country said, are you crazy, because the debt of the czech republic at this very moment, after refusing russian oppressors, just rushed up and... something else, it’s the guys who are to blame for the economy - this is no longer the economy, this is already from the soros centers, because this is their
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advice, that’s usually when westerners put... their own there politics, and a doll, and he must have something, or well, there is incriminating evidence, yes, but he must be somehow different from everyone else, so that he can always be held like that by the strings, but the vial also has one nuance, for example, the czech republic in itself, i just visited the czech republic and was in prague, and i was surprised, that when i asked how, well, probably, you can go to the church there, see the church there, well, probably some religious objects, it would be very interesting, they said:
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there are several regions in the czech republic, and the main region, of course, is the czech republic , but this is prague and its surroundings, yes, and moravia, moravia is brno, well, probably ostrava also.
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it will cover the czech republic too, because they will have elections next year in october 2025, and theoretically, given the low ratings of his party, and of himself in general, i fully admit that they really can this same slovak electoral scenario... will be repeated in the czech republic, that is, here too, in fact, the hawks will be rebuffed, well , by their own citizens, who are tired of these two years of conflict with russia, all possible consequences, including rising inflation and a falling economy, that’s literally a couple more points connected with his connections and with western structures, there really is an open soros society, it is actively working in the czech republic and slovakia, but considering that victor orma kicked them out of hungary, that’s another matter that
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for example, in slovakia, these guys are now being pushed quite actively, in particular those who work with '. slovakia, so in the czech republic they still have such an oasis, but you never know, everything could change in the future. but fiala himself, and his party, is part of a bloc in the european parliament called conservatives and reformists. this is, in fact, a bloc closely connected with the british, not only with the americans, it was correctly noted here that there is also a connection with the anglo-saxons, plus it is also in the organization that it’s called an international democratic union, and this is a purely pro-english, pro-canadian story, by the way, it’s headed by former... canadian prime minister stephen harper, so here’s a story related to connections with london and there with canada and with everyone else, you can also dig up if you want . in general, an interesting split arises, the question is that now fiala is playing back, and he is taking a step back, not fitz. yes, he is very specific about fitz, why? because, firstly, the czech republic has now lost its status as an older sister for slovakia. at the same time, he sees what is
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between slovakia and hungary. a strong alliance is being formed, an alliance that is alternative in the space of the former austro-hungarian empire, and this is a very painful topic for all four former states, austraven. he understands that in the future the same unrest may be repeated that was previously on the territory of the czech republic, i will remind you that people took to the streets, people demanded the same measures that slovakia is now voicing, of course, and fiala realizes that such a reversal similar to the slovak one can be controlled by its competitors in the right-wing conservative bloc, they succeeded, we will succeed too, let me remind you that it has its own ideological... center is called the right brezh or the right brech, as it is written, there are already questions to how to count and how to perceive it, in this center the intellectuals are precisely shaping the course of law of conservative politics that phil
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wants to offer for the whole of europe, and it is alternative to the one pursued by viktor orban and his allies, therefore in terms of the general european ideology, he sees competition, which is actively supported by slovakia. yeah, interesting. yes, in support of what my colleague said, in fact, it seems to me that the point here is quite simple: how he reacted when he appeared in the hall, and he said that he did not want the russians to find out something through the fitz about shells, ammunition, strange, to be honest, wording, but let’s not forget that slovakia still has a very large warsaw pact still in czechoslovakia the military-industrial complex, after all, it remains, that’s what i mean, that’s what i mean, that for sure, certainly in slovakia... there are, of course, some reserves of 155-mm shells, first, second, slovakia could produce them if necessary, this character took upon himself the responsibility of providing ukraine with ammunition,
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purchasing it somewhere, getting it somewhere, you know, it would be much easier to buy it or somehow get it in slovakia than for 39 lands somewhere mine, buy elsewhere, that's why i think here this projectile initiative, it’s also very noticeable, but so far... nothing is working out, so he prefers to remove this point from the negotiations altogether, because otherwise it’s very sensitive, you know, i wanted to support my colleague about the relationship between fitz and personal relationships , and fiala, fica showed that he knows how to talk to people, he knows how to talk to the people, he knows how to speak to them in a normal, understandable, accessible language, the last elections in slovakia clearly showed this, because fica’s party. received a majority of votes does not in any way correlate with the civil democratic party of the czech republic, and what is also very important, the soros kids lost in slovakia, where should they go, they are gradually
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migrating to the czech republic, these are also obvious things, and it is completely clear that in the czech republic itself the influence of soros and soros structures very big, it has always been, it was also... immediately after the velvet revolution from the beginning of czechoslovakia and after the division of czechoslovakia into the czech republic and slovakia, because i lived in prague for 7 years and worked in prague, i’m great i remember how these structures began to grow in the late nineties, and what their work looked like there, that they went to rallies there or what you saw, these were, of course , non-profit organizations, you talked about chechnya, yes, a foundation was created in the czech republic a man in trouble. they also helped the chechen republic at one time, transported humanitarian aid there, although later several members of the leadership of this foundation were prohibited from entering the territory of the russian federation, entry was prohibited for subversive
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activities on the territory of the russian federation federation, and here i will take a break and explain how it works, it means that under the guise of this assistance, two two tasks are being carried out, yes, which are being implemented, the first is the collection of analytics, since the second is specifically chosen. one detail, but this is a very important thing, the prime minister of the czech republic, the first thing he did when the last visit was to the united states, what he did was they went on a visit to the cia, and he met with the head of the cia in
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evanston, for the first time this prime minister, fiala, took all the heads of the czech intelligence services there, this has never happened, this for the first time in history such a unique situation occurred, they were there, as he said later... they had a very good talk, what he actually reported on, we saw a funny video, and this cartoon, what kind of meetings and negotiations there were, i’m sure that you, like me , noticed... that chechnya appears from somewhere there, that is, here they are, they were given this segment of the czech republic, yes, this was back in the mid-nineties, this is true, and such a fund was not on the territory of central-eastern europe, it was created it is in the czech republic in prague, and hence his scientific work, the chechen question is a sensitive issue for the czech republic, because it was in prague, precisely in the czech republic, that people from chechnya were concentrated, those who were squeezed out. from
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russia they formed organized criminal groups that were involved in weapons, prostitution, drugs and so on. this is a painful issue for the czech leadership for czech society. and it was through this question that we actually entered. i also wanted to add a very important point: the french, spanish, germans and so on. but eastern europeans who want to become true europeans, yes, they, poles, czechs and so on, they may well become this wave that will replace the brussels bureaucracy.
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western politicians, i really hope that since slovakia succeeded, hungary succeeded, i hope that the czech republic will have a chance someday, but the people will have to gather all their strength into a fist, but we will continue to talk about all these characters , marya butina was with you, heir dolls, now is the program time. oh, how many discoveries we have
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the wonderful are prepared for enlightenment by spirit, experience, the son of difficult mistakes, and genius, paradox, suddenly, chance, god, inventor, for the poet’s anniversary. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. frankly, importantly, vladimir putin debunks western myths about the russian threat, the president's statement at the meeting.


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