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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  June 7, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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you can add this determination to her, one is older, the other is younger, you don’t like her shoes, tell her, aunt marin, if you want to try her in sneakers, look, here i am walking, tell her something there, she will become bolder, then the heels will come, you look like they pushed her to another level on both sides, okay, so i’ll tell her, it’s time to see marina in the third image, the final one, marina on the podium.
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well, marina, who lives in this image? great, can i answer in verse? come on, how i am in love with the shine of your eyes, you you smile brilliantly with happiness, love, tenderness, everything shimmers, you are multifaceted, you are a diamond. size of more than a thousand carats , my little ranulka i appreciate you, oh my god, how i love you, come to me, my galaxy, i’m captivated by you, i’m crazy about you, my goddess, sun, have mercy, i’m hungry for you, bring the cabbage soup quickly, it’s so wonderful, my client is happy, which means i’m happy too. wonderful, but what can
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i say about this hat, about the horizontal and vertical lines? i silently write down everything she says, i hope that evelina is will approve every woman should have her own little black, little white and little red dress. for our heroine, it is not so small, but still red. the red dress is a scream. hearing it, the wardrobe screams. great, you look amazing. marina, we applaud your new look and the work of our stylists, we give you all three sets of clothes from the program as a fashion sentence, wear it all with pleasure, thank you very much, and if you want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website first channel. to the poet's anniversary. friend,
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think, idle, my inkwell, my varied age, i adorned you, the first channel represents. travel is prohibited, a list of almost 170 medications was published by the ministry of health, but previously people took these medications and drove freely . where is the truth and where is the lie, which drugs are really dangerous while driving, and which are, so-so, an easy fiction. in this and much more. let's look at the program: live healthy. so, dear friends, the ministry of health
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has named medications after which it is prohibited get behind the wheel. there are a lot of headlines, because this list from the ministry of health literally caused a storm of discussion in the media, and the ministry of health, i must say, published such official information, let’s look at it, where in fact it wrote that we were officially declaring it. this list is not a draft normative act, nor does it establish any prohibition or sanctions for its violation. in fact, i want to show this list right now, so i started flipping through the program from it, i want to leaf through the list some more in fact, here it is, it contains, it seems to me, more than 170 drugs, 170 more
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drugs, that is, really , very, very, very many, and people actually had a question, because everything got there, drugs got there, which we freely prescribe, and people drive, drugs for diabetes.
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one group of drugs that also have the same effect on the brain. let's return activity to the brain, turn everything on. andrey petrovich, and these drugs are often used by people who have allergic reactions,
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these are drugs so-called antihistamines first generation drugs. and these drugs, they know how to penetrate through the so-called demotoencephalitis.
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we have other drugs, there is a second generation that does not have a sedative effect at all, so whether these patients have a choice is clear; moreover, we are all specialists now. many cough medicines, which today are bought strictly according to a prescription, you must understand that since this medicine is included in the list of drugs and can remain in the blood for up to two days, then you must understand that if you have find cadeine in the blood, then this can be
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considered drug use while driving, just remember this, you could be drinking cotterpin for a cough , it was not in your head. that you can’t drive, because the dose is small, 15 mg is what is prohibited by law, 20 mg and above, but if you have an accident and cadeine is found in your urine or blood, then you fall under this clause of the law, i just want a little -correct a little, german shaich, the law does not define the dose, it does not say that in this dose we are drugs we allow, we will prohibit drugs in this dose. the law says: drugs are prohibited, that’s all. kdin is now on the drug list. this is the first. secondly, we have a huge number of people in russia who adore volocardin and carvalol and are sure that this is valerian. no, it’s not
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just valerian, there’s also a drug that belongs to the group of potent ones. doesn’t drive, understandably, because although these are not drugs, they are direct sleeping pills, with which you can’t drive a car today, although it seems to everyone that corvalol, that it may be harmless, is not, this is phenobarbital, and this is a serious thing, now, nevertheless, we believe that a lot of the drugs listed there, they still should never even be discussed, because we can... from mutilate the lives of people who are today adapted, treated and
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living , what has stressed you out as a cardiologist and internist, let's talk about a huge group of people, patients suffering from epilepsy, by law, people who suffer from epilepsy, they cannot drive a car, this includes drugs for the treatment of patients with seizures or epilepsy. you need to understand that a person taking these drugs, on the contrary, he is protected from attacks and the possibility of causing an accident. world statistics are such that people suffering from epilepsy have approximately a 30% higher chance of being involved in some kind of road accident, but this is associated with an epileptic attack, and not with drug treatment. a person taking medication
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is safe, he lives normally, so to prevent someone from having the idea of ​​banning the medicine later, epileptics will refuse medication and drive, then the risks will increase, which means today epilepsy is considered a disease. drugs for the treatment of heart failure, these drugs are taken by
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millions of people, yes, they can sometimes lead to low pressure dizziness, which can also make driving difficult, but if a person is compensated, then there is absolutely no danger in driving, there are drugs for diabetes, yes they can lead to a decrease in sugar, but again a person with...
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in a stone bag, it happened that the patient had a catastrophic decrease in blood pressure,
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did not have adequate cardiac output and therefore, our operating team needed to get their bearings in a timely manner. all the heroes are in our studio, we are running away from old age, starting morning exercises, revealing the secrets of longevity. it started with the fact that lev outgrew his crib, he walked all the time, saying, i need a big bed, well , yes, like my parents, like my parents. i haven’t had children’s for a long time, and i’m anticipating what a portrait of as many as three children will emerge, and when you enter the room, you immediately see the window, there are very interesting linen fabrics, we get three beds, yes, there are children here, they won’t jump, they won’t jump, from childhood you can instill a love of good taste and self-care, maybe we’ll take it as
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a trend that we have checkered duvet covers, and our sheets are so playful , here we come to... you are the same as us. union of salvation, film premiere. on the first day of russia. well, friends, it’s time for berries, we’ll have berries all summer long. therefore, we decided to look at the word berries from a special point of view.
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so let's write berries and then let's move apart and get: i. and years, why are we suddenly so interested in the word berries? the fact is that a huge study was carried out, the data of this study were published in 2024 . so, in 2024, data is published based on a study of almost 40,000 people. the study lasted 20 years, evaluated.
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21% of all causes, and this cranberry, which has become the absolute champion, reduces mortality by 31%. therefore, the time has come, berry season, strawberry season, so today our heroine is strawberry, let's show everyone, as strawberries grow, please bring us strawberries to the studio. here it is, what a beautiful berry. strawberry is our name, in fact, it is garden strawberry, it became widespread and began to be called strawberry after it was domesticated, because wild strawberry is a small berry. let's go straight
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to the layouts, because strawberries contain vitamin c, right, mikhail? c is almost one daily requirement in 100 g of strawberries, and vitamin c is good because it participates in the structure of collagen, which determines the elasticity of our vessels, look, this is the vessel with which we are born, good, elastic, does not increase blood pressure, and this vessel in a person who lacks vitamin c is very fragile, and therefore regularly... consuming vitamin c protects our blood vessels, and show us again the elastic vessel germ6, here it is, mikhail egorovich, for ophthalmologists the elasticity of the vessel is of fundamental importance, but look, this is the retina - this is the fundus of the eye, that is, the retina is very well supplied with
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blood vessels, because it is nervous tissue, it’s clear that health now depends on the quality of blood vessels. as a result, our vision, if the vessels become brittle, fragile, then in our fundus such hemorrhages occur, and these are signs, as a rule, of either diabetic angioretinopathy or retinopathy caused by hypertension, that is , such hemorrhages, especially in the central zone, deprive we have our normal vision, so vitamin c is extremely important. yes, in fact, the preservation of blood vessels is the basic reason for the reduction in mortality from all causes when using strawberries, i’ll tell women that vitamin c is what the doctors told me.
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properties that cause allergies, and this is true, because when kids start eating a lot of strawberries, their cheeks turn red, their skin turns red, they experience a certain amount of itching, but what is interesting is why, this is not a true allergy, it is called a pseudo-allergic reaction, it is dose-dependent , ate more, more problems, look, this is the skin, this is the cell responsible for the pseudo-allergic...
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so, strawberries have a dependent effect if they enter the body in large doses, then the release of histamine begins, the release of histamine leads, he showed it to us... petrovich, to the dilation of blood vessels, the dilated vessels become porous, the liquid part of the blood is released from them and we see swelling. one of the most striking signs is, of course, angioedema, when a person’s face swells, so yes, you need to know that in a certain group of people this will cause a pseudo-allergy, pseudo, because a true allergy does not depend on the dose, it’s enough.
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in fruits, in fact, strawberry is one of the champions, the biggest champion is bell pepper is yellow, there are three daily norms, it’s clear, but what, how to choose, how to store and how to eat correctly, how to choose, the first question is about beauty, of course, about beauty, about appearance, about smell.
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it’s stupid to make jam from strawberries, because there will be zero vitamin c left because of the temperature, and sugar will only be sugar, only sugar will remain, which
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is harmful, that’s all, actually, it’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, no need to read 200 volumes. russia to attend one concert of the berezka ensemble. viewers of everything, well that's how they are, they don't walk, they float. it is always a mystery, and it is your secret. and this secret is not revealed. no. folk character dance in the form in which we teach is not taught anywhere in the world. so, sometimes you have to work. this is dancing for the viewer, these are smiles.
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now we just remember goosebumps, and of course, i said yes, birch, beauty in russian, on sunday on the first, upon accession to the throne, he made a promise, with me everything will be like with my grandmother, catherine the great did not hide her desire hand over passing the throne to the eldest grandson alexander. otherwise: the future emperor joined the conspiracy of the unloved son of pavel petrovich, but it turned out against pavel, so the pull of patricide will haunt him until his last day. he will spend a quarter of a century on the throne and will go down in history as the blessed alexander, reformer, favorite of the people, savior of the fatherland. banoparte's victorious march across europe was steadily bringing the clash with russia closer. therefore, the central event of
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alexander's reign will become. premiere on russia day on the first. that story which we want to tell you on our medical platform should generally be a story about courage. but in fact, this is not a man’s story, it’s a story about how men should take care of their blood vessels, especially, here’s our wonderful guest, he’s sitting,
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how old is he? did you have your first myocardial infarction, vladimir nikolaevich? well , quite a long time ago, i don’t even remember right now, but 20-30 years ago, probably, well , how old were you, 40 years old, probably, at the age of 40 a person has a myocardial infarction, this is what we are doing now, we take analysis for cholesterol, while this analysis is being prepared, let’s go to our layout, so, a heart attack at 40 years old, that is, a person’s blood vessels are damaged. so that a heart attack occurs, herman shaich, look, this is a normal vessel with which we are born, then cholesterol is deposited in the wall of the vessel before the vessel is completely clogged, a heart attack occurs when such a plaque ruptures, a thrombus appears and clogs the vessel, which and our patient had it at the age of 44, so, a heart attack at 44 years old,
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she literally bombs with cholesterol the human body, this disease is called hereditary hypercholesterolemia, this is how cholesterol shoots off at night. into the human body and in general we in tatarstan have an amazing program, if one of the parents has a heart attack at the age of 40, up to 50 children are tested for hypercholesterolemia. germanevich, our screen shows what is happening at this moment. so, the liver bombs with cholesterol, in the vessels of the heart, look, in the vessels of the heart, these are normal vessels with normal blood flow, when...
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an atherosclerotic plaque grows there, at some point a blood clot forms, which clogs the vessels and a myocardial infarction occurs; you can die from a myocardial infarction, or you can remain deeply disabled. in short, a heart attack at the age of 44, a person is examined, three stents are placed on him, after which he took the pills for some time, of course, and then forgot. then life goes on, he is a young man, works in the north, earns money, in general, everything is fine, you don’t feel it at all, at this time cholesterol bombs, and his heart quietly crusts over like a star. there comes a time when the heart doesn't can contract because it is all in a shell, a shell heart, 59 years old. vladimir
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nikolaevich, he begins to choke so much that he simply cannot walk, because his heart is not working, according to emergency indications he is admitted to the hospital, the doctors decide. that an operation is needed, then when they begin the operation, they are also speechless, because they know that there are impassable vessels of the heart, they understand that they will do mamara-coronary bypass surgery, but it turns out that such a shell still needs to be broken , open, only then get to the vessels, so i want to come here now... invite the chief operating surgeon, we live in an era when we have wonderful women, cardiac surgeons, lusine haruchunyan, please come to us, so, you open this armor, yes, how much it
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was hard, how well it broke, it was like an eggshell or thick, vasily, well, actually, yes, there was a little, maybe there was something unique in that something happened that the patient’s decreased... connect appropriate apparatus for artificial blood circulation to begin at the very bypass revascularization was such that the heart eventually stopped contracting, it could have stopped contracting before the operation, but thank god the stars aligned so that he was already lying on the operating table, i want to invite a resuscitator and anestheologist here.
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with the assembled prepared apparatus , you connected the patient to artificial blood circulation, then how many shunts did you sew on him, that is, they took arterial vessels from the chest and sewed them to where the blood flow was, how many shunts? well we came one shun, although initially we went and prepared for the fact that we would do complete revascularization, complete blood supply to the myocardium, but taking into account the fact that this is a heart of stone, this is an armored heart, and after we... freed it from this armor, it began to contract , it began to shrink, we were able to visualize those vessels in the accessible zone that are necessary for shunting, and decided that for adequate perfusion here now one shunt is enough, everything
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else, of course, can be considered in the future, we saved it, thank god that heart stopped on the operating table, it could have stopped not on the operating table and even performed an indirect heart massage through this armor, except... that it could be broken, and it would already tear everything, it was impossible to make a hole, that is he had one chance to escape, to be on the operating table, on time, on time, and the reaction of the first assistant in this situation is also another doctor, please get up, so, friends, here is the group of saviors, now let’s get the patients here, vladimir nikolaevich, go to us. which does vladimir nikolaevich have cholesterol? cholesterol is normal. vladimir nikolaevich, what medications are you taking? don’t even think about telling me over the phone, i don’t know anything, ask your wife, don’t even think about it,
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it’s better to ask the street on maza. she knows what she prescribed for you, no, she knows that i’m taking them, but she doesn’t know what you’re taking or whether you’re taking it, because you can take everything in shame. absolutely right. elena, you ask how he takes his medicine, he takes what his wife lays out, here i was checked by elena vasilievna, he has everything completely in boxes, morning, afternoon, evening, everything in good faith, corresponding to what you are taking, vladimir nikolaevich, what’s in the box, well, you know, what i want to say is probably funny to everyone, but i know for sure that if a person doesn’t know what he’s taking, but he’s not some kind of fool, really, then... it never ends well, because you should know that a statin should be taken only in the evening, and not in the morning, because the liver bombs with cholesterol at night, this is for you it was bad, you were out of breath, you were the one dragging your feet, and you know, the wife might
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forget, the wife might get sick, the wife, god forbid, might die, so only you should take care of yourself, i take my words back, i wish your wife a long life - long life, but your life... is needed by one person, who is vladimir nikolaevich, who is me and my wife, in this case, me, nikolaevich, do not have any illusions, your life is needed only by you when... a disabled person who is suffocating, who needs care, the family is in shock because they have to pay for caregivers, they have to treat you, you it’s a burden for everyone, that’s why your life, i completely agree with you telecom, so in the end, memorize the medications you take, what’s the name of the place where they did it all so well on time, tyumen, regional clinical hospital number one, like this , well done, seals, well done, and i say a big thank you to the savior, saviors,
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it’s true, and we say a big thank you to you, vladimir nikolaevich, for surviving, otherwise not only would he have survived, now he leads a healthy lifestyle, he really accepts all medications, his quality of life has improved significantly, and his exercise tolerance has increased, but he couldn’t walk, now he walks, that’s right, now at the dacha, morning, afternoon, evening, grows strawberries, takes care of his grandchildren, everything is fine, well that's how... good story, friends, let's take a short break and then continue, a big surprise awaits you in the continuation, because the program to live well today leaves in the last block from this beautiful studio number 13, we'll meet through a short advertisement, we're running away from old age , let's start the morning charge, two. 3 4 we reveal the secrets
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of longevity, life is great! yang, what are you doing? my god, how many years have passed! unit on the move, fire in a residential building. hello, tamara vitalievna, i think that olek has already forgiven me. i haven’t forgiven and won’t forgive, oleg, i need your help, duty officer, outsiders in the unit, what happened, it’s because of her, yes, leave him alone, it’s clear, we love each other, let’s not get into something that’s not your own business, this is vojta, in russian, after all, i left for finland, already pregnant, and didn’t tell him anything, so what? and social services, he was taken away from me, i was accused of
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suffocating maternal love, he was taken away from me because i loved him very much, one chance for three, the premiere is on monday, on the first. oleg, i need you to come with me to finland and claim your rights to your son, what? this is your son. well, dear friends, here are the four of us at morning exercises, which takes place in moscow, dear friends, we have only one question for you, how are you, comrades, living a great life, life is great, life, great, life, great! "these are participants in moscow longevity, all of them are
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pensions and could stay at home, but they have a completely different life. they are spending this morning in the center of moscow, near the bolshoi theater, doing exercises. we came to you because, firstly, we are glad that morning exercises are now taking place in moscow all the time, and the places change, this week everyone gathered on red square, and will be on poklonnaya hill." now i have a question for you. , how old are you, why do you go to moscow longevity? i’m 62 years old, i go because i want to be healthy with you. summer.
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the best time to get yourself moving. movement is not only a sign of a big city, movement is a healthy life for those who are retired, and these are not just words, but facts proven by science. mikhail egoryevich, now we must tell you what happens when people simply do morning exercises. this is a model of a nerve cell. morning exercise improves memory and concentration. third. morning exercise improves neural connections. let's show
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neural connections. look, this is a nerve cell. with tentacles she communicates with another nerve cell, the more such connections, the better our brain works, and the less dementia, that is , mental retardation, develops, and this is how this process looks in real life, in the human brain, which regularly does exercises, here it is a nerve cell, it grows... processes, which means the brain thinks perfectly, so we continue, let's go, and one, two, three, four, and one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, and one, two, three, four, well look,
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mostly women, and you are a man, how old are you? years old, i’m 78. 78 you walk, yes, yes, because i get a charge of energy and feel even younger, great, let’s go to our models, so, german shaich, you see what it’s standing next to, name the organs, the brain, so, further, the heart, further, the lung, what a lung, the eye. what is it? so, these are the kidneys, correct, and these are the vessels, excellent, herman shaich, it seems like a banal morning exercise, what is happening now, it turned out that this reduces the risk of developing coronary disease, that is, heart attacks, reduces the chance of developing by a third
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stroke, regular morning exercises, so, enough... the retina of your eye is supplied with blood vessels, and exercise ensures blood flow. the better it is, the better you can see, so do your exercises. i want to appeal to tv viewers, tv viewers, no matter what city you are in, please lift
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your bodies off the sofas and chairs with us for one more exercise, let's go. why are you such an active person and how old are you, well, i’m quite a young man, i’m 61 years old, i’m retired and i’m very... well done, i want to take you to us too, because andrei petrovich is standing here with such an interesting thing, what is it,
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what do you think it is? oh, and the teeth, yes, no, oh, i can’t understand what it is? so, there is an assumption that these are teeth, a cartoon like this, a cartoon, probably someone has teeth like that too, andrei petrovich, what is this, what did you want to say, what else does morning exercises give, morning exercises gives good immunity, this is ours an immune cell, a lymphocyte, which should be teeth to fight viruses, bacteria, and what exercise gives us if you exercise for 20 minutes and... then at this moment our bone marrow throws out these cells, they go to protect you in the cavity of the respiratory system and... if you come and someone sneezes on you, they quickly, quickly eat the viruses and bacteria that came to attack you. given to us
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by the power of television, let us once again look inside an active person. unique shots. the immune cell devours infectious agents, bacteria. these are the strengths of our body that morning exercise awakens. that is, it doesn’t seem like a tricky exercise, in the air. but the result is huge, so we we continue our morning exercises, let's go, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, and one, two, three, well done, now we have to tell you, as always, we had a good time with you, may you will live, great, live, great, live. great, to all our tv viewers, so that you too can live a healthy life, just 10, 20 minutes of exercise in
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the morning, and life will change for the better, without thinking of amusing the proud world, loving the attention of friendship, i would like to present you with a pledge that is more worthy of you.. . worthy of a soul that is beautiful, holy, filled with dreams, poetry, alive and clear, high thoughts and simplicity. to the poet's anniversary. hello, this is an information channel on the first, we are working live, time will tell the program, in the studio of ruslan astashko and olesya loseva.
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the international economic forum continues its work in st. petersburg. today , our president vladimir putin will speak at the plenary session; he will outline a detailed assessment of the economic state of russia, its dynamics and prospects. as always, our president’s speech will be watched all over the world, of course, all the information, the latest news, watch on the first channel, we will show and tell everything live. yes, greetings, colleagues, thank you, yes, everyone is really looking forward to the president’s speech, the plenary session of the plenary session, it is clear that most of the talk will probably be about the economy, in fact one of the main ones. political statements are expected, in
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general, everyone is waiting with great attention for this plenary session, in fact, a large number of people are here precisely for its sake, if you remember, here is the minister of finance of russia, well, commenting on western sanctions our state and our situation... said that it seems that the west is experiencing some pleasure from introducing more and more economic sanctions against us. this word to me this pleasure has some kind of medical, even a description and term, i don’t remember it now, but, but it’s interesting, right now next to me is the director of the national energy security fund, a professor at the financial university under the government of the russian federation, konstantin simonov, our expert is well known to you, kstantin vasilievich, great thank you for being with us, hello regarding this pleasure.


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