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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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e political statements are also expected, in general, everyone is looking forward to this plenary session with great attention, in fact, a large number of people are here precisely for it. if you remember, here is the minister of finance of russia, anton seluanov, well, commenting on the western sanctions on our condition and our economic situation, he said that it seems that the west is experiencing some pleasure from introducing more and more new economic sanctions against us, this word, to me this pleasure is some kind of medical, even a description and... and term, i don’t remember it now, but, but this is interesting, right now next to me is the director of the national energy security fund, professor of the financial university under the government of the russian federation, konstantin simonov, our well-known expert, konstantin vasilyevich, thank you very much for you are with us, hello, kind, as for this pleasure, probably masochism, word, thank you very much, but no, i, i’m not in the sense of a quiz, i guessed right, yes, well, word, you guessed correctly, no, i meant, but nevertheless it’s true, because well...
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it’s naturally in the interests of the united states, but you need to sell these decisions to your voters, you need to, accordingly, then the picture arises that the russian bear has woken up again, he’s now will eat ukraine, then it will take over us, so we must stop it with sanctions, military decisions, well, in fact, that’s why this skating rink of sanctions continues to operate, although by the way there is an element of inertia, too, why because political the tasks have been set, the bureaucracy must constantly prove its effectiveness, that...
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now everything will be approximately the same or not? the sanctions will continue, of course, we talked about this, there will be a fourteenth package, there will be a fifteenth package, but as before we will look for answers to all sanctions decisions, that is, in this regard, i agree with you that the worst thing for we are behind us, that is, this is really the feeling of the spring of twenty-two, will we cope, will we be able to redirect, will we be able to trade there to provide there? basic payment for goods, can we live there without this swift system, which we prayed for, it turned out, i repeat once again, that the market defeats administrative pressure, business always finds some solutions, and despite the harsh political pressure that, as we see it turns out not only on russian business, it turns out to be on the business of those countries that work with us, post-soviet countries, countries of the middle east, nevertheless , we are looking for these solutions together, why, because including the west, again returning to this idea that he himself... is destroying
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the rules that he created, and the countries, as they are commonly called in the global south, they realize that their property is not protected, that their investments are not protected, that politically motivated ...decisions that take away their assets, take away their investments, prohibit them from trading, prohibit them from conducting transactions, and this worries everyone, when we talk about the world according to new rules, in fact, there is a political and economic position in this russia, we do not impose our rules on the whole world, we just want these rules to be really fair, so that there is free trade, free flows of capital, what the west taught us 30 years ago, and what it is now destroying itself, releasing garbage basket, we really want... to return, that’s all, it’s clear what you expect from today’s plenary session, from today’s plenary meeting, i don’t mean predictions, attempts, well, in the sense of expectations, well, you know, still with on the one hand, the forum is of course economic, and marxist philosophy taught us that economics is the basis of everything, and politics
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is the basis, but the modern world, as you have already noticed, has turned upside down so much that of course, i think that we should not expect a conversation only about economics, perhaps a plenary session is not worth it, i think , that the key issues will be related to...
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stealing, talking about what you are prohibited from trading, and so on and so forth. thank you very much, konstantin vasilievich, thank you, colleagues, for your attention, we understand this ourselves, we don’t stop, we just have started, so look forward to the inclusion of the st. petersburg international economic political forum. thank you very much, anatoly kuzichev was in direct contact with us and konstantin simonov, well , as for western sanctions, we cannot say that they do not work, they work in our favor, it turns out, god forbid, that we lifted them. first day. work of the economic forum, vladimir putin held a meeting with the heads of russian and international news agencies, then our president stated that russia has the right to respond to those countries that supply weapons for attacks on russian territories, the president in the west listened very carefully, well, it’s clear that they heard
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their own, pay attention to the headlines that came out there, and at the same time vladimir putin clearly explained that russia is not going to wave a nuclear baton, and similar questions in...
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witnesses that american weapons in russia, but in recent days we have become allowed to be used for limited direct strikes, are american weapons now used for attacks on territory russia? it is authorized for use near the border when the weapon is used across the border to attack specific targets in ukraine. we do not authorize strikes further than about 300 km into russia and do not authorize strikes against moscow. let me ask you about what vladimir putin said last night about allowing the use of american precision weapons to strike russian territory, he said: “this is direct participation in the war.” he further added that this is a step towards serious
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problems again started talking about russia's nuclear potential. does this bother you? i have known him for 40 years, he has been troubling me for 40 years, he is a dishonest person, he is a dictator. biden with his head is bad, but with bikes everything is fine and good. andrei konstantinovich, okay, there with these fairy tales of biden, i personally, yes, well, let’s say, not only was... tensed, but excited by one phrase: biden, we do not allow strikes further than about 300 km in deep into russia and do not authorize attacks on moscow and the kremlin. why suddenly? such phrases, but what about? they we chose the tactic of boiling the frog over low heat. we, let’s remember literally 2 years ago, germany declared that nothing except helmets and body armor would be supplied. then quietly, quietly, shells , small arms, hymers, now we
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are talking about airplanes, about long-range missiles, and then a statement is made, we allow strikes on targets in russia, but on a very limited list of targets, yes, if we swallow it, the next step will be taken, that is, further permits will be issued, they believe that this tactic is successful.
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position, but there is a reason that they intend to crawl back, because this phrase, which i initially reminded you of, it seems to me that the only thing missing here is probably, well, a word for now, but from biden’s side, that is, this is such a warning, as i understand it, from them, that if, then we will go even further, and increase it, that is, while they are on the path of escalating threats, so, well, i would give 70%, as if estimating as a percentage. the fact that they will not crawl away anywhere, they will only wake up after a blow to the dome, but still
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everyone, everyone believes in the best, suddenly their mind wakes up, well, yes, andrei frantsivich, after all, whether the best is believed or not, because it feels like olesya rightly noted that biden in his commentary, well, about 40 years when he knows putin , you can generally remain silent, but count by years, but he speaks openly, we can allow ukraine to attack moscow and kiev, oh kiev, if. they hit the kremlin and kiev ideologically a long time ago. what signals is biden sending us? you know, i still see a situation where they the establishment, political, consulting agencies have come to the conclusion that in the current conditions it is a good way to get out of this conflict without losing face, geopolitical leadership, as they call it, and our president has indicated that for them this is the key point, except by escalating the conflict, option.
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when, in response to the barbaric murder of the delegation of commander aksir in iraq, the americans destroyed civilian vehicles right at the exit from the airport, the iranians struck american military bases directly with their fotek-110 weapons, penetrating and po complexes. trump was president then, what happened after that? nothing.
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the americans said, oh, well, it’s kind of accidental, it doesn’t mean that the americans will immediately go to some kind of escalation. that's why. but, of course, we are now ready to act, and i, and how we are ready to act, is so that biden does not throw the consequences of such phrases to the wind. i agree with andrei konstantinovich that our president has always said that words match deeds. and if we are ready to act on them through a proxy, there are many such points of influence around the world. i remember, that there are more than 2.0 american bases around the world, there are a lot of french and british bases, on the african continent in the middle east, so the transfer. there disguised as civilian containers or directly iskander complexes with cruise ballistic missiles or bal complexes with hypersonic missiles, meaning onix, which can penetrate american airborne systems, including aircraft carriers, this can be a very sensitive, serious blow, and moreover, i’m sure that we will not begin to act when they strike,
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and these complexes are already there and the goals have already been determined , all that remains is to give the command forward, so we have already recorded this for ourselves, we are just waiting for a reason to take the corpse off the phone and say: guys, you can start working on their bases, there will be a lot of screams and squeals there is a lot on their part about this, it will be different for them, of course, you understand, when the united states bombs different countries of the world, this is a strategic necessity, when these countries defend themselves and defend their independence and their
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sovereignty, then this is a heinous crime, a short advert and we'll be back. excited by the excitement of life , tired, leaving the path of error, i yearn in my heart to rest, and near you, my priceless friend, on the anniversary of the poet, on the anniversary of the poet, even before the riot, he saved me in a snowstorm, and i gave him my hare here, and that , father, is it an eagle? it is the royal coat of arms. i was at mortal risk, but i did not betray you. i will scream. she is the daughter of the executed
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commandant mironov. and advice to you, love. watch the time after the program. do you have witnesses who can defend you? god my witness. contemporary fine art is confined to a small circle of professionals. they pay money for him, big money, sometimes very big money, but almost no one sees him. that is, if i have a hard time imagining a person who, without knowing anything, will suddenly become an artist. and i believe that every person will become an artist, absolutely, if he...
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for me, fashion is a reflection of time, a reflection of all types of art, the artist is shaped by time, he gives shape to time. matador, today on the first. no need to read 200 volumes about russia, visit one concert of the berezka ensemble. the spectators keep saying: well, that’s how they are, they don’t go, they swim. it is always a mystery, and it is your secret. so.
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you will be my tooth, now we just remember goosebumps, and of course, i said yes, birch, beauty in russian, on sunday on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, i, what are you, my god, how many years have passed, the detachment is leaving, there is a fire in a residential building. hello,
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tamara vitalievna, i think that oleg has already forgiven me. i have not forgiven and will not forgive. oleg, me need your help. duty officer, stay out of the unit. what's happened? it's because of her, right? leave him alone, okay? we love each other. let's mind your own business. this is vojta, in russian form. i left for finland, already pregnant, and didn’t tell him anything. and that social services took it away from me. i was accused of suffocating motherly love, he was taken away from me because i loved him so much. one chance for three premieres from monday on the first. oleg, i need you to come with me to finland and claim your rights to your son. what? vojta is your son. st. petersburg
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international economic forum under the patronage and with the participation of the president of the russian federation. one of the largest and most significant business events in the world. more important. a platform for exchanging experiences and discussing key issues of the global economy, a unique space for dialogue with the participation of individuals who determine the paths of economic development. twenty-seventh st. petersburg international economic forum, all the most important things at the first. in france, a ceremony was held to commemorate and land the landings in normandy, for some reason the main topic of the meeting was not historical memory, but the conflict in ukraine, and france is actively running to the top of
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the escalation of this conflict. emmanuel macron said that he allows kiev to carry out strikes with long-range weapons, promised to send fighters to help ukraine and train even more military personnel. we tell the ukrainians, we do not allow you to use weapons to attack. civilian population, but to neutralize the point from which you were attacked, yes, france is helping the ukrainians resist, but we do not want escalation, and in no case are we in a state of war against russia and its people, what we are doing is different, to be very specific, tomorrow during my meeting with zelensky, we are going to start a new cooperation, and we will provide the mirage 2000 and offer to train pilots. the task is to train 4,500 ukrainian soldiers and...
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he said that regular troops will not go to ukraine, which means that french president macron is telling us that we will provide a mirage, we will train pilots, which means we will fully staff the brigade, he says the french brigade, 4,500 soldiers, ukrainian, he really says, but the brigade is french, you know, the president says one thing, the prime minister says the absolutely opposite, yes, but it’s like a state of constructive uncertainty, they have been in it for a very long time, now regarding normandy, it seems to me that this is, in fact, not an attempt, they even probably continue to manipulate history in general, in fact, mr. balych, don’t run ahead of the locomotives, we know that ,
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like this... putin's press conference, yes, that is , the russian leader meets with journalists, including journalists from unfriendly countries, you know, yes, that is, they invite the british to the press conference, i don’t know there, there are germans, french, everyone present has the right to ask the leader of russia any question that interests them, and he is absolutely open to his society and honestly answers
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even the most...
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this is not a political secret, all these drones allegedly created by ukraine are like know-how that was not invented , no, this is it again weapons that are supplied to them by the british, to which they actually attack, relatively speaking, the fleet, and this is manipulation, it happens, why, because the west in every possible way wants to avoid responsibility, positioning itself as a kind of neutral party, at a minimum, and at a maximum by countries, which help protect, so to speak, independence. you know what bothered me in this phrase between moscow and the kremlin there biden, yes, about the blows, when he said that he, in my opinion, is also manipulating, he seems to be separating moscow from russia, but for us it’s a blow to moscow, excuse me, is unacceptable, as in belgorod, in kursk, in donbass, in crimea, this is all one country, this is all russia, so these western manipulations, we are examining them, dissecting them, so that it is simply clear that we are all we are well
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aware and understand about them. we have connections to st. petersburg, in just a few hours the plenary session with the participation of our president will begin, but now anatoly kuzichev and guests vizhunev. yes, not apparently, definitely not guests, interlocutors, this is konstantin valerievich malofeev, head of constantinople, thank you, by the way , valery, for being with us. congratulations on your isolation, unparalleled, unprecedented. yes, it is very noticeable. according to this number of our friends from latin america, africa, asia and europe. and even in parts of the united states. everyone is expecting, my colleagues are quite right, they said that everyone is waiting for the plenary session, we are already, well, discussing what can and should be there, or will be said, it is clear that it will not only be about economics , but about politics, what do you expect from this plenary session, from the president’s speech? this is the year of russia’s chairmanship of the brix, and this should be preceded by a lot of things with the president’s speech,
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because we will be... financial, well, this is an economic forum, so first of all i’m talking about the economy, so i think that the speech will be devoted to this, at least to the extent that everyone is waiting for this, everyone is waiting, for example, for the introduction of the brix currency, that’s who we haven’t talked to among our international interlocutors, they are surprised, they say, when will we introduce at least for trade settlements in the brix currency, because until the hegemony of the dollar is overthrown, we cannot talk about america being bankrupt in the future due to its thirty-five trillion dollar debt, so that america
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will finally lose. therefore, this is one, this is the financial system, the second is the recognition that a multipolar world is based on a fair division of the world's wealth. and, probably, transnational corporations based in the united states or england should not be the main buyers and main beneficiaries of those natural resources. resources that are in russia, in africa, in asia, they must be distributed fairly, since russia has now escaped from this globalism, but they themselves left us, then we... are a very good example for all other countries of the world, what is happening with the economy, when foreign investors leave, look, our economy is growing, looking at this, our guests from other parts of the world can conclude that if foreign investors, meaning
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european american ones, leave them, then their economy will only turn green, only will grow, this is a good example and also an expectation, because we are waiting for our leader to definitely talk about this, talk about how the economy is doing when foreign investors leave? yes, well, those same investors, well, in the broad sense of the word, not only economic investors, i would say, so-called investors, before we were them, now they are also so-called partners, well, partners are also investors, they are are also aware of these danger risks, so of course they are unlikely to retreat, well, they left, they left us and gave us the opportunity to start living independently, and for our business it would be good if our central bank would help. rate, that’s what we all, of course, expected, the movement would be in the other direction, but now they tell us that the loan will still be expensive, so, if we had a cheap loan, i think that the russian economy would boom would be an example that would go down in the history books, as
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thanks to western sanctions, that is, the fact that they stopped purchasing our natural resources from us and processing them into goods consumer consumption and sell with a large, correspondingly added value at home and under their own brands, how... can the economy revive simply because western companies have stopped working with it, for this all that needs to be done is to return a cheap loan to us , we also all expect that this will be discussed, we are not sure that the central bank will take such a position, but the real business here on the forum, the regions, we are all of course waiting for a cheaper loan in order to the economy was able to rush forward at an even greater speed than it is now, thanks to sanctions. thank you very much, valerievich, we often, by the way, talk about how this time will be included in textbooks, in history textbooks, in economics textbooks, god willing, it will also be included, and of course i want this, that this hefty paragraph is called an amazing victory for russia, well amazing, because under pressure, so to speak, unprecedented sanctions there, half
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of the world, and we are such an excellent option, so be it, so be it, thank you very much, it was with us, leaders, colleagues, thank you very much, well , as for history, then... the west writes its own history textbook, where, naturally, they are only the winners of everything possible. in france, they celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the allied landing in normandy, for some reason they invited zelensky, who there represented someone unknown, it is unclear why, but at the same time they did not invite russia. vladimir putin, during his communication with the heads of foreign news agencies, also answered the question of what russia’s reaction would be. now you said what will happen holiday, but it turns out that we are strangers at this celebration of life, how many american soldiers died during the war against nazism, 5000, 600, well, somewhere 500.400, there are even
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fewer british, many fewer british died than in the first world war, as you know, the main sacrifices on the altar of common victory were... these are the main main contributions to the defeat of nazism, of course, this is an obvious thing, you just need to read what churchel or rooseville said at the time about the contribution of the soviet union, considering russia into a common victory over
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nazism, well, this is obvious, everyone knows, only unscrupulous people can completely distort these facts, god bless him, let them note. listen to me, how can you celebrate such a serious date in the fight against nazism with those who put neo-nazis on a pedestal and make them national heroes? indeed , what once was a shafot in the west has become a pedestal and it doesn’t matter in the west who to honor and support, the main thing is that the question is answered with interest. who does zelensky represent in normandy, and most importantly, who now
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they are being honored there, it’s still on our agenda, for example, one of the veterans for some reason reaches out to kiss the hand of a kiev guest performer, maybe he thought it was bridget macron, i don’t know, but probably an incident in the canadian parliament that happened relatively recently, and it turns out that a year has already passed, during the stormy ovation for the nazi criminal it was not just an accident, now look how the meme is spreading, who do you represent here?
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the eightieth anniversary of the normandy landings takes place in france. world leaders paid tribute to all those who took part in the allied landings that helped end the second world war. meeting of generations of peoples. dozens of canadian world war ii veterans applauded as they took their places of honor at the canadian war cemetery in normandy. heads of twenty-five states arrived at the ceremony, former allies and enemies met to honor the memory of heroes and remembered the atrocities of the second world war. but of course, there are those who could not attend this event. vladimir putin was not invited to the ceremony. the soviet union obviously played an important role in the normandy landings, as well as in the liberation of europe. but today. the list of participants is certainly related to the situation in ukraine. now
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the allies are trying to come to some kind of unity in order to strengthen the country, which is in a very tense situation due to the war with russia. and despite the fact that today leaders honor the heroes who fell in the second world war, they understand that now the world is also experiencing a new war. western allies have many problems to solve, and unfortunately, not everyone agrees on how to do this. in the afternoon, a left-leaning french newspaper devoted its front page to ukrainian
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leader vladimir zelensky's appearance at the event and the conspicuous absence of russian leader vladimir putin. vladimir zelensky is actively commemorating the common goal that the anniversary of the normandy landings represents. the ceremony will be attended by representatives of many countries that participated in those historical events, as well as canadians, germans, even the president of italy. this gives the feeling that the speech is about political and military alliances against the backdrop of the memory of heroic events of the past. this is the ukrainian president, he is fighting now. you are the savior of the people. what can i say about historical injustice? this is the presence of zelensky and... the absence of putin at the meeting in normandy. the americans lost
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185.00 people from nazi germany, this is already a lot, too much. the soviet union lost 21 million people. can you imagine? compare: 21 million and 185. so the absence of vladimir putin, no matter what we think about him, no matter what we think about russian politics, impossible. during the war it will be strange to call putin. in this case, it would be better not to invite anyone, because the first victim would die on the day. the landing of the allied troops began with the frenchman emile bouétard. corporal paratrooper. he died on june 5, 1944. by killing a ukrainian ss man, because, i assure you, there were many ukrainians in the ranks of the ss. oh, in general in the west there are few new historical facts, but there are a lot of new historical versions, and history really doesn’t teach them anything, all because this history has been systematically taught to them for a long time
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distorted. well, zelensky, if he teaches history, then he very quickly rethought it of his own free will, or not, this is a separate story, but... actually, what kind of allies, but if they
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mean the second world war, then let’s frankly call , who the allies were then and who they fought against, but if he wants the allies to land. we are ready to unite with those who are ready to be our allies there in ukraine to defeat nazism again. you know, there are no eternal allies, so i actually think that’s the purpose of this of the whole event - to once again try to convince the whole world that in fact the key role in the fight against fascism was played not by some soviet union, but by the united states of america, you see, it’s not for us, we know this story to the whole world. impose the idea that the united states of america played a key role in the victory over fascism. do you think you need to study history in order to understand this? no, you just need to raise the act of surrender and see who signed this act of surrender and to whom, in order to understand who and whom defeated
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results of the second world war, who buried this fascism and nazism, who fought against it? who was the accomplice of these same fascists, right? well, today there is a desire to rewrite history, based on their current political and geopolitical interests, so , in fact, that’s what they are doing. as for zelensky himself, you know, he doesn’t care about events with fascism, they are there or whatever it’s about, for him now the most important task is to betray legitimacy to himself, it doesn’t matter to him where to go, to what country, well, here he is... flew to the philippines, can you tell me for what purpose he flew there, ukraine has some kind of trade relations with this country or what he wants, what goal he sets for himself as a politician by visiting the philippines, so to speak, but nothing, just one the goal is to shake hands with the presidents, with the prime ministers of any country in order to once again emphasize their
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legitimacy, let’s say, if i am met, relatively speaking in these countries, then i am a legitimate president, nothing else he... official representatives of germany, italy, the leader of the banderaites of ukraine, and all the pathos of the speeches is directed against russia and china,
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which was also part of the united nations, fought against asya, berlin-tokyo, that means. but this is not the first time we have seen this, you and i saw how the president of the united states of america with pathos laid wreaths on the victims of a nuclear bombing in kerosene, despite the fact that the united states of america not only did not apologize for this bombing, but continues to firmly declare, that it was carried out correctly, in japanese history textbooks it is written that kheroshima and nagasaki bombed by the allies. some allies, sorry, the soviet union did not launch any nuclear strikes, history is used there, it is part of the general liberal concept, history.
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there is no chair, but he is clearly trying to find one, for some reason he put his fist to the veteran’s cheek, well , it’s strange, nevertheless, in general, users on social networks had something to laugh at and mock, they actively did it, but we understand american politics very well, this is always a show, here is the memory of the second world war and the presence in normandy, the biden team wants to use to win election race, this time biden had to repeat ronald reagan's trick. on the eve of a trip to normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the d-day landings, president joe biden and his team took a close look at how conservatives
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used a similar visit 40 years ago. biden will follow reagan in both rhetoric and policy, three sources said. in june 1984 , reagan traveled to france to give two speeches commemorating the heroic sacrifices of thousands of american soldiers during world war ii. war. ultimately, this helped him win a second term. biden's aides are open about their desire to repeat the success. reagan was a hollywood actor who was 73 in 1984 and had not yet suffered from alzheimer's disease, while the current president has never been known for sharp rhetoric or even clear communication. andrey frantich, well, if biden had an attempt to somehow use this in his election campaign, then here it probably turned out with a negative context, or we are mistaken, or it will all be presented there as can i overcome? you know, i look at the footage of how poor old biden is being tortured, i feel sorry for him, but it’s really just a mockery, you know, i want such a slogan, immediately freedom for joe
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biden, there’s a new movement in america, because he’s really, well, he’s a sick person, he’s just in to some extent he doesn’t realize where he is, he has a different goal setting, he wants to rest, he wants his favorite vanilla ice cream and so on, they pump him up with some kind of stimulants so that he walks along the path, his wife takes him there somewhere , well, this is really a mockery of -
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the fact that he was a drug addict, was, relatively speaking, under arrest and so on, which is a serious violation, this is a very short path to civil war and serious
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street rallies, and we understand that the sharp increase in violent murders that are now happening there in cities, this has never happened, that is, america is not only a leader, in some part they have already overtaken countries, how they have overwhelmed the third world, and are approaching african countries in terms of growth percentage; it was not possible to use it as... the chosen company , let's switch to a short advertisement and we’ll come back, there are high mountains, clear lakes, beautiful gorges and healing springs with mineral water, we are in kabordino balkaria, are there any visual points by which you can determine that the horse will be cool in appearance and simply in appearance horses, as they say, horses are never born. one of the rarest species of sturgeon, we get albinos, it’s feeding time now, you can try it, but of course, it doesn’t
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taste good. i heard that some mystical things are happening here, time stands still, people they don’t grow old, my grandfather got married at 110, his life, the premiere, on sunday on the first, nosaram, the enemy will not pass, little man konstantin eroshenko was detained in africa, you were immediately transported to the united states, serious torture, not sleeping without water, beaten heels, there are internal organs. russian citizens were literally kidnapped, it’s impossible to believe it, we live in the 21st century, there were a lot of loud statements addressed to me, all these accusations were pure lies. kostya is such a strong person, i don’t know how he is managed to pull myself together, well, in general, he reassured me, they let an employee of the prosecutor’s office into the jury room,
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which no one has the right to enter, when... the assessors came out, one young girl betrayed herself, who began to cry at the moment when dad was convicted, russian pilot yaroshenko, goodby america, premiere on sunday on the first, it will be hot. what where when? summer series of games. on sunday on the first. to the poet's anniversary. alexander sergeevich pushkin is one of the main cultural brands of our country. there wouldn't be pushkin, there would be no one further, neither gogol, nor lermontov, nor dostoevsky with tolstoy. he was an unusually emotional person,
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passionate by nature, and so on. at the same time , someone lived in it. such a great renaissance harmony, if you like, on the internet, i suddenly discovered this headline, pushkin’s main passion was cards, but he was less lucky in them than in the love of poetry, then i shuddered, podcast paws, on sunday on the first, at least a child is it a lie or an idea, what difference does it make to you, great, calm down, yana, you promised that my son would be with me, mark, i will play the role of a father, but... a few seconds to pick up my son. a review of the case is not accepted, the real one should be prohibited from giving birth at all, the decision is that the man would tear everyone apart if they touched his woman and son, there are no men here, but i
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see, i will press this, a commotion will begin, everyone will start running back and forth , we will have “she stole it, this russian takes everything she wants, oleg, what are you standing for, he runs away, he recognized us, at the moment their whereabouts are unknown, the police believe that they are heading, we don’t need your help, we can handle it ourselves, and i myself will save my mother, i’m anna kettenin, a citizen of finland, you know, her son, a citizen of finland, he was actually born here, and you are now an international terrorist, one chance for three, premiere from monday on the first. “get out of the car, mom, keep your feet down, i’ll shoot, go ahead, shoot.” when he ascended the throne, he made a promise that with me everything would be like with my grandmother. catherine the great did not hide her desire to transfer the throne to her eldest grandson alexander, bypassing her unloved son pavel petrovich. but it worked out
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otherwise, the future emperor joined the conspiracy against paul. so. the patricide will haunt him until his last day. he will spend a quarter of a century on the throne and will go down in history as the blessed alexander, reformer, favorite of the people, savior of the fatherland. bonoparte's victorious march across europe was steadily bringing the clash with russia closer. therefore, the central event of alexander's reign will be his confrontation with napoleon. he prepared not only the army for war, but also the russian secret mission organized by alexander. operated in paris so successful that the emperor regularly received detailed reports about napoleon's plans. when the invasion of russia by the french army began in june 1812, alexander called everyone into the ranks of the russian army to defend the fatherland and freedom. empire, alexander i, premiere. on russia day on the first. yesterday the whole country
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celebrated the 225th anniversary of the birth of the sun of our poetry, alexander pushkin. they decided to cancel the ban on pushkin in ukraine, but it’s a classic for that reason, because it’s forever in honor of the 225th anniversary of his birth pushkin in russian cinemas the cartoon pushkin and mikhailovsky began was released, this is a true and
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fictional story about the funny mysterious adventures of the poet.
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he disappeared, mourned by freedom, leaving his crown to the world, make noise, worry about bad weather, he was, o
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sea, your singer, your image was marked on him, he was created by your spirit, like you, powerful, stern and gloomy, like you, we won’t tame anything. in cinemas from june 6th. further news , a love date, no matter what your heart is, on the first, no matter where you rush, even if you have a secret dream, but meet her, confused, you suddenly stop involuntarily, reverently, in reverence, before the shrine of beauty. to the poet's anniversary.


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