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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 7, 2024 12:15pm-2:59pm MSK

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they were divided, it is not clear why, in the end the pensioner was able to go out to people, but nothing is still known about the guys, the search group has already been increased to five thousand people, the territory is being combed by a rescuer, the ministry of emergency situations, the police, dog handlers, and volunteers have also joined. that's all for now, the broadcast is on the first, the program will continue, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues, we work live in st. petersburg. the work of the international economic forum is underway, in the middle of the day vladimir putin is expected to speak at the plenary session, traditionally, we will talk about economics, let me remind you that over 17 thousand people from 136 countries of the world take part in the forum, our colleague anatoly kuzichev works at the forum, anatoly alexandrovich, once again we give you the floor from our studio in moscow. yes, thank you very much, we accept your word with gratitude, as with us. you see, first
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deputy chairman of the state duma of the russian federation, alexander dmitrievich zhukov, alexander dmitrievich, thank you very much for being with us, good afternoon, great attention at the forum, well, it’s understandable, as it were, but still it requires someone, so to speak, expansion, deepening into the topic, focusing on brix, of course, russia is chairing brix this year, preparations for the summit in kazan are now actively underway, in my opinion , in a month there will be a parliamentary, parliamentary summit, parliamentary summit of the brix countries, why is there such attention and how...
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on equal, as they say, conditions, striving to create a fair, multipolar world, this is what distinguishes brix, and i think that's why many countries would like to become members of the brix, but as for the economy, today the total gross domestic product of the founders of the brix five countries already exceeds the gdp per capita and the gross domestic product of the seven countries at purchasing power parity exceeds the gross domestic product of the seven countries and is developing brix countries at a higher rate than the most developed country
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today, so the prospects for this organization are very serious, and given that what they said, is it possible, or will it be an exaggeration for some even attracted there, maybe, but in general is it possible to say that then an application to join brix is ​​obtained, now there are several dozen applications about brix, turkey means it is showing such a completely unambiguous, clear and obvious interest, can we consider that the desire to join brix is ​​a kind of declaration, including a political one? undoubtedly, undoubtedly, this is not only economic, but political, maybe even primarily political declaration, and the fact that a nato country is about to join brix is ​​a serious signal to our enemies, i would say so, to past partners, yes, but it is very important that there is interaction not only at the government level, but also to actively involve in this interaction.
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parliaments, last year we held two very serious parliamentary summits of the countries of south america and africa, and we talked a lot with the leadership of the parliaments of these countries, they all show very great interest in brix, well, you know, five countries have already accepted, there for sure would be next in line there is.
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and profitable, because we see what to say, what economic sanctions are applied, which cause damage, of course, and worldwide. although you can aim at this in principle, maybe it would be a reasonable goal, today we are talking about developing a mechanism for mutual settlements and, above all , settlements between the banks of our countries, yes, ideally, of course, there could be a single
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unit of account, you know how in due time there was a transferable ruble, but in the times of seva, or the euro also did not begin as... a single currency iq was such a unit of account, here it is such a project, it’s called r5, because all the currencies of the countries of the five founders of brix probably start, ruble, rupee and so on, rent, yes, here, but, but for now these are all, so to speak, projects, for today the main thing is that in trade with the brix countries, we have already switched to settlements in national currencies by 80%.
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all business associations, and what is very important, yesterday the results of tsomovsky surveys were announced, how people feel about these changes in the tax system, well, the three most important areas or from what point
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of view to evaluate fairness, the first in general, are these changes fair or not, because what are the principles? people who earn more, well, relatively speaking, the rich, must pay higher rates, a progressive scale of up to 22%, on the contrary, low-income people, families with two or more children receive additional benefits, will pay not 13 there, but 6%, with this point of view, people, in my opinion, almost 80% of those surveyed believe that this is fair. an increase in rates, a progressive scale, simultaneously with benefits, second, stability, means that it assumes that these changes will be made, they will operate without changes for several years, this is also very important, it
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is important for business so that it can build its plans based on what is proposed, because in recent years, unfortunately, this is a necessity.
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forum and of course today for the plenary session at which our
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president will speak, well, for the continuation of work until the tax system is set up, so to speak, thank you very much, alexander zhukov was with us, colleagues, thank you very much, anatoly, we are waiting for new inclusions, of course , we are waiting for the plenary session, where our president will speak very soon, but now on to the news from the front, in the kherson direction there will be several dozen, and maybe even hundreds, of enemy drones fewer; yesterday our fighters destroyed drone control centers and electronic warfare stations there. zelensky, meanwhile, went to a meeting with western curators in normandy, while the west is trying to improve zelensky’s image and bask in the last rays of glory, in ukraine his rating is falling catastrophically, especially among those ukrainians who are unlucky to be at the front. let's see what the western media say about this.
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they have stories coming out there, but what do we see in fact in ukraine they are trying to compensate for the lack of morale with numbers, but dmitry georgievich, how effective is it , how does it work? well, we see that in fact, of course, the population is increasingly critical of the position, behavior, policy, and decisions made by official kiev. this has so far resulted in very modest things related to attempts to repel those men who are being tried to be drafted to the front, but it is clear that when women and elderly people enter into a fight with these gentlemen, equipped in military uniform, who are engaged in the tasks of conscription for military service in ukraine, this
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requires a certain courage, they end up under the distribution of batons, and under the action of the police, for... the sbu came, but this form of expression, it seems to me, is also a general protest against the policy that is being pursued in this regard, the situation for zelensky is gradually worsening, aggravating, boiling up, as it were, in ukraine, and this is generally natural , because people can be strangled, intimidated for a while, but people’s worldview does not change with a click, they haven’t forgotten which zelensky they voted for, they didn’t vote for this zelensky, they saw antiporoshenko in him, they are super. poroshenko, they voted for a completely different program, for friendship with russia, for ending the war in donbass, for the free circulation of the russian language, suddenly they were cynically deceived, they will forgive something, or something, i repeat, they can be intimidated, they can be silent, no, they can be silent for a while, realizing that it’s one thing when a person is ready to suffer himself, but when his family, his children, his loved ones may suffer because of him, this very
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often stops a person, where a person can be a hero by himself, he cannot always be a hero. that’s when the fates of other people depend on him, but the general situation of growing indignation, of course, can lead to the fact that ukraine will boil over, or maybe, on the contrary , the task here is to eliminate all the witnesses, so that there is no one to forgive, nikita, i it seems, yes, this is a very correct idea, the fact is that zelensky, look, he is not only getting rid of his political competitors, remember the same zaluzhny, he does not tolerate any competition in the political space, despite the fact that he already exists. expired and illegitimate, we very often heard, remember, when there were maidans, how passionate, energetic, the ukrainian people are, how they love to go out into the streets, defend their opinions there, and so on, even now let’s assume that this is so, that in fact, all the passionary forces that exist in ukraine, for example, who come out with
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extreme right-wing nationalist, well , in fact, such nazi ideas, they were... destroyed, small enclaves remained, but in fact they were all simply removed in a meat grinder by zelensky himself. then there are healthy, adequate pro-russian forces, which i hope also exist in ukraine, here the situation is also complicated, a huge number are behind the walls of the sbu, a large number, naturally, fleeing for their lives, left, in this sense, when zelensky sends more and more to the front more recruits without any training, he pursues not only military goals, he pursues. ical goal, because, let’s say, a situation in which some part of ukraine will be preserved, maybe even statehood will be preserved, who will be in the opposition, there will be no one left, women, children, old people, oh well, there will be a power bloc, which, mind you, to the last zelensky protects these internal gouleiters, which for zelensky are necessary in order to
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tighten this totalitarianism in ukraine even more strongly regime, that’s why zelensky, it seems to me, chose this terrible, you know, tactics, well... cannibals for real, he devours his people not only to show loyalty to the west, because for the west this is one of the main goals, no, no weapons, no help, if you are not actually bodies, and try to stop with corpses and giants, to stop the russian offensive, but the internal political goal is to make sure that if something happens , no one can offer resistance, so that ukraine turns into a country of widows, women, old people, and children, really soon.
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when they clearly feed you crap and at the same time convince you that it’s delicious, well, this is already arrogance, you must admit, we feed half the world, and we ourselves sit hungry, we are one of the richest countries in the world in terms of resources, but we live like beggars, how can you go for 500 hryvnia on the maidan we can do something for free for ourselves, for our children, no, maybe we’ve had enough of this, guys, but enough is enough, it will get worse, we’ll continue to sit without work. no money, no light, light, last night for 5 o'clock, given, 15 minutes, payments, don't forget.
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these measures, when people are forcibly taken from the street and sent to the front, of course, people see them too, in most families this is already the case, either the father, or the son, or the son-in-law, or one of the family members has already died or been seriously injured , so now the war is being waged over the heads of the ukrainian population, i have the impression that it’s the same in the west, at the moment i can only talk about germany, but we have an overwhelming silent majority, i notice this from the reactions to my words that many people concerned about how we're handling... this war, the aggressiveness of the language, the demonization of putin, and so on. this doesn’t mean at all that they always immediately begin to suspect that you are a friend of putin or a friend of russia? no, we are talking about
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what i talked about earlier, what will happen next, what awaits us next? and it cannot be that we continue to support the war against the will of the ukrainian population, which at some point will also be directed against us. this cannot and should not be the case, and this is where the government must take action. well in they do everything contrary to europe. the opinion of the majority of people, but most importantly - not against the will of the united states. very soon we will have a plenary session at the st. petersburg economic forum with the participation of our president, i’m sure these questions will be asked there, but the economy will not get by, now we have st. petersburg connections, anatoly kuzichev, and as i understand it, and friends faces in the frame. hello, once again, the floor is yours. yes, good afternoon, colleagues, thank you again, we accept your word with gratitude, as usual.
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belarusians are ready today to build a large
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pig-breeding complex here; a very big story will develop for beef, when we can deeply process products, when we do not send grain, when we prepare compound feed from it, when we prepare flour from it, when we feed cattle , which comes... again, not just in the form of raw meat, that goes without saying, but also meat processing plants that produce sausage, a whole range of products, this is what the forum gives us today, this communication with the regions, communication with our close neighbors, who are ready to invest today, with business, again, this morning - there was a big, good, very big dialogue, communication at breakfasts, which was organized by sberbank, where we talked with a number of people. business merchants who are ready to enter our region today, they don’t know many things, because they get everything only from the media, when
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you talk directly, when...
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people have a general idea of ​​some kind of a very general nature yes about the life of the regions, about what is where and how, this is where you meet, person to person, eye to eye, and well, it’s completely different, probably a new understanding, and the main thing is that there are new perspectives, the main thing is that there is time to convey this in a normal form, because people mainly get information only from telegram channel through the media of television channels, this is not enough, this is very good, but this is not enough when they come to...
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poems, fairy tales, his works are familiar to us all from early childhood, in general, no cancelation virus has power over in the style of the great russian poet. in honor of the 225th anniversary of pushkin’s birth , the cartoon pushkin and the mikhailovsky element was released in russian cinemas; these are true and fictional stories about the funny mysterious adventures of the poet.
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no one’s gaze has yet penetrated into his abode, but you are the evil scheming destroyer, you will enter it and the villain will perish from your hand, i must no longer tell you the fate of your future days. my son in your revocation of will, already in cinemas, watch, let's take a short advertisement and return, to the poet's anniversary, everyone the tsar wears special signs with him, note how the tsars recognize, listen, brothers, the third emperor is with us, fyodor fedorovich, this
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is captain mironov, he himself, there is also a captain’s daughter, it’s commendable, my sir, that you are starting your service from the garrison, oh how good they are for you, such... watch the time after the program. contemporary fine art is confined to a small circle of professionals;
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they pay money for it, big money, sometimes very big money, but almost no one sees it. that is, if i have a bad idea of ​​a person who, without knowing nothing, he suddenly becomes an artist, and i believe that every person will become an artist, absolutely, if he... your exhibition should perform the same function as a politician’s speech, so it should be addressed to a specific viewer, a specific group, and produce what -that's the result. clothes are one of the optimal means of self-expression, but in everyday life people rarely take advantage of this opportunity. i started thinking about how i could do the same thing to spice up my own graphics. i collected records from all my friends, parents.
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the story is embodied in the first channel blockbuster union of salvation. that russia needs to take troops, go somewhere outside the city, set up some kind of camp, but the conspirators themselves could not clearly formulate what the plan was, and nikolai understood the dilemma well, they want to make me a tyrant or a coward, who is this person , the one who turned the reforms in the neck or the person who saved from bloodshed, and this famous question that the emperor asked pushkin, what would you do if on december 14 of the twenty-fifth year you found yourself in petersburg, pushkin before senate square and pushkin after, about two.
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a young girl who cried when her dad was convicted. russian pilot yaroshenko, goodby america, premiere on sunday on the first.
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in 2024, russia celebrates a special date: 225 years. on pushkin’s birthday, the most beloved poet for many of our compatriots, when i was little, they read pushkin’s fairy tales to me, and now that i have grown up, i read pushkin’s fairy tales to my son. kalmyks are dear to us because in his novel, he is the captain’s daughter used an old kolmytsky tale about an eagle and a crow. every phrase, every line entered people’s hearts, whoever needed it, the palace, then something else, we wish all families to always read the work of alexander sergeevich pushkin. pushkin is our everything. the information
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channel on the first continues. we work live. and in the west, it seems, they began to understand that they could help ukraine get rid of such big problems. the hill offered zelensky the best option, in their opinion. for kyiv to end the conflict, here which. i've spent almost the last two weeks talking to political and business leaders across europe and the middle east, the vast majority. did not speak in the spirit that ukraine wins, russia loses; on the contrary, the answers turned out to be much less clear, the conflict will end with ukraine forever ceding to russia some part of its territory, possibly donetsk, donbass and the southern coast of the black sea, and crimea. but none of my interlocutors even suggested that ukraine would be able to completely expel the russians from their territory forever, and if this is so, if the most likely outcome in ukraine admittedly seems to be the division of the country in one way or another.
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this is a proposal, to what extent it is generally salutary and acceptable, it may be for ukraine, because no one is questioning or doubting what ukraine is capable of at all.
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articles, they are no longer isolated, most likely this is building such bridges for the future, let’s say, throwing the ball on the side of russia, which, in principle, is probably someday this conflict will definitely end, we will probably definitely begin negotiations with russia, that is, this is preparation , including the european ukrainian mass opinion, because the ukrainians, i know this for sure, they are extremely susceptible to this. .. a complementary attitude towards the western press, they are always
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told that the west is cool, this is the peak where we are striving, and if any western press writes any publications there, that we need to negotiate, well , we probably need to listen , that means it’s possible this is really such a way out for us, especially since, as was quite rightly said today in this studio, discontent is growing, the number of victims is growing, the number of injured, wounded, and so on, the sowing season has been disrupted, industry is in complete shambles, and so on. well, therefore, we come to the conclusion that indeed, this is how this western expert voiced it, the only option in this case, in case of complete collapse and the fall of ukraine and the impossibility of winning, is its division, right, because well, not enough there will be those who are ready to resist, why the hell are you giving up our territories, supposedly for which we are fighting, and accordingly there is no resistance, it’s easier to divide and cut. dmitry georgivich, when they are ready to sit down at the negotiating table to start dividing ukraine, because...
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more than once in this studio we discussed western strategy, most experts agreed that their task was to prolong the conflict as long as possible, so no, no one wants to live with a connection.
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he said that now he, macron, well, accordingly, he said, on behalf of the entire west, he does not see any prerequisites for conducting any negotiations at all, and the press secretary of our president, dmitry peskov, absolutely said that there are no prerequisites now for conducting negotiations, hence the conclusion is drawn, that they want to raise the stakes as much as possible now, yes, to extract for themselves such tasty conditions for further negotiations, it is from here that this desire to escalate the conflict and... acts in such a way that it shrinks, on others, on the contrary, that it straightens out. the western press began to throw out another topic, naturally, in coordination with kiev’s submission; the british financial
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times published an article that russia had destroyed more than half of ukraine’s energy sector. russia withdrew. building more than half of ukraine's power plants, triggering rolling blackouts across the country. when asked what such damage would entail in the coming month, one ukrainian official answered bluntly: we must learn to live in the cold and darkness, this is our new normal. according to forecasts, by january there will be electricity served to consumers for a couple of hours a day. and here is an amazing fact, but the ukrainian ministry of energy was wildly outraged by the publication of this article and information. couldn’t come up with anything better, as financial times journalists were accused of working in the interests of russia. the article has signs of an information and psychological operation; it is manipulative in nature and promotes the enemy’s narratives. the translated excerpts of the article were reprinted by many ukrainian media, published in a number of telegram channels and caused
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a resonance in society. unnamed a representative of the ukrainian government argues in the article that we must prepare for life in the cold and darkness. such.
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and the fact is, everyone knows about this, you are immediately accused of working for the kremlin, this is already on fire, or while the convulsions are still mild, well , let’s imagine a situation that financial times really promotes about the kremlin narratives, then bravo to our technologists, because we were able to deliver armed with the truth, common sense and just basic expertise, because any specialist who is not even a great specialist in energy, understands that in the absence of half of the generating capacities... not only, by the way, generating capacities, we know that substations, distribution stations were hit, it is absolutely obvious to everyone that the coming season, ukraine, well, that part of ukraine that before this really calmly used electricity, it will be, well, if not in a state of, you know, such cave medieval times, then at least about
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some basic basic needs that they are accustomed to, which, by the way, are it’s also very important, the soviet union brought it to them, and they really like to deny it, so here you go. here , regarding the agony, what my colleague nearby spoke about, regarding the stage of accepting the inevitable, but it seems to me that the west is still divided into different groups, there are completely inadequate people who are still since then, at the stage of denial, such as macron, who , despite all the failed attempts at a counter-offensive, despite the costs europe bears, despite the mood in ukraine, europe is still trying to do something talking about victory over russia, this is a group of... deniers, let's call them that. there is a second group, these are those who adhere to the position of anger, they say, let’s go to the last ukrainian, it doesn’t matter that we won’t win, but we have such anger, let’s destroy everyone. but it will be bad for russia, now they are more or less smart, or let’s say, not smart, but perspicacious, i understand that we need to start the stage of political trade,
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it’s not without reason that they are already throwing into the information space the story that no one in europe is publicly doesn't talk about division of ukraine, but in the kulars, in general, everyone is already ready to talk about it, but the problem is different: this is what my respected colleague spoke about, right here next door, that a special military operation in ukraine is not only about ukraine, this is about... a new new era in international relations, this is about new meaningful narratives in global politics, which russia itself carries, in this sense, ukraine will be handed over to the poles , they can be given to the hungarians, and russia, and so on, the question is different, what after a victory or after a decision all the goals of a special military operation, europe and the west as a whole will face a personal crisis; they lost to the russians, although they rang out to the whole world that they would defeat the russians with the help of weapons. western forces there of ukrainian soldiers and officers, since this cannot be done, secondly, we see that the same europe is incurring huge economic costs,
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by the way, about energy, let's think about who can replace this energy, where they will import electricity from , the same ukraine from the west, and the west loves giving your energy for nothing to a country that is bankrupt and that already lives on western loans and subsidies, of course not, but germany has mothballed it altogether. this is just a story about a precedent, about the fact that russia, as part of a special military operation, despite the fact that it was opposed by the entire combined power of the western world, technological, financial, economic, military, and so on, showed the rest of the world that before this time, well, i was just afraid to say something in relation to america and the west, which could pursue their sovereign policy, defending their national interests, including the following:
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there are too many checks on where money is spent. us president joe biden will meet his ukrainian counterpart volodymyr zelensky in france this week at a tense moment in relations between the two governments as kiev is frustrated by the pace of military aid and us criticism of ukraine's anti-corruption efforts. relations between the two governments appear to have reached their lowest point since russia began full-scale invasion in february 2000. the issue of corruption in ukraine has repeatedly become a source of controversy, with us diplomats and officials
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demanding decisive action from the zelensky government. ukrainian officials are particularly irritated by us ambassador bridget bring over the issue. the us ambassador created unnecessary tension and lost sight of the main priority - victory on the battlefield. in other words, yes, don’t stick your nose into our, that is, internal financial affairs, dear western investors, stick your money. which the logic should be that as soon as american money crosses the border of ukraine, it ceases to be american, so what kind of test works on rockets? dmitry georgievich, how can we explain to ukraine that after all, the money is someone else’s and will be controlled, independence is only manifested in this, this is an interesting symbolism in everything that is happening, that is , biden can fly to paris, but he cannot fly to geneva, that is, in general, as if in this step he demonstrates to zelensky. then in general it’s like you’re a guy just a tool in our hands, well they don’t use heavy artillery to
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fully support mr. zelensky, you are trying to show off, you are trying to bargain, but they have already explained to you that the period of carrots is over, that we have moved to the period of the stick, and you are still trying to live in the old structure, in the idea that you will still be bombarded with gingerbread, no, the situation has fundamentally changed, in general this is in everything, it means... stuffing it into the right pockets, so they will, they will gain time, that’s why they many, many thousands more
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ukrainians will be driven to slaughter in order to ensure that this is received in the right way.
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russia's nuclear doctrine allows for the use of weapons in response to a number of threats. is the situation really heating up or is this just a joke. it is always difficult to understand vladimir putin's true messages. the west should obviously view such statements as a real possibility, which is worrisome because russia has more nuclear warheads than any other country, so we should be sensitive to putin's words carefully. such statements are part of the ongoing escalation that we have seen in this war since the beginning. we have now come to the point where we are very close to the red line, beyond which russia and nato will come face to face. in addition, putin played another card. he said that because of the west's recent decision to allow ukraine to attack russia with their weapons, he plans to respond as well. what it threatens to do is destabilize
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conflicts elsewhere. possibly russia assembled with the help of allies. whether he considers himself the main aggressor in the world, he laughed and tried to charm everyone, but it is important to understand that under the smooth velvet glove there is a fist. what kind of reports do they publish, right? this is our statement by our president at the st. petersburg international economic forum, they caused a big stir, and after a while the plenary session with his participation, i’m sure they will look even more carefully, whether they heard the signal or not, or, as always, everything in their own way, of course same they will misrepresent, there is no doubt about it, they will misrepresent, they will state how it will be convenient, but those with ears have already heard, because
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including in this appeal, which was mentioned in the story... vladimir putin, among other things, mentioned a very interesting fact about that our army, or rather the fleet, is already repelling attacks by the ukrainian armed forces and sabotage units on gas compressor stations near anapa, that is , this is a direct reference to turkey and the european union, because there are two compressor stations there that carry out pumping gas through the blue stream via the turkish stream, why is this important, why is it 100%. heard because turkey, and it is critically dependent on the supply of russian hydrocarbons, and russia is the main supplier of hydrocarbons to turkey, half of all imports come from russia, moreover, recep erdogan, who has a very good, let’s say, business relationship with vladimir putin is hatching an idea, this is the key idea of ​​forming a state, one might even say,
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the construction of a gas hub on the border with greece, they do not hide it. goals in order to ensure gas supplies to the european union, which also already recognizes that consumption has fallen by 120 billion cubic meters over the past 2 years, this has led to a critical decline in the economy and industry, and there is no doubt that the ukrainians, who are now attacking our gas compressor stations, everyone in turkey understands perfectly well that this is a threat to turkish interests and the interests of europe itself, which probably expected to receive russian money.
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nikita, how will they now react to the statement of our president in fact, in practical terms, they will somehow stop ukraine, or, on the contrary, they will try to probe where those same notorious red lines are? well, the fact is that the united states of america is now deliberately increasing the degree of conflict in order , apparently, to hold out until the us presidential elections, in this sense, i am deeply convinced that it is unlikely, it is unlikely that they will be able to probe somehow. ukraine should be forced to negotiate, because there are groups in the west, they are also different, there are those who believe that after us there will be a flood, these are precisely the same democrats, a large number, by the way, of political forces
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in europe, as we see, also do not think at all, not only in the long term, for the next 2-3 years, but in my opinion, they will begin to think and think exactly at the moment when the announced by our president, is still hypothetical and the transfer: of our weapons, by the way, he did not say what weapons and so on, this is also very important, you know, sometimes some kind of threat, there a certain use of weapons is more important than the use itself, because that yes no, he said, he said similar weapons, well, here in this case, it’s like similar weapons, we understand what it is, what it can be, but at the same time, long-range missiles, but we have weapons, analogues, which are not in the west, although they may be of the same class are similar, so in this case the president, as ... usually hinted, but i am sure that they will really use their heads, i really hope so, exactly at the moment when they understand that this kind of escalation of the conflict is more than they are now engaged in ukraine, it will
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threaten their security, their national sovereignty, a short historical excursion, we remember how europe behaved when soviet missiles and soviet military infrastructure, well, frankly speaking, considered the western capital a target, so... then this is very important, the europeans themselves came out with banners, world peace , we will not allow war and so on, why did this happen, because they felt threatened, now they are accustomed to security, to the fact that they can sponsor the nazi regime in ukraine with impunity, so that civilians die , including in our rear, and they have nothing it will be, in this sense, psychology, it seems to me, is primary, as soon as they understand that their actions directly threaten their own safety, tonally...
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you don’t need to read 200 volumes about russia, attend one concert of the berezka ensemble, the audience all says: well, that’s how they are, they don’t walk, they float, it’s always a mystery and it’s yours.
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in russian, on sunday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. on sunday on the first. don't be fooled. special financial literacy courses in moscow are held free of charge for older people. what happens to the brain when you are deceived? there is much more about this in the program. great, on monday, on the first. yang, what are you doing? my god, how many years have passed, a detachment on
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departure, a fire in a residential building. hello, tamara vitalievna, i think that oleg has already forgiven me. i have not forgiven and will not forgive. oleg. i need your help, duty officer, outsiders in the unit, what happened, it’s because of her, yes, leave him alone. it’s clear, we love each other, let ’s mind your own business, this is vojta, in russian, after all, i left for finland, already pregnant and didn’t tell him anything, and that the social services took him away from me, they accused me of suffocating maternal love, they took him away from me because i loved him very much, one chance for three, premiere from monday on... “olek, i
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need you to come with me to finland and claim your rights to your son, what? voito, your son, i would like to know why the traitor muravyov is still not stopped by you, after the sad events in the capital, some impressionable people will hardly see in them not heroes, you, we have the right goal." criminal methods, i dream of getting an answer, tomorrow morning in the senate nikolai pavlovich will declare himself emperor, history is being made in st. petersburg, here it dies, tomorrow everything will change.
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we have not spilled a single drop of their vileness blood, we are a match that will ignite everything, and burn it out itself.
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the film premiere will be on the first day of russia. the news from lugansk, unfortunately, is sad, especially given the fact that after a while our president will speak at the st. petersburg international. economic forum, under this speech there was another barbaric blow. regime against civilians, lugansk literally an hour ago, maybe even less, was subjected to a missile attack from militants of the ukrainian armed forces, the missile hit a residential building, the entrance to a five-story building collapsed, there may be people under the rubble, rescuers have already begun clearing the rubble, according to the latest data, people were injured 22, 22 people were injured, among them there were children of eight and 16 years old, our air defense system managed to shoot down some of the missiles, all of the ukrainian armed forces fired six missiles.
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escalating the conflict is also obvious to everyone, how are things at the front now? you know, indeed, unfortunately, the enemy undertakes such actions regularly, and this always coincides with some of our successes at the front, without achieving tangible successes on the line of contact, the enemy simply hits... supposedly some kind of
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illusory success to report to our masters, by and large , we now have a fairly good position on the front line, let’s say it is sufficient, we are building on the success that we had, we have tangible successes in the kupyansk direction, in in the donetsk direction, on part of this front, again, the kharkov, kharkov section of the front is also now quite... important and there, too , there is good progress and good results, our aerospace forces continue to work on enemy military rear targets, destroying warehouses, warehouses. ammunition, weapons depots and sometimes destroying entire columns of equipment, in principle, these bombings, in fact, reduce the enemy’s capabilities on the line of combat contact, most likely , but now i still want to talk about
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the west, and about their activities, again you encounter them there - with their militants with equipment, but you saw, probably the map was posted on social networks and even... which my father wrote out, in fact there is nothing new in this , the fact is that the nato bloc was originally created to counter, confront the soviet union, and now the russian federation, as the successor, the successor of the union. therefore there is nothing new. another thing is that how ready the european countries themselves are to actually
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participate in a real war with russia, i have big doubts. in my opinion, this is a game of muscle, this intimidation of its citizens is quite possible, and this awaits us in any case. but for the french and... for the germans, on occasion we will be able to remember napoleon and hitler and the kursk bulge and borodino, so i think that some kind of memory remains and i think that they will still be wary of such steps , well, for now they want to remind us and all their previous defeats, well, that’s all, as they say, time ahead will not only show, but also prove, thank you very much, adviser to the head of donetsk people's republic, gagin was in direct contact with us, in general, a sensation. will sound russian warships in the caribbean, the ministry of foreign affairs of cuba announced that a detachment of the russian navy will visit the port of havana on an official visit on june 12, russia day, which is very symbolic, our detachment includes the frigate gorshkov, the nuclear submarine kazan, as well as oil tank
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iruksir nikolai chikker, but in the british press there is simply hysteria, a real scoreboard and they write with alarm that these will be exercises that will take place on... tension and escalation of the conflict in ukraine. putin will send russian warships to the caribbean for military exercises in the coming weeks, a chilling show of force amid simmering tensions with the west. the ships are also expected to call at ports in venezuela and cuba, one of america's arch-enemies, u.s. officials said. washington is monitoring the movements of russian warships and aircraft expected to arrive to participate. in the naval exercise and will likely remain in the region through the summer, biden administration officials say they will likely conduct further similar exercises in the caribbean. today information has emerged that the united states is going to tighten its nuclear weapons strategy and that washington is
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now developing a new nuclear gravity bomb. the biden administration will announce its intention to adopt a more aggressive nuclear weapons strategy after china. russia rejected us attempts to discuss control over weapons last year. the united states believes it needs to take a more competitive approach to nonproliferation and arms control in light of rising global tensions and make some adjustments to its position of opportunity, a senior administration official said. the administration still hopes to bring its geopolitical rivals to the negotiating table, but wants to show that failure to negotiate will have consequences, russia and china will face...
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scary, well, after all, the caribbean, cuba, sixty first year, not everything is probably lost in their memory, unlike biden there in the white house, but nevertheless, what we hear against the backdrop of this news is that russia and china will face a deterioration in security conditions if they continue they will refuse to interact, well, interaction is doubtful, they will refuse to obey direct washington, so it would be correct to say, the point is not that it becomes scary, but that it becomes. because very, very many experts even before the start said that the american nuclear the weapon is in poor condition, to put it mildly, it has not been updated for a long time, there are no new developments. everything is old and so on and so forth, when it was just a weapon that would never fly, it is simply used
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as part of some kind of containment strategy, this is one thing, now when the americans see that, firstly, tensions are rising sharply the fault of the americans, but nevertheless, it’s stressful, secondly, they see that russia is updating, and, more precisely, has even updated its nuclear potential, and china is developing by miles steps, the americans need to comply; they seem to be going to do this now, this is absolutely logical. deterrence will be competitive, of course i apologize wildly, but in my opinion, only the united states has in its doctrine the possibility of a preventive nuclear strike, is it even more competitive, is there any doctrine that implies more brutal methods than the americans, preventive, preventive , i say again, a preventive nuclear strike is good when there is something to hit, to hit effectively, when you understand that you will definitely strike, americans can prescribe how much. a preventive nuclear strike, but everyone understood perfectly well that the americans would not launch it, especially against non-nuclear powers, there
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are certain deterrence schemes in this regard, but what is stopping them in japan, for example, did they have experience? in japan there was experience when the second world war was going on, when there was no treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, when there was no clear principle, there was no need, then the application is absolute, there is a clear principle here, yes, but it is still spelled out in the treaty, this is not just a written clause that a nuclear ... state is not hit with non-nuclear nuclear weapons, as soon as one such strike is delivered, by the americans, not by the americans, it doesn’t matter, the whole treaty will collapse, and that means what it means that african countries, asian countries, middle eastern countries will all quickly run for nuclear weapons, but what will happen when the very last country, the most aggressive country in the world, has a nuclear bomb? we understand perfectly well that there will be nuclear armageddon, there will be the end of the world in the literal sense, while the americans...
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the total fear is that suddenly someone will come to us, so we need to crush everyone all over the world so that no one comes to us, it’s better that we come to you ourselves, yes we ourselves, when there was an attack on september 11 and in new york, the whole of america was closed, in the smallest village, everyone ran home to hide, there was total panic throughout the country, it was terrible to look at it, i was sitting there in the middle of all this, all schools were closed in all the smallest villages, all government buildings were closed, the country just closed, everyone fled in fear, so what are you afraid of, a small village, who won’t come to you, but still there was such a psychological blow, for them it’s a huge psychological blow, one that weighs on everyone , first of all, he is afraid that they will put pressure on him, russian ships are right on the american border, this is heavy psychological pressure, and what else is going on with cuba, and if we send missiles there. let's put it, what does it mean if? well, well, okay, let's put it ready, let's put it, for now, as if, or maybe even in
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mexico, a guarantee, if we did even half of what they are doing now with ukraine, there would be genocide in mexico, now, the american army would immediately run there, they wouldn’t they wouldn’t tolerate anything like that, and it’s the same with cuba, with cuba, for how many years they tried to crush it, the first one very much, because a castro did not become a puppet of the cia, as he was told to be, b, because he was soviet. became his ally, that’s all, they just didn’t try, there are continuous terrorist attacks, and the bay of pigs when they just they sent out a landing party there, and they tried to kill castra god knows how many times, yes, in general, a record was simply set there for the number of attacks, igor aleksandrovich, but does the fact that our ships are now approaching cuba mean that we have begun to respond? well, i think that we have not started to answer yet, because, in principle , our ships have long voyages. have already been doing this, thank god, for quite a long time, but it seems to me that, continuing this psychological theme,
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yes, it seems to me that here it is even deeper, that is, for the west the most... painful is not even ukraine, but the most painful thing is the realization that they were a little late, that is, after, so to speak, victory in the cold war over the soviet union, they immediately decided to practically begin implementing their next task, yes, that is to gain complete control over our resources and so on, and everything seemed to be going well, because as we know , the nineties developed like this, so to speak , cooperation, so to speak, partnership and so on. in fact, at the beginning of the 2000s, they then demonstrated in every possible way that they seemed to be ready for some kind of dialogue and so on, but the goals remained the same, then suddenly russia was able to accumulate funds literally in 10 years, because the economic situation was very favorable for us, thanks to skillful public administration, which also generally came as
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a surprise , unpleasant for the west, funds were invested where necessary, but we got a modern one. pressure on the west or military or should it work in the conglomerate and does it work? i think that of course it’s military, because the west, psychology, psychology, yes, but it’s more after all, psychology, this is such a background, conditions, yes, but critical dialogue, the west first of all, of course, well, not the whole west, the united states, of course, is accustomed to conduct, in principle , only on those issues that, where they
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see a strong enemy, this, by the way, is literally two words about this one... changes and we have the inclusion from the st. petersburg economic international forum, anatoly kuzichev is already waiting for us there, he works hard there at this forum, by the way , everyone is looking forward waiting for performances our president, as it should begin, literally in some time there at the next plenary session of this forum. anatoly alexandrovich, we give you the floor. it means just now, by the way, there was an announcement over the loudspeaker, attention, what does that mean, the plenary session begins in i don’t remember, there in half an hour in such and such a hall and so on, and people of course perked up, went to take their seats, so yes, that’s it we are all waiting, and naturally, so to speak, we will listen carefully to our president, now andrei lucidi is next to me, and journalist, you see, i even hesitated a little, an italian journalist initially,
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an italian now an italian journalist, now lives in the lpr, i understand correctly, yes, yes, i, well, lived in the lpr - in november 22 years before, well , 2 weeks ago and well, i i worked there as a war correspondent and i saw all the new territories , this is good, we know that you worked there as a war correspondent about this, we will have questions, but first tell me here on the forum for what purpose with what task with what interest it is important for me here give good pictures and there are a lot of people in the west.
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there are, for example, also italians, businessmen, people from germany, from france, all this is a country where, where it is politically political, they are officially against russia, well, there are no people, of course. i wonder if they can hear you? yes, yes, they hear, but you have, maybe you personally communicate with your fellow countrymen, with the italians, maybe they see an alternative picture of yours and comment something about it? yes, well, i have my telegram channel, for example, there are a lot of comments from all the media and a lot of people they said, well, thank you, because if you weren’t there, without you there...
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as far as we can be heard now in the west, we realized that many people in europe are ready to hear, but here it is important to note that political the top
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european leaders are not ready to make any compromises or concessions; on the contrary, they are preparing for war; the other day, the head of the german defense ministry , boris pistorios, said that the country must certainly be ready for war with russia, because after ukraine, moscow will try to take over all of europe. russian victory in in the end, it will cost us all more than supporting ukraine today. at the same time, we must not neglect our own defense operational readiness. putin's war economy is working for a new conflict. we must be ready for war by 2029. we should not think that putin will stop at the borders of ukraine if he goes this far. it is our responsibility to provide troops with the best equipment to perform their missions. we must continue to invest in capacity building.
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make a plan for how to act departments and citizens in the event of an attack by moscow. the federal government has presented a new plan in case russia decides to attack germany. this plan regulates all spheres of public life and the economy. there are rules for citizens, military, companies, hospitals, supermarkets. if moscow launches an offensive, nato troops will be deployed across germany to the eastern flank, with bundeswehr forces also there. the return of military service will begin. german citizens can be drafted into the army at any time. in the text the federal government has directly stated that in the event of a simultaneous attack in several places, the state will not be able
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to help everyone. people need to be prepared to cope with difficulties themselves. if an attack occurs, the federal government will alert citizens using a modular warning system. the message instantly spreads over the radio and the internet. the plan also excludes a ban on dissolving the current parliament while germany. is defending himself, listen, what a horror, i mean i don’t even exclude the possibility that now the germans can be told that in 1945, it turns out, russia attacked germany, russia, therefore, came and attacked quiet peaceful berlin, they are already being told this, because the germans were against the authorities, so that russian soviet troops entered , so we attacked aggressively, okay, well, this is serious, they are preparing a warning system, they have a fully prepared work plan.
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it’s obvious to everyone, but this minimum term of 5 years is taken, why is it taken, and not eight, why twenty-ninth year, because the decision needs to be made now, specific decisions, the shorter the lines, the faster the decision needs to be made, that is, for the nato summit, what do they want from germany, why is pistorius so excited, and from germany they want militarization of building up military potential, but...
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listen to this he says and as he says, yes, it may seem to someone that he is talking about the fact that germany will now raise its military-industrial complex, again become the leading military-industrial power in europe, and so on, as it was before the fourteenth years, but in reality everything is not so, pistorius talks about this threat of war, issues a pedantic report in german, and preparations for war for two reasons: the first reason, it is necessary to somehow justify further...
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but it is necessary to raise germany has 200 main tanks now in the bundeswehr 200, just in order to represent something of itself in military terms, they need to increase production by 10 times, they cannot, which means they will buy from anyone from the americans in the same way with the air defense that pistorius spoke to. irises are possible produce, of course, but taking into account the current situation. if not, the military-industrial complex will purchase similar systems from the americans, and so on , and so on, and so on, that is, this statement is all about whipping up fear, whipping up hysteria, this is a tool, a way to somehow justify these huge financial expenses that will be pulled out of pockets of ordinary germans and send american arms manufacturers into the pockets, as they are already doing, with which attention, with gas, they are also taking money out of german households and industrialists. buy lng
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expensive in europe instead of cheap russian, remember putin spoke about nord stream just the day before yesterday, in my opinion, and accordingly they sent this money into the pockets of american energy workers. now it will be exactly the same with industrialists, and so on and so forth, this is what these statements by mr. pistorius are connected with. yuri alexandrovich, well, it turns out that if gevorg’s scenario is correct, then the german government will win in any case. we don’t attack, they say: “we succeeded, we’re great.”
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forum, it’s more complicated here, because significant funds will be needed, and of course, the west will inflate this situation, these are all details, who will contribute more, who will contribute less, who will benefit at the level of military-industrial complex enterprises, and so on, but the essence remains: that europe once again supported the americans in this, and we see from the statements of boris pistorius that once again euro-atlantic solidarity
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has strengthened even more. on this issue, all because, in general, the most important task, again, yes, is to weaken russia, i think that this is the problem, or rather, the most important task, yes, namely to weaken russia from the point of view of establishing subsequent control over our resources, yeah, that’s the most important thing, everything else, yes, this is, as they say, a matter of technology, but i’ll repeat , yes, to summarize, the most worrying thing for us is the change. already tested in the soviet union, this tactics and strategy of the arms race, due to this, continue to weaken our country. therefore, when they say what it means, we go to defend the rights of ukrainians, human rights, yes, then this is not about the human rights of ukrainians - this is
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about the rights of americans to natural resources. a short advert and we'll be back. to the poet's anniversary. each king wears special signs with him. notice how kings are recognized. listen, brothers, sovereign, the third pirate is with us, fyodor fedorovich, is this captain mironov? he himself, there is also the captain’s daughter. it is commendable, my sir, that you are starting your service from the garrison. oh, how nice it is for you to move around in such earrings now. be free, gentlemen. come to me. now we are not the same quarrels, my own mother.
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look after the program for the time. contemporary fine art is confined to a small circle of professionals. they pay money for him, big money, sometimes very big money, but almost no one sees him. that is, if i have a hard time imagining a person who, without knowing anything, suddenly becomes an artist. and i believe that every person will become an artist, absolutely, if he approaches this freely. your exhibition should perform the same function as a politician's speech. clothing is one of the best means self-expression, but in everyday life people rarely take advantage of this opportunity. i started thinking about how i could do the same thing
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to spice up my own graphics. i collected records from all my friends, from my parents, took my own records, and made this collection. for me, fashion is a reflection of the times. the story of its incarnation in the first channel blockbuster union of salvation. for some reason, the decembrists thought that they knew better than the emperor what russia needed, to take troops, go somewhere outside the city, to become some kind of camp. themselves the conspirators failed to formulate clearly. nikolai understood the dilemma well: they want to make me a tyrant or a coward. who is this person, the one who turned the reforms in the neck, or the person who saved them from bloodshed? and this famous question that the emperor asked pushkin, what would you do if on december 14
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, 1925, you found yourself in st. petersburg. pushkin before senate square and pushkin after, about two different pushkins. big history, decembrists, union. rescue on sunday is on the first. the enemy will not pass. klyuchik konstantin eroshenko was detained in africa, you are immediately transported to the united states. serious torture: not sleeping without water, heels being beaten, internal organs there. russian citizens were literally kidnapped. it's impossible to believe it. we live in the 21st century. my address was called. there are a lot of loud statements, all these accusations were pure lies. kostya is such a strong person, i don’t know how he managed to pull himself together, well, in general, he reassured me, they let an employee of the prosecutor’s office into the room
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of the pretrial assessors, which no one has the right to enter when the pretrial assessors the assessors came out, and one young girl gave herself away and burst into tears at the moment when dad was convicted. russian pilot eroshenko. goodby america, premiere on sunday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. the st. petersburg international economic forum, under the patronage and with the participation of the president of the russian federation, is one of the largest and most significant business events.
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de-pushkinization also began, that is, they began to rename streets, which means demolishing monuments, well, completely banning them already practically literature, pushkin’s works in schools and kindergartens, but no matter how hard they try, it is impossible to do this, our pushkin has all been read and read, in addition, his work is an excellent vaccination against historical falsifications, he has already written everything in the poem poltava , in honor of the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great poet, a cartoon was released in russian cinemas. pushkin and mikhailovsky beginning,
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that’s it!
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in hours of fun or idle boredom, my lyric was entrusted to the pampered sounds of madness, laziness and passion. i shed streams of unexpected tears and
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the wounds of my conscience were reflected by your fragrant speeches, the pure oil was already in cinemas, well, then at the first big game, for the poet’s anniversary, and you know, my philosopher? what were you thinking at a time when no one is thinking? good afternoon, the big game is live, i’m vyacheslav nikotov, we are working until the president’s speech at the st. petersburg international economic forum, which we are expecting any minute, but for now everything is in order about the current agenda. about the news of a special military operation about
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what is happening in the world, but in reality st. petersburg international economic forum, which today is the point to which the eyes of the entire planet are riveted, but let's start with the news of a special military operation, this night the ukrainian armed forces launched a massive strike with unmanned systems on objects on the territory
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of rozhen, our permanent military expert, monitors the progress of a special military operation. boris alexandrovich, what news do you have? good afternoon, yes, against the background of these intense exchange of blows, and it is important to note that our forces are deliberately targeting military infrastructure, while the enemy, as in the case of lugansk, is specifically targeting residential areas. therefore, first of all, civilians suffer , this is actually the difference between us and them, at the front, in fact, these shellings, as if of ukraine, do not help them, because our troops still have the initiative, our troops are still on the rabotino salient today advanced on one side in the area of ​​rabotin itself, as well as to the northeast of rabotin in the area
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well, already further north of verbovoy, there the ledge also shrunk, on the vremevsky ledge of ours... the troops continued to fight in urozhainy and staromayrsky, there is slight progress in the area between these villages, in the ugledarsky direction fierce battles continue on the outskirts of konstantinovka, this is the key settlement, now and which actually passes through the supply lines of the ugledar group, there is also an advance south of novomikhailovka, opposition fighting continued in krasnogorovka today, and fighting is also going on in the area the western outskirts of georgievka, where our troops are gradually clearing the village of a... to the west of avdeevka, our troops have advanced seriously to the north from umansky, there are battles for novoselovka, there is also an advance to the west of semyonovka, there is also an advance in the karlovka area, fierce battles continue in the area of ​​kalinov and novoalleksandrovka, and the battles in novoalleksandrovka are gradually shifting towards
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the center of the village, the enemy now calls this direction the most threatening for itself, in the chasofyar direction fierce fighting for the neighborhood continued. canal, ongoing battles continued to the north of the chasovyar for kalinovka, and very serious battles are also going on west of kleshcheevka and andrevka in the direction of the seversky donetsk-donbass canal. on the northern ledge there are battles on the “very razdolovka” line; our troops are being pressed there; over the past two days there have been small advances south of razdolovka. in the disputed belogorovka there are still no changes; in the krasnolyumansky direction today there were positional battles to the west, oh, to the east. the village of terny not far from the outskirts, in the svatokupian direction, there are serious advances of our troops in the ivanovka area, there, after repelling counterattacks, our troops advanced about 2 km to the west, there are also fierce battles in the okrainskikhovka area, and battles also continue in the senkovka area, there after after our
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troops have gained a foothold, the enemy is trying to counterattack, well, in the kharkov direction , fierce oncoming battles continue along most of the front line, both in the leptsov area, and so... in volchansk itself, where our the troops, after repelling the enemy’s counterattacks , again came to active action and advanced a little in the central part of the city, there is also an advance to the east of volchansk, in general, in most sectors of the front, the initiative is behind us, the enemy is trying to counterattack in kharkov, but the goals that he set there in these counterattacks, he failed to achieve. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovichin for the latest news from the fronts of the special military operation. speeches by the president of the russian federation, but usually at an economic forum he first everything speaks about the economy, about the economic state of our country, although i am absolutely sure that it will not do without questions, primarily related to the special military operation and our reciprocal steps in response to
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the actions that western states are taking in this case by allowing ukraine, the very actually inflict strikes on our territory on their own. are present on the territory of ukraine, and unfortunately, they suffer losses, i know this, for sure, this is not done on purpose, but during combat operations losses do occur, however in european countries and states they prefer to hush this up, as regards weapons of modern
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high-tech weapons with high precision and long-range real range, such as stormshadow. with this missile, they are simply technologically unable to do everything on their own, strike a blow in the ability to do this, for this you need to have satellite reconnaissance, then based on this satellite reconnaissance, and this is american satellite reconnaissance, formulate a flight mission, and then enter it into the missile system.
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exactly what russia can do in response to such western policies. let's listen. we
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are thinking about the topic that if someone considers it possible to supply such weapons to a combat zone to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where ...
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the authorities will be, but we recognize both of them, so we can easily install a government, we can do it through iran, we can do it, so to speak, directly, but in in any case, we have excellent anti-ship systems that, so to speak, would greatly help the houthis, so to speak, in implementing their plans to prevent shipping in the red sea, well, in africa a lot, so to speak, in africa. contradictions are growing between the french and local governments, there is quite a decent number of french military facilities,
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bass, one can also say so, to install the appropriate complexes, the appropriate means that could harm french interests in africa, that is, i i am sure that our general staff and other law enforcement agencies have long ago formed a proposal; at any moment, if the president makes such a decision, they will be implemented, i think that the west, as we know, we say, will not find it a little, well, as they say, if you you live in a glass house, don’t throw bricks. stones, yes stones, when the united states has 800 bases around the world, and next to very hot spots where very hot guys go, take risks and take quite a lot of risks, but still an economic forum and there are questions economies are, today at least i think they will be in the foreground. yesterday
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the president met with dilmi rusev, this is the former president. at the beginning of this meeting, and last year we met on the sidelines of the summit , let’s listen to what the president said in russia-africa, i’m glad to have the opportunity to continue our dialogue, i must note that this year the bank... managed to do a lot under your leadership, for the first time he showed significant profit, net profit, in fact, he seemed to be getting back on his feet, working more and more organized, successful, i hope we will have the opportunity to talk about the further development of the bank, our cooperation with the bank, and
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exchange views on what... to do through joint efforts, including on such wide large platforms as st. -the st. petersburg economic forum is international, especially since the topic is very relevant, the development of multipolarity and strengthening its economic base, well, the new development bank was conceived as an alternative to the european bank for development reconstruction, well and even as an alternative to the imf, but so far it’s somehow stalled.
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the main goal remains for russia in this process of creating a new international financial infrastructure. the americans once created their own financial infrastructure, tried to exclude us from the system of monetary circulation, payments, created difficulties for us in trade, in connection with this, some statements at the forum of neoliberal economists, officials of various structures who say that russia should not itself sound strange. .delete from these international financial processes, no, russia itself must create a new financial infrastructure to do this effectively, perhaps, apparently today only on the basis of cooperation in brix, only brix, only brix structures, and as for, it itself suffered from the united states, the united states during her presidency in brazil, the states staged a coup d'état and overthrew her,
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so i believe that she can be blamed. count as a person who soberly looks at the modern external appearance so big political reality, and we can count on the fact that this will allow us to rebuild this infrastructure, lend to friendly neutral countries and form this new orbit, yes, when there is not only the west as one pole, but there is also another pole, there is a structure for this the poles, which allow other countries to develop in the same way as western structures, essentially carried out not reconstruction, but deconstruction, that is, they largely destroyed. after all, she spent quite a bit of time in dungeons. during the time of the pro-american military junta, which was established in brazil and where, which then killed many people, she is a person who is absolutely impossible to intimidate, but the
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european bank for reconstruction and development has one advantage. it is not subject to various kinds of sanctions pressure, so, of course, it is quite difficult for the new brix development bank to compete, because, of course, the americans are making heroic efforts to ensure that this bank cannot function as a full-fledged system, and above all in regarding projects in our country, well, in general , of course, it is developing quite successfully and finances a large number of projects in developing countries, well... we are following what is happening in the meeting room of the st. petersburg international economic forum, people are still gathering, and we are leaving for advertising. for the anniversary of the poet, each king wears special signs with him, note how the kings recognize, listen, brothers, sovereign, this is
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captain mironov, he himself, there is also a captain’s daughter, it is commendable, my sir, that you start your service from the garrison, oh, how good. “i’m sorry, orthodox people, i’m sorry, in the film “russian bund”, watch the time after the program, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group,
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modern fine art, confined to a small circle of professionals, they pay money for it, big money, sometimes very big, but its almost no one sees, that is , i can’t imagine a person who, knowing nothing, suddenly becomes an artist, and i believe that every person will become an artist absolutely if he applies himself to this freely, your exhibition should perform the same function as a politician’s speech, so it should be addressed to a specific viewer, a specific group and produce some kind of result. clothes are one of the optimal means of self-expression, but in everyday life people... rarely take advantage of this opportunity, i began to think how i could do the same to enliven my own graphics, i collected records from all my friends, from my parents, i took my
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records and made this collection, for me fashion is a reflection of time, a reflection of everyone forms of art, the artist is shaped by time, he gives time, form, matodor, today on the first. it started with the fact that lev outgrew his crib, he walked all the time, said, i need a big bed, well, yes, like parents, like parents, they haven’t had children’s for a long time, and anticipation of what portrait of as many as three children will emerge well, when you enter the room, you immediately see the window, there is a very interesting fabric, we have three beds, yes, there are children here, they will not jump or jump. can be vaccinated from childhood love for good taste for taking care of oneself, maybe we’ll take it as a trend that our duvet covers are checkered, but they ’re just so playful, so we’ve come to this most cherished moment, when
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our children are born today, about comfort, premiere tomorrow on the first day, there are high mountains, clear lakes, beautiful gorges and healing... are there any visual points by which one can determine that the horse will be cool, by the exterior, and simply by the look of the horse, as they say, the horse and shak don't fish, alone one of the rarest types of sturgeon, we get albinos, it’s feeding time, you can try it, seriously, but of course it doesn’t taste good. i heard that some mystical things are happening here, time stands still, people do not age, my grandfather got married at 110, the life of his own, the premiere, on sunday on the first, i would like to know
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why the traitor muravyov is still not stopped by you, did not fight with us, the goals are right, the method is criminal, history is being made in st. petersburg, here it is. is dying, tomorrow everything will change, let's elect a dictator among us let's enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, tell rubinsky, if he doesn't make up his mind, we will come out ourselves, in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns, if like in france, then everyone present here will not dare to hang. shoot us, we didn’t shed a drop of their vile blood. stand, we are a match that will ignite
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everything and burn it out itself. union of salvation, film premiere on russia day on the first. the big game is live, today is the main day of the st. petersburg international economic forum, everyone is waiting for the performance president putin, which could start any minute. yesterday the president met with milorad dodik, president of republika srpska. this is the serkh
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enclave in bosnia and herzegovina, which generally makes up half of this bosnia and herzegovina, but at the same time is a discriminated subject of this state, and the conversation was on different topics, but somehow it coincided or did not coincide that it was on these days that dodik said that republika srpska will hold a referendum on the independence of bosnia and herzegovina. let's hear what he said. there is a decision on separation, but a specific day has not yet been set. a lot of research needs to be done and analysis needs to be completed. we would like to do it now, but besides us, there are still two sides to this issue. of course, this takes time. our job now is to start the negotiation process, but we are confident that at this stage there is already enough historical, generally civilized maturity to understand that this must happen and will happen. we absolutely do not want to create instability in our country. that's why. first of all we
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made a proposal to bosnia and herzegovina to secede from the country and to terminate the dayton treaty. this is how unexpectedly, or maybe expectedly, the bullying of the serbs is still happening, after all, it has been going on for decades; at some point it had to break through. what are the prospects for this process? in general, experiments in the balkans did not even begin in this century; it happened very actively at the end. eighties, early nineties, and led to the tragedy of a huge number of people, i was not long before i already the former yugoslavia really collapsed, i was there right after, i saw what was happening there, so to speak, as a result of military actions, and of course, what the two big leaders were talking about now are echoes of those events, and nato had great impudence , when they decided to celebrate... their anniversary
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with a half-century bombing of the same belgrade and these trials are a completely wild initiation of voting in the united nations organization, which was simply done in order to offend the feeling serbs, first of all, to force the serbs to be more accommodating, in the happiness of applying some kind of russophobic sanctions against us, so to speak, but... and we warned everyone about this, now let them eat what they themselves have prepared, in this regard, i i think that the balkans are only one of the principles, yes, on which the new world will be built, you know, in february we initiated a large forum in moscow for the freedom of nations, it is based on the charter of the united nations, and it just involves giving opportunity for those who...
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has the right to do this in order to exercise its right enshrined in the un charter. in this particular case, everything really goes along the civilizational path, well, it was said there, that means, a little more broadly, but i think that we will witness a large number of very interesting events, and not only in the balkans. but naturally, this will be an absolute red rag for the west, and we can foresee a new package of sanctions against serbia , which is no longer very much in question, mind you. power scenarios that the west can use, therefore, but the serbs really don’t lack for courage, because if we remember the second world war, then perhaps the only country in europe that fought against nazism, in fact, it was yugoslavia, and they were the serbs, everyone else was under hitler, part of hitler's germany or...
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served hitler's germany, well, with the exception of great britain, of course, everyone else was in the nazi bloc, except for the serbs, it is quite difficult to break them, but as for... ukraine, of course, is also the focus of the st. petersburg international economic forum. putin, meeting with a representative of the information agency, spoke about zelensky’s illegitimacy, but at the same time hinted that if they need to sign the capitulation, we will find someone who will sign, who is more legitimate than the current president zelensky, but he also emphasized that the united states sets a number of conditions for zelensky, in particular related to
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the fact that he will become the enemy of many, many mothers who will lose their sons, and it will be very difficult for him to live in this world. well, has it already been written off or is it still in the write-off queue? i believe that the words for 2025 were spoken about january 25, the fact is that we understand perfectly well that it is not profitable for america to write off before january 2025. he must work out a fairly large layer, he must bury a sufficiently large number of his people, he must fulfill the program that both the pentagon and the white house are very actively pushing him towards, who have set themselves a very simple goal, and not just until the end of the elections this one must smolder bonfire of war, he should actually work in
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one area or another before the inauguration, that is, by and large, they have created such an even prolonged situation today, but we understand perfectly well that the united... in any case, time is not on america’s side , not on the allies, we understand that the barrage of sanctions that we have today, we see how harshly the st. petersburg economic forum is now perceived in the western press, they just practically all spit poison, why did you even open this forum, it should have been completely abandoned , but no, there are still those who come to russia, those who work and actively earn money together with...
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casinos in cyprus , yes, for 200 million euros, well, these are small things for him, it is clear that this is not the last money he invested, well, there is just nothing here, there is nothing surprising, by the way, reznikov, the minister of defense of ukraine, just received an american citizenship, so everything is fine there from this point of view, well, it’s necessary to say that this has never helped anyone they wrote off. in recent months, we have often recalled the cuban missile crisis of 1962, when the deployment of our missiles in cuba caused a sharp reaction from the united states, which was ready to start a nuclear war in order to prevent such a development of events. it is against this background that
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the statement of the ministry of revolutionary armed forces of cuba sounded very interesting. let's listen: from june 12 to june 17, 2024, portgova. a naval group will pay an official visit russian federation consisting of four ships: frigate gorshkov, nuclear submarines kazan, fleet tanker pashin , rescue tug nikolai chikker. this visit is related to the historical friendly relations between cuba and the russian federation and strictly complies with international rules. none of the ships carry nuclear weapons, so their stay in our country does not pose a threat to the region. you know, it’s a little bit incorrect. it may or may not be, but
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hypersonic missiles on gorshkov, they should maybe, i don’t think they went on the campaign completely unarmed, so the americans , yes, they put a good face on a bad game. they said that this in no way poses a threat to the national security of the united states, although, if we recall the cuban crisis, then any appearance on... and
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it is impossible to establish this without being on the ship or at least approaching the ship, maybe there may not be, that’s it, you know, constructive uncertainty, as macron says, you know, on our borders there is an insane amount of military exercises, almost every day, in neighboring countries in the baltic sea, whether they have nuclear weapons on board or not, or those ships that entered the black... basfor in connection with military operations, there was there are nuclear weapons there or not, we don’t know, most likely there were, but as for cuba, well, i say, well, then, if they try to interfere, well, then we will create a brilliant precedent for interfering with their exercises at any point globe, especially near our borders, therefore i don't think they'll try anything there.
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russian federation, firstly, he made a statement about parallel imports. let's listen. we have made a decision in the government to extend parallel imports until 2025, bearing in mind the gradual reduction of the areas of products indicated in the list that are currently allowed to be supplied through this mechanism. this is the first statement, the second statement concerned personnel for our defense-industrial complex. the numbers are interesting to us, but interesting.
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per year the volume of industrial production, so, of course, this requires the involvement of a fairly large number of skilled labor, besides this we are at the point of the lowest unemployment in history, so to speak, at least.
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this is quite a lot, and if we compare this with the indicators of other fast-growing countries, such as india, china or indonesia, or other countries with similar fast-growing companies, then we see that in general we... the load corresponds to the volumes and growth rates, therefore, the task of attracting new personnel is very large, and this is accordingly fall on the shoulders of educational organizations, our universities, technical institutes, and to be honest, even though i am a humanist myself, i am internally happy, because this will and should entail, of course, a significant development of our technical universities and technical education , which means... parallel imports, as for parallel imports, there is also logic in this, because parallel imports
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were introduced in extreme situations, when it was necessary to quickly replace products that previously, it was supplied, so to speak, through the corresponding official distributors, the very signal that we are gradually reducing the list indicates that completely new supply channels are beginning to form, so to speak, well, i don’t want to use the word legal parallel. this is also a legal form of import, so to speak, but nevertheless already from those operating through official distributors, through official dealers with direct contracts with manufacturers, because... parallel import, it mainly differs from ordinary import is that there is no direct contract with the manufacturer, there is no direct involvement in this process, that’s what is being reduced, they plan to shorten the list, this means that in general we have found similar goods from other manufacturers b most likely we are
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already finding a replacement within ourselves, so this is quite positive, that part... the day before yesterday, that we are now producing many goods that are prohibited for import into our country, we produce better at three times cheaper, that’s why this process , it's like import substitution was a crutch that helped for some time, now it is becoming less significant, but at the same time
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it allows us to get what we need where we need it and where possible; representatives of 136 states are taking part in the forum in st. petersburg, that is, this practically the whole world, and many western countries are also represented, hungary at the level of the minister of foreign affairs, of course our partner states, such as china, iran, play a big role, and now the st. petersburg forum coincided precisely with the time when the council security is preparing to consider the issue of you...
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the situation around the iranian nuclear program, the illegal unilateral withdrawal of the united states from the jcpoa , the implementation in washington of a policy of maximum pressure towards iran became a turning point in the implementation of the treaty. our support for the action plan has not changed. we also put a lot of effort into trying to restore the fcp during the nine rounds of vienna negotiations. a full implementation of the jcpoa at the moment would be able to remove almost all existing questions regarding iran's peaceful nuclear program on. the time has come for western countries to show political will, refrain from further spinning the endless wheel of escalation that they have been engaged in for the past almost 2 years, and take the necessary steps in favor of restoring the jcpoa. if my memory serves me right, the president, in response to the question of how iran is implementing the agreement, responded with something like “what
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the heck.”
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everything goes one way, it seems to me that now is the time, since we still find ourselves in an era of change, such questions there will be more and more, the situation with iran, it will probably show...
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in st. petersburg in the meeting room of the st. petersburg international economic forum they are waiting for putin’s speech, we are also waiting, for now, a short advertisement. warmth, love and family values ​​are transformed into aesthetic interior items. since we all come from the far east, all the names are here: taiga, khor, usuri. you're the same one. the person who invented the bicycle, so to speak, it is light, and of high quality, and affordable, this is a work of art, that is, this
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there is nothing like this in the world, my superpower is to determine right from five meters which pair is suitable, and what size, and what design, do you remember your first jeans, our everything, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, we were waiting for zoya zelinsky in this.. studio for her birthday in december, but the shooting was postponed, she promised that she would definitely come when she felt better, on april 29, at 7 in the morning she was gone, the last thing she told us, guys, go home, rest, go for a walk, you are tired, she was 94 years old, an entire era passed away with her theater of satyrs, a part of our life was gone, when the streets were dying out from the fact that people gathered in front of the tv screens to watch kobachuk 13 chairs, and vladok looked after me, he took me in a taxi, and now we go on a tram, at zoya's... was also erotic talent, she started out as a fashion model, was not afraid of frank things, beautiful, strong, self-sufficient, why did zoya zelinskaya house her ex-husband, my mother and i
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took him from the hospital, our exclusive in the last interview with zoya zelinskaya, which we managed record at the people's artist's home russia, my husband died, i had a small child, and my car was stolen, and so i think, luck, a child, a zucchini, a theater, i’m going crazy, what should i do? with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first. the story is its embodiment in the blockbuster of channel one, union of salvation. for some reason, the decembrists thought that they knew better than the emperor what russia needed. take troops, go somewhere outside the city, become some kind of camp. the conspirators themselves could not clearly formulate what the plan was? nikolai understood the dilemma well, they they want to make me a tyrant or a coward. who is this man, the one who broke the neck of the reforms or the man who saved from bloodshed and this famous question that the emperor asked pushkin, what would you do if on december 14
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, 2025 you found yourself in st. petersburg, pushkin to senate square and pushkin after, about two different pushkins. big history, decembrists, union of salvation, on sunday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, let's agree with you, i say, you do, otherwise, you and i won’t succeed at all, i’m detective taria paykola, you have everything. okay, she can’t speak, he probably threatened her, they threatened you, a man came to see me, this is forbidden, okay,
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he has a knife, hands so i can see, on your knees, hands behind your head, calm down, put your hands behind your head, i told you to keep your head down, it’s true my friend, one chance in three, premiere. from monday on the first, mom, please be quiet, what is your relationship with yaana, we are planning to restore the family, and where are you going to live, oleg, would you like to help your country, how, excuse me, you have what i need, comrade peredunov, our head coach of the ussr pasam. vasily oshchebkov is invited to replace him for a friendly match, but now the whole frag is ... who are
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the germans here, you want to learn this, there is no effective technique against firearms yet, and comrade oshchebkov showed that the army has made its choice and training the national team will be a sliver, you lost before you even start, you can’t win a battle with such an attitude, you want to bury mine yourself, my students, but if i if i write about him, they’ll put him in prison, where is he?
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st. petersburg international economic forum. all the most important things come first. the big game is live, we are looking forward to the president’s speech at the st. petersburg international economic forum, which is due to start any minute, but for now we continue the big game, the big game on friday - what are these, these are the trains
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of the united states of america. it is impossible without them. so, west mansfield, ohio. 20 csx grain and soybean train cars converge on the rails near the highway number 47. there were no casualties, but russian territory took, as you understand, a lot of time. look at the condition, the sea of ​​soybeans on the railroad tracks, it’s simply amazing. arcana.
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gonzalez, she has now received compensation by court decision, why? because that day the police detained her for a crime with a pistol, and before leaving for the station they decided to wait for reinforcements, parked their car on the railway tracks, that is, they parked it there, at that time the train was passing through it i drove around, well, justice
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has been served. she received compensation of almost 9 million dollars, for such a pleasure to be on the rails, no one can say why the police decided to leave her there. mishawaka, indiana, amazing luck saved a motorist, his car got stuck on a railroad crossing, this led to a collision with a train, due to the impact , the car was thrown into the oncoming track, where it was immediately hit by another train, despite a series of accidents.
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troops in northern france to begin their real participation in the great patriotic war, in the second world war. well, this happened when our troops were already there. they did the main thing, while biden again allowed harsh statements regarding our country, including such, in my opinion, the most cynical statement that he allowed attacks on our territory, but not on the kremlin and not on moscow, like, of course it was possible also to say that we, as it were, will also give our weapons, but it’s not about washington, but everything else is possible, but honestly, well...
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enslavement and destruction, planting civilization by the people of the world looks exactly like this: ships return to their native harbors, full of looted valuables, european cities are built up and become richer, enslaved countries
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become poorer and lose their identity. over the next 500 years, european civilization plundered africa and china, india, the middle east and america. ancient cultures were destroyed, indigenous peoples were driven into reservations, tens of millions of people were sold into slavery. in the modern world, the colonial march from the west has not stopped. the robbery took on even more hypocritical forms of dollar dependence. centuries of living at the expense of others have shaped the western world's psychology and mindset as a colonizer. we came up with the rules. must obey them, it will always be so, they demanded. but a new time has come, a time of justice, honesty, equality. russia, a state-civilization, is the only one
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in history that humanity has been able to resist western colonization. over more than a thousand years of history, russia has repeatedly repelled invasion attempts, defending its borders and people of tradition. but russia is at the beginning the 21st century led the struggle of peoples for a new world order. russia refused to follow the rules invented by someone, and obediently played along with the colonialists. russia has inspired people with the ideas of a multipolar world. in the process of forming a new world , the economy is evolving, new centers of power and development are emerging. economic colonialism is being replaced. an economic order based on the principles of justice, new growth points with unique technologies and developments are able to successfully compete and occupy their niches in the global
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arena. the basis of a multipolar world is the formation of new growth points. so, we continue to wait for the president of the russian federation, the speech could begin at any second, but we were interrupted just at the moment when sergevich lavrov felt very
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sorry for biden after his last speeches, especially after he had known putin for 40 years, they probably met in dresdon in the early eighties at a safe house, obviously, if in dresdon. but the fact is that a person who, apparently, is suffering, is poisoned with nuclear button, which apparently still works, this, of course, causes great concern among many people, so the sooner these inadequate lunatics are somehow removed from not just the places of decision-making, but also from the tools that in general, it is fraught with serious threats, an apocalypse, this is an important task, so when we approached
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this topic, it was not for nothing that we remembered the colonial legacy, which is at the core of the current new colonialists, the current globalists, neoliberals, that the picture of the world that they painted does not suit almost anyone now, that indeed russia is now in the vanguard of that march, that movement for the freedom of nations. quite prosperous, he allows himself such
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low, such incorrect statements, and they have become systemic, that is, i understand that a person can make a mistake once, it may be a mistake, but it is not a mistake, it is a purposeful action that he carries out from time to time, he talks to dead people regularly, he lies regularly frankly, but in any case, this in no way wins him points, he believes that this is a plus, well, we are waiting for the president, or rather even presidents, because... and today he is taking part in the plenary meeting of the st. petersburg international economic forum and russian president putin, he stands behind the hall, and the presidents of zimbabwe, bolivia, presenter, moderator of the discussion, sergei aleksandrovich karaganov, we look and listen to the president, sergei karaganov.
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and good afternoon, friends, and deeply respected gentlemen presidents, and dear colleagues, dear friends, i have been given a great honor and great pleasure


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