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tv   Novosti  1TV  June 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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country, who fought almost all his life, most of the defensive part of his life with arms in his hands for the independence of his homeland, his homeland, spent 10 years in one prison, two in another, survived, had two death sentences when he became president, he overturned the death sentence from...
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an outstanding economist, a descendant of people who fought together with the great simon bolevarov for the independence of his homeland, so he has a slightly less dramatic fate, but also absolutely magnificent and full of the drama of victories, and besides, he had many years, a decade and a half , as the country's minister of economy and finance, over these years... his country increased its gnp by more than two times, reduced the number of poor people by more than two times, and at the same time he carried out remarkable reforms, the most interesting ones including the nationalization of a significant part of property foreign companies and the russian federation, while he was engaged in import substitution, he succeeded, it will also be very interesting for us. find out his experience,
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of course, and of course, but i think that vladimirovich does not need advertising, and to me, as a citizen of the country that he, he is the president, it is inappropriate to praise him, i will only say one thing, i clearly remember the years ninety-eight and ninety-nine, when our country was on the brink. it’s rather on the verge of collapse, it was an absolutely tragic situation, i remember that my comrades and i fought desperately almost hopelessly, at some point god will have mercy on us, and now vladimir vladimirovich, you have an equally difficult task, not only to win, but but to save the world, which, which is rolling and which are heading towards a world war, but for now let's talk, probably about something else,
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please, good afternoon, dear friends, colleagues, dear mr. abse, dear mr. mangaba, dear guests, friends, yes! and gentlemen, i am very pleased to welcome you all to the 27th st. petersburg international economic forum. this year , over 19,000 people from more than a hundred countries around the world became its participants and guests. these are shareholders and managers of leading companies, recognized analytical experts, political, public, and government figures. by tradition, the forum in st. petersburg gives not only an opportunity. establish business
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contacts, agree on cooperation or launch promising projects, but in an open discussion exchange views on current global and regional trends...
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the countries of south asia and africa, where there is a high birth rate and still a low level of urbanization, are increasingly making themselves known, as well as rapid, catch-up economic growth. according to experts and specialized specialists, it is precisely such states that will determine the global economic picture. but already in the world is witnessing explosive technological growth in almost all spheres of life, it is the middle of this century, i will add that it is now seriously changing management, production processes and even entire industries. it is clear that
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those countries that not only produce new solutions, but are able to provide them quickly, will be able to take full advantage of technological progress.
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personnel, organizational resources, both at the federal and regional at the municipal levels, to implement national projects, which were discussed in detail at the recent council on strategic development, what changes are these, what are we talking about, first, taking into account the international
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nature of our event, i will start with foreign economic relations, with the positions that we strive to occupy in world markets, and how... we expect to change the structure of our exports and imports, despite all the obstacles and illegitimate sanctions, russia remains one of the key participants in world trade, is actively developing logistics, the geography of cooperation, this is how our relations with asian countries are strengthened, growth of 60%, from the twentieth to the twenty-third year of the middle east, double the growth. africa 69%, latin america - 42. i assume that my dear colleagues, guests of our forum , the presidents of bolivia and zimbabwe, will touch on this topic in their speeches. in general, the share of states friendly to russia, and as we
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see, this is precisely what we should pay attention to first of all, rapidly growing ones, to pay attention to the economies of fast-growing states, to this. ahead, they will have to determine the future in the global economy, today their share already accounts for 3/4 of our trade turnover. we continue to work effectively with partners. according to the european union, ensuring a balance of interests of all participants. last year, the total gdp of the union country grew by 3.8%, and the volume of mutual trade by 4.7%. moreover, its structure has improved qualitatively, namely, the supply of finished high-tech products has increased. this is exactly the kind of non-resource, non- energy export. from russia, we will actively support, by 2030 its volume
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should increase by at least 2/3 compared to 2023, and we are not just talking about an increase in export supplies in tons, in cubic meters, in units of finished goods, but we are talking about high value-added goods, and not only about the entry of russian companies into... geography of cooperation, everything this is important, but today it is not enough. we are ready to offer full-scale technological and industrial partnerships to other countries, including providing the full life cycle of goods and services with training of national personnel, localization of production, engineering support, technical services, insurance and so on. such an approach to cooperation on equal terms, the transfer of technologies and competencies, and
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not their monopolization, allows us to establish stronger ties between government agencies, increases the stability of the position of our companies in the global market, gives them the opportunity to work with foreign partners for a long time, with great prospects, with one of our leaders is acting as the foundation for the future, namely... the company is the undisputed leader in the global nuclear industry, it is obvious that the development new markets require strengthening transport links, so in the eastern direction in china to the countries of the asia-pacific region, the main project for us is the development of the so-called eastern railway range ; in april the parameters of the next, already third stage were approved. modernization, by 2030 the carrying capacity of the eastern railway range
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should increase to 210 million tons, by 2032 to 270 million tons. we will pay special attention to the southern direction. plans for the development of the international corridor have already been approved north-south, as well as a corridor in the azov-black sea direction. popular global arteries. the northern sea route is becoming increasingly important; last year , 36 million tons of cargo passed through it; in the future , transportation may exceed 150 million tons. to achieve this, we will continue to develop the route infrastructure and build transport approaches to arctic ports. a special role in this work is assigned to the leaders of our northern subjects of the federation. in this regard, we will form a state council. commission for the development of the arctic regions and the northern sea ways. in general, it is predicted that by
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20030 the volume of traffic along international transport corridors through russian territory will increase by one and a half times compared to 2021, primarily due to the increased competitiveness of these routes, their convenience for business and for carriers. a separate question. important for both exporters and importers is the development of cross-border payment infrastructure. it’s no secret, of course, that reliability and trust in western payment systems have been fundamentally undermined, and by the western countries themselves. in this regard , i would like to note that last year the share of payments for russian exports in the so-called toxic currencies of unfriendly states was halved. at the same time,
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external sanctions intervention. let me remind you in this regard that this year new participants have joined the brix work: saudi arabia, iran, the united arab emirates, egypt and ethiopia. thus, the share of our association in global gdp increased to 36%.
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