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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  June 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:42pm MSK

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and are ready to make this choice, then they will endlessly try to fight, fight and bleed us, and at the same time, after all, they are fighting not only against us, they are also fighting against our friends in the world majority, because we are the military-strategic root this, the core of this world majority, if they turn us around, they will begin to suppress them again, i don’t know whether gentlemen presidents agree with this. let me make one remark: all our decisions must be based on an analysis of a real, objective analysis of the emerging situation, that's what we do. the day before yesterday, you spoke to the heads of the agency and said something extremely interesting, that we are ready.
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i am turning at this moment to our chinese and indian friends, they are only spending, and i said that maybe there are geopolitical considerations, but in this sense, it’s not like it’s not a strategic weapon, it’s just that it has lost its meaning as a strategic weapon, but in general why maybe in other countries they can spend it, why not, but now regarding something that
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is not necessary, i think we can reason on the way, we need to go there, perhaps go for some kind of mobilization, at least partially, do you think that we can defeat the enemy without mobilization, or we will still need to carry out mobilization, well, if we follow the recommendations that were made by you, if we want to do this as quickly as possible, then it works for us...
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when we see what the russian character is, what the character of a russian citizen is, we understand this, we rely on this, we do not need any atomic weapons for the final victory, i can do this addgu. we just see this forced mobilization in ukraine, it is certainly, i have no doubt, the age of mobilization will decrease, we reliably know from ukrainian sources that the americans have set the conditions for continued
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support by reducing this level of mobilization at the age of 25-23 to 20 years , 18, or maybe 18 at once, this is no longer our business, then let the entire current leadership of ukraine replace it, of course, i have already talked about this, but what is important for us is that somewhere they are gaining 30- 50, the month before last in my opinion, they gained 70,000, there will be a decrease, but what does this mean, it means that what they are gaining and will gain will only be used to make up for losses, there will be... a big increase, as they say, yes, well can be calculated differently, now i won’t even name the numbers, although they are clear to us, so in this situation, when people come voluntarily and go to the front to defend their homeland,
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there is no talk of mobilization, naturally, i understand your arguments, but ... i know the history of our country well - and i remember - the sixteenth year, when and we were winning, but the people were tired, so we will still need to start hurrying up at some point, and we snatched defeat from the hands of victory in the seventeenth year, now, thank god, because we started , maybe even this operation is late,
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we discount the arguments of me and my comrades, which we regularly send to you, we don’t write anything off, we take everything into account, thank you for these recommendations, yeah, well, now i’m moving on to that question, then we will definitely return to the global economy, and which you have already touched upon, we - like me and like you, have come to the end of a single communist ideology, therefore, of course, we don’t want a communist ideology, but a state, a great state , cannot exist without a national ideology, without a great idea, and states that lost this
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national idea, national ideology, inevitably crumbled, the world is strewn with the graves of such or the shadows of such...
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they simply believed in the fatherland differently - they assessed differently what was good and what
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was bad for the fatherland, that’s another question , here of course, ideas are needed, faith in communism was lost, but not by everyone, otherwise we would not have a legal party, the communist party of the russian federation, it has many supporters, and this is a fact, in my opinion this should also be treated with respect, but you the right is that we need unifying ideas and e'. of course, such a unifying idea, and today's events show this, perhaps in the best, most direct, and not quasi-sense of the word , patriotism, these are the people who voluntarily come to the front, not sparing their lives and health, the best confirmation of this is patriotism, but of course this needs to be done competently, well, thoroughly, beautifully, intelligibly. submit everything, help us, please, we will be very grateful to you, with
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pleasure, this really needs to be done, i assure you that i remember how the communist ideology died, i didn’t miss it, but i, but because with the death of communist ideology, that country perished, because we had a vacuum, therefore. we need to fill this bang with quite certain things, order, we’ll do it, but only this, then you must propose to society, the elite, to make it more or less mandatory, then it will work, by the way, the communist ideology worked for us, which was mandatory for everyone, and which for many years...
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i will discuss with you , but not only communist ideology, although this was of great importance in the victory of the great patriotic war, but if this were all that united the multinational people. then yes, but then the question is, why did icons with icons fly over moscow, and why?
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of course, but a lot of countries collapsed without ever losing their ideology, that’s for sure, well , let’s have one more peaceful, good question, in our country there is a big discussion about migration, as you know, and a hoministic mood appears, including manifesting itself. which are fatal for a country that is essentially multinational, but at the same time our police department deals with migration, is it good or bad, that’s the next question, but it should, but its task is to limit migration, i believe that
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it is very necessary to strictly and more strictly limit the negative aspects of migration, but... we are faced, it seems to me, with a task, and this is not only a task, but an opportunity, to begin attracting, massively attracting qualified migrants from abroad, climate migration will begin, value migration will begin , there will be a crisis migration, it is already underway, by the way, we just missed a wave of very interesting people who could come to us from... afghanistan, after they fled from there, after, how did they arrange this, the americans arranged what they arranged, so, shouldn’t we modernize our concept of migration policy, i read it a few years ago, it is amazingly unrealistic and
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liberal, and at the same time it is allegedly putting it into practice police department. maybe create a body in the government that would be involved in attracting, generally regulating all these issues, would create a modern concept of migration policy and would deal with attractions and restrictions, including strict migration, we don’t have such a policy now, well, there’s nothing to object to, are you right? true, we need to think about the possibility of interesting people coming to us from afghanistan, we now have a lot of interesting people coming from other countries, but uh, but you are right, of course, that we have not yet built such a meaningful migration policy, we once had a single body, it was later subsumed into the ministry of internal affairs for
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security reasons, whether effective work there is achieved or not is a big question. well, we are discussing this with colleagues, i have set this task for the government, for the security council, to return to this issue as quickly as possible, we cannot see that the problem does not exist, it does exist, it is necessary to attract migrant workers, this is obvious, without this with such almost minimal, almost zero minimal unemployment.
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to establish work, how to prepare them in terms of knowledge of the russian language, our culture and traditions, our laws, so that these people who come feel comfortable here, and most importantly, for local citizens, not to create any problems either in the labor market or in everyday life, because where migrants mainly accumulate, where there is active economic life, and this is where moscow, the moscow region, here here in st. petersburg, in some cities. siberia, well, where the salary level is decent, of course, we need to do a lot in this area, i completely agree, let’s now we just don’t use now... the flight experience of our guests, i would like to appeal to the president arsa with this question, you said a lot of interesting things, i’m sure
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, by the way, we will distribute your speech as a teaching aid, i will ask my colleagues to distribute it to universities, because it’s just a wonderful teaching aid, thank you , it's just an alternative to what is taught. do you think that for this money you can still turn to the international monetary fund, the world bank, or this
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time has passed, and some new tools are needed, what tools do you see, here we are creating a brix bank there, something else exists, because it seems to me that it’s perfect for us from your point of view. development on the use of our natural resources, in this sense, bolivia is open to foreign direct investment according to a model where
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the largest participation of foreign investment is large, if it concerns natural resources, this is primarily, of course, in relation to...
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then i agree with our economic model can be created from the position of the state by providing certain conditions for sustainable development and income and of course brix and the new brix bank is a great opportunity because we are waiting for this type of financing,
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cautious, of course, in the use of our natural resources, we are open to private, foreign investment, first of all, of course, in other industries, thank you, mr. managa, i also have one question for you, quite significant, it seems to me that now our government is preparing a program as... the host country of the brix summit, in which three african countries are already participating, i think that there will be other countries, but what do you want from brix, in what direction should brix, from your point of view, develop, what kind of institutions should it create to, say, help, and then maybe involve such countries. "zimbabwe,
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maybe a fund, say, the brix food fund, or the brix mineral fertilizer fund, maybe the brix agency for emergency assistance, there is no such agency in the world now, our countries can, probably, by combining resources, by the way, additional resources are not needed for this, maybe something like this, what..."
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we haven't, haven't heard that the brix summit will be held in zimbabwe, but we know that there will be a summit of heads of state there, of this association sadiq, it is the south african development community, we are holding this summit that makes it possible to hold the summit in any of
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the states and for this we need to create infrastructure, because in order to hold a summit of this level, it is necessary to create infrastructure, so we are now in a very difficult time, we hardly sleep, we are creating something new, a new city, so in august. we will hold a summit development community of eureka, so we will have after this...
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in terms of holding summits, because with them will come, technology will come, such a summit cannot be held if there is no communication equipment or the necessary premises, infrastructure for such summits,
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we in our region, it seems to me, we are only just preparing for such a challenge as holding a regional or even continental summit. but we will be ready to do this, i believe that in the future, well, for example, now there is a russia-africa summit, there is a summit china-africa, there is a summit between spain, africa, and it seems to me that in the future there should be a summit between russia and zimbabwe, when we will host the russian federation as a guest, or, for example, a summit.
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developed and used all available internal resources to fill some gaps, build what we lack, we focus on this and we are proud that we have created such, such infrastructure, such institutions, so i look forward to the day when we we will hold a summit, zimbabwe russia, and my brother will come to us. and attend the summit in zimbabwe with all the premises, because i am now looking, this is what you have built, we are ready to build new, better developments,
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infrastructure, and we see what our dear brother is doing, thank you very much, we are looking forward to visiting you, thank you very much, i will contact you again i still have a letter for you. then with a request, perhaps, that you write what you want from the brix summit, specifically, maybe you have some personal wishes that would be interesting to us, we collect such applications, because really brix is ​​already gaining momentum, we need to find the right one directions of its development, they are already signaling to me that we must complete it, i have a lot of questions, but nevertheless, i feel... then i had a lot of interesting questions, but then the last
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question vladimirovich to you is you are a russian european native city ​​of st. petersburg st. petersburg. how to preserve them, not lose them along the way, as we do very often in russia, when we throw out the baby with the bathwater, maybe
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make st. petersburg the center of real european culture, hold festivals here for real europeans, declare finally, that we are europe, we, of course, we are northern eurasia, first of all... and a civilization of civilization, but making st. petersburg the center of european national culture is one question, this is the question. true european culture, another question is attached to this question, i think that our friends from africa and latin america will be happy if we begin to turn st. petersburg into the center of world culture, paris was, is slowly fading away, new york has become different, maybe we will make st. petersburg the center of the world. cultures are not a joke, everything is already here built, here you just need to create
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several festivals and several - excuse the anglicism of happenings, there are events to which a huge number of people will flock, it will be beneficial for st. petersburg residents, it will be useful for everyone in the world, in the europe that we are leaving.
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this turnaround is taking place in the world, in the world as a whole, in connection with the growth of new centers of economic development, and we began this work long before the tragic events of today in the ukrainian direction. i already said at the very beginning, here it is being reduced economic volume impact on the global economy. this is an inevitable, inevitable course of events,
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no one can do anything about it, that’s what would n’t happen, this tendency will continue, and of course, as you and i just discussed, peter cut a window to europe, since he was here the center of economic development,
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in my opinion, is a key thing, we are associated in ideas with global liberalism, by definition, to a certain extent, we become centers of traditional european culture of traditional european values, which, if you look a little back into the centuries, they were founded even for non-believers, in general it was founded, of course. first of all on
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christian culture, for us, for russia, for a multi-confessional country, you said, i don’t know who the author of these words is, that this means, first of all, the military machine of the russian people, whoever said it, i don’t agree with this, because russia initially developed as a multi-religious state, let’s remember the instructions of that same party...
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based on the results of the elections to the european parliament, but what exactly can and should be done, this, of course, is necessary to develop our country.


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