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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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tanya woke up in horror, looking out of the window through the frozen glass, dawn, the god-given ray was playing, the door opened, olga came to her, the aurora of the northern alley, and flies in like a swallow, so she said, tell me, who did you see? in a dream, for the poet’s anniversary. hello, the program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, the main thing today: vladimir putin’s keynote speech at the forum in st. petersburg, about changes in the world and the development of our country. from february 1, 2025
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onwards, pensions will not increase annually only to those who have already retired, but also to those who continue to work. it will be really fair. president, about the growth of our economy. even 15-20 years ago, the main question was how to find a job now. where to find personnel and support people, families with two children will be able to take advantage of a family mortgage at 6%, regardless of the age of the children, the only condition is that at least one child in the family is a minor at the time of applying for the mortgage. global security. we have nuclear doctrine. and everything is written there.
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we rely on this, we do not need any atomic weapons for final victory, in this situation, when our people come voluntarily, go to the front, to defend their homeland, there is no talk of mobilization. architecture of a multipolar world. all this is done on the basis of the most important principle. law, which is called harmony, so we will build our policy precisely on these foundations, harmoniously, and russia, of course, will be part of this multipolar harmonious world. so, the main event of the day, plenary session of the st. petersburg international economic forum and keynote speech by vladimir putin. for the president's hour. outlined the vectors of
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russia's development and our country's position on major international topics. the global economy has entered an era of dramatic change. despite western sanctions, russia remains a key participant in world trade and is actively developing. particular attention to social issues. from february next year, indexation of pensions for working pensioners will resume. chapter statement states in the report by anton vernisky. even before the start of the plenary session of the st. petersburg economic forum , the president’s press secretary said that vladimir putin’s speech would, of course, be devoted to the economy, this comes from the logic of the forum itself, the motto of which this year is the formation of new growth points, among other things, without politics in this case, also nowhere, because another phrase from this motto: the basis of a multipolar world. moreover, this multipolar world is now in the stage of active formation, changing in our country to eyes, while the countries entered into a real race to strengthen their sovereignty, both state, cultural, and economic. at the same time, countries that until recently acted as leaders. global
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development, are trying with all their might, by hook or by crook, to maintain their elusive role as hegemons. in general , there is nothing unusual here when it comes to a country or a person. in their lives they try to maintain their positions, strengthen them, but by crook is bad, by crook is good, by crook is no good. to the guests of the st. petersburg forum present in the hall, the president of bolivia zimbabwe, a country that had been fighting colonialism for many years, did not need to explain this further. the old geopolitical global order, which was determined by a few elected members , is unacceptable to us. in zimbabwe, we have a philosophy of being friends with everyone and no one. partnership is the most reliable basis for a multipolar world and for the formation of new growth points. neocolonialism, which is cultivated in every possible way americans, at this stage of world development does not bring anything good to anyone, including the united states itself. and here we, of course, see
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that the number one economy is already china, and by a large margin from second place. india is the third largest economy in the world. and a global leader in dynamics - and is a global leader in dynamics . the countries of south asia and africa, where, by the way, the majority of the world’s population lives, are making themselves known more and more loudly. by developing cooperation with the countries of these regions, russia is precisely against the same neocolonialism that the anglo-saxons continue to impose on the world. we are talking about something else, about economic partnership with a clear goal for us and for our partners. we have set a goal to become one of the four largest economies in the world. by the way, according to some data, including estimates from the world bank, just last week, the world bank made additional calculations and put russia in fourth place, we were
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ahead of japan. russia ranks fourth in terms of gdp. but according to putin , the main thing is not to stop there, the world is changing so rapidly that you can instantly slide down, which is why we are now actively changing the entire structure of our foreign economic relations, this is how our relations with asian countries are strengthening, an increase of 60%, from the twentieth to the twenty -third year of the middle east, a doubling of growth , africa 69%, latin america - 42. overall. they will have to determine the future in the global economy, but we are increasingly moving away from so -called toxic currencies, primarily the dollar, and are finding more and more partners within the framework of such associations as euroses and brix. here is the statement by the president of bolivia directly at the plenary session of the forum. we face
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a lot of challenges, so we in bolivia believe that the opportunity to belong to the brix group is a great prospect for our country to put into action transformations and transformations in our country. along with accelerated industrialization, this year alone saudi arabia, iran, the united arab emirates, egypt, ethiopia, 46% of the world's population. however, putin spoke more at the plenary session about structural changes in russia itself. at the end of last year, as you know, russia's gdp growth was 3.6%, and in the first quarter of this year - 5.4%. that is, our rates exceed the world average, it is especially important that such dynamics are determined primarily not by raw materials industries, but just a few years ago our country was pejoratively called the gas station of the world; today, according to the president, almost half of gdp growth
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provided by manufacturing industries, construction, agriculture for reference. today russia ranks fourth in the world in meat production and is increasing supplies of these products. meat consumption in russia in 2023 set a new record last year and exceeds 80 kg per person, but for comparison in the world , the average is 42-43 kilograms per person. an important task today is to stimulate our technological sovereignty, in other words, support.
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i know that there is a proposal to enshrine the investment standard in legislation, i propose that the government discuss this topic with the business community and regions, including the topic. investors who will invest in high-tech areas, for example, in space, the state, according to putin, is ready to share the risks, today in our country there are almost 30 million retail, so -called retail investors, well, these are citizens, the total volume of their assets over the year has increased by one and a half times and amounted to more than 9 trillion rubles. and, of course, according to the president, it is necessary to ensure that the money does not just sit in the accounts of citizens, but at the same time, they worked, bringing benefits in the form of profits to both the investors themselves and the state. in the form of money invested in the economy, which you can not be afraid of losing. the program
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started recently, but is still lagging behind target indicators. i propose to further configure it, namely, to increase the period of co-financing of citizens’ savings. now it is 3 years. i think it is correct and reasonable to extend it to at least 10 years. i will add that this year a new instrument, a savings certificate, will be introduced. it will allow citizens to place funds in banks for a period of over 3 years and at a higher interest rate than on a regular deposit, although now it is a fairly solid deposit, our leading financial institutions are also adjusting this bar higher and higher, i don’t know if this is justified or not, well, but for deposit holders , this is of course a plus, this is understandable, but i wouldn’t want you germanuski, together with andrei lyandich , to suck everything out of other banks like a vacuum cleaner,
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this is the president’s appeal to german gref, the head of sberbank and andrei kostin from vtb, a continuation of the topic concerning their banks relationships with clients, especially young ones. vladimir putin instructed to soften the terms of family mortgages. as you know, we have extended the family mortgage until 2030; all russian families can receive a preferential loan at a rate of 6%. where children under the age of 6 years are raised, they offer here additional social, special solutions, well, also in the social sphere, for families who live or want to buy housing in small towns or in regions where the volume of housing construction is not yet enough, here families with two children will be able to use family mortgage at 6%, regardless of the age of the children, the only condition is that at least one child in the family is a minor at the time of registration of the mortgage. and the same preferential
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mortgage terms will apply in all regions of russia, for each, for every family that wants to build their own home, for every family that wants to build their own home, this is especially important for large, large families, i ask the government launch these programs already... in general, reducing poverty and quality of life is a priority of the state, the growth of incomes of russian families , the president has spoken about this more than once; one of the tools for achieving this is rapid growth of wages. here i will add an important decision regarding the indexation of the minimum wage. in 2025, mrod will make up 48% of the median salary, so it will exceed 22,000 rubles per month. that is, it will grow by about 15%. then the ratio with the median salary
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will increase so that, as agreed, by 2030 the salary will be at least 35,000 rubles per month. now in our the country has record low unemployment, less than 3%, more precisely 2.6, but at the same time there is a shortage of personnel to enter the high-tech industries. even 15-20 years ago the main question was... in how to find a job, now, where to find personnel. to do this, we are forming a forecast of the personnel needs of the domestic economy. the federal project of professionalism plays a big role here. it has already made it possible to begin modernizing the material and technical base of colleges and technical schools, to update educational programs for aircraft and shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals, electronics, defense and other industries, for these areas by 2028 it is necessary to train about
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a million specialists in blue-collar professions. to this end, in the next 10 years, 40 university campuses with advanced opportunities for scientific study will appear in russia, and, as the president especially emphasized, their work will be assessed by how in demand graduates will be. as for pensioners, here too there is an innovation announced by the president at the forum in st. petersburg. we are talking about... the level of wages of working pensioners, we have been discussing this topic for a long time, we just talked about this topic with the governor of st. petersburg at a meeting right before... our meeting on february 1, 2025 and every year thereafter, pensions will be increased not only for those who have already retired, but also for those who continue to work, this will be really fair, i ask the united russia party, together with the government , to prepare a corresponding bill and
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adopt it in the spring session, i know that all other factions represented in parliament will certainly... support in modern times conditions, labor productivity is directly related to digitalization, with the use of artificial intelligence technologies, the digital platform revolution, another structural change in the country’s economy. according to putin, at least 80% of russian organizations must switch to domestic software over the next 6 years . at the same time, the state will stimulate it specialists. to support the it industry , we will provide a number of measures, including accounting. increased coefficients, coefficient of expenses for domestic digital solutions when calculating income tax, we will also establish a reduced income tax rate of 5% for russian it companies, it will be valid until 2030 inclusive. i ask the government to work out additional measures to support
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domestic software developers . with inventions in this area, as in others in the country, everything is fine. just go to the russian exhibition at vdnkh, they have already become so recognizable in the country that, roughly speaking, they have killed foreign and such 100% russian campaigns here a lot of. i would like to especially note one more point: almost all participants in the competition in general, many domestic entrepreneurs support military personnel and special veterans.
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political scientist sergei karaganov. one of the main topics was the resolution of the ukrainian conflict. the topic will be continued by kirill brainin. the plenary session is traditionally the main event of the forum, an opportunity for business representatives and political scientists to discuss the most pressing issues with the head of state. the range of them is all the wider because this time they include in the discussion participation of leaders of countries of the so-called global south. the moderator of the discussion, sergei karaganov, introduced them as fighters with rich experience, and in the case of the president of zimbabwe.
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i don’t have, well, these are the partners, what should we do now, fight with everyone, or what? but we must strive, of course, for such agreements and conditions that would... correspond to our interests and be as reliable as possible, you are right that it is very difficult to negotiate with such a public, they deceive at every step,
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they say one thing, they do something else, and it’s sad, but all armed conflicts end in some kind of peace agreements, however, as one of the former leaders told me, a fairly significant european country, all these agreements can be based either on a military basis... find someone with whom we are ready for these negotiations, well, only on the terms that we agreed on when we started these
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negotiations in minsk and then in istanbul, and not on some kind of fiction, but even if we take those agreements in istanbul as a basis, we must still proceed from the realities of today, and the realities, according to the president, are such that our... the army is gradually squeezing the enemy out of the donbass, someone might like more speed, but the question is the price of acceleration. is it possible to increase the speed of solving the problems we face? it is possible, but this is directly proportional to the losses, understanding my responsibility, i still proceed from what the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but even more important is concern for the lives and health of our people. guys who are fighting at the front, so the combat work is underway, just since the beginning of this
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year, 40 settlements there, i think , have been liberated, 880 km, i think, the general staff, the ministry of defense have plans for the implementation and achievement of all our goals, we are acting according to this plan, i’m sure everything these plans will be implemented. but here we must keep in mind, so to speak, the background of the discussion moderator, in addition to the fact that sergei karaganov, scientific director of the faculty of world economy and world politics of the higher school of economics, he is also the author of the concept of a preventive nuclear strike, now he formulates the idea as acceleration of movement along the ladder of nuclear escalation, so this is in some sense a softening of the position, although the topic is undoubtedly a very sensitive and disturbing one. look, about. nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric, i no longer remember the name of this lady, the former prime minister of great britain, who, when asked when she
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stopped being prime minister, said that she was ready to press the nuclear button, we didn’t say that never, that’s how it all started, we simply answered that yes, we need to take this more seriously, we immediately started to say that we are rattling nuclear weapons, we are not rattling, this is the first second, what is use, not use, in what case to use, we have a nuclear doctrine, and everything is written there, use is possible in an exceptional, precisely in an exceptional case in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country in exceptional cases, i do not believe that such a case has occurred, and there is no such need, but this is a doctrine, this is a living instrument, and we are watching carefully.
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containment the president talks about testing nuclear weapons, for now, according to him , a computer simulation is quite enough, but no one is taking the possibility of what is called a full-scale experiment off the table, however, it seems that this concept seems to sergei karaganov not tough enough, i am a hunter, i know how animals behave, if you are ... hyenas, but they are all kept in national parks so that we are not disturbed, we do not have any problems with them, they multiply quickly, if someone wants hygiene, we can give it to you. answer
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obviously was intended to reduce the nuclear tension, but sergei karaganov is not ready to give up so easily. again, i repeat this question and bring it to the end. if we don’t go more decisively down the escalation ladder, won’t we warm up even the almighty? after all, the almighty once showed us the way when he was for dissipation and debauchery. destroyed sodom and gomorrah with a fiery rain, so maybe we’ll remember this rain, we’ll try to bring some sense to humanity or that part of humanity that has lost faith in god has lost its mind, without me, maybe you’ll turn up the heat, they’ve already they were scared, although, although, of course, one might think, about...
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second, second, the power of the strikes, we have ours , well, more or less defenseless, this is the first, tactical nuclear weapons are three times more powerful than the bombs used by the americans in four against kheroshima and nagasaki, three to four times, we have many times more of them on the european continent, and even if
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the americans bring theirs... from the usa, we still have many times more, but if it comes to that, god forbid, yes, no matter what i really want, i ’ll cross myself, that’s what it means, but then here you are they said, we will reduce the casualties, but they can grow indefinitely, this is the first, second, of course, these same europeans will have to think, if, then, those with whom we will exchange such blows will not exist? are the americans already at the level of strategic weapons in this exchange of strikes or not? i very much doubt it, and the europeans should also think about it, of course, but i still proceed from the fact that it will never come to this, we don’t even need to think about this topic, please, and i too everyone i would ask again for such things in vanity.
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a number of circumstances that in one way or another affect certain regions of the world, and we must, of course, think about this. and a potential adversary will have to think about the consequences of the extent to which ukraine’s friends are willing to increase the degree of escalation in an attempt to prevent kiev’s defeat. time in this sense works for russia, although, of course, no one wants to fight forever. do you think that we can defeat the enemy without mobilization, or
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will we still need to carry it out? active contingent not enough, but we adhere, as i said, to a different tactic, we are pushing the enemy out of those territories that should be brought under our control, in this sense, we have no need to mobilize, we are not planning this, because last year, the mobilization that we had, we called up 300,000 people, but last year, without any mobilization, voluntarily...
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160,000 people, every day, we have about a thousand-odd people coming to the varikomata voluntarily, you know, that’s when we see, what is russian character, what is the character of a russian citizen, we understand this , we rely on this, we do not need any atomic weapons for final victory. probably, this fact is also forcing the western allies to put pressure on kiev, and even total mobilization in the country seems to be insufficient in the eyes of sponsors. we reliably know from ukrainian sources that
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the americans have set conditions for continued support by reducing this level of mobilization at the age of 25-23, at 20, 18, and maybe to be 18 at once. this is no longer our business, then let the entire current leadership of ukraine replace it, of course, i already talked about this, but what is important for us is that somewhere they are recruiting 30-50, like the month before last in my opinion, they gained 70,000, there will be a decrease, what does this mean, this means that what they are gaining will only be used to make up for losses, there will be... a big increase, as they say, yes, well, it’s possible calculate differently, now i won’t even name the numbers, although they are clear to us, therefore, in this situation, when we have people come voluntarily, go to
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the front, to defend their homeland, well, there is no talk of mobilization, the president has said more than once that the main task he sets for military leaders is to protect the lives of soldiers, this is the key difference from... channel one. a significant part of the discussion at the plenary session was devoted to economics. after all, this is a specialized forum. moreover, just today a meeting of the board of directors of the bank of russia took place on the key rate. contrary to the forecasts of experts and some bankers that it will be increased, the regulator left the indicator at the same level.
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that we will not have a discussion, but such a discussion, because what you said sounds offensive both to the government of the russian federation and to other structures, we are working on this new development strategy, we have it, we have been doing it for a whole, whole year and they did it not only themselves, that is, they did it together with those brains that you mentioned, that is, with the business community, with their associations, at constant meetings and meetings. we didn’t do anything sloppily, just like that this means that you are proposing to create some structures, we have them, this is the government of the russian federation, the central bank and part of the presidential administration of russia, but
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as for the ideas to form a working group on the sidelines of the st. petersburg forum, if you want to ruin the matter, create a working group, and but i must admit to you, we already have so many working groups that i no longer know where i should chair. on these workers, when another group comes, it is necessary for you to lead it, i usually say, okay, i will definitely i’ll think about it... it’s interesting to listen to such people, the moderator
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developed the economic discussion in his own style, and what kind of model are we building? we are supposedly following the right path, supposedly we used to follow the liberal path, but we don’t understand, of course the government is doing something and we are proud of what it is doing, thank god, it started doing it, but by the way , it only started doing it when the rooster pecked , because until the rooster pecked. but for chinese society, for the chinese
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economy, this is effective, we must proceed always from reality, proceed from the reality of our country, and everything here is very important, both history, our culture, and the internal state of society, real development is very important, what works effectively in our society, what doesn’t, well, of course, there are basic things, we we take into account these basic things, and the rooster there is not a rooster, but three and four. tenths of growth or 3.6 we had last year, which has not yet been fully calculated, it is still an indicator, and 4.5 in the first quarter of this year is also an indicator, but it is still the result of our the general work and government of the business community, to a certain extent , the central bank and the presidential administration, this is the result of our targeted activities, the reverse of the country’s significant rates of economic growth, overheating of the economy, combined with a pause in the decline in inflation, this today forced the central bank to keep the key rate high level of 16%, and also think about
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a possible rate increase in the future? how long can we live at this rate? good question, well, why is she bothering you? like a mortgage take at market price? a little, firstly, it is subsidized, and secondly, you have to wait a little. long, a little, how much is that? yeah, no one knows. the central bank rate determines not only the cost of mortgages, auto and consumer loans, it affects the cost of borrowing for development. if you take the position of a central bank and apply those criteria to making decisions on the value of the key rate, then, alas, they are right, on the other hand, from the business side, well, just karau, no serious investment projects should be implemented at this level, well it’s simply impossible, how to develop a business at such a high rate? well, it’s complicated... of course, profitability is falling, but
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objectively, this is better than inflation. for us , the most important issue is exchange rate stability and low inflation, i believe that we all expected stability, but what is good is what is, so it is better to concentrate on the positives, firstly, we believe that it is good news that it was not increased, second, we certainly hope that in some future the rate will become lower than the average.
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you will move to siberia, that the headquarters will move to krasnoyarsk, he agrees, he says, he agrees, the family will go with you, they will go, but you know, in order for this not just to build a building, you need to recruit specialists, so he was ready to leave right away , but recruiting specialists is not an easy story; you have to recruit them on the spot. someone wants to move, someone doesn’t want to, someone is impossible to lose, this is a process, this process must be organic, but it is unconditional.
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we will not just restore, but we will create new competencies and new ships to build, i had to look at the people who surrounded me, the workers, the engineers, who were so skeptical about it, i ’ll tell you that it required enormous effort to create the cluster that is now being created there. because it’s not just about the money, which was constantly stolen, i unfortunately have to admit this, we came up with them twice or three times, in the end, here is the current head of the rosneft company, igor ivanovich sechin, he undertook to create a large large-tonnage shipbuilding there, huge, huge enterprise,
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but it required enormous effort, but it’s not easy to do all this, but what i mean is that the footage appeared there. since high salaries, people began to move there, the level of wages increased, technological culture, cooperation with the countries of the region arose, today, including the success of the domestic shipbuilding industry, the achievement of technological sovereignty depends, in order to give this industry sector an impetus, the united shipbuilding corporation was headed by the chairman vtb board of directors andrey kostin, i’m very pleased that he grabbed onto this so much and it’s as if he’d never been a financier, as if... he’d been involved in shipbuilding all the time, but what’s my point, what ’s the point that we’re now thinking about where, where to build more one enterprise, and also, apparently, somewhere on the ocean shore, or close to this, so natural, in this case, excuse me, i’m afraid of injuring
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your imperial consciousness, but, but natural market...
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they broke the equipment they worked on, that’s today’s american authorities - this is today’s, they are breaking their instruments of greatness, the dollar is one of the few instruments of today’s greatness of the united states, with their own hands they are pushing the departure of participants in world economic activity from the dollar, and this will happen due to the reduction in the volume of the american economy, but...


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