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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 8, 2024 4:35am-5:21am MSK

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i feel that we will not have a discussion, but such a discussion, because what you said sounds offensive both to the government of the russian federation and to other structures, we are working on this new development strategy, we have it, we are a whole for a whole year and they did it not only themselves, that is. but we did it together with those brains that you mentioned, that is, with the entrepreneurial community, with their associations, at constant meetings, meetings, we did nothing, basically, so, that means you are proposing to create some structures, they exist we have, this is the government of the russian federation, the central bank and part of the administration, the president of russia, but as for the idea of ​​forming a working group on the sidelines of the st. petersburg forum, do you want to ruin the matter? but i
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have to admit to you, we already have so many working groups, i no longer know where i should chair these working groups, when another group comes along, i need you to lead it, i’m so good, i’ll definitely i’ll think about it, in the fields, here it’s possible, but only in the summer, because in winter in st. petersburg it’s cold in the fields. come on, although the president reacted harshly, he was hardly surprised by the moderator’s words. vladimir putin is familiar with the often provocative ideas of sergei karaganov. you are well-known in the country, and not only as an economist, but as a political scientist, and a bright one, quite energetically aggressive in some areas of thought, but it is always interesting to listen to such people. the moderator developed the economic discussion in his own style. what kind of model are we building anyway?
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proceed from the realities of our country, and everything here is very important, our history, culture and the internal state of society, real development is very important, what works effectively in our society, what doesn’t, well, of course there are basic things, we take these basic things into account, and the rooster there is not a rooster, but 3.4 height or 3, we had 6 last year, which hasn’t been fully calculated yet, it’s still an indicator, but what about four? 5 in the first quarter of this year, this is also an indicator, but it is still the result of our common work and the government, the business community, to a certain extent the central bank and the administration president is the result of our purposeful activities. the downside of significant rates of economic growth, overheating of the economy, combined with a pause in the decline in inflation, today forced the central bank to keep the key rate at a high level of 16%. and also think about a possible rate increase in the future?
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firstly, we believe that it is good news that it has not been increased, secondly, we certainly hope that in some future the rate will become lower than the average income of an ordinary russian enterprise, because this will allow enterprises to attract even more funds for investment. well, here’s the ministry of finance’s forecast on this matter. we hope that in the second half of the year inflation will decline and the rate too, on the other hand, optimistic forecasts regarding the central bank’s relative reduction in the rate have not come true recently. i think we need to believe in a bright future. develop, believe in your strengths, believe in your work collectives and believe in the president of the russian federation. well, back to the plenary discussion, the moderator started talking about the development of siberia, by the way , the largest russian companies are already widely represented there, such as , for example, rushydra, the head of the company, when i appointed him, i said: provided that
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you move to siberia, so that the headquarters moves to krasnoyarsk, he agrees, he says, he agrees, the family will go, they will go , but you know, it’s not easy to build. you need to recruit specialists, so he was ready to leave right away, but recruiting specialists is not an easy story, you have to recruit on the spot, someone wants to move, someone doesn’t want to, it’s impossible to lose someone, this is a process, this process should be, should be organic, but this is certainly the goal, here i completely agree with you, we must gradually move there, the center of world development today is there in the east, once upon a time. cut a window to europe. why? yes, because the main development was there. this is understandable; development centers were there. the center of world development today is shifting to asia. this is without any doubt. and of course, we need to be closer to these development centers. that is why special attention is paid
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to the far east. today this part of the country cannot be compared with what it was 20 years ago. for example, the zvezda shipbuilding complex. it was almost in ruins when vladimir putin first visited it. i said, you know, here we are...
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and also apparently somewhere on the ocean shore, or close to this, so natural, natural, in this case , excuse me, i’m afraid of causing injury to your imperial consciousness, but
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we need to do this in a natural market way, in this case success awaits us, of course, this is difficult work. but she it will be thorough, when i spoke about stolypin, yes, it was all in person, we remember everything connected with it, and stalypin’s ties and so on, but then it was the main soviet production and it was economically feasible to do so , as stolypin proposed, distribute the main means of production to people, create conditions for them, then it worked, now it’s just an order, well, i think that’s what i proposed. will be more thorough, success awaits us on this path. the moderator continued to raise rates, proposed to take aim at the master plan for a new global financial system. against the backdrop of a loss of trust in the western model, sovereign states are developing settlements in national currencies, for example, between russia and china; 90% of all
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transactions are already paid in rubles and yuan. the american authorities, like in england, are ludists, yes, they broke the equipment on which they worked. today’s american authorities are... with their hands they are pushing the departure of participants in global economic activity from the dollar, and this will happen due to a reduction in volumes the american economy, but by their actions they accelerate this process, naturally new instruments appear, this is the answer to the question of how to guarantee these instruments, what can it be based on, if not on gold, on the quality of the proposed investment projects, now if we ensure quality, and we will have to do this together, quality. and stability, stability of political regimes, then
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it is possible to develop a settlement system that will be practically devoid of volatility, will not be volatile, will not are subject to inflation, all this can be done, we discussed this with my friend and colleague, the chairman, during my trip, we will talk about this with other leaders of the brics countries, this is very important. the growth of our defense spending, and conversion plans will be prepared now specifically with enterprises, with people who are responsible, with business plans. i remember the monstrous experience of the early nineties, when we got stuck in this situation, when we squandered high-tech industries, threw them out onto the street and...
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this is so, so it is and so, all this exists, the subsoil is transferred for use, at
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the disposal of our companies and so on, but this is the property of the state, this is the first, second, you said about the wrong erroneous or criminal privatization of the nineties, i would no, you know, no matter how painful it is for many in the country, but still, i wouldn’t even use it.
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some a year ago, she is amazingly unrealistic and liberal, and at the same time
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is engaged in her supposed implementation of the police department, maybe create a body in the government that would be involved in attracting and generally regulating all these issues, you are certainly right that we have not yet built such a meaningful migration policy, we had a single body, once upon a time, it was later subsumed into the ministry of internal affairs. .. considering security issues, whether the work is effective there or not is a big question, so we are discussing this with colleagues, i have set this task for the government, for... the security council , it is impossible to return to this issue as quickly as possible to see that the problem does not exist, it does exist, we need to attract labor migrants, this is obvious, without this, with such almost zero minimum unemployment, the lack of labor becomes a limiter to economic growth, we need not just labor migrants,
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but people of a certain qualification, a certain training with knowledge of the language , with the knowledge of our... at the end of the plenary session , they mentioned st. petersburg, its amazingly beautiful architecture and sights. all this is done on the basis of the most important principle and a law called harmony. we will build our policy precisely on these foundations, harmoniously. and russia, of course, will be part of this, this multipolar, harmonious world. and naturally, it is natural for us that we will largely rely on european principles, on european culture, since its bearer is certainly the russian people, but we will treat with no less respect the culture and traditions of other peoples of the russian federation, in this unity our strength .
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konstantin, pavel likholetov, viktor golovin, pavel rudakov, kirill loginov, channel one. saint petersburg. the president's statements at the plenary session of the st. petersburg international economic forum, as usual, were closely followed by ministers, politicians, businessmen, and experts. what emphasis did the president place, what decisions did he announce, what is important to pay attention to. olga knyazeva collected responses. the plenary session with the participation of vladimir putin lasted more than 4 hours in the forum pavilions, it was watched on large screens. those who sat in the hall - bankers, ministers, heads they told state corporations when it was all over. we were really looking forward to some of putin’s statements, we are ready to work, what has just been announced is very timely, it now sets the horizon for us for the coming year, and most importantly, it sets the horizon for business, plus, of course , the things that were said about supporting investments at the regional level are the main points are right now, we will prepare the entire regulatory framework, we will launch, let’s say, next year on time, in fact, we will start working this year. growth of mortgages and family
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mortgages, indexation, pensions for workers pensioners, although the forum is international, many decisions were made within the national framework...
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10 points of structural changes in the russian economy, which the president named, according to deputy prime minister alexander novak, clear guidance on what the government needs to do together with business and regions. the president paid special attention today.
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better population. acting governor of the tula region dmitry milyaev spoke about his impressions of the plenary session. from the point of view of the region, i noted several such important topics. the first is unlocking the potential of russian regions. in fact, i think that for any subject of the russian federation, this is an extremely important topic, the decision made by the president to send additional funds to the regions, to write off budget loans, important decisions, and serious support. this will allow additional resources to be directed. for the modernization of housing and communal services, the resettlement of emergency funds for the tula region and the capital of our region, this is an extremely important issue. support for young qualified personnel, intellectual
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creativity, the basis of our educational policy. in the next 10 years , 40 student campuses will appear in russia. vladimir vladimevich mentioned campuses twice, 40 interuniversity campuses that will be created. and in general, this is an unprecedented opportunity for us, because science.
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drones, what changes, well, what are they needed for,
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including, that’s why businesses don’t invest, i don’t know, in machines, in electronics, good business, why don’t you invest when we’re talking about tax taxes now so he says give the state money and we will give state money now, because we see that these sectors are sagging, the minister of finance once again. reminded that the government is not going to put everything in a box, the 5% income tax received will go to sectors that are important for the country, the most important thing is that it’s not that the budget builds these sectors, the main thing is that the budget gives 2 kopecks, and business gives 3 rubles , that’s what, then business will earn money, and how would we stimulate it, don’t invest, we need it, let’s do it together act, sanctions have closed access to western technologies, so we need to make our own, investors are investing, but domestic...
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price parity, that is, ours will be more expensive than there. the goal for the next 6 years is to become one of the largest economies in the world, but for this we need to develop our own technologies in all areas. a separate meeting was devoted to bioeconomy; living organisms, their dna, and cells are used today not only in medicine, but in agriculture and even in industry. algae bacteria, yeast can be used to produce biofuel, but in order to become the first in this industry tomorrow, we need to take care of personnel now. it seems to me that society has a demand for more. information from the point of view of biology education in the field of biology and, of course, from the point of view of recruiting personnel, literally now my colleagues and i were talking about
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how we would even see school education in the field of biology, so that young people from school would be are interested in going into biotech, into biological sciences, and it seems to me that this really the right place to start is to start at a very young age. 17 participants from 136 countries, many guests were in the moldavian courtyard today, the farmers of gagauzia grow more than 17 tons of fruit per year, their cherries, cherries, apples will now be on our market, until...
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we hope and want our citizens to support our position on moldova’s entry into all possible platforms with post-soviet countries. today, more than ever, the situation in the world clearly shows how important it is for countries to unite. 18 years ago, on the sidelines of the economic forum in st. petersburg there was the brix commonwealth was created. then there were only four countries in it, today there are already 10. applications to join the commonwealth continue to be received,
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sergei lavrov told us today in an interview about the present and future of this format. propose to establish different forms of cooperation, a category of partner countries will be introduced, established, this category should be presented in its details, in terms of criteria, from the point of view of countries that can... apply for it, now we, as the chairman, are paying great attention so that beginners we have gotten used to the already established forms of work, the traditions of brix, this process is happening, by the way, very smoothly, all the inevitable issues that arise are resolved normally. the russian direct investment fund and its chinese partner today announced joint investments in the new land grain corridor group of companies, within which infrastructure facilities are being built throughout
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the country, 4 km from the border. with china in the urban-type settlement of zabaikalsk, the world’s first full-cycle land grain terminal was launched, its transshipment capacity 8 million tons. new investments will help increase the export of russian grain and other agricultural products to the market in the asia-pacific region. we see very significant demand for our agricultural products in all asian markets, but for this it is very important that there are convenient logistics supply chains, and we are investing in these logistics terminals precisely in order to reduce the cost.
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knowledge, technological solutions for the production of these polypolymers, which are necessary for the life of the population in total, and a number of sectors of the national economy of the russian federation, today we have a production complex in the city of perm, we are now expanding it next to raw materials in the sarava region, construction of the first stage will begin next year, the production capacity of the future enterprise is 60,000 tons ready. products only according to preliminary estimates , the total investment volume is 6 billion rubles. the petrochemical industry is very widely represented in the saratov region, this is a new stage of development, new investments and most importantly, high-paying jobs in modern production. the st. petersburg forum is , however, always not only about the economy, health, medical technologies, art, dialogue, states and societies today conduct, including through the media industry, tv series,
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films and even videos from bloggers, all of this is real. can help the viewer gain new knowledge. the internet development institute also sets the agenda on this issue. i would call it the absolutely most important project that came out with our support institute. development of the internet on channel one, this is a project 2022, a series about a young man who has to make decisions that perhaps he never wanted to make, let me remind you that in the plot he leaves for the esvo zone, because he cannot do otherwise, in fact, there is still a certain trend towards historical films; last year, with the support of the internet development institute, the series “big house” was released on channel one.
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rub. great success, not only here, but in other regions, thank you for your support
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st. petersburg, we must thank anatol aleksandrovich sobchuk, he was the initiator of the creation of the st. petersburg economic forum and its first organizer. this is a question that has been discussed for several years, constantly raised by various political forces and united russia and other factions represented in the state duma, all this, this whole
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process has been discussed many times, it is connected, of course, with additional budget expenditures, but today, in my opinion , two factors have fallen and there are not enough workers, and people are retired age or pensioners retiring, these are, as a rule, highly qualified specialists, they need savings, this is the first, well, second, the most important thing, we need to support people and ensure that very social justice that we constantly talk about, this is one of our priorities social policy, and i agree with you, we... must make this decision, you watch the time, that’s what else we’ll talk about today in the program. an entire undercarriage collapsed, the result of a ukrainian strike on lugansk by american
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missiles, latest data on casualties . destroyed by precise fire, our military eliminated ukrainian unmanned boats that were trying to break through to the shores of crimea. two settlements were liberated, an abrams tank, two breds for hymers and a cheetah self-propelled gun were destroyed, weekly report of the ministry of defense of the special operation. the road of life. our defenders are evacuating the residents of the village of ocheredina to the dpr, which enemy artillery is trying to raze to the ground. my mother and i returned to russia from ukraine through the mediation of the authorized assistance boat on children's rights in our country. kiev terrorists today hit peaceful lugansk with american cruise missiles,
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fired five, four of them were shot down by our air defense, the fifth hit residential buildings, the entrance to one completely collapsed, four were killed. another 53 were injured. the missiles, atacoms, were used exactly like this, aimed at targets. according to american satellites, launches involve the participation of nato military specialists, so it is not difficult to guess who is really behind these crimes, reports from lugansk amir yasupov. another attack by the ukrainian armed forces on civilians in lugansk. according to preliminary information from our ministry of defense , the militants fired five atakoms missiles at the city, only one reached the target. the attack hit the solnechny and vatutina neighborhoods, where there are no military installations. according to preliminary information, the strike took place around 11 o'clock in the afternoon. this is the most destroyed house, the entrance to the apartments has completely caved in, but there is practically nothing left, how many people were inside at that moment, it is known this will be reported later, when they will clear away all this rubble, what is known
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for sure is that there was a sewing workshop on the ground floor, at the time of the strike there were employees here, they were working, many had already been evacuated, there were still people under the rubble, a woman was screaming wildly on the street with her child, we rushed to open the door for her, she was insane, grabbed the child and ran along the road, there were shouts that rescuers and help, the screams were on the first floor, the girls were knocked down. people also jumped out from the lower floors, we wanted to help, but they forbade us, they said don’t you dare, you’ll do something now, suddenly there is a collapse, the risks now remain, the house is in disrepair, you understand that the arrival of a rocket, that is, the house is now being destroyed, so to speak, the slabs are not hanging reliably now, there is a threat of collapse, despite this, rescue services continue to work, otherwise the woman was pressing, now they are trying to get her out, together with the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, doctors are working, providing first aid, they say she is still alive and there is a chance. now we’re putting up supports for now to
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try to get it out of the neighboring houses they are also evacuating people, some are simply locked in their own dilapidated apartments, rescuers are climbing through the windows, there my grandmother was trying to move the door for her, she can’t be there, her door was knocked out, she’s there on the fifth floor, i was scared and that’s it, whatever happens. i ran to hide, where to hide, as i said, i ran into the corridor, and there it was, the door had probably already fallen, that’s it, glass was flying, i went back into the bathtub, and there was this vent, everything was knocked out too, they threw it where horrible, oh my god, when will this end, in everything fell out of school, the woman immediately lost consciousness, doctors helped her, she was heading to check on her relatives, why did they come now? lie down, the parents are bedridden, they were just
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lucky, others survived, because they have long known what to do during shelling, oh, my god, i’m going to cry now, well, as it was, i heard a crash, because i know that if you hear any explosions, we must try to go somewhere more secluded, i ran to the exit, this is where my corridor is, and it saved me, because i took out all the glass there, the balcony, completely this everything was flying, it looked like fragments, i don’t know, i just crouched down next to the door, that probably saved me. member of the air defense forces, he explained to the family where to hide, the wife was great, phew, i gave her instructions, when the air defense began to work, she heard the first pops in the sky, grabbed the child, sat down with him in the corridor, behind a thick wall away from the windows, now the residents hurriedly they pack their things, go to their relatives, again a bitter experience,
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they take them to hospitals, some are referred to doctors and psychologists, people are still sealing up the windows, cleaning the streets, they are also on duty there federal medical centers, among the victims there are children, in the lugansk republican children's clinical hospital, now there are several of them, their lives are not in danger, the injury is serious, well, the prognosis is favorable, in the future the child will be fine, they hit... but just at home, according to the peaceful people, so that everyone understands, and so that everyone
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can see who we are fighting against and what this svo is for. if the strikes were really carried out by atakom missiles, it means that not only the ukrainian armed forces are responsible for it, but their western partners are needed to strike with these ammunition haimers or m-270 mlrs installations, respectively, require people who know how to work with them. the american satellite system is also used for missile guidance. amir yasupov, yuri sholnov. andrey morozov, svetlana vidyashkina, kirill danilov, channel one. and the news that came already during our program, 19 people were killed , five were wounded when a store in the region was shelled, two children were among the victims, as reported by the head of the region, vladimir saldo, the first strike was carried out using a guided bomb. neighboring residents came to help the victims. houses at this moment the second strike from the american rocket launcher system - hymers. ukrainian formations
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attempted to attack the crimean coast and sent a total of three unmanned boats. all of them were destroyed by the standard weapons of naval and army aviation. simply put, naval drones shot them with machine guns, this is how it happened with one of them: our military hit the drones in short bursts with a kalashnikov light machine gun mounted in the doorway of the helicopter. there was a hunt short-lived, on the fifth attempt the ukrainian drones explode spectacularly. the target is hit, the reaction of the fighters is priceless. and most importantly, special operations are completed within a week. the russian army continues. expand the zone of control in the dpr. military groups center south liberated umanskoye and poroskovyevka. the north group continues to advance in the kharkov region. most of the militants, almost 3.00, were destroyed in the area of ​​responsibility of the western military district. in total, the enemy lost over 11 thousand killed and wounded in a week. our soldiers burned a lot of equipment, including a tank
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abrams, two bradley infantry fighting vehicles, a haimar rocket-propelled combat vehicle, all american- made. and a rather rare german cheetah anti-aircraft self-propelled gun. two mik-29 fighters of the ukrainian air force were shot down. a su-25 attack aircraft was hit by a weapon on the ground. the ministry of defense also reported attacks on the military bodies of the ukrainian armed forces. from june 1st to june 7th, in response to the keiv regime’s attempts to damage russian energy facilities. the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 27 group strikes with precision weapons by land, air and sea basing. as well as attack unmanned aerial vehicles. during which energy facilities supporting the operation of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine were hit, in addition, arsenals for storing western weapons and ammunition, missile and artillery equipment, unmanned boats, as well as temporary deployment points for units of the armed forces of ukraine of foreign
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mercenaries were hit. the target of the strikes has been achieved: all designated objects are hit. also, ministry of defense reports for the week: 27 surrendered.
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it was taken under control in april, people are being taken to temporary accommodation centers. ukrainian militants are unleashing a barrage of artillery on the village, literally trying to raze it to the ground. local residents, however, say that the main thing is to wait for their own people; they say that the militants in usu behaved like hitler’s punisher during the great patriotic war. sergei ponomarev, listened. i look at my neighbor, the soldiers are standing in the yard, we are russians, and i have my eye on them. well, i was happy, i said, oh, glory. thank god, i say, hug you all. yes, i met ours fighters vocheretina ekaterina chernyshenko. now she is in a temporary accommodation center. the pensioner, along with her husband and neighbor , were taken out of the village just a couple of days ago. gunfire can be heard in footage of the evacuation.


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