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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  June 9, 2024 9:20am-9:41am MSK

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bones. is it possible to restore teeth using conventional procedures or is it not dentistry that is necessary, but maxillofacial surgery? then dr. mashir draws up a virtual surgical plan and calculates the placement of the zygo down to the millimeter. the operation is complex and can last several hours. the main point is the installation of zegs, titanium rods that are screwed into the genital bone. and then a fragment of the jaw with a full row of teeth is attached to them, all this in one moment during one operation, first they make the upper row of teeth, and then the lower one, absolutely a toothless person becomes completely normal. elena vasilievna, zygomatic, zygomatic implant - this is the same titanium, this is the situation of this titanium brand piat, and as you can see, i haven’t yet... i’m opening it
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up, but you see a ghost at this moment, which means there is a fish part of the implant that goes in , absolutely right, it is screwed into the zygomatic bone, but here, of course, there is a certain surgical protocol and the fisheye hour goes into the zygomatic braid, how many of these structures will you put on this particular patient, for this patient we we install four zygomatic implants , two.
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accordingly, according to the pericus, so that it is comfortable, everything is well fixed, and if the patient feels well, he goes home, usually, well, two or three times a week they come for a preventive examination, this is the shock of this technology, and there is no need to wait, as with implants, first the tooth was removed, you have to wait six months, then some substances were added to form the bone, another six months, then a pin in the valve, another six months, this is done at once in one visit patient, this is certainly the most amazing thing. after the operation is done, the patient must maintain oral hygiene using a toothbrush and irrigator. everything is very simple. yes, that is, toothbrush, toothpaste and how to take care of it? in general, no. with the light hand of alexey vladimirovich, all patients began to call our doctor “amirkhan”. although he
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calls himself amir rizakhanovich in the russian manner. i just know what i want to say, i want to say that our program is ending, for some reason i saw this technology for the first time. first, thanks to you, wonderful amirkhan, mashir, i realized that there are a huge number of disadvantaged people that we simply don’t think about, we don’t know that someone lives without teeth, someone can’t even wear dentures, that even if you can wear dentures, then you get so tired of them, and your jaw breaks down, the most important thing, so i’m glad that there is such a technology, i’m happy that there is such a doctor, i’m shocked that... he came from iran because he loved russian music , but then, of course, he fell in love with russian women, that’s all we are, then everything is clear that he is here studied, stayed here, and that such amazing technology is now in your
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hands, but thanks to your hands , our patients have it, really, this is a huge, great happiness, thank you very much, we were in st. petersburg, friends. here lives a doctor whose name, hey, his last name is mashir, a persian, an iranian, who loves russia and came to russia to join us, studied here, works here and helps our people, health for everyone, because that’s the most important thing, we don’t meeting for the first time. programs, feeling peace, joy, incredibly professional creative attitude towards the guest, the work is always a pleasure, always with humor, always easy, always to the point, it’s very pleasant, don’t
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forget us leningraders, it’s calm and happy with you, thank you, your andrey gurgand. here i am, watch the health program on channel one, noble reader, are all your relatives healthy, allow me, maybe you’d like to find out now. from me, what do relatives mean? dear people, that’s what they are, we are obliged to caress them, love them, respect them sincerely, according to the custom of the people on their christmas visit. for the poet's anniversary!
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these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov. hello to those who woke up and turned on our program. you did everything right, because today we have a continuation of the essay about veliky novgorod. yes, it’s a kosovorodka, but that’s how we all go there. so about veliky novgorod and its surroundings. and it will also be a trip to the summer. bright, warm, sunny. summer, which we seem to have not yet forgotten, but in...
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she is constantly surrounded by the attention of her brothers and sisters, who are still full of enthusiasm from the excursions. original, a beautiful, calm northern city, filled with amazing light and air, is very popular, because this russian city really has something to surprise, delight, captivate, and not only with its past, to which it clings tightly, which is understandable, but it is attractive with its friendliness and easy, relaxed atmosphere. and this is very important, right? after all, when we come to visit, we always easily read the mood of the owner of the house: is he happy to see us or is he annoyed by something? will give us attention or will it make you feel awkward? so the great novgorod knows how to create a mood, a good mood, or
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a relaxed one, but also good. what can i say, of course. first of all, people come here for history, this is not only one of the oldest cities in russia, but also, in the words of the hero ilf and petrov, this is the father of russian democracy, well, remember, in the 13th century he was... called the father of russian cities, all because our father organized on his lands something like the first democratic government in russia. yes it is it was called the novgorod veche. all free citizens of the novgorod republic, regardless of rank and condition, had the right to participate in the veche, and this right was the subject of their legitimate pride. and what ’s surprising is that every novgorodian, everyone, could convene things to resolve some issue. enough for this. was to ring a special veche bell, the veche bell became a symbol of freedom and independence
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of the city, but no one abused this right, because if the occasion turned out to be unworthy, the culprit of the false commotion faced severe punishment. in fact, the veche became the supreme body of the entire state, its power extended over the vast lands of the republic, the neighbor of dnepskov, isborsk, velikiy luki and starye rusa, in which you and i, if you have recently visited in common affairs. whatever the elders decide, that’s what the suburbs will become, they said then. the small island in the middle of the msta river can only be reached in summer by boat or speedboat, and in winter on ice. why is it worth coming here? yes, because from the rurik settlement to the history of veliky novgorod began on the island of lipno, that is, according to the chronicles, this is the place where the russian land came from. and rurik took power alone, and when he came to elmer, he cut down
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the town above volkhov, and nicknamed it novgorod. this quote from the radzevilov chronicle is carved on the prince’s thirty-ton stone. in 2012, a giant rampart was installed on the rurik settlement on the site where the first capital of russia was founded. at the turn of the 19th century, a huge settlement was formed here. but since this land was on all sides surrounded by water, the volkov river, flowing meadows in the spring, the houses were forced to be moved to the place where the kremlin now stands, they called it new city, novgorod. by the way, this year in the flood the water was waist-deep, the peninsula again turned into an island, and from mid-may it began to recede. from the former residence of the prince, only one mature monument remained, the church of the annunciation. century. in the 14th century it collapsed, the building was replaced with the current one, but more
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than half of it was swept away by fascist artillery fire. now the church is preserved antique masonry, glass roofing, infrared heating. so this antiquity has every chance of being a clear witness to distant history. not a single ship that went to the greeks could avoid this. the territory from the baltic sea along the neva they reached lake ladazh, and from it along the volkovo to lake ilmen, then along the river they got to the dnieper, and then the greeks were just a stone’s throw away, but so our novgorodians from ilmen went to the baltic, and so here is the shopping whirlwind, lake yelmen rich in fish, come on, belly woman, there is a stuffy fish, the salted traders shouted, that’s what the wholesalers who salted meat or fish were called here in the 19th century, along the lakes that lived along the shores of ilmen, they cleaned small fish, put them in rollers, salted them steeply and put them
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under oppression. that's how the smell started, the fish is ready. this delicacy was especially popular among pregnant women. in the center of lipno there is a temple, one of the oldest in the country. it was built in 1292 and painted a year or two later. and what’s curious is the appearance st. nicholas church on lipna was preceded by miraculous events. and here's how... 180 years before the construction, the novgorod prince mstislav, the son of vladimir manomakh, went hunting, where he was wounded by a bear. the prince fell ill, no one could heal him, but one day saint nicholas of merliki appeared to the sick man in a dream. the wonderworker ordered to go to kiev to take from there a round icon with his image, saying that this icon would heal the prince. well, the prince sent envoys on a long journey. they went out. elmen, but were met by a raging storm, so in order not to drown, they landed on the island
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of lipna, where we are now, when the storm subsided, the amazed ambassadors saw that same icon floating right at them on the waves of the lake. oh, so how was it? the church of st. nicholas nalipnya is very simple in shape, as if it stretches into the sky. fragments of frescoes from the 10th century have been preserved inside. it seems. incredibly surprising, since during the great patriotic war it was destroyed almost to the ground. an observation post for soviet troops was located here ; enemy artillery struck the temple. the bell tower and porch took the first blow, they saved the church by covering the unique frescoes under them like a dome. margarita stepanovna has been living on lipno for almost 40 years, her father was a hunter and farmer, he brought me as a little girl and taught me to the island,” says the caretaker of the museum’s temple. when the doctors made a sad diagnosis to her mother,
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saying that the woman’s lungs would last for 2-3 years, but for this the goat needed milk and fresh oven air. heating is a must. then margarita stepanovna and her mother built a hut on the island, started a farm, a vegetable garden, garden. why am i doing all this? moreover, after the move, my mother, contrary to the doctors’ words, lived on the island not for 3 years, but for three decades, that’s what a healing place it is. and now we have a pause. no, no, not an advertisement, no one is running on urgent matters, a musical pause. oh, what can you hear enough at the novgorod center for musical antiquities? artist, scientist and musician vladimir povetkin in the mid-seventies of the last century was engaged in the reconstruction of ancient and today almost forgotten musical instruments. a after all, if you think about it, the border between a musical and a non-musical instrument is very arbitrary. if we want, a stool will become an instrument, and a teapot, and even our
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body, but with us, among poets, everything that is created to produce sound is studied specifically. conservatory, it turned out that even there , when i went to leningrad in 1981 , they knew how to play the harp. by the way, do you know that the guslar satko is one of the symbols of novgorod, one might say its brands. character according to legend sadko is a simple novgorod guslar, who, thanks to his musical talent, he became a rich merchant, but we, great historians, believe that the prototype of sadko was a very real person who lived in the 19th century, satko the sytinets. did he know how to play the harp? yes, i don’t even know, but the city is grateful to him for the fact that this sadko erected
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the stone church of boris and gleb in veliky novgorod. that's what we should do. for you to create something like this, or even a monument, not made by hands, in which the folk trail will not be overgrown, my system is intended for practical application, to use it during sports competitions, well, it can be dangerous, but this is exactly what we need, victorich, well, how can i make fighters out of these idiots in 3 weeks, and you, victor, drive me into a corner, i have one guy, he’s sitting there . bro, are you shack not to shoot here or what? i’m walking, but have i learned the dracigen? yes , somehow. we have several pain areas. now i will show some options. pa, do you want to punch you in the face? i think here or outside. well, strike while no one is there. well, merci. that's it, that's it. you can put me back in prison. spit
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she's on you for your self-pain. legend. ossamba premieres on friday on the first. the grandiose monument dedicated to the millennium of russia perpetuates the important date for the country, the year 862, when the legendary rurik was invited to the book. this year is considered to be the beginning of the formation of the russian state. the grand opening of the monument took place in 1862. a project, as we would now say. emperor alexander ii himself supervised it. an interesting fact: when creating the monument to the millennium of russia, a lot of time was spent compiling a list of prominent people. eventually after careful selection of candidates for the monument , there were great princes and kings, patriarchs and diplomats, generals and people of art. this complex three-tier creation consists of 128 figures, the most worthy.
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village of lekova. once upon a time she was. completely populated by old believers, bespopovites, and here they had their own house of prayer. let me remind you that in the 14th century, as a result of the church reforms of patriarch nikon , not all christians accepted changes in rituals; followers of the old faith began to be called old believers. those who refused to accept the new technology were persecuted, they were forced to go to remote places. the village of likova was first mentioned in 1495. today likova lives in the village. here is a person, i don’t know, 100, but when a festival of old believer culture takes place in the village, it becomes crowded and noisy, like this one, just like now, he was talking about this old believer culture.


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