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tv   Bolshaya istoriya  1TV  June 9, 2024 3:05pm-5:05pm MSK

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i'm looking forward to our meeting with you, you will definitely have a joke that will cheer me up, or a story from my childhood, i am so happy that i have a grandmother, i love you, see you later, the youngest grandson of the actress lenya was born quite recently, this is veronica, charming daughter-in-law, my wife. my youngest son, evgeniy, mother, boy lenechka, it’s such a blessing that we live nearby and that i’m walking, now a mother and child are walking, i’m standing right there and pretending that i’m walking, i hate it, no , hate to endure, walk, with with my children, when i walked, i tried to have someone else do it, but i had to, i hated walking. aimlessly with the stroller,
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so veronica, show me how you push the stroller, and i’m on the easy way, grandma is all, muss, muss, when lenechka was just born, irina vadimovna, like a hero, irina vadimovna had 2 weeks off and two weeks, irina vadimovna slept with the child, we brought milk, irina vadimovna put milk in the warmest places for herself. for 2 weeks lena thought it was his mother. sometimes actresses throw themselves into taking care of their grandchildren, so that way to make amends to your children. it's no secret that many acting children don't see their parents for months, who constantly disappear on set, or at best grow up behind the scenes, like the children of a regiment; whoever is nearby will look after them. you are one hundred percent right, but this story is not about muravyova. her sons grew up
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in ideal home conditions, their mother cooked breakfast and lunch, went to parent-teacher meetings, and a vacation with her family was always a sacred thing for muravyova, that is, you can’t betray your family, let’s just say, you have to work for the family, don’t betray me, i didn’t lack my mother, her love was so boundless that even when we were careless, i always feel this love, to this day, always, it helps me a lot there . for the sake of her husband and beloved boys, the actress did not hesitate to sacrifice her work, for example, she refused vladimir menshov when he offered her the role of raisa zakharovna in the film love in a dove, how could she refuse such a role, but irina vadimovna refuses, because a child, because he is small, because he has been there for one or a year and a half, and longer; director vladimir menshov, of course, experienced muravyova’s refusal quite painfully. after all, their
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first joint work, the film moscow doesn’t believe in tears, glorified both of them, it was minshov who revealed to the ant viewer, this is life, this is happiness, i understood, i must say, i gave her the script to read, she came, i say, how about you, she came a day later, she said, in my opinion, you need to film me, - she said, very uh, boldly, to which i said, in my opinion too, yes... so what? well, i i saw her and felt this energy in her, i really appreciate this richness, infectiousness in actors, we should be happy, we have a girl, we’re hanging out, what doubts can there be when i’m a young actress , i’ve only starred in one film, that’s it, nothing more no, i would have already agreed, even if it were worse. script, but it
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was, it was a great script, everything was superbly written with a wonderful role, on the set menshov could not get enough of ant. obedient, efficient, always collected, well, just an ideal actress, but one day a real conflict arose between them. i wanted them to be at a reception in this house, when everyone invited by lyudmila comes to them, everyone, all her suitors, gentlemen, so to speak, come to his apartment, i wanted them to be the same type,
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ready, thank you , we prepared everything, suddenly they come out - to me the set, all the girls, the callers, they came, vera and ira, ira has a completely different hairstyle. minshov flared up, sternly reprimanded the actress and forced her to redo her hair. my little sister nice.
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lyudmila got love, she was simply adored for her drive, energy, amazing optimism, she was good, but most of the audience was only one person who categorically did not like her, irina muravyova herself, and i ’m not pretty, no, i’m in a different
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sense, i mean, you are different, we were just invited to everyone to watch some part of the work that we filmed there, but... you know that this is always very difficult for me, and i had a performance in the evening, so i even i didn’t watch the end, i came to theater, i started putting on my makeup, i started crying, i can’t put on my makeup, tears are rolling down my face, i think, what a nightmare, what a disgusting woman, i think it turned out to me that this is such a funny, such a funny character, i think, what did i play there, how did i i play there terribly, what rudeness, what, what, what unbridledness, some chaos.
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the feet of different theaters in the hope of attracting the attention of directors. there was a time when muravyova was even unemployed. after the central children's theater she moved to the mossovet theater and was involved in some performances with faina ranevskaya, each time she was terribly servile in front of the famous actress, although she herself was no longer inferior in popularity. but in the early nineties , murabyova left the theater, going nowhere. in those difficult times, audiences stopped going to theaters. job. became, the actress did not appear on stage for several years, and then yuri solomin called her. our play the cherry orchard has been going on for a long time, it was also staged by igor vladimirovich ilinsky, and we needed ranevskaya, we needed it, our
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actress who played got sick, and we waited for now, so that everything calms down, here is ranevskaya, she says, i’ll play. it is very convenient to work with her, of course, muravyova brilliantly played ranevskaya, since then she has become the prima of the small theater, but she still worries every time how she plays, for this reason she never invites her relatives or friends to the theater, because if i know that i will invite someone, i will start to get nervous, what if he doesn’t like it, that means he thinks that i’m playing well, but i’m playing poorly now, here he is... the poor guy sits and thinks why she invited me , here it is, here it is this, these are all these thoughts,
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all these proud thoughts are spinning in my head, so if a person says to me: i want to come, well go, it’s your business, i didn’t invite you, the way i play is the way i play, it’s easier for me, more marabyova was more nervous when lioni teidlin’s husband came to her theater, the very thought that he would watch her performance in the evening.
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the entire family of edlin murovyova was involved in working on the melodrama, this woman in the window. a small role of the main character’s son was played by their youngest son evgeniy. do you want some candy? mom, i want to go home. there was a wonderful film, this woman in the window, where my younger brother was filmed. and i was also included in the episode. the episode was that i had to go to the circus in the same place.
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he is very jealous of kirin, he really loves her, loves her very much, yes, jealous, yes, yes, he has never been so jealous of me, and you gave me no reason, probably from the country the marriage of edlino and muravyova seemed unequal to many, actress - a superstar and director who was clearly inferior to his wife in status, but muravyova supported her husband in everything and never hinted that he was not became to her like alexandrov to orlova. or as menshov for alentova, and despite everything, she was very proud of him, it was a creative
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collaboration, it was, it was a very wonderful union, and snippets of that, here are discussions of some performances, films that took place between parents, it was very fascinating stories, somehow irina vadimovna defended the phrase, a woman’s happiness is in obedience, she never... compared fame or earnings with her husband, and when she came after the performance, she calmly performed traditional women’s duties at home, washing the dishes were on the floor, preparing dinner. well, well, cutlets, of course, are something fantastic, she makes minced meat like a mother, there are different pies, and in general it seems to me that she plays with her soul, and cooks with her soul, she brings us up with her soul, that’s how she is everything does. with the soul, that’s probably why we are all happily next to
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her, whoever is, the spouses spent all their free time only together, read, took care of the dacha, for many years it was aidlin who was the actress’s reliable support, but in february 2014 he passed away, suddenly stroke. muravyova was grieving the loss of her closest and dearest person. she was left alone. well, she continues to be alone, and if ira married someone, it would not be ira, i think so, maybe i don’t know something, but it seems to me that this is against. her essence, against her life attitudes, only thanks to new projects in the theater, irina murabyova was able to distract herself from severe grief, she has amazing performances in the small theater and heroin, that is, not comedy, not comedy characters, it is heroin, which
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irina vadimovna plays, it seems to me that irina vadimovna has a huge palette, what does this mean? something happened, what happened, where it happened, how can it be, something happened, but nothing happened with us, every appearance of ant in the image of a cheerful matchmaker in the play marriage is greeted by the audience with applause, the actress always looks incomparable, and without the help of surgeons and cosmetologists, so it’s kind of like my anniversary, but there’s something like that, but she’s young in spirit, she’s over thirty.
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the lord has no way yet to confess, we have not yet let's meet and create something warm and kind, for the last time, or rather, the last time, as actors mikhailov and muravyova say , they met on the set of the film chinese grandmother, who are you, the locomotive was flying, the wheels were rubbing, you weren’t waiting for us, but we arrived , what kind of concert is there, we don’t have any money, not a penny, pensioners live here, you probably need this for your chest, is it their wedding now? you know, you have to go down the corner entrance, the same apartment, number six, pash, kat, don’t you recognize me, that is, you are absolutely not afraid of getting old in the frame, i was old, well, how old, i’m younger now, with age, well, somehow i didn’t think about it, you ’ve puzzled me now, no, really, why
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did i play an old woman, really, pash, no swear, why are you swearing? okay, yes, a bright woman, cuckoo, irina vadimovna always treats herself with a bit of irony, yes, i treat myself with humor, you can’t, you can’t take yourself seriously, that’s true, an hour and a half interview with. the actresses flew by in a flash, in vain they are slandering irina vadimovna, with her it was easy and fun, they didn’t find out anything about me, hmm, i had so much going on, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, thank you very much, everything is fine, ira’s fate is very correct, as it should be, here i am, i can with i can only admire this side of ira,
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because, in my opinion, she did not make a single mistake, not a single one, irina muravyova. absolutely fulfilled in life, both as an actress, and as a wife, and as a mother, that’s all, rarely does anyone boldly say about themselves that they are happy, either they are afraid to jinx it, or they really don’t feel like happy, irina muravyova boldly says, she is happy with her life, you know, i have the feeling that i was born happy, me, me, i... i ’m happy with everything, i have complete happiness all around me, in my opinion, i’m always happy all the time, i’m always joyful, i’m not in a bad mood, it rarely happens, and then i’ll say, i’m in a bad mood, i’m already starting to amuse myself with this very thing, no, i’m still charming and attractive, perky and
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cheerful, she remains an ideal for many, not only in her roles, but in own life. honest, direct, living in exact harmony with her heart, happy, always ours, irina moropeva. a new fabulous light, the day of the beginning, the beginning of our life, our dreams, let the lights not fade. your joyful eyes, i want you to be lucky, i want. from the heart, so that in your destiny, your heart becomes light, let the lights of your
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joyful eyes not fade, i want you to be lucky, i want it from the heart. what would make your heart light in prison, but wait, hello, there’s a big story on the air, a program for those who want to know the past,
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to understand the present and see the future. one of the most outstanding answers that i have ever heard over many years of teaching at lomanosov moscow state university came to a completely harmless question: when did the decembrist uprising take place? the answer was : at night. why at night? i was surprised, because they woke up hertsin, indeed, when else was it possible to wake up young alexander hertsin, if not at night, every schoolchild in the soviet union knew lenin’s passage about how the decembrists woke up hertsin, which in turn unfolded revolutionary agitation, the execution of five rebels and the persecution of another six hundred people by emperor nicholas were the first to respond to storms of indignation in many hearts, herzson really wrote, i felt
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when it’s really awkward to talk about such things seriously, but somehow let’s talk about some kind of patriotism it’s calmer, and there’s some kind of freedom there, well, yes, and more individualism. where it didn’t go, so i wanted to make a modern picture, i wrote the script, the story itself, it’s mysterious, it’s very contradictory, it’s incredibly beautiful, she is amazing in herself, and it seems to me that we made, well, we, i’m not just talking about myself, i’m talking because a lot of people worked on the painting, we made such a fairly balanced story, in which there is a very respectful , a very... serious attitude to history, to details, to, to this time, to this era, to the language that existed then and so on, to
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the concepts of honor, about the homeland, about love that existed then and at the same time still, it seems to me that this is not an illustrated textbook history, this is an artistic picture, where the main thing was to create images, where the main thing was to create artistic truth, and whose main idea was, well, ours? the general producer of this film is konstantin lvovich ernst, this is his idea, and anatoly vadimorovich maksimov, with whom i have been working for many years, so this is this, this is the producer’s idea, so i was lucky and not only me, but many, who this, who this i carried out the producer's idea, and i was the author of the script, and ernst maksimov's plan, well, it really was a grandiose plan. yes the incarnation was also grandiose, just as those events were grandiose in their influence on our history and even on our modernity. the film begins with
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napoleonic. themes from our great victory in the patriotic war of 812 and from the stage when our future decembrists celebrate this victory, let's remember how it was in the film. artamon, artamon, brother, seryozha!
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as a result of this uprising and pestal - the apostle of ants, that’s who they are, the decembrists, they are all heroes, they are all nobles, they are all kindly favored by fate, they serve at the same time they are creating a secret society that should change everything in russia, including destroying the dynasty, that’s who they are? the decembrists, of course, are heroes and i would like to start with the words of maria volkonskaya, who wrote: the one who puts his head on the chopping block for the sake of his convictions, he truly loves his fatherland, another thing is that they acted, perhaps, at the wrong moment , you see, uh, the decembrists are
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really... some of them were from high-ranking families, there were eight princes, three barons, three counts, but the thing is, that the french language, which they absorbed from birth, gave them a lot, they say this themselves, more than all of europe, because the french language opened up the opportunity for them to read literature. the french, and of course, the encyclopedists, napoleon’s invasion of russia, this is the beginning of our free-thinking, writes alexander marlinsky, you see, later even alexander i, when he received lists from the boss, from maybeard, from sherwood, with the names of the conspirators, he would say,
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no i should judge them, because... my, my spirit, ours, is designated precisely revolutions. alexander i, he really came to the throne as a reformer tsar, then he really changed his position, but what he didn’t like about the decembrists was that he wasn’t radical enough, but he was also going to abolish serfdom, he had such plans and in fact, in
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the film, even this is shown by him... a conversation with spiransky, in which he, probably not for the first time, proposes to develop a plan for the liberation of serfs, many believe that he did not have time to do this, well, by the way, let's see how this is depicted in the film, and if i suggested that you start preparing a law right now to disenfranchise peasants from fair ownership, what would you do, what would your policy be? so get started, your term is no more than a year, and i will sign it and submit it to the senate for approval. imagine what a storm will arise. surely you will lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made. the wall will crack. alexander vladimirovich kibovsky.
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was, among other things, a scientific consultant for this blockbuster, i must say, a lot depends on scientific consulting, because the most attentive people who watched the film... largely formed under the influence of their subsequent misadventures, ordeals, very
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worthy behavior in siberia, the exploits of their wives, and this is also a kind of legend of decembrism, and in fact, this is what we grew up with , we absorbed this, when, of course, when... nikita vladimirovich and his colleagues decided, let us still show the way it was, historical prose, then this inevitably came into dissonance with some already ideas, where a lot of this comes from negative, maybe to be critical, as for the topic, of course it is grandiose, in general, this is a very complex movement, when we say decembrists, let’s understand that 579 people were involved in the investigation, and it’s not a fact that everyone was actually found.
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this is the longest-living of the decembrists, who, by the way, the decembrists, who was expelled from siberia, was first sent there, then they all got so tired of him there that they returned him back, but we must understand that when we talk about the decembrists as a movement then we shouldn't talk about who
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was accidentally involved in the uprising, there is generally the same shchepin-rostovsky who waved his saber the most on december 14, it turned out that he had nothing to do with secret societies at all, he just really thought that there was treason against konstantin and began to defend him with rage interests. that is, there is a certain core, it is very small, which in fact is the one, as you rightly said, heroic, what was his feat, what was the greatness of these people, counts, barons, princes, this was probably the first , if i may so to speak, an attempt at a palace coup, when people did not put their personal interests and their personal grievances at the forefront, this was probably the main thing in this whole story, because they created their own society, how they wanted to help. the sovereign to transform russia, so they ended up with the fact that they were ready to kill him, kill his family and so on, it seems to me that this is very, this is one of the central themes of the picture, he was not pleasing to them, because he,
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alexander, i didn’t accept their impulse, we have semyonov’s story there, and even more disbelief in, as it were, this time... chadaev changed his views quite a few times during his life, but still, what didn’t
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suit alexander i? were the decembrists really heroes? i think that the decembrists may have been heroes, but first of all they were traitors, all of them without exception. including, by the way, those who no longer served like ryleev, were officers either in the active army or in the reserve, they all took the oath, the text of the oath approved by the emperor... peter i directly violated the three-part text of the oath in the first part and in the third part of this oath those plans that the decembrists, already decembrists since 1820 after the start of the military rebellion, which grew into a successful revolution in spain, began to set themselves. this is a significant difference compared to what it was in the union of salvation. in a union of prosperity, i remind you, which
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was based on the charter of the tugenbund, that is, a society of benefactors, and this organization, unlike hyteria, unlike the italian carbararii, was not of a political nature. this changed in 2020. let me remind you, well, everyone who studied history russia of the 19th century, the army should, in theory , be familiar with the provisions of this oath. i... so-and-so named, i swear to be faithful, to carry out all the decisions of his imperial majesty that have followed, and that will follow in the future, this is me regarding whether they were right or wrong in making or not making a decision regarding throne-inheritance, as military men who took the oath, recalling that in addition there was a corporate oath of the nobility exactly the same, they were violators.
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alexander pavlovich after the twelfth war this year we have faced a lot of problems, this is a deep financial crisis, yes, we need a break, that’s what alexander i says. yes, it’s a complex thing, history, but the decembrists, heroes or traitors, we’ll talk about this later, but first about what they actually wanted, about that after the advertising.
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there is a big story on the air, the decembrists, who are they, traitors or heroes? well, to answer this question, you need to know exactly what they actually wanted. in the film union of salvation, the main characters of the uprising, rayleigh, pestal, muravyov, apostle trubetskoy, discuss this. let's remember how it was in the film, it will be like in france, but for me it’s better. in general, like in the american states, in france , aristocrats were hanged from lanterns, if like in france, then everyone present here hangs, well, well, prince, so in russia the aristocrats need to make a short revolution without much bloodshed, but still a revolution, mr. rayleev , a military revolution, and in your south you turned into real yacabins into panovichs, you were going to save russia, and now you want a revolution? so this is salvation, one
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cut down the top with a blow, take away power, happiness, the union of salvation, gentlemen, lyudmievna, this is, in general, the program of decembrism in brief, how do you evaluate it, they, in fact, in young ranks went through the battlefields and reached ... paris, what we saw in the first frames of the film, you know, for example, matvey ivanovich muravyov is an apostle, brother, yes, of the hero of this film, sergei, he said, my god! how i warmed to our soldiers, who the soldiers are, they are serfs dressed in gray soldiers' chanels, yes, 25 years of service should have been with them, so of course they wanted to see just the soul of a person from the people,
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they wanted, in general, the prosperity of the whole country and these soldiers, in fact, they...
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the lives of the peasants, this was immediately obvious, because yes , with medical freedom, the landowner lost all interest in saving the population, on the contrary, he imposed as many different taxes as possible on the rent of those christians who until recently were, as it were , under his own supervision, and therefore the question was very difficult, it is necessary to understand that they were military men, well, listen, they first encountered the reality of rural life when some were transferred after the semyonov story as an ant apostle to rural...
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look, in particular, under the influence of rayleigh. rayleigh, yes, he was an employee of a russian american company, one of his main plans was not to kill the royal dynasty, but to put him on a ship and send the russian possessions in america, that is, to alaska or california. how do you like it, fedorovich, as
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the head of affairs of a russian-american company? well, a couple how old? a signal to everyone, a person with such convictions rules a company where the shareholders, the entire deep family, means something, what exactly, leading change, that’s what, all these people don’t understand. what happened here today?
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fortunately, mikhail mikhailovich, happiness, let them not understand, well, pestro considered him an idealist and therefore insisted on radicalism, and everyone. well, so that it’s forever, but the film shows that the ship he was going to send to crashes during a flood in st. petersburg, muravyov’s constitution and pestel’s russian truth, these were the main ideological foundations of the pillars there - in history textbooks, in soviet times now they are also certainly present, the authors of the constitution were nikita muravyov, one of the main ideologists, his father was a writer, publicist, he participated in foreign hike, well, let's look at fragments from his constitution, what he actually wanted, the experience of all peoples and... those times proved that autocratic power is equally disastrous for rulers and for societies, that she does not agree either with the rules of our holy faith or with the principles of common reason.
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well, as for pestal’s russian truth, it was much more radical. muravyov, in any case, advocated a constitutional system, which pestel advocated, it is actually very difficult for me to say, because at one time i read the russian truth, and did not understand what he wanted, but something even more dictatorial, according to -to me.
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state of finances, in such a financial crisis, create an administrative, fiscal police vacuum, all these, as it were, space was occupied by the power of the landowner, it was at least dangerous that the most radical pestel proposed, this is article twelfth and 13 of his russian truth, yes, i remind you that on the one hand he proposed the liquidation of the nobility as an estate. on the other hand, he proposed that when abolishing serfdom , the interests of this nobility should not be infringed in any way,
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while pestal needs to make sure that the peasants, their situation does not worsen, but how could this be done? pestal had an answer here: it was necessary to create a fifty-thousand-strong gendarmerie corps, which in no case should have allowed any unrest, by the way, the gendarmes should have received three times b... it would be good, it’s all very beautiful on paper, but for all that, depriving the main taxpayer, i want to remind you that from 32
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to 35% of the direct income of the empire consisted of the per capita tax, if you deprive the peasant of land, how can he pay state taxes if you deprive the nobleman, the landowner, and power, and the landowner...
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he understood that to do this you can't do it all at once that is why he needed gendarmes to carry out this reform for 30 years, but again, everything was not so stupid, and not everything reached us, they certainly weren’t fools, the whole tragedy, it seems to me, is what we are talking about they filmed the picture, and it seems to me that this tragedy, it reproduces itself, unfortunately, to this day. there is no one to take this - this is the opinion of the guardians, the opinion of the authorities, it is wrong in relation to these people, these people who won together, of course, with the people, with their own people, first of all, the people won, defeated napoleon, who made, albeit briefly, russia the first power in the world, they, including, if alexander had lacked
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courage, not decisiveness, precisely the understanding that one could rely on these people. a lot, i’m not saying everything, could have been different, and alexander’s dreams, and the changes in russia would have become a reality, but he did not believe in them, he did not see them, and they in return did not see and did not believe him, our history is the story that on the other side there were not just good people, but unusually talented people, people who wanted good to their country, who loved their country. and they didn’t find each other, our artistic picture, if you remember, ended with such an idealistic, such an idealistic and such a finale, a plan when they still sing together alexander with these same uh with the decembrists, yes, they still saw each other, this is a dream, this did not happen, that...
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your majesty, victoria, gentlemen, the overwhelming majority of those heroes of the patriotic war of 812 who made our country great, who entered paris, they... were not on senate square , they were together with alexander, together with nicholas, they together made russia great, they served russia, so, of course, there were people at all times who were dissatisfied, at the moment these were people who really aspired to power and did not know how to get it approach. we will continue after the advertisement.
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i will lead you to the capital for the truth, for constantine! there's a big story on air, the decembrists, heroes or traitors? in fact, these people who wrote were military men, but they didn’t even think about it at all. in matters such as economics, uh, statehood, well, or rather, it was seen, yes, that this should be a government under my leadership and it would certainly be a great power, it should be fair, and there should be a great power, these are the thrones of the legacy, alexander the first died in taganrog, the guard throughout the 18th century i’m used to resolving the issue of
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the throne-inheritance, and many in the guard decided that now they... will resolve this issue the way they see it. the cresto legacy is always a dangerous moment in russian history. who will be the next emperor? in the 14th century this was decided guard. when alexander i died in taganrog, the second eldest was his brother konstantin pavlych. he divorced his wife a long time ago, in fact since 1801, and formally since 1820, and lived in a margonatic marriage with the polish countess joanna of gruzinskaya, who, after the official marriage with constantine, received the title of princess from alexander i. according to russian law , children born to the newly-minted princess lovich in this marriage could not lay claim to the throne. in addition, konstantin was terrified
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share my father's fate. he did not lay claim to... the throne in the summer of 1823, on the instructions of the emperor, metropolitan of moscow philoret and favorite of alexander ii. a manifesto was issued about the abdication of constantine and the appointment of nikolai pavlych as heir. the sealed original remained in the assumption cathedral. three sealed copies were sent to the state council, senate and synod. on the envelope with the manifesto, it was written: “keep in the assumption cathedral with state acts until my demand.” and in the event of my death, open moscow bishop and moscow.
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but here the word was spoken by the guard, accustomed for a century to decide who should be emperor, through the lips of the st. petersburg governor-general, hero of the war with napoleon, mikhail andreevich miloradovich, this is good, shown in the film union of salvation, konstantin pavlyvich will not come, and he will not sovereign, nikolai pavlovich, do not rush to violate this agreement. i swear an oath to you, my honor , there is a conspiracy in the country, a conspiracy against the foundations
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of the state, a conspiracy to kill the reigning family, my mother, my children,
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and that’s not all, and of course, this kind of document had to be made public earlier , this secrecy, it created a lot of problems, a lot of problems, in addition, it seems that there was such a version of the fate of soviet historians that there existed, existed, if not a conspiracy , then a certain opposition of the old generals led by miloradovich, well, who is miloradovich, who is konstantin, they did together. italian swiss campaign, they knew each other well, in general, konstantin, for all his awkwardness and ability to completely wild actions, the reason for one of which was that his first wife simply
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ran away from him, from and from him and from russia, yes, but he still felt on him, you know, the blessed shadow of alexander vasilyevich suvorov, kutuzov and td, was popular, that's all. party in the southern society, in the northern one , including, for example, mikhail lunin, who proposed a party in masks to arrange , in general, a murder of the emperor on
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the tsarsko-rural road, but in general, as hamlet said , words, words, words, in in general, the situation even on the morning of december 14 showed that they were not capable of regicide, but... of course, several generals suffered, including this wonderful miloradovich, who really opposed power, in general he .
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all the time he was an on-duty staff officer of the fourth infantry corps, calls to swear allegiance, nevertheless, to constantine, this is how it is shown in the film. we need to strike now, russia has another chance, there won’t be another 100 years , prince, you must lead the revolution, you are our dictator, in the morning i will go to the palace and shoot you nicholas, if we shed blood, no one will win, tomorrow you will withdraw your troops to the senate.
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for everything, that’s what nikitai vladimirovich spoke about, for all the relationships between power and society, and we feel these events to this day, because again, this is the same case, as in pasternak you experience defeat from victory yourself i must distinguish that their defeat turned out to be their victory, because knowing their programs, their experience, management capabilities, we should not be under the illusion that if they were successful, all this led to huge catastrophic consequences, there is no doubt about it. it cannot be, but their defeat gave rise to this legend, that’s how beautifully we will die, and in this situation, and this legend led to the fact that the government itself, having experienced this critical moment, completely turned away from all attempts at, by and large , reforms , because alexander i was considered an angel in the family, and he was considered so liberal, although it was more ... an external manifestation than an internal one,
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especially in the last years of his reign, but as pavlovich said, he wanted to give them everyone is our angel, but they wanted to kill him, and this actually froze the situation for a long time, this is one aspect, the second, which is very important, these people, these young guys who were still lieutenants at that time, they would have left for some time and would form a new elite of the state, which could become the locomotive of those reforms that had to wait until alexander ii, and i will tell you one. he shot so well, he walked, that means, with a cane, he developed his arm, that means why didn’t he kill that scoundrel, dantes, yes, he had to kill, he, and akhmatova sat,
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listened, then said something like the following, this is such a moscow legend, too , of a kind, she said, and you can imagine pushkin, happy, returning from a duel, having killed dantes, happy pushkin, who killed him, there was a reason, but he didn’t kill him, but the genius of villainy is an incompatible thing, he didn’t walk on water with a gun. but he did not commit this crime, the decembrists stood 300 meters from the palace, in which the whole family was, along with nicholas, the entire crowned family, they were guarded there by 2.5 hundred soldiers, and there were about 300 decembrists at that moment, they knew it perfectly well, they, they were going to kill, yes, they were going, they wrote lists, they appointed executioners and so on, they didn’t go, for me the most important thing...
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of them changed their oaths, but they did no harm, they did not destroy their country, they loved it too much, by and large they did not change the oath they took, so they...
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on december 13, he ordered in writing the chief of the main headquarters, ivan ivanovich dibevich take action against conspirators in the army, named some names and added, i
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’ll send you the day after tomorrow, if i’m still alive, i don’t know who yet, with a notification of how everything went down, here it’s still incomprehensibly quiet here, but silence often foreshadows it. nikolai asked mikhail mikhailovich spiransky. on december 13, members of the state council were summoned to 8 p.m. an act was drawn up, at the beginning of which nikolai pavlovich was called the grand duke, at the end - the emperor. the state council swore allegiance to emperor nicholas i. now, it’s the turn. was behind the guard. so, december 14, 1825, nikolai pavlovich got up at about 6 in the morning, quickly got ready, he was still not sure of anything, to his closest friend alexander birkendorff, he
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said: “so, tonight, maybe both of us will no longer be in the world, but at least we will die having fulfilled our duty. all calm, smart." nicholas went out into the hall where members of the imperial family, guards generals and spider commanders had gathered. he didn’t know from which of them, what to expect at that moment. nikolai read out alexander’s will, konstantin pavlovich’s course, does anyone have any doubts, the answer was assurances of devotion, and the decembrists already. they brought their regiments to senate square and began a roll call for constantine and nicholas, this is how it is shown in the film union of salvation. hurray, konstantin! hurray, nikolai! anatoly vadimevich
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maksimov is probably the main creator of the film.
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response from the audience, especially the conflict, which i’m afraid is not over yet, despite the passage of 200 years, because each side has its own adherents, each side says, well, ours are good, but these are not, this an extremely rich and living history, which for us, not a past past, as it seemed to us when we conceived this picture, an amazing historical pattern with... considers cooperation with the authorities not its social, not its social duty,
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a civic duty, on the contrary, a national treason, and this is based on the incident of december 14, 1825, which is soon 200 years old, yes, the event is truly amazing and there were many moments that had no analogues at all in our history, but for example, to the emperor himself... went out under the bullets to talk with his own subjects, by the way, he wrote memoirs, in these memoirs he, naturally, paid a lot of attention to this day, and he recalled how he came out and how he was greeted with bullets, let's let's listen to the emperor, then i sent a company of the preobrazhensky regiment across the boulevard to occupy the isakievsky bridge in order to cut off communication from this side with vasilyevsky island and... i was greeted with shots, at this moment
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nikolai stands in front of a crowd of people who have gathered on sinavskaya square, and he asks, do you know the manifesto, i started reading the text of this manifesto myself, this is an absolutely unique moment. and so on, and so on, and so on, we declare to all our faithful subjects, contrition of heart, humbled before the unseen destinies of the almighty, these are your distinctions, soldiers, who are in the square, will not disperse from your reading.
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small, but who came to the emperor with this news, it was not yet necessary,
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the mutinies had not begun in other regiments, general suhazanet, who reported this to him, what nikolai pavelich was doing, said: i don’t want to know the names of these officers, it must be said that later all the officers of the guards horse artillery, although it was established that they were members of a secret society, by virtue of this resolution of the emperor, i don’t want to know their names, were excluded from the subsequent punishment investigation, here, too, in this... a very interesting moment, that is, until the very last there was hope that, after all, on this day it would be possible to take the oath without incidents, well then, when it all began, of course, the officers who took part in the uprising of soviet square clearly shared those who were already of that generation who had already managed to imprison nikolai pavlyvich then joined the uprising, or those who were for constantine, but refused to swear allegiance, like the first ones who came out to the senate square, who really were among them people who we were completely sure that something was going on
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because for a very long time there was no official data on how many died during the shooting at the rebels in sinata square, in fact, in 1970 they found a note, the so-called note of korsakov, who is unknown from where, just, apparently, from my head, i drew a figure of almost 1,300 killed, then our largest specialist on the decembrists, nechkina , took this note as a complete faith and it began to be cited everywhere, in the year eighty-three it was completely refuted. just for the whole day in the troops, we can now know these numbers for sure, because we know these data for each regiment, this is about one and a half hundred
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casualties, about half on one side on the other, of which the government troops died . only six people, including general miloradovich, colonel sturler, who was also mortally wounded by kokhovsky, on the part of the rebels, about 33 people died, mortally wounded and disappeared, thus losses on the part of the military, on the other side about 40 people, well here is baron kavalyubars, who later at the end of the day counted the bodies collected near the construction site of the sakiv cathedral, calls the number 56 bodies, somewhere apparently in this parameter.
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listen! konstantin eroshenko was detained in africa, you were immediately transported to the united states. serious torture, not sleeping without water, they beat my heels, there are internal organs. russian citizens were literally kidnapped. it’s impossible to believe this, we live in the 21st century, there were a lot of loud statements addressed to me, all these accusations were pure lies. kostya is such a strong person, i don’t know how he managed to pull himself together, well, in general , he calmed me down, they let an employee of the prosecutor’s office into the jurors’ room,
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which no one has the right to enter, when the jurors left, one gave herself away a young girl who... i think that oleg has already forgiven me. i have not forgiven and will not forgive. oleg, i need your help. duty officer, outsiders in the unit. and what happened? it's because of her, right? leave him alone, okay? we love each other. let 's mind your own business. this is voita,
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russian after all. i left for finland, already pregnant, and did not tell him anything. and that social services took him away from me, i was accused of suffocating motherly love, they took him away from me because i loved him very much, one chance in three, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, oleg, i need you to go with me to finland and claim your rights to your son, why is your son here. there is a big story on air, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. we continue the conversation we started about the decembrists and nicholas i. history, its
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incarnation in the first channel blockbuster union of salvation. do you know what profession? was the most dangerous in the russian empire, of course, the emperor. as a result of the coup d'etat, the father of alexander i was killed nicholas, paul i. as a result of the coup , their grandfather, peter ii, was killed. nicholas i, fortunately, did not know that his son, alexander ii, and his great-grandsons, nicholas ii, mikhail alexandrovich, all great-great-grandchildren, children of the last russian emperor, would be killed. pestel intended to exterminate the entire imperial family, including women, children, even those living abroad. nicholas i himself took the greatest risk that day, of course, he could have been killed several times, this, in my opinion, is also one of the most dramatic episodes of the film, and indeed of russian history in general, when it goes on, lei guards will meet him, and he does not know
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which side they are going to, whether to defend the winter one, or to the sinat side. let's see how this event developed. we are for konstantin. when is that so? here’s the way for you, for the constitution, a completely real episode when nicholas could simply be raised at bayonets, killed, they could have done anything, but they didn’t kill them? well, in my opinion, this episode speaks less about nicholas, and more about the decembrists. when the uprising was organized so quickly, they did not expect that everyone would have to leave urgently, that it turned out that one regiment got lost and turned not to senate square, to palace
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square, but the other regiment met miloradovich , who began shouting out of step, left, left, and so on, that is, first of all, this is a story not about nikolai, but the story of how it was all in the popes and whether the uprising, which was organized so quickly so well, somehow... the goals were almost unattainable, now everyone, even these investigators themselves, were amazed, because so... then plan, take troops, go somewhere outside the city, set up some kind of camp, wait for konstantin, that is
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, the conspirators themselves could not clearly formulate what the plan was, then the rebels on december 14, strictly speaking, had a plan for a dense flight, which was proposed by trubetskoy , so we always talk about the fact that children of the twelfth year, this should not be taken figuratively, we must take it literally, 3/4 of these... as they say, it happened, all the toulons were exhausted, which is why they wanted heroic deeds, for which they didn’t have time, yes, on the one hand they complained about
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the fact that there are no thick polets, senior officers, on the other hand, this very plan, which seems illogical to you, trubetskoy’s plan, is quite reasonable, to go from one, from one barracks to another, join the rest of the regiments, gather the entire guards corps , then...
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and russia to a large extent, this is the moment of decision-making, to still fire a salvo at the troops standing in sinata square, in my opinion, it is also very well dramaturgically shown in the film, let's see, all the blood will be forever on me.
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they dare to shoot, they won’t dare to shoot at us, and this is a victory, damn it,
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there’s no need to break into these places, occupy, reform and get ready, in this sense, of course, perhaps, the decembrists are not the pioneers of the liberal line in russia, if in that sense, that they can never agree among themselves and develop a unified program, then this seems very similar to me, very liberal from this point of view, but it seems to me that you are wrong, because liberalism does not at all deny the possibility of this kind of action.
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not at all unreasonable, and radical revolutionaries, and constitutionalists, monarchists, and liberals, the fact of the matter is that the decembrist movement was never united, they did not even have, we have already talked about this many times, a single program, it was in any case an episode of the civil war , in a civil war there is always a tragedy, there is an episode, let us remind you of it, what are you going to do? persuade him to transfer power to you and the senates to leave and we will change everything, this is our dream, believe me, i know what i’m saying, he will die, but he will not leave, what will you do, you will kill him, your family, your children.
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and this is always, in my opinion, the most vulnerable moment in the human history of reform, when any power begins to change the direction of movement, the speed of movement, at this moment any body in the physical world becomes vulnerable. the decembrists, with their romantic impulse, promises that life, pushkin also understood this very well, that the unbearable lightness of the world is that it promises much more than it gives. snatch something that is nearby, it is already possible, jump over the technical historical abyss, to do what could be done, it seems, here... by us here, now, turns out to be impossible, and emperor alexander, carrying out his reforms, tried first, tested them, he carried them out first in the baltic states in three attempts, the sixteenth, seventeenth, nineteenth, three provinces
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released the peasants in different ways, without land, but these are details, this was already the liberation of the serfs, and the decembrists said it was necessary, well, not everything, naturally, but they talked about what needs to be done here now, this as if... revolutionary drive. alexander in november of the fifteenth year gave a constitution to the kingdom of poland, and it was a real constitution with representative bodies of power, with an independent court and complex, the insults that his potential comrades-in-arms received in this matter said: “well, why is the polish kingdom, and we, and russia, this is what he tried to do, then he realized that in the time that was allotted to him, in that historical time, he did it.” this is impossible, there will be blood, but indeed, for some reason the decembrists thought that they were better than the emperor knows that what russia needs, yes, why, what you say about the reforms of alexander i in the twenties, then in general these were not reforms, but preparations for them were underway,
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and very, very secret, they knew about it units, project, constitutional project of novosiltsev, well, who knew about it, several people, until 1830, until the polish mite...
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it was his majority of the nobility that was represented by the decembrists, god forbid, if they had won, a different form of government, except for the cruelest dictatorship, we will drive with an iron fist fortunately, humanity would not exist, well , in fact, this is a really big question, what would have happened if, if the decembrists had become power, but here very often fyodor stovchin, the governor general of moscow, who... brought his famous words, let's listen, we have everything inside out, in france the mob wanted to rise to the nobility, but it is understandable, in our country the nobles want to become the mob, well, nonsense, nobility, because if you take it to its logical conclusion, this is
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what the decembrists proposed, it was doomed how this happened after the seventeenth year, they didn’t understand that this was generally death for themselves and for, perhaps, for their families, for the class in general. russia, what could have happened, but we saw all this very quickly in 1830-31, when cholera riots began and several districts of the novgorod province simply turned into bloody chaos, where they killed anyone who was not a soldier or peasant there, where hundreds actually died there, there were officers, officials, doctors who were accused of allegedly being wells poisoned, from one of the scoundrels who wanted to settle scores with his commander, this is such a terrible mess, again to the question of nikolai pavli. again, like on december 14, he personally leaves and this is what is engraved on the monument to nicholas i in st. petersburg, with his personal presence they pacify the beginning of this uprising in st. petersburg, so what it would turn into is, in principle, more or less clear,
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and this is it fear that if we lose control, but at the same time there was a radical cry, by and large, because the motivation of many young people of these secret societies, compare it to what was later described as a jury on... on the french experience, there are young, ambitious people, the time for performing feats has passed, so this is the bestuzhev action of acting, acting, and what to act -maybe it’s really right, you said, maybe it will be more reliable in the offices, as turgenev just suggested, let’s have a plan for peasant reform, let’s sort out the land, let’s start with the state peasants, because half of the peasants were not landowners, half of the peasants were state-owned, appanage, let’s somehow begin to at least restore order in reality, which nikolai pavlovich, by the way, did, but... but is it really so, is it really true that the decembrists really didn’t they saw what awaits russia if they suddenly win.
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there is a big story on the air, and the decembrists, did they really not understand what awaited them, the nobility, their families, if they won, the problem is choice: choice for the person who occupies the highest government post at the moment of the greatest danger for themselves and for the country, well, if we say that they are romantics, then of course they will not think through what will happen next, remember the classic rayleigh, i know we will die, but the example will remain, then there is a certain example that will remain for us, i literally wanted to throw in this thought, i read about this in the admiral’s memoirs for a dissertation in the archive... these memories are still quite interesting, this is an admiral of
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the thirties of the 19th century, here he is it says right there that if, i quote verbatim, these boys came to power, they would flood russia with blood, that is, he directly writes that blood would flow endlessly, and it would be a dictatorship there, pestel directly said, and that that it would be necessary to temporarily establish a dictatorship, that this blood would flow and flow, and it seems to me that many educated people were largely repulsed by this, well, remember, pushkin clearly says: in the captain’s daughter, though this is the missing chapter of the captain’s daughter about that people who are plotting coups among us, or young and do not know their people, or hard-hearted people, for whom someone else’s little head is half a piece, and their own neck is a penny, so it seems to me that this is an accurate description of the decembrists, and the russian rebellion is senseless and merciless from there, nicholas i is also a central figure for film and for our story, as it turned out.
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the idea of ​​our crazy liberalists, god grant that there are not so many true villains among them, the soldiers were only victims of deception, sometimes a beautiful day begins with a storm, may it be so in the new reign, here the image of nicholas i is really very complex, probably the most difficult, but for building dramaturgical, for directing, in general, as you saw him and see now, well, in the cinema the main character is considered the one who has the biggest arc, when the film was , was...
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to study the history of the decembrists, we are not going further with him, but we would definitely like to give the audience an impulse to see him, to understand him, because assessments vary extremely, just like with alexander, who is from the blessed there at the beginning his kingdom became hated at the end, nikolai also has very different periods, because he is practically a person who is ready to lead reforms, what pushkin saw, the one who collected it, entrusted it to his...
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but nikolai pavlovich became in many ways a hostage, unfortunately, like any great
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leader, he reigned for 30 years, it is understood that during this time two generations of public life were actually outlived by his colleagues. they began to be brought back, they were already perceived as heroes, although they themselves, we know this very well from their memoirs, were not very understood, and that they were so admired, many, for example, like the same aninkov and goebel, generally somehow felt discomfort, some experienced about the attention that was riveted to them, but again due to political the necessity of 1856 and coming into power... well, this often happens, let’s put all the bad things on the predecessor and that’s why we have nikolai palkin, all these horrors that could have been there were all attributed there, well, even in small things appeared, well , about nikolai pavlovich, he didn’t smoke and in general forbade smoking, immediately everyone called themselves cigars, began to smoke everywhere, well, you know
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, yes, that is, such opposition, it is typical, especially since alexander i came as a young emperor, a young team, so gradually he himself was. then, of course , a lot arose from here, you need to understand that unfortunately, as the emperor ruled for 30 years, the number of those dissatisfied with him only increased, and it goes without saying that by the end, all this discontent was projected onto the perception of the decembrists, oh, how it would be it would be good if they could implement all this there. well, this is an illusion, but you need to understand nikolai palovich, literature, image, well, if we talk about literature, then he had very different relationships with writers, say, it is known that nikolai favored gogol , loved gogol very much, and at the same time treated lermuntov very poorly , the emperor and the emperor had complex relationships with pushkin at different periods, in this sense, literature
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also shaped the image of nikolai palkin, of course, here and there after tolstoy’s ball i definitely remember it right away, but i want to. to say that nikolai apparently somehow, well, in a mild case, let's say, took into account this story with the decembrists, in a big case, let's say, he was afraid of what happened, and let's say, that after 20 years he then will do to the petroszewtsy when this clownish trial is played out, when they are sentenced to death, at the last moment, when three of them are already standing at the barriers, and two commands are heard: get ready to aim and supposedly, a courier galloped up in front of the team and said that them...
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served only your vanity, all your deeds, good and evil, were all lies in you, all ghosts were deaf, you were not a king, but a performer. how fair this is is unclear, but it clearly corresponds to the mood of disappointment in 1955 and 1956. nikolai, of course,
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is a figure of great importance, this figure is tragic in the sense that this man tried. to change russia without changing the most important thing, his policy on the peasant issue is very correctly, in my opinion, called by vasily iosipovich klyuchevsky, spankings government on the sore spots of serfdom . just like that. yes, nikolai pavlovich is a complex figure, but - he created in many ways the state machine of our country, which then existed until the seventeenth year, he... was the first who succeeded in the state codification of laws, before that everything was completely fragmented and not there was a single set of laws of the russian empire, this is also him, and the pulkovo observatory, the railway and also nicholas i, the first railway is also nicholas i, that is, the figure
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very controversial, but russia scored many victories, including in the big game. in central asia in the middle east, wars with persia, so the question here, in fact, also remains open, as in answer to the question: who?
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this says that the decembrists are answering, why? nikolay and many others, like in the film about tell me, why did you do it? i suggested that you achieve our goal peacefully. i defeated nikolai semyan, what? i changed russia forever. decembrists, that’s why and did they have a chance, and what would have happened if they did you realize this chance? for what? probably, the main thing is, as it were, a unique situation, because alexander, before tsar alexander i, prepared a reform, which later was not destined to come true.
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they felt themselves to be the theran fighters of the era of the late republic, they discussed among themselves who should be killed, tito, well, because he ruled for only 2 years, or nero, who, well , a branded emperor, a villain, they said, of course, tito should kill the principle of one monopoly, because one person does not have the right to rule everyone and is fueled by this the ancient imperative of what we will give...
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does not have a direct nature, but the action always has a direct nature, they went out to the square, and nikolai went out to the square, and this action speaks of the intentions of these people, if we talk... about plans, we also touched on this today, but it seems to me that they were not as naive as it may sound, because the task was to cut down the top of the government in st. petersburg, they hoped for a conspiracy in the first second armies located in melorussia, when trubetskoy, the most an experienced military officer in principle general staff, intended to withdraw troops from the city, he wanted to threaten the authorities
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to expect that the officers who were in the conspiracy... are in the armies of the south would come to the rescue, to create pressure on the authorities. why the fatal shots were fired is also understandable, because night was approaching, if the troops had been given the opportunity to remain in the square, they would have been uncontrollable in the giant city, they would have joined the uprising, obviously declassed elements who so threw sticks at the heads of the soldiers supporting the emperor, then there would have started chaos when...
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the wives of soldiers, half of whom were drunk. at that moment i thought with horror that the fate of russia was in the balance, that its existence could in a minute depend on a crowd of rabid soldiers and mobs led by a few madmen. what feeling and what position? ozhukovsky knew the mood in the capital, and tyutchev, our wonderful poet, fyodor ivanovich, who wrote his famous quatrain, also knew the mood. let's listen. people! alien perfidy vilifies your names and your memory for posterity like a corpse in the earth buried. tyuchiv’s position is quite clear regarding the decembrists. a reckless thought, you hoped, perhaps, that your blood would become scarce in order to melt the eternal pole. as soon as it sparkled, it flashed, on the centuries-old top of the ice, the iron winter
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died, and there was nothing left. traces is how this poem ends? the question, of course, that is being asked now was asked then, here is the punishment of the decembrists with their noble, as many believed, intentions, was it excessive, was nicholas really such a bloody dictator, who then portrayed a generation of historians, writers, and so on, precisely largely because they... were hanged, they turned into that myth, which they then developed, simplified, it doesn’t matter, but this myth began to take shape, including about the sufferers , who were hanged without trial, by the court and the tapan decembrists, field marshal tarejos, his 48 companions were shot on the beach near maloga, which did not prevent them from becoming exactly the same victims , symbols, and martyrs, yes, yes, martyrs,
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indeed many regicides became symbols. they were whispering everywhere, notebooks were passed around in lists from hand to hand, we are children with timidity in our eyes, a sounding verse for the sake of freedom, we repeated at night, the riot, having flared up, froze, the execution woke up, here are five hanged people, we are
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silent. both kirensky and lenin were nobles, the palaces of the seventeenth year, both considered themselves the successors of the work of the decembrists, that’s what alexander ferovich kirinsky wrote, from his father through the decembrists hercyn, the people’s... will of the great russian writers, the nameless thousand of cultured youth who left to qatar in the name of liberation people through 1905 and the state duma, a straight road led to the spring days of 1917, well, from the spring days there was a straight road to the autumn days, and of course, one cannot help but remember vladimir ilyevich in connection with this lenin. honoring hertsyn, we see clearly three generations, three classes active in
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the russian revolution, first the nobles and landowners, the decembrists and hertsin, a narrow circle of these revolutionaries, they are terribly far from the people, but their cause was not lost, the decembrists woke up hertsin, hertsson launched a revolutionary agitation. well, then we know how it went our. history in general, the influence of the decembrists was indeed quite fundamental, despite the failure of the uprising, unlike the regicides of previous generations, these people did not set their own personal goal for this coup, that was probably the fundamental novelty of what happened, what if we allow the saricide of paul i there among them were people offended by him, people who tried to change something for themselves, people who were involved in all sorts of spalin intrigues. we can also look further at the rest, here there was a message from the beginning.


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