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tv   Russkii letchik Yaroshenko  1TV  June 9, 2024 5:05pm-6:01pm MSK

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treating lenin in connection with this. honoring hercyn, we clearly see three generations, three classes active in the russian revolution: first the nobles and landowners, the decembrists and herzon. the circle of these revolutionaries is small, they are terribly far from the people, but their cause is not lost. the decembrists woke up hercyn. hertsson launched revolutionary agitation. and then we know how our story went. in general, the influence of the decembrists was indeed quite fundamental, despite the failure of the uprising. unlike...
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even those who participated in the trial of the decembrists, some of the murderers of paul i were accepted in society to the end, the generals, who were kindly rewarded by awards, were still considered in society, well , people, to put it mildly, with a damaged reputation, the same golinishchev kutuzov, when the judge threw him out, how can he say, you could have thought of committing regicide, he says, it was you who told us this, and your leadership, then this is just a legend, it motivated the following people, including from the nobles, from wealthy circles , to revolutionary asceticism.
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he cheerfully, boldly rules us, suddenly he revived with war, hopes, labors, this is nicholas i, by the way, pushkin, first of all a poet, and of course, as a poet, he is very contradictory, for him, personal honor, the idea of ​​​​dignity are first of all important, here is griboyedov, who was a poet of the decembrists, he was extremely skeptical about the decembrists. almost in the same way, well, as rostopchin was skeptical about them, his last joke rostopchin, which is trampled, that in france shoemakers make revolutions in order to become counts, and in our country the counts make a revolution in order to become shoemakers, yes, so that’s it that’s why pushkin is really our everything, he’s not in the film, well, philpin is populated, it seems to me that the appearance of such a big figure is likely. it was really a film,
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indeed overpopulated, but on the other hand, what better do we know about the decembrists than this film, and this is truly a historical drama that can be called a blockbuster in modern language, which in fact very accurately describes what the complexity of our history happened, in russia, the supreme authorities forgive everything except... it was a big story, see you, believe me, when a swarm of magazines flies around you blinder than mosquitoes, don’t reason, don’t waste polite words, don’t counter the insolent noise with writing, neither logic nor taste, dear friend, you can’t subdue their stubborn mouth, sin is angry, but
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suddenly swipe them with a nimble epigram. to the poet's anniversary. blackmail, bribery, threat and so on. the investigation lasted for more than a year; lawyers insisted that iroshenko’s case was not within the jurisdiction of the american court. they took the folder with his file and threw it in the trash. konstantin eroshenko does not even fully realize that his fate is already predetermined by the jury's verdict. i just
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stated, you may think it’s cruel, but i’m giving you 20 years. if he talks about the torture that took place in his relationship, then he will succeed. a few hours ago, a new york court determined the punishment for russian citizen konstantin eroshenko. i realized that there is no justice in this country. i formed my ministry back in childhood, during my school years, it was not by chance that you ended up at the krasnokutsk flight school, since your mother and father, they all worked at the rostov aircraft production association, my my mother worked in supply department, flew
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all over the soviet union, took her on business trips, i already knew what the profession of a transport aviation pilot was, so after finishing the tenth grade i applied specifically... flight school, you don’t just get into a flight school, you go here , i believe, these are people who are already burning with the desire to be pilots, so the koshins, have put themselves in order, a movie will be filming you now, good morning, our guest today is konstantin eroshenko, our graduate, a man who has experienced american... democracy, pilots, military pilots, civil aviation pilots, this is the elite of the nation, this is the color, these are people who, by their psycho-physiological and moral qualities, know how to take responsibility, are ready to make decisions in a serious
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situation, the military department was at the krasnomkusk flight school, after the first year we had already completed the program , they took us into the army, that’s how i ended up in the pacific fleet, served in... naval aviation, that’s where i spent 2 years in vietnam, i was drawn to civil aviation, i was vacation when i flew to rostov in this short period of time, while in rostov there for two weeks i met my future wife, i was not yet 16 years old, so they started dating and decided to marry, konstantin waited until i turned 18 years old. as soon as i turned 18 years old, we got married, and that’s how our story of life together began, i began my
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work at the rostov helicopter production association in transport squadrons, our whole family worked at the helicopter factory, me too worked at a helicopter factory. for a year i already flew practically throughout the soviet union, every day i had new directions, it was hard, yes, because there you need to be not only an iceman, you also need to be a flight operator, and a loader, in terms of mechanical engineering, and change wheels, all this it was, but difficult times came
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for our entire country, gorbachev began, of course, then yeltsin. our country began to be destroyed, yes, all enterprises, many began to close, that is, reductions, no orders, when devastation began, at one time there was no flew, there was no money for it... no funds, no money for maintenance, i tried to somehow get it to be serviced properly, to save this plane, because it’s just a pity when planes are stationary, they die, and not every an airplane is like a living creature, each airplane even has its own name, i personally give each name, there was a pirate, there was a swallow, there was toska, this is n24, and then there was ekaterina, whom the americans sold to me.
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some planes were written off, they remained with us at the very end of the nineties only the an-26, an-32 plane, until the last minute i tried to somehow preserve this plane there thirty-second, because i flew most of the flights on it, a fairly good company approached us, which said, we’ll take the plane and buy it, well, we will provide work for the crew, in the late nineties they sold me and i, along with this, flew to... that ’s when i flew to angola with him, when kosya said that he was going to fly to africa,
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well, to get his plane, which was sold , of course, i was categorically against it, because we already had a daughter, she was quite small and not yet a year old, there were no further prospects at the helicopter plant, because the entire squadron was disbanding, so i had nowhere to go but agree to let him go. for this work, there, when we flew to the capital of luanta, what amazed me was how many of our russian aircraft were there, everyone flew, if there were flights here, there were very few of them, there the pilots did not fly very much time, but there were several hundred russian aircraft, all every day we flew a lot, every day, all our crews were russian, no matter who was there. there, be it from russia, azerbaijan, armenia, the baltic countries, there were aircrews there
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, from ukraine, from uzbekistan, well, we were all considered russian, we all lived together and worked hard, because the flights were very difficult, africa is also since the times of the soviet union, russian soil, there are a lot of our pilots there, because... the conditions in which we have to work there, this heat, constant tension, well a certain degree of risk, only our guys can fly, foreigners cannot work if they don’t have a dry closet, boiled water, and so on, in angola they took refugees from regions where it was unstable, we brought them to luanda, it was a lot .
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after themselves they took us to dufritown and to dakar, everything came from faith, starting from angola, that’s where it came to me, i realized that yes, there is still, i don’t know, god, but there is someone higher, who is behind us, everyone is watching us, be it allah, be it god, be it who else is there, what am i aiming for? to development, probably, because sitting in one place is not for me, i have to constantly move
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somewhere forward, achieve some new goals, but i still have a craving for home, and my family is bored, and my wife and i are there too. i had to raise my daughter, i didn’t feel completely alone when he flew away, because he called me every day, every day we talked in the evenings, i was always striving after probably a month since i flew to africa, i was already pulled back home , here you go how... when he stopped communicating, the first day i thought that maybe he was very busy there, and well, it happens that there is no connection, everything doesn’t connect, the second day , of course, i already started.
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relations with the jurisdiction of the united states, a russian citizen is detained, extradited from liberia to america, when there was no communication for the fourth or fifth day, i really started to panic, i was already having such thoughts, where is good. i’ll take tickets to africa now, i ’ll fly there, where i’ll look for him, i don’t even know where he went. we begin to realize that this, firstly, is not an accident, but this is a system that has come and is coming into motion,
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you know, something so rusty, calloused, but... absolutely antediluvian, but again reanimated for the same purposes, for which all this was used during the cold war. a lawyer from new york called, he said that your husband is in the united states of america, he is suspected of drug smuggling, he is detained, i immediately realized that this was some kind of hoax, because well, first of all, my husbands. flew to america, he doesn’t have a passport or any visas for america, but he simply physically cannot be there, he flew to africa. it was especially difficult to prove to our public that all this is not, but the reason for, say, violation of american law by our citizens, that this
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is not their oversight or crime, but that these are systemic steps.
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lying on the us runway, his face was swollen, his mouth was clearly missing teeth, russian citizens were literally kidnapped, this is impossible.
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there were a lot of loud statements there, firstly, all these accusations were a complete lie, i was never told to transport, say, drugs, or any kind of weapons, but there was only one more suggestion, that can i organize the transportation of diplomatic mail from the government of liberia, nothing more, but there are still many other details, the mail should have been transferred to monrovia or...
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directly to my address, i will say that i have statistics that are absolutely
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it’s amazing what the dynamics are today of repression against our compatriots who find themselves abroad. in the eighteenth year , more than 1,100 of our compatriots were in prison abroad.
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of our state, our government, and most likely our president, yes, my russia will say yes, and we are united forever, like the sun, air and water all together, the most russians feel the sad bow, and let my heart ache for those i i don’t ask, breathe and believe with a wounded heart, give it to me, this is my fight, to the last my pain, even if
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it’s bad, my fight, until it casts something like this, my heart is beating and i’m dying out, i’ll have to silet my chest, our eternal pony, tiers. were violated, and they were incinerated, and the citizens themselves, because what a colossal psychological pressure that was put on them when they arrived in the usa. uh
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, he came to me in prison when i was in a temporary detention center, called mc7 in manhattan, a man came who speaks excellent russian, who fully understood, i suggested it to him, he says, let ’s cooperate now, i say this, please come out or let me into the cell, i say, all conversations are closed, they took the folder with his case and threw it in the trash, they tried to create as much chaos as possible, so yes... i saw unacceptable treatment, not only towards him , but in relation to other prisoners. i know that some prisoners hanged themselves. i didn’t see it personally, but their bodies were carried out in a coffin. so, yes, there is quite a lot of physical and mental torture here. they were created the conditions in which people, our citizens, had to.
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although this could lead to very big consequences for me. i answered him that i am not selling mine, my faith, my family, my people and my country, for some kind of benefits, for some kind of pretzels. this is the story, it played out in front of every detained, arrested, captured citizen of the russian federation who
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became a target. of this american deep state, they were immediately offered, well, for example, to make a deal with the investigation, and sometimes these weren’t deals with the investigation, they were offered deals with conscience, this was not a confession of some minor offenses or something insignificant, initially it was proposed to renounce the country, abandon comrades, renounce, and even worse , those... values ​​on which the lives of these people were generally built people, as an orthodox christian, yes, everything was refused, although for the convicts, for the jews, there were some on theirs, there on their holidays, something was possible there, they could purchase, or some kind of parcels, i always refused when they later offered me let us now, as they say there, convert you, i don’t know, to judaism.
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then they even brought us into some separate office together with katyusha, lee ginsberg began to say that the prosecutor’s office suggests that you influence your husband, so that he says what they ask, let him testify against viktor bout, and we give you a place of residence in america, a supportive program, and your husband is released almost immediately. we needed
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justice first and foremost. a fair trial and truth, and after that, as after that, freedom for an innocent person, freedom for our loved ones, our life is where we want, but we wanted to live at home, in russia, so, as the great yessenin said, there is no need to give up paradise for my homeland, this was still happening against the backdrop of endless information dumps .
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when they let an employee of the prosecutor's office into the room of pisazhny assessors, which no one has the right to enter except for a few technical... accredited employees, not interested in any party, under the pretext that their computer had broken down the jury, and as the jurors later shared, she began to actively propagate to them that you understand, now, if you acquit, you will release the killer of your children there, that is, although dad never killed anyone, did not distribute anything prohibited, did not transported, he had no intention of transporting it, when... all the assessors came out, pronounced a guilty verdict, one young girl gave herself away, who cried at the moment when her dad was convicted, she actually later shared the same story, what happened there, the prosecutor's office demanded
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30 years of imprisonment or more, and the defense demanded a minimum term, according to this article of the law, this is 10 years, when we heard 20 years, somehow... it became a little easier for us, after all this is not 30 years, at that time konstantin was 42 years old, that is, in 20 years, he would have been 62, there was still some hope that he would emerge as an even more or less young man, when my husband was sentenced, he was convicted for 20 years and gave such a harsh sentence to an innocent person, and two citizens of hanna, who... admitted their they told the wine that they were really drug dealers, they were being released, i realized that justice does not exist in this country, the sentence, of course, was very unfair, and i think that they were cruel, yes, a person would get
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24 years in prison for an uncommitted crime, when i got out from the courtroom, it dawned on me what... happened, and of course, i felt very bad, i just felt some kind of loneliness, and i don’t know, well, it can’t be put into words, what you can feel when you realize that you 20 years old, separated from her husband and needing a child raise, raise alone, after the verdict was announced, we could meet with him only the next day, visiting him, and of course, i went to this... visit, right with such a heavy heart, i didn’t know how we would meet, that i i’ll tell him, you know, i want to say that kostya
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is such a strong person, i don’t know how he managed to manage himself, he managed to pull himself together, but when we already found him. towards each other, he even smiled, well, of course, not like that, just laughing, but so everything is fine, don’t be upset, everything, well, in general, he reassured me, and not him, when... we went, i, my mother and grandmother remained, and we began to actively solve this problem, we called lawyers, we prepared documents, we forwarded them to dad by e-mail, grandmother raised the media, grandmother corresponded with
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government agencies, i was more on the technical side, that is, there were computers, transfers, emails, iroshenko’s mother came to me for the first time. "lyubov mikhailovna, absolutely heartbroken, and of course, did not believe that her son could commit a crime, she was in in desperation that he was placed in terrible conditions, she asked for help; unfortunately, lyubov mikhailovna died a year later, konstantin was unable to bury his mother and say goodbye to her.
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i am completely sure that i am not guilty, i went through the trial with the grossest violation, then one appeal was filed, a second, a third, with very serious arguments and... after 7-8 years of imprisonment, after all the appeals, i already realized that i would have to serve the entire term of imprisonment, if, of course, i last until this time to serve the full 20 or 24 years in prison, welcome to the wind of the stars.
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to be honest, it was unexpected for me
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, i called my father first, it’s not every day that a hero of russia becomes and not everyone becomes a hero, the gold star medal of the hero of the russian federation inherits the traditions of the gold star of the hero of the soviet union, when he once called me and quietly said that i saved people today, he had already become a hero for me, even before he was awarded this title, the regiment commander arrived, we all lined up. they gave me the st. george cross, you can see a photograph of semyon mikhailovich vludionov with royal awards, st. george's crosses, st. george's medals, suvorov, kutuzov, alexander nevsky orders named after all these people, each order has its own day and the motto of the order of merit to the fatherland, benefit, honor, glory. russian awards, june 12 on the first. anatoly ivanovich antonov, yes, our ambassador, our minister sergei
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viktorovich, lavrov, sergei alekseevich rebkov, but they did not make a serious statement demanding medical assistance when my health was already, well, very much in danger serious consequences, i was thrown into a punishment cell on a concrete floor because i contacted our journalists and told the facts of what was happening in american prisons, he was warned that if he talked about... people, it was simply not within any bounds
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it fits, this is a series of human rights violations, over the course of 8 years, he was denied access to his wife and daughter, in prison, all the prisoners were surprised that konstantin and i call each other every day, that many years have already passed, but i still continue to wait for him, it’s just that in america... it’s not customary for wives to wait for a long time for their husbands, but a year, two, three, well, maximum 3 years, that’s all, then everyone filed for divorce and got divorced, i worked every day so that konstantin would return, with this thought i fell asleep with this thought i woke up, what else can i do today in order to speed up his return, if we describe the states, here is their system, their regime, as a person, this is... such an adamant person who believes that he
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he is right in everything, and if he understands that he is wrong, he will never admit it and will do even worse, trying to convince him that you are wrong, you are wrong, you are wrong, it is useless, and we understood that we need to involve political forces, this is the president of the russian federation, this is the minister of foreign affairs, who set the appropriate vector, each of our employees , every diplomat who... from the ministry of foreign affairs understood that this is a national task, this is extremely important, i repeatedly appealed to the ambassador of the united states of america, by the way, i have here all the letters, correspondence with the prosecutor general's office, with
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president of the united states of america, wrote to the united states of america, well , naturally, already... as a person who understands that the truth cannot be achieved there, i already simply wrote to all the presidents in a row about pardoning him, everything that still depended on me, so i did , konstantin yaryshenko spent almost 12.5 years in dungeons in the united states of america and we never lost hope that we could... help him return to his homeland, then the bell rang, and alexey’s lawyer called, and i was absolutely surprised that alexey is calling, we have in general, no processes are happening, when i pick up the phone, alexey says: victoria, hello, i’m coming to you with good
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news, just now the prosecutor’s office called me and asked me to do it. a request for a judge to expel konstantin from the territory of the united states to russia, this means that somehow there was an agreement on an exchange, now i am submitting this petition, within 45 minutes i should receive an answer from the judge, we are expecting his deportation in the near future, that is, today or tomorrow he will be deported. talk and we started develop a plan on how to inform konstantin about this, my wife told me the news about the release, and it was, let’s say, even unexpected, in american prisons you can of course call, yes, but it costs about 1 dollar
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a minute to call the russian federation, me directly how it hit me. the lawyer asked me not to tell anyone about this, not to journalists, to anyone, and that this is very secret information, he just couldn’t resist saying at least some good news for so many years, and says, in general, we’re waiting for konstantin to come home in 2 -3 days,
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certain people are calling, ekaterina konstantinovna, yes, they didn’t get through to your mother, well, here you are... they got through to you, we want to tell you the good news, your dad is being changed, now he is flying out of the states, flying to istanbul, they will change them there, from there to sochi, from sochi to moscow, the procedure for my release, well, it’s like...
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then, on command, they take me off the plane from the american trevorid from our plane , they went at each other, the procedure went exactly like this. that’s it, here are the handcuffs, yes, and this kind of sex, the sex is closed, they are in general. they are worth it and not moving, it’s impossible for them to go anywhere, they’re like this to me, here and there this is the goal, i say,
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let me go anywhere, it hurts, i can’t do everything, i was afraid to jinx the moment, as if i’m running home, mom is fussing, i’m fussing, we’re like -we’re trying to get ready, but we went to meet our grandchildren with our dad, i remember the sky. sunset, purple-pink, well, it was still cold, we were sitting indoors, suddenly the person who called us called me, ekaterina, look, come out, look, he says, this is all the sky, very beautiful, frame from movie, i’m running away, it’s a purple-pink sky, a plane is flying, he says, you see, it’s your dad flying, it was such an unforgettable experience when i...
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with us, i’m right there, really, i’m at the airport, that’s it, that’s it i left everything, all 12 years, i left there at that airport, all my tears, all my experiences, when i hugged him, then that was it, such relief came, as if, i don’t know, something holy had descended on me from heaven, well, porridge, time. i missed a lot, i lost 12 years, but i had to make up for it, yes, i came again to work in aviation, this is precisely for
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an airline, i am very grateful to our president that i joined the public chamber of the russian federation, there are many opportunities, and for the implementation of many of my plans, this is help to our compatriots, help to our citizens of the russian federation who are in difficult situations situation abroad, to get away from our aviation oh... he just showed how you can survive in conditions when you cannot survive, when they deliberately break you, when you
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are mocked, when you are forced to believe and they do this not only by force, but also by deception, that that’s it, the era in which you lived before has ended, this stage has ended, there will be a new one, and you will be different, and we will tell you what you will be like, and they do everything to ... courage that you are a representative of a great country, and he showed himself to be so, he
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withstood all the tests, he went through what was essentially the torment of hell. the country, the people, this is powerful support that comes, as we say, from our own, ours, you know, we have such an amazing expression, ours, we don’t abandon our own, for ours, it’s ours, what it is, many can’t even understand who is ours by nationality, by religion, i don’t know, by some charter, by a joint oath, what it is, and this impossible to explain...
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europe is all quite close, all these actions that are now being carried out, the western world, yes, these wars, revolutions, coups, you know, this is all for the purpose of being destructive, i don’t know, we must preserve this world, we must preserve civilization in general, wherever you are, in in your future life, i don’t know you, either in the russian federation or abroad, so that you defend the honor of our country, our people, this is the most important thing. i love you, even though i’m furious, even though this work
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is a shame in vain, in this stupidity. unhappy at your feet, i confess, it doesn’t suit me and i don’t fly, it’s time, it’s time for me to be smarter, but i recognize by all the signs the disease of love in my soul, for the poet’s anniversary. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. this is the main topic. step by step, russian soldiers are moving towards the yar hour. shots from the front
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