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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 9, 2024 9:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. the st. petersburg international
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economic forum is about us, from february 1 , 2025 onwards, pensions will increase annually not only for those who have already retired, but also for those who continue to work, about a friendly and not so friendly world, there is no need to create an image of an enemy from russia, you are only harming yourself with this... the main statement of the president. close combat. another bird. our defenders are pressing the enemy in all directions, the police are already fleeing from ukraine so that they will not be mobilized like this. "a new patrol format and force
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that zelensky and his western patrons did not take into account, historical amnesia, the americans are the only country, the united states, that used nuclear weapons, the same diagnosis of normandy, where they celebrated 80 years since the opening of the second front, the first biggest shame - this is the absence of russia, the second shame is the invitation." how history is being rewritten in the west: destructive frosts in peak of flowering, due to frosts, these frosts, we will not be left without apples, what do gardeners say? there won’t be a big deficit, the deficit can only be accelerated by rumors, and how does the state support farmers? ida pushkin, i remember a wonderful
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moment, before me i was like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty, a poet and prophet, or it’s new for us to argue with europe, or the russian has lost the habit of victories, as russia and the world celebrated 225 years since birth of the great classic. main events of the week - st. petersburg international economic forum and keynote speech by vladimir putin at the plenary session. the world has entered an era of fundamental changes and russia is accepting these challenges. despite western sanctions, our country remains a key participant in world trade and is actively developing. the president touched upon the main achievements, set goals for the future, and of course, one of the main topics is strategic security in the world, the west’s attempts to shake it up using ukraine. details from
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konstantin panyushkin. from the beginning of the plenary meeting of the st. petersburg economic the forum had passed 2 and a half hours when the moderator, scientific director of the faculty of world economy and world politics of the higher school of economics sergei karaganov, started a conversation on the most pressing topic of the entire discussion with the president without accelerating movement along the ladder of nuclear escalation, which will not be stopped in the near future. who else will do this besides you? regarding nuclear escalation.
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and there is no such need, but this is a doctrine, this is a living instrument, and we carefully watch what is happening in the world around us, and do not exclude introducing some changes to this doctrine, as for the possibility of conducting real tests of nuclear weapons, if necessary, we will conduct tests as long as necessary, if there is no such thing either, such an answer seemed insufficient to the president, the moderator, the almighty once showed us the way when he. .. dissipation and debauchery destroyed sodom and gomorrah with a fiery rain, after that humanity remembered this for many years and behaved carefully, they now, but now they have forgotten about sodom and gomorrah, so maybe we will remember about this rain, let's try again to bring some sense to that
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part of humanity that has lost faith in god, has lost its mind, without me, maybe there... "set the heat, they were already scared, but if you still rely on the existing nuclear doctrine, all logic is possible, but if, god forbid, it comes to some kind of strike, then everyone should understand that russia has a sprm system, an early warning system for a missile attack, the united states has it, europe does not have a developed system, in this sense they are, well, more or less defenseless. second important. fact about the russian nuclear shield is its power. our tactical nuclear weapons are three to four times more powerful than the bombs the americans used against kheroshima and nagasaki, three to four times. finally, the number of warheads is of significant importance, we have many times more of them on the european continent, and even
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if the americans bring theirs from the united states, we still have many times more, and this is a fact widely known, including by potential adversaries in western countries. they went crazy, especially the europeans, for almost 100 years they are going to war for the third time, the escalation of the movement on the ladder of nuclear escalation can save a large number of lives if it comes, god forbid, yes, i really wouldn’t want to, i’ll shout at each other, that’s what it means, but you said, we will reduce the casualties, but they can increase indefinitely, this is the first, second, of course, these same europeans will have to think if those with whom we exchange such blows do not...
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it seems that the public discussion of the prospects of nuclear strikes on the stage of the main russian economic forum was an attempt kremlin reduce tensions at a time when the war in ukraine is escalating, entering a phase that russian american diplomats call the most dangerous in the entire conflict. russia will win in ukraine and will do so without the use of
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nuclear weapons. vladimir putin has no doubts. his strategic plan is clear, and he has no problem implementing it in front of the applauding audience of the st. petersburg economic forum in... his home city, that is, vladimir putin’s words about the absence of plans to use nuclear weapons at last were heard. then we probably need to go to some kind of mobilization, at least partially. if we follow the recommendations that you made, if we want to do this as quickly as possible, then the current contingent is not enough for us, but we adhere, as i said, to a different tactic, we squeeze out the enemy. territories that should be brought under our control, in this sense we have no need to mobilize, we do not plan to do so. from vladimir putin’s statement it follows that since the beginning of the year our military 47 settlements, about 880 km of territory, were liberated. is it possible to increase the speed
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of solving the problems we face? it is possible, but it is directly proportional to the losses. and understanding my responsibility, i am done. i still proceed from what the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but even more important is concern for the life and health of our guys who are fighting on... you can’t compare the attitude towards a soldier on the other side of the front, against the backdrop of wild losses of the armed forces of ukraine , men are grabbed on the streets and forces are delivered to frontline, the kiev regime lacks people so much that the age range of those eligible for mobilization is expanding. the age of mobilization will decrease. we reliably know from ukrainian sources that the americans set the conditions for continued support by reducing this level of mobilization by age. that 25-23 years old at 20 years old is 18, or maybe 18 right away. meanwhile, in russia in
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2023, more than 300,000 russians voluntarily signed a contract with the armed forces. this year, military registration and enlistment offices came and signed contracts for over 160,000 people every day, we have about a thousand-odd people coming to military registration and enlistment offices voluntarily. you know, this is when we see what the russian character is? what is the character of a russian citizen, we understand this, we rely on this, we do not need any atomic weapons for final victory. konstantin, boris kaminov, channel one. the keevsky regime, which will not be able to reverse the situation at the front, once again demonstrated why it needs nato weapons in one day with barbaric attacks on lugansk and the village of sadovaya. in the sonshchina. in both cases there is no military expediency, pure terrorism. the capital of the lpr was hit by
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five american cruise missiles. our air defense shot down four of them, the fifth hit residential buildings, completely collapsing the entrance to one of them. according to the latest data, six people died. what is important is that the death of civilians in lugansk is not only on the conscience of kiev. the atacoms missiles were used exactly like this, they are guided to the target by american satellites, and the launches are carried out with the direct participation of nato. military personnel in the gardens of the kherson region hit the village store with a french hammer guided bomb and after a short time, another blow from hymers hit those who came to the rescue. criminal handwriting of the ukrainian armed forces. 22 people died. and it is precisely in order to put an end to this that our guys work every day, without sparing themselves. within a week, the russian army expanded its zone of control in the donetsk republic. military groups center south liberated uman. and paroskovyevka, this in particular allows you to keep the supply route of the ukrainian armed forces group in ugledar under fire.
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kharkov region continues to advance our forces in the senkovka and petropavlovka, as well as stelmakhovka and chervono-debravy, lugansk people's republic. a lot of equipment was planted, including an abrams tank, three bradley infantry fighting vehicles, a hymers rocket-propelled combat vehicle, all american- made, and a rather rare german anti-aircraft self-propelled gun gepard. two enemy ones were shot down. another su-25 attack aircraft was hit by a landset on the ground. and this is footage of the destruction of an unmanned boat of the ukrainian armed forces on the black sea; the drone was shot down with a machine gun from a naval aviation helicopter. a powerful explosion is the explosive reaction of our soldiers. besides, in the ministry of defense reported 27 effective group strikes against the military rear areas of the ukrainian armed forces. but let's come back. to the front line. in the direction of chasovaya yar, our troops are conducting active offensive operations, the front line is getting closer to the city.
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in other words, yar is being taken in pincers. the fourth brigade, special forces akhmat, ivanovo paratroopers and the film crew of dmitry kulko are working. here is his report. someday, when evil gets tired. this video, where a fighter with the call sign lawyer says goodbye to life and reads poetry about his homeland, spread across the internet in december last year. he miraculously survived today we are on the attack again. with another work, but now we need a victory, we won’t stand alone for everyone at a price, for everyone in his assault group this is the first battle after the hospital, here are all the guys who have already gone on the run, have seen the enemy in the eyes, experienced commander zelimkhan batukaev , call sign is nimble, he himself went through dozens of battles in solidar artyomovsky, and has already coordinated more than a hundred shooting battles, set the task with two or three birds and you stand, the main thing is to obey the command, i say right, that means i turn right, red with me. you feel like this great thrill, because you are with your people, this
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is very important, on the other hand, there is, as it were, a fear of uncertainty, because each roll is, well, as god will distribute, look at the field, keep your distance, the control point, which is located on on the outskirts of artyomovskaya, this is where the assault groups will now be commanded, they will come out one after another, the task is to get close to the enemy positions unnoticed, the lawyer is on the right. there are only a couple of militants hiding, you need to break through the small aircraft, open their positions and destroy them, i hear gunfire, here he comes out, the firing point is hidden, this ukrainian soldier hasn’t stuck his nose out of the camouflaged dugout for 2 weeks, drones from the ammunition drop system are trying to keep our attack aircraft away, i hear a bird, shoot at it, dropped something, lawyer fights off
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with single shots, the nimble one immediately calls drone operators and fighter jets. while they fought back, the cars are fighting overhead, the lawyer courageously continues to march towards the enemy’s positions, all you can do is say a prayer, my angel, be with me, my angel, be with me, you are ahead, this is the enemy kamikaze drone, the lawyer is entering into an unequal battle, another bird. wounded, but he can go, there’s a forest to the right, go away, go away, having listened to the shustrov’s advice, he turns into a forest plantation, it saves, the commander does everything to save the lives of his soldiers, come on, dear, i understand it’s hard for you, come on, get there,
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get there and rest there, i found a downed drone together, a clap on my feet, wok to me, the enemy drone grabbed onto our fighter, dropping ammunition one after another, but the attack aircraft with the call sign lawyer gets up again, unbending character, four children are waiting for him at home, deciding that if i die, i love you, olesya, i love you, children, i love everyone. my homeland, i adore it, comrades, he comes at me, at the moment when the buzz of the drone is heard again, the camera on the helmet is discharged. commander batukaev calls the portia's lawyer, but communication with him is lost. nothing is known about the fate of the fighter. and then, a few hours later , they reported that the attack aircraft somehow managed to reach his own people, but he was in serious condition. and
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a couple of days later, a soldier of the fourth brigade, konstantin golovin, with the call sign lawyer, was already smiling in a photo from the hospital with his wife. a forty-one-year-old volunteer from magnitogorsk was twice on the verge of death, but twice miraculously escaped from the heat, having completed his combat mission. the task was successfully solved; not only the enemy’s positions were identified, but also the launch sites for fpv drones were identified. thanks to this reconnaissance, it was possible to determine the location of the militants' firing points. a second group of attack aircraft is advancing towards them, including the luhansk one. with the call sign kontrik, he joined the militia for 18 years, completely collected spirit, if not you'll get ready, it's all death, it's a disaster, panic will begin, let's go, go, faster, faster, now after the break, look where the smoke will be, i'll tell you, that's the hole you'll have to go into, before the final throw they fly at the enemy our drones, oh, that's it, we're going in, we're going in, we can't see anything below,
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they're listening to the commander, that's it, here's a green bag, arentin, there's dill there, yeah, yeah, see on the right? there is a line into the loophole, the militants are destroyed, despite the fact that any battle today in the zone is primarily a battle of drones, the last word is all equally for the infantryman, the trench was not taken until the naga of the attack aircraft stepped foot. the next group approaches the ukrainian dugout, there’s a grenade there, right, right, yes, yes, oh, he threw it, beautiful, as a result, in one day two forest belts were occupied by stormtroopers of the fourth brigade, exactly at this moment the enemy seemed to be trying to avenge the defeat at the front . sent a series of western missiles at defenseless people, in the command post they are watching a video of the barbaric attacks of the ukrainian armed forces on peaceful neighborhoods of lugansk, there is a battlefield, let them do what they want, they're shooting there, gau killers, mau killers, khaimer, there's not a single military man there, look, look, look, women, that's who they're fighting with, come quickly, in a week our troops have seriously
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pushed through the front line in the chasofyar direction, from the south soldiers of the fourth brigade and unit. there are settlements in front of it, well , they took bogdanovka, next we have kalinovka, we are trying to knock out the enemy, most of the village of kalinovka. the soldiers of the 200th brigade have already taken control, they are moving forward, first the kamikada drones fly, and then they go small assault groups for clearing. there is a fight for every basement, but the intensity
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of the confrontation is such that there are few of them left in kalinovka. dmitry kulko, ilya repnin and andrey podgornov, channel one. ukrainian militants themselves admit that the yar fortress will share the fate of other impregnable fortresses of the kiev regime. bakhmuda, now he is artyomovsk, marinka. ovdeevka, a matter of time. the armed forces of ukraine are suffering huge losses, this week alone more than 12,500 people, in order to plug these holes, ukrainian men are being caught on the streets with triple force. in addition, informed sources claim that ukraine will lower the mobilization age to 18 years. as the owners overseas demand from zelensky, otherwise he will be replaced, especially since the head of the kiev regime already served out his term back in may. ivan kanavalov will continue the topic. loss of initiative condemns the command of the armed forces exclusively to reactive actions. concentrated attacks by russian troops in several directions at once
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force commander-in-chief syrsky to organize defense on the principle of fortified cities, pulling brigades there from other directions. a critical situation for the armed forces of ukraine has arisen in the area of ​​chasoy yar and volchansk, which they clearly cannot hold, but they are putting their last reserves there: a repeat of the fate of the bakhmut-artemovsk and avdeevka forts and... so, i don’t understand at all how we have again come to a crisis fortification, i don’t even understand how we got to the next fortification again. we had forts sever-donetsk, forts bakhmut, marenka, avgeevka, now we will have forts, all these forts where they lay down the lives of boys for some piece of something incomprehensible cities, they’re just ruins, but they’re laying the lives of boys there, they’re just ruins, but they’re just laying there like that. having appreciated life, last year’s failed counter-offensive in the ssu, well paid for and widely promoted by the collective west, but costing the ukrainian army huge losses , became one of the reasons for the development and adoption
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of the draconian law on mobilization, but the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces cannot solve the problem of replenishing the personnel of ukrainian units and formations , and those who are nevertheless caught by the military commissars have no motivation, no combat training, first of all, is the reluctance of soldiers to fight for... this regime , first, secondly, lack of training, two, thirdly, lack of a clearly established command, since the commanding officer corps has been largely eliminated, there are few trained people left there, and fourth, the lack, often the lack of sufficient physical health to conduct successful combat operations in such conditions; in addition, an important factor is that these soldiers do not have proper training in the parts they are supplied with. the western patrons of the kiev nazi regime have already come up with a stunning formula of deceit and incompetence to justify the immediate dispatch of mobilized ukrainians
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without any preparation to the front. it was presented by the american institute for the study of war. it turns out that training right on the front lines improves the quality of ukrainian forces. ukrainian commanders compensate for training difficulties, which have been exacerbated by mobilization , by training newly arrived personnel on the front lines. the decision of ukrainian commanders to train newly conscripted people directly at the front, again before sending them into battle, indicates that the overall quality of ukrainian forces is likely to remain higher than that of russian troops in the near-medium term, that is , according to perverted american logic , it turns out that meat assaults increase the fighting quality of ukrainian fighters , they really strive to participate in them, but these soldiers think differently, and not wanting to become cannon fodder, they are increasingly surrendering. i was missing, that there were no longer any living people, i went on a breakthrough myself, i heard the russians and i realized that the command thought that i
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voluntarily surrendered, the guys who will still go to war on memorization, because they will take you away, just as they will pull me out, do everything, run away, it’s better to go to prison, thus the law. on mobilization, the task for which it was adopted does not solve, even if the recruit was caught, he can escape from the unit or surrender, therefore, as ukrainian telegram channels report, the ministry of defense and the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine demand that the verkhovna rada immediately return to consideration of the bill about the military police. such structure exists in most armies of the world to maintain law and order in army units. but the kiev nazis need a completely different tool: they plan to give the military police the right to break into. pockets
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of resistance to the current regime, they have a targeted effect and erode any attempts at resistance, but the women’s community that is gaining mass, these are widows, these are mothers, these are sisters, a huge number of families who are left alone, they are now taking to the streets, they are becoming the passionate force that dictates society. that he already screams damn it, so what are you doing, shame on you, the police, not the people, not the worse person, the police, let me go, they beat up women, they rush at women, he is a criminal, and drug addicts , go catch the criminal,
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against this background, zelensky’s office set about creating the new format of tcc patrols, at first they began to include frostbitten veterans of the armed forces of ukraine for intimidation. after the adoption of the law on mobilization , police officers were assigned to the military committees to add supposed legality, but neither had any effect, the resistance only intensified.
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obligated, here are some wonderful personnel for the tc system, including in leadership positions. recruiting women to work as ttcs can free up men to serve in combat units. but neither the military commissars nor the police have any desire to move to the front. ukrainian telegram channels report that last week all regional chiefs of police and rescue services gathered in kiev in order to convey instructions on this matter. in the very near future, it is planned to call up from 20 to 50% of the personnel. the first case with
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with a partner , four people escaped through the lane with local cops in an official car, the second today, also through the lane, two more from the kiev regional department filed a letter of resignation either by mail or through relatives. palanca is a moldovan village through which the shortest section of the road from odessa passes. ordinary draft dodgers and deserters are not so lucky, but romanian police officers seize the body of another fugitive from the ukrainian side from the border river tisza, and now the ukrainian coast is still mined the first explosions of draft dodgers have been recorded, in ukrainian prisons they have also joined the mobilization process and are torturing prisoners who do not want to go to the front, for example in the bashshkov colony, this video was published by the prisoner defense organization of ukraine.
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we are working, we are working, andryush, andryusha, don’t isolate yourself, talk to us, for free peace, for free romance, any video evidence of the lawlessness of the ukrainian military commissars, or vice versa... the kiev authorities present their shame as part of russian information and psychological operations, they say they build scenery, recruit actors, film productions with mardobitiy, but the ukrainians themselves see everything that happens on the streets, and the streets can be too remarkable, this well-aimed blow of the mobilizer to the head of the mobilizer took place on the famous kiev khreshchatyk, this pink house is very well recognizable, the caustic comments of the ukrainians under the video about how expensive
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the mass film apparently was... according to experts in the country, 500-800 people are fleeing every day, while hundreds of thousands continue to hide, not going out, not working officially and rewrote everything. his property to his relatives, but the tsvetakhaki usurper continues to pretend that he wants to save the country, only he is being interfered with, at the shangrila dialogue forum in singapore, zelensky spoke about the alleged weaving conspiracy of russia and china to disrupt his peace conference in quotes in switzerland. unfortunately, such a large, independent country, as powerful as china, is a tool in the hands of putin. china's response very accurately described the situation around this conference. which has already been nominated for a prize in the main category pacifiers of the year. we have repeatedly emphasized that the peace conference must be recognized by both sides, ukrainian and russian. everyone must participate on an equal basis; all peace projects must be discussed fairly. these are
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three important and mandatory factors that we believe will be difficult to achieve, so it will be difficult for us to participate in this conference. 160 countries were invited to the conference, but only 80 of them. finally, zelensky told the truth, and the west recognized it; these are the problems that the participants of the so-called swiss conferences. zelensky put everything on the swiss card and now, in the face of obvious failure, he is turning into an aggressive schizophrenic, ready to bite
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even the hand that feeds him. so biden refused to participate in the upcoming whisper. i do n't think this is a very strong solution. he also bit trump, this time harder. the advisers did not explain that even a convicted trump could become the president of the united states, and, unlike zelensky, a legitimate one. but i don’t quite understand whether i really want to be president loser later? i don't quite understand if he wants to become president loser. let's assume that trump is president, and let's say he decides to end the war at the expense of ukraine, let's say he has confirmation from the russian side from putin. that's it, stop, and let's imagine for a second that with probability. 10%, after that putin will move on, so how the us president will appear to the world, he will appear very weak. zelensky himself is running into a scandal, and his illegitimacy for the collective west is a great opportunity to hush up this scandal by finding a replacement for narcofur, probably after that
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how he will push through all the unpopular orders, such as lowering the age for mobilization to 18 years. it’s an interesting coincidence that the former commander-in-chief of zaluzhny, zelensky’s political enemy, must be. ivan kanavalov, irina bliznyuk, alexander gusev, channel one. feelings of awkwardness, bitterness and even shame in normandy, where the western allies landed 80 years ago, marked the memorable date in a unique way. russia was not invited, but germany was invited, in the person of chancellor scholdz. for some reason the guns were turned towards the sea, where he landed landing they were shooting, as if at historical memory itself, about the key role of our people in the victory over nazism, now most europeans are sure that it was the allies who defeated hitler with our help, and not vice versa. about the new myth-making of the west, pavel krasnov.
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western political beaumont gathered for the anniversary celebrations dedicated to the landing in normandy. the heads of state arrived. presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and one more guest of uncertain status who was unable to find a decent suit in his wardrobe. but in this case, forms and content coincided. in normandy in 1944, the allies opened a second front against the nazis. and the very presence of a representative of a country steeped in neo-nazism was as inappropriate as his appearance. the organizers of the memorial ceremony were faced with apparent memory loss. the president of france himself.
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having appeared at events in normandy and making a short speech there, he immediately fled back to london, and then the head of the foreign ministry flashed in his place in all the frames. it turned out that sunok was only in a hurry for a pre-election interview, preferring his meetings with veterans, and they did not forgive him for this. opponents, as well as his own comrades and the press, took up arms against the prime minister. sarcastic photoshoppers have appeared on the internet. and in the interview, sunak had to apologize at length. it wouldn't hurt to apologize to western leaders. in general, for the ideological show staged in normandy, which
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had little to do with the true history of the war, but whether these apologies will ever be heard is a rather rhetorical question. forgetting about the role of the red army in the west is a long-standing habit; over the years it becomes more deeply rooted, the landing in normandy is being presented today as the first step to victory. day d is the largest landing operation of all time. she changed the course of world war ii. as if the defeat of the nazis near moscow , the battle of stalingrad and the kursk bulge had not happened before this. the french institute of public opinion provides revealing figures. in 1945 , most french people recognized the decisive role of the ussr in the defeat of hitler. only 20% considered americans to be the main creators of victory. today, in the minds of the people of france, the soviet union and the united states have changed places. american professor of history.
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state, no one expected from the president of the united states , but students are one thing, and heads of deep knowledge of history are another, yet speaking about the exploits of american soldiers, in forty years he surpassed himself, for the sake of politics, sacrificing history and common sense. they turned the tide of the war, opposed hitler's aggression, can anyone doubt that they would like america to oppose putin's aggression here in europe, today.
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225 rangers jumped from british landing boats. 225 us rangers arrived on boats. but even looking at the cheat sheet, biden was unable to find at least a couple of words about the role of the ussr, unlike reagan , without mentioning at all what contribution soviet soldiers made to the victory. so the comparison from the point of view of history and politics was clearly not in favor of the current us president. in truth, there is no reconciliation
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we would welcome more than reconciliation with the soviet union; together, now forever, we can reduce the risks of war. it is appropriate here to recall the colossal losses that suffered by the russian people during the second world war. 20 million people died, a terrible cost, signaling to the whole world the need to end the war.
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this has nothing to do with historical celebrations, this is a nato ceremony. the first biggest shame is the absence of russia, although it was russia that gave the most life during the second world war.
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let's return to the st. petersburg international economic forum, the main business event of the year. 21,300 participants from 139 countries , territories, almost a thousand agreements in total amount of 6.5 trillion rubles. and this is only if we take into account contracts that do not constitute trade secrets. overall, the scale is impressive. and a new initiative.
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today's american authorities are today's authorities, they are breaking their instruments of greatness, the dollar is one of the few instruments of today's greatness of the united states, with their own hands they are pushing the departure of participants in world economic activity from the dollar, this will happen anyway due to the reduction in the volume of the american economy , but with their own through actions they speed up this process, and new tools naturally appear. it was on the sidelines of the economic forum in st. petersburg that the brix community was born 18 years ago, then there were only four countries in it, today there are already 10. this year , saudi arabia, iran, the united arab emirates, egypt, and ethiopia joined. brix now accounts for 46% of the planet's population, and applications for membership continue
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to arrive. brix is ​​currently considering about thirty applications from a variety of countries, large and small medium-sized. which offer establish different forms of cooperation, a category of partner countries will be introduced, established, now we, as chairmen , are paying great attention to ensuring that newcomers get used to the already established forms of work, the traditions of brix, this process, by the way, is happening very smoothly, all the inevitable questions that arise, they are being decided.
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we actually looked at the fact that europe has already lost over 700 billion euros by now, trying to move away from russian gas, essentially destroying its industry, estimates of losses vary from 3 to 6% of gdp europe, due to the fact that it is moving away from russian gas, by the end of this year the losses will amount to over a trillion euros for europe, so these are really sanctions that mean restrictions specifically for europeans, huge losses specifically for europeans and... the european union. the shortest route to new markets in the east. russia is making its way through the arctic. the distance from murmansk to shanghai is 7.00 miles. through gibraltar and the vanity canal almost 13,000 already last year. a record 36 million tons were transported along the northern sea route cargo. thanks to this project, energy consumers in asia will have access to the richest
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resources of the arctic shelf and siberia. let me remind you that today the arctic produces 10% of the world's oil and 25% of natural gas. at the same time , 80% of all arctic oil and gas reserves in the world are concentrated in the russian arctic. the world order today is rapidly changing, and what direction will it choose at this fork?
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everything is very important, both history, our culture, and the internal state of society, real development is very important, what is effective in our country in our society it works that no, well, of course, there are basic things, we take these basic things into account, and the rooster there is not a rooster, but we had 3.4 height or 3.6 last year, the devil is not there yet has been finally calculated, this is still an indicator, and 4.5 in the first quarter of this year... this is also an indicator, but it is still the result of our common work, and the government, the business community, to a certain extent,
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the central bank and the presidential administration, this is the result of our targeted activities; in terms of purchasing power parity, we have already surpassed japan, which has become the fourth economy in the world , is not going to stop, for this , domestic business needs stability, including tax stability, the minister of finance once again reminded the heads of the company that the tax system is changing, but... yes, additional support. we must understand that our market for many technologies is simply not enough, even with our entire integration agenda, the european union, we are there,
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now there is a free trade zone with iran and so on, we are trying to increase this market, but for many technological products, it’s all it still won't be enough. what does it mean? this means that if we need these technologies, we must be ready to invest additionally, somewhere to protect the domestic market, ensuring, well, price disparity. that is, it will be more expensive here than there, in the country today there are almost 30 million so-called retail investors, the total volume of their assets over the year increased one and a half times and amounted to more than 9 trillion rubles, but the money must work, bring profit to investors and the state. the program started recently, so far it is lagging behind target indicators, i propose to fine-tune it, namely to increase the period of co-financing of citizens’ savings, now it is 3 years, i think it’s correct. justified to extend it to at least 10 years. i will add that this year a new instrument will be introduced, a savings certificate,
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which will allow citizens to place funds in banks for a period of more than 3 years. and at a higher interest rate than on ordinary deposits, although now the deposit is quite solid, our leading financial institutions are also adjusting this bar higher and higher.
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only those who have children under 6 years of age can, i offer here additional social, special solutions, well, also in the social sphere, for families who live or want to purchase housing in small towns or in regions where the volume of housing construction is still insufficient, families here with two children will be able to take advantage of a family mortgage at 6%, regardless of the age of the children, the only condition is that at least one child in the family is a minor at the time of applying for the mortgage, and the same preferential mortgage conditions will apply throughout all regions of russia, for each, for every family that wants to build their own home, for every family that wants to build their own home, this is especially important for
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large, large families. in order for the income of every russian family to grow, this is a priority of the state; here i will add an important decision that concerns the indexation of the minimum wage. in 2025, mrod will make up 48% of the median salary, so it will exceed 22,000 rubles per month, that is, it will grow by about 15%. then the ratio with the median salary will be increase in order to... vladimir putin made another important decision right at the forum, it concerns all working pensioners, and in st. petersburg alone, every third one. recently, at an award ceremony for social workers, irina andryunina asked the city governor to come up with a proposal and
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the issue of indexing pensions would be considered at our federal level. for working pensioners, i am a pensioner myself, we have a lot of working pensioners, we would really like to see pension indexation, of course, it was probably fair that indexation should be carried out for working pensioners, so i will definitely convey your wishes to the federal structure, and i am sure that we will be able to achieve this in the very near future. i told vladimir putin, they had a separate meeting, here is the president’s decision at the forum, we have been discussing this topic for a long time, we just talked about this topic with the governor of st. petersburg at meetings right before our meeting. on february 1, 2025 and thereafter, pensions will not increase annually only to those who have already retired, but also to those who continue to work. it
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will be really fair. the country today has record low unemployment, a little more than 2.5%, but at the same time, if the shortage of personnel should be helped by the federal professionalism project, it has already begun to modernize the material and technical base of colleges and technical schools, updated educational programs for aircraft and shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals, electronics, defense. in the next 10 years , 40 university campuses will appear in the country, an assessment of the educational institutions will depend on how in demand graduates are. the pavilions of the economic forum show well that there are those in the country who know how to create their own domestic invention; in the first 3 months alone , almost 700 applications for patents for inventions were filed. the forum exhibition this year occupied 100.00 square m2, each stand is considered the face of the company; if the major market players focused on effect and scale, the regions traditionally presented their
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main achievements. this is the turbo bee from bashkiria, as a reminder. i was afraid first of all to come to the lugansk people's republic, but one of the first from the mainland, let's say, from the big russia, yes, we really hope that thanks to this there will be new jobs, the production of this mining rescue equipment, it is very necessary, we mining region. a major agreement at the forum was signed by the saratov region, the ministry of industry and trade, the norkim holdin company, they agreed to build a
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polyacrylamide production plant there, it is needed for wastewater treatment, so... has technological knowledge, technological solutions for the production of these polypolymers, which are necessary for the life of the entire population, and a number of sectors of the national economy of the russian federation, today we are on...
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the russian direct investment fund and its chinese partner will jointly invest in a group of companies new land grain corridor, it is being built by
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russia to the world, vladimir putin’s meeting with the heads of international news agencies, the impression of foreign journalists. looks lost, confuses world leaders and almost falls asleep at meetings, which is another way that american president biden scares even his supporters. deadly frosts at the peak of flowering. why are gardeners sure that we will not be left without apples? poet and prophet, as in russia around the world they celebrated the anniversary of pushkin’s birth, 225 years. we'll continue after
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the commercial. yang, what are you doing? my god, how many years has it been? a... unit on the move, fire in a residential building. hello, tamara vitalievna, i think that oleg has already forgiven me. i have not forgiven and will not forgive. oleg, i need yours help. duty officer, outsiders in the unit. what 's happened? it's because of her, right? leave him alone, okay? we love each other. come on , don't meddle in your own business. this is vojta, russian , you see, i left for finland, already pregnant and didn’t tell him anything, and that social services took him away from me, i
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was accused of suffocating motherly love, they took him away from me because i loved him very much, alone chance for three, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, oleg, i need you to come with me to finland. declared his rights to a son, what? voita is your sonbon. steersman is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. monteshoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. rom castro. product of stellar group. vodka. pechora. product of stellar group. vodka. to be honest, it
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was unexpected for me, i called my father first, it’s not every day that everyone becomes a hero of russia and not everyone becomes a hero, the gold star medal of the hero of the russian federation inherits the traditions of the gold star of the hero of the soviet union, when he once called me and quietly said that i saved people today, he had already become a hero for me, even before he was given this... name, the regiment commander arrived, we all lined up, they gave me the st. george cross, you can see photographs of semyon mikhailovich vludionov with royal awards , st. george's crosses and st. george's medals, sulors, kutuzov, alexander, nevsky, orders named after all these people, each order has its own motto, and the motto of the order for the merits of the forerunner, benefit honor glory, awards of russia, june 12, on the first.
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how would you like to help your country? excuse me, do you have what i need? tovaridonov, our ussr head sambo coach. vasily oshchebkov is invited to replace him for the friendly match. but now there is a more interesting frag and who?
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consider that we are the legend of samba, the premiere on friday at the first, we wish all the athletes good luck, may the strongest win, yes, my russia will say yes, and we are united forever, like the sun, air and water, all together, the most russian. my sad soul, and let my heart ache for those whom i do not ask, to breathe and believe with a wounded heart, yes, my only, to the latter is also my pain, even if my pain is bad, until every time, my heart beats and i am alive.
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it's sunday time and we continue. russia not only talks about protecting its interests, but also will do it, vladimir putin said at a meeting with the heads of international news agencies. it took place in st. petersburg in the tallest skyscraper in europe, the lakhta center, where gazprom's headquarters is located. the conversation lasted more than 3 hours, they talked about the special operation, relations with the west. vladimir. sequentially
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debunked the myths with which opponents of our country try to manipulate public opinion. key points in anton vernitsky's report. some of those who communicated with vladimir putin, and the heads of international news agencies, did not leave our country immediately after meeting with him. in general, this is surprising, but some of them writing about russia were here for the first time, some were in st. petersburg for the first time. we met samia nakul from the british news agency reuters at the plenary. final session of the st. petersburg economic forum. 2 days before, she saw putin in person for the first time, so she came to listen to him again. it seems that that meeting made an impression, although not about her love for russia, much less for... i felt that the president had a lot of energy, he spoke for 3 hours and 15 minutes, which is amazing considering that he has many other meetings , he could dive into the details of any problem he was dealing with, looked very comfortable, relaxed, clearly in control of the situation, he
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answered all the questions he liked or didn’t like it, very balanced, was there anything new and unexpected said about the ukrainian crisis, relations between russia and the west, something? with a baton, but did i now raise the question of what is that we are waving about some kind of nuclear possibility of using nuclear weapons,
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you did that, you bring me to this topic, and then you will say that i was waving a nuclear baton, then, you know , this, this is such a very tough topic, that means the americans, the only country, the united states, that used nuclear weapons in the second world war, khoroshima nagasaki 20 kilotons, our tactical nuclear weapons are 70-75 kilotons, this is such a tactical nuclear weapon... already, well, let’s not bring it to the point of not only use, even the threat of use. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov later, meeting with journalists, noted precisely this manner of the western press, which turns putin, warning about the threat of escalation of the conflict due to the actions of the united states and its vassals,
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into putin, allegedly constantly frightening the world with a nuclear attack. you know, this is a classic example when the president was a question was asked about nuclear weapons and he... says: listen, well, i didn’t start talking about this, putin said, you asked me, none of them covered this part, they covered it again, as if putin would proactively talk about this, that is, in the west they continue to persistently hammer out the thesis: putin has gathered unfriendly journalists to scare the world. the headlines in the american british press speak for themselves. putin has made an ominous new threat, the british dai or bist. putin s.
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who came up with this, this is nonsense, you know, nonsense dog, but it would be, it would be nonsense, yes, if there was no idea in order to fool its own population, it says: “ah, karau, soon russia will attack us, and we must arm ourselves urgently, urgently, that means , directing weapons, then, to ukraine, in fact, what it is doing is for, to maintain its own imperial position and greatness, that’s why it is being done.” that it is the united states and european countries that are engaged in arms supplies to ukraine , which are carefully put out of the equation; the situation is supposedly being escalated solely by russia, and in the same united states, they have not paid attention to the shelling by ukrainian nationalists of the killing of civilians in the donbass since 2014, that is, long before
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the start of the northern military district. what do you think moscow has managed to achieve over the past 2 years and how to put an end to hostilities? the first thing we did was complete our house. before the people who suffered from the coup d'etat and the subsequent hostilities in the territories of south-eastern ukraine, we recognized the rights of these people who live in these territories, to protect our interests, our lives and the lives of our children, and this, in my opinion, is the main thing, we also showed ourselves and the whole world. that we are not only talking about protecting our interests, but we are doing it and will do it without any doubt, everyone will have to take this into account, you... as a representative of the united states, i can say what i once told mr. biden: if you
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want to stop hostilities in ukraine, stop supplying weapons, and these actions will stop within two, but maximum 3 months, that's all. instead, a new wave of information attacks on russia, along with attacks by western weapons on russian territory, where, if not in belgorod, has already repeatedly suffered from shelling of exclusively peaceful people. objects do not know about this, but now in the west they are talking about allegedly allowing the ukrainians to fire high-precision missiles deep into russian territory. something that is clear even to a non-specialist: the complexes in service with the united states can only be controlled by ukrainians by observing the work of an american specialist piloting the missile. to the target with the help of american satellites, american reconnaissance aircraft, american maps, that is, such permission is a cover for an attack on russia the united states, oddly enough, felt this even in...
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what if someone considers it possible to supply such weapons to the zone military operations to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where attacks will be carried out on sensitive targets of those countries that do this in relation to russia, that is answer maybe...
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it’s really torn to shreds, no matter how much barack obama would like to tear the russian economy apart, because the german economy, everyone
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knows this well, no offense to any other europeans, but this is the locomotive of the european economy, it will sneeze, cough, everything the rest will immediately get the flu, well, the french economy is now also teetering on the brink of recession, everyone knows this well, and if the german economy drops lower, all of europe will shake. and johnson is no longer there; they are already talking about how these negotiations were ruined in the uk. zelensky’s people who were in that delegation and zelensky’s presidential term expired. constitution of ukraine. indicates this with all possible legal clarity, with whom should we sign the agreement now? well, nevertheless, everything
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can be solved, everything can be negotiated, there is complete power, if it goes to the speaker of parliament, then there would be a desire to sign an agreement, with whom we will find it, that’s another question. here, as they say, there would be a desire from the neighboring side, but the united states prohibits wishing peace to ukraine, at the same time trying to ban russia’s friendship with china, but here they definitely attacked the wrong people, according to putin. it is impossible to interfere with our countries, this is the very sovereignty , cooperation on equal terms, without imposing your rules on anyone, russia is always ready for dialogue, with everyone, at least the chief editors of international news agencies heard this from putin. anton vernitsky, maria mortanova, anastasia berestenko, channel one st. petersburg. and in contrast to vladimir putin’s speeches in st. petersburg, joe biden’s interview with the magazine. as they say, it would be funny if. it wasn’t so sad, why isn’t it a laughing matter for american voters, or for everyone who deals with washington on the international stage,
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as our united states correspondent, georgiy alsashvili knows. on amaha beach, where, under hurricane fire from the nazis, the american infantry wrote in blood the history of a common victory. joe biden looked lost, as if he didn't quite understand where he was being taken. while the ceremony was going on, the american leader, let’s say, gave his eyes a rest, and after shaking hands with macron he tried for a long time can you figure out if you can sit down already or not yet? the president, who has spent his entire term avoiding public events, in the midst of the election race, is forced to appear before voters, but even then in the most closed format. for the program interview, the biden team, avoiding the risks of television, chose time magazine. it is in the tradition of american journalism
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to convey direct speech without cuts, as said, so written, but in the editorial commentary preceding the conversation with biden, time explains. that the president’s words had to be edited a little, i wonder what happened in the original, if in the retouched version there is such a conversation about duties on chinese goods. mr. president, will the tariffs you recently imposed lead to higher prices for american consumers? no, here’s the thing: i made it clear to putin from the very beginning that we are not doing, well, let’s say trump wants to introduce duties of up to 10% on everything, this will raise prices on everything. okay, trump, what does putin have to do with it? the editor has to explain. biden seemed to be referring to sidinpin, not putin. most often, the american leader made a reservation: when it came to relations with moscow. we understood that putin was going to attack and wanted the whole world to see that we were in control of the situation when putin attacked russia. the questions
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were not particularly difficult, but even the most basic ones were obviously not easy for the president. in ukraine you find yourself in a difficult situation. dragging on, is russia's offer to end the war the best ukraine can hope for? no, that's not true. and by the way, i don't understand why you're missing out on everything that happened during this time. the russian army is mostly destroyed. you don’t write about this, but damn it, she suffered a lot. but the american press writes about the possibility of a catastrophic front collapse for kiev. that he trusts more not the confused president, but the minister of defense, day after day with the release of the interview, the head of the pentagon, essentially disproved his boss. in recent weeks and months, we have seen that russia is trying to make progress along the entire front line, and this is a terrible thing, like listening to biden. if we let ukraine fall, change my words, you will see how
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poland will fall, all countries bordering russia, from belarus to the balkans. the balkans do not border russia. true, biden may have his own geography, as well as his own history. he has just campaigned for the slaughter of every ukrainian, and in the next remark he declares that he is against long, senseless wars. the very idea of ​​occupying afghanistan, the idea that iran has assembled an entire nuclear arsenal, that is, i mean iraq. none of this is true, and these mistakes have led to endless wars. but confusing iraq with iran is an american classic. that's just in september 2001 senator biden. voted for the start of the operation in afghanistan, and 2 years later he advocated the invasion of iraq. i, along with my colleagues, supported the decision to give the us president the authority to use force in iraq. and after 9 months i also support this decision. it was the right decision then, now. it turns out biden forgot why he raised his hand. the question is, is it on purpose, or
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is it an age thing? responds with an article, read it and your eyes widen. joe biden gave cause for concern after made a series of confusing statements during a magazine interview that was riddled with gaffes . biden confused the leaders of countries and said that africa's population will reach 1 billion people in the next few years, although it is already almost one and a half billion. and in three cases, his remarks in the transcript, the interview... were conveyed in illegible words, probably in order to divert attention from the failure, the white house quickly organized an interview on the loyal abc news channel, but even there joe biden fell apart as soon as russia was discussed. i know he is already 40 years old, he has been bothering me for 40 years, he cannot be called a decent person, he is a dictator. getting personal in big
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politics is an unconditional maverick, here it also distracts from a potential sensation. it turns out that putin is still there. 40 years ago, that is , even before his business trip to the gdr, with the rank of kgb major, it turns out that from leningrad he found a way to harass senator biden? he voiced even banal things, reading from a piece of paper, while biden took long pauses and closed his eyes for a long time, so those present wondered if
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did he switch off? in the american press, including the pro-democratic press, leaks are increasingly appearing that although horses are not changed in midstream, the democratic party is not averse to replacing its candidate, but joe biden does not want to go anywhere, and victory in the elections is becoming. with the survival factor almost literally. trump, weighed down by criminal cases, is already hinting that if he wins the election, he will not forget those who filed these very cases against him. this is a terrible precedent for our country. does this mean that the next president will continue this practice? here's the question: we are facing terrible, terrible difficulties, so it is very likely that the same thing will be done with those... we were doomed to them, these threats caused real panic among fbi agents. employees are trying to figure out what life will be like if donald trump wins a second
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term. i have to have painful conversations with loved ones about the fact that i may have to leave the country to avoid illegal and unconstitutional arrest. people are really afraid that they will be thrown in prison, but for now trump himself can be imprisoned. his the case of concealing payments to a porn actress became a criminal case only because the jury. he didn’t just cheat with the tax return, but did it to hide another crime, although which was not even explained to the jury. trump's lawyers said: your honor, tell the jury what exactly the second crime is, because the investigation must prove that document fraud helped to commit the second crime. the defense literally begged, the jury should know about this, but the prosecutor said: "no, let's not go into details." let's leave this in general terms, because the second crime trump is accused of is election interference, and it is difficult to connect it with payments to his mistress; prosecutors were much more fortunate in
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the hunter biden case; such a client is a godsend for a spy. once i didn’t sleep for 13 days, all this time i smoked crack and drank vodka, i spent even more time on my knees, collecting from the carpet everything that looked even a little like crack cocaine so i could smoke it. kanter accuses.
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one really gets the impression that we are dealing with an incorrigible person in the sense that he is not able to learn from his mistakes, and that he is ready to say literally anything, but his mistakes in the past, he was often criticized for these mistakes, but in general, he was not the head of state, when you look at what he allows himself to do today, his increasing misunderstanding of reality, this concerns not only the american voter, but all of us. the main political topic in the united
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states. this is the undeclared war that president biden and his administration are leading against their main rival, former and possibly future president donald trump. there are four different prosecutions against trump. the problem is that when it comes to trial, it turns out that the alleged crimes committed are difficult to even understand.
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president biden has repeatedly said that his son is not guilty, that he is proud of him, he is absolutely sure that he did nothing wrong, what a surprise,
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a mistress appears, her last name is also... biden, she former lover of hunter biden and at the same time the widow of biden's eldest son, who died several years earlier. and this lady and hunter biden regularly abused drugs together, according to her testimony and correspondence between them, which she presented, were regularly found.
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they will forget about this verdict and will make their decision based on their real interests and their real opinion about the two candidates: the fact that the american economy is in a difficult situation is the opinion of a significant majority of voters, but as for the second problem that concerns voters, also according to the poll, is the extent to which president biden is intellectually... adequate to lead the state, the majority believes that he is inadequate, so you understand how well biden is...
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they are repeating today too often on too important issues, including relations with other great powers. it is, of course, up to the american voter whether to give biden a second term. but from my point of view,
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we are talking about a person who is inadequate as a person, and even more so as an inadequate state leader. and this is already.
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situation, when we are reminded of the maidan in the context of georgia, we must ask the question: who took responsibility for the consequences of the ukrainian one, who will be responsible for the same processes in our country, we will do everything to prevent the maidan and ukrainization in georgia. it is not only in congress that sanctions against representatives of the georgian authorities are being discussed. state department representative matthew miller promised in tbilis, quote: serious political consequences, that’s what a very popular man in georgia, a former football player and now merdbeli, said in response. georgia is not someone’s vassal, georgia is not a country that someone will use in their own interests, that will destroy the world and repeat the fate of ukraine. we protect this country, we protect the world, we want to keep the peace. another massacre in
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the gaza strip was carried out by israel, it was called an operation to free the hostages. four were actually released, one of them has a russian passport, but not before tsakhal struck the camp. “the minister of foreign affairs of russia
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came to the chat for the first time and immediately found a common language with the locals, and not french, as one might assume, the chat is a former colony of france or english, as the most common language of international communication, but russian, russia, russia to us gave the opportunity, the opportunity to fly higher education for free and continues to give, russia as our relatives, because he is honest.” a graduate of the faculty of journalism of leningrad state university not only spoke
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russian, but also entered russian, invited the guest to stay, they will find steam for you here to build a house. maybe someday sergei lavrov will accept such a hospitable offer from his colleague from the congo, but now is not the time to slow down. russia has been actively and consistently restoring relations with the african continent for several years now. after the collapse of the ussr, moscow seemed to have forgotten about africa, now all experts admit that this was a mistake. and now the plane with the russian tricolor is gaining altitude again, with african landscapes under its wing. in 3 days , the head of the ministry held negotiations in four countries. the first destination is the capital of guinea, canakry, from there a flight to the town of oyo, in the congo, where the residence of the head of state is. the next working meetings are in ouagadougou, the capital of burkina fasso, and then a working visit to the main city of chado, d'djamena. the negotiations in burkina fasso and chad stand out as never before. in the entire history of moscow's diplomatic relations with these countries, they count.
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we have long-standing ties with the russian federation, we are a sovereign country, we value our independence and we are developing relations with those with whom we want to develop relationships, we choose our partners ourselves. i don't understand how you could even come up with such a question. african countries want to cooperate with moscow on a wide range of issues, from supplies. weapons before the development of energy. that is why
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the format that has already been tested twice - the russia-africa summit - has turned out to be so popular. for example, in july last year , 49 countries of the african continent were represented at the second forum, 17 of them at the highest level. africa today is 54 states, that is about a quarter of the total. and they occupy 20% of the planet's landmass. population - 1.494 million. this is 18% of all humanity. people, of course, are africa's main wealth. but the continent is also generously endowed with minerals, especially minerals, more than 80% of the world's reserves of phosphates, they are part of many medicines, for example, over 70% of kaltan ore, without it there will be no electronics, half of the world's deposits of cobalt, and these are batteries for smartphones and electric vehicles, almost a third of bauxite is an ore to obtain aluminum, and also gold, oil, diamonds and much more, we are interested in developing such areas as the development... of mineral reserves, geological exploration,
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energy, construction of infrastructure facilities, agriculture, healthcare, education, we are glad that... your presence will symbolize the interest of the african continent in developing relations with the russian federation, and this is one of our priorities. zimbabwe and the russian federation demonstrate excellent relations and it is extremely important
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expand our interactions. southern africa is considered an anti-western region and i am honored that you invited me to visit your forum. the world is becoming multipolar. not long ago they could not claim anything, today they feel like equal partners, day by day they are strengthening their sovereignty, while countries that until recently were leaders in global development are trying with all their might, by hook or by crook, to maintain their elusive role as hegemons in general there is nothing unusual here when a country or people in their lives try to maintain their positions, strengthen them, but by crook it’s bad, but by crook it’s good, by crook, it’s no good. the old geopolitical global order, which is determined by a few elected members , is unacceptable to us. we in zimbabwe have a philosophy of being friends with everyone and making enemies with no one. we are convinced that mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership are the most reliable basis for
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a multipolar world and for the formation of new growth points. russia is ready for a comprehensive cooperation in economics and politics. sergei lavrov, during the trip. in africa emphasized this in negotiations in each country. we are interested in ensuring that, as part of the ongoing work on reform of the un security council, african countries take their rightful place in this main structure of international interaction in the field of maintaining peace and security. african countries have a common position, and we treat it with full respect, and we will strive for reform under any options. "africa's interests, along with the interests of latin america and asia were fully taken into account. moscow has never been a colonialist for africa; on the contrary, it has always supported the national liberation movement. even today, on many issues on the international agenda, the positions of russia and african countries coincide, for example, the point of view on the ukrainian conflict and the role of the west in
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it. many african leaders, president chado also emphasized this today, have long emphasized the need for mutually respectful relations between all countries of the world, and they said several times that the days are gone when a western ambassador could come to the president of an african country and give him instructions: thank god, such times in africa will not return, but in ukraine everything is happening exactly as it was in post-colonial times , ambassadors... come and give instructions to the leaders of the kiev regime. you cannot strive for peace at the same time as preaching double standards. when it is necessary to resolve a conflict, all parties need to be brought to the negotiating table, and we do not understand how it is possible to exclude conference dedicated to peace issues of one of the main participants in the situation. a solution
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to the ukrainian issue must be found through negotiations. russia was not invited to the conference in switzerland. are going to achieve peace, if they do not invite one of the parties to the conflict, the conference is probably not being held for the sake of peace. africa sees russia as a reliable and honest partner and now feels reciprocal interest. when sergei lavrov was flying away from chad, a thunderstorm broke out on the continent, where every drop of water is like gold, everything connected with rain is especially it is revered, and in russia, rain on the road is a good omen, especially when traffic on this road has become two-way. anatoly lazarev, pavel volkonsky, pavel petrov, channel one. vladimir putin instructed to prevent price increases for apples due to may frosts in russia, the consequences of abnormal cold weather for agriculture became one of the main topics of vladimir putin’s meeting with the government, how the authorities support farmers and what the gardeners themselves say, will there be a harvest, everything this in dalmira's report beryukova, here are 1 2 3 4 5 6, here are six apples
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per tree, well, this is such a harvest that. it is impossible to protect, but in any case we will buy pesticides, we will not breed pests, well, these are tears, not a harvest, but we are happy about that too. igor mukhanin, an already honored agricultural worker, is counting millions of losses; in the tambov region , may frosts killed almost the entire apple crop even before they were delivered, but what was even worse about the trees themselves? look at the frost damage, they will appear for another 2 years, here the cambium is affected from 50 to 100%. they don’t immediately kill the trees, but they will be sick for these 2 years, 3 years, they will still have to be uprooted. and such, here the percentage of trees, well, 80% of those affected, there were no such surprises from the weather for almost 23 years,
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killing frosts at the peak of flowering passed in a strip from samara and saratov, captured part of volgograd, hit the central black earth region, went to the smolensk region and partially to belarus and poland. the lipetsk, voronezh and tambov regions suffered the most during the first wave of frosts; a strong return frost of up to 7-8° hit belgorod and kursk. voronezh, another breakthrough of the arctic cold during... oksana nikolaevna, what does the situation look like today? dear vladimir vladimirovich, as you noted, this year
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has been difficult for us; more than 13,500 hectares of perennial fruit and berry plantings have been damaged. as a result of this situation, 11 regions at their level introduced a state of emergency; taking into account the scale of damage in a number of them, the ministry of agriculture initiated the issue of introducing a federal state of emergency. from the very beginning we are in constantly. frosts affected - this is the main type of product that was affected by frosts, so now we are reducing the forecast to one and a half million tons, and we have already begun to work with
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our partner countries and friendly countries on the supply of additional volumes of apples, however, i wanted to note here that we will see, maybe perhaps the southern regions will still add volumes of apples this season and we will count the tulta that we need to supply the domestic market. and gardeners are absolutely sure of this, do without imports. we will be able, for example, in the tolsk, ryazan, nizhny novgorod and moscow regions, flowering began later, the harvest survived, and the main supplier of apples, the south of russia, was practically not affected, 80% of the harvest was preserved. there won’t be a big shortage, the shortage can only be accelerated by rumors, you know, there are no apples on our farm, that’s all, there aren’t any in the whole country, that’s not true, but our producer needs to be supported. still, once again, please tell me what additional support measures are available.
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novovikov’s peas burned and they can be replanted, we can’t replant them, they are perennial, but she doesn’t have any apples, now he feels
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more or less well, we restored him in a month, and he will still be great until october, then he needs to be pruned , then protect from hares, from mice, remove all the branches , feed in the spring, that’s it, we’ll get the harvest only in october of the twenty-fifth year, how will we live to see it, the gardens in the south of the voronezh region are 100 years old, they grow crops here that can the whole country should be proud. on one branch fits up to 15 kg of apples. this year the frost killed almost all primroses on 52 hectares. they will prune, shape the crown, fertilize, that is, prepare in every possible way for next year’s harvest, such care will bear fruit, next year they plan to get 40 tons from each hectare, but the berry growers are a little more lucky, raspberries, as they say,
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have slipped through here with ease frightened, it bloomed after a frost, the frost destroyed only the first flowers of the strawberries... the harvest has already begun to be harvested, so there is a shortage of berries on the shelves the consumer most likely will not notice, but this is the difference between expectation and reality, which is noticeable in small farms. in the liskinsky district of the voronezh region, garden strawberries are grown on 6 hectares. it is more profitable to conduct business where the wholesale price is higher. almost all of these berries will go to moscow, to be purchased for 450 rubles. per kilogram. there are still a lot of imports in the capital, but our gardeners believe that foreign berries can never be compared to russian seasonal ones, even. taking into account the increased price, we still have an open local soil, turkey, some serbia, someone else there, i think, is unlikely to compete in this regard, that is, i mean in terms of taste, in terms of quality itself, because there is a long road , certain, we mainly sell fresh juice, it’s not even really cooled or frozen, but there’s already a different technology, so it most likely
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has different taste qualities, this year stone fruits are taking root in the region, these are also... that the gardener doesn’t have to stop , it is necessary to invest money further, to in the thirtieth year we need to speed up our economy, which means that from the nineties to the present we have increased the production of fruits by 10 times, strawberries and cherries by 15 and 20 times, and today by the twenty-seventh year we set the goal of doubling production, that is, to get
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50 to 60,000 tons, today there are all conditions for the development of horticulture.
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cooperation, of course, all our colleagues need to see how we can connect through our subsidizing elements, which we did right in oia, interest rate compensation is the basis, there’s no assembly there foreign technology, well, localization will not give anything, we realized this a long time ago, all the main, at least elements must be developed and produced at home, this is not only safety, technological and industrial sovereignty.
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that these figures increased by 3.8%, outpacing the global average growth rate. date of the week pushkin anniversary. 225 years since the birth of our genius. and the experience of difficult mistakes and genius , paradoxically, is suddenly the case of a god-inventor. the poet from god is always with us. who knows everything, of course, pushkin, our everything. and we, grateful descendants, we again turn to his lines, to his dramatic fate. soon at the first big movie, natalia alexander. a new take on the love story, our love for him will never fade. lyubov filippova will continue the pushkin theme. my grandmother worked as a bookstore manager.
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it’s like i had such childhood impressions, the wind is blowing across the sea and the boat is pushing, it lies in the waves on its open purses, these are the first poems that i heard from my mother when i was very little, he has been with each of us since childhood. together with pushkin we we studied, grew, plunged into a carefree fairy-tale world, admired the beauty of our native land, experienced first love and first disappointment with him, and now together we live his personal love story, the happiest, albeit short and fatal part of the poet’s life, natalie’s film alexander, this year the first channel will show, your pushkin again, i won’t give you the book, i’m completely crazy, i liked dance with pushkin, i really, really liked it, we see... pushkin, not as a great poet, not as a bronze a monument, and we will see him as if he were a man, drove me into some kind of powerful household trap.


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