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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 10, 2024 1:45am-2:31am MSK

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other things, but it seems that pushkin has his own role here, which distinguishes him in general from these other figures, yes, of the same type, and this is due to the peculiarities of russian culture, after all, a very important dominant feature of russian culture is its deep schism, this is the church schism of the 16th century, this is the petrine schism, yes, a torn history, well, schism, and the reformation is also there, in part.
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the british appreciate shakespeare, but they don’t like him; the germans have great respect for their great poets, but there are no songs about them they sing, the french are not valued at all, but he lives in france, but we really love pushkin and he is one of our own, then he talks about it.
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written from predetermined poetics, pushkin is too lively, he flies up russian literature too brightly on thin erotic legs, he doesn’t have an amazing biography, which is what we started studying at school, the more you think about it, because geography is very interesting, but he was born in moscow, then mikhailovsky there, all these names near moscow, then petersburg, then all these his travel, don’t forget the south, then all these quests of his, but he wasn’t abroad, and the stamps that were issued in the soviet union, in russia every year, about some other poet, writer this will happen, because stamp is also an important story , all these stages of life, because it’s amazing, how the tsar wanted to exile him there for these freedom-loving poems, zhukovsky, who stood up for him, yes, that’s every step that was taken against him, as if they sent him to mikhailovsky, and god no one knows him...
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i can’t, of course, not raise this topic about an encyclopedia of russian life, but i don’t remember, he was still very indignant, he said, an encyclopedia is something frozen, but is eugene onegin a frozen thing, but you know what amazed me, what an interesting thing about pushkin, pushkin has almost no families with many children families, after all, if we imagine the russian picture of the world, then it is always a family in which there are many children, note that all the heroes of pushkin’s, well, at least prose works, well, eugene’s poem, the bronze horseman, yes, everywhere one child per rare rare...
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he liked to repeat that this is great, this is not an orthodox work, but this is a great work of the orthodox people, very accurately, in general there is no spiritual class in literature, not only the church, it doesn’t exist dolisky about the encyclopedia for some reason remembered, well almost associatively, the averenians have a remark somewhere about encyclopedists, he says why they take... the encyclopedia format, because they don’t involve polemics, yeah, that’s it, and yes, that is, they package their polemical things in the format of an article, try to argue, so if it is yes, back, what encyclopedia is there, what is not there, a good encyclopedia, yes, which the author himself
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says that he is, first of all , chattering here, yes it is impossible, yes, that’s the main thing he is doing here - this chatter, it really has everything, it says a lot about the author, about his vision. about what russian life was like at that time, but not from the point of view of a realist, of course, there is a writer of everyday life, not at all, from the point of view of a player, a mozartian hero, yes, and so on and so on and so on, there is no only, of course, there can’t be boring encyclopedicism, there is an absolute element of freedom, and freedom in the broadest sense of the word, and an amazing finale, well, the very finale, yes, but can i also say about the declaration, it’s there at the end of the first chapter favorite stanza. i don’t remember one word there, that from within a feeling you can’t write a work of genius, only when it fades away, is melted down, i’m still sad, but the tears have already passed, the love has passed, the muse has appeared, and the dark mind has cleared up, i’m free, again i’m looking for some kind of union thoughts, feelings and thoughts, i write, and
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my heart doesn’t yearn, my hand, having forgotten itself, doesn’t draw twin completed poems, neither women’s legs, nor heads, once the ashes are extinguished, they won’t flare up, i’m still sad. there are no more tears, soon, soon the storm will follow, my soul will completely calm down, then i will begin to write a letter to him, how much lightness, not from within passion, precisely when distance appears, this is an amazing discovery, that’s what we definitely lack, is this pushkin’s drawings and pushkin’s manuscripts, autographs, i still wanted to show you these portraits, some of which you know, some of which you don’t know, there are 90 of them it turned out that he had more self-portraits than everyone else. there are more russians, his contemporaries taken together, in my opinion, by only one, two, only the artist, firstly, you see, this well-known profile, these are three figures of the great french revolution of three different stages, on one page he
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pushkin actually drew, yes, actually painted all of this, depicted himself as a woman several times, several times as an old man and twice with a foal, this is the third dimension of art, this is not fine art.
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a tired look, with this tired look pushkin seems to cross out her personal, her female happiness and his wisdom, yes, with his eroticism, the silver age and everything else, rosnov tatyana is terribly sorry that she does not know this female happiness, and how does it turn out, that pushkin, who you definitely knew a lot about all these things, is how he
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nevertheless gives tatyana exactly this and not another fate, and then tolstoy and this topic will go in a different direction, this is generally for understanding russian literature is very interesting to comprehend. and to me, and to me it seems that this is a very personal ending, because despite the fact that pushkin got married, this is the famous phrase of anna akhmatova, how evgenia ends, that on the one hand pushkin there, which my tatyana learned, married the general. i’m from hell, well, there’s war and peace, war and peace, of course, yes, but there are 700 characters, here,
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i think flyanova petushkova there and the others are generally five people, everything is said about the russian soul timur kibirov somehow in my opinion, he said, says pushkin is normal, yes, but this, in general, this is higher praise, such a conversation wonderful about the encyclopedia, it reminded me of what i’m somehow burning with right now, i’m working on pushkin’s personal library. which i couldn’t really get to, that is , there are a lot of private subjects, a lot of wonderful works, in fact, the library itself as a whole, but show me, tell me what kind of library you have, i’ll tell you, what are you, so pushkin, in my opinion, created a world civilization in miniature, and it is a world civilization in miniature, this is his library, it was then created by him already in their own texts, including the tiniest ones, and this is of course amazing. because it consists of micro-libraries, micro-libraries, because when i saw several, i began to look more, and i understand
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that how each of these micro-libraries consists of sections, because this is a geopolitical library, and not a literary library, like his his contemporary, as we can guess, means geopolitical, which is at the same time historical, because there is no special politics of ideology here, here there is a story that always worried him, something that always worried him, then...
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his podcast, let them not talk about it, let them read it, his dali museum of russian literature, here is my dear classmate, we studied together at moscow university, vadim vladimirovich polonsky, director of the gorky institute of world literature, which is sometimes confused with the literary institute also named after gorky, which... there are so many associations at once, so we have gathered here with thoughts and feelings about pushkin. no, me yet, what in pushkin is of course amazing, it’s him, i was talking about his biography, his letters, because reading pushkin’s letters on the one hand, maybe it’s awkward, he himself, remember, when his letters were intercepted there, he was very indignant, and there, when the tsar reads the correspondence between husband and wife, terrible, on the other hand. when you count these letters, it’s just such admiration, or i adore his letter to
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chiodaev, because well, this year thirty-six, where he just says yes about the importance of russia, these famous words, that although, as a person with prejudices, i am offended, a lot of things irritate me, but not for anything in the world, i would not want to change history or have, change the fatherland or have a different history than the one that god gave us, these are the greatest words, it’s just that intelligence, he writes in a letter just like that, it’s not a program document, he doesn’t think about the fact that... yes, in 1926 everyone remembers the coronation, he’s
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jumping straight from feldeger from mikhailovsky, not knowing that this is what awaits him, yes, mercy or god forbid, something some kind of repression, but it is important that the emperor understands that there is a trial going on in the case of the decembrists, yes, five people have just been hanged, who were also drawn there by pushkin, and the emperor knows that many rebels have unpublished poems by pushkin, that is, he , as it were, such an ideologist, exactly. and that, as the emperor wisely does, we were taught at school, yes, i will be your censor, this is violence, this is, of course, no need to idealize, no, what... happens to pushkin next, he understands that he is not just tells you yes, and he understands his role as a mediator, he understands how important he is, the first person of the state, as we would say, yes, suddenly he calls this very person, considers him the smartest, and does not execute, but has mercy, generally speaking, yes, that is, he fights, just like in the village
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they fought for the average peasant, yes, the kulak will not go to the collective farm, yes, but the poor peasant will not have a single horse, but the average peasant, who has two horses, will go or... in a madhouse there are two completely different heroes : herman, who is punished for giving up love, and eugene, who loved, but it’s also the same end, so i kind of think, am i right or wrong, that’s what eugene suffered for in the bronze horseman, because it seems to me that eugene is the heir, as it says, of an ancient famous family, but he forgot about it , that’s when a person forgets
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his origins, that’s when fate becomes merciless towards him, the role of a benusadnik, i never forgot this, for him this is this deepest rootedness in russian history with all these african roots, but still this feeling of that we are pushkins, yes, we are pushkin, this is his kind of cool surname, pushkin will go there, then the dishes will be pushkin, because this is another one that is not very fanatical, and pushkin sounds very russian, but pushkin is a cool surname, it has war in it , and some kind of affection, and fluff, guns, this is the combination and our favorite hissing sounds, which are just... but the monument is born precisely in this meeting, when the state, the empire does not punish him, could have sent him again, so alexander could have severely punished him, but look, pushkin in monument, what he goes for, in my opinion, is modest and not unprofessional, maybe horace goes further, horace says that i erected a monument that will live in my place, yes, that’s all my works,
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pushkin says something else that he called for mercy for the fallen is not a literary work. but with whom you need to conduct a dialogue, and not take his side, leave the hero’s heart. he will also be a tyrant without him on the one hand, on the other hand he will not just bully and threaten, this is an amazing story, and here it is the center of russian civilization, let’s talk about this after all, since the key word was mercy, let’s talk about the captain’s daughter, by the way,
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of course there is no church there either, so it seems to me that there is some kind of internal faith... maybe the completely unmanifested support of human life is very strong, there is, of course, i really really love the captain’s daughter, for me this is absolutely the absolute peak not only of pushkin, but of all russian literature, the work is truly absolutely christian, because there you can feel god’s providence, it’s just there , it’s revealed, not edifyingly, not ideologically, yes, in such an artistic sense, because remember, yes, masha mironova, who is faithful, yes, if your parents petrusha are against it. they don’t go against this marriage, mind you, when the heroes go against their parent’s blessing, we get a blizzard, there is no happiness from the blizzard, but if the heroes are faithful, obedient to their parents, then they get happiness in the end, but in addition, of course there are elements here fairy tale because look, grinev meets pugachev and gives
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him this very little coat, just like literally ivan tsarevich meets a wolf, then the wolf helps him, it seems to me, just like in pushkin. this all comes together, or what else amazes me about the captain’s daughter, remember this scene, when the pugachevites are already pressing on the belogorsk fortress, and captain mironov says: masha, go change into a peasant dress, it’s very similar to a peasant young lady, only there it is vaudeville, there it’s funny, but here it’s a completely ominous thing, because we understand that will be with her if she doesn’t change into a peasant’s dress, that’s how pushkin plays with these meanings, we don’t remember what they said when they talked about it, i’m talking straight up the cube. they will say, well , i remembered another thing, where everything is direct and immediate, fathers, hermits and immaculate wives, in order to fly with the heart in the area of ​​absenteeism, in order to strengthen it, in the midst of
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long-lasting storms and battles, they composed many divine prayers, but none of them helped me strengthens, like the one that the priest repeats during the sad days of lent, more and more often, it never comes to my lips, and fallen strengthens unknown forces, lord, the spirit of my days is great... what are we waiting for, what are we waiting for, for someone to translate, for someone to translate, this won’t happen, it’s impossible to translate, generally good
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writers, they began to understand very early , there with the border is the true magnitude of pushkin, the same marimaya, he is very here, his special interest in pushkin, from which he began to learn the russian language, was due to the fact that he saw a special potential in him.
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he says, i say in horror, i understand that i’m confused, yes, somewhere there’s already a finnish knife looming, there somewhere i’ll freeze to say yes, what do i hear objections, people will say, i will say, no, how similar is the feeling of two poets, and such
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a creep says. that moment when we hear him, and much deeper than us, when we try, try to understand it, but pushkin, ordinary people would not leave us, so wrote platonov, today we talked about pushkin, vselod evgenievich bagno, scientific director of the institute of russian literature the famous pushkin house, vadim vladimirovich polonsky, director of the institute of world literature, we have both imli and
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irli today, well... ours is a joint a special edition of three podcasts, and dmitry petrovich buck, let them not talk about our favorite podcast, let them read it, alexey nikolaevich varlamov, our favorite podcast, the life of the remarkable, and i, vladimir ligoido, we were gathering thoughts about pushkin, what else to gather thoughts about who else can gather his thoughts these days? a dried, scentless flower, forgotten in a book, i see, now my soul is filled with a strange dream. where it bloomed, when, in what spring, and for a long time it bloomed, plucked by someone, a stranger, a familiar one, put here, why, in memory of a tender meeting or fatal separation, or a lonely walk, in the silence of the fields, in the shade of the forest, and whether he and she are alive, and now, where is their corner, or have they already withered, like this unknown flower, for
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the anniversary. poet. hello, this is a substance deception program. today we will talk about meat. my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda and with me is the famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. meat is our favorite product of zukhra. sharipovna, i have great news about meat. in preparation for this broadcast, i talked to our department of economics, newspaper komsomolskaya pravda, with experts who said that absolutely amazing things are happening with meat now, russians began to eat more meat, for example, one person eats about 79 kg of meat per year, just 20 years ago this it was almost half as much, 41 kg,
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overall. a person eats about 43 kg, and rich countries eat 83 kg, that is, we are close to rich countries, and this is very very good, we can afford it, yes, yes, good, why eat meat, this is very good and right, well, i i always say in this situation that we have teeth, not only incisors, like those of herbivores, but fangs, like those of carnivores, and this is absolutely not in vain. we must eat meat, including red meat, because this is how our body is structured, physiology cannot be fooled, there are, of course, people who do not consume animal proteins at all, including meat, but humans and the human body are designed in such a way that meat is its most important component of the diet, well, in fact, our digestive tract is not like that of herbivores, but well, not quite like predators, like omnivores, right? and we’re
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just... making a decision, i’m sorry, but it only happens when parents make such a decision for small children, who in this regard are entirely dependent on adults, when they are deprived of meat, it always causes something like this, well, let’s say, regret. why is meat so important anyway? very often we hear arguments that a lot of other sources of protein, well, plant-based, yes, as such a replacement, or they also very often say that they do not
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necessarily. red meat, the same thing can be obtained from fish, yes, seafood, well, this is how they try to replace protein sources, yes, these are also animal sources of protein, but not meat. here it is very important to put everything in its place, why in general, like some kind of special emphasis on red meat, red meat gives us something that we cannot fully get from other sources, for example, but the first thing that comes to mind, as a rule, no one ever stumbles in this regard, because they immediately say iron, yes iron, yes, but if you read the composition of some plant sources, what is it from? there are plants there, what we get when we eat plant foods, there is also iron there, but iron is pink, in plant sources it is such an ionic form of two-three-component iron, it is very poorly absorbed in the human
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body, that is, plant foods cannot be a complete source of iron, but meat, which contains heme iron, that is, as part of hemoglobin, these are animal sources. that is, this is red meat, right here we absorb iron significantly, we absorb it many times more than from plant sources, so by refusing red meat, we deprive ourselves of a source of well -absorbed iron, iron, what is iron, to understand why we talk about it so much, iron - this is a taxi that carries oxygen to all organ systems, and there is probably no need to explain how important oxygen is. yes, because the heart can beat for a very, very long time, but if a person did not breathe for 5 minutes and did not receive this same oxygen, then the brain will die, and we can somehow function, as they say, but this is not life at all, so with such a simple
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example you can understand why we are talking about iron at all, there is red meat, there is white meat, that is, not everyone meat is equal to other meat, that’s the difference, let’s define what we classify as... red meat: beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, venison or venison, it’s correct to say elk, goat, goose, duck, we’ll still leave two points for chicken, only drumsticks, and turkey meat, we’ll also include wings there, these are the main sources of red meat, but if elk meat or, say, goat meat, it’s still not...
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then we’ll get this same iron, along with oxygen, and so , if you take the percentage of meoglobin in chicken legs, it will be about 0.5, yeah, in the same beef it’s one and a half and up to 2%, that is, well , an incomparable difference, well, yes, pork and lamb are significantly inferior to beef, by the way, the meat is the most saturated with meoglobin. horse meat, what else is so important in meat, including in red? meat is the biggest source of animal protein after eggs, again animals, plant, why do we differentiate animals so much from
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plant protein in terms of protein, because plant protein is very, very little available to us, the most accessible is soy , well, it’s not very common for russia to eat soy, well... what do you think, that’s how much we can absorb protein from beef, well, i know the answer, yes, thank god, well, let everyone else find out , that is, this more than 90%, yes 92-95 approximately, the highest absorption is in an egg, chicken egg 98%, and from soybeans we will absorb in the very, very best case 60. and our body will work at full capacity, that is, it will spend so much the same amount of energy to absorb this protein from soybeans is exactly the same as the benefits, as you can see, are almost two times less, yes, not only that, this is
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something that we don’t eat very often, and people who refuse animal protein, they say that they can get complete protein from nuts, from mushrooms, from mushrooms in general 23% only available. very often i hear the following argument: look at a zebra or a cow, they are so muscular, where do they get so much protein, yes, to form such muscle mass, from grass, from grass, yes. so they have this herb, excuse me, practically all of it is absorbed, but we only have a very small amount, and our stomach is not a book, yes, like the same herbivores, the intestines are not of such a size that it all takes place there, it would still be absorbed, no, unfortunately, this is not the case, therefore the animal protein is of high quality, it is exactly like that, because it also contains the largest amount of essential amino acids, let's see, we have a picture - regarding the nutritional value of meat, this is red
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meat, here we can see exactly what it is rich in, yes, and that's not all, there is almost the entire periodic table, but in the good sense of this word, there is a lot of useful stuff there, and we haven't even mentioned that same b-12, which is also impossible to get from anywhere, except in its full version, except from animal protein and... above all from this the red meat itself, just 100 g of this red meat contains almost 40% of the daily requirement of b-12, b12, and here it says vitamins of group b, and in red meat not only b12, but b-12 is a special representative of group b b vitamins, so you can get it from red meat, zuhra, but many believe that... meat is not entirely healthy due to the fact
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that it may contain hormones, there are a lot of myths and there is some truth , yes indeed, but for producers, like vegetable producers, it’s not very important, as far as these vegetables are saturated with all the necessary macro and microelements, and nitrogen-containing fertilizers help to grow a large volume of products, but may be of low quality, we also know that animals get sick. not only does bird flu exist, there are all kinds of diseases to which cattle or small livestock are susceptible, and of course, certain substances are used, and not only antibiotics, so that these animals do not die from infection, but steroids, i don’t know how regulated in our country rural the use of certain substances in the economy, but there are such assumptions, let’s say , or statements, yes, that this is all not very good. useful, but most often we hear this
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more common scare: red meat stimulates an increase in the risk of cancer, that if you eat red meat, you will definitely die from some kind of cancer, in fact, this is not true at all, unless you spoil the red meat and really do not increase the risks that are associated with the use of this product, but how does it happening? red meat is... it’s also called everything with one brush, sausages, frankfurters, any semi-finished products will also be included there, fried smoked red meat will be included there, zuhra sharipin, here it’s probably time for our favorite tables of advanced glycation end products, yes, here it must be said, before we dwell on any details, that under the conditions of the vital activity of the body , the formation of advanced glycation end products occurs. this is a completely natural situation, and in order
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to combat the excess formation of these final gelatinization products, we have a system that counteracts this. when everything is in balance, there is the formation of end products of glycation, there is a system that blocks the formation of their excess, the body copes, it is healthy, it does not age faster than it should, and no bad events occur. if a person starts to eat. bad, he has a lot of products in his diet with these advanced glycation end products, then our system stops coping, these advanced glycation end products accumulate in tissues, causing the development of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, aging and cancer, this is what most of the end products of glycation are, these are smoked products, these are semi-finished meat products, let’s say, here we have - methods
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of preparation, yes, well here , in fact, it is clear that if you eat beef, raw beef steak, then in 100 g of food there will be only 800 units of glycerine end products, but we don’t eat raw beef, yes, but we don’t eat raw beef, we somehow fry it, so it is believed that steak is the ideal way of cooking, and if you look, there will be 10 times more of these final products. why is grilled steak not the ideal way to cook meat? because this is generally a system, which is a reaction that leads to formation, of course. glycation products is called the mayer reaction, it is also called a tasty reaction, because well, it’s stupid to argue that a steak is tastier than a steamed cutlet, well, in fact, well , yes, of course, steak, yes, there is a difference, yes, because more receptors will be involved, the reaction will be stronger, and of course, the brain will remember that it tastes better, but
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it is more dangerous, for example, if you take a steamed cutlet, yes, and even with lemon juice, then there are just pennies of these end products of glucidation . if there are so many of them, then the body will not even notice the loss of a fighter, this is not a situation that will cause olarom. a logical question arises that all the largest numbers, the final product of glycation, are the first ones, the first column with numbers arises when frying, frying with olive oil, when the numbers are small, we see the word marinated, marinated with lemon juice, it turns out that lemon juice is the product that reduces the amount of final products - any marinade, any, but if you marinate in vinegar, then of course , there will be fewer end products of glycation, but the load on the gastrointestinal tract will be greater, therefore, not every marinade is suitable for us, and it is better not vinegar, any vinegar, wine or
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some kind of apple, namely lemon juice, there will be few end products of glycation , and many benefits for the body. taking into account that lemon is also such an alkali inside, we will achieve even greater positive effects. here we present cooking methods, but we started to say that these scares about oncology, red meat, they are associated not only with cooking methods, such as, say, frying or grilling over an open fire, but there is also smoking, there is also the preparation of semi-finished products, sausages, sausages. and so on, and we all know that the more added or in general, if add nitrites or, which then turn into other derivatives, so they increase the amount of advanced glycation end products, this is a program of deception of substances, we are talking about meat, my name is olesya nosova,
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zuhra pavlova is with me, if you remember that she is the absolute leader in the end products of glycation are bacon. moreover, there are only 13 g, and believe it or not, there are 91,500 of these advanced glycation end products, 13 g is a standard serving, yes, these are two small pieces of bacon, this is what we we see that in american films they usually fry it for breakfast, this is how many, how many daily allowances for one person, well, almost four, four, four daily allowances, yes, yes, and these are only two pieces, it doesn’t occur to anyone what a bomb is coming, yeah. with these two pieces, the bomb is aging, and aging, an increase in oxidative stress and cancer risks and in general all the worst things you can imagine, it’s also probably important to say that we started to touch a little on the products that prevent the formation of final
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glacier products, these are not only marinades, vinegar or lemon, but also everything that is very, very loved by most people. these are spices, this is cloves, this is myran, sage, tarragon, rosemary, these are all very tasty and make food tastier, but most importantly it also prevents the formation of these advanced glycation end products, here is a double-edged sword, on the one hand these products make the food is healthier, on the other hand, they make it more tasty, and you want to eat such food more, so always stop yourself, everyone... knows approximately what a portion is, which does not cause heaviness, you have eaten, you are full, you are full, but you don’t have this burden, you get up not only with a light stomach, but with self-respect , but here , in fact, zuhra, we get the answer to the question, is kebab harmful?


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