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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 10, 2024 4:10am-4:56am MSK

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with losses, understanding my responsibility, i still proceed from what the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but even more important is concern for the life and health of our guys who are fighting at the front, the attitude towards a soldier cannot be compared to on the other side of the front, against the backdrop of wild losses in the ssu, men are grabbed on the streets and forces are delivered to the front line, the kiev regime lacks people so much that the age limits.
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military registration and enlistment offices came and signed contracts for over 160,000 people, every day, somewhere in our more than a thousand come to the military registration and enlistment office voluntarily, you know, when we see what russian character is, what the character of a russian citizen is, we understand this , we rely on this, we do not need any atomic weapons for final victory. konstantin, boris kamenov, channel one. the kiev regime, which will not be able to reverse the situation at the front, has once again demonstrated why it needs nato weapons. on the same day, barbaric attacks on lugansk and the village of sadovoe in the kherson region. in both cases there is no military expediency, pure terrorism. the capital of the lpr was hit by five american cruise missiles. our air defense shot down four of them, the fifth hit residential buildings, completely collapsing...
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people died. and it is precisely in order to put an end to this that our guys work every day, unsparingly. within a week, the russian army expanded its zone of control in the donetsk republic. military groups in the center and south liberated tumanovskaya poroskovyevka. this, in particular, makes it possible to keep the group’s supply route under fire. kharkov region the advancement of our forces in the districts and petropavlovka continues, as well. mokhovka
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and chervona debrava in the lugansk people's republic. a lot of equipment was planted, including an abrams tank, three bradley infantry fighting vehicles, a haimers rocket-propelled combat vehicle, all american- made. and a rather rare anti-aircraft german self-propelled gun gepard. two enemy mik-29 fighters and two mi-8 helicopters were shot down, another su-25 attack aircraft was hit by a lancet on the ground. and this is footage of the destruction of an unmanned boat of the ukrainian armed forces on the black sea, the drone was shot down with a machine gun, from a helicopter naval aviation. a powerful explosion and... effective group strikes against military rear areas in the ssu. but let's return to the front line. in the direction of chasovaya yar, our troops are conducting active offensive operations, the front line is getting closer to the city. in other words, chasov yar is being taken in a pincer movement. the fourth brigade, special forces akhmat, ivanovo paratroopers and dmitry’s film crew are working. here is his report,
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someday, when evil gets tired, this video, where, saying goodbye to life, a fighter with the call sign lawyer, reads poetry about his homeland, spread around the internet in december last year, he miraculously survived, today we go on the attack again, with a different piece, but now we need victory, we won’t stand alone for the price, for everyone in his assault group this is the first battle after the hospital, here all the guys who have already gone on the charge have seen the enemy in the eyes ,
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from here they will now command the assault groups, they will come out one after another, the task is not to get close...
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but an attack aircraft with the call sign lawyer gets up again, an unbending character, four children are waiting for him at home. irisha, if i die, i love you, olesya, i love you, children, i love you all, my homeland, i adore it, comrades, he comes at me, at the moment when the buzz of the drone is heard again, the camera on the helmet is discharged, commander batukaev calls the pariah lawyer, but there is communication with him. disappears, nothing is known about the fate of the fighter, then a few hours later they report that the attack aircraft somehow managed to reach his own people, but he is in serious condition, and a couple of days later a soldier of the fourth brigade, konstantin golovin, with the call sign lawyer, is already smiling in the photo from the hospital with his wife, a forty-one-year-old volunteer from
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magnitogorsk was twice on the verge of death, but twice miraculously escaped from the inferno, having completed the combat mission, the task was successfully completed, not only were they identified in the enemy’s position, but also the launch sites of the fronts were identified. thanks to this reconnaissance, it was possible to determine the location of the militants’ firing points, a second group of attack aircraft is moving towards them, among whom is a luhansk fighter with the call sign kontrik, he joined the militia at the age of 18, his spirit is completely collected, if you don’t gather yourself, it’s all death, it’s a disaster, panic will begin, let's go, let's go, faster, faster, now after the breakup, look where there will be smoke, i’ll tell you, this is the hole you’ll have to go into, before the final throw at the enemy our drones fly, that’s it, we go in, we go in, nothing is visible below, they listen to the commander, that’s it, here’s a green bag, orentin, there’s dill, yes, yes, you see, on the right, there is a queue at the hospital, the militants
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have been destroyed, despite the fact that any battle today in the zone is, first of all, a battle of drones, the last word still belongs to the infantryman, the payback is not taken until the ground is set.
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the 200th guards brigade is making progress, we are approaching a few hours later, there are settlements in front of him, well, they took bogdanovka, next we have kalinovka, we are trying to knock out the enemy, the soldiers of the 200th brigade have already taken control of most of the village of kalinovka, they are moving forward, first the kamikada drones fly, and then small assault groups go to clear out, the fight is for every basement, but the intensity of the confrontation is such that there are only a few of them left in kalinovka. dmitry kulko, ilya repnin and andrey podgornov, channel one. ukrainian
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militants themselves admit that the yar fortress will share the fate of other impregnable fortresses kyiv regime. bakhmuda, now he is artyomovsk, marinka, ovdeevka. it's a question of time. the ssu is suffering huge losses, more than 12,500 people this week alone. to plug these holes, ukrainian men are caught on the streets with triple the force. in addition, informed sources claim ukraine.
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and fourth, the lack, often the lack of sufficient physical health to conduct successful military operations, in such conditions. in addition, an important factor is that these soldiers do not have proper training in terms of the used military equipment that is supplied. the western patrons of the kiev nazi regime have already come up with a stunning formula of deceit and incompetence to justify the immediate dispatch of mobilized ukrainians without any preparation. to the front, it was presented by the american institute for the study of war, it turns out that training right on
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the front line improves the quality of ukrainian forces. ukrainian commanders compensate for training difficulties, which were aggravated by mobilization , by training newly arrived personnel to advanced. the decision by ukrainian commanders to train newly drafted men directly at the front, again before sending them into battle, indicates that the overall quality of ukrainian forces is likely to remain higher than that of russian troops in the immediate area.
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another tool: they plan to give the military police the right to break into the homes of citizens in search of desserts; payment for the services of informers for these desserts is also provided. zelensky, together with the west, they clearly understand how and where pockets of resistance to the current regime. they have a targeted effect and erode any attempts at resistance, but
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the women’s community, which is gaining mass, is in...
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we have repeatedly emphasized that the peace conference must be recognized by both sides, ukrainian and russian, everyone must participate on an equal basis.
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we believe that the level of representation is appropriate. together with a delegation of mental health specialists, which zelensky asked in the philippines to send to kiev, this looks like a diagnosis. meath official russia, maria zakharova states. finally, zelensky told the truth, and the west recognized it. it is precisely these problems that the participants of the so-called swiss conference should address.
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feelings of awkwardness, bitterness and even shame in normandy, where the western allies landed 80 years ago, marked the memorable date in a unique way. russia was not invited, but germany was invited, in the person of chancellor scholz. for some reason the guns were turned towards the sea, from where the troops landed. they shot as if at historical memory itself. the truth about the key the role of our people in the victory over nazism. and now most europeans are sure that it was the allies who defeated hitler with our help, and not vice versa. onovo. myth about the creativity of the west. pavel krasnov.
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western political beaumont gathered for the anniversary celebrations dedicated to the landing in normandy. heads of state, presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and another guest of uncertain status arrived, who was unable to find a decent suit in his wardrobe. but in this case, form and content coincided.
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the air landing did not work out, the paratroopers wanted to show impeccable training, but it turned out not so convincingly, and after the british soldiers were sent straight into the field for passport control, the unity of the west also began to crack, the scandal was provoked by the british prime minister, as soon as he appeared at events in normandy, making a short speech there, he was there he fled back to london, and then instead of him , meade’s head flashed in all the frames. it turned out that sunok was only in a hurry for a pre-election interview, preferring it. meeting with veterans, and this was not forgiven him, the prime minister was up in arms against his opponents, and his own comrades-in-arms and the press, sarcastic photoshoppers appeared on the internet, in an interview sunok had to apologize for a long time, it would not have hurt to apologize to western leaders in general for the ideological show staged in normandy, which had little to do with the true history of the war, but whether these apologies will ever be heard is a rather rhetorical question. bitching about the role of the red army in
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the west is a long-standing habit; it becomes more deeply rooted over the years. the landing in normandy is now being presented as the first step towards victory. day d - the largest landing operation of all times . she changed the course of the second world war. as if the defeat of the nazis near moscow, the battle of stalingrad and the kursk bulge had not happened before this. the french institute of public opinion provides revealing figures. in forty-five. most french people recognized the decisive role of the ussr in the defeat of hitler. only 20% considered americans to be the main creators of victory. today, in the minds of french residents, the soviet union and the united states have changed places. american history professor peter kuznik also conducted a similar survey among his students. i asked them anonymously how many americans died in world war ii. usually they answered me 90,000, in fact it was
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3000 more. no one expected the president of the united states to have a deep knowledge of history, yet when speaking about the exploits of american soldiers in forty years, he surpassed himself for the sake of politics, sacrificing history. common sense. they turned the tide of the war and opposed hitler's aggression. is there any doubt that they would like america to oppose putin's aggression? here in europe today. praising the nazi regime in kiev on the anniversary of the normandy landings is something that wwii veterans certainly would not approve of, but their voice is not heard today. but 40 years ago everything was different. reagan spoke here in 1984, also shortly before the elections.
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tried his best to copy him, delivering a speech in the same place and even borrowed a lot of the text from his predecessor. at dawn on june 6 , 1944. dawn, june 6 forty4. 225 rangers jumped from british landing forces boats. 225 american rangers arrived in boats. well, even looking at the cheat sheet, biden couldn’t find at least. a few words about the role of the ussr, unlike reagan, without mentioning at all what contribution soviet soldiers made to the victory, so the comparison from the point of view of political history was clearly not in favor of the current us president. in truth, there is no reconciliation we would welcome more than reconciliation with the soviet union; together, now forever, we can reduce the risks of war. appropriate here
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remember the colossal losses that... war. 20 million people died, a terrible price testifying to the whole world that the russian people suffered during the second world war in order to end the war. 40 years later, those gathered in normandy are trying with all their might not to stop, but rather to ignite the war in europe. the americans are doing in europe what they have been doing in ukraine for the last 2 years, using ukraine. and now the rest of europe for a war against russia, ultimately they don’t care about ukraine, they don't care about europe. all they care about is their geopolitical struggle with russia. if europeans and ukrainians have to pay for this destruction with blood, then the americans don’t care. why is europe rushing headlong into this? perhaps it is again a matter of memory loss; politicians who are not characterized by amnesia are in
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the clear minority in the west today. this has nothing to do with historical celebrations, this is a nato ceremony. the first biggest shame is the absence of russia, although it is russia. not long ago, the canadian parliament in the presence of zelensky, he also applauded the ukrainian security guard, after which the deputies had to apologize for this, but it seems that history, both old and not
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very old, really does not teach western politicians anything. pavel krasnov, dmitry volkov, yulia zagranichnogo and arseny baibulov, channel one. let's return to the st. petersburg international economic forum, the main business forum. event of the year , 21,300 participants from 139 countries and territories, almost a thousand agreements totaling 6.5 trillion rubles. and this is only if we take into account contracts that do not constitute commercial secrets. in general, the scale of the new initiative of the president, which concerns millions of people in our country, is impressive. alena germanova has all the details.
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world development today is shifting to asia, this is without any doubt, and of course, we need to be closer to these centers of development, you are right.
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europe's gdp due to the fact that it is moving away from russian gas, by the end of this year the losses will amount to over a trillion euros for europe, so these are really sanctions that mean restrictions. for europeans, and huge losses specifically for europeans and european union. russia is building the shortest route to new markets in the east through the arctic. the distance from murmansk to shanghai is 7.00 miles. through gibraltar and the vanity canal almost 13,000. already last year , a record 36 million tons of cargo were transported along the northern sea route. thanks to this project, energy consumers in asia will have access to the richest resources of the arctic shelf and siberia. let me remind you that today we are in the arctic.
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history, our culture and the internal state of society, real development is very important, that it’s effective for us to work in our society, which is not true, but of course it is. in terms of purchasing power parity, we have already
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surpassed japan, we have become the fourth economy in the world, and we are not going to stop; for this , domestic business needs stability, including tax stability. the minister of finance once again reminded the heads of the company that, yes, the tax system is changing, but the government will not put everything in a box; the 5% income tax received will be directed to the most important sectors for the entire country. the most important thing is that it is not that the budget builds these sectors, the main thing is that the budget gives 2 kopecks, and the business gives 3 rubles. that’s what, then business will earn money, and how would we stimulate it, don’t invest, we need it, let’s do it together, let’s act like this, access to western technologies, sanctions have been lifted and we need to make our own domestic products, today we need additional support. we must understand that our market for many technologies is simply not enough, even with all our integration agenda, the european union, we are there, now there is a free trade zone with iran and so on next, we try. to grow this market, but for many technological products it
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will still not be enough. what does it mean? this means that if we need these technologies, we must be ready to invest additionally, somewhere to protect the domestic market, ensuring, well, price disparity, that is, it will be more expensive for us than there. there are almost 30 million so-called retail investors in the country today; the total volume of their assets over the year increased by one and a half times and amounted to more than 9 trillion rubles. but money must work and bring profit to the investor. and states. the program started recently, but is still lagging behind target indicators. i propose to fine-tune it, namely to increase the period of co-financing of citizens’ savings. now it is 3 years. i think it is correct and reasonable to extend it to at least 10 years. i will add that this year a new instrument, a savings certificate, will be introduced. it will allow citizens to place funds in banks for a period longer than that.
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purchase housing in small towns or in regions where the volume of housing construction is still insufficient. here are families from two children will be able to take advantage of a family mortgage at 6%, regardless of the age of the children. the only condition is that at least one child in the family is a minor at the time of applying for a mortgage. and more like that. preferential mortgage terms will be valid in all regions of russia, for each, for each family that wants to build their own house, for each family that wants to build their own house, this is especially important for large, large families, it is also important that the income every russian family grew up, this priority of the state, here i will add an important
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decision that concerns the indexation of the minimum wage, in 2025 the salary will be 40.8% of the median salary, so it will exceed 22,000 rubles per month, that is, it will increase by about 15%. then the ratio with the median salary will increase so that, as agreed, by 2030 the salary will be at least 35 thousand rubles per month. vladimir putin made another important decision right at the forum; it concerns all working pensioners, and such in one only st. petersburg. recently, at an award ceremony for social workers , irina andryunina asked the city governor to come up with a proposal and at our federal level the issue of indexing pensions for working pensioners would be considered. i myself am a pensioner
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. there are a lot of working pensioners who would really like to see pension indexation. , of course, it was probably fair that... indexation should be carried out for working pensioners, so i will definitely convey your wishes to the federal structure, and i am sure that we we will be able to achieve this in the very near future. at the request of pensioners, alexander beglov told vladimir putin, they had a separate meeting, and here are the president’s decisions at the forum. we have been discussing this topic for a long time, we just talked about this topic with the governor of st. petersburg at meetings right before. at our meeting on february 1, 2025, and every year thereafter, pensions will be increased not only for those who have already retired, but also for those who continue to work, this will be truly fair. the country today has record low unemployment, barely more than 2.5%, but at the same time, if
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there is a shortage of personnel, the federal project of professionalism should help. according to it, they have already begun to modernize the material and technical base of colleges and technical schools and will update them. educational programs for aviation and shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals, electronics, defense. in the next 10 years , 40 university campuses will appear in the country; the assessment of the educational institution will depend on how in demand its graduates are. the pavilions of the economic forum show well that there are those in the country who know how to create their own domestic. in the first 3 months alone , almost 7.00 patent applications were filed for...


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