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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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which we watched today, you are going out, so to speak, to have a showdown with this particular dog, the second dog, i also have a question, why are you walking the second dog without a muzzle, that is, you have one with a muzzle, which is dangerous, and we we have already been convinced of this, the second one is not, the most important question is why do you walk your dogs near the house where there is a playground?
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a freak who will lie to you about anything, will get out of it, well, there are three victims, perhaps there are more, people don’t just unite, they don’t move out of apartments, we can listen to 100 more fairy tales, a serious psychopath who, through a dog, feeling complete impunity, terrorized the city, there cannot be white and black, here it is clear who the victim is, who is the source of all the problems, a big fat point. listen, i, artyom, did not see any demon in your face, i saw a very narrow-minded person who does not understand, cannot calculate the consequences of his actions, six criminal cases, believe me, you brought yourself to this, not your dog , 3 weeks later i was arrested, i really had a thought hang themselves, they try to blame the husband. of
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murder, he served 2 years in a pre-trial detention center, the jury acquitted him, but how did the victim die? from a stroke, i didn’t kill korchevsky, you were sitting drinking, when i opened the door, he was lying as if he was sleeping, calm breathing, but you weren’t embarrassed that he seemed to be sleeping on the floor, but no, i myself saw how you he thumped the room twice, the latchkey pulled him out into the corridor, and where he went afterwards, i didn’t understand, that is, he could only get away with his own feet, how then is sergei to blame for... there is the opinion that you are speaking out in defense for a reason, sergei, what is your husband’s name? fyanus, tell fedya, let’s ask fedya. good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. well! the day
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is eventful, informational, and eventful. at this moment, a meeting of the foreign ministers of the brics countries is taking place in nizhny novgorod, this is the second most important format of meetings within the framework of our chairmanship in the brics, after, of course, the summit that is coming up in october this year. let's talk about it. besides, in europe is now actively summing up its results. held elections to the european parliament, which brought quite a lot of interesting, unexpected or expected results, which we will also talk about in our program, and the president of russia, vladimir putin, met with the commissioner for human rights of the russian federation, tatyana moskalkova, who presented him with an annual report about the state of human rights in our country, with a strong emphasis on rights.
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progress on various sectors of the front, a lot of information about how our troops the ministry of defense has just officially confirmed the capture of staromayorsky by our troops and...
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is already controlled by our troops, the enemy mournfully announced that it has been found. supposedly in the gray zone, but again, so far this is only one village of a large-scale offensive, as happened in the kharkov region, not yet, but our troops are again actively working against enemy forces on the territory of the sumy region, the enemy again fears that our troops just waiting for the right moment to move on to more active ones actions, well, the initiative here is also ours, but if we talk about the front line, then in most areas our troops continued successful offensive operations on the rabotinsky ledge on...
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ugledar, battles also continue on the outskirts of paroskovievka, there is slight progress in the konstantinovka area, well konstantinovka and paraskovievka, that is, the enemy tried to counterattack there, the attacks were repulsed, and accordingly, now the initiative is ours. in nagorovka we have promotion in the city center and on the western outskirts, west of avdiivka our troops practically liberated novoaleksandrovka, the enemy who defended the village partially fled so as not to be surrounded, and there our troops have already begun to hang flags, there is progress in
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the sokol area, there are battles for yasnobrodovka, for novopokrovskoe and there is progress towards kalinov in in general , the enemy was unable to stabilize the situation here, so the advance is taking place here and there in different... areas in the chesofier direction, our troops are entrenched in the center of the canal microdistrict, russian flags and attack aircraft are also hanging there ninety-eighth division, continue to expand the zone of control, there is also pressure north of nowavar to the west of kleshcheevka and andreevka, and for a while, on the northern ledge , our troops over the last 24 hours have achieved advances in the area of ​​disarray, where the enemy has lost a number of important positions, the gains continue battles in the area of ​​sporny and belogorovka, in... in the lyumansky direction there are no special changes, there are very small advances in the terna area in our favor, well, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction our troops have still advanced in the ivanovka area, in the area stalmakhovka, and also affected by battles in the area of ​​makeevka and senkovka. in the kharkov direction, our troops repelled quite
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strong enemy counterattacks in a deep area, this is the leptsy area, that is, the enemy lost quite a lot of infantry and equipment there and was unable to achieve results. fierce fighting also continues. with the receipt, finally, of aviation. f-16s, they have been promised, it seems that pilots are undergoing training, when they will appear, whether they will appear, is still unclear, but voices are already being heard from the ukrainian side that these f-16s
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may be based not on the territory of ukraine, in neighboring countries, and from there conduct military operations against our country, in any case. sergei golubtsov, the head of aviation, the command of the armed forces of the ukrainian armed forces, said this almost directly. let's listen. some of them will remain in the centers where aviation personnel train our pilots. there is a certain number of aircraft that will be stored at safe air bases, not in ukraine, so that they are not targets here, this will be our reserve if necessary to replace faulty ones aircraft during routine maintenance, of course. this is a new spiral of escalation and what will be the russian response, well , colonel general kartopololov, who heads the defense committee in the state duma, announced this today, this is what he said: if these aircraft
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take part in combat missions, then they will certainly be legal target for the armed forces of the russian federation, including the airfields on which they are based with all the ensuing consequences, has long been... the suspicion that for attacks on our territory, the enemy will still use tactics when the plane takes off from the territory of romania, for example, or poland, and enters the long-range launch zone. missiles, after which it completes its flight at the podskok airfield, refuels and returns to safe territory. it’s clear that this is exactly the tactic i voiced even earlier, that it is precisely this tactic that makes it possible to attract more experienced western pilots to pilot these planes, because the risk is minimal according to their calculations, but the answer was already given, our president also spoke about that if there are such facts...
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which have been known for quite a long time, they were used in libya, when libya ’s air defense system was suppressed, when he declares that it will be a pure ukrainian production, well, as they say, he is blatantly lying, because that this missile is a french-american production, and its main feature is not its flight technical qualities, but the fact that it is 12 times more expensive than american jidam bombs, that is , now france is forced ... to fork out, that is, to get rid of these more dear bom, in order to then buy american ones, while
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they think, if it says on it that it was made, assembled in ukraine, yes, that we will not pay attention to the fact that france gave permission to attack our territories, they are at least mistaken, we we know all this, we understand, and the corresponding moves, the responses, they have been prepared, it’s just, as they say, when such a decision is made, they will all be used. i must say that our president generally warned against the use of western weapons in our territory, although, what other weapons are there in ukraine, besides western ones now, there is practically nothing left besides western ones, none, so almost all the weapons that are used by the ukrainian country are western, well, with the possible exception of machine guns, kalashnikovs, which remained from the soviet times probably, but they even get ammunition for artillery from the west, not to mention... to have their own aircraft or long-range missiles
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, they simply don’t exist in nature, so all these ammunition, they are western, now western countries seem to have officially given permission for their use of these weapons against russian territory, but as it turns out, this was already quite a long time ago, and we know that this blow is being delivered to our territory, and what not ukrainian armed forces. the task is to provide the ukrainians with air defense means, the training was carried out by ford force, in april we conducted a joint
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exercise in poland, some of the patriots are used to protect stationary objects critical infrastructure, others are moving and doing truly historic things, some of which i have never seen before in 22 years of service, one of them carried out an ambush using surface-to-air systems, they do this thanks to the incredibly mobile patri systems handed down by the germans , all these systems are mounted on... on trucks, the mobile capabilities of the patriot systems made it possible to shoot down the a50 system for the first time back in january of this year. this requires training, during which german instructors could wake up ukrainian operators of one of the batteries will be wiped out in the middle of the night to force them to line up in order to move somewhere. within a month, the ukrainians carried out their first ambushes, shooting down several su-27s along their border. these are the revelations, it turns out that this happened last year. they have already shot down our long-range radiation reconnaissance planes -
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and they did it, as it turns out, of course, german, not instructors, but clearly operators, because well, if in january they receive the task of providing ukrainians air defense means, they are already carrying out operations in april, you know, to train specialists for a patriot, well , according to all western standards, this requires 2 years. at least, they prepared in 3 months, supposedly, in fact, these were american missiles, confessions controlled by german operators, what is she actually talking about, to be honest, i... don’t understand why there’s such a leak now? well, we must clearly and clearly understand that in america this prevails, i would say a hybrid approach to solving this problem, completely it is obvious that the operational-tactical control of this equipment, as well as the selection of targets, the tactics of their use, all this
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is carried out by american personnel, and many are already german, or german. yes, i ’m speaking as a friend, so to speak, this has been a long time, as if things are known, by the way, this will continue in the future, ukrainian employees here perform, military personnel perform only an auxiliary role, so the americans here today are very afraid, because this is the same response reaction that can occur and for which in general they we have to reckon with it, it really does have such a deterrent effect, because with one thing... the pentagon would like to appropriate, if you like, the laurels of using this technology, that they are precisely striking at russian territory, it is here, as they say, that the americans demonstrate their , as they say, presence and your power, on the other hand, there is always a danger that you may get some kind of return, you may experience some
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situation directly opposite to what you expect, then this may affect already... losses from american not only equipment, but also personnel, that’s the whole problem, because this is exactly what we already know, that over these one and a half to two years , american americans have lost their military personnel, their contingent, but they for now they are silent, but if it is tomorrow closer to the elections, i mean tomorrow in the sense of as the election campaign unfolds, this will become more widely known, so to speak , then it can begin. our frigate gorshkov has moored in the harbor, according to officials from cuba itself,
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there are no nuclear weapons on board, but there is still a nuclear submarine there. say, an adventuristic policy, because they actually turn a blind eye to all the risks associated with both the losses of the american administration, which is leading the super-risky military personnel outside their country, and generally associated with the risks of escalation, which could lead to a nuclear
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war, and we see that on the one hand, this is how opinions, public opinion manifest themselves. take a very strange policy, they at the same time say, we don’t do anything we do, there’s nothing to punish us for, we can’t be held responsible for anything, then how they boast and brag about the military, and at the same time, then we don’t do anything, then on the contrary it’s tailing. on the other hand, while taking obvious steps towards escalation, they
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simultaneously carry out such rhetoric that it’s okay, nothing terrible is happening, yes... this is an escalation, but please don’t answer, that is, it all boils down to the fact that they they don’t know any other options other than escalation, they themselves are scared by this escalation, scared, but the only thing is what can they come up with, this is such a non-trivial move, as he says, don’t punish us, it’s strange why russia should listen to this, but russia listens to it attentively and punishes, so there will be punishments, i’m sure they will feel it quickly enough, that there is an escalation it can lead to very unpleasant consequences for themselves, and they may not even notice how it happened. not to detect a russian trace, but europe today discussed other issues, the results of the elections of the european parliament, well, if we speak the language of boxing, i would
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summed it up like this, one knockout, one knockdown , one strong blow, but more on that after the commercial, the child at least thought it up or came up with it, well, what difference does it make to you? great, calm down, yana, you promised that my son will be with me, mark, i will play the role of a father, but you don’t need to convince me that it’s my son, he’s been living in a new family for 2 months, mom, me i’m afraid that it will be a strong blow for them if the case is reconsidered, such people should be prohibited from giving birth at all, the decision to reconsider the case is not made, a real man would tear everyone apart if they touched to his woman and son, there are no men here, but i ’m looking.
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one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program, get out of the car, mom, quietly from your feet, i'll shoot, come on, shoot, founder of the world economic forum in davos klal schwab, without the consent of this person , not a single european politician wins the election and does not make a single management decision, it must be used.
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after the sad events in the capital, some impressionable people will see in them almost heroes, not you, our goals are right,
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criminal methods, i dream of getting an answer, tomorrow morning in the senate nikolaich will declare himself emperor. history is happening in st. petersburg, here it dies, tomorrow everything will change, you have senators, you have wealth, service, what do you need to change, let's elect a dictator among us , enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, tell trubetskoy , if he doesn’t decide, we will do it ourselves. in france they hung aristocrats from lanterns, if it’s like in france, then everyone present here hangs,
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they won’t dare shoot at us, we didn’t spill not a drop of their vile blood, we are the match that... will ignite everything and burn out the union of salvation itself, the film premiere on the first day of russia, young, what are you doing? my god, how many years have passed, the unit is on the move, in a residential building.
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hello, tamara vitalievna. i think that oleg has already forgiven me. i have not forgiven and will not forgive. oleg, i need your help. duty officer, outsiders in the unit. and what happened? it's because of her, right? leave him alone, okay? we love each other. let's mind your own business. this is howl, in russian, after all. i'm in finland left, already pregnant, and did not tell him anything. and that social services, they took him away from me, they accused me of suffocating motherly love, they took him away from me because i loved him very much, one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program, oleg, i need you to come with me to finland claimed his rights to his son, why is your son.
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big game live. it's been a long time since elections to the european parliament caused such a stir in the west. such propaganda pressure on voters, to be honest, i don't remember. the most powerful onslaught of all media in favor of ukraine against russia. and against those political parties that advocated peace for a peaceful solution to the ukrainian problem. well, the results, in some places we managed to achieve what we needed, but in others not so much. when i said that these elections were accompanied by one knockout, one knockdown, one punch in the gut, by knockout, i of course meant the elections in belgium. let's see the results of these
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elections, which... led to the resignation of the cabinet of alexander de croo, as you do you think what place his party took in the elections to the european parliament in belgium, the last tenth, tenth, that’s right, between the forward party, which took fifth place and the open flemish liberal democrats, there were four more parties, that is, actually tenth place in the elections - this is a strong achievement for...
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for macron this is a failure, and a crushing failure, again, the first thing he did, you think, he resigned, he still has 3 years of presidential term, but he resigned the government ,
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which is based on the parliamentary one. majority and announced that he announced new parliamentary elections, let's listen, i decided to dissolve the national assembly, soon i will sign a decree convening new parliamentary elections, the first round of which will take place on june 30, the second on july 7, so the country is going to the polls i don’t know what macron is counting on, although an interesting situation may arise when macron, the president, belongs to the same party, but...
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there is a feeling of this spirit of change, which has recently been created in general europe is overdue, but whether it is late or early, well, late, of course, europeans are waking up, waking up late, they have already been dragged in. not in the direction they wanted to go, and this is where the desire for these very changes arises, it is quite logical, and either, apparently, apparently, there will still be in this regard, well, the desire for change is not everywhere, in some countries, on the contrary,
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there have been changes rather in favor of the war party, but nevertheless there were several very serious signals or blows in the heart in the most important european countries, well, first of all, i have in i mean scholz, of course. and germany, he received a loss primarily based on the results of the elections to the european parliament; his party, the social democratic party of germany , received the least number of votes in the entire history of elections in the federal republic of germany, that is, after the second world war, 13.9%. the cdu, csu, and the conservative party received 30% in the second.
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those cast for the social democrats - this is scholz, for the greens - this is bärbock and the free democratic party, it turns out that they actually have even more votes than the cdu, csu, therefore , it is impossible to talk about the failure of the ruling coalition, scholz’s personal rights, as the leader of the social democratic party of germany, undoubtedly exist, and one more thing that i paid attention to when analyzing the election results in germany is that... there there are still germany and the gdr. look, voting by district. in the territory of the former federal republic of germany, the cdu won in 99% of the regions; in 99% of the regions of eastern germany,
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the alternative for germany, precisely the federal republic of germany and the gdr, won. this is the story for the germans. well, naturally, the opposition is already demanding. same parliamentary elections, here, carston lineman, general secretary of the cdu, has already made such a statement, let's listen, the conservative bloc of the christian democratic and christian social unions has more than twice as many votes as the chancellor's party. the sdp must ask itself whether its chancellor still has the legitimacy to lead this country, or whether he needs trust in the bundestag. or a change of course, a serious situation in a key country of the european union, yes, although the word in the key country of the european union already several times - it raises questions, because in what
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sense it is a key country, once there was a war in europe for the spanish inheritance, now germany is also being bitten and pulled in different directions, poland is trying to grab something for itself - from the economic potential of germany and from its political influence, macron is pulling, he is also trying to steal some of the political influence from germany, that is, in general, germany is losing everything that it had accumulated before in this decade, you rightly noted vyacheslav alekseevich, that this is a failure of scholz personally, because his party lost precisely because of him, this is his personal failure, but also the greens.
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that there is huge propaganda against her, she is being discredited, they are proving to people that there is no way they can vote for her, and people, if they still vote for her, this is again , first of all, evidence. they cannot integrate anyone, they can
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only take, worry, destroy, deprive of identity and after that make them the same as themselves, they are not able to integrate others, interact with those who are different, this is the amazing inability of the west to interact with anyone who is at least somehow different, that’s how much they extolled that unification? behave towards non-citizens, towards
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the countries of the world majority, this is just popuasia for them, for which there is an order based on rules, and the rules can change every day, because they simply are not considered people, there was not even formal equality, they i had a lot of classmates who studied from the gdr, they all received an excellent moscow education, and then diplomas were not recognized, yes... in bulgaria, for example, the voting results were summed up, and there the coat of arms sdp coalition,
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the citizens for european development party, is in the lead, and with a fairly good margin, this is the party of president borisov, it is very- very peaceful, i would say, unlike other parties. the same is true in austria, where the victory went to the austrian freedom party, which it also belongs to. parties of the world, but at the same time the attention and results of elections, say, in slovakia and hungary, attracted attention and and orbán, orbán, his party won, received 40% of the votes, but this is the lowest result in recent years for orbán’s party, the same with fitz, they came second and received fewer votes. than in the previous elections, although the party went to the elections
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without its leader, who was in a hospital bed after this assassination attempt, that is, there was a slight drop in both orban, but also fitz, but also the trend, not, if towards change, then not at all towards peace, very serious work is being done there too, yes, work is being done with with the condition that, of course, we see that the main instigators of the troop entry are into ukraine. and permission to hit the territory of russia, they, as the leaders of their parties, worsened their position so much that some had to essentially call for re-elections for someone, but others who, for example, advocated for this, but more reasonably, for example, the same melody, they won, yes, maybe in europe there was a so-called pro-european choice, but there will most likely be a pro-european choice with a so-called right-wing bias, and it is not pro-russian. the thing is the fact that this was a build-up before these
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elections, when everyone, one after another, began to say: yes, we give permission to strike on russian territory, i think this was some kind of provocative entry in the hope that the strikes began when the strikes began, that we had to react accordingly way and strike, which allowed this europe, which is collective, yes, but there is no sense of collectivism there, so germany was again divided formally, so... of course, if these strikes had taken place, they would have said, well, here we are they said that there were blows, when this, of course, is that they constantly hit us, they didn’t talk about it, yeah, and it didn’t work, something needs to be done here.
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they created a little trouble for the united states of america, specifically for the administration. what's the matter? the thing is that if you look at the last year or year and a half, we can very easily see that the administration relied quite confidently on europe as a factor; if something is blocked in the united states of america,
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say, the house of representatives, then there is always europe , in general, the administration made it clear understand.
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to europe, which essentially, if i may say, if i allow myself to say this in our program, then i would say this, a ghost is haunting europe, the ghost of trump, the ghost of trumpism, also, if we draw an analogy with the manifesto of the communist party, but the truth is, in conclusion of the discussion of the topic of the eurodepartment, i must note that this is an absolutely meaningless organization, in fact, the existence of which is to be approved. there is no european parliament, well, it’s true that you can also pass anti-russian resolutions, which he does, but this is a poll of european public opinion, so far it has shown that
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europe is not really changing, but for france the situation is completely different, well, strength. who stand for sovereignty for sovereign development, today in nizhny novgorod, where a meeting of brix foreign ministers is taking place, more about this after the advertisement. i love our country very much, i am very happy. that i am a russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and admit that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because... russia, my land, and we will save you, russian speech, the great russian word, very, very much, i
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love you, russia, you are the only one with us, magnificent , the best in the world, only here, my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, all citizens of our dear homeland of unity, peaceful skies, cohesion,
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the team will be brushed, you lost before you even started, with such an attitude you can’t win the battle, you want to bury mine itself, you want to bury my students, if i write on him, then they will put him in jail, where did they get him denunciation, denunciation, yours, consider it mine, the legend of samba, premiere on friday at first, we wish all the athletes good luck, may the strongest win, it seems that soon the guard will have to say a word, if we perform
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here in st. petersburg without preparation, there will be no success, i won, nikolai severovich, i changed russia forever, union of salvation, film premiere on the day russia on the first, you are at the dacha and we are at the dacha, anything can happen at the dacha, special you... episode of the program live healthy, we will plant, sow, treat pain and generally understand the delights and problems of the dacha, tomorrow on the first, the legend of samba, i invented samba, and the system, if it’s real, lives as long as there are students, the premiere is on friday on the first, let’s come to an agreement, i say, you do it, otherwise it won’t work out, i’m detective taria paykela, everything is fine with you, she can’t speak, he probably threatened her,
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they threatened you, no, a man came to me, this is forbidden, what’s normal, he has a knife, hands for me to see, on his knees, hands behind head, calm down, put your hands behind your head, i told you not to stick your head out, it’s true, my friend. one chance for three, premiere, watch after the program, time, mom, please be quiet, what is your relationship with yana kettu, we are planning to restore the family, and where are you going to live, oleg? a big game on the first: the st. petersburg international economic forum in 2024
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was a record in terms of the number of participants and the number of prisoners there. agreements, this indeed turned out to be an event that confirmed the absence of any isolation of russia in the modern world. anton kobikov, the presidential adviser who was responsible for organizing this forum, spoke about how much was done there, how much was concluded. let's listen. at the forum, 982 agreements were signed for a total amount of 6.430 billion rubles. this is just something that is not a trade secret. over 4 days , 21,300 participants from 139 countries took part in the events of the st. petersburg economic forum. it seems that everyone wants to participate in russia's success. and several other groups of countries want to participate in the success of international organizations that include russia. and kobyakov also said about this,
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naming a very interesting figure. let's listen. foreign ministers of the brix countries, the second most important meeting within the framework of our chairmanship after, of course, the summit that will be held in kazan in october. sergei viknovich lavrov spoke at the opening and announced the transition to a new world order. the expansion of brix is ​​a clear confirmation
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of the process of formation of a multipolar world order. the formation of new centers for making globally significant political decisions is taking place from among the states of the global south and east, from the states world majority. these countries advocate a more just way of life based on the sovereign equality of states and civilizational diversity. the transition to a new world order, we are already convinced of this, will take a whole historical... this was the first meeting in the format of tens, it took place in the format of tens, there were fears that saudi arabia might not participate, but the saudi minister of foreign affairs also came to nizhny novgorod and there was serious outreach, issues of expanding the organization and functioning in an expanded composition, there will be
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there in the spotlight, but the fact is that there is a dilemma that is much discussed in the theory of interpersonal relations, this is the expansion or deepening of cooperation, the european union has faced this, we do not have such a problem, precisely due to a larger number of participants, a larger involving the world majority, brix will become a more effective organization, rather, the questions of its effectiveness, this is the question that you raise all the time, vyacheslav alekseevich, how long will it remain in the forum.
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the minister was also invited to this meeting foreign affairs of turkey, hakan fidan, and moreover, before going to nizhny novgorod, he held negotiations with sergei shaigu. what is it for? well, the turkish republic, like many countries that have sovereignty today, are trying to find their place in the new world. undoubtedly, brix is ​​such a symbol of sovereignty, a symbol of the new world order that is coming, and turkish.
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in the future, from this forum party, so to speak, they clearly see the formation of this new world, a new organization of the world order. brix leaders were originally russia, china, and this is the place for bilateral meetings, there was a bilateral russian-chinese meeting, that’s what the two foreign ministers said, let’s listen, we have a special responsibility to pay attention.
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which were put forward by chairman sizenpin, be determined to unlock the potential of cooperation, resist external pressure, and ensure the sustainable development of bilateral relations in the long term . it is really important for us to strengthen coordination in multilateral structures to protect our legitimate interests, while at the same time it is done to protect the common interests of developing countries. well , the so-called un-centric program is not actually stated here, which is based not...
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uh, the united states of america, there is no sovereignty there, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 22: 55, don't miss it. hello, on channel one the evening news is with you. andrey ukharev old may


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